View Full Version : The Confederation recruiting top 1000

05-04-2013, 08:28 AM
we ranked 1083 in Ireland and are looking for new members to improve. we require a 20k a/d, 505 allies
and $100k/day donations. we are willing to accept those who will work to these requirements, particularly the allies, and help you along the way. we want active players who will communicate in forum and strive
to improve and to also have fun! The Confederation will likely be top 1000 in Columbia so if you are looking to join a strong, active and fun faction with little pressure message me at 857.050.534

05-04-2013, 08:32 AM
we scored 331,134 in Ireland
Bonuses are as follows...
Health Regen:-14%
Infantry Defense: +20%
Ground Defense: +15%
Air Defense: +10%
Building Defense: +25%
Guild Member: +12

05-04-2013, 12:24 PM
I do not know you but would like to have a chat I am level 125 John and run at 115k 155k my I'd is 196 965 664. Please send me a message with the faction code of top 1000. So I can talk to you all here. Thanks

we ranked 1083 in Ireland and are looking for new members to improve. we require a 20k a/d, 505 allies
and $100k/day donations. we are willing to accept those who will work to these requirements, particularly the allies, and help you along the way. we want active players who will communicate in forum and strive
to improve and to also have fun! The Confederation will likely be top 1000 in Columbia so if you are looking to join a strong, active and fun faction with little pressure message me at 857.050.534