View Full Version : Ideas for Guild Quests and Events

05-04-2013, 12:59 AM
Since the guild wars have come out, it can add a new style of play into the mix of KA.

Right now, there's a definite sequence of events: LTQ, "box" event, Boss event, "box" event, then Guild War. LTE's are tied in to most.

So, what about the the idea of a Cooperative Guild Event?

Let me know what you think. Vote "yes" or "no" to this general idea as I describe below.

Guild Quest

The idea behind a Guild Quest is very much the same behind the current LTE's that have you collect unique units that after having gotten them all, award you with a high or very high stat unit. Such is the case with some boss events and some "box" events.

In this case, it is a Guild Quest, where you have to kill certain mobs in designated maps and collect items to complete a certain set. They could be loot items of no value or "defeat a certain PvE mob 'x' number of times until it drops 'x' weapon or armor piece".

Taking the loot drop mentioned above as an example: Kill a certain mob in a designated map until you collect 50 pieces of crystal. Each member that kills a mob and gets a piece of crystal, it goes into the same pile for the guild. So "Pete" kills and collects 5; Joe kills and collects 6; Mark kills and collects 4; Sue kills and collects 5. And so on.

Now that 50 have been collected, each guild member receives a Crystal Helmet, army gear, with a certain value.

Then you have to go out and collect 75 pieces, which rewards the guild members each with a Crystal Chest Plate, again army gear, at a certain, higher value. Then 100 pieces and the reward is a Crystal Shield at a certain, but again higher value.

And so on. Could also be with units: collect certain loot items, like the above idea, which then awards you with certain units.

Guild Boss Events

There could also be a Guild Boss event where you "trigger" a boss that has an unbelievable amount of health, that you have to defeat as a guild within an hour (two at most) before it escapes. But with this LTE, it would not only be winning "ok" to "great" units, but also gold going directly into the guild vault (ex: 150k per boss defeated). Defeat 20 bosses in total, win 'x' unit that has [high stats] and 5m gold.

The boss event would use health, just like the current boss events, where you can get in 3 hits, wait a minute, 2 more, then wait for refill OR use 10 gems for refill.

The above are two general ideas; the main concept here is:

What do you say about cooperative guild events, giving each guild a chance to work together within their own guild to win units, weapons, armor and gold for their guild members and guild?

If the sequence of events is kept the same, this type of event could be added right after the Boss events, so as to put the gold you win to use within the guild, but not have back-to-back guild events (Guild War then Guild Event or visa versa).

Yes or No votes with comments or suggestions. Thanks!

I'll leave it here for one week. Once closed, I'll send the results to CJ.

05-04-2013, 07:13 AM
Sounds really fun, here is my vote for yes ;)

05-05-2013, 09:20 AM
These suggestions look really good. These type of events will even make the guilds strong and guild members to work close. Here my vote yes

05-05-2013, 09:27 AM
It's good to have...but it only be enjoy by people who use gem$$$
I think GREE will love it...lol

05-05-2013, 09:38 AM
One of the guys in my MW faction had the same idea. I'm a fan for doing this on all games. They also had an idea for a faction/guild base

05-05-2013, 06:31 PM
This type of event would be made or broken by the numbers chosen. If, as is likely, they put the best rewards to only be possible by a guild full of millionaires, it will be just another broken event. I'm not saying we should hand out the best possible units for free, but at least an ounce of reasonability on the boss health or drop rate would go a long way towards making it a fun event. If its just another "if the guild drops a grand then we get the best prize", don't bother.

Edit : you didn't put "it depends" for a choice, so I didn't vote.

Dirt road Joe
05-05-2013, 06:43 PM
This type of event would be made or broken by the numbers chosen. If, as is likely, they put the best rewards to only be possible by a guild full of millionaires, it will be just another broken event. I'm not saying we should hand out the best possible units for free, but at least an ounce of reasonability on the boss health or drop rate would go a long way towards making it a fun event. If its just another "if the guild drops a grand then we get the best prize", don't bother.

Edit : you didn't put "it depends" for a choice, so I didn't vote.

The reason for this poll is for the idea of these Guild events. It's not to implement what the OP stated exactly. So if you would like to see some kind of Guild quest implemented into the game, then vote yes, otherwise no. It's a simple Poll. There will never be a straight answer for anything in this game. So just take it as it is and try to have fun.

05-05-2013, 07:00 PM
It should be good to add more guild task and new type points which can buy new building or unit.

05-06-2013, 08:35 AM
Awesome Idea!!! Good for the Team spirit!

05-06-2013, 11:27 AM
I LOVE this idea!

Eddard KFF
05-06-2013, 11:34 AM
Like they said, if it's not a gem based type of quest, Im in.

05-06-2013, 07:34 PM
Great idea! I think after awhile all the LTQs start to get repetitive so if they want to maintain players interest they have to keep coming up with new twists to events

05-07-2013, 07:59 AM
This type of event would be made or broken by the numbers chosen. If, as is likely, they put the best rewards to only be possible by a guild full of millionaires, it will be just another broken event. I'm not saying we should hand out the best possible units for free, but at least an ounce of reasonability on the boss health or drop rate would go a long way towards making it a fun event. If its just another "if the guild drops a grand then we get the best prize", don't bother.

Edit : you didn't put "it depends" for a choice, so I didn't vote.

That. Xcept more like quite a few grands... :)

05-09-2013, 03:00 PM
Bumping this up for some last day votes. Likely no one is going to go and vote during the wars, and this poll closes at 4a EST (-08:00 GT) on 11 May (early morning Sat for us in the USA).

Again, thanks for taking the time to vote, even if your skeptic. :)

06-26-2013, 07:24 AM
Ok my vote is Yes

06-27-2013, 03:48 AM
Yes to the guild event idea

But I'd like to see some sort of gladiatorial hero contest , where heros are pitted against each other in some way