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06-03-2013, 05:42 PM
hmm, so u think i shld upgrade both starshroud and beast mantle?
sigh couldn't get Twin Jian+ for myself :( now its lvl 35 not sure if i shld proceed upgrading it to max cuz i dont have any great armour other than my maxed out hydra+
The regular jian has a big increase in atk over hh+ but it will only gain an additional 3 def. While the boost in atk is a nice welcome upgrading it to 70 is very expensive.
Hydra is good enough to 1 hit a follower knight wearing dark prince or regalia(using sa) and as there is no tanking fire/spr armor as of yet if it was me I'd focus on getting my starsong up then this week's boss armor over maxing a regular jian.
I get the epic boss armor every week but i can barely make it past level 21 with them. I know not to really enhance them unless i'm going to get the plus version. Would you say its better to use them as enhancement armors for armors I do have the + version of or, save them?
If you don't have the materials for the + version I'd advise not to craft the reg version at all. If you have the reg version already and can't make +, then I guess I'd unlock the + version first (you never know what the future might bring) and after that use it for fusing/enhancing. Assuming you have better replacements.
06-03-2013, 06:07 PM
I would collect them, don't craft them just save them
I have a question, after the emergence of the Guilds. My K & D alone is not updated, but to access the appstore saw I had an update and try to do it I realized that it was necessary to pay cash, now the question, I have to pay to continue playing? There was the appearance of Guilds on my K & D, is this normal? Already grateful.
06-03-2013, 08:16 PM
I have a question, after the emergence of the Guilds. My K & D alone is not updated, but to access the appstore saw I had an update and try to do it I realized that it was necessary to pay cash, now the question, I have to pay to continue playing? There was the appearance of Guilds on my K & D, is this normal? Already grateful.
Didn't have to pay for anything when I updated to get the version with guilds.
06-03-2013, 08:54 PM
Hey guys,
looking for some general information on how to continue from where I am.
I'm currently level 49, been playing for only 7 days.
I'm up to Sunken Carrack honor stage
I have 2 training grounds lvl 2, building a 3rd one right now
3 guard towers
2 armor smiths
2 cathedrals
2 taverns
1 conservatory
1 dungeon
Crius+ lvl 30
Jian's nemesis lvl 30
mantle of the beast lvl 11
monks vestements lvl 10
riverstone mantle lvl 14
sasquatch nemesis lvl 11
atlantean + lvl 12
embersteel lvl 1
flowstone lvl 9
(2) forgemasters lvl 1 and lvl 14
hydra hunter lvl 9
living flame lvl 1
sirens nemesis lvl 9
steam wizard lvl 16
stormrage lvl 9
vinewood carapace lvl 1
wind monarch lvl 6
I know enhancing the Big Four+ armors is the way to go for lvl 50 but if I am already lvl 49 without them is it still useful to enhance them?
I am able to craft jian's battlegear but I need to make more money first and expand my lot so one of my armorsmiths is not out of commission for two days while I do it..
Any help is greatly appreciated!
(I would love to add high level players for help, but unfortunately most of you are iPhone users and I am android)
06-03-2013, 09:36 PM
Hey guys,
looking for some general information on how to continue from where I am.
I'm currently level 49, been playing for only 7 days.
I'm up to Sunken Carrack honor stage
I have 2 training grounds lvl 2, building a 3rd one right now
3 guard towers
2 armor smiths
2 cathedrals
2 taverns
1 conservatory
1 dungeon
Crius+ lvl 30
Jian's nemesis lvl 30
mantle of the beast lvl 11
monks vestements lvl 10
riverstone mantle lvl 14
sasquatch nemesis lvl 11
atlantean + lvl 12
embersteel lvl 1
flowstone lvl 9
(2) forgemasters lvl 1 and lvl 14
hydra hunter lvl 9
living flame lvl 1
sirens nemesis lvl 9
steam wizard lvl 16
stormrage lvl 9
vinewood carapace lvl 1
wind monarch lvl 6
I know enhancing the Big Four+ armors is the way to go for lvl 50 but if I am already lvl 49 without them is it still useful to enhance them?
I am able to craft jian's battlegear but I need to make more money first and expand my lot so one of my armorsmiths is not out of commission for two days while I do it..
Any help is greatly appreciated!
(I would love to add high level players for help, but unfortunately most of you are iPhone users and I am android)
Just go for the big 4. Any boss armor that isn't the +version shouldn't be used, jian too, it takes too much effort to get it to 70, better off using hydra hunter. If you haven't crafted jian yet, leave it uncrafted.
06-03-2013, 09:42 PM
U need the big 4 max & it should carry u all the way till dark prince. Your armors are too diversify. Should spend your gems on upgrading your training fields to level 3. I am regretting not doing it now.
06-03-2013, 10:13 PM
Hey guys I was just wondering if I should enhance embersteel armor instead of the living flame armor. From what I see the ember steel has better stats even though it's not the + version
Is there even a way to get the + version for it?
06-03-2013, 10:18 PM
does anyone know the stats for lightning lord+?
its not on the spreadsheet.
i just wanna know if its better than stormrage+
06-03-2013, 10:50 PM
Hey guys,
looking for some general information on how to continue from where I am.
I'm currently level 49, been playing for only 7 days.
I'm up to Sunken Carrack honor stage
I have 2 training grounds lvl 2, building a 3rd one right now
3 guard towers 2 armor smiths 2 cathedrals 2 taverns 1 conservatory 1 dungeon
At the end of the day, the variety of buildings is only useful for a little bit of quest rewards. Optimally, you'll want all training grounds (except one monster's nest, because of that one square), your compliment of armorsmiths, and IMO, at your point, it's worth saving up for them and selling things to make room for them.
As for how to advance, I generally used one set of knights to farm crafting materials until they were out of HP, and the other set to try and clear the next rank of a stage, possibly using 1/2 friend knights, depending on my guess as to whether I'd clear the stage.
Crius+ lvl 30 Jian's nemesis lvl 30 mantle of the beast lvl 11
monks vestements lvl 10 riverstone mantle lvl 14 sasquatch nemesis lvl 11
atlantean + lvl 12 embersteel lvl 1 flowstone lvl 9 (2) forgemasters lvl 1 and lvl 14
hydra hunter lvl 9 living flame lvl 1 sirens nemesis lvl 9 steam wizard lvl 16
stormrage lvl 9 vinewood carapace lvl 1 wind monarch lvl 6
I know enhancing the Big Four+ armors is the way to go for lvl 50 but if I am already lvl 49 without them is it still useful to enhance them?[/quote]
So, here's the mistake I think most players are making - if you want to play optimally. If you want to collect a lot of neat looking stuff, do that. But if you want to get the most bang for your buck, a lot of armors you have on your list aren't worth owning. Forgemasters, vinewood, and wind monarch, I think, are inferior stat growths.
How I generally go about it is I look at the stat spreadsheet and look at the total number of stat points an armor will have. Bigger is better, to be simple. So Admiral's Battleworn Regalia+ has 2,055 total stat points, for example. It will beat the pants off of Battlesuit's Nemesis Garb, which has 972. However, you can't just pick up a top tier armor, it takes a mid tier armor to get them. Crius, LF, AA, and HH are the big 4 because they have really strong stat growth, are accessable, and useful. However, some Nemesis armors are fine in their own right. But it's kind of key to get them to a max/high level, to really get the benefit of their superior stats. If you're filling in a lot of armors, you'll have a lot of moderate stat gear, and you can only field 3 knights at a time - so the other 10 are doing you nothing but holding you down.
... and that was a little less focused/clear than I meant it to be. Sleep deprived. Sorry.
06-03-2013, 11:03 PM
Hey guys I was just wondering if I should enhance embersteel armor instead of the living flame armor. From what I see the ember steel has better stats even though it's not the + version
Is there even a way to get the + version for it?
You can only get the +version of embersteel from dpc. Go for living flame+
06-03-2013, 11:08 PM
The reason i have a lot of not-so-great armors right now is from chests, and some I am just keeping around to use for fusing later on, I don't plan on leveling up the majority of the lower leveled armors I have.
Same with the buildings I have right now, like you said, I'm keeping a lot of them around because I know I need some of them for quests later on.
I know all about the spreadsheet and refer to it constantly, I've also read a lot of the information in this thread,
I am just trying to figure out the best armors I own right now to level that will help me out for the longest period of time in the game. I am completely addicted to this game and don't want to waste my time leveling things that will be useless in a short amount of time.
06-04-2013, 01:32 AM
How come I can't use my Lv. 25 Atlantean Avenger Armor to level up another armor I own? It isn't coming up on the section where you click to enhance armor.
does anyone know the stats for lightning lord+?
its not on the spreadsheet.
i just wanna know if its better than stormrage+
Not sure on the exact stats, but stormrage+ > AA+ > lightnin lord+, I'm pretty sure. Eitherway, stormrage+ is the highest after storm sorcerer for that element combination.
The reason i have a lot of not-so-great armors right now is from chests, and some I am just keeping around to use for fusing later on, I don't plan on leveling up the majority of the lower leveled armors I have.
Same with the buildings I have right now, like you said, I'm keeping a lot of them around because I know I need some of them for quests later on.
I know all about the spreadsheet and refer to it constantly, I've also read a lot of the information in this thread,
I am just trying to figure out the best armors I own right now to level that will help me out for the longest period of time in the game. I am completely addicted to this game and don't want to waste my time leveling things that will be useless in a short amount of time.
The Big 4 will be useful for a pretty long time still, if not for story mode then probably still for epic bosses later on. Jian's Nemesis is good too up until the part where you're ready for ***(*). Make sure your focus right now is on training fields though, before enhancing gets too expensive.
How come I can't use my Lv. 25 Atlantean Avenger Armor to level up another armor I own? It isn't coming up on the section where you click to enhance armor.
One of your knights must be wearing it. If it's not on either of them at Arena/Epic Boss/Adventure, then one of your knights must be wearing it for summoning stone equipment. They're working on fixing the accessibility of the summoning stone, so if this is the case either wait for the next update to happen or spend 4 gems to take it off.
06-04-2013, 04:41 AM
I am just trying to figure out the best armors I own right now to level that will help me out for the longest period of time in the game. I am completely addicted to this game and don't want to waste my time leveling things that will be useless in a short amount of time.
Then here's a to the point answer - I'm still using an AA and a LF I maxed. For epic bosses, you've got to have solid gear for your knights at the higher tiers, and it takes a bit to get a second 70 of each. (I probably should've kept my HH, too)
06-04-2013, 05:36 AM
One of your knights must be wearing it. If it's not on either of them at Arena/Epic Boss/Adventure, then one of your knights must be wearing it for summoning stone equipment. They're working on fixing the accessibility of the summoning stone, so if this is the case either wait for the next update to happen or spend 4 gems to take it off.
I've changed it so they aren't wearing this armor in any place, it still doesn't come up at the enhance place.
I guess I'll have to wait for this update...
06-04-2013, 06:08 AM
I've changed it so they aren't wearing this armor in any place, it still doesn't come up at the enhance place.
I guess I'll have to wait for this update...
Summoning stone included? I wouldn't bother changing the SS armour, it'll be fixed soon enough with an update. Save yourself some gems bud.
06-04-2013, 09:10 AM
Do any1 know why I can't find my flame Living Flame Armor and Atlantean Avenger Armor when Im enchanting? Im upping my (+), and see no reason to keep the regulars... Stupidly, I upped the Atlantean Avenger to max (the regular one), and the other to 26/50. Does that have something to say, why I cant find them and use them for enchanting my (+'s)? Or is it bugged?
I have made sure that the armors isn't in use.
06-04-2013, 09:53 AM
Do any1 know why I can't find my flame Living Flame Armor and Atlantean Avenger Armor when Im enchanting? Im upping my (+), and see no reason to keep the regulars... Stupidly, I upped the Atlantean Avenger to max (the regular one), and the other to 26/50. Does that have something to say, why I cant find them and use them for enchanting my (+'s)? Or is it bugged?
I have made sure that the armors isn't in use.
Usually I don't harp at such things but dude if you bothered reading this page atleast you'd realize that your question has already been answered.
And to answer your question, it's a known bug. Your toons might have those armor equipped in the summoning stone and to change those you have to spend gems. But there's prolly a fix with the next update so save your gems and just wait for it.
06-04-2013, 11:04 AM
Do the Capes add anything to the attack or defense? Or are they just for show.
06-04-2013, 11:08 AM
Capes just for show. No additional bonus.
06-04-2013, 01:10 PM
Capes just for show. No additional bonus.
Thanks for the info !!
06-04-2013, 01:45 PM
:oI hope I'm not posting this in the wrong thread.
__________________________________________________ _____________________
I'm struggling with the last few zones and could -really- use some higher level Friends.
Anyone willing to help out please add XBC-RVG-DQN
In-game name is Troy
Thanks! :o:o
:oI hope I'm not posting this in the wrong thread.
__________________________________________________ _____________________
I'm struggling with the last few zones and could -really- use some higher level Friends.
Anyone willing to help out please add XBC-RVG-DQN
In-game name is Troy
Thanks! :o:o
You are;
06-04-2013, 04:23 PM
The Big 4 will be useful for a pretty long time still, if not for story mode then probably still for epic bosses later on. Jian's Nemesis is good too up until the part where you're ready for ***(*). Make sure your focus right now is on training fields though, before enhancing gets too expensive.
Guys, thank-you all so much for your help!
06-04-2013, 07:32 PM
hey guys, im almost done with my Swamps+ (yayyy! xD)
my question is which armor should i focus on next?
I've got an Armor of Infernal Lord+ being crafted as we speak, aswell as the Regular version of the Mantle of beast (had to take advantage of the 30% craft time reduction ^_^)
the stats of this mantle seem beast but i've already unlocked the + version of the Infernal and as such im having second thoughts, on which one focus first? eventually I guess it'd be wise to have them both maxed.. ?
What do you think guys?
06-04-2013, 08:06 PM
If I delete the game, will all my data be deleted?
06-04-2013, 08:13 PM
If I delete the game, will all my data be deleted?
Nope. U can delete it as many times as u want!
06-04-2013, 08:16 PM
hey guys, im almost done with my Swamps+ (yayyy! xD)
my question is which armor should i focus on next?
I've got an Armor of Infernal Lord+ being crafted as we speak, aswell as the Regular version of the Mantle of beast (had to take advantage of the 30% craft time reduction ^_^)
the stats of this mantle seem beast but i've already unlocked the + version of the Infernal and as such im having second thoughts, on which one focus first? eventually I guess it'd be wise to have them both maxed.. ?
What do you think guys?
What kind of resources do u have? Can u get the mantle +?
Nick King2 0
06-04-2013, 08:42 PM
I have run into a dilemma. I have 60k gold, and the expansions I have bought are all filled with various buildings. Should I save up to buy the next expansion, which costs 500k, or convert all of my buildings into training fields?
06-04-2013, 08:50 PM
I have run into a dilemma. I have 60k gold, and the expansions I have bought are all filled with various buildings. Should I save up to buy the next expansion, which costs 500k, or convert all of my buildings into training fields?
you should convert all except armorsmithies to training fields in order to save up 500k for the next expansion :)
06-04-2013, 08:52 PM
What kind of resources do u have? Can u get the mantle +?
I dont know, to tell u the truth i'm at swamps 55/70 and its expensive! :P
got 4 smiths and the rest are all training fields, all expansions slots open and well only 1 field is actually lvl3, the rest are lvl 2..
06-04-2013, 09:29 PM
Best to get ur resources going first and reap the rewards later. Would advise full expansion with training fields and 4 armorsmiths. This might mean u have to quest, lvl and camp for a while but it's worth it
06-04-2013, 10:00 PM
Resource Count for Epic Boss to level 43
I've completed level 38 and probably won't have the time or the ability to reach level 43. Does anyone know how many resources I'll need to get to the 100 total for the plus version? I haven't been keeping track, but I'm guessing that levels 16-21 provided 1 each for a total of 6. Then from 22 to 43, you receive 2 each time for a total of 44?
I just want to be absolutely sure, because I may use the summoning stone to get the remaining resources, but the game doesn't tell you what you currently have, so I don't want to get screwed over by miscounting.
Thanks in advance!
06-04-2013, 10:24 PM
I dont know, to tell u the truth i'm at swamps 55/70 and its expensive! :P
got 4 smiths and the rest are all training fields, all expansions slots open and well only 1 field is actually lvl3, the rest are lvl 2..
I got swamp, deep dragon & roc max. I am gg to max Dark prince then Jian. Maybe this can serve as a good reference for u?
I got infernal + @ level 40 but I realise its not very efficient in arena. Regarding mantle. Some don't like it cos its defense isn't good. I got no comments about that, but I will definitely craft it 1 of these days since I don't have any good spirit/wood.
06-04-2013, 10:27 PM
Resource Count for Epic Boss to level 43
I've completed level 38 and probably won't have the time or the ability to reach level 43. Does anyone know how many resources I'll need to get to the 100 total for the plus version? I haven't been keeping track, but I'm guessing that levels 16-21 provided 1 each for a total of 6. Then from 22 to 43, you receive 2 each time for a total of 44?
I just want to be absolutely sure, because I may use the summoning stone to get the remaining resources, but the game doesn't tell you what you currently have, so I don't want to get screwed over by miscounting.
Thanks in advance!
Might not be the best idea. I would rather use the gems u have for upgrading training fields to level 3. Resources is more impt since mantle isn't 1 of the best armor out there. There will be better armors in the future.
If u really want it, u can always craft the normal version then count how much materials u r short of for the summoning stones.
43 wins in epic boss will give u enough materials to craft it 2 times.
06-04-2013, 10:34 PM
I have run into a dilemma. I have 60k gold, and the expansions I have bought are all filled with various buildings. Should I save up to buy the next expansion, which costs 500k, or convert all of my buildings into training fields?
Are u in a guild? Lol.
If u r in a guild, u might want to help out in the quest mission. If u like, I can invite u into our guild. :) if that is the case then it won't be necessary to reset everything. U can carry playing on with what the quests require you to do. If this way, u won't waste resources by selling everything. U can do so after u finish all the building quests.
However if u r looking to ace this game, u should convert everything to training fields first. Then go about the expansion. This is because the expansion goes from 500,000 - 1,000,000 - 2,000,000. So u will need @ least training fields @ level 2.
Once u have a couple of millions then go back to doing quests.
06-04-2013, 10:38 PM
Might not be the best idea. I would rather use the gems u have for upgrading training fields to level 3. Resources is more impt since mantle isn't 1 of the best armor out there. There will be better armors in the future.
If u really want it, u can always craft the normal version then count how much materials u r short of for the summoning stones.
43 wins in epic boss will give u enough materials to craft it 2 times.
Wicked Wraith is probably going to be near impossible for me to obtain, since I don't like to spend the gems on DPC, so this seems like a decent alternative. Also, assuming I can finish 2 more levels, that will leave me 6 resources away from having enough resource. BUT, I just need to confirm that the math is correct, because I don't want to spend the 200K on this yet. I just want to have the resources available so that I have the option to build it at a later time.
Anyhow, can anyone confirm that levels 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43 provide 2 resources per level? If so, I can probably manage beating the boss at level 39 and 40, then I would only need to spend 33 gems to get the remaining resources from the summoning pool. Anyone?
06-04-2013, 10:46 PM
Wicked Wraith is probably going to be near impossible for me to obtain, since I don't like to spend the gems on DPC, so this seems like a decent alternative. Also, assuming I can finish 2 more levels, that will leave me 6 resources away from having enough resource. BUT, I just need to confirm that the math is correct, because I don't want to spend the 200K on this yet. I just want to have the resources available so that I have the option to build it at a later time.
Anyhow, can anyone confirm that levels 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43 provide 2 resources per level? If so, I can probably manage beating the boss at level 39 and 40, then I would only need to spend 33 gems to get the remaining resources from the summoning pool. Anyone?
If you got all drops from lvl 1 onwards then I'm 100% certain you will be able to craft the +version when you hit 43.
06-04-2013, 10:49 PM
If you got all drops from lvl 1 onwards then I'm 100% certain you will be able to craft the +version when you hit 43.
I know that, but I can't hit 43. I think I can hit 40, so will that mean I'm exactly 6 resources short? If so, I can hit the summoning stone 3 times for 33 gems to get the remaining resources. That's all I need to know.
06-04-2013, 10:54 PM
I know that, but I can't hit 43. I think I can hit 40, so will that mean I'm exactly 6 resources short? If so, I can hit the summoning stone 3 times for 33 gems to get the remaining resources. That's all I need to know.
yUp I can confirm as well.
06-05-2013, 02:00 AM
99 gems is steep for a crappy boss armor. I need 240 to get Krab. Ill prob wait until the next summon stone discount
06-05-2013, 07:34 AM
99 gems is steep for a crappy boss armor. I need 240 to get Krab. Ill prob wait until the next summon stone discount
It's 33 total, not 99. It costs 11 to summon him and you get 2 resources per summon. 33 gems seems like a reasonable cost, considering people are spending 20 on the DPC and getting a lot of junk.
06-05-2013, 09:14 AM
Can anyone explain what makes a set of armor crappy vs good? Just based on numbers, I'm not sure why people think the current boss armor is crappy.
If we look at just the attack and defense total, the plus version of the current epic boss armor is 2200. Currently, there are only 6 sets that exceed this total. 5 of them (Aegis, Sky G, WW, BF, Storm S) are DPC only and presumably very rare. The 6th is Jian, which was a super boss. 7th on the list is the current boss (Mantle armor) and it seems decent to me. Not to mention, it seems like a reasonable alternative to WW+.
Am I missing something and is there something else I should be considering before building armor?
06-05-2013, 09:23 AM
I've just defeated the Sasquatch at level 43 (first time, yay!) and so I want to get my Mantle of the Beast to 35 as quickly as I can so I can start working on the + version.
I have 2 legendary armours (deep dragon, and admiral's regalia) that I want to use to enhance the armour but they don't appear. All I get is the message "you have no armor sets capable of fusion." etc.
I don't understand why I can't use these legendaries for enhancement. I did it 2 weeks ago using the Starsong Shroud to enhance another of my legendaries.
06-05-2013, 09:27 AM
Can anyone explain what makes a set of armor crappy vs good? Just based on numbers, I'm not sure why people think the current boss armor is crappy.
If we look at just the attack and defense total, the plus version of the current epic boss armor is 2200. Currently, there are only 6 sets that exceed this total. 5 of them (Aegis, Sky G, WW, BF, Storm S) are DPC only and presumably very rare. The 6th is Jian, which was a super boss. 7th on the list is the current boss (Mantle armor) and it seems decent to me. Not to mention, it seems like a reasonable alternative to WW+.
Am I missing something and is there something else I should be considering before building armor?
When you look at a piece of boss armor, there are other things to be taken into consideration either than stats. You would also have to look at the element combination and the way the stats are allocated. In this case, this week's boss armor is earth/spirit and it's a more offensive armor. As a result, it would easily by destroyed by fire/spirit armors, namely, the extremely offensive dark prince and admiral regalia armors.
As a more experienced player, I wouldn't deny that this armor is good, especially as a replacement for the WW+, but it's not a priority yet as my other armors have yet to be maxed, it'll just be something I'll be maxing when I have no armors left on my high priority maxing list.
I dont know, to tell u the truth i'm at swamps 55/70 and its expensive! :P
got 4 smiths and the rest are all training fields, all expansions slots open and well only 1 field is actually lvl3, the rest are lvl 2..
If you don't have the scraggly furs for a regular as well as the + version, don't bother with it at all.
I know that, but I can't hit 43. I think I can hit 40, so will that mean I'm exactly 6 resources short? If so, I can hit the summoning stone 3 times for 33 gems to get the remaining resources. That's all I need to know.
You're probably better off buying energy eitherway. I don't have much of a problem reaching 43 at lvl 65-70 with the Big 4 and good friends.
06-05-2013, 11:14 AM
If you don't have the scraggly furs for a regular as well as the + version, don't bother with it at all.
You're probably better off buying energy eitherway. I don't have much of a problem reaching 43 at lvl 65-70 with the Big 4 and good friends.
I have the Big 4 maxed out and I'm level 70. I have some good friends (limited on Android, since the user base is extremely small right now) and I was able to complete level 40, but had to use gems once due to some bad luck and missing. I only have 7 hours left, 2 friends to use and 3 levels to go. Buying energy won't be enough for me to complete the task at hand, so summoning is my best option at the moment. Anyhow, all this might be moot, since I haven't been able to get my gems yet. The system crashed twice on me during purchase, so unless I get my gems soon, the quest will be over... :(
For the next epic quest, I will write down all the resources retrieved at each level, so I know how many I have and how many more I need. It's puzzling why Gree doesn't give us an option to view our resource levels in game. I think I need 6 more, but I can't be positive, unless someone can confirm it for me. Since I didn't keep track, I'm not sure if level 22 and 23 gave me 1 resource and levels 42 and 43 give 3... leaving me short 8? Anyhow, I think it's reasonable to assume I'm short 6 at the moment... just wish I knew for sure.
I have the Big 4 maxed out and I'm level 70. I have some good friends (limited on Android, since the user base is extremely small right now) and I was able to complete level 40, but had to use gems once due to some bad luck and missing. I only have 7 hours left, 2 friends to use and 3 levels to go. Buying energy won't be enough for me to complete the task at hand, so summoning is my best option at the moment. Anyhow, all this might be moot, since I haven't been able to get my gems yet. The system crashed twice on me during purchase, so unless I get my gems soon, the quest will be over... :(
For the next epic quest, I will write down all the resources retrieved at each level, so I know how many I have and how many more I need. It's puzzling why Gree doesn't give us an option to view our resource levels in game. I think I need 6 more, but I can't be positive, unless someone can confirm it for me. Since I didn't keep track, I'm not sure if level 22 and 23 gave me 1 resource and levels 42 and 43 give 3... leaving me short 8? Anyhow, I think it's reasonable to assume I'm short 6 at the moment... just wish I knew for sure.
Before the fight for 43 I was crafting the reg version so I could check. I needed 1 more for another set, so if you kill level 41 now you can be positive that you'll only need 2 kills at the summoning stone for the + version. Does that answer your question then?
06-05-2013, 11:50 AM
Before the fight for 43 I was crafting the reg version so I could check. I needed 1 more for another set, so if you kill level 41 now you can be positive that you'll only need 2 kills at the summoning stone for the + version. Does that answer your question then?
Yes, that helps. Thanks! So after level 42, you have 99 resources. I wonder where that extra resource comes from. I'm going to keep track of each level next round and I'll report my results for future reference.
Also, The Wise One looked into my issue and helped me with my original purchase of gems, so I just summoned the Sasquatch to get the remaining furs. I did it 4 times (just in case) instead of 3 which is what I needed.
Have to send out a thanks to The Wise One and this forum for all the help. For a while there, I was using the in game help and was feeling frustrated at the lack of response. Thanks!
06-05-2013, 12:25 PM
Usually I don't harp at such things but dude if you bothered reading this page atleast you'd realize that your question has already been answered.
That's how it goes when you have one thread to cover all the questions lol. What I mean about that, is that there will hundreds of pages, and most ppl dont have the time and energy to search through them all. Well, I could have searched though ;) But I'm not complaining. If that is how you guys like it, then so be it. Thanks for the answer btw.
I do have another question now. This is more technically, but I hope you guys can help me. Is there any way to create a new account to play with? And if so, is it possible to create a new one, and keep your main account? Or will it require a new iPhone/android device? It has been asked before, but I only find answers saying "probably not" and "why would you want to restart". So if some1 could confirm it, I would be very pleased. Thanks in advance!
06-05-2013, 12:59 PM
That's how it goes when you have one thread to cover all the questions lol. What I mean about that, is that there will hundreds of pages, and most ppl dont have the time and energy to search through them all. Well, I could have searched though ;) But I'm not complaining. If that is how you guys like it, then so be it. Thanks for the answer btw.
I do have another question now. This is more technically, but I hope you guys can help me. Is there any way to create a new account to play with? And if so, is it possible to create a new one, and keep your main account? Or will it require a new iPhone/android device? It has been asked before, but I only find answers saying "probably not" and "why would you want to restart". So if some1 could confirm it, I would be very pleased. Thanks in advance!
i guess the answer is no
the only one way to having another acc is by having another dvice too
but its just my opinion, maybe theres someone who knows exactly how to make another acc in one device.
06-05-2013, 01:06 PM
im currently in lv 63, but i dont have a big four max
should i make it? so far ive collect about a few armors, which is the best to enhance first?
1. AA+ 32/50
2. ExVes 11/50
3. Jian 6/70
4. Mantle o Beast 3/70
5. Spectral Cp Unif 10/70
6. CA+ 23/50
7. Roc 10/70
8. Sky 17/70
9. Vinewood 10/50
Now, iv built about 7 TF and 1 dungeon, should i upgrade it into lv 2?
Or should i collect about 500k to expand the castle?
thanks for advice :D
06-05-2013, 01:30 PM
When you look at a piece of boss armor, there are other things to be taken into consideration either than stats. You would also have to look at the element combination and the way the stats are allocated. In this case, this week's boss armor is earth/spirit and it's a more offensive armor. As a result, it would easily by destroyed by fire/spirit armors, namely, the extremely offensive dark prince and admiral regalia armors.
As a more experienced player, I wouldn't deny that this armor is good, especially as a replacement for the WW+, but it's not a priority yet as my other armors have yet to be maxed, it'll just be something I'll be maxing when I have no armors left on my high priority maxing list.
Thanks for the reply! I agree that this armor is not on the top of my build list (albeit, my current build list is short), but it seems like a decent set to me. That's why I wanted to collect the resources (while it's still reasonable to get) without having to start the build process. I just didn't get why people considered this armor to be crappy. I guess it's not quite balanced in terms of offense/defense and there are some popular counters to the armor out there, but if you're looking for a Spirit/Earth armor and can't get WW+, then this seems like a great choice.
06-05-2013, 02:41 PM
I have the Big 4 maxed out and I'm level 70. I have some good friends (limited on Android, since the user base is extremely small right now)
who does it show as your player in first in damage dealt? Mine shows Raidboss with 1.5 million damage in #1. I'm on android, only level 61/62 and only got 29 wins, yet managed to be 9th place in damage dealt at present
I will have extra scraggly furs as I'll likely get a crafted armor that I can raise to the 35 to unlock the + for the initial 50 furs I have. With the amount of health for each boss, I would figure you'd place high enough to get in top 25 and likely higher than me
I don't mind taking losses once I figure I won't hit next win threshold and go for damage on the present easier level bosses to try for a shot at the armor
06-05-2013, 03:22 PM
That's how it goes when you have one thread to cover all the questions lol. What I mean about that, is that there will hundreds of pages, and most ppl dont have the time and energy to search through them all. Well, I could have searched though ;) But I'm not complaining. If that is how you guys like it, then so be it. Thanks for the answer btw.
Your excuse would have been valid if you have to flip through the pages to get your answer to your question. But no you don't have to go back 10 pages hell you don't even have to go back to the previous page of your post to get your answer. Your question was previously answered on the SAME page you posted. So if you bothered reading that page, you wouldn't have to even ask.
So no, using your excuse of going through 100 of pages to get an answer to your question is not valid.
Edit: Your post was the 1269th post on page 127.
Sykelone posted the same question you had that was post 1264. Post 1265 Sir. answered the question and post 1268 by 600RR added/clarified the answer previously given. And then you posted.
Did you have to go through a 100 page for that?
And I'm not complaining, I'm just saying make an effort.
im currently in lv 63, but i dont have a big four max
should i make it? so far ive collect about a few armors, which is the best to enhance first?
1. AA+ 32/50
2. ExVes 11/50
3. Jian 6/70
4. Mantle o Beast 3/70
5. Spectral Cp Unif 10/70
6. CA+ 23/50
7. Roc 10/70
8. Sky 17/70
9. Vinewood 10/50
Now, iv built about 7 TF and 1 dungeon, should i upgrade it into lv 2?
Or should i collect about 500k to expand the castle?
thanks for advice :D
Completely ignore ex/jian/mantle/spec/roc/vine, unless you have enough mats for jian+/mantle+. Since SG takes a fair while to max (especially if you don't have the cash for fusing) so I'd say go for AA+ and Crius+, while getting sups for HH+ and LF+. These armors are fast to max and can still be useful for Epic Bosses in the future.
As for the expansion: .. actually I cbb to calc it atm, sorry. :x Maybe tomorrow. ;)
06-05-2013, 03:45 PM
Do I level it until the + version is unlocked and then combine all over again to get the + version?
06-05-2013, 03:47 PM
Do I level it until the + version is unlocked and then combine all over again to get the + version?
You can't get +version trough fusing. You have to be lucky and get them from dark prince chest.
06-05-2013, 05:23 PM
You can't get +version trough fusing. You have to be lucky and get them from dark prince chest.
So do I still need to unlock a + version? Or will a + version come out of a chest even if i've never had the normal version?
You can get + from chest without doing anything. Just gotta open those chests.
So do I still need to unlock a + version? Or will a + version come out of a chest even if i've never had the normal version?
So do I still need to unlock a + version? Or will a + version come out of a chest even if i've never had the normal version?
The + version might come out of the chest even if you've never had the normal version, it is still more likely that you'll get the regular version. You do not need to unlock the + version before you can get it from the DPC, however.
06-05-2013, 07:32 PM
who does it show as your player in first in damage dealt? Mine shows Raidboss with 1.5 million damage in #1. I'm on android, only level 61/62 and only got 29 wins, yet managed to be 9th place in damage dealt at present
I will have extra scraggly furs as I'll likely get a crafted armor that I can raise to the 35 to unlock the + for the initial 50 furs I have. With the amount of health for each boss, I would figure you'd place high enough to get in top 25 and likely higher than me
I don't mind taking losses once I figure I won't hit next win threshold and go for damage on the present easier level bosses to try for a shot at the armor
At first I didn't understand what you were talking about, but finally figured out that there are specific damage leader rewards (I knew there were rewards, but I thought it was just some gold and exp). I stumbled on the damage rewards button (kept overlooking it) and realized that the top 25 get an already crafted armor (Mantle in this case). For the top 25, you only need to get to level 15 so that you can use the resources to upgrade to the plus version. Lol, I had no idea!
Anyhow, I was in the top 10 for damage, so I received a level 10 Mantle! Woohoo!
06-05-2013, 08:14 PM
At first I didn't understand what you were talking about, but finally figured out that there are specific damage leader rewards (I knew there were rewards, but I thought it was just some gold and exp). I stumbled on the damage rewards button (kept overlooking it) and realized that the top 25 get an already crafted armor (Mantle in this case). For the top 25, you only need to get to level 15 so that you can use the resources to upgrade to the plus version. Lol, I had no idea!
Anyhow, I was in the top 10 for damage, so I received a level 10 Mantle! Woohoo!
congratulation man!
Completely ignore ex/jian/mantle/spec/roc/vine, unless you have enough mats for jian+/mantle+. Since SG takes a fair while to max (especially if you don't have the cash for fusing) so I'd say go for AA+ and Crius+, while getting sups for HH+ and LF+. These armors are fast to max and can still be useful for Epic Bosses in the future.
As for the expansion: .. actually I cbb to calc it atm, sorry. :x Maybe tomorrow. ;)
oke sir. thanks for the advices, maybe im trying to max my AA first.
have a nice day sir. :D
congratulation man!
oke sir. thanks for the advices, maybe im trying to max my AA first.
have a nice day sir. :D
I'd go for Crius cuz of this week's Epic Boss personally.
You too sir.
06-06-2013, 07:57 AM
Can I use Cruis armor as feeder to my Cruis+ ?
I can't seems to select it as feeder... anyone has any idea? :confused::confused:
06-06-2013, 10:02 AM
Is there a questing guide available somewhere? I've noticed ive duplicated a lot of things in different quest chains and have wasted time and gold. Things like buildings that were made for an early quest, ive demolished and put in training grounds, only to find out that i should have kept them for awhile longer in a later quest in the same or different quest chain. Same goes with crafted armor.
Is there such a wiki available for K&D quests?
06-06-2013, 11:26 AM
Hey guys, just got Sky Guardian through fusion but i'm wondering if it's worth maxing out?
I believe it is, because i don't buy gems so i won't be getting the + version
06-06-2013, 12:01 PM
Hey guys, just got Sky Guardian through fusion but i'm wondering if it's worth maxing out?
I believe it is, because i don't buy gems so i won't be getting the + version
Sky G is better than Roc+, so yes it's worth it.
Can I use Cruis armor as feeder to my Cruis+ ?
I can't seems to select it as feeder... anyone has any idea? :confused::confused:
Since no one bothers to scroll up or check 1-2 pages back, I copied an old response this once:
"If you can use your armor for fusing/enhancing, one of your knights must be wearing it. If it's not on one of them at either Arena, Epic Boss or Adventure, then one of your knights must be wearing it for summoning stone fights. They're working on fixing the accessibility of the summoning stone, so if this is the case either wait for the next update to happen or spend 4 gems to take it off."
Guess this can be used as a standard copy/paste respond every so many pages.
Is there a questing guide available somewhere? I've noticed ive duplicated a lot of things in different quest chains and have wasted time and gold. Things like buildings that were made for an early quest, ive demolished and put in training grounds, only to find out that i should have kept them for awhile longer in a later quest in the same or different quest chain. Same goes with crafted armor.
Is there such a wiki available for K&D quests?
I'm pretty sure there's not (yet).
06-06-2013, 03:22 PM
I was wondering what the Armor is called that you win if you win the Whole (Hammer Smash Bash)Arena. I have been trying to figure it out for a while since ive seen people with the armor and i would like to be able to figure out how to craft/fuse it so i can attempt to attain it.
06-06-2013, 05:12 PM
Hey guys,
New forum member here. I already made a post about enchanting, but I saw the new sticky explaining all that stuff in more detail.
I do still have a question regarding armor levels/rarity versus the stats they give. I recently got a legandary (My first item above 2 gold stars) item from a dark prince box, so I got very happy. However now that I'm upgrading it (which is going pretty slowly Dx) I've noticed that several of my 1 gold star items are better stat wise. Mainly my finery which I'm using now on my main character.
So my question is, is it true that stars don't always mean that the armor is better or worse? I'm kind of dissapointed that some of my 1 star armors will be/are stronger in the end than my first legendary. Or is there another add-on to legendary armor? Or did I just get a horrible one lol. I got the water one if anyones curious, the Chitious armor I believe. It looks cool tho
06-06-2013, 05:48 PM
Most of the older Legendaries, sadly, aren't very good. Starting from the week of the Admiral's Regalia, they ramped up the stats, but the crab armor is pre-Admiral and unimpressive (though it does look cool).
Before putting any effort into upgrades, look at the armor spreadsheet (linked from the FAQ) and compare it to your other options.
Hey guys,
New forum member here. I already made a post about enchanting, but I saw the new sticky explaining all that stuff in more detail.
I do still have a question regarding armor levels/rarity versus the stats they give. I recently got a legandary (My first item above 2 gold stars) item from a dark prince box, so I got very happy. However now that I'm upgrading it (which is going pretty slowly Dx) I've noticed that several of my 1 gold star items are better stat wise. Mainly my finery which I'm using now on my main character.
So my question is, is it true that stars don't always mean that the armor is better or worse? I'm kind of dissapointed that some of my 1 star armors will be/are stronger in the end than my first legendary. Or is there another add-on to legendary armor? Or did I just get a horrible one lol. I got the water one if anyones curious, the Chitious armor I believe. It looks cool tho
Most of the older Legendaries, sadly, aren't very good. Starting from the week of the Admiral's Regalia, they ramped up the stats, but the crab armor is pre-Admiral and unimpressive (though it does look cool).
Before putting any effort into upgrades, look at the armor spreadsheet (linked from the FAQ) and compare it to your other options.
^ This, only thing I have to add is that he's talking about Epic Boss armors in this case. So every boss armor before Regalia is legendary but still pretty weak. I'd advice focussing on the Big 4 (AA+, LF+, HH+ and Crius+) before you get your hands on any legendaries, as they're awfully slow to enhance and the Big 4 is a stable beginning which may serve you well for a long time.
06-06-2013, 06:50 PM
Since no one bothers to scroll up or check 1-2 pages back, I copied an old response this once:
"If you can use your armor for fusing/enhancing, one of your knights must be wearing it. If it's not on one of them at either Arena, Epic Boss or Adventure, then one of your knights must be wearing it for summoning stone fights. They're working on fixing the accessibility of the summoning stone, so if this is the case either wait for the next update to happen or spend 4 gems to take it off."
Guess this can be used as a standard copy/paste respond every so many pages.
Hi, thanks for ans~ Not that I didn't check, but how would I know the ans is there and not 20pages back..
Anyway I have already tried that b4, I have removed the armor from arena, epic boss and my knight screen.
None of them is wearing. It still doesn't appear as a feedable armor. Any place i missed out? =(
Hi, thanks for ans~ Not that I didn't check, but how would I know the ans is there and not 20pages back..
Anyway I have already tried that b4, I have removed the armor from arena, epic boss and my knight screen.
None of them is wearing. It still doesn't appear as a feedable armor. Any place i missed out? =(
Well if you would have checked 1-2 pages back you would have found it, there really is no need to check 20+ pages back. Your question is already answered in my previous response.
06-06-2013, 07:04 PM
Hey guys,
New forum member here. I already made a post about enchanting, but I saw the new sticky explaining all that stuff in more detail.
I do still have a question regarding armor levels/rarity versus the stats they give. I recently got a legandary (My first item above 2 gold stars) item from a dark prince box, so I got very happy. However now that I'm upgrading it (which is going pretty slowly Dx) I've noticed that several of my 1 gold star items are better stat wise. Mainly my finery which I'm using now on my main character.
So my question is, is it true that stars don't always mean that the armor is better or worse? I'm kind of dissapointed that some of my 1 star armors will be/are stronger in the end than my first legendary. Or is there another add-on to legendary armor? Or did I just get a horrible one lol. I got the water one if anyones curious, the Chitious armor I believe. It looks cool tho
Just curious, which legendary armor did u get? :)
06-06-2013, 08:28 PM
Well if you would have checked 1-2 pages back you would have found it, there really is no need to check 20+ pages back. Your question is already answered in my previous response.
And the wise one has a thread specifically for this issue.
06-06-2013, 09:08 PM
Felt like popping open a few DPCs today for fun and i did just that. Most of them aren't worth mentioning. Got a Nemesis and a Steampowered Exo+. Looked at the datasheet and saw its max stats are only 18xx for the + version? Seriously? is this accurate? Is it really fated to become fusing material?
06-06-2013, 09:15 PM
Felt like popping open a few DPCs today for fun and i did just that. Most of them aren't worth mentioning. Got a Nemesis and a Steampowered Exo+. Looked at the datasheet and saw its max stats are only 18xx for the + version? Seriously? is this accurate? Is it really fated to become fusing material?
Yeah it's accurate. Steam powered+ isn't as good as jian+ but it's around the same as a normal jian.
06-06-2013, 09:17 PM
Felt like popping open a few DPCs today for fun and i did just that. Most of them aren't worth mentioning. Got a Nemesis and a Steampowered Exo+. Looked at the datasheet and saw its max stats are only 18xx for the + version? Seriously? is this accurate? Is it really fated to become fusing material?
It was the best fire/water till flame hunter came out. Then we got Jian and then boiler plate. Regular flame hunter is better than exo+. So it doesn't look so great now.
06-06-2013, 09:21 PM
No net work connection. Error code: 3
Nothing wrong with my iPhone 5 net work as I still able to use Internet n other games that require net work.
Had tried to reinstall my game but doesn't seem to help. Awaiting reply from Gree but hope to solve this fast. Appreciate if I can get some help here.
06-06-2013, 09:22 PM
Sigh, what a load of shmuck. Dissapointing for a Legendary.
06-06-2013, 09:33 PM
Anyone got any Tips on how to effectively farm Infernal Iron Chunks to eventually get the Armor of Infernal Lord?
Such as what is the best difficulty to do it at-I know Epic has best results but is extremely hard to beat- to get the best results in the quickest and most in-expensive way.
Thanks in advance,
06-06-2013, 09:52 PM
Does anyone know what to fuse to get the tampered battle gear
06-06-2013, 09:59 PM
Does anyone know what to fuse to get the tampered battle gear
Anything with Earth and Fire, The higher grade the armor the better the chance i guess.
06-06-2013, 10:01 PM
Anything with Earth and Fire, The higher grade the armor the better the chance i guess.
If I get it ill post on what I got it with
06-06-2013, 10:11 PM
The system does not let me fuse my mantle of the beast
06-06-2013, 10:30 PM
The system does not let me fuse my mantle of the beast
If you flip a few pages back you can see that some other players are having similar issues and what you can do to attempt to rectify it. You can also take a look at the following thread.
06-06-2013, 10:36 PM
Anyone got any Tips on how to effectively farm Infernal Iron Chunks to eventually get the Armor of Infernal Lord?
Such as what is the best difficulty to do it at-I know Epic has best results but is extremely hard to beat- to get the best results in the quickest and most in-expensive way.
Thanks in advance,
According to my notes, I was farming normal at level 85 with Living Flame, AA, main knight Hydra, and 2-hitting the boss. Same thing at level 80, but it took 3 hits on the boss and I sometimes died before killing it.
Does anyone know what to fuse to get the tampered battle gear
If you wanna fuse with craftables I'd suggest LF + Crius for the possibility of SG as well.
06-07-2013, 06:54 AM
If i fuse Hydra with Chimera Corps i can get the new legendery Tampered armor ?
(I need that the Hydra and Chimera Corps armors will be a + version ?)
If i fuse Hydra with Chimera Corps i can get the new legendery Tampered armor ?
(I need that the Hydra and Chimera Corps armors will be a + version ?)
Read around a little... There's a specific thread for this armor which has the answer to your question and there's a beginner FAQ's sticky that explains that it's impossible to get a + version from fusing.
06-07-2013, 07:52 AM
This is not my question .. i asked this:
If I fuse Hydra with Chimera Corps I can get the new legendery Tampered armor ?
06-07-2013, 08:17 AM
This is not my question .. i asked this:
If I fuse Hydra with Chimera Corps I can get the new legendery Tampered armor ?
Yes, you may have a chance to get it.
Though like Sir said, you should probably refer to the beginner's guide and FAQ for questions like these.
06-07-2013, 08:35 AM
hey guys, I've never really fuzed before (except for completing quests) and have a few questions if u dont mind :)
I understand that there are 2 main reasons for fuzing armors:
1. Enhance Materials for feeding armors.
2. In rare occasions u may get a good armor.
My question is, is there a win-win combination list? which would yield for sure a 50ep armor at least, and maybe have a chance to get something better ? =)
06-07-2013, 08:47 AM
hey guys, I've never really fuzed before (except for completing quests) and have a few questions if u dont mind :)
I understand that there are 2 main reasons for fuzing armors:
1. Enhance Materials for feeding armors.
2. In rare occasions u may get a good armor.
My question is, is there a win-win combination list? which would yield for sure a 50ep armor at least, and maybe have a chance to get something better ? =)
100% 50 ep combo is fire + earth, fire + air, spr + water and spr + air.
I like the combo of living flame + Atlantean it only has 1 possible result in you getting a 24ep armor. That's getting a hydra. But with the new legendary armor out with a fire/earth combo you might want to focus on that. I haven't come up with a good combination that will net you with the least possibility of getting 24ep armor and still a better chance at getting other legendary. You can always stick with monos though, will always net you a 50ep armor as I mentioned before.
This is not my question .. i asked this:
If I fuse Hydra with Chimera Corps I can get the new legendery Tampered armor ?
If you would have actually read the thread, you would have found your answer. HH has fire, CC has earth... Not reading before you ask is one, being a smartass about it when you're in the wrong is a whole different level of ignorance.
hey guys, I've never really fuzed before (except for completing quests) and have a few questions if u dont mind :)
I understand that there are 2 main reasons for fuzing armors:
1. Enhance Materials for feeding armors.
2. In rare occasions u may get a good armor.
My question is, is there a win-win combination list? which would yield for sure a 50ep armor at least, and maybe have a chance to get something better ? =)
Not quite. Enhancing for the 50 EP armor means you'll be using mono's, which of course does have a chance of a legendary, but is incredibly small. In case you wanna pick your mono's strategically for this though:
Earth + Fire = Volcanic Mantle (Infernal Lord/Tempered)
Fire + Air = Flamestorm Finery (nothing really)
Air + Spirit = Wind's Monarch (Sky Guardian/Roc Feather)
Spirit + Water = Glacier (Blackfrost/Spectral Captain)
06-07-2013, 09:02 AM
I Understand, so there's no 100% chance of getting a win-win combination per say, 2 dual elements armors combined resulting in at least 50ep or better..
in that case, would combining a Dual Element with a Mono have a higher chance of getting a legendary while at the least resulting in 50ep armors?
Living Flame + Wind Mono comes to mind for example, resulting in Fire + Air (flamestorm) / Spirit + Air (wind monarch) the question is if there's a good Legendary armor that can be obtained through those elements, do you guys use dual+mono combos or just mono+mono combo?
I hope what im trying to say is understable :P
06-07-2013, 09:15 AM
I Understand, so there's no 100% chance of getting a win-win combination per say, 2 dual elements armors combined resulting in at least 50ep or better..
in that case, would combining a Dual Element with a Mono have a higher chance of getting a legendary while at the least resulting in 50ep armors?
Living Flame + Wind Mono comes to mind for example, resulting in Fire + Air (flamestorm) / Spirit + Air (wind monarch) the question is if there's a good Legendary armor that can be obtained through those elements, do you guys use dual+mono combos or just mono+mono combo?
I hope what im trying to say is understable :P
Unless they release the % on how to get a legendary for each rank of armor all fuses would be based on luck.
I have fused a 100+ mono armor to get 50ep for enhancement. This past week I did 70+ of water/spr mono and only got wave charmer and a couple of those icicle armor forgot what it's called lol. And I've seen people get blackfrost/flame hunter from fusing basics.
So all you can hope for is to get lucky.
Edit: but I've seen people posting good results when they combined legend to legend, but that is not to say you will get another legendary everytime. It just increase the chances.
I Understand, so there's no 100% chance of getting a win-win combination per say, 2 dual elements armors combined resulting in at least 50ep or better..
in that case, would combining a Dual Element with a Mono have a higher chance of getting a legendary while at the least resulting in 50ep armors?
Living Flame + Wind Mono comes to mind for example, resulting in Fire + Air (flamestorm) / Spirit + Air (wind monarch) the question is if there's a good Legendary armor that can be obtained through those elements, do you guys use dual+mono combos or just mono+mono combo?
I hope what im trying to say is understable :P
Perfectly understandable. :)
Most people just use mono+mono because they're faster to craft. Mono + rare or higher does give better odds, but still very low. Your options for this are:
Crius + Dragonflame = Volcanic Mantle/Flamestorm Finery (Infernal Lord/Tempered)
Living Flame + Wing Warrior = Flamestorm Finery/Wind's Monarch (Sky Guardian/Roc Feather)
Atlantean Avenger + Mystic = Wind's Monarch/Glacier (Sky Guardian/Roc Feather & Blackfrost/Spectral Captain)
06-07-2013, 09:26 AM
Well it depends really. It reduces the possible combination of element thus increasing the odds. But it also eliminates possible result of another legendary. In my opinion the more chance of a legendary armor the better of getting it.
Well it depends really. It reduces the possible combination of element thus increasing the odds. But it also eliminates possible result of another legendary. In my opinion the more chance of a legendary armor the better of getting it.
You're fusing a rare with an uncommon, rather than a rare with a rare, thus odds drop.
06-07-2013, 09:46 AM
Question: I thought that for any armor that maxes out at lvl 70, that when you enhance it to 25, you can then craft the + version of that armor. I just got my mantle of the beast to 25, and have the 50 elements to craft another set of that armor, but it is not offering me the + version. Anyone know what gives? I was SO happy to have finally collected enough to make a second, a + boss armor. :(
06-07-2013, 09:50 AM
His way of fusing might work better if he's using two legendary. But I can't think of a current combination that might result with more than 1 legendary. Especially if you are trying to land the new armor. Closest I can come up with is jian + mountainvine.
06-07-2013, 09:52 AM
Question: I thought that for any armor that maxes out at lvl 70, that when you enhance it to 25, you can then craft the + version of that armor. I just got my mantle of the beast to 25, and have the 50 elements to craft another set of that armor, but it is not offering me the + version. Anyone know what gives? I was SO happy to have finally collected enough to make a second, a + boss armor. :(
3* armor needs to be up to 20 to release the + version.
4* armor needs to be up to 35 to release the + version.
06-07-2013, 09:55 AM
Question: I thought that for any armor that maxes out at lvl 70, that when you enhance it to 25, you can then craft the + version of that armor. I just got my mantle of the beast to 25, and have the 50 elements to craft another set of that armor, but it is not offering me the + version. Anyone know what gives? I was SO happy to have finally collected enough to make a second, a + boss armor. :(
Epic Boss + version unlocks at 35 :)
His way of fusing might work better if he's using two legendary. But I can't think of a current combination that might result with more than 1 legendary. Especially if you are trying to land the new armor. Closest I can come up with is jian + mountainvine.
wait i got lost now T_T
Mono + Mono in your opinion is better because u have less options, thus more chance to land on a legendary, on the other hand Dual + Mono has better % of creating a legendary but more variations ? arghh this is confusing could u simplify it a bit for me?
06-07-2013, 10:17 AM
Thanks, Ominousz! You are always so helpful. :)
ETA: Does the armor still turn to the cool version at 35 in this case or what level does that come?
06-07-2013, 10:21 AM
Hey guys quick question. Why is it that some of my armors dont appear when Im trying to do a fusion, or to use as "ingredients" to enhance another armor? Im not stuck in any world or anything, since Ive noticed that once youre in there, there are a few things you cant change until you finish.
06-07-2013, 10:29 AM
Thanks, Ominousz! You are always so helpful. :)
ETA: Does the armor still turn to the cool version at 35 in this case or what level does that come?
It's a pleasure, I remember u helping me aswell =)
About the Graphics im not sure, havent had the chance to lvl one up yet, hopefully some1 will answer?
Hey guys quick question. Why is it that some of my armors dont appear when Im trying to do a fusion, or to use as "ingredients" to enhance another armor? Im not stuck in any world or anything, since Ive noticed that once youre in there, there are a few things you cant change until you finish.
When you're wearing an armor with a character, that armor cannot be used as enhancing material, so u gotta check in Adventure/Arena/Epic Boss/Summoning Stone that the armor is not in use, if you're lucky its in either one of the three.. if u're less lucky like me per say, it should be on use in Summoning Stone which would require Gems in order to free it.. Its a known bug and its been reported.. we're all waiting for a fix! :P
06-07-2013, 10:38 AM
For example you fused a mono fire + mono earth the ending result would always be a fire/earth combination(or the freak of nature a mono fire legendary like ruby plate lol but I hope you get the point) so there is only 1 potential elemental combination.
With a dual + mono you will have 3 elemental combinations. Using sir's example of Atlantean + mystic you can see the results from his post.
But if you fused dual elements the variation increases to 4 potential elemental combinations.
Using my previous example of using living flame and Atlantean you have the potential of getting fire/water legendary flame hunter, fire/air legendary barbarian and water/spr legendary blackfrost, wind/spr sky guardian. So you have 4 you have an extra chance to land a legendary armor.
What I'm trying to say is if you widen the potential elemental combination it increase the number of legendary you can get but in doing so it also increase the number of 1* or 2* armor so it should reduce the chance of getting them as there are more armor to choose from. So if you are just targeting to land a legendary armor and nothing specific then doing the dual method should be better. But if you are trying to get a specific armor using both mono should be the choice for you(this is easier said than done) as using an uncommon mono has a very low chance of getting a legendary armor.
So again it all boils down to luck and which set you think will land you a legendary. I for one would rather cast my net far and wide and catch all sort of fish than to focus on one location to get a specific kind of fish. Hope this made sense.
06-07-2013, 10:51 AM
Hey guys quick question. Why is it that some of my armors dont appear when Im trying to do a fusion, or to use as "ingredients" to enhance another armor? Im not stuck in any world or anything, since Ive noticed that once youre in there, there are a few things you cant change until you finish.
If armor is being worn by any of your knights, it cannot be an ingredient.
Also, if you take armor from one of your knights to put on another, the original knight will be dressed by the game in something random... so a knight may be wearing the one you want as an ingredient even if you didn't dress him/her in it.
06-07-2013, 10:58 AM
For example you fused a mono fire + mono earth the ending result would always be a fire/earth combination(or the freak of nature a mono fire legendary like ruby plate lol but I hope you get the point) so there is only 1 potential elemental combination.
With a dual + mono you will have 3 elemental combinations. Using sir's example of Atlantean + mystic you can see the results from his post.
But if you fused dual elements the variation increases to 4 potential elemental combinations.
Using my previous example of using living flame and Atlantean you have the potential of getting fire/water legendary flame hunter, fire/air legendary barbarian and water/spr legendary blackfrost, wind/spr sky guardian. So you have 4 you have an extra chance to land a legendary armor.
What I'm trying to say is if you widen the potential elemental combination it increase the number of legendary you can get but in doing so it also increase the number of 1* or 2* armor so it should reduce the chance of getting them as there are more armor to choose from. So if you are just targeting to land a legendary armor and nothing specific then doing the dual method should be better. But if you are trying to get a specific armor using both mono should be the choice for you(this is easier said than done) as using an uncommon mono has a very low chance of getting a legendary armor.
So again it all boils down to luck and which set you think will land you a legendary. I for one would rather cast my net far and wide and catch all sort of fish than to focus on one location to get a specific kind of fish. Hope this made sense.
Wow awesome, you clarified it all :) Thanksss!!
So to the point of where I am standing right now (currently own no legendary at all :P) i guess it'll make sense to go for the LF + AA Combo.. and it has the chance of Hydra Hunter at worst case, or 3 variations of 50ep armors which is not so baad.. and hopefully a legendary ftw!@# xD
Okey i shall give it a try and post results wish me luck :) gonna craft some AA since still have lots of LFs from last boss ^_^
Hey guys quick question. Why is it that some of my armors dont appear when Im trying to do a fusion, or to use as "ingredients" to enhance another armor? Im not stuck in any world or anything, since Ive noticed that once youre in there, there are a few things you cant change until you finish.
Feel free to read around and find your answer.
06-07-2013, 11:22 AM
wait a sec.. actually these legendaries arent so good am i wrong? I've managed to get enough mats for mantle of beast +.. its much better to enhance that one right?
Wow awesome, you clarified it all :) Thanksss!!
So to the point of where I am standing right now (currently own no legendary at all :P) i guess it'll make sense to go for the LF + AA Combo.. and it has the chance of Hydra Hunter at worst case, or 3 variations of 50ep armors which is not so baad.. and hopefully a legendary ftw!@# xD
Okey i shall give it a try and post results wish me luck :) gonna craft some AA since still have lots of LFs from last boss ^_^
I guess if you're after legendaries as well as enhancement this would be a nice pick. I'll give Raist a little slap later for making a very simple thing seem so complicated.
06-07-2013, 11:27 AM
wait a sec.. actually these legendaries arent so good am i wrong? I've managed to get enough mats for mantle of beast +.. its much better to enhance that one right?
If you have jian+ and starsong+ then yeah no point on getting flamehunter or blackfrost and barbarian sucks lol but there's still no replacement for sky guardian. You'd be better off leveling your Sasquatch.
wait a sec.. actually these legendaries arent so good am i wrong? I've managed to get enough mats for mantle of beast +.. its much better to enhance that one right?
Probably. Sky Guardian currently is useful regular version, as well as blackfrost and maybe tempered (which isn't an option from AA + LF). But it takes a while to enhance so you might wanna consider how much they're actually worth it.
06-07-2013, 11:35 AM
hmm then i should focus on lvling the sasquatch while trying to match the mono combos to blackfrost/sg/flamehunter/temepered if possible, gotta check if they are obtainable through the mono 50 ep combos :)
thanks a bunch guys! I feel like i've saved hours of trial and error here, and got my mind focus on what I need to do! priceless! =)
06-07-2013, 02:30 PM
I'm not sure if this is a glitch or something, but even though I have changed the armor of a few of my knights, the changes are not seen in both the arena and epic boss battles. Meaning these knights still wear their old armor, not the new one. They update fine for the campaign levels. I also can't seem to fuse away their old armor. Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it?
06-07-2013, 03:42 PM
hey guys, quick question.
I/m lvl 74 and already have the big 4 maxed out and atm I'm working on getting shamp shaman robes to lvl70.
Should I after this first go for maxing out mantle of the beast+ or go for Flame summoner's shroud+ maxed?
Or do you guys propose some other armor to go for? I have the map unlocked up to Zephyr Plateau
Thanks in advance
06-07-2013, 04:12 PM
I have unlocked Living Flame+ armor, and still have my level 15 set of non-plus armor.
I cannot seem to use the original armor for anything: no fusing, no upgrading. I can wear it, and I can upgrade it.
Is the intentional? How can I get rid of this useless armor set polluting my inventory?
hey guys, quick question.
I/m lvl 74 and already have the big 4 maxed out and atm I'm working on getting shamp shaman robes to lvl70.
Should I after this first go for maxing out mantle of the beast+ or go for Flame summoner's shroud+ maxed?
Or do you guys propose some other armor to go for? I have the map unlocked up to Zephyr Plateau
Thanks in advance
Assuming you Swamp is the + version I'd indeed advice to finish that first. Whether to get Flame or Sas first doesn't really matter, it mainly depends on your arena strategy. Other than that they're quite equal in priority.
I have unlocked Living Flame+ armor, and still have my level 15 set of non-plus armor.
I cannot seem to use the original armor for anything: no fusing, no upgrading. I can wear it, and I can upgrade it.
Is the intentional? How can I get rid of this useless armor set polluting my inventory?
If you read about 1-2 pages back you can find the answer.
06-07-2013, 04:15 PM
Should I after this first go for maxing out mantle of the beast+ or go for Flame summoner's shroud+ maxed?
what is a "Flame summoner's shroud"?
06-07-2013, 04:20 PM
If you read about 1-2 pages back you can find the answer.
Ah! My dang old Spirit knight was holding onto it, in the Epic Boss gear. I never looked there.
Thanks for your help.
06-07-2013, 04:26 PM
what is a "Flame summoner's shroud"?
The new boss armor
06-07-2013, 05:17 PM
If armor is being worn by any of your knights, it cannot be an ingredient.
Also, if you take armor from one of your knights to put on another, the original knight will be dressed by the game in something random... so a knight may be wearing the one you want as an ingredient even if you didn't dress him/her in it.
The armors that I cant use as ingredients and dont show up to fuse are not currently equipped to any of my knights. Dont know about the summoning stone though, dont wanna waste gems to find out either.
06-07-2013, 05:44 PM
Hi guys, does any one know how to solve this issue?
Nothing wrong with my iPhone 5 net work as I still able to use Internet n other games that require net work.
Had tried to reinstall my game but doesn't seem to help. Awaiting reply from Gree but hope to solve this fast. Appreciate if I can get some help here.
06-07-2013, 07:30 PM
Hey guys,
I am currently lv40 with the following:
2 cathedrals, 2 taverns, 1 guard tower lv2, 3 training fields lv1, 2 level 2 armories
AA+ lv15
AA lv15
Crius lv15
Crius+ lv26
HH lv15
HH+ lv1
Living Flame lv15
Monk's Vestments lv25
ChimeraCorps lv10
Dragonflame+ lv11
and a bunch of trash armors, currently at blazing tides Valor stage, Flameeater lv14.
My questions are, i want to get more money so i can enhance the big 4 faster, but I don't know a fast way to get gems. Are offers the only way, or are there any good quests?
2. what should I enhance first, living flame+ or hh+?
3. if i unlock the lv15 boss armor, and i don't craft it since theres no way i can get enough for the + version, what's the point? what does saving the materials and not crafting do?
06-07-2013, 07:41 PM
Hey guys,
I am currently lv40 with the following:
2 cathedrals, 2 taverns, 1 guard tower lv2, 3 training fields lv1, 2 level 2 armories
AA+ lv15
AA lv15
Crius lv15
Crius+ lv26
HH lv15
HH+ lv1
Living Flame lv15
Monk's Vestments lv25
ChimeraCorps lv10
Dragonflame+ lv11
and a bunch of trash armors, currently at blazing tides Valor stage, Flameeater lv14.
My questions are, i want to get more money so i can enhance the big 4 faster, but I don't know a fast way to get gems. Are offers the only way, or are there any good quests?
2. what should I enhance first, living flame+ or hh+?
3. if i unlock the lv15 boss armor, and i don't craft it since theres no way i can get enough for the + version, what's the point? what does saving the materials and not crafting do?
Saves you 200k to work on your big 4, that's what it will do.
As for collecting gold, only way is to get more training fields as watching videos for gem won't get you gold.
06-07-2013, 07:45 PM
Hey guys,
I am currently lv40 with the following:
2 cathedrals, 2 taverns, 1 guard tower lv2, 3 training fields lv1, 2 level 2 armories
AA+ lv15
AA lv15
Crius lv15
Crius+ lv26
HH lv15
HH+ lv1
Living Flame lv15
Monk's Vestments lv25
ChimeraCorps lv10
Dragonflame+ lv11
and a bunch of trash armors, currently at blazing tides Valor stage, Flameeater lv14.
My questions are, i want to get more money so i can enhance the big 4 faster, but I don't know a fast way to get gems. Are offers the only way, or are there any good quests?
2. what should I enhance first, living flame+ or hh+?
3. if i unlock the lv15 boss armor, and i don't craft it since theres no way i can get enough for the + version, what's the point? what does saving the materials and not crafting do?
1. For more gold, sell the guard towers, taverns and cathedrals and build training fields instead to maximize your gold output. Chain quests normally award 1 gem on the last quest. Leveling up sometimes gives you a gem or 2 iirc. Basic and enchanted chests sometimes pop out gems too.
2. I would personally reccomend maxing AA+ first as you are gonna need AA for the stage after blazing tides.
3. It doesnt do anything, just shows you in the armory that you can craft it :/
Hey guys,
I am currently lv40 with the following:
2 cathedrals, 2 taverns, 1 guard tower lv2, 3 training fields lv1, 2 level 2 armories
AA+ lv15
AA lv15
Crius lv15
Crius+ lv26
HH lv15
HH+ lv1
Living Flame lv15
Monk's Vestments lv25
ChimeraCorps lv10
Dragonflame+ lv11
and a bunch of trash armors, currently at blazing tides Valor stage, Flameeater lv14.
My questions are, i want to get more money so i can enhance the big 4 faster, but I don't know a fast way to get gems. Are offers the only way, or are there any good quests?
2. what should I enhance first, living flame+ or hh+?
3. if i unlock the lv15 boss armor, and i don't craft it since theres no way i can get enough for the + version, what's the point? what does saving the materials and not crafting do?
Ditch all your non + versions, focus solely on the Big 4 for now. I'd got for AA+ first as it'll be most useful at the next 2 area's, but it doesn't matter too much I guess.
Build as many training fields as possible, as soon as possible and upgrade them too as soon as you can (all the way, it's the best investment for your gems).
There's no point in making the boss armor if you can't get the + version no. It takes a long time and a lot of money to enhance it to lvl 70 and isn't that great at all. My advice would be to just keep the materials and not even craft the armor if you don't have enough materials for 2 sets.
06-07-2013, 08:22 PM
Hey guys,
3. if i unlock the lv15 boss armor, and i don't craft it since theres no way i can get enough for the + version, what's the point? what does saving the materials and not crafting do?
Someone with more experience may be able to correct me, but you may end up getting the regular version through a DPC chest or fusion. You may also get it through the 5th daily rewards (not sure about this one), so having the materials will be beneficial. If you're awarded a regular version of the armor, you can upgrade it to level 35 and then craft your own plus version with the materials that you saved.
06-07-2013, 08:33 PM
Someone with more experience may be able to correct me, but you may end up getting the regular version through a DPC chest or fusion. You may also get it through the 5th daily rewards (not sure about this one), so having the materials will be beneficial. If you're awarded a regular version of the armor, you can upgrade it to level 35 and then craft your own plus version with the materials that you saved.
thanks, this was what i was looking for :) and thanks for the other answers, looks like i'll be maxing aa+...
06-07-2013, 08:36 PM
Someone with more experience may be able to correct me, but you may end up getting the regular version through a DPC chest or fusion. You may also get it through the 5th daily rewards (not sure about this one), so having the materials will be beneficial. If you're awarded a regular version of the armor, you can upgrade it to level 35 and then craft your own plus version with the materials that you saved.
You can get boss armor through daily rewards? Seriously?
You can get boss armor through daily rewards? Seriously?
That'd be a first to me. I've only gotten 24 EP armors so far.
06-07-2013, 08:52 PM
You can get boss armor through daily rewards? Seriously?
I'm not actually sure what you can get through the daily rewards... it was just a guess. The main point being that if you do get the armor, you'll have the resources to upgrade to the plus version.
06-07-2013, 09:03 PM
I'm not actually sure what you can get through the daily rewards... it was just a guess. The main point being that if you do get the armor, you'll have the resources to upgrade to the plus version.
Don't think you can get a four star boss armor from the daily rewards. So far I've never gotten anything better than a
One star armor.
06-07-2013, 09:11 PM
Don't think you can get a four star boss armor from the daily rewards. So far I've never gotten anything better than a
One star armor.
Guess i got a little more luck, Got a Vinewood this morning :P
06-08-2013, 01:57 AM
Does anyone know how I can get rid of some of my useless armour?
I noticed that once they got past level 5, i was no longer able to fuse or use them in enhancement and get rid of them. Seems to be applying to starred items such as wizards robe and chimera corps.
Want to get rid of them and make space in my armour invent :\
Thanks in advanced!
Does anyone know how I can get rid of some of my useless armour?
I noticed that once they got past level 5, i was no longer able to fuse or use them in enhancement and get rid of them. Seems to be applying to starred items such as wizards robe and chimera corps.
Want to get rid of them and make space in my armour invent :\
Thanks in advanced!
You can fuse/enhance with armors at any level. Your knigts are wearing it. Look on the past 1-3 pages for a more detailed answer.
Some people have other titles other than just "rune knight", how did they get those?
06-08-2013, 09:23 AM
It's under achievements in the menu. U can select it..
Ohhh, thank you for clearing that up. (:
06-08-2013, 02:10 PM
How does one get their hands on eldritch robes?
06-08-2013, 06:54 PM
How does one get their hands on eldritch robes?
It's an old weekly epic boss armor. Not really that old maybe a month back but if you weren't playing at that time yet then the only other way you can get it is through DPC.
06-08-2013, 08:38 PM
Advice, please, on how to level up quickly?
(Other than fighting the Dark Prince. If I fight him with no friends, I have to then do nothing for hours halfway through while my knights recover to finish it. And being unable to fight any other battles means I get no materials to craft anything other than stuff I don't need at the moment. If I fight him WITH friends, I have no friends available to fight the epic boss, which is, obviously, quite important.)
06-08-2013, 09:46 PM
Advice, please, on how to level up quickly?
Farm armor bits at areas that you can clear with a single knight. Keep rotating your knights and use up all your health points.
06-08-2013, 11:55 PM
Hey guys,
I'm currently maxing ou my AA+ and my question is : Until which level should I use basics to level AA+ ?
Also : What should I use then to upgrade AA+ ?
06-08-2013, 11:59 PM
Hey guys,
I'm currently maxing out my AA+ and my question is : Until which level should I use basics to level AA+ ?
Also : What should I use then to upgrade AA+ ?
06-09-2013, 01:27 AM
Hey guys,
I'm currently maxing out my AA+ and my question is : Until which level should I use basics to level AA+ ?
Also : What should I use then to upgrade AA+ ?
Use basics till it gets too expensive, then go on to use mono armors (seafoam, etc) and when that gets too expensive, use snakeskin.
06-09-2013, 01:28 AM
Hey guys,
I'm currently maxing out my AA+ and my question is : Until which level should I use basics to level AA+ ?
Also : What should I use then to upgrade AA+ ?
snakeskin armor.. lots of snake skin.
basic should bring u to level 15, then 1 sliver star should bring u to 27. there isn't any hard & fast rule. just depends on yourself :)
nice to see u death.. :)
06-09-2013, 05:40 AM
Hello Guys,
I have another question, this time regarding the friends/referral system.
I have had about 10-20 friend requests since I've started playing Knights & Dragons but for some reason I've only had my referral/reward bar up to 2. There were quite a bunch of higher level players in that list also so I'm confused to why it's not higher. Is this a bug? Or is the tutorial they are referring to just the whole quest completion/game lol.
06-09-2013, 05:51 AM
Hello Guys,
I have another question, this time regarding the friends/referral system.
I have had about 10-20 friend requests since I've started playing Knights & Dragons but for some reason I've only had my referral/reward bar up to 2. There were quite a bunch of higher level players in that list also so I'm confused to why it's not higher. Is this a bug? Or is the tutorial they are referring to just the whole quest completion/game lol.
You only get referrals when players who've just completed the tutorial are given the chance to enter a friend's code and enter yours
Hello Guys,
I have another question, this time regarding the friends/referral system.
I have had about 10-20 friend requests since I've started playing Knights & Dragons but for some reason I've only had my referral/reward bar up to 2. There were quite a bunch of higher level players in that list also so I'm confused to why it's not higher. Is this a bug? Or is the tutorial they are referring to just the whole quest completion/game lol.
2/20?? That's very lucky! I recently had my first, after hundreds of requests. But as deathaxe said, referrals are only given from players who have just finished tutorial.
06-09-2013, 10:44 AM
Hi together (finally able to register here after endless amounts of failed attempts because "the administrator has blocked your email").
First of all - thanks for all the help to new players, reading this thread and others helped a lot.
Second - three questions:
1. I've just finished the first big four armors+ and am now looking at the next armor(s) I should focus on. Rocfeather Robes+ and Swamp Shaman Robes+ seem to be the best next choice. I've just unlocked the swamp-area in the game (in case that is important for what to choose). Is that an OK choice or would you recommend something else?
2. However, I cannot yet farm the areas where the materials for them would drop. Is it possible to fuse the +-version of these armors, or can you only fuse the normal version? If it is possible, is there anything I can do to increase the chances?
3. I am trying each week to defeat the boss as far as possible, but weren't yet able to come far enough for the +version (naturally ^^). Is there any benefit in enhancing the normal versions of the boss-armors, or should I just use them to enhance other armors for a single boost?
Thanks in advance and sorry if these questions were already answered somewhere.
06-09-2013, 10:44 AM
Which is better? Hydra hunter +, living flame +, or molten shroud?
06-09-2013, 10:47 AM
Which is better? Hydra hunter +, living flame +, or molten shroud?
Hydra hunter+ and living flame+ are better. They're around the same and can't really be compared since they have different elements and therefore different strengths/weaknesses.
06-09-2013, 10:51 AM
Hi together (finally able to register here after endless amounts of failed attempts because "the administrator has blocked your email").
First of all - thanks for all the help to new players, reading this thread and others helped a lot.
Second - three questions:
1. I've just finished the first big four armors+ and am now looking at the next armor(s) I should focus on. Rocfeather Robes+ and Swamp Shaman Robes+ seem to be the best next choice. I've just unlocked the swamp-area in the game (in case that is important for what to choose). Is that an OK choice or would you recommend something else?
2. However, I cannot yet farm the areas where the materials for them would drop. Is it possible to fuse the +-version of these armors, or can you only fuse the normal version? If it is possible, is there anything I can do to increase the chances?
3. I am trying each week to defeat the boss as far as possible, but weren't yet able to come far enough for the +version (naturally ^^). Is there any benefit in enhancing the normal versions of the boss-armors, or should I just use them to enhance other armors for a single boost?
Thanks in advance and sorry if these questions were already answered somewhere.
1. Go for swamp shaman+ first. It's a solid armor which works pretty effectively as a tank.
2. You can fuse the normal version of armors, but not the + versions. I would advice you to not fuse anything as it requires a lot of gold and fusion stars, and results aren't 100%
3. Basically you shouldn't even be crafting the normal version of boss armors if you can't craft the +versions. If you happen to get a normal version of the armor in the dark prince's chest, then you would be able to get the +version.
You may want to check out the guides on the game for beginners, it'll answer a lot of your questions.
06-09-2013, 02:55 PM
1. Go for swamp shaman+ first. It's a solid armor which works pretty effectively as a tank.
2. You can fuse the normal version of armors, but not the + versions. I would advice you to not fuse anything as it requires a lot of gold and fusion stars, and results aren't 100%
3. Basically you shouldn't even be crafting the normal version of boss armors if you can't craft the +versions. If you happen to get a normal version of the armor in the dark prince's chest, then you would be able to get the +version.
You may want to check out the guides on the game for beginners, it'll answer a lot of your questions.
You can get Epic Boss Armors from DPCs? Lets say for example Twin Jian's one?
06-09-2013, 04:26 PM
I'm level 71, been doing all the quests as they come along, maxed Big 4 and farming wriggling roots -- these things have the worst drop rate I've ever seen.
Obviously they will drop better in epic but I can only clear it with (maybe) leader and 2 others, and not 3 of the others on their own for sure. I'm pretty sure even with leader, I got to 5th or 6th stage and waited for HP to restore. Do they actually drop in Normal or Mighty or is it a waste of time? I'm getting a lot of hydra scales :p
also, with big 4 capped and 600k/2mil for last expansion, which should I make next:
Mantle of the Beast+
Searing Shroud+
Flame Summoner's Shroud+ (save materials for it)
Spectral Captain's+
Swamp+ (be patient with Wriggling Roots)
06-09-2013, 06:24 PM
I'm level 71, been doing all the quests as they come along, maxed Big 4 and farming wriggling roots -- these things have the worst drop rate I've ever seen.
Obviously they will drop better in epic but I can only clear it with (maybe) leader and 2 others, and not 3 of the others on their own for sure. I'm pretty sure even with leader, I got to 5th or 6th stage and waited for HP to restore. Do they actually drop in Normal or Mighty or is it a waste of time? I'm getting a lot of hydra scales :p
also, with big 4 capped and 600k/2mil for last expansion, which should I make next:
Mantle of the Beast+
Searing Shroud+
Flame Summoner's Shroud+ (save materials for it)
Spectral Captain's+
Swamp+ (be patient with Wriggling Roots)
In my opinion its better to have a defensive 70's armor first, Swamps is a good choice, since the + unlocks at lvl 20 and has a good def stat, tankish armors are better for farming since u lose less hp per hit, and lets say you're farming snakeskins at epic stage, u still kill all monsters in 1 hit while taking less damage.. =)
Searing Shroud+ is the sirens armor? if so then u would have to make a choice, that armor is very good and has even better def stats than swamp+ so its a very good choice aswell, the problem is it unlocks at 35 and would take quite a bit of extra resource.. its crafting time is longer aswell..
I would personally advice to gather up mats for the swamps while saving up money for ur last expansion, meanwhile crafting 24/7 snakeskins.. sure it will make saving money less efficient but the EP u'll gain from it to your chosen armor will be worth it!
Edit: Also, dont start enhancing ur 70 armor before having ur last expansion! very important! u'd do best with 4 smiths and the rest training fields lvl2, those armors are very expensive to max and require ****loads of ep!
06-09-2013, 06:39 PM
thank you for the advice, sounds like a plan
06-09-2013, 09:47 PM
How do all of the low level people in the top page of the tournament leaderboards do it? I fought a lvl 20 person today with a 60+ win streak and I don't think I would believe they got that way by dumb luck. I'm lvl 94 and can barely go on a 3 streak without running into someone higher lvl and with much better armor than myself. Just wondering if I'm missing something.
06-09-2013, 11:56 PM
How do all of the low level people in the top page of the tournament leaderboards do it? I fought a lvl 20 person today with a 60+ win streak and I don't think I would believe they got that way by dumb luck. I'm lvl 94 and can barely go on a 3 streak without running into someone higher lvl and with much better armor than myself. Just wondering if I'm missing something.
1st possibility - they are rich so they buy gems
2nd possibility - they are damn lucky to beat everyone else..
Most likely - they hack the game :)
Oh, I ask the same question like 3 mths ago & its still happening...
06-10-2013, 02:28 AM
Is Dark Prince + obtainable through the DPC? Never heard anyone getting it through that..
06-10-2013, 02:53 AM
i have a quest called swamp swag 1 where u have to craft 1 swamp shaman robe.
after collecting 18 roots (which took what seemed like forever) i crafted the robes.
To my dismay, the quest continues to say 0/1 robes crafted
has this happened to anyone else? am i going to have to do it all over again? and if i do will it complete the quest this time?
06-10-2013, 03:03 AM
A question for high-end players with a good experience maxing *** and **** armors... How do you keep up the pace with the weekly boss, possibly maxing also nemesis every week? I've almost finished maxing my first level 70 armor (Infernal+, 68 atm), and I've spent truckloads of money and almost drained my whole fusion stones supply (started with around 75, I've got around 20 now). I still have a long queue of armors to be enhanced, Swamp Shaman+ (level 44 at the moment, the hard times are coming soon for this one) and Mantle of The Beast. This one in particular is still in its normal version to be enhanced to level 35, so that I can craft the + version which is waiting at the armorsmith :)
I will have soon the materials to craft this week epic boss armor, + version, and I still have to enhance so many armors... I know that not every week armor is worth crafting and maxing, so the top players are not forced to do it every week... And their Swamp+, Infernal+ and DarkPrince+ are already maxed out. But eventually fusion stones will run out, and without fusion stones gold or time seem to be not enough to keep up this pace ^^
Side question: Are Nemesis armors level 50 or 70?
Thanks in advance!
06-10-2013, 03:13 AM
A question for high-end players with a good experience maxing *** and **** armors... How do you keep up the pace with the weekly boss, possibly maxing also nemesis every week? I've almost finished maxing my first level 70 armor (Infernal+, 68 atm), and I've spent truckloads of money and almost drained my whole fusion stones supply (started with around 75, I've got around 20 now). I still have a long queue of armors to be enhanced, Swamp Shaman+ (level 44 at the moment, the hard times are coming soon for this one) and Mantle of The Beast. This one in particular is still in its normal version to be enhanced to level 35, so that I can craft the + version which is waiting at the armorsmith :)
I will have soon the materials to craft this week epic boss armor, + version, and I still have to enhance so many armors... I know that not every week armor is worth crafting and maxing, so the top players are not forced to do it every week... And their Swamp+, Infernal+ and DarkPrince+ are already maxed out. But eventually fusion stones will run out, and without fusion stones gold or time seem to be not enough to keep up this pace ^^
Side question: Are Nemesis armors level 50 or 70?
Thanks in advance!
Basically, we know what to max, and whether we need it. When I started I maxed my swamp shaman+ first, and then I went on to get the my first + boss armor (regalia). Afterwards I level whatever armor was top priority for me. Which would take around 4 or 5 days if I take my time. Another thing would be knowing when to use fusion stones for enchancing and when to use snakeskin. I usually get my supply of fusion stones from arena awards and killing medusas. Speeding up the leveling of your armors can also be done by opening DPCs and using the trash armor as enchancement armor. Do note that you should also only be focusing on one armor at a time.
Nemesis armors are level 30.
06-10-2013, 06:27 AM
Hello guys,
My soul element guy on my team is pretty weak I've noticed, and the armor I have for him doesn't seem to stack up to my AA+ guy and the Finery main that I have. So my question was, what is a good armor that has soul in it (lol) that's pretty good and not too hard to craft? Something that might be close to the AA. I dont think the big 4 have anything with soul in it. Im around level 40 so I can't really get 3/4 stars yet. My current armor is: Monks investement
06-10-2013, 06:45 AM
Hello guys,
My soul element guy on my team is pretty weak I've noticed, and the armor I have for him doesn't seem to stack up to my AA+ guy and the Finery main that I have. So my question was, what is a good armor that has soul in it (lol) that's pretty good and not too hard to craft? Something that might be close to the AA. I dont think the big 4 have anything with soul in it. Im around level 40 so I can't really get 3/4 stars yet. My current armor is: Monks investement
Living Flame armor is one of the big four and is Fire/Spirit. I'd go for that one but maybe you still can't clear the stage whose boss drops the materials to craft it
06-10-2013, 06:48 AM
Hello everyone,
the tips I got on this armor have helped me a lot already! I'm L55, now at the Mighty stage of Misty Marsh, got my base maxed with lvl 2 trainings fields and 4x lvl 3 armorsmiths and working on maxing the big four.
I'm currently using the following armors:
Monks vests L30
Crius armor+ L29
Swamp Shaman L21 (9 more roots for the + version)
Hydra Hunter + L30
Living Flame+ L30
Atlantean+ L32
Currently I have quite some fusion stones and been reading up on what to fuse for which results. Since the advise I've received here was so valuable, I was wondering if some of the more experienced people here could give me some tips on how to progress from here.
Should I just focus on maxing the big four and keep working towards my swamp shaman+, my monks vests are getting outdated and would like to replace them (maybe armor of the infernal lord?).
I also have a Brawler's armor, Embersteel armor, Exorcists vestments, Vinewood Carapace, Wavecharmers mantle and Win monarch's robes at L1, I looked them up but they don't seem to good... Should I keep any of them as a replacement for the monks vestments or use them for enhancement?
06-10-2013, 07:35 AM
So currently I have maxed out the big 4s, and have collect enough materials for Swamp Shaman, Infernal Lord, and Roc Feather. However, I have no idea which one I should max first. (I don't think I will need Roc+ because I have the normal version of SG.) Another question that I am curious of is what do you guys do to level up so fast? So far I can only level up a level a day.
06-10-2013, 08:09 AM
Hello everyone,
the tips I got on this armor have helped me a lot already! I'm L55, now at the Mighty stage of Misty Marsh, got my base maxed with lvl 2 trainings fields and 4x lvl 3 armorsmiths and working on maxing the big four.
I'm currently using the following armors:
Monks vests L30
Crius armor+ L29
Swamp Shaman L21 (9 more roots for the + version)
Hydra Hunter + L30
Living Flame+ L30
Atlantean+ L32
Currently I have quite some fusion stones and been reading up on what to fuse for which results. Since the advise I've received here was so valuable, I was wondering if some of the more experienced people here could give me some tips on how to progress from here.
Should I just focus on maxing the big four and keep working towards my swamp shaman+, my monks vests are getting outdated and would like to replace them (maybe armor of the infernal lord?).
I also have a Brawler's armor, Embersteel armor, Exorcists vestments, Vinewood Carapace, Wavecharmers mantle and Win monarch's robes at L1, I looked them up but they don't seem to good... Should I keep any of them as a replacement for the monks vestments or use them for enhancement?
In terms of armor, the big 4 can go a very long way in helping you in the game & it could even get you a bronze medal in arena if u play constantly. What I mean is if u r level 100 & match your armor correctly.
The rest of the armor u mention are not very good so forgot about it.
Swamp+ is a good armor to have since there are so many strong fire out there. U can use infernal lord to replace monk.
My advise is 1. Max your big 4. 2. Finish upgrading your swamp to level 70. 3. Focus on getting the plus version of epic boss else forgot about crafting it no matter how good it seems to be.
06-10-2013, 08:11 AM
So currently I have maxed out the big 4s, and have collect enough materials for Swamp Shaman, Infernal Lord, and Roc Feather. However, I have no idea which one I should max first. (I don't think I will need Roc+ because I have the normal version of SG.) Another question that I am curious of is what do you guys do to level up so fast? So far I can only level up a level a day.
If you have SG then u shld max that out? It isn't the most useful with the many fire armor out there. What is your guild element bonus?
If I were u, I will level the armor that will be able to benefit from your guild bonus. :)
Both swamp & infernal are easier to level but I personally prefer swamp.
Haha about leveling, u ain't playing enough or u r farming too much.
If u attack the high level areas, the experience should increase very quickly.
06-10-2013, 08:17 AM
If you have SG then u shld max that out? It isn't the most useful with the many fire armor out there. What is your guild element bonus?
If I were u, I will level the armor that will be able to benefit from your guild bonus. :)
Both swamp & infernal are easier to level but I personally prefer swamp.
Haha about leveling, u ain't playing enough or u r farming too much.
If u attack the high level areas, the experience should increase very quickly.
Haha yeah, i've been having a hard time farming wriggling roots. The drop rate is terrible. My guild bonus is Wind, so i guess that would be good for my lvl 42 SG. I think I am going to max my SG followed by Shaman. Which area would be the best to farm experience?
06-10-2013, 08:22 AM
Haha yeah, i've been having a hard time farming wriggling roots. The drop rate is terrible. My guild bonus is Wind, so i guess that would be good for my lvl 42 SG. I think I am going to max my SG followed by Shaman. Which area would be the best to farm experience?
If u r going to level SG then u can farm @ the area that drop alteantean gems. Then u can craft the armor to enhance your SG.
Haha yeah, i've been having a hard time farming wriggling roots. The drop rate is terrible. My guild bonus is Wind, so i guess that would be good for my lvl 42 SG. I think I am going to max my SG followed by Shaman. Which area would be the best to farm experience?
That's exactly what I would consider, followed by infernal lord (ignoring the possibilities of Epic Boss armor, that is).
06-10-2013, 08:53 AM
That's exactly what I would consider, followed by infernal lord (ignoring the possibilities of Epic Boss armor, that is).
Yeah... I don't think I would consider the incoming Epic Boss armor since I can't get to the stage in which I can collect enough materials for the plus version. So far the 70 armors have exsiccated most of my bank, money and fusion stones.
06-10-2013, 09:23 AM
Is there any reason why I'm getting ( at the Guild Chat ) the Error : "Disconnected from Chat. Chat has been temporarly suspended. Please try again later." ?
Yeah... I don't think I would consider the incoming Epic Boss armor since I can't get to the stage in which I can collect enough materials for the plus version. So far the 70 armors have exsiccated most of my bank, money and fusion stones.
I'd wait with working on this week's armor if I were you. You have better options.
06-10-2013, 05:49 PM
Hi all, i am asking myself a question since i saw a few signatures of other players saying: 'leveling 1-2 lvls every day'
how do you guys do it? I'm lvl 62 but i can't seem to find an area that grants me the exp i need to level =/ i play quiet a lot but still, i'd like to know how you do it.
Thank you
06-10-2013, 05:59 PM
Hi all, i am asking myself a question since i saw a few signatures of other players saying: 'leveling 1-2 lvls every day'
how do you guys do it? I'm lvl 62 but i can't seem to find an area that grants me the exp i need to level =/ i play quiet a lot but still, i'd like to know how you do it.
Thank you
Its quite simple actually, first of all it starts with a good armor! The big four are a must at your lvl, ofcz u should have their + version maxed! if not start working towards that goal.. it will help your leveling a lot!
why armor u may ask, the answer is simple.. U have X amount of hp which in turn if you fight u get exp, the better the armor, the more dmg, and thus the more potential exp u can earn, and the more def, the less HP u lose, which lets u gain more exp by continuing to fight!
U should farm snakeskins aswell, at any given time, u can never have enough of those =) so what i would advice as well is to check how much exp u get from snakeskins monsters and how much HP u lose, then compare it to other areas and see which area is most profitable!
Lets say Snakeskins hit u for 10 and give 22 exp, that's 2.2 exp per hp point, now if Calvado dessert hit u for 60 and give u 90 then that's 1.5 exp per HP point, not worth it, since not only u gain less exp but also u dont farm snakeskins =)
dont forget, you can always use friends to clear the hardest area u unlocked till now, that's a huge way of gaining exp if you want to lvl up quickly, ofcz it needs from you to hire friends, so that's up to you.
Hope it helps!
06-10-2013, 06:17 PM
Its quite simple actually, first of all it starts with a good armor! The big four are a must at your lvl, ofcz u should have their + version maxed! if not start working towards that goal.. it will help your leveling a lot!
why armor u may ask, the answer is simple.. U have X amount of hp which in turn if you fight u get exp, the better the armor, the more dmg, and thus the more potential exp u can earn, and the more def, the less HP u lose, which lets u gain more exp by continuing to fight!
U should farm snakeskins aswell, at any given time, u can never have enough of those =) so what i would advice as well is to check how much exp u get from snakeskins monsters and how much HP u lose, then compare it to other areas and see which area is most profitable!
Lets say Snakeskins hit u for 10 and give 22 exp, that's 2.2 exp per hp point, now if Calvado dessert hit u for 60 and give u 90 then that's 1.5 exp per HP point, not worth it, since not only u gain less exp but also u dont farm snakeskins =)
dont forget, you can always use friends to clear the hardest area u unlocked till now, that's a huge way of gaining exp if you want to lvl up quickly, ofcz it needs from you to hire friends, so that's up to you.
Hope it helps!
hey first off all thanks for the quick response. At the moment im lvl 62 with the big four around lvl 30 (all 4 armors + ) the snakesking boss hits me for 4 damage (mobs for 1 ) but the exp is so little and i can't even see the bar moving =/ i use friends but still can't lvl once a day. Am i forgetting something or...? Appreciate the help
06-10-2013, 06:26 PM
hey first off all thanks for the quick response. At the moment im lvl 62 with the big four around lvl 30 (all 4 armors + ) the snakesking boss hits me for 4 damage (mobs for 1 ) but the exp is so little and i can't even see the bar moving =/ i use friends but still can't lvl once a day. Am i forgetting something or...? Appreciate the help
first of all, you should max one of them as a priority then max another one, its more efficient than having them all mid way.
now lets say you max ur hydra hunter, u can farm in Fearie Forest and gain lots of exps, what i tried to say in my above post is that the better ratio of Exp Gained/HP Lost the faster u willl lvl up.. if your big four are at lvl 30, then u will find it harder to lvl up quickly since u'll be runing out of hp more often.. ur top priority will be maxing one of them, i'd recommend Hydra Hunter if u already have them all unlocked and at lvl 30 :) since it has the best stats
06-10-2013, 06:50 PM
How do you farm the more better armors ex. Swamp shaman, roc feather, with such ease. I can barely get 4 even with Lvl 30 big four
06-10-2013, 07:00 PM
How do you farm the more better armors ex. Swamp shaman, roc feather, with such ease. I can barely get 4 even with Lvl 30 big four
dont worry if you dont get the mats in 1 day of gameplay, no1 said it was easy.. :) ofcz there's no point in getting those armors if u dont even have the big four maxed.. first max the big four, then it will naturally be easier to gather the mats
06-10-2013, 07:27 PM
hey first off all thanks for the quick response. At the moment im lvl 62 with the big four around lvl 30 (all 4 armors + ) the snakesking boss hits me for 4 damage (mobs for 1 ) but the exp is so little and i can't even see the bar moving =/ i use friends but still can't lvl once a day. Am i forgetting something or...? Appreciate the help
Usually if you want to gain exp the easiest way, just do the hardest level you can manage. What I did was go through the stage until the boss, then I'll restart. Not sure if it's as effective as killing the boss, but you take less damage. It'll take less time than doing snakeskin over and over again. You could probably do this even more times with friends. However this is only if you only want to level and aren't epic bossing.
06-10-2013, 07:41 PM
Usually if you want to gain exp the easiest way, just do the hardest level you can manage. What I did was go through the stage until the boss, then I'll restart. Not sure if it's as effective as killing the boss, but you take less damage. It'll take less time than doing snakeskin over and over again. You could probably do this even more times with friends. However this is only if you only want to level and aren't epic bossing.
yes that would be the fastest and easiest way to lvl up =) i guess i answered what i would do instead of what was asked ^_^
06-10-2013, 07:42 PM
Im facing a dilema.. I have a Mantle of beast crafted at lvl 4 and enough mats for a + version, so i was thinking of maxing that armor next, the thing is i dont have yet a Dark Prince + maxed.. i lack 4 evil jewels for crafting the regular version as of right now..
what do u guys think? Should i run along with the Mantle or stick to the DP and then mantle?
06-11-2013, 04:25 AM
I know you have to clear till stage 15 for the normal version, at which stage will you have enough materials to craft the + version? as far as I can see there are no longer any resources given as a reward after stage 15, does killing the boss after that stage give more resources for each kill?
Never tried past 15 as I know I can't get the +version yet and want to keep my friends for story progression.. When should I start working towards the higher stages?
06-11-2013, 04:30 AM
I know you have to clear till stage 15 for the normal version, at which stage will you have enough materials to craft the + version? as far as I can see there are no longer any resources given as a reward after stage 15, does killing the boss after that stage give more resources for each kill?
Never tried past 15 as I know I can't get the +version yet and want to keep my friends for story progression.. When should I start working towards the higher stages?
You'll be able to get enough materials to craft the +version after killing the level 43 version of the boss, though just to play it safe it'll be best to kill it to at least 45.
Usually being level 70+ while having at least one 70+ armor that's strong against the boss and 10 strong friends should be able to get you the +version. Though you should be able to gauge for yourself by thinking about how easy it is for you to kill the boss as it progresses.
06-11-2013, 04:36 AM
You'll be able to get enough materials to craft the +version after killing the level 43 version of the boss, though just to play it safe it'll be best to kill it to at least 45.
Usually being level 70+ while having at least one 70+ armor that's strong against the boss and 10 strong friends should be able to get you the +version. Though you should be able to gauge for yourself by thinking about how easy it is for you to kill the boss as it progresses.
Thanks for the quick and clear reply, as always :)
I'm a long way from being able to craft the +version then haha. I got the resources for the last 4 regular armors lying around, should I keep them or craft them anyway for fusion/enhancement?
06-11-2013, 04:42 AM
Thanks for the quick and clear reply, as always :)
I'm a long way from being able to craft the +version then haha. I got the resources for the last 4 regular armors lying around, should I keep them or craft them anyway for fusion/enhancement?
Anytime :)
Just leave it uncrafted. The 200k can be better spent elsewhere, and if you happen to chance upon the normal version of the boss armor in a dpc, you'll be able to get the +version.
06-11-2013, 05:26 AM
Omg when im hire a friends.. their armors are lvl 1 and they weak.. bug ???
06-11-2013, 05:30 AM
Omg when im hire a friends.. their armors are lvl 1 and they weak.. bug ???
It's a bug, happens once in while. Just force quit your game then restart and it should fix itself.
06-11-2013, 07:31 AM
A lot of people are talking about the big 4.
I only recently discovered this forum and it's vast amounts of wisdom.
Am currently working on Jian's battlegear (lvl25), Flowstone battlegear (lvl 21) instead of criux and hydra...Should I abandon them for 2 from the big 4...Seems a bit late to me :(
06-11-2013, 07:37 AM
A lot of people are talking about the big 4.
I only recently discovered this forum and it's vast amounts of wisdom.
Am currently working on Jian's battlegear (lvl25), Flowstone battlegear (lvl 21) instead of criux and hydra...Should I abandon them for 2 from the big 4...Seems a bit late to me :(
Go for the big 4 first. They set a good foundation for late game endeavors like collecting materials for 70+ armors.
Flow stone shouldn't be leveled cause crius+ is better. You could always max jian battlegear later, it's too early and not reall worth it in my opinion since it only has average stats and it takes a lot of time and resources to max a 70 armor.
06-11-2013, 07:39 AM
Hey, I got a problem, I can't open the Giuld Chat. That means : When I'm clicking on Guild Chat there is an error.. The error : "Disconnected from Chat. Chat has been temporarly suspended. Please try again later."
I would be very happy if anyone could help me. :D
06-11-2013, 07:46 AM
Go for the big 4 first. They set a good foundation for late game endeavors like collecting materials for 70+ armors.
Flow stone shouldn't be leveled cause crius+ is better. You could always max jian battlegear later, it's too early and not reall worth it in my opinion since it only has average stats and it takes a lot of time and resources to max a 70 armor.
thanks for the info
06-11-2013, 10:55 AM
Hey I need some advise on which armor to lvl. I'll finish maxing the last of the big 4 later today and not sure what I should try for next.
I have enough mats to craft 2 swamp shamen. I need 4 more chunks for infernal or I'm really close to getting to lvl 43 this week and may be able to craft the + version of this weeks boss armor.
So which should I go for next?
06-11-2013, 01:21 PM
How does the summoning stone work?
06-11-2013, 04:25 PM
Hey I need some advise on which armor to lvl. I'll finish maxing the last of the big 4 later today and not sure what I should try for next.
I have enough mats to craft 2 swamp shamen. I need 4 more chunks for infernal or I'm really close to getting to lvl 43 this week and may be able to craft the + version of this weeks boss armor.
So which should I go for next?
Upgrading shaman would be easier as you can use snakeskin on it as it has a matching element, while this week's boss armor is air/fire so it doesn't match elements with snake so it would only give 20 ep making it harder to lvl. Both are tanking armor but IMO boss armor has a weak combo.
How does the summoning stone work?
You can summon any boss that you have faced so far with gems. You can see the stats and drops in the summon page. So if you only started this week you can't summon previous epic bosses. You can also summon story line bosses if you have completed the epic stage.
06-11-2013, 06:23 PM
How does the summoning stone work?
Hey, when you defeat the boss on an area on epic stage you will unlock this boss at the summoning stone and you can summon a boss by spending gems.
Hope this helps :)
Nick King2 0
06-11-2013, 07:27 PM
So, there are these awkward 1 square spots in my kingdom, and I don't know what to fill the void with. One of these squares is home to my chance chest (which I'm pretty sure is un-deletable).
06-11-2013, 07:53 PM
So, there are these awkward 1 square spots in my kingdom, and I don't know what to fill the void with. One of these squares is home to my chance chest (which I'm pretty sure is un-deletable).
You can choose to fill it with either a Nest or a Dungeon, depending on which suits your playing style better. Nest has high gold/hour, but low max gold held; while Dungeon has lower gold/hour, but higher max gold held.
06-11-2013, 08:48 PM
I'm halfway done finishing up my Infernal+ and just wondering what the best combo for farming epic Prince is?
Or, I'm already able to get 43+ boss kills, is it even worth farming for Dark Prince armor?
Any help would be appreciated.
06-11-2013, 09:16 PM
It's worth farming armors of different elements provided u have your resources up to fund ur crafts and enhancements.
06-11-2013, 10:17 PM
It's worth farming armors of different elements provided u have your resources up to fund ur crafts and enhancements.
I get that. Just wondering which would be more worthwhile to get. Boss armors are easier to get than Dark Prince since it takes me 2+ tries just to get a chance of getting the mats for it. Was just wondering if it was a must have armor to get since I started a couple weeks too late to get the admirals armor :(
In the long run I will end up getting them all. But time and resource wise I can only enhance one armor at a time. I guess that's what I'm getting at. Dark Prince or work on + versions of boss armors.
06-11-2013, 10:28 PM
Just looking for a bit of guidance from the higher level folks here,
I'm currently level 50, I have crius+, living flame+, and hydra hunter+ all maxed, I'm currently working on leveling Stormrage+ since its better than AA+. I just finished up the epic stage of the sunken carrack but have not started misty marsh. In my spare time I've been working on farming snakeskins but that is so freaking boring lol. I guess my main question is what should I work on next? Is it worth farming the ghostly beards for spectral captain or should I go right into farming for swamp shaman? Any extra help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
06-11-2013, 10:34 PM
Just looking for a bit of guidance from the higher level folks here,
I'm currently level 50, I have crius+, living flame+, and hydra hunter+ all maxed, I'm currently working on leveling Stormrage+ since its better than AA+. I just finished up the epic stage of the sunken carrack but have not started misty marsh. In my spare time I've been working on farming snakeskins but that is so freaking boring lol. I guess my main question is what should I work on next? Is it worth farming the ghostly beards for spectral captain or should I go right into farming for swamp shaman? Any extra help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Go for swamp shaman. Works as a good tank and also a good foundation for the 70+ armors. Spectral captain only has average stats for a 70+ armor.
06-11-2013, 10:52 PM
Go for swamp shaman. Works as a good tank and also a good foundation for the 70+ armors. Spectral captain only has average stats for a 70+ armor.
Thanks for the speedy response, I was thinking that as well. Is there any general guideline for which armors to get and level first after the big 4 is achieved? After swamp shaman should I level it and craft the + version to level before moving on?
06-11-2013, 11:24 PM
Thanks for the speedy response, I was thinking that as well. Is there any general guideline for which armors to get and level first after the big 4 is achieved? After swamp shaman should I level it and craft the + version to level before moving on?
It depends on everyone's personal preference, though most players tend to go for swamp+, dark prince+ an infernal lord+.
You should probably max your Swamp+ first, you'll need it for later levels and event bosses.
06-12-2013, 01:55 AM
It depends on everyone's personal preference, though most players tend to go for swamp+, dark prince+ an infernal lord+.
You should probably max your Swamp+ first, you'll need it for later levels and event bosses.
Sounds like a plan, thanks for the help!
06-12-2013, 08:36 AM
am i really far behind story/armor wise?
I'm level 46/7 and have aa+ at around 32, crius+ at 26, hh+ at 15, and lf+ at 12
and i'm only at caba desert honor stage
06-12-2013, 08:40 AM
am i really far behind story/armor wise?
I'm level 46/7 and have aa+ at around 32, crius+ at 26, hh+ at 15, and lf+ at 12
and i'm only at caba desert honor stage
You should probably be focusing on one armor at a time. It's not effective to spread out your resources among all the armors you want to max. Progress wise you're quite fine. Just get your big 4 maxed one at a time.
06-12-2013, 10:09 AM
You should probably be focusing on one armor at a time. It's not effective to spread out your resources among all the armors you want to max. Progress wise you're quite fine. Just get your big 4 maxed one at a time.
thanks, i was just worried because i'm seeing these posts by levels lower than me with stuff like swamp shaman e.e
06-12-2013, 11:28 AM
Anyone know how to get the klaidescope starmetal armor? The white color one
06-12-2013, 12:13 PM
also another question,
i'm finding it difficult to save up 35 gems to max out a training field. i always get to around 5 from videos/quests and somehow accidentally use them (ie, losing a double down, tapping too fast and wasting a gem on 'keep double down'). is there any way you guys recommend for getting and saving gems? im currently ranked slightly below 1000 in the arena and around 8000 for epic boss dmg.
Anyone know how to get the klaidescope starmetal armor? The white color one
DPC chest you can get the armor, gold chest you can get the materials to craft it. IMO the armor is not worth it though, the defence is so weak that it gets defeaten by any proper lvl 70 armor easily. Even Big 4 armor can beat it sometimes.
06-12-2013, 01:34 PM
Is there any reason why I'm getting ( at the Guild Chat ) the Error : "Disconnected from Chat. Chat has been temporarly suspended. Please try again later." ?
Hey, I got a problem, I can't open the Giuld Chat. That means : When I'm clicking on Guild Chat there is an error.. The error : "Disconnected from Chat. Chat has been temporarly suspended. Please try again later."
I would be very happy if anyone could help me. :D
Getting no answers on my posts..
I would like to get an answer to these questions and I got another one :
Will my Game Progress be lost when I update my Ipad to Version 6.1 or something like that ?
06-12-2013, 03:16 PM
I've faced a strange thing during friend battles... Enemies seem to have much
More health than they should... A secondary knight of a friend of mine just survived a 288 damage attack, but his main knight only got 233 health... How is it possible?
06-12-2013, 03:37 PM
Getting no answers on my posts..
I would like to get an answer to these questions and I got another one :
Will my Game Progress be lost when I update my Ipad to Version 6.1 or something like that ?
You're getting no answers about the chat errors because there's no one here who can know the answer except possibly the Wise One. All we can say is, yeah, try again later.
Game progress will not be lost when you update your iPad. You can even uninstall and reinstall the game without losing progress. Just change armor on your main knight first, that will ensure that everything you've done up to that point is backed up on Gree's servers.
Getting no answers on my posts..
I would like to get an answer to these questions and I got another one :
Will my Game Progress be lost when I update my Ipad to Version 6.1 or something like that ?
Mind you that this a community, not a helpdesk. We are not obliged to answer your questions. The rest is explained in BethMo's post.
06-12-2013, 05:32 PM
Mind you that this a community, not a helpdesk. We are not obliged to answer your questions. The rest is explained in BethMo's post.
exactly my thought, be a little more patient... Patience is a virtue
06-12-2013, 10:27 PM
Hey iam usualy on 17. Hrs a day frequent im killing my guild rn doin the best went from level 50-79 in 2 weekz n a half just wondering if there is anyone outthere that has a line messenger so we can chat if so pm me on here please:)
06-13-2013, 01:20 AM
somebody help me, my iphone has dissapeared, it might be stollen or lost in somewhere
may i get back my char?
ive been playing kd for a few months and i now currently at lv 74, ive built my char+armor+castle with my hardwork and without gems, now it makes me crazy after lossing my iphone
somebody please help me what should i do ??
06-13-2013, 02:43 AM
somebody help me, my iphone has dissapeared, it might be stollen or lost in somewhere
may i get back my char?
ive been playing kd for a few months and i now currently at lv 74, ive built my char+armor+castle with my hardwork and without gems, now it makes me crazy after lossing my iphone
somebody please help me what should i do ??
Just wanna say I find it funny you seem more concerned about K&D than loosing your phone, that's addiction at it's best :)
Secondly, i'll reccomend you log onto iCloud and lock your phone and activate the "Find my iPhone". Alert your local authorities and do your best to keep a track of where your iPhone registers on the GPS.
06-13-2013, 03:02 AM
Just wanna say I find it funny you seem more concerned about K&D than loosing your phone, that's addiction at it's best :)
Secondly, i'll reccomend you log onto iCloud and lock your phone and activate the "Find my iPhone". Alert your local authorities and do your best to keep a track of where your iPhone registers on the GPS.
lol yeah, the only one i was thinking is not about my phone, but my k&d char :rolleyes:
ask sir. and he might be knows that im really addicted to this game, based on my participation on raising the rugs guild lol
now im just using an old way to finding my phone, just looking back into my room again n again
imo, its better lossing my phone than lossing my char, my phone is not good anyway btw and i was thinking to buy another ios device before this accident happened :p
06-13-2013, 04:06 AM
Hi guys, I just finished maxing out the + versions of my big 4 and am wondering what I should do next.
I am currently level 65 and up to Zephyr Plateau, should I consider Swamp Shaman+ or keep unlocking maps until I can get to better armour? DPC is not an option for me since I'm not a gem spender.
06-13-2013, 05:09 AM
Hi guys, I just finished maxing out the + versions of my big 4 and am wondering what I should do next.
I am currently level 65 and up to Zephyr Plateau, should I consider Swamp Shaman+ or keep unlocking maps until I can get to better armour? DPC is not an option for me since I'm not a gem spender.
worth maxing is shaman, infernal and dark prince. You could also go for boss armors if your able to win lvl 43 and craft the plus version
Hi guys, I just finished maxing out the + versions of my big 4 and am wondering what I should do next.
I am currently level 65 and up to Zephyr Plateau, should I consider Swamp Shaman+ or keep unlocking maps until I can get to better armour? DPC is not an option for me since I'm not a gem spender.
Normally I'd say focus on swamp first, but since this week's boss just get that + version and swamp will be useless. ;) It would be a good start for sure.
06-13-2013, 08:15 AM
Not sure if I'll be able to get to 43 since last week I was only able to get to around level 26. Even today with my maxed big 3s I was unable to kill the level 15 boss with all three knights. Will give it a go but most likely end up getting the swamp shaman.
Thanks guys!
06-13-2013, 10:53 AM
I finished within the top 25 on the damage leader boards for the first time but have not received my rewards. I was supposed to get a level 5 flame summoner's shroud, some fusions stones, and some gold. Is this normal? My wife plays as well as has received her rewards. What should I do?
06-13-2013, 11:12 AM
I just unlocked the Dark Prince +. What are people's opinions on the best action for the standard version of the armor? I was originally thinking of enhancing it into the + but am kind of tempted to fuse it with something.
I also just got and am leveling up the current nemesis, which shares an element with it. Should I enhance it into that?
Thanks in advance.
06-13-2013, 01:47 PM
what's the big deal with sky guardian?
and what's an ideal level to have my big 4 maxed by? i'm level 49 and only have a level 43 AA+, 27 crius+, 15 hh+, and 12 lf+
I finished within the top 25 on the damage leader boards for the first time but have not received my rewards. I was supposed to get a level 5 flame summoner's shroud, some fusions stones, and some gold. Is this normal? My wife plays as well as has received her rewards. What should I do?
I'm in the same boat as you. Open a ticket, and then be prepared to reopen your ticket...they closed mine saying all had been fixed. Use the menu/options/contact us tabs in the game. Then the waiting game begins. G'luck, I'm hoping the fix this for both of us, as well as the others still getting shafted by this recurring problem
06-13-2013, 02:56 PM
An hour or so ago after I did an arena fight my game said "Update required", reloaded, and then the boss award popped up. (And I had to fight that arena battle over again.) So you may get it next time you do something in the game.
06-13-2013, 03:12 PM
On the Sasquatch boss I reached level 43.
I leveled the normal the version to lever 35 and now wanna craft the +version.
The only thing is that I just found out that I somehow miss 1 material to craft the +version.
Any ideas?
06-13-2013, 03:22 PM
On the Sasquatch boss I reached level 43.
I leveled the normal the version to lever 35 and now wanna craft the +version.
The only thing is that I just found out that I somehow miss 1 material to craft the +version.
Any ideas?
There's a bug that sometimes causes it to skip a boss level. If it's an award level, the award pops up, but if it's a normal level you'd probably never notice unless you've been keeping very close track. Most likely it skipped one of your 1-material levels. You could contact Gree support and see if they will give you the missing material. If they won't, then the only way to get it is to spend 30 gems at the Summoning Stone.
06-13-2013, 03:34 PM
There's a problem with my knights and dragons app on my screen it says contact support and that it's error code 15
06-13-2013, 05:25 PM
are there any areas after the Dark Prince's castle? on Android it looks as though the "original map" is all there is
just wondering besides chests, what drops Metal Cogs, Dragon's Horns and Starmetal Fragments
DPC chest you can get the armor, gold chest you can get the materials to craft it. IMO the armor is not worth it though, the defence is so weak that it gets defeaten by any proper lvl 70 armor easily. Even Big 4 armor can beat it sometimes.
I'm guessing cogs and horns are the same
06-13-2013, 05:58 PM
Hi guys!!! Cn u pls provide me wd right armor combinations for barbarian raiding armor and for armor of infernal lord, ive been trying what ive read but it just gvs me something else.. Is it only chances?? And i dont know much about combining or enhancing.. Coz the way i see it is if ur armors are lvl1 then u cn combined them, if they hv lvls already then enhancing?? Pls help
06-13-2013, 06:03 PM
Hi guys!!! Cn u pls provide me wd right armor combinations for barbarian raiding armor and for armor of infernal lord, ive been trying what ive read but it just gvs me something else.. Is it only chances?? And i dont know much about combining or enhancing.. Coz the way i see it is if ur armors are lvl1 then u cn combined them, if they hv lvls already then enhancing?? Pls help
i got my infernal by combining crius with living flame. Barbarian can be crafted by combining infernal with the ghostbeard armor (forgot the name) and as you guessed, it's all about luck. Hope this helped
06-13-2013, 06:25 PM
Been playing for about a week. And I was wondering what other 2 armors should I be working towards? I know the + versions of the big 4. But should I use the monks whatever that I got at the beginning? I just don't want to waste effort on an armor that I will be dropping soon
06-13-2013, 06:29 PM
Been playing for about a week. And I was wondering what other 2 armors should I be working towards? I know the + versions of the big 4. But should I use the monks whatever that I got at the beginning? I just don't want to waste effort on an armor that I will be dropping soon
I would suggest that you get the big 4 + and max those out. After that go for swamp shaman, hellife and dark prince armors. Greets
06-13-2013, 06:32 PM
i got my infernal by combining crius with living flame. Barbarian can be crafted by combining infernal with the ghostbeard armor (forgot the name) and as you guessed, it's all about luck. Hope this helped
Crius left or right? Nd der both lvl1 ryt?? And accdg to wat im reading here barbarian cn be made by flowstone+living flame.. Shud i say luck again
06-13-2013, 07:18 PM
Crius left or right? Nd der both lvl1 ryt?? And accdg to wat im reading here barbarian cn be made by flowstone+living flame.. Shud i say luck again
Barbarian riding gear, as with all other dual element armors, can be made by getting the element combination right when fusing. In this case, you'll need a fire armor with a wind armor, the higher the rarity of the armor you're using to fuse, the better your chances. There isn't one best way to fuse and get any armor.
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