View Full Version : Top 750 faction looking for you to complete us!

05-21-2013, 08:55 AM
We are the Unit 420 faction. We finished in the Top 750 in the Battle for Columbia, and won some excellent new toys and a 3% cost reduction for building purchases. We've dropped some non-performers and now have a few open slots in our guild of 40 dedicated players

Join Unit 420 Faction
Faction Code: 404324357

Benefits of 420:

Health Regen -18%
Infantry Attack +5%
Ground Attack +5%
Infantry Defense +20%
Ground Defense +20%
Air Defense +15%
Sea Defense +10%
Building Defense +25%
Building Output +10%
Guild Member Increase +20
Munchies: 110%
Relaxation: 200%


Looking for anyone over level 100 with 2000 troops. Now this is not a deal-breaker. If you are looking to grow with a group then type in the access code. If you would like to chat send me a message and explain why you would like to join. Attitude, loyalty and commitment are worth their weight in gold (unless you're Gree).

We do require daily donation of 2x their hourly income, or $1 million (whichever is higher), and all concrete you obtain, and for you to purchase pizza on occasion.

Daily Players (as much as life allows), who actively participate in the battle events (once/month, just like the National Guard).


Closing statements:

If you like any of the following; puppies, beer, freedom, beaches, weed, vodka, whisky, bourbon, tequila, trees, grass, monkeys, horses, fish, tacos, hamburgers, pizza, smores, casinos, snowboarding, snow skiing… then 420 is for you.

Thank you for considering us, now type in the number and lets kick some butt.

***Please Note: The above statements are not endorsed by Gree because they wanted ten thousand gold to endorse it.