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05-09-2013, 10:27 AM
Indeed i did! I won't directing share it but if you can figure it out you benefit from it. No spoon feeding from me.
I tried something real simple... But I couldn't get it to work...:/
05-09-2013, 10:30 AM
his method might only work for people in Singapore though, so don't get hopes to high if your from another place
05-09-2013, 10:37 AM
his method might only work for people in Singapore though, so don't get hopes to high if your from another place
Haha.. I am from Singapore... Do PM me a more obvious hint if u could :) Thanks for giving me some hope anyways..
05-09-2013, 11:05 AM
Hey can one tell me who i should email for the email app. The site is not letting me send them an email about the free gems. Please let me know and post an email if possible. Thanks.
Anyone from the netherlands has like... 1-2 offers/week? Me and my friends have this problem... Kinda unfair if others can obtain 200-300...
05-09-2013, 11:22 AM
Yes indeed.. :/
05-09-2013, 11:44 AM
Hey can one tell me who i should email for the email app. The site is not letting me send them an email about the free gems. Please let me know and post an email if possible. Thanks.
05-09-2013, 12:23 PM
Is this from aarki site?
05-09-2013, 07:22 PM
What do the arena nicknames mean?
I saw many "Rune Knights" "Musclebound" and "Chick Magnet"..
do their nickname have anything to do with the champ lvl/strengh?
05-09-2013, 08:14 PM
What do the arena nicknames mean?
I saw many "Rune Knights" "Musclebound" and "Chick Magnet"..
do their nickname have anything to do with the champ lvl/strengh?
It's just a show of your achievements. Like having the De-throner tells us that you've killed the dark prince 10 times.
05-09-2013, 10:07 PM
Ahh i see :)
well i'll be staying away from one like that lol
05-09-2013, 10:52 PM
You'll need your AA to be as high leveled as possible cause it's the armor with the most advantage. You should more or less be fine but you'll probably need help from friends if you want to complete it in one go.
So should i upgrade my flamestorm finery? Or is it not very useful. I also have a wind monarch, is that worth upgrading?
05-09-2013, 10:58 PM
So should i upgrade my flamestorm finery? Or is it not very useful. I also have a wind monarch, is that worth upgrading?
worth upgrading is atlantean avanger+,hydra hunters mail+, living flame armor+ and crius armor+.
finery and wind monarch are only half baked potato
05-09-2013, 11:00 PM
So should i upgrade my flamestorm finery? Or is it not very useful. I also have a wind monarch, is that worth upgrading?
Level your AA+. You should be going for living flame+, crius+ and hydra hunter+ too. Flamestorm finery is pretty bad.
05-09-2013, 11:38 PM
Just news to know whether is it worth to spend 100 gems to craft one + armor. I think Dark Prince armor is comparable but less powerful then regalia.
05-09-2013, 11:57 PM
Just news to know whether is it worth to spend 100 gems to craft one + armor. I think Dark Prince armor is comparable but less powerful then regalia.
If u have the resources... Do u have enough gold? Materials to level it to 70?? If u do.. Why not... Heard its a good armor.. Lots of top rankers using it...
05-09-2013, 11:59 PM
Death... Do u realise we are always answering the same type of questions .... Haha it's always which armor to level first... Think should blow up a big sign saying... Pls level your Altantean, Cirus, Hydra & Living before considering anything else.... Put it somewhere so all new comers can see,,, :p
05-10-2013, 12:00 AM
Just news to know whether is it worth to spend 100 gems to craft one + armor. I think Dark Prince armor is comparable but less powerful then regalia.
It depends on what you're looking for. The Regalia is more of a glass cannon while the dark prince is somewhat more defensive while at the same time having impressive attack. So if you're looking to be more balance than I'd say go for the dark prince but If you want to be an all out attacker go for the regalia.
05-10-2013, 12:47 AM
It depends on what you're looking for. The Regalia is more of a glass cannon while the dark prince is somewhat more defensive while at the same time having impressive attack. So if you're looking to be more balance than I'd say go for the dark prince but If you want to be an all out attacker go for the regalia.
Thanks, I have actually max the four basic armor, and one lvl 70. Just need to know whether Regalia is worth the gems, it looks nice just that gems are expensive.
05-10-2013, 12:54 AM
in my opinion dark prince looks much cooler than regalia. black unique sword, wolf helmet/mast... cool shield
05-10-2013, 01:27 AM
in my opinion dark prince looks much cooler than regalia. black unique sword, wolf helmet/mast... cool shield
Thanks Buddy! Then I will go for dark prince. If possible, wait for a better fire spirit armor in the future.
05-10-2013, 01:30 AM
Death... Do u realise we are always answering the same type of questions .... Haha it's always which armor to level first... Think should blow up a big sign saying... Pls level your Altantean, Cirus, Hydra & Living before considering anything else.... Put it somewhere so all new comers can see,,, :p
Yeah, can't help it I guess, too many new eager forum members that want to know how to improve. Can't blame them though, but it'd be nice of they lingered around and explored before asking questions.
05-10-2013, 01:41 PM
Once you've maxed out the AA, Crius, Hydra Hunter, and Living Flame, what is the next logical armor to get in terms of quality and ease of acquisition?
The three that jump out are Roc Feather, Swamp Shaman, and Sky Guardian, but I don't know if I'm missing anything obvious. I haven't played around much with fusing, and though I have 600K+ of gold i'm saving up for the 1M expansion. It seems like the sky guardian is only acquired through fusing... given how much luck is involved and how expensive it is, seems like a poor cost-efficiency option
05-10-2013, 02:59 PM
Oke guys, I'm looking for some answers now...
What is up with the daily comeback reward system. Sometimes I get three rewards in three days and now I haven't got a reward for over 1,5 weeks.
Harvey Guo
05-10-2013, 03:01 PM
This reward is unstable, need to play and reboot the game every day, for me, I often gain the reward at around 0am every day, london time. Thus try reboot the game frequently, maybe you will gain the rewards every day.
Oke guys, I'm looking for some answers now...
What is up with the daily comeback reward system. Sometimes I get three rewards in three days and now I haven't got a reward for over 1,5 weeks.
05-10-2013, 03:08 PM
This reward is unstable, need to play and reboot the game every day, for me, I often gain the reward at around 0am every day, london time. Thus try reboot the game frequently, maybe you will gain the rewards every day.
Nope, doesn't work for me. I reboot the game almost every 2 hours. Also to have more chance at free gems, wich hasn't been working out for me aswell. At the beginning it was a specific time here in Amsterdam, but now it just seems not to pop up.
Harvey Guo
05-10-2013, 03:14 PM
Then I have no idea:(
For me, I've faced some bugs at the beginning, gained first 4 days, then cannot gain the 5th reward, then at 6th day, I gain the 1st day reward... but then everything works fine for me.
Need other forum member's help, or try send an email to GREE support team.
Nope, doesn't work for me. I reboot the game almost every 2 hours. Also to have more chance at free gems, wich hasn't been working out for me aswell. At the beginning it was a specific time here in Amsterdam, but now it just seems not to pop up.
05-10-2013, 04:08 PM
What I do is at just before midnight london time, shut the game down. at 5 past turn the game back on. you should get the reward.
If I play the game through midnight the game thinks its the same day so you wont get the reward.
05-10-2013, 04:58 PM
When farming a material, does the level of the map (normal, mighty, valor) affect your odds of having the boss drop the optimal material? Is Ghostbeard more likely to drop Ghostly Beard Hairs if I beat him on Valor instead of Normal?
Harvey Guo
05-10-2013, 05:14 PM
Should be slightly higher for each stages, but higher stages can be harder to farm, thus depends on you.
Normally I only farm in the normal stage, just depends on your luck, try few times you will eventually gain enough material.
When farming a material, does the level of the map (normal, mighty, valor) affect your odds of having the boss drop the optimal material? Is Ghostbeard more likely to drop Ghostly Beard Hairs if I beat him on Valor instead of Normal?
05-10-2013, 07:59 PM
Once you've maxed out the AA, Crius, Hydra Hunter, and Living Flame, what is the next logical armor to get in terms of quality and ease of acquisition?
The three that jump out are Roc Feather, Swamp Shaman, and Sky Guardian, but I don't know if I'm missing anything obvious. I haven't played around much with fusing, and though I have 600K+ of gold i'm saving up for the 1M expansion. It seems like the sky guardian is only acquired through fusing... given how much luck is involved and how expensive it is, seems like a poor cost-efficiency option
My choices will be swamp & infernal. Will keep roc feathers on standby.
05-10-2013, 09:49 PM
Should be slightly higher for each stages, but higher stages can be harder to farm, thus depends on you.
Normally I only farm in the normal stage, just depends on your luck, try few times you will eventually gain enough material.
I've tried the sunken carracks for 4 times, 3 normal and 1 mighty, and I havent gotten a single ghostly hair. Whats the rough drop rate for the stages this and beyond?
Harvey Guo
05-10-2013, 09:54 PM
I've tried the sunken carracks for 4 times, 3 normal and 1 mighty, and I havent gotten a single ghostly hair. Whats the rough drop rate for the stages this and beyond?i just feel that after accepting the quest, it is pretty hard to gain target material, need try lots of time, but after finally finishing the quest, there are many material drop....
There is no better way, just depends on your luck.
05-10-2013, 10:36 PM
I've tried the sunken carracks for 4 times, 3 normal and 1 mighty, and I havent gotten a single ghostly hair. Whats the rough drop rate for the stages this and beyond?
Here is what I try to do.. Makes me a feel a little better when farming..
Go farm snake skin till u get 2/3 'stones' in a row then go whack the normal version of the area u need the material. After 2-3 tries u shld get @ least 1 set of materials...
05-11-2013, 10:48 AM
I got Torchflame mantle + 10/50
But also got Armor of the infernal lord + 0/70
& also sky guardian (normal version) level 23/70
Wich one should I go on leveling?
05-11-2013, 10:55 AM
I got Torchflame mantle + 10/50
But also got Armor of the infernal lord + 0/70
& also sky guardian (normal version) level 23/70
Wich one should I go on leveling?
if u have enough gold go for infernal lord... if u dun have that much gold then torchflame
05-11-2013, 10:57 AM
I got Torchflame mantle + 10/50
But also got Armor of the infernal lord + 0/70
& also sky guardian (normal version) level 23/70
Wich one should I go on leveling?
How much gold do u have? Expanded fully? What r your other max level armor?
I think due to easy farming of snakeskin, I might upgrade infernal first, but if u have a lot of fire types armor then I will rather carry on enhancing sky. Sky guardian normal is still pretty decent... But if u r gg to open dark prince chest regularly then maybe u dont wanna level it anymore just in case u really gotten the + version...
05-11-2013, 10:57 AM
if u have enough gold go for infernal lord... if u dun have that much gold then torchflame
Thank you !
05-11-2013, 11:04 AM
We unlocked the plus version of 4 star / boss armors at level 35 am i right?
Mike Stanley
05-11-2013, 11:07 AM
I love apples
05-11-2013, 11:09 AM
We unlocked the plus version of 4 star / boss armors at level 35 am i right?
all legendary + version are unlocked at lvl35 on app version 1.1.1 they couldve been unlocked on lvl20
05-11-2013, 11:39 AM
We unlocked the plus version of 4 star / boss armors at level 35 am i right?
Boss armor @ 35, craftable 3 star armor @ level 20.. :)
05-11-2013, 11:40 AM
I love apples
Good for u... Do u visit the doc lesser then normal?
05-12-2013, 12:22 AM
i've managed to enhance my AA+ to lvl 34, but it gets so expensive to keep enhancing, im currently using snakeskins, 4 at each go which provides around 3 lvls per run..
is there a cheaper way to get it to 50?
05-12-2013, 12:30 AM
i've managed to enhance my AA+ to lvl 34, but it gets so expensive to keep enhancing, im currently using snakeskins, 4 at each go which provides around 3 lvls per run..
is there a cheaper way to get it to 50?
Snakeskin is probably the best you can do since it's just a level 50 armor. If you're having good issues it's probably a sign that you need more money producing buildings like training fields.
05-12-2013, 08:47 AM
Can you play this on both an ipad and iPhone using the same account? So if I'm at home crafting some armor then go out somewhere can I finish the crafting on my iPhone then craft some more?
05-12-2013, 08:52 AM
Can you play this on both an ipad and iPhone using the same account? So if I'm at home crafting some armor then go out somewhere can I finish the crafting on my iPhone then craft some more?
If I'm not wrong you can't. You can only play one account I one device.
05-12-2013, 09:04 AM
What's the best way to upgrade a legendary armor from 50-70?
What's the most cost efficient way to upgrade a legendary armor from 50-70?
05-12-2013, 09:08 AM
What's the best way to upgrade a legendary armor from 50-70?
What's the most cost efficient way to upgrade a legendary armor from 50-70?
1) Fuse basic armors to get armors that give 50 EP.
2) From level 1 to 55 snakeskin is probably the best while requiring less commitments in terms of time. However from level 55 onwards, when each enchancement slot gets really expensive, the fastest and the cheaper way would be to fuse two basic armors and use the 50 EP armor created to enchance.
Edit: the fusing and enchancing method is only cheaper from 55 onwards if the elements of snakeskin doesn't match. So I would say snakeskin is probably just the way to go.
05-12-2013, 09:28 AM
1) Fuse basic armors to get armors that give 50 EP.
2) From level 1 to 55 snakeskin is probably the best while requiring less commitments in terms of time. However from level 55 onwards, when each enchancement slot gets really expensive, the fastest and the cheaper way would be to fuse two basic armors and use the 50 EP armor created to enchance.
Edit: the fusing and enchancing method is only cheaper from 55 onwards if the elements of snakeskin doesn't match. So I would say snakeskin is probably just the way to go.
I don't really have much fusion stones... they dropped the rate of fusion stone. Rarely even getting them nowadays. THanks anyways! Leveling my half dragon armor (:
05-12-2013, 11:23 AM
Snakeskin is probably the best you can do since it's just a level 50 armor. If you're having good issues it's probably a sign that you need more money producing buildings like training fields.
I've got 7 training fields lvl2, the thing is the next expansion is only a 2 slot and costs 500k ._.
i guess im gonna have to be patient :)
05-12-2013, 11:30 AM
well anywayz, im slowly advancing on my AA+ :)
and i've managed to fuze all of the four big, which one would u recommend me to focus on getting to lvl 50?
- crius
- hydra
- living flame
05-12-2013, 12:26 PM
well anywayz, im slowly advancing on my AA+ :)
and i've managed to fuze all of the four big, which one would u recommend me to focus on getting to lvl 50?
- crius
- hydra
- living flame
since ur already at ur aa+ better focusing it to lvl50 first
05-12-2013, 12:44 PM
yes ofcz, i meant after getting the aa to lvl 50 :) which would be the best 2cd to lvl?
i saw hydra has the best stats, the question would be how adventagous is it on the next stages? (i just made it to the desert area)
05-12-2013, 12:55 PM
yes ofcz, i meant after getting the aa to lvl 50 :) which would be the best 2cd to lvl?
i saw hydra has the best stats, the question would be how adventagous is it on the next stages? (i just made it to the desert area)
crius will help sunken carrack and swamp... hydra and living will be good at the three last Area
05-12-2013, 12:57 PM
so first lvl crius and then hydra/living is your recommendation?
05-12-2013, 01:23 PM
yeah except u can clear desert,sunken carrack and swamp fast that u will eventually need fire/spirit so i recommend hydra
05-12-2013, 02:33 PM
i do not get it how people open the prince chest and upgrade their fields without buying gems.
whats the best way of gaining them and maxing my fields?
i've done the offers but its like 4 -5 gems per week(this week i didnt even get them).
atm in lvl 66 and need some high lvl like you guys to help me with the boss and finishing stages.
have a very nice day!
05-12-2013, 02:37 PM
i do not get it how people open the prince chest and upgrade their fields without buying gems.
whats the best way of gaining them and maxing my fields?
i've done the offers but its like 4 -5 gems per week(this week i didnt even get them).
atm in lvl 66 and need some high lvl like you guys to help me with the boss and finishing stages.
have a very nice day!
You don't.
05-12-2013, 02:47 PM
I would like to know how to raise its level for a few armors
What armors are the best to raise the level of Half Drag
What armors are the best to raise the level of Admirals Battle Worn Regalia
What armors are the best to raise the level of Horrible Wyrm Costume
What armors are the best to raise the levels of Hydromancers Mantle
I am a level 35 player and do not have the greatest availability to many armors, I just need help so I can get through areas a lot quicker and level up faster
05-12-2013, 03:00 PM
Enhancement is element specific not armour specific, the type of armours you use should depend on the level of the armour. If the armor is at a low level(under35) use basic armours with same element of the armour you want to enhance.
05-12-2013, 03:37 PM
I would like to know how to raise its level for a few armors
What armors are the best to raise the level of Half Drag
What armors are the best to raise the level of Admirals Battle Worn Regalia
What armors are the best to raise the level of Horrible Wyrm Costume
What armors are the best to raise the levels of Hydromancers Mantle
I am a level 35 player and do not have the greatest availability to many armors, I just need help so I can get through areas a lot quicker and level up faster
ur walking in a wrong path.... first u need to get a stable income of gold. training field recommonded. once u have 5-6 training field, slowly get + version of crius,atlantean,hydra and living flame though in early stage atlantean and crius first. once u have the 4 + version maxed. aim to unlock all expansion, fill it with training field and that is the time where u start enhancing lvl70 armors.
05-12-2013, 04:29 PM
What is the best way to get fusion stones??
05-12-2013, 04:41 PM
What is the best way to get fusion stones??
Level bosses drop them sometimes. The other ways are getting them from chests or as rewards (in the arena or epic boss fights).
05-12-2013, 05:07 PM
What is the best way to get fusion stones??
Go into relic ruins on epic and repeat. Make sure to shut down the boss(kill with SA).
Also good xp and source of materials for crafting and enhancing your armor.
05-12-2013, 05:59 PM
Planning to upgrade all 11 of my training fields and dungeon,
Problem is that it costs 275 gems and I only have 2 and have had 2 for a while.
How do you recommend I get around this dilemma?
05-12-2013, 06:45 PM
in arena, ive seen a armor, that i like. and well i would just like to have it. i guess you can say im a collecter, but i dunno it just looks kool. he looks like a midevil knight. properties is fire and water.
any idea how to craft it ? if a picture is needed i can get one.
thanks in advance.
05-12-2013, 06:47 PM
in arena, ive seen a armor, that i like. and well i would just like to have it. i guess you can say im a collecter, but i dunno it just looks kool. he looks like a midevil knight. properties is fire and water.
any idea how to craft it ? if a picture is needed i can get one.
thanks in advance.
Rageborne Raiment (substitution of Hydra+)
Element: Water/Fire
Combination: Seafoam Armor & Dragonflame Armor (right combination, but depends on luck)
05-12-2013, 06:51 PM
Combine two basic armors will not give a decent result, right?
05-12-2013, 06:55 PM
Combine two basic armors will not give a decent result, right?
It can + the armour you're looking for is only a 2* armor.
05-12-2013, 07:06 PM
It can + the armour you're looking for is only a 2* armor.
Combine 2 basic armors only can give me two star one. So what If I want 3 stars armor.
05-12-2013, 07:14 PM
It's about luck. Unless there are no other possible outcomes.
Like fusing:
basic air and spirit for wind monarch
Water and spirit for dream charmers mantle
Fire and earth for volcanic mantle
Air and fire for firestorm armory
Think that's all of the basic -> 50EP armor fusions.
05-12-2013, 07:21 PM
Rageborne Raiment (substitution of Hydra+)
Element: Water/Fire
Combination: Seafoam Armor & Dragonflame Armor (right combination, but depends on luck)
05-12-2013, 07:27 PM
It's about luck. Unless there are no other possible outcomes.
Like fusing:
basic air and spirit for wind monarch
Water and spirit for dream charmers mantle
Fire and earth for volcanic mantle
Air and fire for firestorm armory
Think that's all of the basic -> 50EP armor fusions.
thanks for helping
05-13-2013, 09:31 AM
When I am using a fraind to help me to fight the weekly dragon it seems that they have a attack cap of 678, defiance cap of 717 and an hp cap of 353 and I have friends at lvl 70 and + is this just me or is this for every one.
I'm level 41 if that matters
05-13-2013, 09:35 AM
When I am using a fraind to help me to fight the weekly dragon it seems that they have a attack cap of 678, defiance cap of 717 and an hp cap of 353 and I have friends at lvl 70 and + is this just me or is this for every one.
I'm level 41 if that matters
Your level decides what the maximum attack, defense and health of your friends are. The lower leveled you are, the lower the stats.
05-13-2013, 01:23 PM
I have a small question about fusing armours.
Do you need 2+ armours to get a + version of the fuse or is it just random luck?
05-13-2013, 01:42 PM
U can't fuse a + version for any armor. All 2 star & 4 star + versions comes from dark prince chest...
Yup it sucks... Do join my poll.... :)
I have the tortoiseshell not plus and the crius plus Lv 4. Should I work on upgrading the crius or tortoiseshell? I won't be getting the tortoise shell plus if that matters. Also the cost is irrelevant for me so please just tell me based on which maxed armor is better. Thanks
The Cirus is easier, quicker, cheaper to level up to max and is pretty strong to help you clear content. I'd do that first, then the tortoiseshell.
05-13-2013, 05:40 PM
I have the tortoiseshell not plus and the crius plus Lv 4. Should I work on upgrading the crius or tortoiseshell? I won't be getting the tortoise shell plus if that matters. Also the cost is irrelevant for me so please just tell me based on which maxed armor is better. Thanks
Just focus I getting the crius+. You shouldn't even be leveling or crafting the normal versio of the tortoiseshell if you can't craft the +version.
05-13-2013, 07:26 PM
is there a thread about Areas and their elements or could some1 nice enough tell me?
I'm currently at caballero desert Valor Stage and just finished maxing my AA+.
I need to decide whether to go for Hydra/LF/Crius. I plan to get them all to 50 in their + version eventually, but which should i focus on right now? to battle the next areas?
also, do they need the same amount of EP to lvl? or lets say Hydra (which seems best in stats) needs more than LF for say?
05-13-2013, 07:30 PM
is there a thread about Areas and their elements or could some1 nice enough tell me?
I'm currently at caballero desert Valor Stage and just finished maxing my AA+.
I need to decide whether to go for Hydra/LF/Crius. I plan to get them all to 50 in their + version eventually, but which should i focus on right now? to battle the next areas?
also, do they need the same amount of EP to lvl? or lets say Hydra (which seems best in stats) needs more than LF for say?
Next stage is water/spirit. So since your AA is full, that great. If u want some back up then level your Crius :)
After that its water/earth. So u can consider leveling your hydra later.
It's the same amount of EP to next level for the same star armors.
05-13-2013, 07:32 PM
is there a thread about Areas and their elements or could some1 nice enough tell me?
I'm currently at caballero desert Valor Stage and just finished maxing my AA+.
I need to decide whether to go for Hydra/LF/Crius. I plan to get them all to 50 in their + version eventually, but which should i focus on right now? to battle the next areas?
also, do they need the same amount of EP to lvl? or lets say Hydra (which seems best in stats) needs more than LF for say?
You can see the elements of the monsters of each stage from the bottom part of the knight selection screen. You can also tell what elements the monsters of the stage have by looking at the element of the armor you can craft from that stage. It gives you a rough idea on what to expect. Just go for the armor that gives you the most elemental advantage. In this case for the desert it would be any water/wind armors so crius works well too.
Yes, they're all the same.
05-13-2013, 07:36 PM
man you're awesome!! that response was even faster than a basic armor craft-time :-) thumbs up!!
i call for you're experience here a bit, do u think a maxed AA would do the trick or i need the crius for that extra backup?
05-13-2013, 07:38 PM
man you're awesome!! that response was even faster than a basic armor craft-time :-) thumbs up!!
i call for you're experience here a bit, do u think a maxed AA would do the trick or i need the crius for that extra backup?
You'll probably need more than an AA, especially if you're not getting help from friends. Crius would very much be a good idea.
05-13-2013, 07:38 PM
You can see the elements of the monsters of each stage from the bottom part of the knight selection screen. You can also tell what elements the monsters of the stage have by looking at the element of the armor you can craft from that stage. It gives you a rough idea on what to expect. Just go for the armor that gives you the most elemental advantage. In this case for the desert it would be any water/wind armors so crius works well too.
Yes, they're all the same.
you mean that the next armor in the armorsmith has the same components as the next area monsters?
05-13-2013, 07:42 PM
you mean that the next armor in the armorsmith has the same components as the next area monsters?
Basically, if you look at the armor from the sunken carrack, you'd notice that it's armor, the spectral captain, has the same element combination as most of the monsters, water and spirit. The only exception will be in later stages where there might monsters with one extra element. You can use this to provide a general impression on what to expect.
05-13-2013, 08:22 PM
cool i think i got the hang of it now :) thanks!!
05-13-2013, 09:18 PM
I'm currently leveling Hydra, Crius, Living and Atlantean... and gonna level all of them to level 15 to unlock the+ version.
I just wondering, what do you all usually do with the normal lv15 armor after getting the + version?
05-13-2013, 09:25 PM
I use them to level the + version. Not sure if there's a better use, and I don't want to fuse too much at this stage...
05-13-2013, 09:26 PM
I'm currently leveling Hydra, Crius, Living and Atlantean... and gonna level all of them to level 15 to unlock the+ version.
I just wondering, what do you all usually do with the normal lv15 armor after getting the + version?
Just use them as enhancement points to upgrade your big four.
05-14-2013, 04:29 AM
If I want to combine, is there any different combining lv 1 with lv 1 and combining lv15 with lv15?
05-14-2013, 04:56 AM
If I want to combine, is there any different combining lv 1 with lv 1 and combining lv15 with lv15?
It increases the chance of a better turn out by a bit.
05-14-2013, 05:04 AM
It increases the chance of a better turn out by a bit.
Thanks.. i guess I will just use it for EP :)
05-14-2013, 05:49 AM
i am trying to get amr of the infernal lord +
My current amr of the infernal lord is at lvl 27..
how do i get the + version of it?
05-14-2013, 05:51 AM
i am trying to get amr of the infernal lord +
My current amr of the infernal lord is at lvl 27..
how do i get the + version of it?
Lvl it to lv35 then will unlock the + version to craft it.
05-14-2013, 05:51 AM
i am trying to get amr of the infernal lord +
My current amr of the infernal lord is at lvl 27..
how do i get the + version of it?
Leveling it to 20 should have unlocked the +version. You Should have the option to craft the + version in your armory. You have to get the materials again of course.
05-14-2013, 05:52 AM
Lvl it to lv35 then will unlock the + version to craft it.
Level 35 only applies for 4 star armors.
05-14-2013, 05:59 AM
Hi guys. I just started this game last night and i'm lvl 15 atm. Have to say this game is addictive. I've browsed through the spreadsheet and some of the other threads but theres so much info everywhere that im getting confused.
I'm currently at the Honor stage of Flaming Wildwood and not doing too well. I don't have friends on my list. Tried adding some guys from here but no response. No one's adding me either prolly cause im a lowbie >:(. The rewards would be nice tho.
Could someone help me out by listing what are the armor setups i should be going for at my current level or something thats a little ahead of me. In short; Must equip novice sets.
Here's what i am currently using.
Monk's Vestments: Level 8
Seafoam Armor: Level 17
Stonescale Platemail: Level 8
05-14-2013, 06:04 AM
Hi guys. I just started this game last night and i'm lvl 15 atm. Have to say this game is addictive. I've browsed through the spreadsheet and some of the other threads but theres so much info everywhere that im getting confused.
I'm currently at the Honor stage of Flaming Wildwood and not doing too well. I don't have friends on my list. Tried adding some guys from here but no response. No one's adding me either prolly cause im a lowbie >:(. The rewards would be nice tho.
Could someone help me out by listing what are the armor setups i should be going for at my current level or something thats a little ahead of me. In short; Must equip novice sets.
Here's what i am currently using.
Monk's Vestments: Level 8
Seafoam Armor: Level 17
Stonescale Platemail: Level 8
You can focus on leveling your monk vestments first. However you main goal is to get the big four armor ( atlantean avenger+, crius+, hydra hunter+ and living flame+). If you want a head start, you can consider fusing basic water and basic wind armor to have a chance at getting atlantean avenger armor so that you can level it to 15 and unlock the atlantean avenger+. Also friends are pretty important, so send a pm here and there to other forum members and they'll probably be nice enough to add you.
05-14-2013, 06:09 AM
Hello everyone,
I found out about this forum today and I must say that I found a lot of helpful information already! I amcurrently at lvl 41 (mighty stage of Blazing Tides) and have been spending a lot of resources/gold on
trying to get legendary armor by fusing. From what I understand in the several threads I’ve read here isthat I must prioritize getting “the big four” (crius+, atlantean+, living flame+ and hydra+), is this
Currently I have:
Commander: Monk lvl 25
Earth: Swamp Shaman Robes lvl 6 (just got it today)
Water: Hydra lvl 15
Fire: Living flame lvl 16
Earth: Atlantean lvl 15
Spirit: Chimera lvl 22
My base lacks 2 more upgrades (the 1mil and 2 mil ones) and I got 2x monster nest, 2x armorsmith, 3x cathedral, 3x guard tower, 2x prison, 2x crystal conservatory, 3x tavern and 2x training fields.
I currently have 400k gold and no gems, what should I be aiming for? I noticed that training fields give a lot more gold, but at the same time I don’t want to spend all my gold on x amount of training fields
and then having to sell a couple of them because a quest demands me to buy for example 3 prisons.
So in a nutshell my questions are:
1. Is aiming for the “big four - lvl 50” the way to go at the moment?
2. Castle layout; how many smiths/training fields should I get, should I get them right away or will
there be more quests demanding me to buy certain other buildings?
3. Should I get the 1mil castle upgrade as soon as possible or prioritize upgrading my armors?
4. What’s the best way to spend gems?
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read through all this!
05-14-2013, 06:15 AM
Hello everyone,
I found out about this forum today and I must say that I found a lot of helpful information already! I amcurrently at lvl 41 (mighty stage of Blazing Tides) and have been spending a lot of resources/gold on
trying to get legendary armor by fusing. From what I understand in the several threads I’ve read here isthat I must prioritize getting “the big four” (crius+, atlantean+, living flame+ and hydra+), is this
Currently I have:
Commander: Monk lvl 25
Earth: Swamp Shaman Robes lvl 6 (just got it today)
Water: Hydra lvl 15
Fire: Living flame lvl 16
Earth: Atlantean lvl 15
Spirit: Chimera lvl 22
My base lacks 2 more upgrades (the 1mil and 2 mil ones) and I got 2x monster nest, 2x armorsmith, 3x cathedral, 3x guard tower, 2x prison, 2x crystal conservatory, 3x tavern and 2x training fields.
I currently have 400k gold and no gems, what should I be aiming for? I noticed that training fields give a lot more gold, but at the same time I don’t want to spend all my gold on x amount of training fields
and then having to sell a couple of them because a quest demands me to buy for example 3 prisons.
So in a nutshell my questions are:
1. Is aiming for the “big four - lvl 50” the way to go at the moment?
2. Castle layout; how many smiths/training fields should I get, should I get them right away or will
there be more quests demanding me to buy certain other buildings?
3. Should I get the 1mil castle upgrade as soon as possible or prioritize upgrading my armors?
4. What’s the best way to spend gems?
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read through all this!
1)Yes. Don't bother leveling the earth shaman at the moment. It's harder and more expensive. Focus on getting the big 4 first, and then when you reach the swamp shaman stage, level the swamp shaman to level 20 and craft the +version.
2)That's up to your discretion, whether you want to follow the building quest or build buildings that best increase your income.
3)Depending if you think you'll need more money while upgrading your armors. If you is that you have more money than you need, you May not need it yet.
4)Castle upgrades like armorsmiths.
05-14-2013, 06:19 AM
You can focus on leveling your monk vestments first. However you main goal is to get the big four armor ( atlantean avenger+, crius+, hydra hunter+ and living flame+). If you want a head start, you can consider fusing basic water and basic wind armor to have a chance at getting atlantean avenger armor so that you can level it to 15 and unlock the atlantean avenger+. Also friends are pretty important, so send a pm here and there to other forum members and they'll probably be nice enough to add you.
Thank you for the info. If you don't mind, just 1 more question to which I tried to find the answer but couldn't. Would it make any difference to the EP if I were to use a lvl 1 basic armor or lvl 2 basic armor to enhance something else?
I don't really know who to pm to request them to add me T_T so if anyone see this and is kind enough please add me!
05-14-2013, 06:21 AM
1)Yes. Don't bother leveling the earth shaman at the moment. It's harder and more expensive. Focus on getting the big 4 first, and then when you reach the swamp shaman stage, level the swamp shaman to level 20 and craft the +version.
2)That's up to your discretion, whether you want to follow the building quest or build buildings that best increase your income.
3)Depending if you think you'll need more money while upgrading your armors. If you is that you have more money than you need, you May not need it yet.
4)Castle upgrades like armorsmiths.
Thanks a lot for the quick reply! Is there a questlist anywhere so I can see if
more 'build x amount of this buildingtype' will follow? As I would eventually like to
build a base that best increases my income but like to follow the questline at the same time.
05-14-2013, 06:26 AM
Thanks a lot for the quick reply! Is there a questlist anywhere so I can see if
more 'build x amount of this buildingtype' will follow? As I would eventually like to
build a base that best increases my income but like to follow the questline at the same time.
Welcome :) uh I don't think there is. Basically they'll tell you to slowly progress from one type of building to another, eventually ending with building training fields and monster nests. The final reward is only 1 gem though if I'm not mistaken.
05-14-2013, 06:28 AM
@gen it gives additional ep per level. As for adding people you can normally see it on people sigs.
@goheh so far I haven't seen any, but for me the increase in income outweighs the extra exp/gold provided by those building quest so I just skipped them after they required me to build those monster nest.
05-14-2013, 07:04 AM
1)Yes. Don't bother leveling the earth shaman at the moment. It's harder and more expensive. Focus on getting the big 4 first, and then when you reach the swamp shaman stage, level the swamp shaman to level 20 and craft the +version.
2)That's up to your discretion, whether you want to follow the building quest or build buildings that best increase your income.
3)Depending if you think you'll need more money while upgrading your armors. If you is that you have more money than you need, you May not need it yet.
4)Castle upgrades like armorsmiths.
Quoted for truth. Although Goheh, for a new guy it seems like you've figured out alot and taken onboard the information here anyway. I like it!
Thank you for the info. If you don't mind, just 1 more question to which I tried to find the answer but couldn't. Would it make any difference to the EP if I were to use a lvl 1 basic armor or lvl 2 basic armor to enhance something else?
I don't really know who to pm to request them to add me T_T so if anyone see this and is kind enough please add me!
PM the player you want to add, most of us have our codes in our sig, but as you reach higher levels, you get alot more friend requests and that's why we like to have forum members PM us so we can add you rather than looking through hundred of Friend requests :)
I've added you now. I'm not the best player here by any means, but i'm getting there and i'm sure I can be of use to a player of your level! Any low levels players feel free to add me, just send me a PM first. I remember how hard it was low levels, till I joined the forum. I'd just like to pass on the help I gained by doing the same so feel free to PM me your code for another friend.
05-14-2013, 07:30 AM
Hello everyone,
I found out about this forum today and I must say that I found a lot of helpful information already! I amcurrently at lvl 41 (mighty stage of Blazing Tides) and have been spending a lot of resources/gold on
trying to get legendary armor by fusing. From what I understand in the several threads I’ve read here isthat I must prioritize getting “the big four” (crius+, atlantean+, living flame+ and hydra+), is this
Currently I have:
Commander: Monk lvl 25
Earth: Swamp Shaman Robes lvl 6 (just got it today)
Water: Hydra lvl 15
Fire: Living flame lvl 16
Earth: Atlantean lvl 15
Spirit: Chimera lvl 22
My base lacks 2 more upgrades (the 1mil and 2 mil ones) and I got 2x monster nest, 2x armorsmith, 3x cathedral, 3x guard tower, 2x prison, 2x crystal conservatory, 3x tavern and 2x training fields.
I currently have 400k gold and no gems, what should I be aiming for? I noticed that training fields give a lot more gold, but at the same time I don’t want to spend all my gold on x amount of training fields
and then having to sell a couple of them because a quest demands me to buy for example 3 prisons.
So in a nutshell my questions are:
1. Is aiming for the “big four - lvl 50” the way to go at the moment?
2. Castle layout; how many smiths/training fields should I get, should I get them right away or will
there be more quests demanding me to buy certain other buildings?
3. Should I get the 1mil castle upgrade as soon as possible or prioritize upgrading my armors?
4. What’s the best way to spend gems?
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read through all this!
Hi Goheh, welcome to the forums!
To answer your question, the "big four" is great for getting you pass through the game, but it is not necessary. Just make sure you are using the + version. The swamp shaman is nice, but like deathaxe said, it takes a lot of enhancement points to upgrade. If you do want to level it though, only get it to 35 so you can unlock the + version.
I made it through the game only using max cirius+ and max hydra+. After I had those two, I started on my level 70 armor (which was infernal). So maybe you can work on just 2 of the big four and then start on your swamp. Just level it up to 35 and then, when you can, craft the + versionc. You'll have a real bad boy on your team.
One thing that I do recommend though, TRY to get as many training fields as possible. However much money you have right now, go invest in training fields. Money is important in this game and training fields are the best for getting more money. Those other builds aren't great for money at all, so sell them for more training fields!
05-14-2013, 07:31 AM
Bug with hp regeneration? I haven't been using my knights for. Couple of hours and they haven't regained hp back
05-14-2013, 09:19 AM
@neo 3 star armor only need to be level 20 to unlock the + version.
@wdraizen just restart the game and it should refill your hp.
05-14-2013, 09:28 AM
I just wanted to say hello to everyone here and to ask a quick question.
I have been playing for a while, and have Wind Monarch's Robes up to level 25. All the information that I have found on the web so far indicates that I should be able to forge Wind Monarch's Robes+ but I have not been given that ability yet.
The only reason I can think of so far that would prevent me from doing that is I have not learned how to create Mystic Armor+ yet. I am just guessing though.
Does anyone know if that is the reason I cannot make Wind Monarch's Robes+? If that is not the reason can someone let me know what the reason is?
Thank you!
05-14-2013, 09:31 AM
I just wanted to say hello to everyone here and to ask a quick question.
I have been playing for a while, and have Wind Monarch's Robes up to level 25. All the information that I have found on the web so far indicates that I should be able to forge Wind Monarch's Robes+ but I have not been given that ability yet.
The only reason I can think of so far that would prevent me from doing that is I have not learned how to create Mystic Armor+ yet. I am just guessing though.
Does anyone know if that is the reason I cannot make Wind Monarch's Robes+? If that is not the reason can someone let me know what the reason is?
Thank you!
You can only get wind monarch+ a non craftable armor, from the dark prince chest.
05-14-2013, 09:33 AM
You can only get wind monarch+ a non craftable armor, from the dark prince chest.
Oh, darn. Well I got my answer I just don't like it :P
Thank you Deathexe
05-14-2013, 09:34 AM
I know there are a bunch of +armors you can only get from chest, but is there a way you could fuse them or all fuses only regular?
05-14-2013, 09:35 AM
Oh, darn. Well I got my answer I just don't like it :P
Thank you Deathexe
Haha don't worry though, you're gonna get way better armors eventually :)
05-14-2013, 09:36 AM
I know there are a bunch of +armors you can only get from chest, but is there a way you could fuse them or all fuses only regular?
You can only fuse regular armors.
05-14-2013, 09:36 AM
So far you can only get regular armor from fusing.
05-14-2013, 09:36 AM
I just wanted to say hello to everyone here and to ask a quick question.
I have been playing for a while, and have Wind Monarch's Robes up to level 25. All the information that I have found on the web so far indicates that I should be able to forge Wind Monarch's Robes+ but I have not been given that ability yet.
The only reason I can think of so far that would prevent me from doing that is I have not learned how to create Mystic Armor+ yet. I am just guessing though.
Does anyone know if that is the reason I cannot make Wind Monarch's Robes+? If that is not the reason can someone let me know what the reason is?
Thank you!
Wind Monarch's Robes are uncraftable, so can only be gained from fusion or Dark Prince Chests. Only craftable armors can have a + version unlocked. You can still get + versions of uncraftables from DPC though but doesn't matter if you have leveled up a non + version or not. I made the same mistake leveling up my Monk's Vestments and discovered later that they weren't craftable so can't unlock a + version. Try leveling up Atleanean Avenger, Hydra, Crius, or Living Flame (The Big 4) for their + versions. The + versions of the big 4 are the best level 50 armors and are relatively easy to make.
05-14-2013, 09:37 AM
@death you always beat me to the punch lol!
05-14-2013, 09:42 AM
@death you always beat me to the punch lol!
Haha! I'm only this fast when I have free time! I don't usually reply otherwise XD
05-14-2013, 09:57 AM
Wind Monarch's Robes are uncraftable, so can only be gained from fusion or Dark Prince Chests. Only craftable armors can have a + version unlocked. You can still get + versions of uncraftables from DPC though but doesn't matter if you have leveled up a non + version or not. I made the same mistake leveling up my Monk's Vestments and discovered later that they weren't craftable so can't unlock a + version. Try leveling up Atleanean Avenger, Hydra, Crius, or Living Flame (The Big 4) for their + versions. The + versions of the big 4 are the best level 50 armors and are relatively easy to make.
Thanks for the help!
I already have Atlantean Avenger, and plan on getting Hydra Hunter soon so I guess those will be my first two major + armors!
05-14-2013, 12:12 PM
Hi guys, i need some help.
What i have to do now?
i'm at misty marsh and my armors are:
atlantean+ lv25
crius+ lv25
flowstone battlegear lv25
hydra+ lv25
torchflame lv26
wich armor i have to enhance?
i have to progress the story?
sorry my bad english.
thank you
05-14-2013, 02:35 PM
I'm level 3x, im on the 15th level of the boss i just want to have it unlocked for like a collectors kinda thing but i just fought him and left him at 6000 hp, thats with my best knights and my best friends. Do any of you guys think its possible to finish him with 5 energy ( 2 knights) ? Does anyone with full nemesis want to give it a try with me haha? My friend code is xbx mbp vyg if anyone really strong wants to help me slaughter this dragon within the hour haha thank you!
05-14-2013, 03:07 PM
I'm level 3x, im on the 15th level of the boss i just want to have it unlocked for like a collectors kinda thing but i just fought him and left him at 6000 hp, thats with my best knights and my best friends. Do any of you guys think its possible to finish him with 5 energy ( 2 knights) ? Does anyone with full nemesis want to give it a try with me haha? My friend code is xbx mbp vyg if anyone really strong wants to help me slaughter this dragon within the hour haha thank you!
Your friend code doesnt work.
05-14-2013, 03:13 PM
Your friend code doesnt work.
That's because they haven't gotten to xbx. It's probably xbc-...
05-14-2013, 03:30 PM
Hi guys, i need some help.
What i have to do now?
i'm at misty marsh and my armors are:
atlantean+ lv25
crius+ lv25
flowstone battlegear lv25
hydra+ lv25
torchflame lv26
wich armor i have to enhance?
i have to progress the story?
sorry my bad english.
thank you
Its the big 4 for a reason. So go for Altantean, Crius, Hydra & living flame. It will help u in the next few stages to max in ASAP.
05-14-2013, 06:33 PM
How do people have such good records in the arena? I think I am doing the best I can and I still only win about 60% of my attacks... Is there a way to challenge people besides picking from the list of 8 people that is given to us when we go into the arena? I see some people with like 90% win rates and I can't understand how they pick their opponents... Any tips in this regard would be much appreciated.
05-14-2013, 08:18 PM
How do people have such good records in the arena? I think I am doing the best I can and I still only win about 60% of my attacks... Is there a way to challenge people besides picking from the list of 8 people that is given to us when we go into the arena? I see some people with like 90% win rates and I can't understand how they pick their opponents... Any tips in this regard would be much appreciated.
It's all about knowing your enemy. After losing or winning against someone, you should remember their name so you know who to fight or avoid. Also know that the list of people changes once in awile, so waiting can sometimes be beneficial.
By the way, I can't understand why your would put ??? As you level.
05-14-2013, 08:30 PM
How do people have such good records in the arena? I think I am doing the best I can and I still only win about 60% of my attacks... Is there a way to challenge people besides picking from the list of 8 people that is given to us when we go into the arena? I see some people with like 90% win rates and I can't understand how they pick their opponents... Any tips in this regard would be much appreciated.
obviously, being at level 100 helps. I'm currently at level 100. Since my list of opponents are usually ranked in the top 50, scope out my opponent on the leaderboard. I look at when the time they got their first medal, and if it's within the month, I'll attack. The second thing I look at is their armor. If their main is not wearing a 3/4 star armor, I attack. And last thing to check is, like you mention, their winning percentage.
But yeah, like deathexe says, trying to remember their name would help a lot, but I doubt, at your current ranking you will ever see them again on your list. So other than those tips, just keep on leveling up and get better armor. Soon, you'll be mastering the arena!
05-15-2013, 01:34 AM
Hi Ive read some forum thread lately that suggested i could get free gems by spamming the video offers button, Ive tries this in 3g and wifi and I can never seem to find a video to gain gems. Am I doing something wrong or did I misunderstand something ? Maybe i am cliking the button to fast after another? :P
05-15-2013, 01:48 AM
Hi Ive read some forum thread lately that suggested i could get free gems by spamming the video offers button, Ive tries this in 3g and wifi and I can never seem to find a video to gain gems. Am I doing something wrong or did I misunderstand something ? Maybe i am cliking the button to fast after another? :P
For some people in certain countries the offers just don't come, or there are very limited offers, so you may not be able to get many gems.
05-15-2013, 03:40 AM
Some days ago I've faced an opponent in the arena who was wearing a strange white armor, with an element which was something like "holy", apparently.. I think I've seen it twice since I've started playing, have I dreamed it or it really exists? Next time I will do a screenshot :D
05-15-2013, 03:47 AM
Some days ago I've faced an opponent in the arena who was wearing a strange white armor, with an element which was something like "holy", apparently.. I think I've seen it twice since I've started playing, have I dreamed it or it really exists? Next time I will do a screenshot :D
It's the kaleidoscope raimnent armor. It's strong against all elements and weak against none.
05-15-2013, 05:42 AM
Is the friend referral system broken? I've had a few kind hearted soulds add me up but the reward meter is still at 0 and the reawards are still locked, what gives? :confused:
05-15-2013, 05:46 AM
Is the friend referral system broken? I've had a few kind hearted soulds add me up but the reward meter is still at 0 and the reawards are still locked, what gives? :confused:
Referrals refer to someone who just joined the game and when given the choice to insert someone's friend code after the tutorial, inserts yours. Normal friend request don't count.
05-15-2013, 06:39 AM
Currently, i have these armours:
Atlantean avenger armour Lv1
Hydra Hunger mail Lv1
Living Flame Amour L5
TorchFlame Mantle Lv1
Volcanic Mantle Lv1
Brawler's Armor+ Lv1
Crius Armour+ Lv5
Flowstone battlegear Lv5
Glacier Armour Lv1
Riverstone Mantle+ Lv7
Royal Flame Armor Lv1
SnakeSkin Armor x4 Lv1
Nemesis Lv5
Vinewood Carapace Lv1
Wavecharmer's Mantle Lv1
Wind Monarch Robe Lv1
Anyone can advice me which few armor should i start with and what should i do with the remaining armor? One of my goal is to get Sky Guardian tho...
05-15-2013, 06:50 AM
I have enough to craft the weekly armor but I don't want it, is it worth crafting for 200,000? If yes, is it better to use it to enhance or fuse another armor?
05-15-2013, 06:53 AM
Currently, i have these armours:
Atlantean avenger armour Lv1
Hydra Hunger mail Lv1
Living Flame Amour L5
TorchFlame Mantle Lv1
Volcanic Mantle Lv1
Brawler's Armor+ Lv1
Crius Armour+ Lv5
Flowstone battlegear Lv5
Glacier Armour Lv1
Riverstone Mantle+ Lv7
Royal Flame Armor Lv1
SnakeSkin Armor x4 Lv1
Nemesis Lv5
Vinewood Carapace Lv1
Wavecharmer's Mantle Lv1
Wind Monarch Robe Lv1
Anyone can advice me which few armor should i start with and what should i do with the remaining armor? One of my goal is to get Sky Guardian tho...
You can focus on maxing your crius+ and then unlocking and crafting the rest of the big 4 armors (crius+, living flame+, hydra hunter+ and atlantean+) you can probably use riverstone mantle+ as a replacement for either hydra hunter or atlantean. The rest of your armors could probably be used for enchancing or if you have a lot of gold, fusing.
05-15-2013, 06:54 AM
I have enough to craft the weekly armor but I don't want it, is it worth crafting for 200,000? If yes, is it better to use it to enhance or fuse another armor?
Basically if it's not the +version don't craft it at all.
05-15-2013, 07:10 AM
You can focus on maxing your crius+ and then unlocking and crafting the rest of the big 4 armors (crius+, living flame+, hydra hunter+ and atlantean+) you can probably use riverstone mantle+ as a replacement for either hydra hunter or atlantean. The rest of your armors could probably be used for enchancing or if you have a lot of gold, fusing.
Ok. So i have to max out the big 4 armors? Why are they called the big 4?
Lastly, when can i start getting sky guardian?
05-15-2013, 07:19 AM
Ok. So i have to max out the big 4 armors? Why are they called the big 4?
Lastly, when can i start getting sky guardian?
At least 3 of them maxed will help you with your progression. Because they have one of the top stats among one and two star armors and just good stats in general. You either fuse spirit armors with wind armors, or get it from the dark prince chest. I wouldn't recommend it though, you'll need quite a lot of gold to fuse it.
05-15-2013, 07:30 AM
At least 3 of them maxed will help you with your progression. Because they have one of the top stats among one and two star armors and just good stats in general. You either fuse spirit armors with wind armors, or get it from the dark prince chest. I wouldn't recommend it though, you'll need quite a lot of gold to fuse it.
Ok. Would u advice me whats next after i get the big4? Thanks!
05-15-2013, 08:03 AM
Swamp shaman, Infernal & dark prince. :)
05-15-2013, 09:27 AM
Ok. Would u advice me whats next after i get the big4? Thanks!
if u have the 4 1 star armor maxed, concentrate on expanding ur castle to the last expansion and fill them with training field cause maxing lvl70 armor cost a lot of gold. once have all expansion go for swamp shaman, infernal and dark prince
05-15-2013, 01:08 PM
By the way, I can't understand why your would put ??? As you level.
Thanks for the advice guys! I put the ??? after my level because it is always changing lol.. so my ign is "jamiester lvl (whatever level I am)"
Guys, I have more gold than I know what to do with, currently over 4mill.
Fusion stones are few and far between, what can I do with all this cash? Can't spend it quick enough. I am about level 77/78.
05-15-2013, 02:21 PM
Guys, I have more gold than I know what to do with, currently over 4mill.
Fusion stones are few and far between, what can I do with all this cash? Can't spend it quick enough. I am about level 77/78.
start maxing lvl70?
Not much worth maxing, just a couple of non + boss armours
05-15-2013, 03:30 PM
Amass your gold. You'll need it
05-16-2013, 12:09 AM
Question of combining armors:
Does level of the items matters to get the result?
I have crius and hydra mail hunter armor both at Lv1. Possible to get armour of infernal lord? What are the chances to increase the probability?
Need advice thanks!
05-16-2013, 12:20 AM
This is from what I know, more experienced people will hopefully correct me if I'm wrong:
It is possible to get infernal lord, but unlikely. Higher level armours do increase the chances a little bit. But that can also just result in a higher level, but poor result (I got crius lvl 5 once from AA lv 1 and chimera corps lv 9).
05-16-2013, 01:01 AM
To max the crius + for example, is the fastest way to do that by making lots of basic armours? How much would it cost to max one of those?
05-16-2013, 01:07 AM
I use basics until lvl 25-35 depending on my funds. Typically I combine basics until I have 4 /50 armors.
Fire+ earth or air
Spirit+ H2O or air
Only use those combos
05-16-2013, 02:15 AM
Your friend code doesnt work.
i apologize its xbc hahaha
05-16-2013, 02:47 AM
wonder what happened to Harvey.. haven't seen him around for a while.. :)
05-16-2013, 03:22 AM
So what's the best combination to get infernal armour lord and sky guardian?
05-16-2013, 03:28 AM
So what's the best combination to get infernal armour lord and sky guardian?
There's no best combination, just use the respective element combinations.
05-16-2013, 04:23 AM
So what's the best combination to get infernal armour lord and sky guardian?
I just got an infernal from fusing crius+ and living flame+. If u have the resources u can try fusing these 2 cos it has the chance to give sky guardian also, which i was trying for :(
05-16-2013, 04:39 AM
wonder what happened to Harvey.. haven't seen him around for a while.. :)
He's quit, said so on his siggy.
05-16-2013, 06:21 AM
Here's a question that may have been asked before: what does element order mean in dual element armor. For example armor of the infernal lord is fire/earth while half dragon is earth/fire? Does the difference in order mean anything?
05-16-2013, 06:30 AM
i want to craft 3 stars or more Armor to my Air Knight what you recomend to me ?
05-16-2013, 06:35 AM
Here's a question that may have been asked before: what does element order mean in dual element armor. For example armor of the infernal lord is fire/earth while half dragon is earth/fire? Does the difference in order mean anything?
Nope. Nothing of importance anyway.
i want to craft 3 stars or more Armor to my Air Knight what you recomend to me ?
Rocfeather Robes+, Sky Guardian, Wing Wurm+ (too late now)...
05-16-2013, 06:38 AM
Rocfeather Robes+, Sky Guardian, Wing Wurm+ (too late now)...
Sky Gurdian or Rocfeather Robes+ ?
05-16-2013, 06:40 AM
Sky Guardian is better but harder to get. Stick with Rocfeather Robes+
05-16-2013, 06:46 AM
More 2 questions:
1) How do i get Sky Guardian Armor?
2) Armor of the Infernal Lord can be only craftble or we can also combine to get it ?
05-16-2013, 06:51 AM
Through fusion. Check the spreadsheet for the right combination.
+ All armours are attainable through fusion. Check the spreadsheet for the right combination for Infernal. I'm pretty sure it's Crius+ + Living Flame+ but not too sure. I remember when I was trying to fuse it I had to burn through over 16 fusion stones until I finally got it and enhanced it to lv.20 for the + version then crafted it with mats.
05-16-2013, 07:51 AM
When people send me a Friend request, they may used my Refferral Code, but I don't get the rewards.
How do I manage to get the rewards ? :o
05-16-2013, 08:03 AM
When people send me a Friend request, they may used my Refferral Code, but I don't get the rewards.
How do I manage to get the rewards ? :o
Becoz they may not add u through ur ref code, but add u as friend thru your profile when viewing players.
05-16-2013, 08:25 AM
Becoz they may not add u through ur ref code, but add u as friend thru your profile when viewing players.
That's not really the reason. As long as a player doesn't add you right after their tutorial when given the chance, any other time they add you wouldn't count towards your friend referral rewards.
05-16-2013, 02:29 PM
How do i make Armor to be + craftable.. if i want Circus+ what i need to do ?
05-16-2013, 02:35 PM
How do i make Armor to be + craftable.. if i want Circus+ what i need to do ?
You just have to level your armor, if it is Cirius Armor, to level 20 i think.
05-16-2013, 02:38 PM
im level 50 and i have sucks armor.. what i need to do ? (i just now craft the armor 4 stars on the last event.. Air/Earth
05-16-2013, 04:40 PM
I have searched and can't find an answer anywhere.
KnD was crashing so often, I thought deleting and reinstalling would help. It has only succeeded in making the game completely unplayable. Every time I load the game, I get error code 100007.
Has anyone had any problems/success with this?
05-16-2013, 04:58 PM
i need to know how to get in contact with gree? ive been playing the game for a while and so far ive bought 11 dark prince chests 4 or 5 times so that means ive spent ALOT on gems, but unfortionatly ive never got a lvl 70 armor from the chests. and as of today i spent $55 so i could open 22 chests to get hhe black klidoscope but i didnt get 1 and i didnt get any level 70 just a bunch of repeats, and ive never got a level 70 from fusing either ive fused almost all the boss armors sense mountian shroud armor. but ive also fused infernal lord, roc, swamp shaman, and soooo many and i always get a level 50 armor from theose fuses. but really today when i spent $55 to try to get the 3x black klidoscope armor and litterally got ripped off ive had to much and need to contact some one if possible. thatnk you for any help!!!!!!!!
05-16-2013, 05:23 PM
i need to know how to get in contact with gree? ive been playing the game for a while and so far ive bought 11 dark prince chests 4 or 5 times so that means ive spent ALOT on gems, but unfortionatly ive never got a lvl 70 armor from the chests. and as of today i spent $55 so i could open 22 chests to get hhe black klidoscope but i didnt get 1 and i didnt get any level 70 just a bunch of repeats, and ive never got a level 70 from fusing either ive fused almost all the boss armors sense mountian shroud armor. but ive also fused infernal lord, roc, swamp shaman, and soooo many and i always get a level 50 armor from theose fuses. but really today when i spent $55 to try to get the 3x black klidoscope armor and litterally got ripped off ive had to much and need to contact some one if possible. thatnk you for any help!!!!!!!!
It's just your bad luck, if you haven't been getting good fuses or results from the dark prince chest, Gree isn't going to change anything bout that. It was your choice to do then anyways.
05-16-2013, 05:28 PM
Well, there is a contact form here:,202
But honestly, it's your mistake for spending so much on DPCs. The results are random and the chances of getting something good are very low. Contacting support will NOT help your situation.
Also, the "3x" chance seems to mean nothing. It's a slightly increased tiny chance of getting it. It's something you'll have to live with. And stop wasting $$$ on it!
i need to know how to get in contact with gree? ive been playing the game for a while and so far ive bought 11 dark prince chests 4 or 5 times so that means ive spent ALOT on gems, but unfortionatly ive never got a lvl 70 armor from the chests. and as of today i spent $55 so i could open 22 chests to get hhe black klidoscope but i didnt get 1 and i didnt get any level 70 just a bunch of repeats, and ive never got a level 70 from fusing either ive fused almost all the boss armors sense mountian shroud armor. but ive also fused infernal lord, roc, swamp shaman, and soooo many and i always get a level 50 armor from theose fuses. but really today when i spent $55 to try to get the 3x black klidoscope armor and litterally got ripped off ive had to much and need to contact some one if possible. thatnk you for any help!!!!!!!!
05-16-2013, 05:29 PM
im level 50 and i have sucks armor.. what i need to do ? (i just now craft the armor 4 stars on the last event.. Air/Earth
Focus on getting the big 4 armor (Crius+, atlantean avenger+, hydra hunter+, living flame+). Don't bother level or crafting any boss armor unless it's the +version.
05-16-2013, 05:30 PM
I don't think you should have crafted the boss armour. I keep reading that those aren't worth it if you can't get the + version. And I believe those people.
What you should be doing is getting Atlantean Avenger+, Crius+, Living Flame+ and Hydra Hunter's Mail+ and upgrading those to the max. Then you can start going for the next tier (Swamp Shaman, Infernal Lord, etc.)
Hey look, I've joined the broken records! :D
Edit: Dammit, death types faster than I do.
im level 50 and i have sucks armor.. what i need to do ? (i just now craft the armor 4 stars on the last event.. Air/Earth
05-16-2013, 05:46 PM
yeah but ive pro spent like $140 on gems idk oping for chests im just extremely imposlive and when i see 3x it doesnt help especially when i see ppl with kilidoscope, dragon tamer and all these other chest finds i see hope and blew so much money and fused everything else so now i have no good armor at all... it is my fault but i mean damn im a customer
05-16-2013, 06:02 PM
yeah but ive pro spent like $140 on gems idk oping for chests im just extremely imposlive and when i see 3x it doesnt help especially when i see ppl with kilidoscope, dragon tamer and all these other chest finds i see hope and blew so much money and fused everything else so now i have no good armor at all... it is my fault but i mean damn im a customer
Well, all information about the dark prince chest has been provided, they clearly state 2 stars and above. So any risks you were willing to take when buying keys is on you. Same for fusion, results are random so you should understand the risk too. Guess its just bad luck.
05-16-2013, 06:16 PM
how fast does gree respond to contacts inquires on that site? and your completely right about that but i think they would be willing to help me especially after how much money ive spent
05-16-2013, 06:23 PM
They respond within a couple of hours. Sometimes less sometimes more. Just send a support email and I'm sure it'll get checked out.
05-16-2013, 06:53 PM
how fast does gree respond to contacts inquires on that site? and your completely right about that but i think they would be willing to help me especially after how much money ive spent
Just don't get your hopes up, there've been players that have done the same to no avail. Doesn't make sense for Gree to compensate someone when there was no problem, if not hundreds of other players would do the same. Good luck nontheless.
I know that + versions of certain armors are only available in the DPC. I've gotten non-plus version of various types of armor, do I need to improve those to a certain level to "unlock" the ability to get + versions of those from the DPC, or is it just luck?
05-16-2013, 07:26 PM
I know that + versions of certain armors are only available in the DPC. I've gotten non-plus version of various types of armor, do I need to improve those to a certain level to "unlock" the ability to get + versions of those from the DPC, or is it just luck?
Just luck :)
05-17-2013, 02:19 AM
how fast does gree respond to contacts inquires on that site? and your completely right about that but i think they would be willing to help me especially after how much money ive spent
Why would they be willing to help you? It was your choice to spend that money.
Supermarkets put chocolate next to the checkout to make money off you, not to help you loose weight.. See where I'm coming from?
They are a business, and it's clearly states you have a CHANCE at getting legendary, there is no guarantee associated with it. You seem to have been unlucky, but that's the name of the game.
I was lucky and got Kaleidoscopic Raiment (normal) on my first ever DPC, but as I say, that's the name of the game.
05-17-2013, 02:48 AM
how fast does gree respond to contacts inquires on that site? and your completely right about that but i think they would be willing to help me especially after how much money ive spent
Some dude once spend 5k on DPC for Aegis armor. He didn't get it, so though luck bro
05-17-2013, 05:05 AM
Hi seniors. I've been making some progress in the game and am starting to understand more about it but there's still so much to grasp. Been reading and putting some of the tips here to good use.
I'm at lvl 29 and i've been trying to get the big 4. Here's what i have so far, i'd appreciate it if someone could advise which setup and which armor i should focus on unlocking +.
Monk's Vestments
Atlantean Avenger(+Unlocked) x3
Hydra Hunter's Mail
Cirus Armor
Wind Monarch's Robes
(I have whats required for Living flame, just haven't fused due to lack of gold)
Wind Monarch seems to have pretty high base stats as compared to the other Rares in the big 4, So should i replace it with something else? Do bear in mind that in terms of stage progress i haven't gone very far, been busy farming snakeskins and i'm at ColdRock Crags.
05-17-2013, 05:12 AM
Hi seniors. I've been making some progress in the game and am starting to understand more about it but there's still so much to grasp. Been reading and putting some of the tips here to good use.
I'm at lvl 29 and i've been trying to get the big 4. Here's what i have so far, i'd appreciate it if someone could advise which setup and which armor i should focus on unlocking +.
Monk's Vestments
Atlantean Avenger(+Unlocked) x3
Hydra Hunter's Mail
Cirus Armor
Wind Monarch's Robes
(I have whats required for Living flame, just haven't fused due to lack of gold)
Wind Monarch seems to have pretty high base stats as compared to the other Rares in the big 4, So should i replace it with something else? Do bear in mind that in terms of stage progress i haven't gone very far, been busy farming snakeskins and i'm at ColdRock Crags.
Max your atlantean avenger+ and go on to get and max either a hydra hunter+ or crius+. Don't bother with the wind monarch, it's stats are actually pretty bad.
05-17-2013, 05:19 AM
Max your atlantean avenger+ and go on to get and max either a hydra hunter+ or crius+. Don't bother with the wind monarch, it's stats are actually pretty bad.
While i've unlocked the + i might still be a while away from getting the mats to craft one. I thought i could get at + through fusing after unlocking it but it burned a hole and gave me disapointment instead.
I hope you don't mind me asking death as im trying to gain a better understanding of how things work but
Wind Monarch lvl 1 - 252/231
Cirus lvl 1 - 187/187
Atlantean lvl 1 - 187/170
So what gives? Is wind monarch a lot more inferior in terms of stats gain per level as compare to the rest or...?
05-17-2013, 05:22 AM
Max your atlantean avenger+ and go on to get and max either a hydra hunter+ or crius+. Don't bother with the wind monarch, it's stats are actually pretty bad.
I personally think Hydra+ and Atlantean+ are the best. I've not bothered with Crius and i'm not at Zephyr plateu (2 maps to go). As Death said, focus on maxing both of these and you shouldn't have a problem, if you've got 2 max AA+ then even better.
Priority should be on your castle though, build as many training fields as you can to earn alot of money very quickly :) Without gold, you can't max your armour!
05-17-2013, 05:26 AM
While i've unlocked the + i might still be a while away from getting the mats to craft one. I thought i could get at + through fusing after unlocking it but it burned a hole and gave me disapointment instead.
I hope you don't mind me asking death as im trying to gain a better understanding of how things work but
Wind Monarch lvl 1 - 252/231
Cirus lvl 1 - 187/187
Atlantean lvl 1 - 187/170
So what gives? Is wind monarch a lot more inferior in terms of stats gain per level as compare to the rest or...?
The starting stats of an armor at level one doesn't mean very much. It's the stat gain that's important. In this case, when you compare an atlantean avenger+ and the wind monarch, the AA+ has a stat gain of 11atk/12def while wind monarch only has 7atk/6def. The difference of the stats of both armors at level 50 will be more than obvious.
05-17-2013, 05:52 AM
While i've unlocked the + i might still be a while away from getting the mats to craft one. I thought i could get at + through fusing after unlocking it but it burned a hole and gave me disapointment instead.
I hope you don't mind me asking death as im trying to gain a better understanding of how things work but
Wind Monarch lvl 1 - 252/231
Cirus lvl 1 - 187/187
Atlantean lvl 1 - 187/170
So what gives? Is wind monarch a lot more inferior in terms of stats gain per level as compare to the rest or...?
First things first bud, when fusing armour you will ONLY ever get normal version. You CANNOT fuse + armour. Don't worry about taking a while to get the mats for making the armour, it's all experience for you and also means you get lots of mats for creating basic armours to level up your new AA+ when you get it.
Whats the deal with Crius and Atlantean having weaker stats than Wind Monarch at level 1.
Well you guessed it, the Wind Monarch armour is indeed inferior in terms of gains per level when compared to both AA and Crius.
Wind M earns 7 Att and 6 Def per level advancement and when maxed it has a total of 1120 (595Att - 525Def)
AA earns 8 Att and 9 Def per level advancement and when maxed has a total of 1190 (579Att - 611Def)
Crius earns 8 Att and 10 Def per level advancement and when maxed has a total of 1256 (579Att - 677Def)
Now lets compared AA+ and Crius +
AA+ earns 11 Att and 12 Def per level advancement and when maxed has a total of 1523 (746Att - 777Def)
Crius+ earns 10 Att and 12 Def per level advancement and when maxed has a total of 1490 (696Att - 794Def)
So as you can see, the gains are what makes the armour stronger. Essentially, if you plan on keeping the armour at level 1 (BAD IDEA) then Wind Monarch is the better armour, however as you progress through different stages of the game you'll want to level your armour at which point the big 4 becomes much better contenders for advancement and success in the game.
Hope that clears things up.
If you wondering where I got my information from, it's from the K&D Data sheet a senior forum regular created (Credit where credit is due), many players from this forum have since contributed and now we have a vast range of data for us all to use.
You can find it here. ( lE#gid=0)
05-17-2013, 05:56 AM
Actually, the data sheet was created by one of the older forum members, not by Radlonghammer. Nontheless Rad has done some amazing things for the forum.
05-17-2013, 06:11 AM
Actually, the data sheet was created by one of the older forum members, not by Radlonghammer. Nontheless Rad has done some amazing things for the forum.
Corrected my post so as not to upset anyone, in particular the creator!
05-17-2013, 06:13 AM
Corrected my post so as not to upset anyone, in particular the creator!
Haha that was nice! I just can't remember who created it.
Don't think he's on the forum anymore though, I could be wrong!
05-17-2013, 07:44 AM
Hi all, i am currently trying to get big 4. Currently i have obtained hydra hunter +, living flame+, AA+ and crius+. However, i also have riverstone mantle+.
Do u think i should keep riverstone mantle+ to subsitute one of the big4 or don't even bother upgrading it...
05-17-2013, 07:50 AM
Hi all, i am currently trying to get big 4. Currently i have obtained hydra hunter +, living flame+, AA+ and crius+. However, i also have riverstone mantle+.
Do u think i should keep riverstone mantle+ to subsitute one of the big4 or don't even bother upgrading it...
You should level your riverstone mantle+ in place of one of your water armors, most likely AA+. I would put leveling the riverstone as my priority. AA+ could still be leveled cause of its water/wind element an its decent stats.
05-17-2013, 08:10 AM
You should level your riverstone mantle+ in place of one of your water armors, most likely AA+. I would put leveling the riverstone as my priority. AA+ could still be leveled cause of its water/wind element an its decent stats.
Ok will put riverstone mantle+ as prioty. So i should replace AA+ with riverstone mantle+?
Lastly, should i spend on StarSong Shroud? i have around 300gems here.
05-17-2013, 08:20 AM
Ok will put riverstone mantle+ as prioty. So i should replace AA+ with riverstone mantle+?
Lastly, should i spend on StarSong Shroud? i have around 300gems here.
That's up to you, but I would consider leveling either the AA or crius for the wind element.
Do you mean the +version? That would depend on how many times you can kill the boss at the moment.
05-17-2013, 09:36 AM
Issit worth it for the armor starshoud+?
05-17-2013, 09:38 AM
Issit worth it for the armor starshoud+?
As I've said, it depends on how far you can get. If you're lacking 2 or 4 materials, go for it, if not, it'll probably be a waste. What level are you?
05-17-2013, 09:48 AM
As I've said, it depends on how far you can get. If you're lacking 2 or 4 materials, go for it, if not, it'll probably be a waste. What level are you?
Because i was thinking of going for summoning stone since it looks alot easier...currently sirius lv16
05-17-2013, 10:03 AM
Because i was thinking of going for summoning stone since it looks alot easier...currently sirius lv16
If you're just planning to summon the boss to get the normal version, don't bother. You're still too low leveled to try for the level 43 boss. Spending 11 gems per 2 materials just isn't worth it of you're lacking too many materials.
05-17-2013, 11:20 AM
If you're just planning to summon the boss to get the normal version, don't bother. You're still too low leveled to try for the level 43 boss. Spending 11 gems per 2 materials just isn't worth it of you're lacking too many materials.
Erm, what i meant was i completed stage 16 of sirus. i am level 45 here. currently have 51 sirus stars. I have not spend any gems to summon u think u shld go ahead with +armor by summoning once i reach around stage 30?
05-17-2013, 11:34 AM
Erm, what i meant was i completed stage 16 of sirus. i am level 45 here. currently have 51 sirus stars. I have not spend any gems to summon u think u shld go ahead with +armor by summoning once i reach around stage 30?
Don't go chase for this boss armor. You probably don't have enough resources to max the legendary armor so don't bother yet. Focus on other armors first. Don't waist your gems
05-17-2013, 11:43 AM
less then 24 hours since the new arena event started and the 1st place got 48k points.
WTH? how is that even possible?
05-17-2013, 12:47 PM
less then 24 hours since the new arena event started and the 1st place got 48k points.
WTH? how is that even possible?
My guess is: lots and lots and LOTS of gems (?)
I am level 58 now. Is it worth it for me to try to gather enough materials for boss armor+ and hold off crafting it for later (when I am properly rolling in dough)? People seem to think this armor is worth it, stats and all, so I kind of do want to craft it eventually...
05-17-2013, 02:12 PM
For armor, What level to you have to get it to before it becomes + armor.
05-17-2013, 02:35 PM
For armor, What level to you have to get it to before it becomes + armor.
Level up to 35, Clear 43 to have double mats to craft second set
05-17-2013, 03:33 PM
I just receive a monstrous garb+ from the DPC, I went to look at the armour data sheet but couldn't find it's stats on there. So I was wondering if its worth levelling up to use. These are my current stats and armours.
Level: 62
AA+ - level 50
Half dragon - level 34
Flowstone battlegear - level 28
Riverstone mantle - level 26
Torchflame mantle - level 26
HH+ - level 15
I was late to the realisation that getting the big four was the way to go so I'm getting those maxed out first but should I invest time in monstrous garb+ now/after the big four or forget it.
05-17-2013, 03:46 PM
Level it up once to see how much atk/def it gains if it's more than 10/12 and if it has a higher base stats than crius you can use that instead.
I think the formula would be (50-1)*gain+basic stats. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
05-17-2013, 04:01 PM
Thanks, did it and worked it out:
Monstrous garb+ level 50 stats:
Attack: 647
Defence: 746
Total: 1393
Overall, slower and more costly to level than circus+ and worse stats in the end.
I can't add it to the armour sheet myself as I'm on my phone but somebody else can I'm sure.
05-17-2013, 04:09 PM
at what lvl would be clearing boss stage 43 doable?
05-17-2013, 04:15 PM
at what lvl would be clearing boss stage 43 doable?
I think level is less important than the armours you have and your powerful friends. I read somewhere (Rad's guide I believe) that you really shouldn't attempt it before level 45.
05-17-2013, 04:19 PM
There's nothing wrong with trying. But wasting resources on it just to get to 43 that's what I would not suggest doing. With a couple of good armor, bunch of strong friends and proper time management I think you can do it in your mid 60s.
05-17-2013, 04:35 PM
im lvl 53 with maxed aa+ and have couple of strong friends (mainly thanks to this forum helpful community, thanks a bunch!) and im unsure whether it would be better to try 43 or just lvl up, since using my friends for boss exclusively hurts my lvling capacity :P
currently at boss lvl20
05-17-2013, 04:37 PM
im lvl 53 with maxed aa+ and have couple of strong friends (mainly thanks to this forum helpful community, thanks a bunch!) and im unsure whether it would be better to try 43 or just lvl up, since using my friends for boss exclusively hurts my lvling capacity :P
currently at boss lvl20
I'm also at 20, hehe :) I am actually trying for boss this week. And saving up money to buy castle expansions and level up armors. Leveling is secondary for me, I'd rather upgrade armors and then unlock new map areas (currently at Misty Marsh).
05-17-2013, 04:39 PM
I'm also at 20, hehe :) I am actually trying for boss this week. And saving up money to buy castle expansions and level up armors. Leveling is secondary for me, I'd rather upgrade armors and then unlock new map areas (currently at Misty Marsh).
Awesome :) Im at Misty Marsh aswell xD
What's your lvl Varza, and armor?
05-17-2013, 04:41 PM
Level 58, AA+ level 40, also have a Crius at 40 and the other two around 25ish. Work in progress. You are actually ahead of me, you have maxed AA ;)
Awesome :) Im at Misty Marsh aswell xD
What's your lvl Varza, and armor?
05-17-2013, 04:55 PM
Your friends health and stats depends on your level. The higher your level the higher is your friends stats as well. So you should still focus on leveling.
05-17-2013, 05:24 PM
maxed AA+ is awesome! my game rocks once i got it :)
Im all up for lvling though, money gathering and armor enhancing doesnt slow me that much, I farm snakeskins till i have like 6 sets to make, then use the rest of my knights health to lvl up, that way i make most advantage of what Raistmar posted above :)
05-17-2013, 05:41 PM
Oh yeah, good point! Had forgotten about it. Well I *am* still leveling. I just made 59 :D What I do is I try not to use friends for the normal levels, unless I have some left over and I can't regenerate epic energy before I sleep. Mostly I farm first, then go for a higher level (Sunken Carrack ATM) and if I die before the boss, I just wait to regen and then beat it. Rinse and repeat.
Your friends health and stats depends on your level. The higher your level the higher is your friends stats as well. So you should still focus on leveling.
05-17-2013, 08:27 PM
If i fuse together armors, then i level that armor up, lets say sky guardian to level 20.. does that unlock + version of that armor to craft?
05-17-2013, 08:34 PM
do u guys know the growth rate of the new epic armor?
05-17-2013, 08:42 PM
do u guys know the growth rate of the new epic armor?
Dont think anyone has crafted the + version yet.
If i fuse together armors, then i level that armor up, lets say sky guardian to level 20.. does that unlock + version of that armor to craft?
You can only gain + versions of uncraftable armor through DPC.
05-17-2013, 09:04 PM
do u guys know the growth rate of the new epic armor?
It has the same leveling rate as all 70 armors, except it's +version unlocks at level 35.
05-17-2013, 09:45 PM
how ddo u guys fuse so fast? i cant craft faster than what i fuse >_<
does upgrading the craft building helps alot?
05-17-2013, 09:58 PM
how ddo u guys fuse so fast? i cant craft faster than what i fuse >_<
does upgrading the craft building helps alot?
What do you mean by fuse so fast? Are you referring to enchancing or fusion?
05-17-2013, 09:59 PM
So it has been over three days and countless attempts to play KnD. Still getting Error Code: 100007. Still trying. Nothing has helped.
Has anyone else had this problem after re-downloading the game?
05-17-2013, 10:04 PM
oops i mean enchance**
05-17-2013, 10:09 PM
oops i mean enchance**
Usually we just farm snakeskin to enchance. At the last ten to fifteen levels, we fuse basic armors to get 50EP armors and use them to enchance, though this method is very expensive and not meant for lower leveled players.
05-17-2013, 10:39 PM
Usually we just farm snakeskin to enchance. At the last ten to fifteen levels, we fuse basic armors to get 50EP armors and use them to enchance, though this method is very expensive and not meant for lower leveled players.
But the crafting takes 2hours....i have alot of snake skin here but i cant enhance my armors due to the slow crafting process
05-17-2013, 10:45 PM
So it has been over three days and countless attempts to play KnD. Still getting Error Code: 100007. Still trying. Nothing has helped.
Has anyone else had this problem after re-downloading the game?
i sometimes got it...the error means that server currently unavailable = down/maintenance or device cut off from internet for a second and the error shows
05-17-2013, 10:52 PM
A Training Field maxes out at 14,000 (1,167/hour). An upgraded Training Field maxes out at 16,500. If you do the upgrade does the 1,167/hour go up at all? If not, as long as you collect within 11 or 12 hours, there's no need to upgrade. Thoughts?
05-17-2013, 10:56 PM
But the crafting takes 2hours....i have alot of snake skin here but i cant enhance my armors due to the slow crafting process
Then you'll need more armories. Usually four is good.
05-17-2013, 11:01 PM
A Training Field maxes out at 14,000 (1,167/hour). An upgraded Training Field maxes out at 16,500. If you do the upgrade does the 1,167/hour go up at all? If not, as long as you collect within 11 or 12 hours, there's no need to upgrade. Thoughts?
actually, when u upgrade a building, the money rate/hour increases as well.
cant tell u exactly by how much, but it deffinitly improves. also its always nicer to wake up and find those extra 2500 multiplied by the amount of your fields :)
05-18-2013, 03:10 AM
Anyone know how you get Starmetal Fragments? I'm hoping to unlock the Kaleido + Version today am want to start farming for mats ASAP. Is it from chests only or can I get them from a PvE map?
05-18-2013, 03:21 AM
Anyone know how you get Starmetal Fragments? I'm hoping to unlock the Kaleido + Version today am want to start farming for mats ASAP. Is it from chests only or can I get them from a PvE map?
Chest only
05-18-2013, 03:22 AM
Anyone know how you get Starmetal Fragments? I'm hoping to unlock the Kaleido + Version today am want to start farming for mats ASAP. Is it from chests only or can I get them from a PvE map?
You can only get it from chest. The +version of the normal kaleidoscope isn't very worth it though.
05-18-2013, 04:57 AM
You can only get it from chest. The +version of the normal kaleidoscope isn't very worth it though.
:( I'm dissapointed. Thought I had a massive headstart getting lucky with the normal version from DPC lol. How come the + version aint worth the costs involved? :o Surely being strong against everything and weak against nothing is a massive +?
Stats on the normal version aren't great tbh, but surely with the + version it makes all the difference?
05-18-2013, 05:33 AM
:( I'm dissapointed. Thought I had a massive headstart getting lucky with the normal version from DPC lol. How come the + version aint worth the costs involved? :o Surely being strong against everything and weak against nothing is a massive +?
Stats on the normal version aren't great tbh, but surely with the + version it makes all the difference?
The +version has 846atk and 547def, nothing really amazing either. The kaleidoscope wasn't a really good armor actually. Only the black one seems decent.
05-18-2013, 06:51 AM
ok. i have crafted a starsong shroud. should i proceed with going to summon stone to summon sirens to obtain the remaining 40 materials and reserve it to craft starsong+?
05-18-2013, 07:07 AM
ok. i have crafted a starsong shroud. should i proceed with going to summon stone to summon sirens to obtain the remaining 40 materials and reserve it to craft starsong+?
No you should not. 40 materials would mean 220gems. That would be a complete waste of gems that could be used to get so many nemesis armors in the future. Basically as long as you can't get to level 43 by yourself, there's almost no point in spending gems to summon the boss for materials unless you're lacking maybe 2 or 4 materials. I've been trying to tell you that the last few posts.
05-18-2013, 07:21 AM
No you should not. 40 materials would mean 220gems. That would be a complete waste of gems that could be used to get so many nemesis armors in the future. Basically as long as you can't get to level 43 by yourself, there's almost no point in spending gems to summon the boss for materials unless you're lacking maybe 2 or 4 materials. I've been trying to tell you that the last few posts.
Quoted for truth. I've stopped doing anything past level 15 untill i'm a higher level. No point in using up my friends to defeat a boss I won't get anything out of. I'd rather gain xp from the story mode and use friends there.
I'd suggest you do the same, but ultimately, it's your choice :)
05-18-2013, 07:49 AM
Quoted for truth. I've stopped doing anything past level 15 untill i'm a higher level. No point in using up my friends to defeat a boss I won't get anything out of. I'd rather gain xp from the story mode and use friends there.
I'd suggest you do the same, but ultimately, it's your choice :)
It's never bad to go for the snakeskin rewards or the enchantment keys, just dont chase the boss armor and think you can get to 70 in a day
05-18-2013, 07:53 AM
No you should not. 40 materials would mean 220gems. That would be a complete waste of gems that could be used to get so many nemesis armors in the future. Basically as long as you can't get to level 43 by yourself, there's almost no point in spending gems to summon the boss for materials unless you're lacking maybe 2 or 4 materials. I've been trying to tell you that the last few posts.
sorry for that. 4* ish just too tempting :|
basically i have finished expanding my land to training grounds and not sure where should i spend my gems on. any suggestion? i believe DPC is also a waste of gems unless i am getting a nemesis armor.
One last qsn, let's say if you have a spirit nemesis armor. does it work for upcoming Epic boss (ie 3x dmg) who is weak against spirit?
05-18-2013, 08:00 AM
What do you guys think...
Half Dragon 70+ or Armor of the Infernal Lord 70+?
05-18-2013, 08:05 AM
sorry for that. 4* ish just too tempting :|
basically i have finished expanding my land to training grounds and not sure where should i spend my gems on. any suggestion? i believe DPC is also a waste of gems unless i am getting a nemesis armor.
One last qsn, let's say if you have a spirit nemesis armor. does it work for upcoming Epic boss (ie 3x dmg) who is weak against spirit?
It'll probably be a good idea to spend it on nemesis when you're higher leveled.
No, nemesis only works for that specific boss.
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