View Full Version : battle matching

05-11-2013, 09:00 AM
how does gree match opponents? we are currently working top 200/400 and got matched against a guild working on top 75. their number of members was more than ours. their strength was also much higher. i know thats war right

05-11-2013, 09:57 AM
I was under the assumption that it matches based off the average total attack and defense of the two guilds.

However, our first matchup was clearly not that because after scouting we found no player on the opposing team under level 96 or 100k attack defense. This anomaly only happened the first battle, and I can only give opinion as to why, but I think it may have been because the matching took too long(about five minutes) and just set us with another group who had also hit a long waiting period.

Anyone know if I am on the right track?

05-11-2013, 09:59 AM
Is it me or is it taking much longer this war to find a match ???

05-11-2013, 10:37 AM
I was under the assumption that it matches based off the average total attack and defense of the two guilds.

However, our first matchup was clearly not that because after scouting we found no player on the opposing team under level 96 or 100k attack defense. This anomaly only happened the first battle, and I can only give opinion as to why, but I think it may have been because the matching took too long(about five minutes) and just set us with another group who had also hit a long waiting period.

Anyone know if I am on the right track?

Not that I treat anything they say as fact, but the mods described this process of guild matching in another thread.

05-11-2013, 11:46 AM
Is it me or is it taking much longer this war to find a match ???
Oh yes.....

05-11-2013, 08:05 PM
Talk about lag, someone wake me up when its time to lay the smackdown.

05-11-2013, 10:52 PM
Well “Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you get". My guild is Top 200 and was matchup against BLACK GRYPHON'S KNIGHTS 2 currently Ranks at 25.

05-12-2013, 03:33 AM
we came across bgk 2 we are in 400 tough fight but we managed to hit them for 6000 points aussie1 guild ill take them as they come

05-12-2013, 05:52 AM
Placement in the top 75 or 50 is not necessarily a representation on player/guild strength as much as financial outlays. My guide has played against many of the the top 50 guilds (and lost) not because we are generally weaker but because we don't spend as much real cash.

Having said that, we were matched up with a guild where we could not win a single battle because every opponent was stronger than all of our players and we have 2 players over 600k, and several over 300k.

05-28-2013, 06:49 AM
I've been looking for the post someone mentioned that Gree had up about the matchmaking system but can not find it, could someone post a link or PM me with it please.

05-28-2013, 06:52 AM
gree throws darts at the board and sometimes you're lucky and other times you're not

06-20-2013, 12:09 AM
Removed post