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02-18-2014, 10:14 PM
Does anyone know or have any observations about whether the number of members or the level of the guild members in a guild have any impact on guild battle pairings during guild wars?
The reason why I'm asking is that we have inactive members in our guild, but they're equipped with decent armour so I feel that they won't be a 'weak link' if attacked during the war. Booting them wouldn't matter from the point of view of making space for new recruits. We have enough space for new ones to apply if needed.
However, if these members give a greater chance of fighting a stronger guild with them staying, I would prefer to boot them.
Perhaps there are other angles that I may have missed as well in having these 'dead weight' members?
Lou 1xxx
02-18-2014, 11:42 PM
scheduling a war is easy. this is why LINE app is a must. communication with guild members via chatting them up 24hour is an easy way to gauge who's online on what time frame.
*** *** *** ***
now for inactive members for a long period of time, no gold donations from them, even if their armors are good, kick for more active applicants...
Lou 1xxx
02-18-2014, 11:47 PM
Every time I go to contribute it always never works... And says you need to restart in order to do this action
I restarted deleated app did everything nothing happening
Please help
the usual case of Lag or server problems... try changing your main toon's gender, forces an update (save game)...
or just try it again later... sometimes this happens, only for a half a day or so...
02-19-2014, 01:49 AM
Wait till you get Asian players. We always miss out on big moves!
This is why we have people for all regions :) USA, Europe and Asia/Aus/NZ
Wars happen all day round :P
02-19-2014, 02:48 AM
Does anyone know or have any observations about whether the number of members or the level of the guild members in a guild have any impact on guild battle pairings during guild wars?
The reason why I'm asking is that we have inactive members in our guild, but they're equipped with decent armour so I feel that they won't be a 'weak link' if attacked during the war. Booting them wouldn't matter from the point of view of making space for new recruits. We have enough space for new ones to apply if needed.
However, if these members give a greater chance of fighting a stronger guild with them staying, I would prefer to boot them.
Perhaps there are other angles that I may have missed as well in having these 'dead weight' members?
We always found that a high level guild with good equipped and a lot of members are likely to draw other high level high gear guilds. Now we have 25 members we get a lot of guilds with some basic armors and no sent
One another note: do you guys think the level nd gear of the guy declaring affect your draw?
02-19-2014, 04:00 AM
I was wondering if anyone schedules their guild to war? Our participation is a bit spotty, especially b/c we do have a few European players. We'd like to include them, is there any suggestions on scheduling?
Hi Jenn, I recently joined a decent guild, we placed in the 30's in this war, it was a simple approach, war every 3 hours on the dot, only HC's allowed to declare, HC who declared was responsible for the war, they made the call if to go or not. Worked very well for me. (I am UK, most of guild is USA)
02-19-2014, 05:49 AM
I got an update that said performance enhancements and optimizations. Anybody notice anything different? Just curious what it could be.
02-19-2014, 08:07 AM
i have 2 devices uses the same google account if i transfer my account from one to other what happens to old device ? the account can be opened ? or u restart there with a new one i wonder this cause both devices uses the same google account. and how many times i can do that per year ?
Hey all,
First off I would like to say I love this game. Now im finally getting the hang of it, it even gets better and better lol.
I do have two questions though.
Question 1:
Ive got some legendary armors from the Epic Bosses and from fusion or chance chests. Right now I have the armor of Glacius at level 70 and the Abonimable thingie (water/air) at level 70.
Ive got a Flamehunters Garb at level 65 and Armor of the Bear at level 55.
All my other Legendary armors I enhanced to level 20.
Now my question is what is the best way to go?
Should I focus on getting one armor up to level 70 before I even bother bout one of my other armors.
Or should I level my armors up equally like im sort of doing now?
Question 2:
Ive finally gotten my first Epic armor (Yay!!!)
It is the Maelstrom Irons (water/air).
What would be the best way to level up this armor?
At the moment I got it to level 15 by using all basic armors for enhancement.
Should I got with Snakeskins from now on? Or do I still use basic armors? If so till what level?
And from what level on should I be looking for armors with more Enhancement Points to use for Enhancement for this Epic Armor?
Would love some feedback!
Thanks in advance! :)
02-19-2014, 10:45 PM
Hey all,
First off I would like to say I love this game. Now im finally getting the hang of it, it even gets better and better lol.
I do have two questions though.
Question 1:
Ive got some legendary armors from the Epic Bosses and from fusion or chance chests. Right now I have the armor of Glacius at level 70 and the Abonimable thingie (water/air) at level 70.
Ive got a Flamehunters Garb at level 65 and Armor of the Bear at level 55.
All my other Legendary armors I enhanced to level 20.
Now my question is what is the best way to go?
Should I focus on getting one armor up to level 70 before I even bother bout one of my other armors.
Or should I level my armors up equally like im sort of doing now?
Question 2:
Ive finally gotten my first Epic armor (Yay!!!)
It is the Maelstrom Irons (water/air).
What would be the best way to level up this armor?
At the moment I got it to level 15 by using all basic armors for enhancement.
Should I got with Snakeskins from now on? Or do I still use basic armors? If so till what level?
And from what level on should I be looking for armors with more Enhancement Points to use for Enhancement for this Epic Armor?
Would love some feedback!
Thanks in advance! :)
Why do you PM this post to other players? With the only difference being you start with this: "I saw one of your posts on the forum and you seem like a pretty experienced player to me."
02-20-2014, 10:02 AM
is it true that when you open a 40 chance chest at once that only the first chest that is opened has the 3x,4x or 5x bonus the the 39 others dont have any bonus or do all the chest have the bonus someone in my guild said thats how it is and it is better to open chest one by one
02-20-2014, 01:33 PM
This may be a very stupid question that has already been asked and answered, but if or when will Knights and Dragons be available to download on the Kindle Fire? I have it on my Android Phone and would love to transfer that to my 7 inch Kindle Screen.
Please let me know if and when this might be available. :cool:
02-20-2014, 02:09 PM
This may be a very stupid question that has already been asked and answered, but if or when will Knights and Dragons be available to download on the Kindle Fire? I have it on my Android Phone and would love to transfer that to my 7 inch Kindle Screen.
Please let me know if and when this might be available. :cool:
probably as soon as its available on windows phone... (if any one has ever had a windows phone, you prolly laughing your pants off right now)
02-21-2014, 09:12 AM
Hey all,
First off I would like to say I love this game. Now im finally getting the hang of it, it even gets better and better lol.
I do have two questions though.
Question 1:
Ive got some legendary armors from the Epic Bosses and from fusion or chance chests. Right now I have the armor of Glacius at level 70 and the Abonimable thingie (water/air) at level 70.
Ive got a Flamehunters Garb at level 65 and Armor of the Bear at level 55.
All my other Legendary armors I enhanced to level 20.
Now my question is what is the best way to go?
Should I focus on getting one armor up to level 70 before I even bother bout one of my other armors.
Or should I level my armors up equally like im sort of doing now?
Question 2:
Ive finally gotten my first Epic armor (Yay!!!)
It is the Maelstrom Irons (water/air).
What would be the best way to level up this armor?
At the moment I got it to level 15 by using all basic armors for enhancement.
Should I got with Snakeskins from now on? Or do I still use basic armors? If so till what level?
And from what level on should I be looking for armors with more Enhancement Points to use for Enhancement for this Epic Armor?
Would love some feedback!
Thanks in advance! :)
I would level the armor my main is wearing first then after that it would be just preference. As for the second question, use snakeskin until about level 60 or so then use 2 star armors and armor boosts from there mixed with snakeskins.
02-21-2014, 09:44 AM
Hey I finished my Big Four + (AA+, LF+,Crius+ and Hydra+). Which armors, and obviously + versions, should I aim for now ? Could you also please tell me which armor to get first ?
Thanks in advance.
Souly :D
I can't get into the arena. It just keeps timing out, telling me it can't connect. Everything else seems to be working. Is anybody else having this problem?
02-21-2014, 01:07 PM
Hey I finished my Big Four + (AA+, LF+,Crius+ and Hydra+). Which armors, and obviously + versions, should I aim for now ? Could you also please tell me which armor to get first ?
Thanks in advance.
Souly :D
Sadly at this point you may have wasted your time on the BIG 4 but congrats all the same.
At this point you should be trying to get the following:
Swamp Shaman +
Dark Prince+
Roc Feather+
Armor of the Infernal+
If at any point however, you are able to get 43 kills on an epic boss, you should then be pouring your time into getting EB+ armors.
02-21-2014, 01:07 PM
I can't get into the arena. It just keeps timing out, telling me it can't connect. Everything else seems to be working. Is anybody else having this problem?
Try force-restarting your game, if that doesn't work, try again on WIFI.
If all else fails, uninstall and reinstall your app
02-21-2014, 01:16 PM
is it true that when you open a 40 chance chest at once, that only the first chest that is opened has the 3x,4x or 5x bonus and the 39 others dont have any bonus or do all the chest have the bonus. someone in my guild said thats how it is and it is better to open chest one by one
please help so i know what to do
02-21-2014, 02:21 PM
All the chests have the same chance no matter how you open them, one by one or 40 together, its worth opening 40 at once usually because of all the bonus armours and fusion boosts you get.
02-22-2014, 05:13 PM
Do you have to meet certain requirements before being able to start a thread on the forums? I activated my account awhile ago but wont let me start a thread. Thanks
Do you have to meet certain requirements before being able to start a thread on the forums? I activated my account awhile ago but wont let me start a thread. Thanks
You need 15 posts.
02-22-2014, 06:00 PM
You need 15 posts.
Is that also true about putting images in your signatures?
Is that also true about putting images in your signatures?
I'm not sure.
02-22-2014, 10:10 PM
Thanks I appreciate it. Kind of a stupid rule imo. Now I just gotta wait instead of spamming the forumn
02-26-2014, 04:10 AM
I was knights and dragon player.
I lost my devices and also the whole game, but the worst thing is that I'm
the guild master in my guild.
Is there any other way to change Guild Master to my friends?
I email to GREE, they said will update for me since 1 week ago, but they still not yet update me.
Anyone know how ?
02-26-2014, 04:35 AM
I was knights and dragon player.
I lost my devices and also the whole game, but the worst thing is that I'm
the guild master in my guild.
Is there any other way to change Guild Master to my friends?
I email to GREE, they said will update for me since 1 week ago, but they still not yet update me.
Anyone know how ?
Unless you have proof that it was indeed your account I'd say you'll have tough luck with Gree here.
02-26-2014, 08:01 AM
Whenever i see video to get free gem., it showed no offer avilable...midnigh i wake up see don't have morning before work see don't have afternoon also don't have....what time is provided
02-26-2014, 12:03 PM
Anyone know why it is that sometimes my friend gets sales on his game that I don't get? We're both current version, both iOS, rebooted my iPad, tried everything. :confused:
02-26-2014, 11:27 PM
Hey all, I just have a few questions and hopefully I can get some sound advice.
1. What is the most efficient way to get epic armour? If it is through fusion then what is the best way to get fusion stones?
2. At what level should the average player be able to start obtaining EB+ armor?
I provided a quick screenie of what I am using right now.
That is the armour I am currently using, also I am level 59 right now and have completed the storyline. Any help with my questions as well as any advice as to what I should be doing now would be greatly appreciated. As of now I am just beating the epic bosses when they come out and farming Skeleton Tombs on either Normal or Epic.
I am currently waiting to see what the next limited chest is so I can buy 40 and use whatever armour I am given for my main guy.
02-26-2014, 11:57 PM
I was lvl 99 already crafting my voodoo robes
02-26-2014, 11:57 PM
and all of a sudden i'm lvl 98 again with a lvl 1 voodoo priest. Why?
02-27-2014, 06:45 AM
@marnat: There's no time. It's luck to get a video.
If you have the money - wars. But to get into a high guild, you need epics. Chests are a game of odds and bad odds, too. Fusion is therefore the best way for the average player. There is no spot where you get the most fusion stones or guaranteed drops, but most people farm Snakeskins on epic and have pretty good drops there. Other than that, silver chests from the free keys and KoD on epic.
As for the EB+ - Depends on what armors, friends and how much time you have. There isn't really one. I'd say 70ish?
@Frigo: The rollback-fairy visited you. She sucks. You can try force saving regularly by changing your main knights gender.
Atomic RK
02-27-2014, 07:43 AM
Why will Gree not email me back to get my account back? I understand they have a lot on their plate, but almost half a month has gone by and I still can't play my damn game!
02-27-2014, 08:15 AM
Why will Gree not email me back to get my account back? I understand they have a lot on their plate, but almost half a month has gone by and I still can't play my damn game!
One of our teammates ended up waiting close to a month to get his account transferred.
Gree's customer Service really is terrible. During the whole "Transaction Cancelled" no gems received yet we'll take your money bug. I contacted them and waited over a week and a half to get a response, and on the last occasion they said "our record show you did get them" even though i didn't get them. From there on out i just contact Google Play customer service and got my money back in 1-3 days.
02-27-2014, 08:23 AM
Can you transfer from ios to android?
02-27-2014, 08:25 AM
Can you transfer from ios to android?
No you cannot
02-27-2014, 04:31 PM
I am now getting this message product purchase error constantly. This is after I bought 2 25$ gems packages and only got one of them but they charged my bank any advice
02-27-2014, 05:51 PM
What should i do or who can i chase, i purchase a dragon bounty, the payment was successful but the gem that i purchased was not added into may GEM inventory, how can i get my GEM or if possible how to get a refund? I'm a regular gem buyer and this is the first time i have got this issue.
02-27-2014, 06:10 PM
What should i do or who can i chase, i purchase a dragon bounty, the payment was successful but the gem that i purchased was not added into may GEM inventory, how can i get my GEM or if possible how to get a refund? I'm a regular gem buyer and this is the first time i have got this issue.
You could submit a ticket to Gree, but your best bet is to contact Google Play and ask for a refund. Gree takes, on average, much longer to get to these things than Google Play.
02-27-2014, 11:17 PM
Hi. Is it possible to transfer an ios account over to android? Thanks
02-27-2014, 11:27 PM
Hi. Is it possible to transfer an ios account over to android? Thanks
If you read 4-5 posts back you would have the answer.
But to help you out: No!
02-28-2014, 03:09 AM
I am lucky enough (I think) to have the Bronze Chromatic Mantle. My question is, is it worth using? I have maxed it but the stats seem low, I also have a maxed Kerstmans, Forgestone and Beastmaster to put this in context.
02-28-2014, 03:20 AM
It recieves no elemental guild bonuses, but its same strength against every element, I would say your better off using kerstman forgestone and beastmaster than bronze personally. . Especially because of the terrible stats . . It's worse than Red kaleidoscopic Raiment+ I believe. .
02-28-2014, 03:26 AM
Thanks Loose-End, that's what I had kind of thought, but wanted to be sure I was not missing something:)
02-28-2014, 03:40 AM
No problem :) it was my personal opinion but also I think many people would tell you the same thing.
03-02-2014, 02:36 PM
I downloaded knights and dragons last night. When I logged into the game its someone else's saved game. I have never played this game before. I tried deleting my data and uninstalling and reinstalling the game. I start the game as a lvl 25 that is already in a guild has friends and everything. This persons main chararacter is Ward and is in a germanor Russian speaking guild.
03-02-2014, 02:53 PM
Wow, this post is extremely helpful. Thank you from the noob community! :-)
03-02-2014, 05:40 PM
If you have the money - wars. But to get into a high guild, you need epics. Chests are a game of odds and bad odds, too. Fusion is therefore the best way for the average player. There is no spot where you get the most fusion stones or guaranteed drops, but most people farm Snakeskins on epic and have pretty good drops there. Other than that, silver chests from the free keys and KoD on epic.
As for the EB+ - Depends on what armors, friends and how much time you have. There isn't really one. I'd say 70ish?
First thank you very much for the advice, it makes things clearer for me. I have one more question left and after that I should be good.
My question is what is the easiest way to grind levels? At level 59 and in my the armor from my previous post what should I focus on for levels? I am farming Skeleton Tombs on epic, should I just do that constantly or is there a better way to level up?
03-03-2014, 06:34 AM
My question is what is the easiest way to grind levels?
I would suggest fighting in Haunted Citadel on epic. You get around 32k XP each run. With the armors you have, that looks to be the easiest, because you don't have as many weaknesses to the elements in that level (fire, earth & air)
Darth Ovious
03-03-2014, 03:18 PM
Some of our players were unable to log on this past war. They don't seem to be have been banned though since they are still within the guild. What can we do to solve this? Was this a common problem for guilds this war?
Some of our players were unable to log on this past war. They don't seem to be have been banned though since they are still within the guild. What can we do to solve this? Was this a common problem for guilds this war?
At least twice I had to reboot to get into a war. Don't know why this happened, but it seems like it's going to be a common occurrence.
Bill Jon3s
03-03-2014, 07:06 PM
Ive had a product purchase error since Thursday night. Still cant get on the game. Im the gm, and couldnt fight at all in the war cause the game wouldn't open. It sucked! Emailed gree a ton, still no answer or response, and still can't play...
03-04-2014, 01:48 AM
At least twice I had to reboot to get into a war. Don't know why this happened, but it seems like it's going to be a common occurrence.
Happened to 5 of our members also.
03-04-2014, 05:13 AM
I have uninstalled again and the game still loads this other guys saved game. He is still able to play as well. He got on the game last night. I don't think I'm going to be able to play if it keeps giving me someone else's game to play. I deleted the game data and uninstalled and reinstalled the game I don't know what else to do. Is there a way to fix this?
03-04-2014, 08:28 AM
Generally, what you should grind always depends on the time you have. If you have a lot of time, grind snakeskins on epic, because you get the mats and decent EXP.
If you only have a little bit of time, Haunted Citadel sounds good. I tend to run the highest dungeon I possibly can before I leave the game for a while, as long as I can finish it in at least two rounds. Knights get empty, load up while I'm away, can finish the dungeon - exp in little time.
Talk to support. There's no other way.
03-04-2014, 11:19 AM
Who do I contact for missing gems? I've been getting some videos since 2 /27/ 14 but the gems don't payout. Im missing around 200+.
this upsets me because Gree makes money off me watching the videos but it costs me money by losing data. So any help on who I should contact would be appreciated.
03-04-2014, 11:22 AM
Whenever a big guild war finishes i get spammed with the results every 2 seconds if I'm not in a battle. Is there any remedy for this?
03-04-2014, 11:28 AM
@evilheart There's a support link on the offer page (the one with the surveys)
@sazxus I've had it too, didn't find one. Just went away after the reward period was over. Try force closing?
03-04-2014, 12:05 PM
@evilheart There's a support link on the offer page (the one with the surveys)
@sazxus I've had it too, didn't find one. Just went away after the reward period was over. Try force closing?
Thank you for you swift reply. I've tried the support page and it's always specific (ex. App; Game Title) nothing for just video offers. I tried sending it under App when it started no reply from Gree. I went to the Gree home page support three times and it won't submit. Guess I will have to eat the data loss.
03-04-2014, 12:17 PM
I see some info on the forums about the guild contribution bug- some people seem to claim it's a response to cheating, but the info is not very clear.
I have a few people in our guild saying "we can't contribute". Is there a real bug, or are these people exploiting?
If they are exploiting will they be banned or is this their "punishment" or an unintended consequence of the hacks?
If they are bugged has this bug been acknowledged and will it ever be fixed?
03-05-2014, 10:16 AM
It's a punishment for gem glitching. I've seen a mail from gree to a guy(yes, really.) stating so. The person asking gree about it has been banned, too, though, so it's not a garant they won't be banned.
03-06-2014, 11:40 AM
Hi again,
I have been saving up armours from the epic boss for quite a while, I have crafted about 20, and have about 20 more to craft. I plan to fuse them all in one huge fusing orgy!
My question is, does anyone know how I can record it as a movie to show what I get?
03-06-2014, 11:55 AM
There are multiple screen recorders available on the play store, though, iirc, most if not all require a rooted phone. An idea might be to look up some knd vids on youtube and check the description, maybe the author mentions what they're using.
I seem to remember one worked rootless, but with a connection to your computer required...?
Sir Bup
03-06-2014, 06:45 PM
ok i fought the boss the 3rd time he dropped some energy i pick it up then my value goes to -95 so i cannot fight and when i try too donate my guild it can be 10,000 or 100k it will only reload the game and give me my money back
03-07-2014, 10:18 AM
Based on everything I have found in the last few days from talking to people, my post here, and elsewhere, not being able to donate to guild is an intentional automatic restriction placed on people when they have exploited in some way. I would assume by monitoring for a sudden asymmetrical or impossible gain in gems/gold/energy/items.
Typically these people are banned after an amount of time.
I have also seen cases where people claim they cannot donate, report it as a bug, and are banned, despite believing or claiming they were not exploiting or hacking.
<spooky voice and mystical finger waving>
No one knows....
03-08-2014, 03:35 AM
I am getting error code 17 on Knights and Dragons how do I fix it
03-11-2014, 05:46 AM
I just started a new knd account on another device and have a few questions. I've been playing for so long on my main account that I'm not up to date on the current proper ways to play early stages haha. Is the big 4 armor still the way to go? Can I assume that regular version EB armors are better than the bigger 4 now? Also, in your opinion, even if current regular EB armors ARE stronger than bigger 4, should I still go with the bigger 4 so I can use the EBs for combining?
03-11-2014, 05:55 AM
Is the big 4 armor still the way to go?
I would go with the Big 4, since it will be difficult to get 15 EB kills (let alone 43) at such a low level. With the prizes in the arena being some of the B4, it will be faster to craft the + versions. It always helps to have them even for your followers to clear the story stages.
Unless you are planning on spending for the Epic Chests of course.
03-11-2014, 06:01 AM
Yeah this account I'm not spending a single dime. I want to see How much I can accomplish (epics and wars) totally free. :)
What about infernal+ and it's friends? I imagine that regular EBs are now better than those? The spread sheet that lists all the armors doesn't have stats on current regular EB armors.
03-11-2014, 06:21 AM
My preference, if I was starting over, would be to skip the "Bigger 4" because they take so much time and effort to craft and level it high enough to craft the plus vesion. If/when you get an EB armor, take note of 2 things: base stats at lv 1 and how many points the att/def increases per level. For example: Abominable Platemail base stats are 378/452. If the spreadsheet didn't have the information for it, you could increase it's level and take note of point increase, in this case being 7/9. Take each number (7/9) and multiply each by 69 (number of levels to reach 70) which would be 481/621, and add them to the base stats to see what the max would be. I hope you understand this, as I'm not very good at explaining how to solve math problems:)
03-11-2014, 07:31 AM
I understand you man, good idea. Thanks :)
03-11-2014, 08:09 AM
He said "Big Four" which refers to Hydra, Atlantean, Crius and Living Flame, which are still worth going for since they're the best armors you can craft in game when new. As for the "Bigger Four" which are Shaman, Infernal, Roc and Prince, the current Epic Boss non plus armors have more stats than the Bigger Four's + versions, so the Bigger Four are now obsolete. Besides it's significantly easier to get to 15 kills then farm materials for the bigger Four, then level them, then collect materials again and craft the + versions.
03-11-2014, 09:15 AM
^good point, especially since I have hydra and crius at 45 and already got to 15 kill on the current EB. Ill start on the EBs now. Thanks guys
03-11-2014, 12:52 PM
^good point, especially since I have hydra and crius at 45 and already got to 15 kill on the current EB. Ill start on the EBs now. Thanks guys
The big Four refers to the + versions of Hydra, Crius, Atlantean and Living Flame by the way.
03-11-2014, 01:11 PM
I wouldn't go for Big4 at all anymore. Last boss (Void Sentinel at time of this post), had over 1000/800 at level 70. That's the non-plus. Those stats are better than Dark Prince+ at level 70 by about 100 points. Moving forward the gap will only widen. If I restarted now, I would, personally, level up big4 in a non-serious fashion. Leveling whichever one beats that week's boss. When you are able to get to 15 on the boss through this method. Focus entirely on an EB armor. Over the same amount of time as it will take to get 4 big4+ maxed, you will have 2 EB non-plus over level 50. (which is a very considerable difference in big4+ stats.). Use the big4 that you get from arena to kkeep them going, and level them to level 20 using basics and silver star armors. If you can't beat EB with maxed big4 armors, then make a plus version and keep going.
Big4 are no long as long-term viable as they once were. When I started a big4+ maxed would last a while into epic bosses. It doesn't so much these days. Bosses are too strong, big4 is still the same low stats.
03-11-2014, 01:31 PM
Stop confusing your terminology guys...
Big 4 = Hydra+, Atlantean+, Crius+, Living Flame+
BigGER 4 = Roc+, Shaman+, Infernal+, Prince+
03-11-2014, 01:52 PM
I didn't, guy.
03-11-2014, 03:28 PM
I didn't, guy.
You talked about Big Four and compared it to Dark Prince+ which is BIGGER Four
03-13-2014, 06:51 AM
Does anyone know why bonus ranks points are given during a GW for iOS, but not Android. I know that it doesn't really matter, but I am curious as to why it is done on one, but not the other.
03-13-2014, 11:13 AM
This is the third week that I get to the 43rd boss level. Basically now I want to level one EB to 35 and one EB+ to 70 every week. This seems to be impossible without paying, I got one EB+ to 70 which is really great but it took longer than a week.
So my question: how many and which chests would I have to buy to reliably get the two armors to 35 and 70?
Sol Invictus
03-13-2014, 11:26 AM
So my question
I don't understand the question. What do you mean, "how many chests do I have to buy to get..." ?
Are you just looking for armor fodder to use to enhance other armors?
If this is what you're asking...this question is not exactly answerable. Chests give out random armors. Some armors enhance more than others.
But more to the real point of your should not really be buying chests just to get armors to use for the enhancement of other armors. Do you have a lot of disposeable income? If so, I guess you can buy chests for the sole purpose of enhancing armors.
But the most economical way is to put the time in killing bosses and collecting crafting materials, and then crafting armors. Or winning armors in Arena.
I suggest you check this thread:
03-14-2014, 08:23 AM
Couldn't find this so I'll ask.. How do I know which armor ghas better maxed out stats when one is maxed but the other is level 1 ( or whatever). Basically if my lvl70 is 1545/1353 for example, but my lvl1 is only 356/265 how do I know to compare which one to use. Is there a way in game or do I need to look up on the excel sheet? If that sheet disappeared or stops being updated , we're kind of Sol which is why I ask.. I can't see how to compare the two
Ant venom
03-14-2014, 02:54 PM
Couldn't find this so I'll ask.. How do I know which armor ghas better maxed out stats when one is maxed but the other is level 1 ( or whatever). Basically if my lvl70 is 1545/1353 for example, but my lvl1 is only 356/265 how do I know to compare which one to use. Is there a way in game or do I need to look up on the excel sheet? If that sheet disappeared or stops being updated , we're kind of Sol which is why I ask.. I can't see how to compare the two
You simple go to the knights and dragons forum
Step 1.Search up knights and dragons wiki on the Internet
Step 2. Click on it and click armors
Step 3. Find how many stars they are and compare the desired comparisons you want to compare
Simple and easy and mostly importantly free
03-14-2014, 08:37 PM
You simple go to the knights and dragons forum
Step 1.Search up knights and dragons wiki on the Internet
Step 2. Click on it and click armors
Step 3. Find how many stars they are and compare the desired comparisons you want to compare
Simple and easy and mostly importantly free
gotcha.. thank you.
03-16-2014, 09:42 PM
Q1) What is the best way to level armors? Should i be fusing my silver star armors into my golds to get them to a higher level...AND THEN fusing them into my main armors?
Q2) For it only really worth combining 3 or 4 star armors with other 3 or 4 star armors?
03-17-2014, 05:58 AM
Q1) What is the best way to level armors?Use matching element uncommon (silver star) until level 25, then switch to snakeskin armor. If you don't have enough material to make matching, use non-matching element uncommon to level 17, then switch to snakeskin.
Sol Invictus
03-17-2014, 09:18 AM
Q2) For it only really worth combining 3 or 4 star armors with other 3 or 4 star armors?
I've had some success combining Fusion Boost Armors, which are ★★, with ★★★ which sometimes results in ★★★★ armors. is generally best to combine armors of similar quality, unless you're feeling adventurous, because it does seem more likely to yield inferior armors when you use inferior armors in Fusion.
Though it is not unheard of to get a ★★★★★ from combining ★★★ armors with each other or with ★★★★ armors.
03-17-2014, 09:48 AM
is there a way to raise your chance to hit ? what decides your chance to hit ?
03-17-2014, 09:56 AM
@ knightjoe: No and nothing
03-17-2014, 10:24 AM
Boooo i seem to be getting alot of misses lately
03-17-2014, 01:03 PM
My ign is Bleezy, it for some reason comes up as an edited term. I was wondering why and if there is anyway that it can be allowed. I have used the name for some time now and will be be recruiting for my guild and in a position of leadership. My ign also corresponds to my line account, and while it is an edited term I am unable to include it in my guild description for applicants to contact me on line.
I appreciate your time and look forward to your response about this issue.
Thank you,
03-18-2014, 03:10 PM
Hello all,
So I've been browsing these forums a couple of days now after playing K&D (Android) for a couple of weeks. I'm level 43, but I'm having a few issues.
I think I've done a few things wrong, I had already fused together a bunch of armor to get a couple of 4 star armors (both are Half Dragon's Blood, actually). I didn't bother to get all the basic amor +'s. Is this a problem? I have only done what quests asked of me to do thus far.
Anyways, my major concern is that I'm level 43 and cannot defeat the level 15 boss of the week. I'm pretty much getting one-shot.
Should I focus on gettign all my +'s armors and then fuse those into my 4stars? I just have a bunch of 2-4 stars, all around level 10-20 at the moment, which is probably terrible. My best (4 star half dragon blood armor) is level 22/70.
I'm guessing I should spend some real $ on chests to advance?
Any thoughts on this? Feeling like I'm scrubbing out majorly here. Even with level 50-60 friends, and following Rad's guide for the boss, I still get destroyed.
Thanks for the help in advance, if possible.
Also, I hate to add this at the end for fear I sound like even more of a scrub, but my friend code is WBH-MFF-FBP if anyone has any spare spots open to help me out. I swear I don't care about having more friends in lieu of a little guidance. :-/
03-18-2014, 08:45 PM
good questions i been fusing 4* soon should be able to fuse 4*+ i got lucky once
03-19-2014, 02:55 AM
good questions i been fusing 4* soon should be able to fuse 4*+ i got lucky once
You can not fuse 4*+ armours. You can only get them by defeating the epic boss at lvl43 and build it or by buying chests and get lucky.
Cround, you should level up to get more HP (increases each level untill you hit 100) and get the matching armours for the boss (e.g. for the current one you need something strong against fire/wind but without weaknesses to it -> e.g. earth or earth/wind)
For a start it is always good to get a set of the big four maxed (Atlantean Avenger Armor+, Crius Armor+, Hydra Hunter's Mail+, Living Flame Armor+)
03-19-2014, 05:42 AM
Also, the "Hire a Friend" has a level cap, meaning their stats are capped based on what your level is.
03-19-2014, 09:37 AM
Hello, i got a Qestion i got now about 2200 Gems, im lvl 61 atm and want to know if it is worth to spend Gems at Summon Bosses with gems to get the plus version and at the end the GreenKal or better save them for another Event cause i just can Complete lvl 21 with my Knights about 25 with Friends
03-19-2014, 10:29 AM
@ Thalooka I would suggest you wait for another event and keep leveling your Knight. Is there something specific you are saving the gems for?
LS Michael
03-19-2014, 10:37 AM
As epics get stronger, new Mono element epics get weaker. Dual element armors get 10% stat boost over monos making them way more powerful. Why release a mono if its gonna be 300+ stats lower when in a guild with stat boosts. GREE should think of a way to make Mono element armors more powerful such as giving dual-element armors only one of their elements stat boost
03-19-2014, 11:11 AM
@ Thalooka I would suggest you wait for another event and keep leveling your Knight. Is there something specific you are saving the gems for?
yea my favourite color is green so i wanted to buy chests for the greenKal Plus but this is sadly no Plus and many ppl wrote its not worth it to spend that much gems for an amor whats outdated soon
Iave something odd happening.
Earlier I opened K&D and whet to my guild. I went to post in the chat and the game flashed 'you don't have this app installed'. Then it proceeded to update. When I went back to the guild after the update, I looked in the chat and it shows my name on all the lines even though it was typed by other members. I have rebooted several times but this doesn't seem to fix it...
03-19-2014, 06:01 PM
Iave something odd happening.
Earlier I opened K&D and whet to my guild. I went to post in the chat and the game flashed 'you don't have this app installed'. Then it proceeded to update. When I went back to the guild after the update, I looked in the chat and it shows my name on all the lines even though it was typed by other members. I have rebooted several times but this doesn't seem to fix it...
That's the new patch, everyone has the same problem. Just wait until they fix the game again :)
Iave something odd happening.
Earlier I opened K&D and whet to my guild. I went to post in the chat and the game flashed 'you don't have this app installed'. Then it proceeded to update. When I went back to the guild after the update, I looked in the chat and it shows my name on all the lines even though it was typed by other members. I have rebooted several times but this doesn't seem to fix it...
I wanted to post this too. It's happening on my game and I wouldn't doubt many more have this happening as well.
Thanks so much! Appreciate the reply.
I will patiently wait :-)
Ant venom
03-19-2014, 07:14 PM
I have a question if I were to compare Maelstrom with the most recent epic boss+ armor which would win and by the way good job on the blazeborne Reversal
Ant venom
03-19-2014, 08:03 PM
This is very off topic and such but why is opening chests a treat, since it was called a treat when i watched knights and dragons videos they would say treat and open chests
Michael Harbuck
03-20-2014, 07:08 PM
Hey guys, how do I bind my account?
03-20-2014, 11:03 PM
Hey guys, how do I bind my account?
There is a pretty nice sticky about this.
Go to:
03-23-2014, 08:22 AM
Hi there...New to posting on the forum but have been playing and reading since December. I can't figure out how to start a new thread. It seems I do not have permission. I want to start a new thread about who the highest f2p guild is where guilds can post their results if they feel they qualify. Thank you.
Lonestar Light
03-23-2014, 08:52 AM
You need double digit posts before being able to open you're own threads
03-23-2014, 10:05 AM
Hi there...New to posting on the forum but have been playing and reading since December. I can't figure out how to start a new thread. It seems I do not have permission. I want to start a new thread about who the highest f2p guild is where guilds can post their results if they feel they qualify. Thank you.
You need double digit posts before being able to open you're own threads
what he means is, have double digits of legit posts. you can find plenty of guilds in the guild recruitment, that does not require you to spam somewhere, id say take a look their first.
03-23-2014, 10:59 AM
I've been a member for a while now but until now I've been a F2P player, but now I'm considering putting some money into this game. Roughly how many gems would you say people spend to get into a top 10 guild in the guild wars? From what I can tell a full guild would need to average about 150k (possibly miscalculated) points per player. I was wondering how many gems this would roughly cost?
sir didymus
03-23-2014, 11:19 AM
Hi. I am guild master but since new patch guild chat shows all users as my name so I dont know who is talking. Its very annoying. Anyone know how to fix please?
03-23-2014, 12:15 PM
Hi. I am guild master but since new patch guild chat shows all users as my name so I dont know who is talking. Its very annoying. Anyone know how to fix please?
you have to do a manual update in play store.
03-23-2014, 12:22 PM
what he means is, have double digits of legit posts. you can find plenty of guilds in the guild recruitment, that does not require you to spam somewhere, id say take a look their first.
understood thank you. I am not looking to join a guild I am curious...with increased gem spending for new rewards what the highest rank is that can be achieved by a f2p (mostly) guild is....just wondering what target my guild could hope to achieve. Thanks.
Lonestar Light
03-23-2014, 12:55 PM
I've been a member for a while now but until now I've been a F2P player, but now I'm considering putting some money into this game. Roughly how many gems would you say people spend to get into a top 10 guild in the guild wars? From what I can tell a full guild would need to average about 150k (possibly miscalculated) points per player. I was wondering how many gems this would roughly cost?
How many points you need to achieve depends on how desirable the prize is and how high your guild wants to get.
To calculate how many gems you need take your average score for last war, multiply by 4 and you get how much points you can achieve with 10 gems. Then go from there and don't forget to calculate for losses
Dk Army
03-23-2014, 01:39 PM
Hi all..
If the GM makes sentinel GM. Can the old GM not become GM again?
the new GM have send the request to make old GM GM again but havent recived any notification.
Hope you understand and can help
03-23-2014, 03:27 PM
Hi all..
If the GM makes sentinel GM. Can the old GM not become GM again?
the new GM have send the request to make old GM GM again but havent recived any notification.
Hope you understand and can help
Yes the old gm can become gm again. New guy has to ACTUALLY send request and old gm has to accept it. Good luck.
Dk Army
03-23-2014, 03:54 PM
Yes the old gm can become gm again. New guy has to ACTUALLY send request and old gm has to accept it. Good luck.
i have seen the request being send. but the old gm have not got a notification where he can accept to be GM again
03-23-2014, 04:44 PM
Is iOS gonna get this update at any point soon? Looking to try my hand at fusing Druidic but this patch needs to hit on our end first...
03-23-2014, 10:42 PM
That's the new patch, everyone has the same problem. Just wait until they fix the game again :)
Lies... That's not true.
03-24-2014, 08:33 PM
I've been scratching my head on this one, and just need clarification.
During GW, Sentinels are equipped with a Defensive bonus. If a Guild Sentinel's defensive bonus is still up, and attacks the opposing guild, will the bonus apply still?
03-24-2014, 09:35 PM
I've been scratching my head on this one, and just need clarification.
During GW, Sentinels are equipped with a Defensive bonus. If a Guild Sentinel's defensive bonus is still up, and attacks the opposing guild, will the bonus apply still?
In short, no.
03-24-2014, 09:57 PM
Aha, thanks.
03-25-2014, 12:28 AM
Is it just me or did they bump up the difficulty of the epic boss at level 56? There seemed to have been a huge change in difficulty between 55 and 56...
03-25-2014, 08:51 AM
Is it just me or did they bump up the difficulty of the epic boss at level 56? There seemed to have been a huge change in difficulty between 55 and 56...
it may not be just difficulty, but the algorithms they write to make you less likely to win.
03-25-2014, 09:13 AM
How many points you need to achieve depends on how desirable the prize is and how high your guild wants to get.
To calculate how many gems you need take your average score for last war, multiply by 4 and you get how much points you can achieve with 10 gems. Then go from there and don't forget to calculate for losses
Yeah but I'm in a dead guild so my points last war were tiny compared to what I could have gotten if there was actually something worth fighting for. I'm going to guess it's about 1000 gems?
03-25-2014, 09:51 AM
its not the amount of gems you need, its the amount of war points you need, go to the guild recruit page, also remember this is PER war, so if you dont have a good war, youll be kicked pretty fast id assume. they only want the best players in those that will commit and play for high points - id assume war days means clean off your calendar, youre their female dog that day =] Ifff ya know what i mean.
I've been a member for a while now but until now I've been a F2P player, but now I'm considering putting some money into this game. Roughly how many gems would you say people spend to get into a top 10 guild in the guild wars? From what I can tell a full guild would need to average about 150k (possibly miscalculated) points per player. I was wondering how many gems this would roughly cost?
The minium points for a top ten guild usually starts at around 100,000 points (around 800-1000 gems) in a 3 day war. If you are looking to join one you can contact me on line Zedo5.
03-26-2014, 11:35 AM
Hi when u guys think the next Gemtacular or something like this will come?
I want an Starmetal Armor what one is the best and how much Gems to get it?
Lonestar Light
03-26-2014, 12:19 PM
Join a Top10 guild in this war and you will get one.
How much gems depends on which one you join (going to a sure-bet Top10 or going to one that's shooting for Top10) and how good you are (the more losses you rack up the more gems you need)
03-26-2014, 02:15 PM
Im already in a Guild what i dont leave they are cool haha
So about how much Gems are u talking and Gemtacular? or Event like this?
Is it worth it to summon the wasp and the other two to get the + version for the green one? Or not worth the gems have to summon about 10-15 times
03-27-2014, 04:24 AM
Got another question should i still craft the bigger four if i got epic non plus lvl 60+?
Or are they Not worth it then?
03-27-2014, 07:20 AM
[QUOTE=Thalooka;1248352]Im already in a Guild what i dont leave they are cool haha
So about how much Gems are u talking and Gemtacular? or Event like this?
Is it worth it to summon the wasp and the other two to get the + version for the green one? Or not worth the gems have to summon about 10-15 times[/QUOTE
First off...nobody knows when the next gemtacular will be and there is no guarantee that the reward would be a star metal again so....that's probably not worth waiting for.
That makes the green one the best u can get if ur not gonna change guilds. So chance chests...# of gems unknown but maybe get + version or summon bosses for event.....approx 160 gems (keep in mind the third boss will be harder). Choice is yours. I got the red kale +from chest (during the gemtacular where I got the regular version reward) and It definitely helps out as I only have 1 epic.
having said that and in answer to your second post....If u can get the current eb + armors they are stronger just not as versatile. I would probably get it if u are sure on how many times u will have to summon. I wouldn't bother with bigger four armors if u can do the +eb's already the eb's are stronger.
Nevo Slook
03-27-2014, 08:14 AM
When the next 3x chest event? And what the best way to kill eb 43 times?
When the next 3x chest event? And what the best way to kill eb 43 times?
No one knows when next chest is and refer to if you need help beating the eb 43 times
03-27-2014, 10:08 AM
I would like to recruit for my guild, but can't post a new thread. How do I get the permissions changed.
03-27-2014, 02:43 PM
When the next 3x chest event? And what the best way to kill eb 43 times?
New chest is out
03-27-2014, 03:19 PM
yea but sadly no reward for using gems... i will w8 till i get an nice reward for spending them
03-27-2014, 04:24 PM
yea but sadly no reward for using gems... i will w8 till i get an nice reward for spending them
There's a reward event going on too lol
03-27-2014, 04:27 PM
Whom do I contact for emergency help regarding a KD account? (I thought there used to be a thread stickied regarding what to do.)
03-27-2014, 11:04 PM
I would like to recruit for my guild, but can't post a new thread. How do I get the permissions changed.
All you need is to post 15 times on the forums. Then you can make a new thread. Since you are at 19 now, go ahead :)
Whom do I contact for emergency help regarding a KD account? (I thought there used to be a thread stickied regarding what to do.)
You should find your answer there. But in short: Contact Gree from within the game. Open a ticket - Though it might take ages before you'll get a reply.
Gilad Saidof
03-28-2014, 08:42 AM
I can't recover my account.. The game give me a massage of
"Can't retrieve knight, plz try again later"
What should I do?
03-28-2014, 08:51 AM
I can't recover my account.. The game give me a massage of
"Can't retrieve knight, plz try again later"
What should I do?
Check out Dianish's post right above yours. Good luck!
03-28-2014, 10:18 PM
Check out Dianish's post right above yours. Good luck!
We need a solution for people who dont read the forums before posting. Asking the same questions over and over and over and over and over. Even though the answer is right infront of them. They dont read unless the post is titled to them alone.
03-29-2014, 12:33 PM
When are you able to create a new thread? I have some interesting war results to show
03-29-2014, 01:34 PM
When are you able to create a new thread? I have some interesting war results to show
We need a solution for people who dont read the forums before posting. Asking the same questions over and over and over and over and over. Even though the answer is right infront of them. They dont read unless the post is titled to them alone.
Hey higher up on this page...
03-29-2014, 01:56 PM
We need a solution for people who dont read the forums before posting. Asking the same questions over and over and over and over and over. Even though the answer is right infront of them. They dont read unless the post is titled to them alone.
Hey higher up on this page...
Haha, that's pretty funny. But simmer down there turbo. Did I read through this thread? No! It's 500 pages long. I was sure the answer was in here, but wasn't about to dig for it. Now, I never would of thought someone would have just asked this question. Thats my mistake, I admit that. In my defense, I didn't go to the last page, just clicked on this topic, then reply. However, as to a solution, there is an easy one. ....... a decent forum as filters that look for repeat questions, apparently not this one. So not entirely my fault. Even thought you were upitty about it, thanks for pointing me the answer. :)
03-29-2014, 11:21 PM
Haha, that's pretty funny. But simmer down there turbo. Did I read through this thread? No! It's 500 pages long. I was sure the answer was in here, but wasn't about to dig for it. Now, I never would of thought someone would have just asked this question. Thats my mistake, I admit that. In my defense, I didn't go to the last page, just clicked on this topic, then reply. However, as to a solution, there is an easy one. ....... a decent forum as filters that look for repeat questions, apparently not this one. So not entirely my fault. Even thought you were upitty about it, thanks for pointing me the answer. :)
No one reads the full forum to get their answer. Most people just type what they are looking for in the "Search Field" at the top of the pages right below "Notifications".
03-30-2014, 03:50 AM
No one reads the full forum to get their answer. Most people just type what they are looking for in the "Search Field" at the top of the pages right below "Notifications".
Its called "lazy and entitled". And people wonder why I dislike others so much.
If more people would even attempt to read the forums, or pretend that they read the forums, it would be a much nicer place. But alas, most spam 12-15 threads so they can make a guild recruitment thread, and then disappear. Or, they stick around, and feel they are superior to everyone else, even though they make just as much or less sense as the thread spammers.
Then there are the few people who actually can hold a conversation with people without it degrading to kindergarten name calling. But unfortunately, everyone else feels the need to butt in and screws with the whole dynamic of the conversation, leading it degrading to a troll fest.
Yay forums!
03-30-2014, 07:14 AM
most spam 12-15 threads so they can make a guild recruitment thread, and then disappear.
i agree - is what most of these people do.
03-30-2014, 10:33 PM
Its called "lazy and entitled". And people wonder why I dislike others so much.
If more people would even attempt to read the forums, or pretend that they read the forums, it would be a much nicer place. But alas, most spam 12-15 threads so they can make a guild recruitment thread, and then disappear. Or, they stick around, and feel they are superior to everyone else, even though they make just as much or less sense as the thread spammers.
Then there are the few people who actually can hold a conversation with people without it degrading to kindergarten name calling. But unfortunately, everyone else feels the need to butt in and screws with the whole dynamic of the conversation, leading it degrading to a troll fest.
Yay forums!
The internet tend to activate the lizardbrain in humans who go online. It requires selfcontrol not to let it happen and most people fail miserably. At least they give us a show. Great fun to read in the morning while drinking coffee :)
03-31-2014, 12:07 AM
Is Cyclone chainmail+ worth using?
Not quite sure
04-01-2014, 03:57 PM
Hey guys What Do you think, is it possilble that There will Come an Boss summon event before the creepy thing ends?
Btw how much gems i need to get First place in arena or for my guild in a one day war
04-02-2014, 01:21 AM
is it just me or is this new araknos boss stronger than the previous 2 bosses?
Lonestar Light
04-02-2014, 05:48 AM
Yes it is, just like Glacius was.
Btw how much gems i need to get First place in arena or for my guild in a one day war
Take the previous week arena and previous war results as examples, do some math and you will get your desired gem count.
You also need to take into account how desirable the prizes are, as that will affect how hard others will push and how many will push hard
04-02-2014, 05:51 AM
It's not just you. I had to hire a friend for level 28, and I am using 2 maxed voidboure shroud+'s and a maxed behemoth vanguard+. The last boss of the last boss collection event, Glacius, was the same way.
04-03-2014, 08:50 AM
I think Araknos is just the same as the two before it.
Same as Glacius.
Im at 33 now and only i'm only using 3 knights.
I do the same with the other EBs that i fought.
04-04-2014, 06:54 PM
Is there anyone with nemesis armor that I could friend that could help me beat Araknos LVL 15? Would like the craftable armor...
04-05-2014, 03:22 PM
Is there anyone with nemesis armor that I could friend that could help me beat Araknos LVL 15? Would like the craftable armor...
I got better than nemesis but you are IOS, Im android. sorry. I tried anyway and FAIL
04-05-2014, 06:06 PM
Is there anyone with nemesis armor that I could friend that could help me beat Araknos LVL 15? Would like the craftable armor...
unfortunately it also depends on your level, the level of yours friends helpfulness scales with you.
04-05-2014, 07:17 PM
unfortunately it also depends on your level, the level of yours friends helpfulness scales with you.
Really? I'm Level 39.
04-05-2014, 07:18 PM
I got better than nemesis but you are IOS, Im android. sorry. I tried anyway and FAIL
Thank you for trying!
I can beat him down about 2/3 before I die. I just can't seem to beat him (with powerful hired friends) currently. Just need this one more to be able to craft the armor. Ugh.
04-05-2014, 07:31 PM
what you need to do is let your energy run to 10 - hit him - you lose. buy 10 more energy with gems - watcha few videos. and then you can hit him again with his already depleted health. this is what i did for my first few eb armors when i started. if you lose again, you should have like.. 4 more energy left? let it tick up a few and hit him one last time. you have a 3 hour window to kill him once he appears.
also hit up the ADD ME section of the forum, just go on an adding spree, or go into the EB page, scroll through the top 1000ish on the leader bordes and have an adding spree. someones bound to ad you. i say 1000 ish because the top 100 usually never added me when i did that back then.
04-05-2014, 07:46 PM
what you need to do is let your energy run to 10 - hit him - you lose. buy 10 more energy with gems - watcha few videos. and then you can hit him again with his already depleted health. this is what i did for my first few eb armors when i started. if you lose again, you should have like.. 4 more energy left? let it tick up a few and hit him one last time. you have a 3 hour window to kill him once he appears.
also hit up the ADD ME section of the forum, just go on an adding spree, or go into the EB page, scroll through the top 1000ish on the leader bordes and have an adding spree. someones bound to ad you. i say 1000 ish because the top 100 usually never added me when i did that back then.
I did not realize that his in-battle health stayed low after I lost. I had a bunch of gems just sitting there. I bought more energy, and beat him right away. Thanks for the tip! I wish I had known that...
Joshua Cain Hall
04-05-2014, 08:57 PM
I don't understand how to message to apply for guild
04-06-2014, 06:49 AM
I don't understand how to message to apply for guild
Line Message is an app in the android marketplace. download it - since the game does not support in game messaging, many players decided to find a decent application and use it for in game talk. this is what many people are walking about when they say- line message me.
How do I start a thread in general? It says I am unable to. Do I need to have a certain amounts of posts first?
04-06-2014, 07:06 AM
How do I start a thread in general? It says I am unable to. Do I need to have a certain amounts of posts first?
first - please dont spam. that's what everyone tends to do. you need 10 posts. then let it set about a day or 2. the servers need to update your credentials to be able to post.
Erfel OP
04-08-2014, 04:40 AM
I was in need of a strong earth armor.
Then, the same day, I crafted araknos armor and then i fused tectonic.
Obviously i would go for araknos+, while tec is normal.
Considering maxed bonus, and no rank bonus, which one I should max first?
04-08-2014, 06:27 AM
The Araknos+ would be 1853/1644, and Tec would be 1443/2040. So, some questions to ask yourself: Higher attack or higher defense? Do you want an armor that has 1 strength/weakness or dual s/w?
You also need to consider the gold/time cost difference between leveling an armor to 70 vs. 99. Hope this helps.
Lonestar Light
04-08-2014, 06:30 AM
If you just crafted the regular Araknos I would forget about the + and max tectonic instead. If you crafted the + already I'd max that 'cause it requires less money, less time and less feeder armors.
first - please dont spam. that's what everyone tends to do
Lol, OK. Never planned on doing that..
Thanks for letting me about the 10 posts. Couldn't find that anywhere.
04-08-2014, 05:43 PM
Help! I have finally crafted my Araknos+, but for the past 15 hours i have been getting error code4 and cannot claim my Green Kaleidoscop, any guys here have any idea if I can still claim it after the redemption period? fought so hard for it...
Try force stopping the game then reload
Lonestar Light
04-08-2014, 06:41 PM
Help! I have finally crafted my Araknos+, but for the past 15 hours i have been getting error code4 and cannot claim my Green Kaleidoscop, any guys here have any idea if I can still claim it after the redemption period? fought so hard for it...
Once the Creepy Crawlers icon is gone (and it's gone already) you are out of luck
04-14-2014, 01:51 AM
May I know who won the Guild War titled, War of Kings? On Android. The one with the Bronze Chromatic Mantle.
04-14-2014, 02:55 AM
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04-14-2014, 06:10 AM
May I know who won the Guild War titled, War of Kings? On Android. The one with the Bronze Chromatic Mantle.Death Knights, I believe. It's my understanding that they are #1 in every Epic War.
04-14-2014, 07:53 AM
In the current Eostre war we seem to be having some real bad luck with matching up guilds to war against. Of the last 12 wars we initiated, 8 !!! pitted us against Top 50 guilds, 5 of those even against Top 10 guilds, getting Death Knights twice.
We are currently a Level 56 guild with no full guild roster and due to current inactivity in guild due to personal reasons on a number of members we were mostly between ranks 95 and 120 at the time of the draws.
So here my question. How come we draw Top ranked guilds so often and not guilds that would match up in level and/or rank?
04-14-2014, 08:31 AM
When guild requirements say 3 legendary maxed out does sky guard+ counts as a 4* because if its stats?
04-14-2014, 10:16 PM
When guild requirements say 3 legendary maxed out does sky guard+ counts as a 4* because if its stats?
Don't count on it.
Swamp Shaman, Sky Guard, Infernal Lord and Dark Prince Royal Armor are all outdated and is most likely not acceptable anylonger. The new EB's non+ has higher stats than the "Bigger4"+.
If in doubt you should ask the guilds you apply to.
Lonestar Light
04-15-2014, 02:12 PM
When guild requirements say 3 legendary maxed out does sky guard+ counts as a 4* because if its stats?
Depends from the level of the guild. The higher the level of the guild you are trying to join the higher their standards.
Most of the high level guilds I know counts old Epics (Moontide, Blazeborne, Cloudrange, etc.) as Legendaries, but no lower level is even considered remotely close to legendaries. Of course if you have a boatload of gems, that may change during the interview process :p
04-15-2014, 04:26 PM
In the current Eostre war we seem to be having some real bad luck with matching up guilds to war against. Of the last 12 wars we initiated, 8 !!! pitted us against Top 50 guilds, 5 of those even against Top 10 guilds, getting Death Knights twice.
We are currently a Level 56 guild with no full guild roster and due to current inactivity in guild due to personal reasons on a number of members we were mostly between ranks 95 and 120 at the time of the draws.
So here my question. How come we draw Top ranked guilds so often and not guilds that would match up in level and/or rank?
I don't think anyone really knows how matchmaking works lol, aside from you declared war right around when those top guilds did, and obviously being ranked relatively high helps, I know half the wars we fight are up against top 50 guilds as well and we pull our fair share of top 10 guilds lol
04-15-2014, 07:10 PM
I don't think anyone really knows how matchmaking works lol, aside from you declared war right around when those top guilds did, and obviously being ranked relatively high helps, I know half the wars we fight are up against top 50 guilds as well and we pull our fair share of top 10 guilds lol
it is possible to find out the war - it pairs you with close people about the same time u hit battle. thats how the bigger guilds get so many points. as so the forum says anyways.
04-16-2014, 06:42 AM
ANYONE heard when/if a new update is coming out?
04-16-2014, 08:50 PM
ANYONE heard when/if a new update is coming out?
Yep. Mine just updated.
Can't say if it's the same update you are talking about though.
04-17-2014, 06:48 AM
ANYONE heard when/if a new update is coming out?
update meaning new content? there's a 99% certainty that that will not happen with a gree game. unless people really go bananas on the forum - to the point everyone needs banned. then they may listen.
04-17-2014, 08:45 AM
I had a galaxy s3 which I broke a couple of days ago.
I did not bind my email to it (not sure if that service was available, i have only just noticed it now) but I really want the account on my new phone (s5). I spent a lot of money on my account and I was just about level 100 with my first epic.
Is there anyway I can get the account back? I still have the phone, but it has no display which I why I can not bind to it.
Lonestar Light
04-17-2014, 08:54 AM
if you have your friend code contact Gree support and see if they can help you.
Be patient tho, 'cause thye aren't exactly fast in replying
04-17-2014, 08:58 AM
RE: Lost Account
This should be helpful: [How to transfer your account through customer service] (!!!!)
04-17-2014, 09:23 AM
I am trying to manually restore it with Kies, at the moment this is not working :)
04-17-2014, 02:45 PM
if you have your friend code contact Gree support and see if they can help you.
Be patient tho, 'cause thye aren't exactly fast in replying
For reference when my phone broke back in october or whatever, even though i provided a ton of info it still took them about 3.5 weeks to transfer my account to my new phone. So it's a process.
04-19-2014, 08:42 AM
Hi everyone.
I don't know what transpired between last night and this morning but I can't connect to the update server on either of my phones. Also I have guildies with the same issue. I tried 4g connection over wifi and nothing. Anyone else having this issue?
04-19-2014, 09:02 AM
I have tried everything I know. Even reinstalled the game.
04-19-2014, 09:46 PM
Hi everyone.
I don't know what transpired between last night and this morning but I can't connect to the update server on either of my phones. Also I have guildies with the same issue. I tried 4g connection over wifi and nothing. Anyone else having this issue?
Some people have confirmed this issue. Not everyone was experiencing it though. Just have to sit and wait it out.
04-20-2014, 05:44 PM
About 2 hours ago (2:30 PST on 4/20/2014) I was doing battle in the arena and noticed that I was getting close to reaching the next milestone when I noticed that when I finished a battle, I was 50 points away from the milestone. I went into another battle, and won, but when my score showed up, it showed I was about 80 points away from the milestone and then counted back down to 50. This happened for two more battles and then my total reset to 0 and my rank went to 'unranked' Anyone ever have this happen to them and is there a way to recover? I was right at the edge of being in the top 10,000 in rank, and had over 6,000 points!
HHM Suraj.
04-21-2014, 02:57 AM
About 2 hours ago (2:30 PST on 4/20/2014) I was doing battle in the arena and noticed that I was getting close to reaching the next milestone when I noticed that when I finished a battle, I was 50 points away from the milestone. I went into another battle, and won, but when my score showed up, it showed I was about 80 points away from the milestone and then counted back down to 50. This happened for two more battles and then my total reset to 0 and my rank went to 'unranked' Anyone ever have this happen to them and is there a way to recover? I was right at the edge of being in the top 10,000 in rank, and had over 6,000 points!
Gree minor glitches, have to get used to it. you can contact gree at thier customer support to fix the issue for you.
04-21-2014, 12:04 PM
I am trying to combine my Voidborne Shroud + Nathair Armor but when I select combine and look for either of the armours, they are not listed. There are a few other armours not listed either.
Has anyone experienced this before and knows of a solution?
04-21-2014, 01:11 PM
I am trying to combine my Voidborne Shroud + Nathair Armor but when I select combine and look for either of the armours, they are not listed.Are they equipped on any of your knights in Arena/Epic Boss/Adventure/Summoning Stone? If so, they will not show up on the combine list.
04-21-2014, 03:43 PM
Hi, i start to play from 2 weeks and i have a problem. The first time i play in the Arena when i reach16000 pts i dont recive any happen again when i reach can be possible? I play a lot of hour and the rewards are important to improve.Anyway, the first time i contact the support team, they said, we gonna take care of your problem but nothing happen, today i do the same hoping this time they give me the rewards i deserved, but i dont beleve that...anyone else have the same problem, if yes what they do to correct the problem! Thanks for your time....and sorry for my english!:p
Lonestar Light
04-21-2014, 05:45 PM
you don't get the splash screen showing you what you won, but you get the rewards anyway. Happens quite often.
04-22-2014, 06:25 AM
Happy Birthday to the "Feel free to ask any question about K & D" Thread!
It has remained active for a whole year!:D
04-22-2014, 08:02 AM
Hi, i start to play from 2 weeks and i have a problem. The first time i play in the Arena when i reach16000 pts i dont recive any happen again when i reach can be possible? I play a lot of hour and the rewards are important to improve.Anyway, the first time i contact the support team, they said, we gonna take care of your problem but nothing happen, today i do the same hoping this time they give me the rewards i deserved, but i dont beleve that...anyone else have the same problem, if yes what they do to correct the problem! Thanks for your time....and sorry for my english!:p
sometimes the rewards are given even if the screen doesn't show up to display them. Contacting Gree always results in the same answer, regardless of the problem you have.
If it happened this week, there is a chance it was caught up in the arena bugs going on during this week's arena. A lot of people had their rewards reset, then fixed, then reset, etc.
04-22-2014, 10:17 AM
Not sure where to ask this but this seemed like a good place. How long does it take to get new thread permissions? It says I do not have permission to post new threads on the bottom. I made the account yesterday for the purpose of recruiting. Any answers would be helpful, thank you in advance.
Lonestar Light
04-22-2014, 10:35 AM
that's answered in about every page of this thread
04-22-2014, 10:44 AM
Gotcha, I found the answer after a few pages :)
04-22-2014, 11:27 PM
How much Bonus points do you earn from defeating high ranked knights in guild wars, does my position matter?
How are Frenzy bonus points calculated?
04-23-2014, 07:52 AM
How much Bonus points do you earn from defeating high ranked knights in guild wars, does my position matter?
How are Frenzy bonus points calculated?
Bonus points are 10% for high commander, 25% for sentinel/Champion, 50% for guildmaster.
The total formula is as follows:
[(<Random number>*Rank Bonus)+(Knights defeated*10)]=Total + Total*.20 if in frenzy.
So you get a random number for winning. That number is used for the rank bonus. If you win the fight you always get 30 for knights defeated. All of those numbers put together + 20% of that number equals total during frenzy.
So you beat a guild master and your random number is 300.
(300+150+30)=480. If you're in frenzy you get 480+96=576.
Hope it helps.
04-24-2014, 08:56 PM
I haven't fought in any arena matches in over 6 months but I tried for fun yesterday and it says "No matches found. Please try again later." I thought maybe it was because it was almost the end of the tournament so I tried again in the new tournament and the same message appears. All other game functions work correctly accept the arena. Tried uninstalling/reinstalling to no avail. Anyone have this issue?
Ant venom
04-24-2014, 09:37 PM
What areally the best apps for getting a decent amount of video offers?
04-24-2014, 09:43 PM
What areally the best apps for getting a decent amount of video offers?
04-25-2014, 05:54 AM
I have 2 devices unable to load new arena for a week , I get the "Tornament has ended" splash screen but it wont load the winners or the new arena.I have un-istalled & re-installed the app still the same.
Sent a ticket is this common? Can anyone help/suggest a fix i have android devices.
04-25-2014, 03:53 PM
Some of my guild members cannot replenish war energy, this needs to be fixed asap.
Calling all Gree supervisors and mods!
They have tried to re-install etc.
04-26-2014, 06:27 PM
Is there a way to reset the data for the game so I can get a fresh start on Android?
I was just trying to fuse vermax armor with araknoid armor. After I hit fuse, I realized that it had used the level 20 pestilence armor I was leveling up to be able to craft the plus version. I tried to email gree, but the in game aupport function would not go through. I want my armor back so i can complete the 4 horsemen challenge.
Any ideas on how I can get the problem resolved?
04-26-2014, 09:11 PM
I was just trying to fuse vermax armor with araknoid armor. After I hit fuse, I realized that it had used the level 20 pestilence armor I was leveling up to be able to craft the plus version. I tried to email gree, but the in game aupport function would not go through. I want my armor back so i can complete the 4 horsemen challenge.
Any ideas on how I can get the problem resolved?
If that was possible we could all reverse our fusion combines and try again. You fused the armor away.
What happenend - happenend.
Welsh wonders
04-26-2014, 09:17 PM
I'm looking for people to join my guild welsh wonders the guild is on level 15 and we have a lot of bonuses I spend gems and donate at least 2,000,000 a week I always take part in guild wars and i need more people to help out to do better due to my members not playing regular I'll accept anyone who is willing to contribute and battle
04-26-2014, 09:21 PM
I'm looking for people to join my guild welsh wonders the guild is on level 15 and we have a lot of bonuses I spend gems and donate at least 2,000,000 a week I always take part in guild wars and i need more people to help out to do better due to my members not playing regular I'll accept anyone who is willing to contribute and battle
Ahem.. Visit the guild section.
This thread is for questions about KnD. Not for people who seeks members to their guild - Duuh.
If that was possible we could all reverse our fusion combines and try again. You fused the armor away.
What happenend - happenend.
I didn't fuse it away. It was basicaly the armor glitch without the notification. The fuse window said vermax, but it took the pestilence instead of the vermax.
04-26-2014, 11:11 PM
I didn't fuse it away. It was basicaly the armor glitch without the notification. The fuse window said vermax, but it took the pestilence instead of the vermax.
You did not mention that in your first post.
Can't do much except write an mail to Gree. I wouldn't get my hopes up though. I was missing 2 Wasp Stingers for the last collection event and i am yet to receive any reply from Gree or the stinger materials. That's how Gree treat their players.
So the same answer still apply: What happenend - Happenend.
Hope they fix you'r issue though.
You did not mention that in your first post.
Can't do much except write an mail to Gree. I wouldn't get my hopes up though. I was missing 2 Wasp Stingers for the last collection event and i am yet to receive any reply from Gree or the stinger materials. That's how Gree treat their players.
So the same answer still apply: What happenend - Happenend.
Hope they fix you'r issue though.
There in lies my other problem. The direct email link from the support section of the game is not working. Does anyone have the email address?
Btw, my apoligies if I sounded snarky, I was pissed at gree and it was a tough night at work.
04-27-2014, 07:02 PM
I was wondering if you can download any gree game and get to lvl 3 for 25 gems. I have done this in the past with a few but is it just certain ones or all of them? I heard it works with rage of immortals but I can't get that one to open.
04-27-2014, 08:02 PM
Will there be another gem sale during the release of the most Epic Chest? hopefully a 40-50% would be nice. :D
04-28-2014, 03:20 AM
I was wondering if you can download any gree game and get to lvl 3 for 25 gems. I have done this in the past with a few but is it just certain ones or all of them? I heard it works with rage of immortals but I can't get that one to open.
If that would work it would be a glitch. I've gotten the War of Nations popup in Gree's Jackpot Slots, but not in KnD. If I would then get gems in KnD while installing War of Nations either through Jackpot Slots or straight through the play store, that would be really buggy. (though I wouldn't be 100% surpirsed seeing how buggy Gree's programming is...)
04-28-2014, 03:21 AM
There in lies my other problem. The direct email link from the support section of the game is not working. Does anyone have the email address?
Btw, my apoligies if I sounded snarky, I was pissed at gree and it was a tough night at work.
04-28-2014, 03:25 AM
Bonus points are 10% for high commander, 25% for sentinel/Champion, 50% for guildmaster.
Gree are weird. They added rank bonus to Android, but not those iOS numbers...
On Android it's: HC/sent/champ: 20%, GM: 50%.
04-28-2014, 03:32 AM
I opened a war chest today and got riverstone armor. this armor isnt in the displayed list on the main chest screen. so how can i get riverstone from something that only showed its lowest possible armors as being lightining lord and swamp shaman?
any help appreciated...i wasted 30 gems on gambling & that wont be happening again if that output is correct.
04-28-2014, 06:23 AM
I opened a war chest today and got riverstone armor. this armor isnt in the displayed list on the main chest screen.They don't show all of the available armors from the chance chests. The Epic chest has 2* up to Epic (5*), Dark Prince has 2* up to Legendary (4*). The chances for getting an Epic are very slim.
04-28-2014, 09:32 PM
i wasted 30 gems on gambling & that wont be happening again if that output is correct.
Look around on the forum. Read what people say about the chests. You'll make the right decision to never open one again - Unless you can afford the loss ofc.
Just to mention my bad luck from when Druidic armor was introduced: I used a portion of my savings, bought gems and spend 2600 of them and didn't get one single epic. Go figure...
Read my signature below.
04-29-2014, 02:45 AM
Hey, I was just reading a guide about enhancing armour (specifically this one: and it doesn't mention about the same type bonus.
Am I right in thinking that if I have an earth armour and I use 4* water armour to enhance it, it will get less EP than using 4* earth armour?
04-29-2014, 03:37 AM
Hey, I was just reading a guide about enhancing armour (specifically this one: and it doesn't mention about the same type bonus.
Am I right in thinking that if I have an earth armour and I use 4* water armour to enhance it, it will get less EP than using 4* earth armour?
yes if u enahnce an armor and the armors u insert into it match 1 element, u wil get an increase in EP gained by the armor. 3* armors give the same EP as 4* armors though u might want to save the 4* for combining and a chance to get a better armor. this is the original wiki page of enhancing armors it is also explained on there.
04-29-2014, 10:58 AM
Trying to fuse, but its saying I have adventure setting. Is there a way to turn this off?
04-29-2014, 11:12 AM
Hi, I have been reading for farming Snakeskin+ for levelling up an armor . One of my Nathair Armor 50/70 has be fusion with 4 x Snakeskin + level up to 51/70 .
Can I use SnakeSkin+ to level UP first or I have to use 4 x snakeskin+ to next level ?
If I need to Max Level Of Nathair Armor , how many SnakeSkin+ required ?
How does the Level system work ? I have been reading , I still don't understand it . Thanks
04-29-2014, 11:18 AM
Trying to fuse, but its saying I have adventure setting. Is there a way to turn this off?
This is a glitch that Gree has not bothered to fix. If one of your knights is wearing the armor, take if off of them and try again.
04-29-2014, 11:27 AM
If I need to Max Level Of Nathair Armor , how many SnakeSkin+ required ?From Level 51, about 84 Snake Skin Armors
How does the Level system work ? I have been reading , I still don't understand it . ThanksDoes this answer your question?6109
04-29-2014, 03:44 PM
I broke my phone and now u can't see or use the screen,so my question is how do I get my game off the broke phone and on my good phone knowing I can't use the other one to link to my e mail with.
04-29-2014, 05:27 PM
I broke my phone and now u can't see or use the screen,so my question is how do I get my game off the broke phone and on my good phone knowing I can't use the other one to link to my e mail with.
Have to message Gree about it, they'll need certain information regarding the account from you to confirm it's your account.
05-01-2014, 11:29 PM
I've become addicted to this game for the past several weeks. But, I'm a quest hound by nature. I'm nearing Lv 80. I'm starting to wonder if the glory days are nearing the end.
What holds the interest in the game for folks over Lv 100 and no new frontier to vanquish??
05-02-2014, 02:13 AM
Post level 100 it is all about the guild wars, gaining the perfect armour line up and levelling armours. And of course keeping gree rich:)
Sol Invictus
05-02-2014, 04:43 AM
Why does the Dark Prince's right hand look so bad when he's in demon form?
The rest of the game is artistically very well done, but it's like the artist just said "Eh, I'll make it a square with a gradient fill."
05-02-2014, 09:38 PM
Not exactly about KnD it self. But the KnD forum.
I'm getting randomly logged out from the forum. When ever i tap "Reply with quote", changing page, tapping a thread, or hitting "post".
Does other experience this issue as well?
It have been happening for a couple of days now. Quite frustrating.
Edit: Just happenend 3 times when trying to post this. And another 4 times when trying to edit it.
Edit 2: Anyone ? It's not because im being hacked. I have changed my password about 6-7 times now - Even resetted it by Gree "Forgot Password" button. This is frustrating as it keep happening and keeps me posting. 1 click on a thread and poof, im logged out.
Edit 3: can i really be the only one experiencing this issue? It's still presists.
Not a browser issue as i have tryed firefox, the godawful explorer, safari, opera and chrome. All at default settings and with modded settings.
05-05-2014, 07:45 PM
my guildmate responded to a person who said he was giving up his acct and it had armor pics and then when he got the acct it said hacked and now he cannot get his acct back. Has this happened to anyone? Can he get his old account back? I feel awful about the whole thing. Please let me know if anyone knows how to resolve this. Thank you
05-06-2014, 06:42 AM
my guildmate responded to a person who said he was giving up his acct and it had armor pics and then when he got the acct it said hacked and now he cannot get his acct back. Has this happened to anyone? Can he get his old account back? I feel awful about the whole thing. Please let me know if anyone knows how to resolve this. Thank you
The GREE terms of service say that you're not allowed to do this. So, no. There's nothing that Gree will do.
05-06-2014, 12:32 PM
my guildmate responded to a person who said he was giving up his acct and it had armor pics and then when he got the acct it said hacked and now he cannot get his acct back. Has this happened to anyone? Can he get his old account back? I feel awful about the whole thing. Please let me know if anyone knows how to resolve this. Thank you
i had a guy form line id telling me he wants to give his accoutn away, sent me like 3 pictures of awsome armors, says hes with DK - i have his line id if that helps anyone.
05-06-2014, 05:02 PM
Hi, I hope I am doing this in the right place!
I have two iOS devices and my son plays K&D in one and I play it in the other. My commander is level 70 and my son's 40.
We have been playing this week to see who wins the other on the tournament, and to my disbelief I find that for the same medal, the prices are different between the two knight levels!
For Ribbon I, I get :
- rockfeathers robe x 1
- gems x 10
- gold x 105,000
While my son gets:
- rockfeathers robe x1
- gems x10
- gold x 35,000 !!!!????
Is this a "feature" of the game????
That people with lower levels get less rewards???? Both my son and I make the same efforts to get to where we are, in both work leveling up our armors and use of gold and gems.... Why does he have to receive less gold in the reward!? He still has to pay the same amount to expand, build and upgrade gold producing buildings... And they produce at the same rate as mine ( for the same building and upgrade, of course).
This is a fighting arena! A "points" event! If he his points make him drop in the same ribbon than me, why are you penalizing him by giving him less rewards?
It is totally unfair and makes him dislike the game because his efforts, the same as mine, are not rewarded the same as mine.
- enflambelg
Wasted all my epic boss energy because you loaded pestilence instead of famine. Can you give me credit for fighting famine? I'm going to lose about 12 hours as a result of this happening
05-06-2014, 08:13 PM
You should reload the game instead of fighting it as you knew that its impossible for pestilence to appear twice :(
05-06-2014, 10:20 PM
A couple of noob questions... I have seen the fusion charts everywhere but I have yet to see anything with a percentage or ratio of chance. Obviously it isn't an even split between rarer or more common armor so does anyone have a chart or spead sheet for this? My second question is what is the best way without using gems to get fusion stones? Should I be fighting in the higher areas or farming the lower one?
Sol Invictus
05-06-2014, 10:52 PM
does anyone have a chart or spead sheet for this?
Not to my knowledge.
Think about the work it would take for someone to compute this. Hundreds of Fusion Stones. Thousands of the same armors. Millions in gold.
It's not practical for someone to do that.
The chance to create an armor better than the ones you fused together is probably around 30-40% (meaning, more than half the time you'll create an armor as good or worse than the two you fused together), while the chance to create an Epic armor is probably less than 1%.
My second question is what is the best way without using gems to get fusion stones? Should I be fighting in the higher areas or farming the lower one?
Opening chests with keys.
Let them build up via beating the Epic Boss and reaching Milestones in Arena, and then open a bunch of them at one time.
The most chests you can open at once is 11, so I find that if I open 11 silver or gold chests it is nearly guaranteed that I will get at least one, if not 3+ Fusion Stones.
You also get 5 Stones by reaching the 27k point milestone in Arena, and one more Stone by reaching 21 Epic Boss kills. Both ought to be entirely possible for the vast majority of players.
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