View Full Version : Blocks of Love 3.0

04-30-2013, 07:34 PM
Looking for the faction leader of Super Secret Squirrels.
Please send me a pm.


04-30-2013, 08:31 PM
Since it's all out of love, we aren't excluded are we?

04-30-2013, 08:36 PM
Remind me who you are with?
If its who I think it is, you had your chance.


04-30-2013, 08:40 PM
Awe, sad. So much for those blocks being made of love.

04-30-2013, 09:04 PM
The program is made of love, not the blocks or the creator of the program.

05-01-2013, 11:45 AM
We are over 1000 blocks so far this round.


05-01-2013, 11:55 AM
What's the criteria again?

05-01-2013, 12:30 PM
We just pick a faction each event. Preferably not one who would end up facing us.
It was kinda crappy having to take down a wall we helped build in Ireland.

05-01-2013, 12:50 PM
You should probably call it "Blocks of Very Conditional Love" from now on.

05-01-2013, 03:57 PM
Hey, don't accuse our benevolence of having an ulterior motive. If you've read any of my posts, you'd know I don't mess around with BS.
Instead you gave us time limits to drop off bricks. Seriously? Like any recon done even matters when we use a lot of gold.

Here's a hint for gaming and real life. When someone offers to help you, don't make things more difficult for them.


05-01-2013, 03:59 PM
Oh? I'm sorry. I guess you didn't ask for a target list then....

05-01-2013, 04:07 PM
I've got some "Logs of Love" of which I am the homemade creator that I would love to give to a couple of trolls :)

Just send me your address and I will put them in an air tight container and send them out 7 day priority mail :)

05-01-2013, 04:09 PM
Maybe you should ask Morphlingman what I said.
I said if you have a target you want us to hit let me know.
After I gave him two targets for us, me at level 195 with 130k def.
I even gave him a lower target to hit if I was too high in def.

What more you want me to do? You want me to send you gold? Want me to tap the screen for you?
I was trying to make it easy on you. Instead we find your weakest players and prey on them. Oh well.


05-01-2013, 04:11 PM
Lol why would I bother asking if I was doing recon anyway?
Also I was in and out in minutes. Why would I send someone who's not even an officer to "scout you."

Perhaps you should get all the facts and stop your bs conjecture on my ethics.

05-01-2013, 04:18 PM
Oh great we got someone spamming all the threads now.

05-01-2013, 04:24 PM
I've got some "Logs of Love" of which I am the homemade creator that I would love to give to a couple of trolls :)

Just send me your address and I will put them in an air tight container and send them out 7 day priority mail :)

Simply: The best.

05-01-2013, 04:28 PM
Oh? I'm sorry. I guess you didn't ask for a target list then....

I'm really not one to brag, because I'm quite aware that there are always ”bigger fish in the sea"...HOWEVER, since you and FFF continue to troll and look a gift horse in the mouth, I will take a quick second to remind you that when we were matched up, I didn't need a "target list", as I can easily beat anyone/everyone in FFF (and I know this because I did...all of them)

That is all, you may now pipe down and go back under your bridge.

05-01-2013, 04:40 PM
Meh, I've never been one to claim I was unbeatable, or even had average stats, I don't care/spend enough for that. Apparently this means a lot more to you jaebee.

I wouldn't say that FFF has been trolling at all, usually all of us are quite helpful.
I was just taking a chance to point out a little hypocrisy.

05-01-2013, 05:00 PM
Meh, I've never been one to claim I was unbeatable, or even had average stats, I don't care/spend enough for that. Apparently this means a lot more to you jaebee.

I wouldn't say that FFF has been trolling at all, usually all of us are quite helpful.
I was just taking a chance to point out a little hypocrisy.

Perhaps English is a second language under the bridge. I didn't say I was unbeatable, I even said I know there are bigger fish in the sea, just not in your pond. Which is why this mythical target list you think we asked for (or even needed) is comical.

The irony is, we giveth and we taketh away...as in the 30 seconds or so it took to take down your fort, and start racking up the points.

Lastly, it is a bit pathetic that you guys even asked for bricks anyway being a top 50 faction...we started this to help lower tier factions because we have more than we could use. Since the beginning of this thread we've already dropped off more than 1500 in a faction that scored 1/10 the WD points we did in Ireland...so mission accomplished, again.

05-01-2013, 05:34 PM
Cool story, bro. *pats you on the shoulder*

05-01-2013, 05:52 PM
Cool story, bro. *pats you on the shoulder*

Sigh, when all else fails, bite someone else's style.

05-01-2013, 05:59 PM
Got anymore blocks?

If so, where do I sign up.

05-01-2013, 06:50 PM
Simply: The best.Seriously got a PM with an address - I had to bite my tongue and tell the guy he really didn't want these homemade logs I created while sitting on the toilet reading the forums LoL.

I did check the address though - to see if someone pranked me and sent like the address to City Hall or something - LoL

Zillow says its a Nice 6 bedroom house - worth about $410k - maybe it's his Boss's house :)

05-01-2013, 07:31 PM
Got anymore blocks?

If so, where do I sign up.
PM Jhenry02 to apply

05-01-2013, 08:56 PM
@ ohgreatitsryan ....." cool story bro"..? .....how about **** OFF ?

05-01-2013, 09:43 PM
Enhance your calm Urbz. We know we're in the right; and anyone with half a brain and who's over the age of 18 knows it too.


05-01-2013, 09:46 PM
To be honest we have a list of factions we plan on helping.
Methods of Mayhem MoM
And an honest feller from another faction.


05-01-2013, 09:59 PM
1670 total now donated.

05-01-2013, 10:19 PM
My nick is short for JohnnyComeLately, and I am indeed a JCL to this game. The offer for logs of love sent to an address of our choice :cool:, I understand. However, what's the nature of the original post? I've read in other threads about more powerful factions donating bricks, but I'm not exactly sure why. Perhaps it's because our Top 1000, 32 man faction is small, but walls weren't really a problem during the last war. We had enough donations, and our Level 6 walls held in all (I believe 27 wars declared) except a handful (2-3?).

Thank you for schooling the noob on this nuance of the game. Funny thing is I get all into it, and then when I read the forums I get discouraged because it seems rigged due to hackers, factions spending 1000s. It's really discouraging because I'm used to skill (mostly) alone determining the top. In Modern WarFARE, of the Call of Duty sorts, I'll kick nearly anyone's butt, and I'm ranked in the top with no investment beyond my internet fee, and $69 I spent on the game. Cheaters/Hackers get a bricked* XBOX with a perm ban.

EDIT: *Bricked from the perspective they can't use it online anymore, even if they change gamer tag

05-01-2013, 10:29 PM
The other top faction was us again.
I feel super blessed to get to go to war with some great guys.
Our faction does hundreds of pvp battles a day, we have more blocks than we know what to do with. We just bought all our forts for Columbia and have 7000 left. But! Some people have issues getting concrete. We did in the beginning, back when we had 1 player who averaged 50 blocks a day, and we were astounded. Now it's nothing for me to wrangle a buttload.

So I said why not help a 1500 ranked faction try to make top 1000. Maybe spread some goodwill and get the forums back to a happy place where people come to socialize and strategize.

It is what it is,


05-01-2013, 10:52 PM
do the walls help factions that much? I just went back and checked, and we were a top 1500, not 1000.

For us, the difference would have been made by cutting the dead weight (not active, declaring war when no one's ready). Even if our walls fell, if you doubled the points of our competitors, we usually would have won. Am I missing the importance or did we just get lucky?

I am a cow
05-02-2013, 12:05 AM
Im guessing no bricks for me then? can mr pink get them?

05-02-2013, 10:30 AM
JCL they help less and less the higher rank you are.
Up here, walls are just used to make teams spend gold.
They really don't help much at lower levels either. But they can slow your opponents down a bit and hopefully maybe put you up a few spots.


05-04-2013, 06:00 AM
Jhenry02, you are a class act. This is a great idea. I am sorry you are getting so much flack for trying to help people. Keep up the good work

05-04-2013, 06:15 AM
Thanks for the reply. The war before last, we ignored walls. This war we immediately went for walls. Win Versus Loss, I don't think it made much difference. Points wise, huge difference (I think we increased close to 300% despite losing our two biggest gold players). So, I think my observations (as a noob) correllate to what you're saying. I did spend gold this war too, and it was typically to boost pts when the other team's wall was down. Hmmm....

JCL they help less and less the higher rank you are.
Up here, walls are just used to make teams spend gold.
They really don't help much at lower levels either. But they can slow your opponents down a bit and hopefully maybe put you up a few spots.
