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Which armor has higher stats? Swamp shaman+ or jackalope dragon armor+? Also, I have 5 uncrafted boss armors which I won't be able to get the + version of. If gold isn't a problem (I have about 11.5 million right now) should I craft them and fuse them to see what I get? What would be the best combinations to try (especially for jackalope)? Thanks for any help.
06-13-2013, 10:13 PM
Which is stronger and better to upgrade? Monk vestments or brawlers armour! They are the same elements so i only want to keep one (;
06-13-2013, 10:21 PM
Which armor has higher stats? Swamp shaman+ or jackalope dragon armor+? Also, I have 5 uncrafted boss armors which I won't be able to get the + version of. If gold isn't a problem (I have about 11.5 million right now) should I craft them and fuse them to see what I get? What would be the best combinations to try (especially for jackalope)? Thanks for any help.
Jack+ has higher stats than Shaman+. A few hundred points higher, in fact.
06-14-2013, 01:24 AM
A bit confuse..if u hv a lvl15 armor and u want to combine to another lvl15 armor.. Is it simply fuse shop then enhance? Coz they dont show in the combine armor..thanks in advance.. And also pls add me i need referrals XBD-BBH-WQX
06-14-2013, 04:06 AM
There's a problem with my knights and dragons app on my screen it says contact support and that it's error code 15
Happen to me when I got crappy Internet connections. No solutions. Either get better connectivity or **** it down & restart. Reinstalling always works for me. But with a good connection, it takes abt 8-10 mins to reinstall.
06-14-2013, 04:09 AM
are there any areas after the Dark Prince's castle? on Android it looks as though the "original map" is all there is
just wondering besides chests, what drops Metal Cogs, Dragon's Horns and Starmetal Fragments
I'm guessing cogs and horns are the same
No more areas after dark prince. Those armors materials are only available from the gold chests.
Anyways its not worth crafting any of them nowadays. Any new boss armor or dark prince chest (DPC) armors are better.
They become more of a collector items :)
06-14-2013, 04:19 AM
Been playing for about a week. And I was wondering what other 2 armors should I be working towards? I know the + versions of the big 4. But should I use the monks whatever that I got at the beginning? I just don't want to waste effort on an armor that I will be dropping soon
When I first started I leveled monk & steam maxed & now I seriously regret it. It's stats are really lousy. Level them enough to get to Altantean & Cirus then u should be focusing on those 2. Afterwards, go get your hydra & living flame.
These 4 armors are enough till the last stage of dark prince area.
Forgot about fusing anything. Don't waste your gold even if u think u r rich.
First it's more likely u will get crap when u fuse, nothing 2 star is better then the big 4, & its damn hard to get any legendary through fusing. Leveling a level 70 armor to max will set u back 3-4 million of gold.
If u really need monk element type, chimera + should be better.
06-14-2013, 04:22 AM
Which is stronger and better to upgrade? Monk vestments or brawlers armour! They are the same elements so i only want to keep one (;
Be independent, go found out yourself. It's on a thread. :)
06-14-2013, 04:23 AM
A bit confuse..if u hv a lvl15 armor and u want to combine to another lvl15 armor.. Is it simply fuse shop then enhance? Coz they dont show in the combine armor..thanks in advance.. And also pls add me i need referrals XBD-BBH-WQX
Don't understand your question friend. :)
What do u mean by fuse shop then enhance?
* FYI - yup I am bored... Lol
Which armor has higher stats? Swamp shaman+ or jackalope dragon armor+? Also, I have 5 uncrafted boss armors which I won't be able to get the + version of. If gold isn't a problem (I have about 11.5 million right now) should I craft them and fuse them to see what I get? What would be the best combinations to try (especially for jackalope)? Thanks for any help.
Jackalope has about 20 lower defence, but about 300 higher attack.
I still wouldn't craft them if I were you. Not only do they take up an armorsmith for 2 entire days, the chance you get something actually useful from fusing them is still quite low. Definitely not worth the 425k + fusion stone, imo.
Which is stronger and better to upgrade? Monk vestments or brawlers armour! They are the same elements so i only want to keep one (;
Both are quite useless. Try focussing on the Big 4 instead (Atlantean Avenger+, Crius Armor+, Living Flame+ and Hydra Hunter+), these should last you long enough till you can start working on 70s.
A bit confuse..if u hv a lvl15 armor and u want to combine to another lvl15 armor.. Is it simply fuse shop then enhance? Coz they dont show in the combine armor..thanks in advance.. And also pls add me i need referrals XBD-BBH-WQX
Make sure your armors are not worn by your knights, on either adventure, arena, epic boss or summoning stone.
Also, referrals you can only get if someone uses your code after finishing tutorial, it doesn't work for players who have been playing for a while.
06-14-2013, 09:46 AM
Jackalope has about 20 lower defence, but about 300 higher attack.
I still wouldn't craft them if I were you. Not only do they take up an armorsmith for 2 entire days, the chance you get something actually useful from fusing them is still quite low. Definitely not worth the 425k + fusion stone, imo.
Both are quite useless. Try focussing on the Big 4 instead (Atlantean Avenger+, Crius Armor+, Living Flame+ and Hydra Hunter+), these should last you long enough till you can start working on 70s.
Make sure your armors are not worn by your knights, on either adventure, arena, epic boss or summoning stone.
Also, referrals you can only get if someone uses your code after finishing tutorial, it doesn't work for players who have been playing for a while.
Thats why.. Thanks a lot
06-14-2013, 11:36 AM
Jackalope has about 20 lower defence, but about 300 higher attack.
I still wouldn't craft them if I were you. Not only do they take up an armorsmith for 2 entire days, the chance you get something actually useful from fusing them is still quite low. Definitely not worth the 425k + fusion stone, imo.
Both are quite useless. Try focussing on the Big 4 instead (Atlantean Avenger+, Crius Armor+, Living Flame+ and Hydra Hunter+), these should last you long enough till you can start working on
Make sure your armors are not worn by your knights, on either adventure, arena, epic boss or summoning stone.
Also, referrals you can only get if someone uses your code after finishing tutorial, it doesn't work for players who have been playing for a while.
Thats why.. Thanks alot.. But my knights are not wearing it tho but still doesnt show on the combine fusing.. And i dnt get the summone stone u said, those r just the bosses u defeated
06-14-2013, 12:30 PM
i dont no what my next step should be.. im new to the site so i may have been doing things wrong for a while now but i have a lot of questions. but first ill state a few things about my profile so u can understand
im level 56 i currently use mantle of the beast level 23,flame summoner level 14 and stormrage lv 25
i have back up armors as monks vestment lv 23, embersteel lv 1, spectral captain lv 1..
i also just started reading about the big 4 so i now have the plus version of these.. but i dont no if its still worth it now that i have stronger armor... i also do not know how to plus upgrade the main 3 i use can some1 exlpain that please..
i also have like 70 gems. should i just use them on dark chests i did that one to get strormrage..
is there anything i should be trying to fuse because i havnt really experimented either
so ya just looking for basic what should i be doing next advice based on my profile and the best steps to get there fast thanks alot
Thats why.. Thanks alot.. But my knights are not wearing it tho but still doesnt show on the combine fusing.. And i dnt get the summone stone u said, those r just the bosses u defeated
You can fight those bosses and if you go to a fight there you'll see that your knights are wearing armor there too. If you still don't get it check a few pages back where it's explained more extensively. Or look for the thread that was posted about it.
i dont no what my next step should be.. im new to the site so i may have been doing things wrong for a while now but i have a lot of questions. but first ill state a few things about my profile so u can understand
im level 56 i currently use mantle of the beast level 23,flame summoner level 14 and stormrage lv 25
i have back up armors as monks vestment lv 23, embersteel lv 1, spectral captain lv 1..
i also just started reading about the big 4 so i now have the plus version of these.. but i dont no if its still worth it now that i have stronger armor... i also do not know how to plus upgrade the main 3 i use can some1 exlpain that please..
i also have like 70 gems. should i just use them on dark chests i did that one to get strormrage..
is there anything i should be trying to fuse because i havnt really experimented either
so ya just looking for basic what should i be doing next advice based on my profile and the best steps to get there fast thanks alot
First of all you'll want to make sure you've unlocked all expansions and filled them all with lvl 2 training fields. Use your gems to upgrade them to lvl 3, this is a great investment in the long run. Before you have this, don't bother with lvl 70 armors yet.
As for the Big 4; they're always useful. Fast and cheap to enhance, fairly powerful and you'll probably be able to use them for a long time on epic bosses for your 2nd or 3rd knight. Unless your stormrage is the + version you can ignore this, if it is the + version you can replace the Atlantean Avenger+ for this armor. Monk's vestment, embersteel and spectral captain you can dispose. If your Mantle of the Beast and Flame Summoner are regular version you can dispose them too, if they are the + version you can chose to enhance them, but I'd personally rather go for this week's armor, Armor of the Infernal Lord or Dark Prince Armor.
Fusing generally is a waste of time and cash, except for the last levels (50-70 or 60-70) on the ***(*) armors. Fuse basic air/fire, fire/earth, spirit/air or spirit/water and use those armors to enhance.
Any other questions you may have can likely be answered by this thread:
06-15-2013, 11:18 AM
Hey guys I have a question regarding armor fusing, I want to fuse an armor but it does not show up in my list of armors for some reason even though I made sure that none of my knights are wearing this armor. Is this a bug? Any possible solution to this issue? Thnx in advance
Edit: just found out that it might be because of armors equipped at the summoning stone. Guess there aint much to do until they fix this
06-15-2013, 12:01 PM
can you break down the ways to get plus armor... or refer me to a link..
cuz some u get the big 4 by leveling but i got some other ones that are 25 and havnt changed
and im also confused about how the epic boss armors get plus versions something about level 43 but i did not understand
06-15-2013, 01:59 PM
Hey guys,
I got a question regarding fusioning. So far I've only fusioned mostly basic armor into 1 star armor, but I have also done so one or two times with 2/3 star items but they would down grade back to 1 star.
If I for example fusion two legendaries, is there a high chance of me getting a 4 star fusioned item back? Or is that not how it works. It seems most people either buy 4 star items, or get them from bosses.
06-15-2013, 04:27 PM
What is the goodest armors of these armors:
Jackalope's Chaingrab
Starsong Shroud
Tortoiseshell Aegis
Flame Summoner's Shroud
Im lvl 70 and im not strong.. i have Jian lvl 29 , Mantle of Beast lvl 21 , Tortoiseshell Aegis lvl 26, Flame Summoner's Shroud lvl 19 , Starsong Shroud lvl 27 ! It is hard for me to enhance fast. I play month- 2 months i think
06-15-2013, 05:29 PM
What is the goodest armors of these armors:
Jackalope's Chaingrab
Starsong Shroud
Tortoiseshell Aegis
Flame Summoner's Shroud
Im lvl 70 and im not strong.. i have Jian lvl 29 , Mantle of Beast lvl 21 , Tortoiseshell Aegis lvl 26, Flame Summoner's Shroud lvl 19 , Starsong Shroud lvl 27 ! It is hard for me to enhance fast. I play month- 2 months i think
If non of them are the + version, don't bother leveling any of them. Go for the big 4, then go on to get 70+ armors like swamp shaman+ from farming bosses and getting their materials
Mike Stanley
06-15-2013, 05:31 PM
If they aren't + don't even bother enhancing them besides all of them have different elements so you can't directly compare them... Flame summoner is defensive and star song is defensive, jackolope is attack and defense not sure about tortoiseshell because I fuzed that armor without looking at the stats
06-15-2013, 05:31 PM
can you break down the ways to get plus armor... or refer me to a link..
cuz some u get the big 4 by leveling but i got some other ones that are 25 and havnt changed
and im also confused about how the epic boss armors get plus versions something about level 43 but i did not understand
You unlock the + version of craftable one star armors at level 15
you unlock the + version of 3 star armors at level 20
You unlock the + version of 4 star armors at level 35
To get enough materials to craft the + version of the boss armor, you need to kill the event boss 43 times.
06-15-2013, 05:32 PM
Hey guys,
I got a question regarding fusioning. So far I've only fusioned mostly basic armor into 1 star armor, but I have also done so one or two times with 2/3 star items but they would down grade back to 1 star.
If I for example fusion two legendaries, is there a high chance of me getting a 4 star fusioned item back? Or is that not how it works. It seems most people either buy 4 star items, or get them from bosses.
Fusion is random, but we do suspect that fusing higher rarity armors together yield better results.
06-16-2013, 02:19 AM
Just wna kno wats da meaning if the armors name is yellow and has + in it.. And also pls add me, ul be a great help for me thanks! Xbd-bbh-wqx
06-16-2013, 02:53 AM
Just wna kno wats da meaning if the armors name is yellow and has + in it.. And also pls add me, ul be a great help for me thanks! Xbd-bbh-wqx
If the armor name is yellow and there is a +, that means that it is the + Version of this armor.
The + Version of armors gets more Attack and Defense points per level.
Example : A Crius Armor gains 8 Attack & 10 Defense per level. A Crius+ Armor gains 10 Attack & 12 Defense per level.
sir god
06-16-2013, 06:05 AM
Just a quick question, is there a BK+ in this game coz I can not find BK+ in datasheet.
06-16-2013, 06:12 AM
Just a quick question, is there a BK+ in this game coz I can not find BK+ in datasheet.
Yes, there is. There are + versions of all armors.
06-16-2013, 06:40 AM
If non of them are the + version, don't bother leveling any of them. Go for the big 4, then go on to get 70+ armors like swamp shaman+ from farming bosses and getting their materials
I have the big 4.. why dont lvlv up them LOL ? + version hard to get
06-16-2013, 06:46 AM
I have the big 4.. why dont lvlv up them LOL ? + version hard to get
Because the stats of the non + versions are only average. It's not worth taking the time and gold to level armors that won't be very good anyways. Might as well go for better armors like swamp shaman+, dark prince+ and infernal+
06-16-2013, 06:55 AM
Because the stats of the non + versions are only average. It's not worth taking the time and gold to level armors that won't be very good anyways. Might as well go for better armors like swamp shaman+, dark prince+ and infernal+
What should i do with th 4* armors
06-16-2013, 07:03 AM
What should i do with th 4* armors
At the moment, I would say just leave then as it is. It's pricey to fuse them together and the results aren't even fixed. When you start to have better armors and more gold, then you should consider leveling the armors to 35 and fusing them. Until then, just focus on getting 70+ story armors.
06-16-2013, 08:13 AM
At the moment, I would say just leave then as it is. It's pricey to fuse them together and the results aren't even fixed. When you start to have better armors and more gold, then you should consider leveling the armors to 35 and fusing them. Until then, just focus on getting 70+ story armors.
OMG MAN its hard to fuse the armors to lvl 70.. i cant figure out how people do it so quick.. its takes month ! and I need also to craft them and lvl up that they will be + version
I know that i need to fuse with snakeskin from lvl 35..
06-16-2013, 08:27 AM
Because the stats of the non + versions are only average. It's not worth taking the time and gold to level armors that won't be very good anyways. Might as well go for better armors like swamp shaman+, dark prince+ and infernal+
Is der a way to craft or get ultra rare or legendary armor that has the + version already?
06-16-2013, 08:31 AM
Is der a way to craft or get ultra rare or legendary armor that has the + version already?
no.. you need to lvl up that they wiil be +
06-16-2013, 08:33 AM
OMG MAN its hard to fuse the armors to lvl 70.. i cant figure out how people do it so quick.. its takes month ! and I need also to craft them and lvl up that they will be + version
I know that i need to fuse with snakeskin from lvl 35..
It doesn't take that long. When you have enough gold, fusion stars and snakeskins, it takes around 4 to 5 days if you take it slow.
06-16-2013, 08:33 AM
Is der a way to craft or get ultra rare or legendary armor that has the + version already?
Dark prince chest.
06-16-2013, 08:35 AM
It doesn't take that long. When you have enough gold, fusion stars and snakeskins, it takes around 4 to 5 days if you take it slow.
You need to be all day at iphone and fight to get snakeskin.. ? I have about 900K gold.. but the crafting take long..
when should i use snakeskin.. from the begining or from lvl 35 ?
what lvl i need to up that armor 3* will be + ?
06-16-2013, 08:36 AM
Dark prince chest.
Dark Prince Chest dont give you armor that they + version.. It gives you 3* and 4* armors without +
06-16-2013, 08:49 AM
Dark Prince Chest dont give you armor that they + version.. It gives you 3* and 4* armors without +
are you sure fellas?
06-16-2013, 08:51 AM
Dark Prince Chest dont give you armor that they + version.. It gives you 3* and 4* armors without +
Where did you get that information from? You can get +versions from the dark prince chest.
06-16-2013, 08:54 AM
You need to be all day at iphone and fight to get snakeskin.. ? I have about 900K gold.. but the crafting take long..
when should i use snakeskin.. from the begining or from lvl 35 ?
what lvl i need to up that armor 3* will be + ?
Not exactly, farming snakeskin doesn't take very long anyways. You can fuse 50ep armors to level you armors too. 900k isn't very much. You'll need roughly 3mil to level an armor from 1-70. When you want to use snakeskin is completely up to you.
3* armors unlock their +versions at level 20.
06-16-2013, 09:01 AM
Not exactly, farming snakeskin doesn't take very long anyways. You can fuse 50ep armors to level you armors too. 900k isn't very much. You'll need roughly 3mil to level an armor from 1-70. When you want to use snakeskin is completely up to you.
3* armors unlock their +versions at level 20.
Picture you armors please.. i want to see them
06-16-2013, 09:41 AM
Picture you armors please.. i want to see them
What do you mean picture my armors?
Anyways I'm using my phone to post, and I have no idea how to post pictures with it haha.
I'll be more than happy to tell you what 70 and 70+ armors I have though
06-16-2013, 10:01 AM
Deathexe is a pioneer. Trust him. Anyway he is right.
Fusing won't get u any + version.
U can only get + version from dark prince chest.
06-16-2013, 10:06 AM
Deathexe is a pioneer. Trust him. Anyway he is right.
Fusing won't get u any + version.
U can only get + version from dark prince chest.
Haha thanks for the trust Justice! I appreciate it :)
06-16-2013, 10:39 AM
How do the function of friends adding your friend code after they've finished their tutorial work?
Is it players that just have finished their tutorial or does it also apply to players typing in your friend code when they are at like level 40?
06-16-2013, 10:44 AM
How do the function of friends adding your friend code after they've finished their tutorial work?
Is it players that just have finished their tutorial or does it also apply to players typing in your friend code when they are at like level 40?
You only get referrals when others add your code when prompted to right after they complete the tutorial. Any other time wouldn't give you the referral and accepting their request will only add them as a friend and nothing more.
06-16-2013, 10:44 AM
Edit: As always lol! Death beat me to it again.
06-16-2013, 12:22 PM
Deathexe is a pioneer. Trust him. Anyway he is right.
Fusing won't get u any + version.
U can only get + version from dark prince chest.
he is more than just a pioneer.
guess what, his knights would probably kick your dd in one hit battle lol.
Edit: As always lol! Death beat me to it again.
see that? lol :rolleyes:
06-16-2013, 12:32 PM
hey a quick question, i see everyone saying max the big 4 first, but why not chimera corps? Is it bad or smth?
06-16-2013, 12:44 PM
hey a quick question, i see everyone saying max the big 4 first, but why not chimera corps? Is it bad or smth?
yes, chimera has a lowest stat in + / max version, imo lE#gid=0
06-16-2013, 01:30 PM
You only get referrals when others add your code when prompted to right after they complete the tutorial. Any other time wouldn't give you the referral and accepting their request will only add them as a friend and nothing more.
So it's a very limited time and people would have to know inbeforehand that they should have a friend code ready to type in when the screen prompts them to do so. That sounds way to restrictive. So it's more there to lure people in seeing all those goodies they can get, but in reality it's very very hard to get even the first one.
So I have contacted Wise One about this but I wanted other people's ideas while I'm waiting for his response. When I am in the enhance armor menu, my tortoiseshell aegis can be used to enhance another armor (like crius+ for example), but it does not appear as an armor I can fuse in the combine armor screen. The same is true for my Steam Wizards Robes and Royal Flame armor. I would like to use my tortoiseshell in a fusion since it is useless to be now, but I am unable. Any ideas how I can fix this?
Edit: I have already made sure none of my knights are wearing the armor in the arena, adventure, boss, etc.
06-16-2013, 01:35 PM
Im fairly new to the game and ive seen this armor a few times. Anyone know what it is and how to get it?
Im fairly new to the game and ive seen this armor a few times. Anyone know what it is and how to get it?
It's called Jian's Battlegear, and it was from the hardest epic boss ever. You won't be able to get it if you didn't face the twin Jian epic boss.
06-16-2013, 01:50 PM
of course...was it an epic boss
but thanks for the info
of course...was it an epic boss
but thanks for the info
Yeah it was an epic boss. I edited my other post to make it more clear.
06-16-2013, 02:08 PM
Are the epic bosses an one time thing or do the cycle?
Are the epic bosses an one time thing or do the cycle?
They are a one time thing, but if you faced the boss you can summon it at the summoning stone after it is gone.
06-16-2013, 02:31 PM
he is more than just a pioneer.
guess what, his knights would probably kick your dd in one hit battle lol.
We NEEEEEED a counter for black kale, its rediculous
We NEEEEEED a counter for black kale, its rediculous
How about an armor that is weak against everything but strong against the kaleidoscope armors?
06-16-2013, 03:27 PM
How about an armor that is weak against everything but strong against the kaleidoscope armors?
Seems silly, but it needs to be something to take it down
Has anyone else missed 4x in a row on hitting the boss? I would have beaten it, but I missed 4x and my last night died, now I will have to wait a couple of hours for enough energy to fight a new boss. :(
06-16-2013, 04:02 PM
How about an armor that is weak against everything but strong against the kaleidoscope armors?
that seems highly unpractical though. You'd have to try to set it up so that it matches their black kal and on the likely chance you hvae to fight another armor before the black kal you're probably gonna drop lol
my opinion to improve your idea would be that it has no weaknesses just like the black kale but only does bonus damage to the black kale. Maybe even 2x damage instead of the 1.5x usually just because it's sole purpose is to take it down haha
06-16-2013, 04:55 PM
At the moment, I would say just leave then as it is. It's pricey to fuse them together and the results aren't even fixed. When you start to have better armors and more gold, then you should consider leveling the armors to 35 and fusing them. Until then, just focus on getting 70+ story armors.
Can I ask why do you advice to level those armors to 35 before fusioning? Is it cause then you will get a + version of w/e comes out of the fusion?
Also I know everyone is against not leveling these epic boss armors unless its a + version but its sooo temptinggg. The stats of this bosses armor are already like 2x of what my current best armor was on level 1 Q_Q. I also like this one more then the tank armor from last week.
It is cool to know that its not a cycle and new every week though
06-16-2013, 05:13 PM
that seems highly unpractical though. You'd have to try to set it up so that it matches their black kal and on the likely chance you hvae to fight another armor before the black kal you're probably gonna drop lol
my opinion to improve your idea would be that it has no weaknesses just like the black kale but only does bonus damage to the black kale. Maybe even 2x damage instead of the 1.5x usually just because it's sole purpose is to take it down haha
What he said
06-16-2013, 06:22 PM
Wondering if anyone can help me out..
I bought some gems the other day and got a receipt for it, but I never actually received the gems.
I contact support here, but I still haven't gotten an answer about it. Anyone have any idea what to do?
06-16-2013, 06:31 PM
We NEEEEEED a counter for black kale, its rediculous
yeah, and probably he would be the first, second, or the third man who had an armor to counter back this armor too...
everythings possible right?
How about an armor that is weak against everything but strong against the kaleidoscope armors?
post of the day, really inspirating and really nice idea, where is wise one btw?
06-16-2013, 06:51 PM
Can I ask why do you advice to level those armors to 35 before fusioning? Is it cause then you will get a + version of w/e comes out of the fusion?
Also I know everyone is against not leveling these epic boss armors unless its a + version but its sooo temptinggg. The stats of this bosses armor are already like 2x of what my current best armor was on level 1 Q_Q. I also like this one more then the tank armor from last week.
It is cool to know that its not a cycle and new every week though
So that you'll at least unlock the +version for crafting just in case.
As good as their stats may seem, I can honestly tell you that their not that good. also the time and resources it takes to max a 70 armor is extreme, and it just isn't worth it to spend this much resources on leveling a sub par armor. You're better of leveling the big 4 and then going in to get the 70+ storyline armors like swamp shaman+, infernal+ and dark prince+.
06-16-2013, 06:55 PM
So that you'll at least unlock the +version for crafting just in case.
As good as their stats may seem, I can honestly tell you that their not that good. also the time and resources it takes to max a 70 armor is extreme, and it just isn't worth it to spend this much resources on leveling a sub par armor. You're better of leveling the big 4 and then going in to get the 70+ storyline armors like swamp shaman+, infernal+ and dark prince+.
Yeah, but I couldn't help it with the Jian's...may not be the best, but still really good.
Trying for + version of jackal one...
06-16-2013, 06:56 PM
Wondering if anyone can help me out..
I bought some gems the other day and got a receipt for it, but I never actually received the gems.
I contact support here, but I still haven't gotten an answer about it. Anyone have any idea what to do?
Definitely contact support with a copy of the receipt.
06-16-2013, 07:03 PM
Yeah, but I couldn't help it with the Jian's...may not be the best, but still really good.
Trying for + version of jackal one...
While the best of its elemental combination for anyone unwilling to go for dpcs, it still only has average stats, and you would still be better of concentrating your resources on other 70+ armors that could benefit you more.
06-16-2013, 08:16 PM
I have big mistake , I craft Boss armor twice in normal version . What should i do .
If i sell armorsmith I will get material back ?
06-16-2013, 08:33 PM
I have big mistake , I craft Boss armor twice in normal version . What should i do .
If i sell armorsmith I will get material back ?
Try deleting and reinstalling the game.
06-16-2013, 08:50 PM
Try deleting and reinstalling the game.
Thanks , i already do it but it not work. Think i must go to kill 60th for craft third armor.
06-16-2013, 08:53 PM
Thanks , i already do it but it not work. Think i must go to kill 60th for craft third armor.
How long has it been since you crafted the armor? If you did it right after crafting should work. Unless they patched it.
06-16-2013, 09:07 PM
How long has it been since you crafted the armor? If you did it right after crafting should work. Unless they patched it.
About 2 hour ago
06-16-2013, 10:27 PM
Ive read stuff such as like u cn get the + versions of armor at dark prince chest, so if u get like aegis of the dragon+ then it means ul get much better stats than reg aegis of the dragon that u hv to enhance to get the + version at lvl35??
06-16-2013, 10:29 PM
Question/Issue: I've brought a Jackalope's Chaingarb to 31, but the 'waiting' set to be crafted has yet to turn gold/+. Any ideas re the issue here?!?
06-16-2013, 10:39 PM
Question/Issue: I've brought a Jackalope's Chaingarb to 31, but the 'waiting' set to be crafted has yet to turn gold/+. Any ideas re the issue here?!?
You need to get a normal version of it to level 35. Only then will you unlock the +version, though you'll need another 50 materials to craft it.
06-16-2013, 10:42 PM
You need to get a normal version of it to level 35. Only then will you unlock the +version, though you'll need another 50 materials to craft it.
Whats wd da other 50 materials after it hits lvl35?? Im planning on crafting one soon.. Need a bit info tnx
06-16-2013, 10:43 PM
Whats wd da other 50 materials after it hits lvl35?? Im planning on crafting one soon.. Need a bit info tnx
I have trouble understanding your question.
06-16-2013, 10:46 PM
Thought that might be it...for some reason I thought it was thirty...easy issue to solve <g>
06-16-2013, 11:32 PM
I have trouble understanding your question.
About the 50 materials u said earlier on the jackelope boss armor when it reaches to 95
06-16-2013, 11:34 PM
About the 50 materials u said earlier on the jackelope boss armor when it reaches to 95
I still have some trouble understanding. Though if you're asking about more info on the +version of boss armors, you need to craft the normal versio first, level it to 35, and then craft the armor again as a +version. Therefore you'll need 100 materials to get the +version of the armor.
06-16-2013, 11:35 PM
I still have some trouble understanding. Though if you're asking about more info on the +version of boss armors, you need to craft the normal versio first, level it to 35, and then craft the armor again as a +version. Therefore you'll need 100 materials to get the +version of the armor.
Ok i got u
06-17-2013, 07:33 PM
Hey guys, I just started playing this game yesterday and found this forum while looking for information. I've read the helpful guides and I have a few questions:
1) When I'm enhancing armors, is there a difference between a basic armor and a basic+ armor in terms of EP?
2) Also, should I be using level 1 armors to enhance with?
3) What should I be using gems on? I'm able to get the video offers via wifi, so I should be able to get them in decent quantities. The Beginner's guide says that gems are best used on Dark prince chests to do the epic bosses with.
Thanks for any help :)
06-17-2013, 07:42 PM
Hey guys, I just started playing this game yesterday and found this forum while looking for information. I've read the helpful guides and I have a few questions:
1) When I'm enhancing armors, is there a difference between a basic armor and a basic+ armor in terms of EP?
2) Also, should I be using level 1 armors to enhance with?
3) What should I be using gems on? I'm able to get the video offers via wifi, so I should be able to get them in decent quantities. The Beginner's guide says that gems are best used on Dark prince chests to do the epic bosses with.
Thanks for any help :)
1. They're the same. They provide the same ep.
2. The level of your armor provides 1 ep per lvl. So if you are using a basic armor lvl 10 it will give you 6 ep + 9 ep if element matches.
3. I'd say use it to max your armor smith and training field to level 3. After maxing all of it save it for DPC or epic energy.
06-17-2013, 07:45 PM
1. They're the same. They provide the same ep.
2. The level of your armor provides 1 ep per lvl. So if you are using a basic armor lvl 10 it will give you 6 ep + 9 ep if element matches.
3. I'd say use it to max your armor smith and training field to level 3. After maxing all of it save it for DPC or epic energy.
Thanks for the quick reply :)
06-17-2013, 07:46 PM
Hey guys, I just started playing this game yesterday and found this forum while looking for information. I've read the helpful guides and I have a few questions:
1) When I'm enhancing armors, is there a difference between a basic armor and a basic+ armor in terms of EP?
2) Also, should I be using level 1 armors to enhance with?
3) What should I be using gems on? I'm able to get the video offers via wifi, so I should be able to get them in decent quantities. The Beginner's guide says that gems are best used on Dark prince chests to do the epic bosses with.
Thanks for any help :)
1) no, there's no difference.
2)Yes, you should
3)Spend it on castle upgrades. Max your training fields and armorsmiths. Don't bother spending gems on the dark prince chest for nemesis until you're high leveled enough to kill the boss till level 43.
06-17-2013, 09:18 PM
does any1 know why I can't put my bone harvester grab and deep dragon in the fuse circles? they both level 40+ but my other legendary with similar levels are showing
06-17-2013, 09:57 PM
does any1 know why I can't put my bone harvester grab and deep dragon in the fuse circles? they both level 40+ but my other legendary with similar levels are showing
it's bug and wait for GREE fix it
06-18-2013, 12:32 AM
Hey guys really quick just few questions:
-i noticed that around lvl20 of super rare nd ultra rare armors basic nd uncommon armors doesnt really gv u much of a boost wen u enhance ur major armors, do u guys enhance them with rare armors already since u cn craft them now via quest? Or u still use basic nd uncommon till they lvl50/70
-nd about nemesis armors, has anyone tried to combine them and the results??
Thank you
06-18-2013, 12:53 AM
Which is more important early on(level 20ish), using gold to improve Crius Armor + or saving gold to replace my fountains with Training Grounds? My armor is at level 14 and it's basically using all of my gold to continue upgrading further.
06-18-2013, 01:01 AM
Which is more important early on(level 20ish), using gold to improve Crius Armor + or saving gold to replace my fountains with Training Grounds? My armor is at level 14 and it's basically using all of my gold to continue upgrading further.
Hmm I'd have to say that you'll need a training ground or two first, since you have money problems. A brief guideline to follow is that when you start to realize you're constantly lacking gold, that'll be the time to get better or more gold producing buildings.
06-18-2013, 01:12 AM
Hmm I'd have to say that you'll need a training ground or two first, since you have money problems. A brief guideline to follow is that when you start to realize you're constantly lacking gold, that'll be the time to get better or more gold producing buildings.
That's what I was thinking. Setting up my gold foundation will probably help me more right now than the marginal attack/defense improvements that getting a couple more levels will. Thanks for the answers.
06-18-2013, 03:18 AM
I've finally maxed the big four and finished crafting my swamp shaman robes+ yesterday, it's levels 21 currently. I also got a Rocfeather robes (replaced my monks vests normal level 25 with this) through fusion and am currently only 6 feathers away from crafting the + version.
I am wondering if the Rocfeather robes+ are worth the resources to upgrade, or should I just aim for Infernal lord+ right away?
06-18-2013, 03:23 AM
That's what I was thinking. Setting up my gold foundation will probably help me more right now than the marginal attack/defense improvements that getting a couple more levels will. Thanks for the answers.
Definetly, without gold, you will get nowhere in this game. It's a solid foundation and investment as it's continually used throughout the game.
Definetly invest in Tfields ASAP!
06-18-2013, 03:26 AM
I've finally maxed the big four and finished crafting my swamp shaman robes+ yesterday, it's levels 21 currently. I also got a Rocfeather robes (replaced my monks vests normal level 25 with this) through fusion and am currently only 6 feathers away from crafting the + version.
I am wondering if the Rocfeather robes+ are worth the resources to upgrade, or should I just aim for Infernal lord+ right away?
Rocfeather+ is not bad, though compared to other 70+ it's lacking in overall stats. It'd be better to go for infernal lord+ in my opinion.
06-18-2013, 03:45 AM
U use roc feathers cos you know you ain't gg to open DPC & need wind/spirit.
Might as well level it to 20 & decide later.
06-18-2013, 08:49 AM
Hey guys I got some more questions,
Any general arena fight tips? Some of mine are checking the titles my enemies have. Usually enemies with ''Rune knight'' (The default) are weaker than the ones with the crazy win titles. Also about the Arena challenge list that you get, sometimes I get a list that has very weak and strong /(so mixed) ranked in my list, but usually I can only fight people with a higher rank then me. Is this a bug? Or is there a certain way to refresh the list? lol
Ive seen a few really cool samurai/Lightning sword related armors, how does one fusion one of those? I would love to have one of those on my main but I don't know their names.
06-18-2013, 10:21 AM
You unlock the + version of craftable one star armors at level 15
you unlock the + version of 3 star armors at level 20
You unlock the + version of 4 star armors at level 35
To get enough materials to craft the + version of the boss armor, you need to kill the event boss 43 times.
what about level 2* i have stormrage level 25, asura armor lv1 and royal flamelv 1 that i got from dark chest.. how do i get them to plus version
and are these better then the "big 4" and at what level do i stop using big 4
06-18-2013, 10:27 AM
what about level 2* i have stormrage level 25, asura armor lv1 and royal flamelv 1 that i got from dark chest.. how do i get them to plus version
and are these better then the "big 4" and at what level do i stop using big 4
You can only get the + versio of non craftable armors from the dark prince chest.
Since they aren't the +version, no, the are not. The big four are useful even at 100, you replace them when you get better 70+ armors usually.
06-18-2013, 12:20 PM
I have crafted my first lvl70 armour and maxing it (Swamp) What should I make next??
06-18-2013, 02:52 PM
How many times do you need to win vs Epic Boss to be able to craft the legendary armor twice? (Normal and + version) Currently I'm at 51 victories. Do I need to keep going?
Mike Stanley
06-18-2013, 02:56 PM
You should already be able to craft both + and Normal at 61 I think you get to craft a third set I'm not sure
06-18-2013, 05:45 PM
How many times do you need to win vs Epic Boss to be able to craft the legendary armor twice? (Normal and + version) Currently I'm at 51 victories. Do I need to keep going?
lvl 44 should guarantee it. at 60+ you can craft two + versions
06-18-2013, 07:55 PM
do people make 2+ versions of the same boss armors? (is it worth it?) Gonna have enough for 2+ of this week's armor
06-18-2013, 10:09 PM
Now with the upgrade you can see your total armor materials, so you can tell when you have enough to craft two (or three) of them. Hooray!
Yes, some people make another set of the same boss plus armor. I've fought someone in arena a few times who has two Starsongs in his lineup. I may do a second Jian if I run out of higher-priority armor -- I really like it. (I didn't get anywhere near 60, but I was in top 25 that week so I got the non-plus version as a prize.)
06-18-2013, 10:21 PM
do people make 2+ versions of the same boss armors? (is it worth it?) Gonna have enough for 2+ of this week's armor
If you hit 60 you will have enough materials to craft 1 more boss armor so 3 armors in total. As per one of the higher lvl players, you start dropping 3 mats per boss at some point but i can't confirm this as i've only been up to 43.
06-19-2013, 12:51 AM
43 won't get u enough material for 2 armors.. Got screw badly due to this. Always get to @ least 44.
06-19-2013, 01:25 AM
43 won't get u enough material for 2 armors.. Got screw badly due to this. Always get to @ least 44.
I'm 99% certain I can always craft a second set at 43. I made the mistake of crafting a second set at 43 thinking it automatically unlocks + version.
I was wrong......
06-19-2013, 01:36 AM
I'm 99% certain I can always craft a second set at 43. I made the mistake of crafting a second set at 43 thinking it automatically unlocks + version.
I was wrong......
I'm 100% certain that as long as it does not glitch and cause you to skip a boss you can craft a second armor when you beat the 43rd boss.
06-19-2013, 06:50 AM
i beated the swamp kraken more then 10 times but he drops his material only once,my question is,what's the best difficulty for get the materials?
06-19-2013, 06:58 AM
i beated the swamp kraken more then 10 times but he drops his material only once,my question is,what's the best difficulty for get the materials?
For me the more times you can fight it the better chance you can get the material. So i found that it was better to do normal multiple times. I was stuck with the roots quest for atleast a couple of weeks. So just be patient and you can eventually finish it.
06-19-2013, 07:05 AM
i beated the swamp kraken more then 10 times but he drops his material only once,my question is,what's the best difficulty for get the materials?
In Misty Marsh I did it on mighty.
However, my suggestion is to do the difficulty that you are capable of completing 2/3 times without the assistance of friends. (I use my friends for epic bosses).
If you use your friends right, and they're powerful enough, you can probably do Valor stage 6 times, only losing your first knight and using a lvl 80+ friend to finish off the rest.
Paraphrasing: "Whichever one you can do the most."
06-19-2013, 08:05 AM
For me the more times you can fight it the better chance you can get the material. So i found that it was better to do normal multiple times. I was stuck with the roots quest for atleast a couple of weeks. So just be patient and you can eventually finish it.
I second this, normal was always the best in terms of having the best chance of completing the stage. I always farmed normals and found the more I did it, the more roots dropped :)
06-19-2013, 09:40 AM
Stuck at that quest for really long :(
What are the best lvl 70 armors?
06-19-2013, 09:45 AM
Finally hit 43rd kill on the boss for the very first time (yay)!
Just a quick question, how do you guys go about leveling a boss armour? Do you enhance the normal one to 30 with basics and monos?
And for the + version of the boss armour, what level do you recommend to start using snakeskins instead of monos?
Thanks in advance!
06-19-2013, 09:48 AM
Black K+, Aegis+, Jian+, Frost+, Tempered+, Boiler +, Battle Gear!
06-19-2013, 10:05 AM
Thanks for that.. also, why can't I post a new Thread?!
06-19-2013, 10:29 AM
what about level 2* i have stormrage level 25, asura armor lv1 and royal flamelv 1 that i got from dark chest.. how do i get them to plus version
and are these better then the "big 4" and at what level do i stop using big 4
i also just fused and got a flowstone battlegear its 2 star.. can i upgrade this to a certain lv to get plus version or no?
06-19-2013, 10:38 AM
what are the best armours for lvl 80+ (besides big 4)
06-19-2013, 10:40 AM
Finally hit 43rd kill on the boss for the very first time (yay)!
Just a quick question, how do you guys go about leveling a boss armour? Do you enhance the normal one to 30 with basics and monos?
And for the + version of the boss armour, what level do you recommend to start using snakeskins instead of monos?
Thanks in advance!
Congratz buddy, it's a good feeling the first time :)
I personally always level my boss armours up to about 30 with basics, (I can afford too) and 30-35 with snakeskins, others sometimes choose to do 1-20 and then snakeskins to 35 before unlocking the plus version.
The + version can be done in exactly the same way if you like, but once you hit the 30 mark in particular you will notice basics are pretty much useless on the armours, at this point I would go with snakeskins or better :)
06-19-2013, 11:05 AM
U need 10 post I think :)
06-19-2013, 12:11 PM
Oh man, the biggest update for me was:
That you can now hire friends with their actual max stats! It used to be tied into your main characters level and/or armor. So with my 100+ friends their armors are not capped at like 900/900 anymore but the full 1400/1400 in this case.
Cool. Sorry this was not an actual question lol
06-19-2013, 01:01 PM
U need 10 post I think :)
I did have 10 when I tried
06-19-2013, 01:42 PM
is Final Push the last quest? aside from weekly arena quests of course
06-19-2013, 05:06 PM
Hello I need help with guild chat because currently I can't talk because it says Chat has temporarily been suspended but other people can talk. Plz help
06-19-2013, 05:30 PM
Oh man, the biggest update for me was:
That you can now hire friends with their actual max stats! It used to be tied into your main characters level and/or armor. So with my 100+ friends their armors are not capped at like 900/900 anymore but the full 1400/1400 in this case.
Cool. Sorry this was not an actual question lol
I didn't even know they did that!
I would really love it if they released patch notes so we could know all the new features instead of having to figure them all out.
06-19-2013, 06:15 PM
I didn't even know they did that!
I would really love it if they released patch notes so we could know all the new features instead of having to figure them all out.
Nah :p that's just the fun part to find out yourself what changed :)
06-19-2013, 06:19 PM
Hydra Hunter+ or AA+ versus Fire/Spirit?
06-19-2013, 06:25 PM
Hydra Hunter+ or AA+ versus Fire/Spirit?
I would use HH -- its stats are just better overall. Both armors have Water (bonus) and neither armor has Spirit or Earth (no enemy bonus).
06-19-2013, 06:27 PM
I've posted 11 times, why can't I start a new thread? I was under the impression ten posts is the requirement?
06-19-2013, 06:27 PM
Hydra Hunter+ or AA+ versus Fire/Spirit?
Hydra has slightly better stats
06-19-2013, 06:29 PM
would Starsong Shroud+ capped be better? or lose out despite higher stats due to spirit element
any other armors to consider capping this week aside from Jian's? (don't have)
06-19-2013, 07:32 PM
would Starsong Shroud+ capped be better? or lose out despite higher stats due to spirit element
any other armors to consider capping this week aside from Jian's? (don't have)
Get HH, it has double element advantage over this boss. You can use AA as a second option. With how the boss dmg is scaling, having an elemental weakness would be a big no.
06-19-2013, 07:35 PM
i also just fused and got a flowstone battlegear its 2 star.. can i upgrade this to a certain lv to get plus version or no?
Crius+ is still better than just a regular flowstone so don't bother with leveling that armor.
06-19-2013, 08:07 PM
Get HH, it has double element advantage over this boss. You can use AA as a second option. With how the boss dmg is scaling, having an elemental weakness would be a big no.
thank you
would starsong be okay for 3rd knight or make another HH? 1st AA, 2nd HH, 3rd ?
edit: or Flame Summoner's Shroud?
Mike Stanley
06-19-2013, 08:10 PM
With star songs the higher rounds It wouldn't stand a chance I think you are better off with a second HH or AA
06-19-2013, 08:24 PM
Or leveling your FSS. It's a tank armor and would last longer.
06-19-2013, 08:27 PM
thanks, I hesitate to make 2 of one armor, even 4*+
06-19-2013, 08:32 PM
How much damage did you guys receive while leveling up? I can do normal Cold Rock Crags and take 9 damage to get 81 experience per mob(except boss of course). I've thought about doing something lower, but my Crius Armor + is my best and is more effective at Cold Rock Crags. If I try the highest level I have unlocked with a friend, I'll usually need 1-2 full heals to beat the final boss. I'm level 29 currently.
06-19-2013, 08:37 PM
thanks, I hesitate to make 2 of one armor, even 4*+
If you have the resource to lvl FSS then go ahead. And I agree it's pointless to have more than 1 of the big four.
How much damage did you guys receive while leveling up? I can do normal Cold Rock Crags and take 9 damage to get 81 experience per mob(except boss of course). I've thought about doing something lower, but my Crius Armor + is my best and is more effective at Cold Rock Crags. If I try the highest level I have unlocked with a friend, I'll usually need 1-2 full heals to beat the final boss. I'm level 29 currently.
At that level I spent most of my time farming snake skins it levels you up fairly quickly and you get to farm.
06-19-2013, 08:40 PM
At that level I spent most of my time farming snake skins it levels you up fairly quickly and you get to farm.
Hmm, I could do that. I guess I'll need a healthy supply of snakeskins once I finish getting Training Grounds in a couple of days. What would you suggest doing with the 10 friends each day? Doing the highest stage I can without needing to heal?
06-19-2013, 08:49 PM
Hmm, I could do that. I guess I'll need a healthy supply of snakeskins once I finish getting Training Grounds in a couple of days. What would you suggest doing with the 10 friends each day? Doing the highest stage I can without needing to heal?
What I did was clear the most recent map you have once. And use your remaining knights to farm. If you can't clear the map at one go with friends do it the othe way round. Reserve the knight you want to use to clear the map and farm till you run out of hp then clear map. If you don't get to finish the map atleast all your knights hp is used up.
06-19-2013, 08:56 PM
Okay, thanks a lot Raistmar :). You've been very helpful.
06-19-2013, 09:09 PM
Hi, what arethe fusion boost armors for??
06-19-2013, 09:20 PM
my bad....
Mike Stanley
06-19-2013, 09:54 PM
Hi, what arethe fusion boost armors for??
The armor title is kind of misleading its meant for enhancing it gives 150 EP even though it says Fusion boost......although that would be a good idea to have mono armors specifically meant for fuzing maybe up the chances of getting a *** or **** when fuzing
06-19-2013, 11:09 PM
If you can't clear the map at one go with friends do it the othe way round. Reserve the knight you want to use to clear the map and farm till you run out of hp then clear map. If you don't get to finish the map atleast all your knights hp is used up.
Also, keep an eye on your level bar. If you time it right, you can arrange it so that finishing the first few stages of an area that's too tough for you to do in one go will cause you to level. That heals all of your knights back to full again, allowing you to finish. (And it's even better if you can manage to have all your other knights out of health before doing this, so they get free refills too!)
06-19-2013, 11:19 PM
I have a question about the faction boosts and guardian boosts. Which is best to level first and what do they do?
06-19-2013, 11:22 PM
what determines tournament points? why sometimes I get 15 and sometimes I get 45, in my first battle, ignoring double downs
06-19-2013, 11:48 PM
what determines tournament points? why sometimes I get 15 and sometimes I get 45, in my first battle, ignoring double downs
Levels determine your reward points. 15 i believe would be for beating someone around or lower level than you. 24, 36 and 45 being the other numbers i have see would be beating higher leveled players. The greater the player level the more the points. 45 is the max base points(excluding DD) you can get. Not sure of the exact points to level ratio. Never was into number crunching.
06-20-2013, 01:19 AM
Levels determine your reward points. 15 i believe would be for beating someone around or lower level than you. 24, 36 and 45 being the other numbers i have see would be beating higher leveled players. The greater the player level the more the points. 45 is the max base points(excluding DD) you can get. Not sure of the exact points to level ratio. Never was into number crunching.
When you get to 100 you will get 15 pts off everyone. So instead of opting to giving bonuses/advantage in leveling up they removed to disadvantage. Sound good? Not really if you think about it. And in doing so they just made arena a gem spender paradise. Which is obviously what they wanted. Job well done gree!
06-20-2013, 01:20 AM
Congratz buddy, it's a good feeling the first time :)
I personally always level my boss armours up to about 30 with basics, (I can afford too) and 30-35 with snakeskins, others sometimes choose to do 1-20 and then snakeskins to 35 before unlocking the plus version.
The + version can be done in exactly the same way if you like, but once you hit the 30 mark in particular you will notice basics are pretty much useless on the armours, at this point I would go with snakeskins or better :)
Ahhh okay, I'm still saving up for my last expansion unfortunately :(
I was farming mats for 2 Swamp Shamans in case I wasn't able to get to 43 kills, are both armours the same to level up or is the boss armour harder?
Hopefully I'm able to get this weeks boss armour as well so I don't have to farm Dark Prince haha
But anyways cheers for the information!
06-20-2013, 01:50 AM
Anyone tried to combine 2 nemesis armors or other armors to it?? And results?
The One Taste
06-20-2013, 05:40 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm experiencing a very annoying problem with my game.
every time I try to get to my guild the game crashes and I'm kicked out of the app.
It's been like this sice a week and i cannot contribute and play in my guild, now that it started to get interesting.
thanks in advance to anyone able to give me a hint
06-20-2013, 05:42 AM
I have that problem when I try and access guild chat more often than not. Normally I close all programs, power off my device, and then turn it on again and try. It works... for awhile, and when it starts crashing again, rinse and repeat.
The One Taste
06-20-2013, 06:24 AM
I have that problem when I try and access guild chat more often than not. Normally I close all programs, power off my device, and then turn it on again and try. It works... for awhile, and when it starts crashing again, rinse and repeat.
Thanks but it is not working, at the beginning it was just the chat like you, but now its everything that has to do with the guild. I hope they fix this, should we maybe start a new thread?
06-20-2013, 09:18 AM
ive got a new update about guild thing, may somebody would explain to me about it?
Sgt bilko
06-20-2013, 09:35 AM
What is the best use of new boost armor? Do you use them to combine or enhance armor?
06-20-2013, 10:19 AM
What is the best use of new boost armor? Do you use them to combine or enhance armor?
Use them to enhance armors ! They give you 150 Ep per armor. That will boost your armors to max level in a very short time.
06-20-2013, 12:04 PM
Use them to enhance armors ! They give you 150 Ep per armor. That will boost your armors to max level in a very short time.
Damn ._. I just fused the fire one with an earth one thinking the FUSION would give 150 EP. They should edit the description lol. I didnt know you should jhave just straight enchance with it xD
06-20-2013, 04:13 PM
One thing is unclear to me about epic bosses armors, currently, the DEVA's Pyromancer's Mantle as for example, displays its status being
offense 1238
defense 1011
I'm quite sure if I get craft this armor and reach 70, it wont have that much statuses, such happened to my Horrible Wurm Costume, currently its 852/739 at lvl 70, but im quite sure at the horrible wurm boss window it was quite higher, so whats that value about? the status of the plus version maybe?
06-20-2013, 04:20 PM
so whats that value about? the status of the plus version maybe?
You guessed it. The game lies when it says "You can now craft blah blah blah..." -- in order to craft one with those stats, you need a second set.
Hey, I just noticed they added a countdown timer to the boss screen. Instead of just showing the dates, it now shows exactly how much time you have left. Nice!
06-20-2013, 04:25 PM
You guessed it. The game lies when it says "You can now craft blah blah blah..." -- in order to craft one with those stats, you need a second set.
Hey, I just noticed they added a countdown timer to the boss screen. Instead of just showing the dates, it now shows exactly how much time you have left. Nice!
oh, so thats it... maybe because i could never get enough materials for a second set, I never have figured it out, i guess ill start saving crystals.
Do anyone happen to know if the Pyromancer's + is better than dark prince's? I just got dark prince's +, i dont wanna invest in that armor if its weaker, since they are both dark/fire and i already got dark prince's+ one
06-20-2013, 05:56 PM
Are guilds available on Android?
If not, when are they coming out?
06-20-2013, 06:53 PM
oh, so thats it... maybe because i could never get enough materials for a second set, I never have figured it out, i guess ill start saving crystals.
Do anyone happen to know if the Pyromancer's + is better than dark prince's? I just got dark prince's +, i dont wanna invest in that armor if its weaker, since they are both dark/fire and i already got dark prince's+ one
It's way better. Over takes both regalia and dark prince.
06-21-2013, 12:12 AM
Sorry if this is a stupid question(game mechanics aren't really explained in the in-game FAQ), but what exactly constitutes a 'Shut Down' in the Arena? I've won matches with a special attack without getting the bonus. I've won a match without losing a knight without getting it. I've also done both at the same time without getting it.
06-21-2013, 12:18 AM
Sorry if this is a stupid question(game mechanics aren't really explained in the in-game FAQ), but what exactly constitutes a 'Shut Down' in the Arena? I've won matches with a special attack without getting the bonus. I've won a match without losing a knight without getting it. I've also done both at the same time without getting it.
That's when you beat anyone with an ongoing streak.
06-21-2013, 12:19 AM
Ah, okay. I guess that's why I don't get it very often: I usually avoid fighting players with a win streak to maximize my chances of winning.
06-21-2013, 12:33 AM
Ah, okay. I guess that's why I don't get it very often: I usually avoid fighting players with a win streak to maximize my chances of winning.
It adds up to your double downs so you might want to consider fighting them.
06-21-2013, 12:36 AM
It adds up to your double downs so you might want to consider fighting them.
I'm still working on getting my training grounds built, so my armors are basically un-upgraded at this point. I have a level 16 Crius Armor + as my best one. Once I finish getting training grounds tommorow, I'll be able to upgrade my armors and be able to win in the Arena more often. I managed to get to rank 9000 in the tournament that just finished, so I was being paired up with people who had maxed out some of the Big 4 armors.
06-21-2013, 12:47 AM
I'm still working on getting my training grounds built, so my armors are basically un-upgraded at this point. I have a level 16 Crius Armor + as my best one. Once I finish getting training grounds tommorow, I'll be able to upgrade my armors and be able to win in the Arena more often. I managed to get to rank 9000 in the tournament that just finished, so I was being paired up with people who had maxed out some of the Big 4 armors.
Finally someone that knows what to prioritize. Good luck with your endeavors.
Was kinda losing faith to the newer players that I have recently come across.
06-21-2013, 12:48 AM
Hey guys, quick question, i am lvl 68 now with big four maxed and some high level friends. Where is the best spot to lvl up fastest?
06-21-2013, 12:50 AM
Finally someone that knows what to prioritize. Good luck with your endeavors.
Was kinda losing faith to the newer players that I have recently come across.
Hah, to be fair, I asked a few questions in this thread and I read nearly every relevant thread in this forum. Just following the tips already discovered by you guys.
06-21-2013, 12:52 AM
Hey guys, quick question, i am lvl 68 now with big four maxed and some high level friends. Where is the best spot to lvl up fastest?
Some people like going to the latest map to level. I preferred going to a map 1 knight can finish and do it 6 times. I feel the accumulated exp is higher than the total exp from going through the latest map. Most of the times you will also need friends help.
Sir William was supposed to create a thread about total exp of each map, guess he's busy currently as progress for that guide stopped.
06-21-2013, 12:53 AM
Hah, to be fair, I asked a few questions in this thread and I read nearly every relevant thread in this forum. Just following the tips already discovered by you guys.
Haha many of us may not say this very much, but we're extremely glad and appreciative that they're forum members willing to read around first to get a better grasp and knowledge of the game!
06-21-2013, 12:55 AM
Hah, to be fair, I asked a few questions in this thread and I read nearly every relevant thread in this forum. Just following the tips already discovered by you guys.
All the better, you actually took the initiative.
06-21-2013, 12:56 AM
Haha many of us may not say this very much, but we're extremely glad and appreciative that they're forum members willing to read around first to get a better grasp and knowledge of the game!
I'm(and other new players I'm sure) are appreciative for the help ;). I don't see a need to do trial-and-error to discover efficient methods of playing when others have already done so and are willing to share the information.
06-21-2013, 01:03 AM
I did the same when i started. Thought me a lot, especially o the crafting and combining part and how to fuse with minimal gold loss. So to all those that gave me advice: A big thank you!
Ps: can you guys give your opinion over the question i asked a little higher? Would appreciate multiple opinions ( question is on page 168)
06-21-2013, 01:06 AM
I did the same when i started. Thought me a lot, especially o the crafting and combining part and how to fuse with minimal gold loss. So to all those that gave me advice: A big thank you!
Ps: can you guys give your opinion over the question i asked a little higher? Would appreciate multiple opinions ( question is on page 168)
I'm definitely not an experienced player, but the 'most' efficient way to level up would be to calculate the experience/hp ratio of each stage. For example, I found that 'Skeletons Tomb' on normal gets me a 11.44 exp/hp ratio while 'Flaming Wildwood' on normal gets me a 8.80 exp/hp ratio. It's a little tedious though, but more accurate than guessing.
06-21-2013, 01:45 AM
Hey guys, quick question, i am lvl 68 now with big four maxed and some high level friends. Where is the best spot to lvl up fastest?
Actually it depends on ur time to grind too, if free to hold device m play for hours then go to lower lvl maps and keep grind the normal mode, if timing rush can consider higher lvl maps normal mode to clear ur 6knights HP.
Also try to farm the normal mode where all your knights can solo clearing it afew times each.
And dont wear armor that monster can hit u hard for ur elements, can rotate between faerie forest/cold rock now becoz of good mats drops, or move up to writhing/guardian crossing depends on armor.
Always do the Normal mode, unless u can time the amount of exp u needed to lvl then do Epic mode just before u lvl.
06-21-2013, 02:06 AM
I'm a new player to this game, and I've a couple questions:
1. Are there any boss/box events like crime city?
2. Does 'camping' exist in this game or everyone tries their best to level up as quickly as possible?
3. How do I join guild? What's special with it?
4. I'm lv7 now, besides building/upgrading buildings, what should I do? Keep completing quest? unlocking new map or what?
06-21-2013, 06:37 AM
hey everyone,
I have managed to collect 14/18 infernal chunks so far and i've set my eye on getting the infernal lord+ armor as my 2nd 70 armor after swamp shaman+. As I'd prefer not to grind the 18 chunks twice I'd like to try my luck fusing it. If I remember correctly I read somewhere that combining Livingflame with Crius armor is the best combination to fuse it.
Is this correct or do you guys have another / a better suggestion? I currently have 16 fusion stones so the amount of fusions I can do is limited...
Thanks for the reply!
Hey guys, quick question, i am lvl 68 now with big four maxed and some high level friends. Where is the best spot to lvl up fastest?
A slightly shifted (sorry) answer for you:
Sacrifice making it far on epic boss, and make sure to use your friends for questing.
Then a question you need to ask is: are you saving your "quests" for guild goals?
If you have a guild goal active for completing quests, or if you aren't saving them, then completing quests (opening new areas, farming for specific mats and then crafting those armors, etc) is probably the fastest way. You often get extra exp from these so no real way to combat that with plain farming. Might as well save some time and try to do multiple things at once.
Also, if you have already used up the health on your other knights, no harm having your knights die while trying to open a new level (and then resuming that level when health has regenerated). I would often leave my hero as my last knight in these endeavors (specifically when not using friends) & try to leave him alive. I would make it as far in an area as I could (for example: dark prince castle level 3) and knowing that he couldn't complete the level himself, would "leave" with his remaining health being > the difference between his starting health and my other knights' starting health. This way I would have 3 full health knights at same time (or nearly same time) to resume the level. This only maximizes exp and development when you can complete the area in 2 rounds (else you would leave your other 3 knights sitting on sideline with full health on second failed attempt to complete the area).
-hadn't seen that concept pitched to you yet, so thought I would mention it (sorry if I missed it and was thus, redundant)
06-21-2013, 07:06 AM
If you have your main as your last knight, it has to fully regen for the whole team to continue. But if you have your support knight as the last two, they will revive at the same time and you can continue with 2 knights without having to wait for your main to fully regen.
Edit: didn't understand your post bout health till now =\
If you have your main as your last knight, it has to fully regen for the whole team to continue. But if you have your support knight as the last two, they will revive at the same time and you can continue with 2 knights without having to wait for your main to fully regen.
Edit: didn't understand your post bout health till now =\
No worries. Does what I said make sense now, or if its inaccurate/ all means, please clear it up or modify it with a repost so others can understand what I meant. As is the norm, as the write it seems clear to me but probably is very poorly worded
06-21-2013, 08:10 AM
No worries. Does what I said make sense now, or if its inaccurate/ all means, please clear it up or modify it with a repost so others can understand what I meant. As is the norm, as the write it seems clear to me but probably is very poorly worded
It's good man, I just wanted to point out that it would have been better to have your main upfront instead of at the back because you can continue and finish it much faster. It never occurred to me that you can actually quit with enough hp for your main that would enable you to continue with a full party lol. I usually only do that when farming and haven't filled my SA bar to SA the boss lol.
The One Taste
06-21-2013, 08:21 AM
Every time I try to get to my guild the game crashes, it has been over a week ow and it starts to get extremely frustrating.
Do something about it please.
It's how I farmed the Dark Prince for the mats for the DP+
Provided lots of time to perfect it for my armors and personnel (including friends) at the time
06-21-2013, 11:03 AM
hey everyone,
I have managed to collect 14/18 infernal chunks so far and i've set my eye on getting the infernal lord+ armor as my 2nd 70 armor after swamp shaman+. As I'd prefer not to grind the 18 chunks twice I'd like to try my luck fusing it. If I remember correctly I read somewhere that combining Livingflame with Crius armor is the best combination to fuse it.
Is this correct or do you guys have another / a better suggestion? I currently have 16 fusion stones so the amount of fusions I can do is limited...
Thanks for the reply!
Anyone? :D
Anyone? :D
I remember this question and answered it the first time you asked it.
Edit: I see you asked it one page ago. Pretty sure you asked it before too though? If not it was the exact same question formed in a similar way (incl the crius/lf part).
06-21-2013, 07:23 PM
When you guys talk about getting the big 4 do you mean a set of 3 of each of the big 4 or just one of each? And did anyone else notice they implemented that you can see how many mats you have in your inventory!?!
06-21-2013, 07:33 PM
one of each
06-21-2013, 08:33 PM
I saw a mention of a theory that materials have a cap to the number you can have in total
was there some testing done in relation to this? not sure where to look
06-22-2013, 12:09 AM
I saw a mention of a theory that materials have a cap to the number you can have in total
was there some testing done in relation to this? not sure where to look
With the recent update, they added the material count in the crafting page. And as far as I can see there's no cap limit. I have around 4k earth shards.
06-22-2013, 12:10 AM
I'm a new player to this game, and I've a couple questions:
1. Are there any boss/box events like crime city?
2. Does 'camping' exist in this game or everyone tries their best to level up as quickly as possible?
3. How do I join guild? What's special with it?
4. I'm lv7 now, besides building/upgrading buildings, what should I do? Keep completing quest? unlocking new map or what?
1. I don't play crime city, but we got a weekly boss event for new armor & a pvp tournament. Hopefully, we will get guild events soon.
2. Camping used to exist. Now it's being slowly remove. If u r below level 100, u got a bonus when u win against higher level opponents in arena. Previously this apply to all levels.
After reaching level 100, your stats no longer increases.
3. Find a guild & ask to join. Each guild has their own requirements to join. Guild will gives u elemental bonus to your amor making u stronger in arena battles. Of course, hopefully u will get a good community to communicate & give u advise etc.
4. If u r level 7, just follow & do all the quests. Save your gems & level your big 4 armor. Focus on 'buying' all the expansion in your kingdom. For this u will require training field as early as possible. Don't bother crafting epic boss armor until u complete your big 4 armor. Don't bother opening DPC unless u r very very rich.
Nope, no armor that is 1 star or 2 star is better then the big 4 armor currently in terms of stats, cost & efficiency to level.
Hope this helps u.
06-22-2013, 12:13 AM
Hey guys, quick question, i am lvl 68 now with big four maxed and some high level friends. Where is the best spot to lvl up fastest?
There is no best spot since it really depends on so many factors. Just ensure u have enough time to play & use all 6 of your knights HP to 0.
That should help u level fast enough.
06-22-2013, 12:17 AM
hey everyone,
I have managed to collect 14/18 infernal chunks so far and i've set my eye on getting the infernal lord+ armor as my 2nd 70 armor after swamp shaman+. As I'd prefer not to grind the 18 chunks twice I'd like to try my luck fusing it. If I remember correctly I read somewhere that combining Livingflame with Crius armor is the best combination to fuse it.
Is this correct or do you guys have another / a better suggestion? I currently have 16 fusion stones so the amount of fusions I can do is limited...
Thanks for the reply!
Do u have like 10 million gold? If u don't, forgot about fusing. Once u hit the dark prince castle, start farming for dark prince gems & u will realize u will, get enough iron chunks for infernal lord.
My experience is such that after getting enough gems for dark prince armor, I got enough materials to craft 4 swamp, 4 roc feather, 3 infernal armor.
Fusing is always by chance, & using 2 star & below armor to fuse has an even lousier ratio of getting the armor.
06-22-2013, 03:27 AM
I recently got a fire fusion boost armor from the solstice chests. Not really sure what to do with it as it's level 1/1, can't be enhanced and has ****ty base stats. I don't understand the point of having this armor as part of the game. Can someone explain?
06-22-2013, 03:29 AM
I recently got a fire fusion boost armor from the solstice chests. Not really sure what to do with it as it's level 1/1, can't be enhanced and has ****ty base stats. I don't understand the point of having this armor as part of the game. Can someone explain?
Using it to enhance other armors yields 150EP if the elements doesn't match, and 180EP when the elements do.
06-22-2013, 03:33 AM
Using it to enhance other armors yields 150EP if the elements doesn't match, and 180EP when the elements do.
I always forget to not swear on forums...
Thanks for the quick response! Good to know. I've never had a boost before so I was quite confused.
06-22-2013, 04:33 AM
Do u have like 10 million gold? If u don't, forgot about fusing. Once u hit the dark prince castle, start farming for dark prince gems & u will realize u will, get enough iron chunks for infernal lord.
My experience is such that after getting enough gems for dark prince armor, I got enough materials to craft 4 swamp, 4 roc feather, 3 infernal armor.
Fusing is always by chance, & using 2 star & below armor to fuse has an even lousier ratio of getting the armor.
Thanks for the quick reply! The armors you summarized where gathered by getting DPA+ (so 44 jewels) right? I killed him the first time this morning and have 2/22 jewels currently. I went in there a 2nd time with two knights wearing AA+ L50 and Swamp Shaman+ L44 and my main wearing Hydramail+, I also summoned one friend and timed my fight so that I would level up after stage 2 or 3. Eventually I leveled up after stage 2 and still lacked 1 hit to kill the prince in the final fight :(
With my current gear/lvl (72) should I be calling in the help of 2 friends or should I just get my Swamp Shaman+ up to l70 as soon as possible as I read that it's great in the epic stage?
06-22-2013, 05:11 AM
I'm a new player and is now lv14. Which armour should I aim at?
I've got a hydra hunter's mail(lv1), a monk's vestments(lv1), a steam wizard robe(lv1), and some other more common armour. Should I combine or enhance them?
06-22-2013, 05:35 AM
I'm a new player and is now lv14. Which armour should I aim at?
I've got a hydra hunter's mail(lv1), a monk's vestments(lv1), a steam wizard robe(lv1), and some other more common armour. Should I combine or enhance them?
Have a read of the 2 very good info guides posted/stickied here in general forum, "Things I wish I knew..." and "FAQ Breakdown..." both contain very solid info on starting out and getting your knights on the right track :)
06-22-2013, 11:10 AM
Has anyone finished crafting the regular version of the pyromancers armor and can reel me how many attack and defense levels it gain per level?
Nick King2 0
06-22-2013, 03:21 PM
How does one obtain "fusion boost" armors? I've got a guild quest that says I have to use some of them in fusion. Also, do they do as they say their name says they do? If so, any suggestions what I should try fusing for?
06-22-2013, 03:52 PM
How does one obtain "fusion boost" armors? I've got a guild quest that says I have to use some of them in fusion. Also, do they do as they say their name says they do? If so, any suggestions what I should try fusing for?
You obtain them by donating gold to your guild, or (rarely) from chests. They are worth 150 points when used to enhance armor, or 180 points for matching element.
06-22-2013, 06:40 PM
I'm level 32 with Atlantean Avenger+, Crius (soon to be +), Hydra Hunter, Living Flame, Monk's Vestments, and Steam Wizard's Robes. I know that these are some of the better mid-earlygame armors, but what armors are better later on besides epic boss armors? (I know that Sky Guardian is pretty good and that Dark Prince is great later on, but I was wondering if there's anything that I can plausibly get if I'm only on Guardian's Crossing).
06-22-2013, 11:10 PM
I'm level 32 with Atlantean Avenger+, Crius (soon to be +), Hydra Hunter, Living Flame, Monk's Vestments, and Steam Wizard's Robes. I know that these are some of the better mid-earlygame armors, but what armors are better later on besides epic boss armors? (I know that Sky Guardian is pretty good and that Dark Prince is great later on, but I was wondering if there's anything that I can plausibly get if I'm only on Guardian's Crossing).
At the moment you should just max your Atlantean Avenger+, Crius+ and get Hydra Hunter+, Living Flame+..
06-22-2013, 11:14 PM
Hi guys, i'm trying to get infernal lord+ and I have just enough mats to make one infernal lord amor. Intending to fuse to get infernal lord first before crafting the + version.
1. If I craft the normal version and fuse later, will the fused version be +?
2. What armors should I fuse to get infernal lord??
06-22-2013, 11:31 PM
Hi guys, i'm trying to get infernal lord+ and I have just enough mats to make one infernal lord amor. Intending to fuse to get infernal lord first before crafting the + version.
1. If I craft the normal version and fuse later, will the fused version be +?
2. What armors should I fuse to get infernal lord??
1. No, it won't
2. Any combination of earth and fire will have a chance to get you the infernal lord, with higher rarity armors yielding better chances.
06-22-2013, 11:56 PM
I got a couple questions needing answers
1. Should I try to get DP armor and try to unlock the + version? Is it even considered good armor anymore that's easily obtainable instead of buying chests/gems for luck at a rarer armor set
2. What armor level am i able to craft the + version Armor of Infernal Lord?
Level 90 if this helps.
06-23-2013, 12:45 AM
I got a couple questions needing answers
1. Should I try to get DP armor and try to unlock the + version? Is it even considered good armor anymore that's easily obtainable instead of buying chests/gems for luck at a rarer armor set
2. What armor level am i able to craft the + version Armor of Infernal Lord?
Level 90 if this helps.
If you can get the +version of the boss armor this week then no point in getting dp armor if not then yes. There's no fire/spr available in DPC. It also looks like you don't have the regalia so that's the best fire/spr for you as of now.
+version of 3* armor unlocks at lvl 20.
06-23-2013, 02:49 AM
Do the epic bosses come back again? Like in a circle timeline?
Couldn't find the answer.
Thanks in advance! :)
06-23-2013, 03:00 AM
Do the epic bosses come back again? Like in a circle timeline?
Couldn't find the answer.
Thanks in advance! :)
At the moment bosses have never came back :)
The only strategies to obtain a + version after the boss has gone are:
1) Summon the boss at the summoning stone (only if a few more mats are needed because is very expensive gem-wise)
2) Keep the mats and avoid crafting the normal version... And hope for a DarkPrince Chest to drop the normal version, so you can level it up to 35 and craft the + version with the materials
06-23-2013, 03:27 AM
At the moment bosses have never came back :)
The only strategies to obtain a + version after the boss has gone are:
1) Summon the boss at the summoning stone (only if a few more mats are needed because is very expensive gem-wise)
2) Keep the mats and avoid crafting the normal version... And hope for a DarkPrince Chest to drop the normal version, so you can level it up to 35 and craft the + version with the materials
1. Previous boss you haven't come across won't show in the summoning stone.
2. As far as I know you only get boss armor prior to regalia from DPC, so that's Hydromancer and below.
06-23-2013, 03:37 AM
excuse me, what is the big four armour?
and regarding guild, I can see there are three icons on the left bottom corner of the screen (one is about the guild) from other player's screen shot, but I can only see 2 icons on my screen, and I can't find any icon that is related to guild.
06-23-2013, 03:44 AM
excuse me, what is the big four armour?
and regarding guild, I can see there are three icons on the left bottom corner of the screen (one is about the guild) from other player's screen shot, but I can only see 2 icons on my screen, and I can't find any icon that is related to guild.
Big 4 is Atlantean avenger(AA), crius armor(CA), living flame(LF) and hydra hunter(HH).
You probably have an older version of the game.
06-23-2013, 04:29 AM
Thanks for the quick reply! The armors you summarized where gathered by getting DPA+ (so 44 jewels) right? I killed him the first time this morning and have 2/22 jewels currently. I went in there a 2nd time with two knights wearing AA+ L50 and Swamp Shaman+ L44 and my main wearing Hydramail+, I also summoned one friend and timed my fight so that I would level up after stage 2 or 3. Eventually I leveled up after stage 2 and still lacked 1 hit to kill the prince in the final fight :(
With my current gear/lvl (72) should I be calling in the help of 2 friends or should I just get my Swamp Shaman+ up to l70 as soon as possible as I read that it's great in the epic stage?
Yup, shaman is very useful in the epic stage. It's also useful in arena.
There is no hard fast rule about it. I will focus on leveling & only using friends when I don't need it for the epic boss.
Depends on how u want to play & what is your focus in the game.
This epic boss is harder, so I guess u might not have enough friends to farm for jewels.
If u don't intend to get this boss armor, then everything goes.
06-23-2013, 04:59 AM
Big 4 is Atlantean avenger(AA), crius armor(CA), living flame(LF) and hydra hunter(HH).
You probably have an older version of the game.
Should I re-install the app (will I lose the data if I do it?) ? I can't find any new update in the android market.
And for the armour, I have a lv10 hydra hunter mail, do you mean that I should upgrade ti to lv 15 to unlock the plus version, then craft the armour again (to get the + version) ?
06-23-2013, 05:16 AM
Should I re-install the app (will I lose the data if I do it?) ? I can't find any new update in the android market.
And for the armour, I have a lv10 hydra hunter mail, do you mean that I should upgrade ti to lv 15 to unlock the plus version, then craft the armour again (to get the + version) ?
Oh no wonder! Guilds are only available for ios.
Yes. The big 4 has huge stat gain per lvl. Around +10/10 atk/def, best armor you can find early mid game. Even regular version of epic boss armor doesn't come close to their stat gain.
Edit: Also to point that your data won't get deleted when you uninstall and reinstall. Atleast for ios not sure for android.
Also unless specified all post here usually concerns iOS. So please specify in the future to avoid confusion.
06-23-2013, 07:26 AM
Hey all - what armors should you shoot for after you get your big four maxed and you get into the higher levels? 60s and 70s. Thanks.
06-23-2013, 08:35 AM
Hey, I'm currently level 67 with maxed big 4+ and i'm on the 500k castle expansion, i have SS and enough to enhance SS to 20 and craft SS+. im also at zephyr plateau 4 star stage.
however I read somewhere that I shouldn't bother enhancing a 70 to full before having max castle expansions, what should i do? I was thinking about just farming snakeskins till my training fields generate enough to expand.
06-23-2013, 09:55 AM
Hey, I'm currently level 67 with maxed big 4+ and i'm on the 500k castle expansion, i have SS and enough to enhance SS to 20 and craft SS+. im also at zephyr plateau 4 star stage.
however I read somewhere that I shouldn't bother enhancing a 70 to full before having max castle expansions, what should i do? I was thinking about just farming snakeskins till my training fields generate enough to expand.
Do u know how much it cost to level an armor to level 70? Like 2-5 million gold? If u don't hav all your castle fully expanded , its gg to be slow.
The thing is that once the expansions are done, they are permanent & always generating gold for u. Hence we recommend expanding your kingdom first, & place less priority leveling level 70 armors.
Always farm snakeskin... U will always need it...
06-23-2013, 09:56 AM
Hey all - what armors should you shoot for after you get your big four maxed and you get into the higher levels? 60s and 70s. Thanks.
Do u open DPC?
I gave Captain a miss & focus on swamp, infernal, roc, dark prince then epic boss....
06-23-2013, 10:29 AM
I'm getting an "Armor in Use" message when I'm trying to use one of my armor sets to enrich another. It says the armor is being used in the Summoning Stone party. Is there anyway to clear it out w/o spending gems to summon a monster via the summoning stone?
Edit: never mind, just saw the button to do that...
Hey, I'm currently level 67 with maxed big 4+ and i'm on the 500k castle expansion, i have SS and enough to enhance SS to 20 and craft SS+. im also at zephyr plateau 4 star stage.
however I read somewhere that I shouldn't bother enhancing a 70 to full before having max castle expansions, what should i do? I was thinking about just farming snakeskins till my training fields generate enough to expand.
Perfect plan, you will need TONS of snakeskins over your playing time, can't have enough of those. Mind you though: boss armors + versions are unlocked at 35, not at 20.
Oops, accidentally reposted.
06-23-2013, 06:08 PM
Hey I accidentally started crafting a boss armor that I don't want to make. Is there any way to cancel it?
06-23-2013, 06:21 PM
Hi guys,
I am pretty new to the game. I have max-lv Royal Flame as my best armor and now I am thinking of switching to the new boss armor which has just finished crafting today. They share same elements but the boss one looks much better in long term. Is it worth eliminating the max-RF by using it to enhance the boss armor? I worry a bit coz it took me two weeks to max the RF.
06-23-2013, 07:08 PM
Hi guys,
I am pretty new to the game. I have max-lv Royal Flame as my best armor and now I am thinking of switching to the new boss armor which has just finished crafting today. They share same elements but the boss one looks much better in long term. Is it worth eliminating the max-RF by using it to enhance the boss armor? I worry a bit coz it took me two weeks to max the RF.
My strategy is to retain my best 3 armours of each combination. There are only 10 combinations (it doesn't matter which element is on top, so for example earth/fire and fire/earth work just the same).
Thus I recommend you keep the RF until it's your 4th best of that combination, at which point use it for upgrading - making sure the thing you are upgrading shares at least one element for maximum boost, and within 10 level of its maximum so you're using it efficiently.
06-23-2013, 07:18 PM
Hey I accidentally started crafting a boss armor that I don't want to make. Is there any way to cancel it?
There isn't unfortunately. I've done the same multiple times and contacted Gree about it. They said there is nothing they can do about it.
06-23-2013, 08:50 PM
I just started playing the game 2 days ago, been reading up a bunch on the forums. Lots of good information here. One question I came up with though, working toward getting started on the big 4, how does one obtain the first piece of each of those 4? Fusion? If so, is there a 'best' point at which to go ahead and save up the 25k, rather than continuing to sink it into expanding your gold-production capability? Or is it just personal preference?
06-23-2013, 09:30 PM
Am curious, I have an in-game "friend" who is 2 levels lower than me (I'm level 97, my friend is Level 95). We're both using Hydra Hunter+ armor (I assume, because I'm using the + version), but my friend has better stats than me (approx. 100 more attack and defense).
How can that be?
06-23-2013, 09:41 PM
Am curious, I have an in-game "friend" who is 2 levels lower than me (I'm level 97, my friend is Level 95). We're both using Hydra Hunter+ armor (I assume, because I'm using the + version), but my friend has better stats than me (approx. 100 more attack and defense).
How can that be?
Guild's element boosts
06-23-2013, 09:43 PM
I just started playing the game 2 days ago, been reading up a bunch on the forums. Lots of good information here. One question I came up with though, working toward getting started on the big 4, how does one obtain the first piece of each of those 4? Fusion? If so, is there a 'best' point at which to go ahead and save up the 25k, rather than continuing to sink it into expanding your gold-production capability? Or is it just personal preference?
You can craft the big 4 by killing the respective bosses and getting the materials. You could also fuse basic armors to get the normal version of the big 4, but it'll be more expensive and you'll have to use up a fusion star.
06-23-2013, 11:35 PM
You can craft the big 4 by killing the respective bosses and getting the materials. You could also fuse basic armors to get the normal version of the big 4, but it'll be more expensive and you'll have to use up a fusion star.
How far do you have to unlock to get to bosses that drop the mats for the first of the big 4? I'm only up through Skeleton's Tomb (3rd area) so far. The higher tiers of that area use up most of my available hp for self and knights, so I have to wait for a full regen for each shot at it.
06-23-2013, 11:45 PM
How far do you have to unlock to get to bosses that drop the mats for the first of the big 4? I'm only up through Skeleton's Tomb (3rd area) so far. The higher tiers of that area use up most of my available hp for self and knights, so I have to wait for a full regen for each shot at it.
Hmm im guessing your level is pretty low? After Skeletons tomb you still have to clear 2 areas before you reach Wirthing Cascades where you will get materials for the first of the big 4, Atlantean Aveger.
Or you can get a head start by fusing basic air and basic water which will give you AA. Level up that to level 15 to unlock the + version. By the time you reach Cascades and farm the materials you can go straight for AA+.
Do manage your gold wisely though and expand as much as you can and work on getting training fields too.
06-24-2013, 12:12 AM
My strategy is to retain my best 3 armours of each combination. There are only 10 combinations (it doesn't matter which element is on top, so for example earth/fire and fire/earth work just the same).
Thus I recommend you keep the RF until it's your 4th best of that combination, at which point use it for upgrading - making sure the thing you are upgrading shares at least one element for maximum boost, and within 10 level of its maximum so you're using it efficiently.
Sorry, just wonder what do u mean by "within 10 level of its maximum"?
06-24-2013, 12:13 AM
Hmm im guessing your level is pretty low?
Level 14, main is in a set of stonescale+ lvl 12, earth knight is in the Volcanic Mantle (from the quest) lvl 5, water knight is in Seafoam+ lvl 12.
Does that sound about right for progression? I see a ton of people in the arena now that I'm ranked up some that have 3 knights in dual-element armor and just destroy me. Don't know if they're paying players, or if they just know more tricks to get those armors at this level (or, perhaps, the arena matches purely by rank and I'm actually fighting much higher level people now). *shrug*
Do manage your gold wisely though and expand as much as you can and work on getting training fields too.
Yeah, I'm up to the 80k expansion. Gonna be a lil' while for that one. Trying to save toward that first fusion right now.
06-24-2013, 12:22 AM
Level 14, main is in a set of stonescale+ lvl 12, earth knight is in the Volcanic Mantle (from the quest) lvl 5, water knight is in Seafoam+ lvl
Arena matches by arena points within reason, so every week I get a few days of hitting for 4000.
06-24-2013, 01:13 AM
Level 14, main is in a set of stonescale+ lvl 12, earth knight is in the Volcanic Mantle (from the quest) lvl 5, water knight is in Seafoam+ lvl 12.
Does that sound about right for progression? I see a ton of people in the arena now that I'm ranked up some that have 3 knights in dual-element armor and just destroy me. Don't know if they're paying players, or if they just know more tricks to get those armors at this level (or, perhaps, the arena matches purely by rank and I'm actually fighting much higher level people now). *shrug*
Yeah, I'm up to the 80k expansion. Gonna be a lil' while for that one. Trying to save toward that first fusion right now.
Yeah as mentioned by Bearsuo, Arena match-up is based on rank and points and nothing to with level.
Oh when you completed the tutorial you didn't key in anyones code when prompted did you? That would have given you a Mon's Vestment which could have lasted you till you started getting the big 4. Then i guess try to get you hands on AA as soon as you have the gold to.
Do look through the the thread "Things i wish i knew when i was a noob" as that will teach you about gathering gold more efficiently, If you haven't already read it that is.
06-24-2013, 01:15 AM
Sorry, just wonder what do u mean by "within 10 level of its maximum"?
I believe he means, if the armor's maximum level is 50, use RF to enhance that armor when it is already at level 40/50 or higher.
06-24-2013, 01:30 AM
Guild's element boosts
Thanks for the quick response!
Edit: I meant, "deathexe" :)
06-24-2013, 02:10 AM
Hello guys, just wanted to confirm.. So i do hv non + version of the esoskeleton and im lvlng it.. But i noticed that wen u reachd at lvl35 the + version was unlocked but the only way to make it is to get 50more metal cogs wc is not drop by any boss.. Cn i only get cogs on chance chest??? Or certainly it ws a waste for lvlng it, any is it the same for other legendary armors?
06-24-2013, 02:26 AM
Hello guys, just wanted to confirm.. So i do hv non + version of the esoskeleton and im lvlng it.. But i noticed that wen u reachd at lvl35 the + version was unlocked but the only way to make it is to get 50more metal cogs wc is not drop by any boss.. Cn i only get cogs on chance chest??? Or certainly it ws a waste for lvlng it, any is it the same for other legendary armors?
You can only get metal cogs from the enchanted chests. The normal version of the steam powered is pretty bad, not worth leveling it in my opinion.
06-24-2013, 02:26 AM
Thanks for the quick response!
Edit: I meant, "deathexe" :)
Aight, anytime :)
06-24-2013, 09:18 AM
You can only get metal cogs from the enchanted chests. The normal version of the steam powered is pretty bad, not worth leveling it in my opinion.
Thats what i thought, thanks for ur opinion.. And it seems like it wont even enhance wd other armor im guessing when u enhance it has to be the same level of rarity or lower? Coz it wont show wen i try to use it to enhance wd a lower star armor like hydra armor
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