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05-08-2014, 01:14 PM
Good Afternoon, Knights!
I'm quite the novice when it comes to forums, so I was wondering how to start a thread on the General Forum? On this thread, I have an option to reply in the top left corner. However, with the general forum, there doesn't seem to be a button for me to start a new thread.
Is this forum locked, do I need to meet some requirements to start a thread, or am I completely missing something?
My apologies for the simple question, but I truly am a little lost!
Thank you kindly,
Sol Invictus
05-08-2014, 04:58 PM
I was wondering how to start a thread on the General Forum?
Is this forum locked, do I need to meet some requirements to start a thread, or am I completely missing something?
You need 15 posts to earn your full forum privileges.
I made a thread for people in your situation. You can have the honor of first posts.
Here's a question for someone...
Every week or so, I see a discussion about who gets what bonuses where in the game. Anyone know exactly what they are?
No bonuses in Arena?
Guild bonuses, but no rank bonuses in friend battles?
I never 100% understood it.
Mr Spaz
05-09-2014, 09:41 PM
The recent update essentially broke the app for me. All I get every time I open the app is a blank screen. Makes it pretty hard to get the Epic Boss Armor, if you ask me.
My question is this: What can I do to fix it? I've already tried closing the app, deleting it and re-downloading it, and restarting my iPad.
05-10-2014, 04:26 PM
The recent update essentially broke the app for me. All I get every time I open the app is a blank screen. Makes it pretty hard to get the Epic Boss Armor, if you ask me.
My question is this: What can I do to fix it? I've already tried closing the app, deleting it and re-downloading it, and restarting my iPad.
You try porting it to your iphone or anything?
05-11-2014, 08:41 PM
The timer that tells when you or your opponent attack during the wars is missing now. Is this going to be permanent or just a byproduct of the last update?
05-12-2014, 06:08 AM
I read on the wiki that you get these if you kill or do the most damage to a guardian, but I only ever get silver armour.
Am I missing something or are these rewards no longer available?
05-12-2014, 06:15 AM
Am I missing something or are these rewards no longer available?
I believe those are no longer available. That was a reward given for defeating the guardian in the first war, but was changed from the second war on. Also, the armor/reward received is based on the guardian's level. I've not taken on a guardian higher than level 5 (which i received a fusion stone for defeating), so I don't know what the rewards are for higher level guardians.
05-13-2014, 03:27 PM
being new to forums, i am low on forum etiquette.
my question is : i have normal epic boss armor ( working towards levelling and hence crafting plus epic boss armor) BUT earlier threads said about crafting bigger four (dark prince , roc feather..)
Q1. if i have a normal epic boss armor , is there any need of bigger four? as their plus is still lower than maxed normal epic boss?
Q2. And the only way to get epics is either lucky chance chests or being in top guilds? no sure shot fusion of legendaries?
Q3. snakeskin or spectral captain/swamp/fusion 50 EP armors . any other way to level that epic boss armor ? wich is better (quicker ?)
Sol Invictus
05-13-2014, 03:51 PM
Q1. if i have a normal epic boss armor , is there any need of bigger four? as their plus is still lower than maxed normal epic boss?
Use your head and go for the armors with the best stats.
Q2. And the only way to get epics is either lucky chance chests or being in top guilds? no sure shot fusion of legendaries?
Fusing Epics is not guaranteed, but for a free-to-play player it is your only chance. Unless you want to save up five or six hundred gems and try to get into a top 25 guild.
05-13-2014, 05:51 PM
Im currently at level 56 and thinking about restarting my game due to negligence with gems during the first week.
Is it worth it?
Also, i just watched about 25 video offers, with one "no more offers" message about half way thru and now it continues to show me the "no more offers" message; does it max out at a certain point?
Sol Invictus
05-13-2014, 07:56 PM
thinking about restarting my game due to negligence with gems during the first week.
Is it worth it?
What kind of negligence? It's probably not that big of a deal and not worth starting over.
does it max out at a certain point?
You can only get a certain number of free videos within a certain timeframe. Try again tomorrow.
05-13-2014, 08:01 PM
Videos are sporadic and you will run out after a video binge. Just wait a little while (could be hours or days). If I were you i would just continue with the current account. The gems you used early on aren't guaranteed to be given to you again on the next try except for the measly few you get from quests. Just keep going, focus on arena and getting the gem rewards there. That's an easy 20 per week then you get some for your rank, watch those videos when they are there also.
05-14-2014, 06:23 AM
Q3. snakeskin or spectral captain/swamp/fusion 50 EP armors . any other way to level that epic boss armor ? wich is better (quicker ?)
Fusing 50 EP armors is quickest.
05-14-2014, 06:41 AM
Hello all, I am new to Knights & Dragons. I tried doing some research on the best ways to level and advance my armors and wanted to get some feed back.
I did spend some money on gems and rolled the 3x Flame Chest thing 2 days ago and was "lucky" enough to get both the Dark Prince's Royal Armor + and Sky Guardian+ . I read on the Wiki both are considered end game middle tier item (obviously not Legendary or Epic) as both have some really good stats if invested into level 70.
I just got the Dark Prince armor to level 35 and the last level up cost me 20k and I only got 1 1/2 levels from putting in 4 armors, 1 uncommon fire armor, 2 rare armors (1 fire/spirit, 1 spirit/stone) and a super rare fire/water armor.
Question 1: Should I continue investing in both the Dark Prince and Sky Guardian armors and if so, am I going about it the right way? I saw that people farm Skelly tombs and just make 1000s of snake skin armor and use that to level up their armors... but that's not useful for either Dark Prince or Sky Guardian. Would it be better if I tried fusing 2 armors (fire/spirit) and then leveling it up so I could potentially make the + version of that armor straight at the armorsmith (if that's possible)?
Question 2: Because of these 2 armors I have been able to speed my way to level 29 and have gotten to Guardian's Crossing where I now can't beat the level without wiping my team and waiting for hp to regen and going back to the dungeon. Should I be fighting lower level dungeons to be able to run as much as possible without my team dying or continue to forge my way through these harder dungeons as they give so much more xp?
05-14-2014, 09:33 AM
Hello all, I am new to Knights & Dragons. I tried doing some research on the best ways to level and advance my armors and wanted to get some feed back.
I did spend some money on gems and rolled the 3x Flame Chest thing 2 days ago and was "lucky" enough to get both the Dark Prince's Royal Armor + and Sky Guardian+ . I read on the Wiki both are considered end game middle tier item (obviously not Legendary or Epic) as both have some really good stats if invested into level 70.
I just got the Dark Prince armor to level 35 and the last level up cost me 20k and I only got 1 1/2 levels from putting in 4 armors, 1 uncommon fire armor, 2 rare armors (1 fire/spirit, 1 spirit/stone) and a super rare fire/water armor.
Question 1: Should I continue investing in both the Dark Prince and Sky Guardian armors and if so, am I going about it the right way? I saw that people farm Skelly tombs and just make 1000s of snake skin armor and use that to level up their armors... but that's not useful for either Dark Prince or Sky Guardian. Would it be better if I tried fusing 2 armors (fire/spirit) and then leveling it up so I could potentially make the + version of that armor straight at the armorsmith (if that's possible)?
Question 2: Because of these 2 armors I have been able to speed my way to level 29 and have gotten to Guardian's Crossing where I now can't beat the level without wiping my team and waiting for hp to regen and going back to the dungeon. Should I be fighting lower level dungeons to be able to run as much as possible without my team dying or continue to forge my way through these harder dungeons as they give so much more xp?
Congrats on your armors. They aren't terrible. There was actually a time when that skyg+ would have made you top tier.
Fusing two star armors is the fastest way to level. However, if you're only level 29, you need to consider the repercussions of excessive gold binging. There are many charts that can be found that show the most appropriate and fiscally responsible ways to level an armor, based on what level it is. For starters, use basic or silver star armors to get an armor to 16/18. Use snakeskin, or free arena reward 1* with matching elements, up until about 37/40. Given your low level and need to save gold, I would even suggest possibly going up until level 55 with those armors. Now, I know you'll be anxious and eager to level the armor, but if you get an armor that gives 50EP for matching, SAVE IT! Don't use it until the armor is up in it's higher levels, 50+. Those fusable 1-2* armors that give 50EP are hard to come by at low levels. You can get them from weekly arena rewards if you are persistent enough though. Don't just blow through them, use them wisely so you have gold.
Levels are an extremely small part of what it takes to add to stats. Armors are absolutely everything. At low levels, with good 'lucky' armor pulls from a chest, you will be better in arena. I would personally say to focus on making snakeskin armors to level those two armors efficiently, and only complete the gold generator quests, while opening up all your expansions and working your way to 12 training fields. You will be able to roll over more people your level in arena, and you that will get you more 2* armors you can use to enhance those armors to be even stronger. Your best bet is to stay ahead of the curve in arena to reap the most rewards. Simultaneously attempt to kill the EB as much as possible to improve your possible armors. Currently, the non+ version of the last epic boss had level 70 stats of 1160/1143. Which is more powerful than Dark Prince. That's the one you get for getting to level 15. The level 50 stats were 1000/983. So keep increasing armors, as your level won't affect a lot until it's 100. If your armors get strong enough, it is possible to level from low 30's to 90 in a single day.
05-14-2014, 09:39 AM
the last EpicBoss , death the last of 4 horseman , he is dropping me only 1 material instead of 2 .
I'm on match number 17 - is that normal ?
05-14-2014, 10:04 AM
Yes. you don't get 2 materials until level 18.
05-14-2014, 10:09 AM
Hi there,
in my profile when I try to edit signature I see that my Image BB Code isnt allowed, how do I enable it ?
05-14-2014, 12:10 PM
Ahh very helpful, thank you!!!
I just have a follow up/clarification question on two subjects that you mentioned...
There are many charts that can be found that show the most appropriate and fiscally responsible ways to level an armor, based on what level it is. Mind posting a link to one of these charts? My Googling skills haven't done me much justice for this game.
I would personally say to focus on making snakeskin armors to level those two armors efficiently, and only complete the gold generator quests, while opening up all your expansions and working your way to 12 training fields. So here, are you saying that I should make the Snakeskin armor and fuse it into the Prince & Sky armors or focus on making a lower rarity armor that can be leveled up via this method?
05-14-2014, 01:44 PM
Mind posting a link to one of these charts?
So here, are you saying that I should make the Snakeskin armor and fuse it into the Prince & Sky armors or focus on making a lower rarity armor that can be leveled up via this method?
Use Snakeskin to enhance Prince & Sky armors is what he is saying
05-14-2014, 02:17 PM
Use Snakeskin to enhance Prince & Sky armors is what he is saying
Ooh this is perfect thank you!
Sol Invictus
05-14-2014, 02:22 PM
Image BB Code isnt allowed, how do I enable it ?
You need four more posts to get to 15 total posts before you're allowed certain forum privileges, like using images in your signature.
Go here
hedrick sefiroth
05-21-2014, 11:55 AM
hey, i just get in a new guild, and the guys there asked me about interview, they said i shoul get the line app for talk there, what do they mean? it is an adittional app from dragons and knights,or it is the app "line" for talk by internet in the phone?
exist any app for chat in dragons and knight? another than the guild chat ofcourse
This thread mainly use to answer any question relate to K&D, especially for beginners and mid-level players, any question will be gained an appropriate answer ASAP. Some tough issue may need other forum players' wisdom, I'm sure they are happy to give you a hand.
I've received many private messages for asking questions, seeking advice etc. It is inconvenient for replying each messages, so I've decided to open this thread to focus on solving any question and issue which relates to K&D.
Furthermore, this thread also welcome people to discuss any subject, feel free to share your thought or give any construction advice to other forum members.
At last, I would glad to find this community, share and discuss thoughts with forum members, really appreciated many people who gives me useful and valuable helps, thanks you all.
By the way, the players code for beginners are now starting with XBC ! The number of K&D players are increasing significantly, glad to share this information with forum members:) Hope this game will become better and better!
After DreaM0d3, I've reach to lv100 within a month too, the picture below would be the final form of buildings, should be able to give some guides to beginners.
Depends on personally bias, normally 4-5 armorsmiths, 10-11 training fields, 1 dungeon.
The income would be 2000golds per hour gain*24hours*11training fields + 750golds per hour gain*24hours*1dungeon = 528,000golds+ 18,000golds= 546,000 golds per day:) (
Sol Invictus
05-21-2014, 12:42 PM
LINE messenger is an app you can download in the app store for whichever operating system you use.
Register and select an ID. It might seem sketchy at first because you have to use a phone number, but you can go into Settings and make it so no one can call you. Then you'll also want to make your ID publicly available so people can search and find you.
05-21-2014, 07:49 PM
I am lvl 184 now and have been playing for a long time. I can not manage to get an epic. It is becoming troublesome and is almost a game killer at this point. i see loads of new people now some at lvl 30 with epics, others with epic luck, and few like myself. I now, at this moment understand why people quit the game. It is becoming more and more about the money we spend. money for gems, although the free ones are nice when you dont have to wait 72 hours for them. gems rule the world. my guild is strong, but not rich enough to see top rewards because there are too many with a big wallet or an alliance. I fuse like mad and get crap. chest are a complete waste of time and gems. seriously what is a person to do?
beyond tired of being let down..
Mr Spaz
05-21-2014, 07:56 PM
I got a Kaleidoscopic Starmetal Raiment (yes, the regular one) from the Death Chest. While it's great that I got a 4*, its stats are lower than that of the 2 2* armors I got. What do I do with it?
05-21-2014, 09:44 PM
I got a Kaleidoscopic Starmetal Raiment (yes, the regular one) from the Death Chest. While it's great that I got a 4*, its stats are lower than that of the 2 2* armors I got. What do I do with it?
Well ...its got no weaknesses, besides other starmetal, so I guess thats why the stats are lower. Its the weakest starmetal though so i wouldn't waste anything on it. I have the green one, which is a tad better and it only lasts the first 2 and a half rounds of Dark Prince's Lair so its probably not too good for farming either. If i were u i would just keep it in my inventory till someone confirms that u can fuse it into another starmetal or sth.
Also got a question: Anyone know how to view the call to arms screen on your guild without donating? Anyone know the chances of gifting an epic? is there a mechanic according to how much you donate?
05-22-2014, 03:42 AM
Hi, I've been playing Knights & Dragons for about a month now and am quite enjoying it. Today I received a "Please Reload" window with "You must reload the game in order to continue" and a reload button. I have clicked the reload button a few times and nothing has happened - only the same window being displayed.
What do I do? Also if I reload the game will I loose everything I have gained up to now and have to start again? I was up to level 64 or there about.
Thank you for your time and support.
05-22-2014, 03:58 AM
This thread mainly use to answer any question relate to K&D, especially for beginners and mid-level players, any question will be gained an appropriate answer ASAP. Some tough issue may need other forum players' wisdom, I'm sure they are happy to give you a hand.
I've received many private messages for asking questions, seeking advice etc. It is inconvenient for replying each messages, so I've decided to open this thread to focus on solving any question and issue which relates to K&D.
Furthermore, this thread also welcome people to discuss any subject, feel free to share your thought or give any construction advice to other forum members.
At last, I would glad to find this community, share and discuss thoughts with forum members, really appreciated many people who gives me useful and valuable helps, thanks you all.
By the way, the players code for beginners are now starting with XBC ! The number of K&D players are increasing significantly, glad to share this information with forum members:) Hope this game will become better and better!
After DreaM0d3, I've reach to lv100 within a month too, the picture below would be the final form of buildings, should be able to give some guides to beginners.
Depends on personally bias, normally 4-5 armorsmiths, 10-11 training fields, 1 dungeon.
The income would be 2000golds per hour gain*24hours*11training fields + 750golds per hour gain*24hours*1dungeon = 528,000golds+ 18,000golds= 546,000 golds per day:) (
I keep getting a need to reload prompt from the game. How can I fix this without losing my data. I am new to the game. I have only been playing for a week. I had almost finished creating the death Armor and I can't play anymore.
05-22-2014, 06:25 AM
@ Kerina & TytheMighty: Try deleting and re-installing the app. You won't lose your data, because the game save is on a server.
05-22-2014, 06:30 AM
@ Kerina & TytheMighty: Try deleting and re-installing the app. You won't lose your data, because the game save is on a server.
That's not the solution. The K&D servers are down. Re-installing the client (Android app) has no use.
05-22-2014, 08:31 AM
What is causing the server to go down? Why is that after almost every patch you guys send out there is always a couple huge problems, there is something called product testing.
05-22-2014, 08:42 AM
@ Kerina & TytheMighty: Try deleting and re-installing the app. You won't lose your data, because the game save is on a server.
Did that, gives me the same problem (Please Reload) but with Complete the tutorial message on the splash screen. Looks like I lost my character. So so disappointed.
05-22-2014, 10:03 AM
The tutorial message will go away once you get into the game. I did that and thought I lost mine as well. Are you on Android, cuz it looks like a lot of others on android are having the same issue. I hope they get it fixed soon for you guys.
05-23-2014, 09:49 AM
I been playing and really enjoying KnD but I have this nerdy lil problem with wanting to analyze everything about a game like this so that I can "waste" more time on it and less money.... .-.
So, I see all this in depth analysis of Fusing armors and how best to level or cheapest to level your armors ... but has any of this analytical prowess been applied to figuring out how much HP/Defense/Attack/Xp monsters have in each dungeon/area and for each difficulty?
Cause it would be fun to make something that, when you enter your current stats & elemental armors, it would tell you the safest place to "farm" and what difficulty you should farm at...
I know some will say... "why does it matter, as soon as your 100 you don't *need* to level anymore so just farm the materials you need and get to 100 eventually?"
But, ya know, I wanna do it cause it would be fun for me lol. It's just, starting from scratch and doing data collection isn't my forte, I prefer data manipulation and analysis. Soo that is why I ask...
Next.. how do Elemental damages work? Does the strong element do 25% 50% 75% or 100% more damage against the weak element (i.e. Fire[strong] to Spirit[weak]) and vice versa... weak doing % less damage to strong element?
On top of that, how does defense work against attack? Is it straight up hes got 100 armor and i've got 200 attack so im going to do 100 damage to him? And when are the elemental modifiers applied? Before or after the armor cut? Say I do 200 fire damage and hes got 100 armor but is spirit user... (I am going to assume damage is 50% more) am I going to do 150 damage to him (200atk-100def=100 fire damage +50 damage to spirit) OOR is it pre armor so (200+50%=300atk - 100def = 200 fire damage to spirit)??
05-23-2014, 11:50 AM
has any of this analytical prowess been applied to figuring out how much HP/Defense/Attack/Xp monsters have in each dungeon/area and for each difficulty?
No, because after the first couple of areas, you don't get the same monsters in each level. For example, Skeleton's Tomb on Epic, you may have 3 enemies per stage, until you reach the final stage, in which there are 3 + Boss, and other times you may have 4 enemies on a pre-final stage. Also, you may have any combination of water elementals, skeletons and the earth knights, each giving a different amount of xp. (I had thought about trying to figure out how much xp per level)
As for elemental damages, I think someone posted (I couldn't find it) that each stong element gives a 16.5% boost. And a weak element's damage does not get reduced from attacking it's strong counterpart.
Haven't the slightest idea about how the defense vs attack works, but a good place to try to figure it out would be the Epic Boss, since you know what it's stats are.
05-24-2014, 06:07 PM
What do you suggest I invest 40 gems on (i just started playing two days ago XD)
05-24-2014, 09:17 PM
What do you suggest I invest 40 gems on (i just started playing two days ago XD)
Save them. Stack until you reach lvl 100+ - Join a war guild and make a push for at least top25 :)
Or be stupid enough to open chests. They're a ripoff if you didnt know by now. Though you could be lucky.
05-25-2014, 05:20 AM
I'm in a very profitable and strong guild. 15 wins 0 losses this weekend. Should I just invest in upgrading my armorsmith
Denmark Guild
05-25-2014, 07:55 AM
hey Gree/Developers,
i have some suggestions/wishes to the game, and i canīt make a new threat so i just write the here:
it will be cool with a message system, so i can write directly to a player/guild member with info or stuff. the messages in the game chat dissapear pretty fast so not all get the information, so we have to use external systems like e-mails and forum groups for simpel information. a player message system...
could also be great if i could PVP fight other players directly from there profile, for seing how strong they are, example when i get friend requests, i donīt need friends there are weaker than my self, it takes too much time to add a friend and find him on my friend list and fight him and maybe remove him again, itīs will make itīs much easyer with a quick acces to a PVP battle from the profile...
a "profile" button on members in the guild war will also be good, we all use the same name under wars, so itīs not always easy to see who there are who, and who there dosenīt fight under a war, with a profile button we can see on the friend code who they are...
a automatically "declare War" option, so the guild master can set some planned time where the war starts, and so itīs automatically declare wars on that time, example every second hour.. and so noone else than the guild master can declare war when this option is on.
they new guild gift events are not good, the gifts sucks, and noone buy more because of the gifts, better gifts to members, and a reward to that guild member there have send most gifts out, that will motivate more to buy more...
like many says on the forum, lvl 100 players need some new stuff to do, expand the adventure part of the game with more and harder lands.
that was some wishes from me and my guild.
I really like your game and spend alot of time and money on it, and overall it is a good game, and after 1,5 year iīm still like it :-)
(Guild Master from Denmark Guild)
My guild has a guild master that has been inactive for several months now. He never joined line messenger so we have no way of reaching him. Is there any way we can remove him from the GM position?
I know we could start a new guild with active members, but then we would lose accumulated bonus.
05-26-2014, 08:53 PM
My guild has a guild master that has been inactive for several months now. He never joined line messenger so we have no way of reaching him. Is there any way we can remove him from the GM position?
I know we could start a new guild with active members, but then we would lose accumulated bonus.
You have to contact Gree and explain the situation. They have been helping others with this issue. Can't exactly remember how it works but you could always use the search function as the subject has been up before.
05-29-2014, 05:21 AM
QUESTION: When does Crius become Crius+? I've read several threads on the matter but they're obviously outdated, since I'm at level 23 (past their benchmarks), and no + yet... :(
Stelios 15th
05-29-2014, 07:11 AM
QUESTION: When does Crius become Crius+? I've read several threads on the matter but they're obviously outdated, since I'm at level 23 (past their benchmarks), and no + yet... :(
The armor doesn't simply become "plus". After a certain level of the regular armor, the plus version gets unlocked, which means you have to craft it again as "plus" and level it up !
05-29-2014, 12:35 PM
Let me be sure I understand:
1) I have a Crius (regular)
2) I craft that Crius until it becomes Crius+
3) I then must craft an entirely NEW Crius+ because the original one didn't count?
If you mean, "you'll get more points as you go if you level a brand new Crius+ than just sticking with the original", I can follow that, I think... *scratches head*
Stelios 15th
05-29-2014, 02:13 PM
Let me be sure I understand:
1) I have a Crius (regular)
2) I craft that Crius until it becomes Crius+
3) I then must craft an entirely NEW Crius+ because the original one didn't count?
If you mean, "you'll get more points as you go if you level a brand new Crius+ than just sticking with the original", I can follow that, I think... *scratches head*
you craft your 1st crius and start to level it up by enhancing it with other armors.After a certain level you will unlock the plus version.That means that you can now craft crius plus.Meaning that instead of regular crius in your armorsmith,you now see the crius plus(you will never be able to craft regular crius anymore).The new crafted crius plus will be level 1
05-29-2014, 03:30 PM
Yah, I've crafted (enhanced) Crius up to level 23. (I'm wondering just when that + will appear!) ;)
I meant, once my Lvl 23 Crius becomes a Lvl __ Crius+, do I have to CRAFT a brand new Crius+ (lvl1), or do I continue enhancing/leveling up my current one?
Stelios 15th
05-29-2014, 04:24 PM
Yah, I've crafted (enhanced) Crius up to level 23. (I'm wondering just when that + will appear!) ;)
I meant, once my Lvl 23 Crius becomes a Lvl __ Crius+, do I have to CRAFT a brand new Crius+ (lvl1), or do I continue enhancing/leveling up my current one?
man when you reach your regular crius at 15 lvl the plus version is unlocked.Now go to your armorsmith and craft the plus.The plus will start at level 1.Your regular crius will stay as it is.Be sure to have the materials needed to craft the plus (same number of materials as the regular one).
05-29-2014, 07:18 PM
Doh! *slaps forehead*
Got it. Finally. (Stupid me!) ;)
Ant venom
05-30-2014, 10:25 PM
Hurray for Rookeye
Ant venom
05-30-2014, 10:27 PM
What armors should I use to combine a blazeborne vanguard (they aren't 100% useless)?
05-30-2014, 10:46 PM
What armors should I use to combine a blazeborne vanguard (they aren't 100% useless)?
Hmmm...didn't see it here (click Combine Armor tab), but maybe the player who created it knows? E&f=true&noheader=false&gid=3
Found him here:
05-30-2014, 10:49 PM
Found your Blazeborne Vanguard for ya Ant Venom, here:
05-30-2014, 11:22 PM
What armors should I use to combine a blazeborne vanguard (they aren't 100% useless)?
You should know that by now: Obvious that you need to fuse with fire.
05-31-2014, 12:43 AM
Hey guys I'm selling my account as I want to quit knd. My account have 12 epic and have 600+ gems in it anyone interested pls pm me on line at cyknd . would be selling it at around 80-100$ Ty. No scammer pls.
Sol Invictus
05-31-2014, 05:16 AM
Oh, drat!
I was all set and ready to scam cy-kd, but he spoke the magical incantation which compels all scammers such as myself to avoid contact.
If only he hadn't asked nicely, I'd have myself 12 Epics and 600 gems right now. least he doesn't realize that no one is going to give him $100 since they know he's willing to settle for $80, and he probably won't get half that, so at least I can feel good about that.
05-31-2014, 07:34 AM
Erm, is it even legal (per TOS, EULA I mean) to sell an account? Just curious...
05-31-2014, 08:15 PM
Erm, is it even legal (per TOS, EULA I mean) to sell an account? Just curious...
It's written in the ToS. But no. It's not. You can't sell Gree's property. It's like selling your WoW account. That's Blizzards property just like KnD is Gree's.
That's why i hope everyone who tryes to sell "their" acccount is getting caught being prosecuted. Morons!
05-31-2014, 09:19 PM
Oh, drat!
I was all set and ready to scam cy-kd, but he spoke the magical incantation which compels all scammers such as myself to avoid contact.
If only he hadn't asked nicely, I'd have myself 12 Epics and 600 gems right now. least he doesn't realize that no one is going to give him $100 since they know he's willing to settle for $80, and he probably won't get half that, so at least I can feel good about that.
i dont usually comment here, but saw yer post and just wanted to say... nice :cool:
06-01-2014, 06:00 AM
It's written in the ToS. But no. It's not. You can't sell Gree's property. It's like selling your WoW account. That's Blizzards property just like KnD is Gree's.
That's why i hope everyone who tryes to sell "their" acccount is getting caught being prosecuted. Morons!
Yeah, I've never played any game where it was encouraged. Pretty brazen of him to advertise here! ;)
hedrick sefiroth
06-02-2014, 12:49 AM
Hi, i will buy a new ipad, and i want to present this to my nephew, it is possible to transfer my dragons and knights account to the new ipad, i am in level 114 with three epics and i don't want to lose all that, any advice?
06-02-2014, 01:05 AM
Click on the Menu button at the bottom right corner of your game screen.
Click on the Options button.
Click on the FAQ tab.
Click on the Bind Account button.
Follow the instructions on how to bind your account to a specific email.
Install Knights and Dragons on your new device.
Click on Menu->Options->FAQ and select the Retrieve Account button.
06-03-2014, 05:37 AM
Please at me so I can have extra ppl and the darn quests!!! Please!!!
06-03-2014, 06:20 AM
Please at me so I can have extra ppl and the darn quests!!! Please!!!
What is your code?
06-04-2014, 08:40 PM
I know tons of groups use dockbot to help with other gree games. I am just curious if any have found a use for it on k&d?
06-04-2014, 08:46 PM
I know tons of groups use dockbot to help with other gree games. I am just curious if any have found a use for it on k&d?
Riight... Botting.
06-04-2014, 09:13 PM
Just an external database. Indispensable on mw and cc at this point.
06-04-2014, 11:06 PM
Hello 2 days ago I retrieved a account after I formatted my phone. I had my account back briefly however the next time I logged back in I was back to lvl1. I have opened a ticket 2 days ago however there been no reply. How do i get my account back? thanks
Lord Malice
06-05-2014, 09:24 AM
I can vouch for Aiur also, He is a High Commander in my guild and is active on Linechat. Please resolve soon because he's missing out on valuable time and I'm short a good HC...
06-05-2014, 09:14 PM
What is the point of going to the offer wall and installing the random apps which should provide gems upon installing and opening when one doesnt get rewarded the gems the offer states? Even those "Play to a certain lvl" offers like Grepolis which i played to well over 500 points - Never saw the 20 gems.
So many times... So many games... So many programs... And only a few provides gems. Anyone else tired of installing apps when not getting the gems?
Rewards may not come right away, sure.. Riight.. But shouldnt they have come after minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? It was an issue before Gree updated the offer wall and still is an issue. Been like that since i joined the game 11 months ago.
I guess an estimated amount of gems which i never received - about 250+ if not a lot more.
Can this really be for real? Is this really Gree's intentions?
06-06-2014, 05:54 AM
Is Gree aware? I barked loudly over the "Lays vs Ruffles" one. ONCE BURNED, TWICE SHY. I won't do another "free" offer until I hear back on this one...still pissed.
06-06-2014, 12:14 PM
Is Gree aware? I barked loudly over the "Lays vs Ruffles" one. ONCE BURNED, TWICE SHY. I won't do another "free" offer until I hear back on this one...still pissed.
They are aware that if you do not follow the surveys to completion you will not be awarded gems. Because they are offers from sponsors, they do not have to be standard and can be as long as they deem appropriate. They are also riddled with other offers that can deter you from the main offer and can complete the spam offer without noticing you need to still complete the main offer. Be sure to check there is no Skip/X to close/Remind Me Later as these are just spam offers and are not part the main quiz or survey.
06-06-2014, 01:10 PM
I got to the "you have completed the survey part"--mind you, this was posted as a FREE offer--only to be told I now needed to complete THREE MORE ITEMS, all which cost real money!!!
Sorry, I don't do bait-n-switch. *disgusted look*
EDIT: If I may further b****, I was asked a whole lotta personal information on a survey that purported to just be about whether or not I preferred one potato chip over another. They asked:
* how many people lived in my home
* their ages
* their genders
* their medical health / condition
* number of pets (and whether they were dogs)
* whether we were members of the NRA and had guns
* how many expensive computer/entertainment items we owned
Um...home invasion robbery set up, anyone? C'mon! And this information was MANDATORY in order to complete the *cough* "survey about chip preferences"...yeah. Right.
All this hassle for FOUR GEMS. So not worth it.
06-06-2014, 09:35 PM
Every time I try to do pretty much anything in game I'm told I have to do an in game update which never works. I reinstalled the game 3 times now and evrn did a full factory reset. I want to play but if i can't get this update to working them I cant play so if this doesn't get fixed I'll just uninstall and find another game to play.
06-07-2014, 07:33 AM
I have been playing for a while and made it to level 66. I recently got a new phone and now I can not play. I see no where I can reply to a post because I can not post anything new. I downloaded the game onto the phone, then started the game up and then completely black screen and does nothing after. I have tried many times to uninstall the game and reinstalled it again. Please someone help or guide me to where I have to know about this problem. I have a new Fujitsu Android ver 4.2.2 if anyone needs this info. Thanks, please PM me if anyone knows as I do not come here often.
We need a separate forum for Technical issues please!
06-07-2014, 10:43 AM
Warhawk, were you previously playing on an Android device?
06-07-2014, 08:53 PM
Warhawk, were you previously playing on an Android device?
Yes I was.
06-07-2014, 09:18 PM
Have you filed a ticket? Does GREE have a customer service/support system in place to help players? I'm thinking, "yes"...
06-08-2014, 03:06 PM
New Question: What are the Pros and Cons of assigning a Guild Sentinel?
06-08-2014, 04:27 PM
Pros: if hes strong, ensures that opposing guild can't get any points besides guardian and gate
Cons: If he is defeated, your guild is open and opposing guilds can take advantage and get more points
06-08-2014, 06:47 PM
How many more points? I mean, it seems to me that the bigger guilds are gonna trash a lower-level guild anyway.
Unless they get significantly more points, having something to (a) hold back the tide on all smaller guilds and (b) make a big guild waste 4 war points they could be using to score off of you seems to be a pretty good exchange. Hmm...
06-09-2014, 09:23 AM
Would I be better off leveling my newly fused level 30 Tectonic (1312/1855 = 3167) or continuing leveling my lvl 48 Kanid+ (1504/1508)?
The tectonic has a bit more overall stats of course, and has the neat "epic" factor, but it has a lot less attack and is less balanced (and harder to level) than the Kanid.
As far as earth armors are concerned, I've got Stalwart and that's basically it other than Aegis of war, so I'd be using it to counter air/probably not for farming.
06-09-2014, 11:29 AM
Would I be better off leveling my newly fused level 30 Tectonic (1312/1855 = 3167) or continuing leveling my lvl 48 Kanid+ (1504/1508)?
I would level the Kanid+.
Lonestar Light
06-09-2014, 03:40 PM
Kanid+ is far less expensive and hard to level than tectonic. I'd focus on that
06-09-2014, 07:50 PM
I won't make a new thread just to ask this:
Who won the cyclops mini-contest that ended 4 days ago?
06-09-2014, 07:59 PM
I won't make a new thread just to ask this:
Who won the cyclops mini-contest that ended 4 days ago?
I would like to know as well. Though I am more curious about the update I had to make today. What was in it, and what did it fix?
06-10-2014, 01:57 AM
Kanid+ is far less expensive and hard to level than tectonic. I'd focus on that
As of right now I'm only leveling the mono earth (and my cyc+), and could probably afford the tectonic...does that change the answer any?
If I just use snakes it'll take me 47.5 hours and 1.7mil gold for the Kanid vs 148 hours and 6.75mil gold for the Tec, so maybe not...
06-10-2014, 09:59 AM
HiI've recently tried to purchase gems through an offer were I had to deposit Ģ5 to Betfair to recieve 208 gems but the gems still haven't arrived. I have opened the ticket with the third party that deals with these issues but the status remains the same (verifying and that my request has been sent). I was told it can take 2-3 weeks to get a response but it has now been four weeks. I'm wondering what else I can do as GREE don't deal with this and the third party haven't responded with there being no other options to contact them. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.*Thanks
P.S. I have provided all of the necessary proof.
06-10-2014, 10:02 AM
Did you pay via credit card? If so, can you retroactively cancel the charge, since you haven't received the goods/services for which you've paid?
06-10-2014, 10:48 AM
HiI've recently tried to purchase gems through an offer were I had to deposit Ģ5 to Betfair to recieve 208 gems but the gems still haven't arrived. I have opened the ticket with the third party that deals with these issues but the status remains the same (verifying and that my request has been sent). I was told it can take 2-3 weeks to get a response but it has now been four weeks. I'm wondering what else I can do as GREE don't deal with this and the third party haven't responded with there being no other options to contact them. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.*Thanks
P.S. I have provided all of the necessary proof.
Send gree support the email of your purchase. Same thing happened to me took 1 day for reply.
06-10-2014, 11:34 AM
Question: I'm trying to kill Lilith #15. Last time, even hitting twice (with friends), I was still short 2k points. Trying to decide whether it would be better to:
A) use 19 gems to special attack her as much as possible (one friend has better damage that the others), or
B) use 12 gems to revive my party (will my 2 friends revive too? No point, if they don't!), or
C) use 10 gems to refill my attack energy and hit 3x with friends in the time allotted
I'm wearing Lightning Lord Lvl 20, Atlantean+ 28, Spectral Captain 3 (leveling I as fast as I can), and my friends are Lvl 100 wearing water, or water/air armor.
06-10-2014, 12:15 PM
Question: I'm trying to kill Lilith #15. Last time, even hitting twice (with friends), I was still short 2k points. Trying to decide whether it would be better to:
A) use 19 gems to special attack her as much as possible (one friend has better damage that the others), or
B) use 12 gems to revive my party (will my 2 friends revive too? No point, if they don't!), or
C) use 10 gems to refill my attack energy and hit 3x with friends in the time allotted
I'm wearing Lightning Lord Lvl 20, Atlantean+ 28, Spectral Captain 3 (leveling I as fast as I can), and my friends are Lvl 100 wearing water, or water/air armor.
If you have more friends stronger than you, I would suggest use them more than your guys. So use the gems for energy seems best.
My question, is there anyone else that feels abandoned by the staff for support of ingame and forum?
06-10-2014, 12:29 PM
Legalious, do you know if I use 12 gems to revive my party, will the friends revive too? My first set of friends are far stronger and do more damage than those that remain. I don't have enough gems to guess wrong on this one.... :(
06-10-2014, 12:47 PM
Legalious, do you know if I use 12 gems to revive my party, will the friends revive too? My first set of friends are far stronger and do more damage than those that remain. I don't have enough gems to guess wrong on this one.... :(
It does revive your party, but if you have more friends that are just as powerful. I would suggest to spend less gems and use them to attack.
06-10-2014, 12:57 PM
Hmm...first set of friends are far more powerful, and the correct element. Decisions, decisions.
Anyway, thanks! That helps. :)
06-10-2014, 04:00 PM
I won't make a new thread just to ask this:
Who won the cyclops mini-contest that ended 4 days ago?
[Edited out]
There was no winner officially announced by Elita in the thread. Hello...? *officially wondering*
06-10-2014, 04:04 PM
I regret to inform you that BUMPING is against forum rules.
Off-Topic, Spamming, and Trolling
o “Bumping” threads
06-10-2014, 04:08 PM
Hmm...amazing how much bumping I've seen in the last two weeks on other threads. I fear they have been a bad influence on me. ;)
I shall edit out the offending word then. All better! *grins*
06-10-2014, 06:00 PM
try to get more powerful friends and save gems :p try going to arena and adding those top people. sometimes they accept.
06-10-2014, 06:25 PM
I've done both. Am grateful to the very powerful peeps who accepted...not sure why they were wearing armor that wasn't complimentary to taking down was very strange. Ah well, mission accomplished...onto the next EB! :)
06-10-2014, 07:47 PM
There was no winner officially announced by Elita in the thread. Hello...? *officially wondering*
That's why i ask. Duuh.
Could be she PM'd the winner and the winner would be kind enough to come forward.
Edit: I meant good luck on next eb.
Sol Invictus
06-10-2014, 11:22 PM
No, I never got a PM, so the winner hasn't been chosen yet.
How long did it take them to announce finalists and winners for the Facebook contest? A few days, I think.
06-11-2014, 06:59 PM
Send gree support the email of your purchase. Same thing happened to me took 1 day for reply.
1 day oo nice been 9 days for me :p. 2-3 days so far processing.
06-13-2014, 02:53 AM
Hi, I'am new to the game and have a question about the armors. I understand that you have to level a certain armor to unlock the + version. But what if it isn't a craftable armor? Do I still need to unlock the plus version and I get a chance to get the plus version when I fuse two armors?
I hope you can understand that, my english isn't that good :)
06-13-2014, 04:42 AM
You can't fuse a +, you can only craft a +. If you are new, you may not yet have opened the areas that provide the right materials to craft the armor you want (say Phoenix feathers, to create Living Flame Robes, for example)...
More info on Fusion here:
06-13-2014, 09:49 AM
Hi, I'am new to the game and have a question about the armors. I understand that you have to level a certain armor to unlock the + version. But what if it isn't a craftable armor? Do I still need to unlock the plus version and I get a chance to get the plus version when I fuse two armors?
I hope you can understand that, my english isn't that good :)
u can fuse non craftable armors but they cannot be +. plusses can only be obtained from crafting, 1st place in arena or guild war and chests.
06-18-2014, 08:11 AM
Have you filed a ticket? Does GREE have a customer service/support system in place to help players? I'm thinking, "yes"...
After a long wait they are working on it from what they said. Nothing about in specifics on if the phone I have will not work or not. They said absolutely nothing on how to fix it more from after I said certain issues. They said nothing about what they plan to fix. I told them when, they reply "some time" later...OMG horrible service. Very frustrated and still unable to play, at the rate there going it will be over a month by the time something MIGHT work to get a fix or an update. They said please check the forums for an update....ugh
Anyone else get a black screen and has gotten things fixed?
Darkside pixie
06-20-2014, 10:53 PM
I just bought an 800 pack of gems. I received purchase confirmation, my guild mates got their gifts, etc. Then my game suddenly did a hard close and I came back in and my gems are gone. I have emailed Gree. Has this happened to anyone else? Did they fix it? How long? It's the beginning of an epic war, I need those gems!
Sol Invictus
06-20-2014, 11:53 PM
A guildmate of mine reported purchasing gems and not receiving them today as well.
06-22-2014, 05:15 PM
I cant seem to get the gems for donloading free games and lvling up to lvl 3. Anyone else has this problem or fix.
06-22-2014, 06:55 PM
I cant seem to get the gems for donloading free games and lvling up to lvl 3. Anyone else has this problem or fix.
Yep. Standard issue. Also happen quite often when watching video offers. No fix though...
Gree gets paid while laughing at us. Quite sad.
06-22-2014, 09:33 PM
Hi all,
I am farming 3 stars materials, and the unavoidable is that I am keeping leveling up. Problem is, the more I level up (I'm at 452), the more difficult opponents I meet in arena mode. Also, during Guild wars, the points I get for defeating difficult opponents are very small, and my Guild seems to encounter stronger Guilds now. Is that all because of my leveling up?
Also, how do I start a new post in this forum? I want to do Guild recruitment.
06-22-2014, 10:16 PM
Hi all,
I am farming 3 stars materials, and the unavoidable is that I am keeping leveling up. Problem is, the more I level up (I'm at 452), the more difficult opponents I meet in arena mode. Also, during Guild wars, the points I get for defeating difficult opponents are very small, and my Guild seems to encounter stronger Guilds now. Is that all because of my leveling up?
Also, how do I start a new post in this forum? I want to do Guild recruitment.
I just asked this today! ;). I'm told that YES, my levels affect the strength of the bad guys that I attack during wars. What's unclear is whether that will change if our alliance takes on a fleet of newbies. We intend to try it out after this war. :)
06-22-2014, 10:27 PM
I just asked this today! ;). I'm told that YES, my levels affect the strength of the bad guys that I attack during wars. What's unclear is whether that will change if our alliance takes on a fleet of newbies. We intend to try it out after this war. :)
Thanks Rookeye! So that would mean my Guild will face stronger Guild, because of me?
06-22-2014, 11:22 PM
Hi all,
I am farming 3 stars materials, and the unavoidable is that I am keeping leveling up. Problem is, the more I level up (I'm at 452), the more difficult opponents I meet in arena mode. Also, during Guild wars, the points I get for defeating difficult opponents are very small, and my Guild seems to encounter stronger Guilds now. Is that all because of my leveling up?
Also, how do I start a new post in this forum? I want to do Guild recruitment.
Leveling up supposed to make things easier, but then things actually become harder. My guild and I are being punished because of that? Really?
And how do we post a new thread? I'm a newbie here, and don't know how to start a thread.
Please help!
Sol Invictus
06-23-2014, 12:41 AM
You need 10-15 posts before you can start your own threads.
Go to the Off-Topic forum. Post there.
06-23-2014, 01:18 AM
You need 10-15 posts before you can start your own threads.
Go to the Off-Topic forum. Post there.
Thanks Sol! When I go to the Off-Topic forum, it still shows "You cannot post a new thread".
Can someone helps me with the other questions also? I'm stuck!
06-23-2014, 01:26 AM
Thanks Sol! When I go to the Off-Topic forum, it still shows "You cannot post a new thread".
Can someone helps me with the other questions also? I'm stuck!
He meant go to the Spam Thread there and post nonsense till you hit the post count necessary for thread creation.
Also, from Lvl-100 onwards, there is no more stat gain from levelling. It's just armour quality and proper elemental countering from there on.
Sol Invictus
06-23-2014, 02:17 AM
My spam thread was locked. Can't post there anymore.
My point upsets people when you post just for the sake of posting, when you don't in General or Recruitment.
So if you go to the Off-Topic forum, there are a lot of threads you can reply to to help you reach your post minimum to get forum privileges.
06-23-2014, 05:40 AM
He meant go to the Spam Thread there and post nonsense till you hit the post count necessary for thread creation.
Also, from Lvl-100 onwards, there is no more stat gain from levelling. It's just armour quality and proper elemental countering from there on.
Thanks Hopeless82! I wasn't trying to level up for stat. It was just an effect after I farm 3 stars amours. The thing I'm not happy about is seems like my guild and myself suffers from the high level and have to face stronger opponents!
06-23-2014, 05:17 PM
I just asked this today! ;). I'm told that YES, my levels affect the strength of the bad guys that I attack during wars. What's unclear is whether that will change if our alliance takes on a fleet of newbies. We intend to try it out after this war. :)
Hi Rookeye,
Could you please show me the thread where you got your answer from? I'm interested in reading more. I am stop farming 3 stars and participate in my Guild until I got a definite answer.
I'm surprised that for such a common thing, not many people seems to care.
Sol Invictus
06-23-2014, 06:59 PM
She asked me in PM.
I don't know the 100% correct answer to the question, and I'm not sure any player actually does. It's educated guesses based on experience.
The primary determinant of what kind of guild you're matched against seems to be what rank your guild is capable of.
If you come in rank #5,000, you'll be more likely to be matched with guilds of relatively similar rank.
06-23-2014, 07:12 PM
She asked me in PM.
I don't know the 100% correct answer to the question, and I'm not sure any player actually does. It's educated guesses based on experience.
The primary determinant of what kind of guild you're matched against seems to be what rank your guild is capable of.
If you come in rank #5,000, you'll be more likely to be matched with guilds of relatively similar rank.
Well, our guild often meets with guild that can have few thousand points different to us. There are so many guilds with few thousands points in different, and out of those, we always seem to fight with very strong guilds (Guilds with buff sentinel and master, but don't participate much an earn less points).
I realized we fight with tough opponents since I level up. Also, my earned points for defeating very tough sentinel, master are only around 300 now.
I'm very confused!
06-23-2014, 07:32 PM
Here's the thing: Prior to this war, we had a few leeches (I think they no longer play, actually) who were relatively low-level. We'd had them every war since I joined. THIS war, we cleaned house beforehand, and all our remaining players were a much higher spread of levels, all sporting legendary or higher armor.
All of a sudden, we were now facing pitched battles every single hour. I think there was ONE fight that had low-level people. We were now outclassed in most fights and pulled a victory by sheer force of will.
It was this situation that spawned the questions. I trust Sol's experience, and based on his answers to me, I think he's right. (If you want to reproduce the Q&A here from our PMs, that's fine with me.) :)
06-23-2014, 07:48 PM
Here's the thing: Prior to this war, we had a few leeches (I think they no longer play, actually) who were relatively low-level. We'd had them every war since I joined. THIS war, we cleaned house beforehand, and all our remaining players were a much higher spread of levels, all sporting legendary or higher armor.
All of a sudden, we were now facing pitched battles every single hour. I think there was ONE fight that had low-level people. We were now outclassed in most fights and pulled a victory by sheer force of will.
It was this situation that spawned the questions. I trust Sol's experience, and based on his answers to me, I think he's right. (If you want to reproduce the Q&A here from our PMs, that's fine with me.) :)
Thanks Rookeye! I wish there is something official from Gree. In a sense, I really.....don't believe it!
Most people in my Guild is around 100 in level. Because of me only, they have to face much stronger opponents, people that have high stats amours and gems to spend, so we loose, we got frustrated, morale goes down.
It is just not fair, for my guild's members!
I worked hard to earn 3 stars materials, but now getting punished by it, without a warning.
06-23-2014, 08:02 PM
If the chests and fusion things are THAT random, then I don't see why the match making should not be random too!
People should be encouraged to get stronger and work harder, not being punished for it!
06-23-2014, 08:07 PM
Have you guys considered taking on...oh, say 3...level 20 trainees to your guild? See what effect this has on your next war. True, they can be attacked by others, but this is also a test to see if their low-level will offset your high one. You can even advertise for temporary Guild members to help confirm your suspicions with this little experiment...
06-23-2014, 08:12 PM
Have you guys considered taking on...oh, say 3...level 20 trainees to your guild? See what effect this has on your next war. True, they can be attacked by others, but this is also a test to see if their low-level will offset your high one. You can even advertise for temporary Guild members to help confirm your suspicions with this little experiment...
Thanks Rookeye!
I got that idea from my very first post, that's why I asked how to start a new thread to recruit. Now that I have 10 posts, I think I can open a thread.
06-23-2014, 10:02 PM
Sweet! You go, guy!! ;)
06-28-2014, 01:42 AM
Hi Guys
Noob question, (and yes I have searched for the answer for over two hours!) but if I did not have a code to enter after the tutorial and NOW want to add it, and I'm still within my 24 hour time limit...
How do I do it???
I can not find it anywhere!!! :rolleyes:
Sol Invictus
06-28-2014, 02:04 AM
Been awhile. Not entirely sure.
Is there not some icon on the left side of the screen, under Quests?
Try the Menu button in the bottom right corner > Friends > Add tab > enter code > Okay button
If that doesn't work, don't know what to tell you.
06-28-2014, 07:50 AM
Been awhile. Not entirely sure.
Is there not some icon on the left side of the screen, under Quests?
Try the Menu button in the bottom right corner > Friends > Add tab > enter code > Okay button
If that doesn't work, don't know what to tell you.
Hi Sol
Thanks for replying... Yeah I can add friends, but the does not seem to be anywhere to enter the code ot receive the one time free gift upon completion of the tutorial?
06-28-2014, 08:23 AM
I thought it was automatic? Have you tried posting a ticket with Gree?
07-22-2014, 10:06 PM
Has the loot table for KoD been nerfed or something? I've basically had zero 3* crafting loot since patch.
Thus leads to my next question. Where do you farm in order to phrasing crafting loot for burners?
07-23-2014, 09:13 AM
uhm... farm the snakeskin from skeletons tomb, and you get 3 star stuff from the last 3 levels.
07-26-2014, 11:57 AM
My phone was stolen and I had not yet bound my account to an email. Is there any way to retrieve my account? Or must I just start over? I have sent a ticket to Gree but have not heard back from them.
07-26-2014, 01:32 PM
Hi, war should start in 90 minutes, but so far we missing the waricon?
I hope we will have war this weekend?
07-26-2014, 03:08 PM
And war missing too 😭
07-26-2014, 03:25 PM
Hi, war should start in 90 minutes, but so far we missing the waricon?
I hope we will have war this weekend?
The missing War Icon (and war) is being discussed HERE:
07-26-2014, 03:37 PM
Hi Sol
Thanks for replying... Yeah I can add friends, but the does not seem to be anywhere to enter the code ot receive the one time free gift upon completion of the tutorial?
There is no special code, just entering the friend code unlocks it.
07-31-2014, 12:01 PM
I'm confused about a few things. 1. What is this line id I keep hearing about? 2. Totally confused about the new quest about Dragon armor. 3. Will there be any expansion of areas? 4. I play on my phone, is there a way to talk to other players, outside of my guild?
I'm newish, but I reached level 85 quickly and have already beat the kingdom of darkness.
Also... how do I find a higher level guild that's active?
07-31-2014, 12:09 PM
1. What is this line id I keep hearing about? 2. Totally confused about the new quest about Dragon armor. 3. Will there be any expansion of areas? 4. I play on my phone, is there a way to talk to other players, outside of my guild?
1) Line is a FREE communications program for texting, calling and video messaging.
2) You must collect and then craft successfully either all regular for the first set of rewards or the + versions for both sets of rewards.
3) Not sure yet, they don't normally discuss future content. Its rumors at the moment.
4) You can use LINE, Group Me and even here on the forums :cool:
Hope this helps.
07-31-2014, 03:47 PM
It does thank you. I'm guessing when the event starts, it'll be easier to figure out if I have the armor lol...I wasn't sure about the last area, since the achievement didn't kick in for yhe dark Prince
Nobody in my guild is getting credit for the damage they've done in the raid
Andrew Huynh
08-03-2014, 05:18 PM
So I haven't played K&D for a while now and I redownloaded back on my phone but all my stuff is missing how do I go about getting it back??
08-03-2014, 07:05 PM
So I haven't played K&D for a while now and I redownloaded back on my phone but all my stuff is missing how do I go about getting it back??
If you didn't bind your account, check out this thread for help:!!!!
08-03-2014, 09:32 PM
A month . And I'm trying to get an epic armor by fusing . What's sum tried and true fusions I can mess with ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated . Thanks for your time
08-03-2014, 10:00 PM
A month . And I'm trying to get an epic armor by fusing . What's sum tried and true fusions I can mess with ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated . Thanks for your time
You should read this through.
But in simple: There isnt any good combinations. Just make sure you use the right elements as the armor you wish to obtain through a fusion. Its that simple. Its all RNG based so the best you can do to aim for a specific armor is to use mono element armors to leave out other elemements - But your chances doesnt increase.
So just use the right elements and you have nothing to worry about. I.e Going for sandstorm? Just use any combination with Earth and Air :)
08-03-2014, 11:14 PM
You should read this through.
But in simple: There isnt any good combinations. Just make sure you use the right elements as the armor you wish to obtain through a fusion. Its that simple. Its all RNG based so the best you can do to aim for a specific armor is to use mono element armors to leave out other elemements - But your chances doesnt increase.
So just use the right elements and you have nothing to worry about. I.e Going for sandstorm? Just use any combination with Earth and Air :)
Just to add on to this (or highlight if you miss it in the quoted thread), your best chance of getting an epic through fusing is to use 4* armors. Don't use a basic earth and basic air and expect to get an epic. Rule of thumb - you can usually expect to go one up or one down from the armors you're using, so in using 4* armors, you can expect anywhere from a 3* to a 5*.
Estevan Oliveira
08-04-2014, 05:08 PM
Today i lost 16 points of Epic Boss... I played and game crash but i didn't any atk. So when i come back i lost my points and can't atk again :/
What i do now?
08-05-2014, 06:57 PM
uhmm.... wait the 4 hours? or post a ticket, and someone will assist you in a few weeks. really though, just wait a few hours till you have more EB points
08-06-2014, 05:51 AM
I just power leveled my Centurion Aegis. I was planning to use it against the new EB. However, once I equipped the gear to my main character I noticed that the stats were significantly lower than they should. Equipped with Specter's(maxed) my main has a combined 5138. With Centurion its only 4894. Looking at the base stats Centurion has 3642, and Specter's has 3514. My guild's bonus's are all at the same level so that cannot be the contributing factor. Anyone know if Centurion's is bugged or is there something that I am missing?
08-06-2014, 06:04 AM
I just power leveled my Centurion Aegis. I was planning to use it against the new EB. However, once I equipped the gear to my main character I noticed that the stats were significantly lower than they should. Equipped with Specter's(maxed) my main has a combined 5138. With Centurion its only 4894. Looking at the base stats Centurion has 3642, and Specter's has 3514. My guild's bonus's are all at the same level so that cannot be the contributing factor. Anyone know if Centurion's is bugged or is there something that I am missing?
I think that this may have something to do with attacking EB not with armor itself. I noticed the same that when I attack the EB with my armor equipped the stats are significantly lower as well.
Regarding achievments that are available in KnD game - there is a set of achievments connected with killing bosses 10 times (Chimera, Dark Prince etc, cant recall it now but I reckon you know what I mean). I defeated those bosses like dozens of times and did not unlock those achievments yet, am I doing something wrong? Do you need to defeat them 10 times in a row and/or?
08-06-2014, 06:10 AM
You misunderstand. The Centurion stats are lower all the time, not just against the EB. When equipped for EB, Arena, World, etc the stats on character are showing lower than they should.
08-06-2014, 06:17 AM
I just power leveled my Centurion Aegis. I was planning to use it against the new EB. However, once I equipped the gear to my main character I noticed that the stats were significantly lower than they should. Equipped with Specter's(maxed) my main has a combined 5138. With Centurion its only 4894. Looking at the base stats Centurion has 3642, and Specter's has 3514. My guild's bonus's are all at the same level so that cannot be the contributing factor. Anyone know if Centurion's is bugged or is there something that I am missing?
You are missing something. Centurion is mono water, so it gets the water bonus, Specter is air/spirit, so it gets the air and spirit bonus.
Gree makes mono armors of the same generation have similar stats to dual element armors, while in fact they should probably have 5-10% higher stats to compensate for missing out on the second element bonus...
08-06-2014, 06:36 AM
You are correct, I forgot to add the dual element bonus when I tabulated the stats between the Specter's and the Centurion. That explains the differences. Appreciate the response!
08-06-2014, 06:38 AM
Another reason why I do not like mono element armors!
B Legit
08-06-2014, 09:43 AM
You are missing something. Centurion is mono water, so it gets the water bonus, Specter is air/spirit, so it gets the air and spirit bonus.
Gree makes mono armors of the same generation have similar stats to dual element armors, while in fact they should probably have 5-10% higher stats to compensate for missing out on the second element bonus...
Mono's also cannot take or give out the double element bonus damage. Making them very useful for instances you don't know who you will be facing (arena, scouting in wars).
Yes the stats are lower, which sucks when you have maxed element bonus', but there are other ways they are very useful.
TCP Pain
08-10-2014, 05:54 PM
I crafted the basic and the + of lunar after a k&d update I lost it. I've done drew up several tickets requesting for this problem to be fixed do you think gree would help me?
08-10-2014, 08:26 PM
I'd do one ticket at a time; flooding them with tickets wastes their time, and slows down their response to you. Help them help you...
08-11-2014, 07:48 AM
I crafted the basic and the + of lunar after a k&d update I lost it. I've done drew up several tickets requesting for this problem to be fixed do you think gree would help me?
Good luck.. theres a whole thread of people whos game rolled their progress back. (Including myself)
You might as well email people here about it, because the end result will be the same in game......NOTHING.
On the positive side, you will actually get a coherent, specific answer that actually addresses your problem here. You will not get that with gree support.
Tanya D. Sizemore Hehir
08-12-2014, 01:02 PM
Knights and Dragons - I already have 8 Celestial keys (from the dragons' armor) but want to add 3 more so I can open 11 at once and get the free fusion armor. But it doesn't give me an option to buy extra, just using 1 key at a time or 8 keys at once. How can I add 3 more?
08-12-2014, 01:04 PM
Knights and Dragons - I already have 8 Celestial keys (from the dragons' armor) but want to add 3 more so I can open 11 at once and get the free fusion armor. But it doesn't give me an option to buy extra, just using 1 key at a time or 8 keys at once. How can I add 3 more?
Just open the 8 keys reward, there is currently no option to add more. The 11 key rewards is more of a Gift With Purchase.
Valentin Lucero
08-12-2014, 02:11 PM
well is not a big question , its just nobody could give me an answer , HOW DO I POST SOMETHING ?
Wtf is this ? You may not post new threads
You may post replies
You may post attachments
You may edit your posts
i mean it makes not sence that you have a problem or something and you cant post it :(
08-12-2014, 02:38 PM
You need at least 10 posts before you can Start A New Thread (
08-14-2014, 03:37 PM
how long can you use vpn per day before gree bans your account?
08-15-2014, 09:18 AM
I have never herd of Gree banning your account, but Last I checked VPN did not work anymore. If you are a newbie you will able to see a lot of videos but it will die down quickly in a week or two. If not cheers to you.
08-15-2014, 10:56 AM
yeah when you first start, they give you like, 30 gems. But ive been playing for a year, and i have always been scared of gree banning my account for using vpn. thanks for your help
08-15-2014, 10:57 AM
yeah when you first start, they give you like, 30 gems. But ive been playing for a year, and i have always been scared of gree banning my account for using vpn. thanks for your help
and i use vpn, and so far, its been working
08-22-2014, 12:38 PM
how to change armor set in raid?
08-22-2014, 02:05 PM
when you press fight a pop up shows up where you have the option to change team/armor or fight
Dark Tantra
08-24-2014, 05:03 PM
I can't find the amount of armor inventory slots you get per level. Wasn't it 90 slots at level 100, then what per level(s)?
Meadow YT
08-26-2014, 06:54 PM
Does anyone know when the next Guild War or Raid is? This is because i want to buy gems but i dont know when to buy them because i like to buy them in advance. Please tell me!
Thanks, Meadow
08-26-2014, 09:03 PM
Does anyone know when the next Guild War or Raid is? This is because i want to buy gems but i dont know when to buy them because i like to buy them in advance. Please tell me!
Thanks, Meadow
Mostly weekends. Raid, 3 day war and blitz are rotating though we expected a 3day war instead of the last raid.
If you want to buy gems you should do it. Now or just beforea war - You're buying them either way. My advice: Wait for a 40% sale. war or not. Wait for 40%.
Meadow YT
08-26-2014, 09:19 PM
Mostly weekends. Raid, 3 day war and blitz are rotating though we expected a 3day war instead of the last raid.
If you want to buy gems you should do it. Now or just beforea war - You're buying them either way. My advice: Wait for a 40% sale. war or not. Wait for 40%.
So do u mean they would mostly all start on fridays?
08-26-2014, 09:42 PM
I don't know if this is the right place but I couldn't find a way to make a thread. Ever since I downloaded the last update my game won't load. The screen just goes black. I have sent messages to gree with no response. It seems like the game is working fine for most people.
If I delete the app and then download it again will that fix it? I don't want to risk losing all of my data and armors.
Any suggestions?
08-26-2014, 10:03 PM
So do u mean they would mostly all start on fridays?
The 3-day and raid events usually go from Friday to Monday, while the blitz events usually go from Saturday to Sunday.
08-26-2014, 10:09 PM
I don't know if this is the right place but I couldn't find a way to make a thread. Ever since I downloaded the last update my game won't load. The screen just goes black. I have sent messages to gree with no response. It seems like the game is working fine for most people.
If I delete the app and then download it again will that fix it? I don't want to risk losing all of my data and armors.
Any suggestions?
If you bound your account, then deleting and reinstalling may help. After you reinstall, you can recover through the binding process and things should be back to normal for the most part. If you didn't bind it, try restarting your device - power it all the way off, then back on - to see if that helps.
Most of the time, if you delete the game and reinstall it, your original game data will still be there. But, I've also heard stories (and it's happened to me once or twice too) where a reinstall made you start over from the beginning, or started you up on a different account completely (possibly because I've transferred accounts between devices before a delete/reinstall, which may confuse the installer as to what account should be active). I'm a bit overly cautious and I wouldn't delete/reinstall unless I had my account bound - that way I have a fallback plan in case my game doesn't show up again after a reinstallation.
08-27-2014, 03:11 PM
Just seeing if I am on the right track.
I am Level 41 after 6 days of playing, and I have spent all my time on what i believe will set me up for success later in the game (even if it is slowing progress in the short term...)
-I have unlocked up to epic on blazing tides.
-I have upgraded all common, uncommon, and a handful of rares to "+" so all armor i am crafting is "+".
-I have expanded my buildable area up to 500,000, and have a combination of buildings that give my both a high return while playing, and while inactive.
-I have evenly leveled all knights on my team, with my main character being slightly ahead.
-I have a good combination of friends that are high level for epic bosses and the like, while keeping a good number of weak friends to beat up for arena points.
-my nights are using the big 4, and one bigger four.
Is there anything i should be doing that i am not? should i switch my focus on anything? I am having a hard time getting enough gold to keep upgrading my armors, and i cant use them fast enough to keep up with the crafting.
I have yet to start fusing armors (other than a couple of quests). Any advice when to start fusing (not that i have the gold for it now)? any armors that i need to be saving for fusing down the road instead of enhancing my current armors?
08-27-2014, 03:19 PM
-I have unlocked up to epic on blazing tides.
Keep going!
-I have upgraded all common, uncommon, and a handful of rares to "+" so all armor i am crafting is "+".
Fuse commons for enchanting later on (maybe the uncommon too)
-I have expanded my buildable area up to 500,000, and have a combination of buildings that give my both a high return while playing, and while inactive.
Eventually use just Training Grounds for Gold
-I have evenly leveled all knights on my team, with my main character being slightly ahead.
Thats natural
-I have a good combination of friends that are high level for epic bosses and the like, while keeping a good number of weak friends to beat up for arena points.
That works well
-my nights are using the big 4, and one bigger four.
Once you can defeat the Epic Bosses or get better 4*+ and higher, level those up
That's just my two cents
White Knight
09-03-2014, 04:56 PM
I love the eskimo picture :)
09-15-2014, 05:41 AM
Hi there, my arena won't load over 4G or wife. Contacted gree with no joy. It might be a background service issue on my S4 mini. Everything else loads up fine. Can battle friends and earn the milestones and ranking as that still works. Running out of ideas and my research on Google hasn't come up trumps yet. I recently moved/changed phones using the bind account service. Don't know if this caused this or what :/
09-17-2014, 03:09 PM
I just had my account restored by Gree (I had quit playing before the email binding option had been added and gotten rid of the device that had my account on it) and my arena won't load either. I can do everything else in the game but when I hit the Battle Now option in the arena it just sits and spins and reads "connecting" indefinitely. I have submitted two tickets now and had both of them closed, one with an explanation of "our servers were all up when you submitted the ticket so just try again" and the other with no explanation at all. Sounds like you have a bug Gree
09-18-2014, 01:26 AM
I just had my account restored by Gree (I had quit playing before the email binding option had been added and gotten rid of the device that had my account on it) and my arena won't load either. I can do everything else in the game but when I hit the Battle Now option in the arena it just sits and spins and reads "connecting" indefinitely. I have submitted two tickets now and had both of them closed, one with an explanation of "our servers were all up when you submitted the ticket so just try again" and the other with no explanation at all. Sounds like you have a bug Gree
Hmm.. sounds like it could well be a binding issue then. I have raised a second ticket with no joy as of yet. Like yours my game works in every way, but the arena. I have tried removing the bind and facebok accounts with no result. Cleared my game cache. No joy either. Stumped!
Spirit Bear
09-18-2014, 08:39 PM
How is it pos for a lvl13 plyr b at rank2 in the arena w 43k pts already w only aprox 245 wins? I didnt do math but that doesnt sound right specially aftr i fought my friends n spent gems to get whr i m n im lvl185 n only hav 6k arena pts. Doesnt mak any sense.
09-19-2014, 09:14 AM
How is it pos for a lvl13 plyr b at rank2 in the arena w 43k pts already w only aprox 245 wins? I didnt do math but that doesnt sound right specially aftr i fought my friends n spent gems to get whr i m n im lvl185 n only hav 6k arena pts. Doesnt mak any sense.
Spend like 200 gems on energy and you will end up higher. Since battles are close to your own armor, you may win more battles.
43K in 245 wins is around 176 per battle. As for a friend battle you get 20 points for a win.
09-29-2014, 12:51 AM
We have a person in my guild who, upon realizing we weren't going to fight our guild wars the way he wanted us to, took it upon himself to spend nearly every last gold in our guild bank on Guardians (we don't do this as a rule as they are pretty worthless compared to armor bonuses), upgrading as many as he could to max lvl, so that he depleted our over 41mil guild savings to 10k. :/ I can't kick him due to the guild war, I can't even demote him (which I had tried to do before he did this because I knew he'd be spiteful like this). When he joined a couple weeks back he seemed alright which is why I agreed to make him an HC when he asked, and now this and my hands are tied for another 10 hours yet!
Do I have any recourse against him or in getting all of our gold back? I've already refunded all the guardians but since they only return 20% of what's been spent, we definitely don't have all of our gold back. I've taken screenies of what I could but since the guild notifications window does not have a very large bank I am sure there are things I missed. I've also taken screenies of all of the abuse he's thrown at us in guild chat.I am hoping Gree have server logs that can tell them more than my screenies can.
Has this happened to anyone else? I've sent in a support ticket already as well but this is a pretty big deal so figured I would come here and see what info anyone else can impart.
09-30-2014, 10:01 AM
10-02-2014, 10:53 AM
How to recruit players for a guild fast
10-02-2014, 03:56 PM
Watched about 20 videos since the new update last night and not a single gem has been givin to me, is there a glitch happening or did they change something with the update yesterday?
Also new to this forum so Recruiting for my Guild EndlessWaltz. only 2 member atm good lvl bonus (not going into detail tis isnt thread for that) p.s. this is inter net. i dont care about my grammar lol :P
10-02-2014, 07:22 PM
Spend like 200 gems on energy and you will end up higher. Since battles are close to your own armor, you may win more battles.
43K in 245 wins is around 176 per battle. As for a friend battle you get 20 points for a win.
what happens, is each week you face people who are your level, it sets up your level when the tourny starts, so lets say someone made a character RIGHT as the tournament started, he will be faced off with ppl his lvl, one for that week. say that dude power levels to get his 3rd character, and then levels up a few armors, he now is a 3 man team, with decent armors, attacking a lvl one with no armor. THATS how hes getting points.
in most games, its called being a Twink, someone who low level but wants to be low level for benifits like this scenario. after he gets his awesome Epic for being high rank, he will probably power level to a good guild.
10-05-2014, 02:59 PM
Is there a way to dispose of unwanted low level armor aside from using it in fusion. I am wasting all my gold trying to get rid of low level armor received as rewards in fusions (combine and enhance) to make room for crafting better higher armor
10-06-2014, 06:49 AM
Is there a way to dispose of unwanted low level armor aside from using it in fusion.
Unfortunately, no.
10-07-2014, 07:34 AM
How is it pos for a lvl13 plyr b at rank2 in the arena w 43k pts already w only aprox 245 wins? I didnt do math but that doesnt sound right specially aftr i fought my friends n spent gems to get whr i m n im lvl185 n only hav 6k arena pts. Doesnt mak any sense.
I did this when I first started the game. I was rank 11 at level 15, and I didn't really have to use very many gems, because I got 10 40-win streaks in a row. I was a 3-man team, and I was mainly facing 1- and 2-man teams, because I was so new. Of course, the next day was a different story. The arena adjusted, and I started losing 2 out of 3 battles. It didn't really matter that much at that point though; I still ended up at rank 48 at the end, because I had such a giant head start. It's actually easiest to win a lot of battles the first day you start playing.
Plus, being a new account, you get those amazing discounted gems. I think I spent $60 and got like 600 gems.
10-07-2014, 05:11 PM
I have a similar problem. Except I'm trying to fuse and enhance my armor into higher leveled stuff. Any tips on being successful at that? It seems pretty difficult to control which specific combination of elements you end up when crafting higher level stuff.
Kayla Josh Johnston
10-31-2014, 03:34 PM
My account was stolen yesterday I logged in and had someone else's ****ty account I have all the proof that the account stolen is mine anyone know how to get it back or if I will ever get it back
10-31-2014, 03:57 PM
My account was stolen yesterday I logged in and had someone else's ****ty account I have all the proof that the account stolen is mine anyone know how to get it back or if I will ever get it back
With this type of info into a support ticket:
1. Main knight's name and level
2. Friend code of the account you are trying to recover
3. Date of last login
4. Dates of last 3 purchases
5. Gem receipts
6. Friend code on the NEW device or on your new knight.
7. last in-game gem purchase
8. Guild information
9. iOS users only : original install date. Open iTunes on your computer. Navigate to iTunes Store >> Account >> Purchase History 10.Friend code on the NEW device or on your new knight.
10. Account creation date of new knight/new account
11. names of 3 knights on the new account/knight
12. Email attached to new account/new friend code
This also in helping in writing a ticket How To: Submit a Gree Support Ticket (
Christian Slayton
11-06-2014, 10:02 AM
I keep getting g notifications that a guild members has sent me gifts. How do I open them or receive them? It says I have received 0
Jaded Destiny
12-01-2014, 09:21 PM
Here is a tip/ trick that I have proved to work on 3 ocassions so far... FreeMyApps will infact allow you to earn obtainable credits to use on iTunes gift cards that you can spend on gems. I have gotten $30 dollars In Gift cards before I posted here so I could validate it before I suggested it to others. U spend nothing except some free time and earn credits which actually will get u prizes; iTunes gift cards, for Gems and other in fame purchases!
Jeff Maginnis
01-03-2015, 06:04 PM
DO i need to place first place or just get 150K points for the achievement.
Jeff Maginnis
01-03-2015, 06:05 PM
Also, do you know if you get the gold medal and below achievements if you get the black?
01-08-2015, 09:37 AM
I seem to have extremely bad luck fusing 4 star armors, I always get something worse. With heroic mode I am using the 4 stars from the epic bosses to raise the 5 stars instead. Does anyone have thoughts on this?
01-09-2015, 07:04 AM
There is a much more cost effective way to enhance epics (See the link in my signature).
As for fusing legendaries, keep trying. Patience pays off. It took me 3 months of fusing legendaries before I finally got an epic. Since then I have had luck fusing more.
01-09-2015, 11:47 AM
Hi Guys
Iim new here and have a pretty basic question hopefully! Let me say first that ive searched and cant seem to find the answer yet!
1) How do you change your armor so that in the Arena, Raid and epic boss areas, your armor is the same as Adventurer armor?
Also my friend code is WCB CWW WCV and if some one has a guild i could join that would be awesome!
01-10-2015, 01:40 AM
Hi Guys
Iim new here and have a pretty basic question hopefully! Let me say first that ive searched and cant seem to find the answer yet!
1) How do you change your armor so that in the Arena, Raid and epic boss areas, your armor is the same as Adventurer armor?
Also my friend code is WCB CWW WCV and if some one has a guild i could join that would be awesome!
Managed to figure this out, but the friends and guild thing still applies . Please add me 😀
Ant venom
01-16-2015, 07:57 PM
Managed to figure this out, but the friends and guild thing still applies . Please add me ��
It depends on what armors u have so u should post ur lineup here of ur best 6 Knights to see where we can start at and start from.
01-17-2015, 10:29 AM
Wibdog, you are Android right? My guild is IOS, but the offer for free advice remains. :)
Welcome to Knights and Dragons!
01-23-2015, 10:46 AM
does gree have a problem with trading accounts
01-27-2015, 04:55 PM
Anyone know where to find where Grew said it was ok to use vpn's? A link would be great!
02-08-2015, 03:26 AM
Which stats shod i fokus on whid rings and amulets ?
Ant venom
02-08-2015, 05:16 PM
Which stats shod i fokus on whid rings and amulets ?
Well it depends on ur preferences as some ppl like atk, some like defense, some like health, some like all combined and some like two of them combined, and I prefer atk and defense combined.
02-08-2015, 10:30 PM
Kk how Come?
02-09-2015, 07:18 AM
For me, it's HP in Adventure for Heroic Stages, and Attack everywhere else. HP in Adventure provides my knights with a few extra attacks, and everywhere else, "The best defense is a good offense"
Laurids Lyngsø Rye
03-06-2015, 01:13 PM
I have a question about the Arena - under 'rewards', there are three types of rewards; win streak, milestone and rank. I've received rewards from the first two, but when I check the last one, it tells me I have a certain 'event reward tier'. Where does this apply - and what does it mean? o_O
03-06-2015, 08:29 PM
I have a question about the Arena - under 'rewards', there are three types of rewards; win streak, milestone and rank. I've received rewards from the first two, but when I check the last one, it tells me I have a certain 'event reward tier'. Where does this apply - and what does it mean? o_O
Arena events run for a week. When the event ends for the week you will receive your rank awards which will be whatever reward tier you finish the event on.
Ant venom
03-12-2015, 05:05 PM
Yep u are correct Mos20
Zuri Williams
08-20-2015, 07:23 PM
Question how can you get your Account back but fogot to bind my Account? Cause I put a lot of man hours into the game and I would hate to start over
Ant venom
08-21-2015, 06:35 AM
Question how can you get your Account back but fogot to bind my Account? Cause I put a lot of man hours into the game and I would hate to start over
Um you don't, you could try to contact Customer Service for help but it's kinda hopeless.
Miranda Robinson
03-22-2016, 04:59 PM
Couldn't find the answer to this question... I'm fairly new to the game, when I combine 8 bronze pets of all the same element I get one bronze pet of the same element. So I put it 8 and get 1 back. Is this a bug? It seems that I should be increasing my tier but I'm not.
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