View Full Version : Top 500 Faction with 10-12 open spots! Bring your faction with you!

05-04-2013, 08:18 PM
Our faction Task Force 242 has slipped out of the top 500 lately due to some our members losing interest or just being inactive. Needless to say we cleaned them out. We have an excellent core of gold and free players alike. We scored 600k+ WD points last event. If you have a faction and only 9-10 useful people you could help give us the edge and push us back into 250/500 territory!

We do not require gold, just maximum participation during WD time. All members must have or must be able to acquire 500 allies by the next WD event. We are looking for mid level players with 40k/40k minimum stats!

We can make exceptions for motivated growing players!!

Health regen time -14%
infantry defense +15%
ground defense +10%
air defense +5
Sea defense +5
Building defense +15
guild member increase +14
Building cash output- +5%

These do not include the many bonuses won in battle.

Faction Code-
177 149 141

If you are interested or have any questions just send me a Private message! No PM will be ignored!

05-04-2013, 10:37 PM
Looking for a few more people after cleaning up the faction after Ireland.
Let me know if you're interested...
💣🐺🐺 Samurai's Sword Faction🐺🐺🔫
👥 🆔296172545 - Faction Code👥
🏆Came in 1242 in China, 498 in Ireland, Aiming for 250 in Columbia🏆
🔴Strong, All Active group. Most players are 30k-90k🔴
We offer the following bonuses:
🔋Health Regen: -14%
🔰Infantry Defense: +20%
⚡Ground Defense: +15%
🏢Building Defense: +20%
✈Air Defense +5%
💰Building Output: +10%
👥Guild Member Increase +14
💹💰 Average faction income per day is 45million+ 💰💹

05-05-2013, 12:14 PM
Bump. Faction code- 177 149 141

05-05-2013, 07:49 PM
Bumpity bump

05-09-2013, 06:04 PM
Bump bump bump