View Full Version : Message To CJ54.......

05-02-2013, 04:34 AM
Could we possibly get an idea of when or if the rankings for Blighted Woods will come out? PLEASE :-)
If you could just give us some inclination of when we are likely to see how well we all did and not just how the top 50 did, it would be very much appreciated.
Thank you in anticipation

Shluggy of the PFJ!

Jean marc
05-02-2013, 08:43 AM
This should be for every game now, we need to have ranking or when we will get it. In CC we still have no ranking for the last war, and we are going in battle this weekend again.

05-02-2013, 09:22 AM
Is there a reason the dragons roost results were so fast? Just to diminish our expectations on future results? Gree; should my guild not participate in the next war? Then we can just guess where we think we would have placed. I understand the issues with tickets and such, but you have the winners list.. Post it, or tell us why not.

05-02-2013, 09:41 AM
That is a very good point ADone! Whats the point in participating unless a guild is able to get into the top fifty, and even then the players themselves are the ones that have put that list together! Unless Gree are thinking about only giving rewards to the top 50 guilds in the future so let's not give out the rankings!
All of us that are bothered by this shouldn't give up trying to get them to publish the rankings. I for one really want to know how my guild did as I find the guild wars the best part of the game so far!

Sir Marcus
05-02-2013, 10:01 AM
I think part of it might be that they don't want to post war results until they've figured out a way to deal with hacker guilds. Finding out for certain that you've been cheated out of better rewards because you know your guild position and know which guilds landed where...would be exactly the kind of thing that is enraging.

And rightly so, because of the real world money spent in guild wars.

05-02-2013, 11:09 AM
I know that's more than likely the reason but if we get to the next war without the results of the last one, it won't matter anyway. They certainly need to sort that one out first. It's taking a long time though, isn't it?? I would just like them to let us know if that is the reason, just a comment about it from them would suffice, like "we'll post the rankings as soon as we've sorted out the potential hacker guilds", instead of just ignoring us.

05-02-2013, 02:35 PM
Then they'd have to actually admit to lying through their teeth about the "1%" of the hackers being real.

05-02-2013, 02:40 PM
This should be for every game now, we need to have ranking or when we will get it. In CC we still have no ranking for the last war, and we are going in battle this weekend again.CC rankings are up and were up for several days before you posted. Not to excuse them for taking so long for a database query but I bet they had to clean em up....
