View Full Version : Extreme Camping Syndicate - Building Output Bonus only!

05-20-2013, 02:19 AM
Just wanted to look for anyone interested in starting a syndicate together for serious camping purposes only. Serious as in let's only get the +25% Building Output bonus because I don't want the +ATK & +DEF bonuses to push me through mafia attack & defense goals and force any additional XP gain.

My camping account has been going for 5 months and I'm still only at level 9: with Nightclubs, level 6 Lofts and level 6 MTs. I plan on my Nightclubs, Pagodas, Lofts, & MTs hitting Level 10 before I do.

The Building Output bonuses to +25% is only $106 million. A few of us could hit that mark easily and make it a rewarding financial proposition.

PM if interested.