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I've recently started a new account on my Android (level 21 atm) and progress is going quite slowly. I currently have one of the Big Four (Crius Armor level 15) and I failed miserably trying to fuse a Living Flame Armor (ended up with Embersteel even though it's much more rare :mad:) leaving me running out of both Fusion Stones and money. Rather frustrating, because with my current armors and levels I don't see myself farming the upcoming stages for TWICE the Big Four anytime soon, seeing as I'm unable to complete the Faerie Forest - Valor Stage without any friends... *sigh*
There's so many things that I have to do but I have no idea in which order and AAARRGGHH :confused:
Please help me to clarify some things, I've read the ''Things I wish I knew when I was a noob'' a hundred times already but so far it ain't helping much with this issue.
I'd suggest farming some snakeskins or if you're too low possibly one of the earlier stages. This way you level up and it will safe you a fair bit of time farming later. Not the most exciting way, but you'll appreciate it later on.
08-24-2013, 08:02 PM
Any tips to improve my cash output. I have 9 level 2 training fields and a level 3 fountain.
08-24-2013, 08:19 PM
Any tips to improve my cash output. I have 9 level 2 training fields and a level 3 fountain.
Having more training fields and maxing them at level 3 is one of the best ways to improve cash output.
08-24-2013, 08:20 PM
Any tips to improve my cash output. I have 9 level 2 training fields and a level 3 fountain.
T3 TF is your best bet. 600 more an hour each one.
08-24-2013, 11:50 PM
I'd suggest farming some snakeskins or if you're too low possibly one of the earlier stages. This way you level up and it will safe you a fair bit of time farming later. Not the most exciting way, but you'll appreciate it later on.
Thanks for your answer. After saving quite a bit of money overnight, I've fused a Hydra Armor (it was part of a quest too so win-win) which I'm now leveling up to level 15. However, what armors should I try to level up? As far as I have heard, leveling the non-plus version of the Big Four further than lvl 15's a waste of time and money, so I'd like to avoid it.
I currently have: Crius (lvl 15), Hydra (level 10), Chimera (level 10) and Embersteel (level 8)
08-25-2013, 12:52 AM
Thanks for your answer. After saving quite a bit of money overnight, I've fused a Hydra Armor (it was part of a quest too so win-win) which I'm now leveling up to level 15. However, what armors should I try to level up? As far as I have heard, leveling the non-plus version of the Big Four further than lvl 15's a waste of time and money, so I'd like to avoid it.
I currently have: Crius (lvl 15), Hydra (level 10), Chimera (level 10) and Embersteel (level 8)
Crius: stop! You should craft a new, + version, and max the + version.
Hydra: level to 15, then stop. Craft a new, + version, and max the + version.
Chimera: don't bother.
Embersteel: don't bother.
08-25-2013, 12:52 AM
If you havent already, work towards getting that first training field in. Then get another one in and upgrade them to level 2. Then go for some expansions. This stage might take a while sadly but it will pay off later. Keep cramming in TF's.
Next get out your calculator and figure out which areas are good (best) for gaining exp. Just take the damage you take off 1 mob and the exp received and divide. You dont have to use 3 knights at a time or finish the stage. Farm up those shards and enhance your Crius. You probably can take it to 20-25 just off shards. After that you can use level4 uncommons or snakeskins. After faerie forest you can start on Atlantean avenger, a really good armor.
Thanks for your answer. The thing is, I've read on ''Things I wish I knew when I was a noob'', that enhancing a non-plus version of your Big Four armors after them being lvl 15 is a big waste of time and money. That's why I'd like to avoid it as much as possible. I also now have a Hydra armor which I'm trying to get to lvl 15, and I'm farming Snakeskins for cheap enhancement, xp and (hopefully) fusion stones. I have all the expansions up till the 80k one filled with 2 armorsmiths, a crystal conversatory and the rest with taverns. I'm saving up for TF's although fusing the Big Four's my priority right now.
08-25-2013, 12:57 AM
Crius: stop! You should craft a new, + version, and max the + version.
Hydra: level to 15, then stop. Craft a new, + version, and max the + version.
Chimera: don't bother.
Embetsteel: don't bother.
First of all, I'm currently at Faerie Forest, so I simply cannot craft any of the + versions. Second of all, I'm using Chimera and Embersteel because they are, along with Crius and Hydra, the only armors I currently have with decent stats. I'll replace them with the rest of the Big Four as soon as I can and have fused them.
08-25-2013, 12:59 AM
Thanks for your answer. The thing is, I've read on ''Things I wish I knew when I was a noob'', that enhancing a non-plus version of your Big Four armors after them being lvl 15 is a big waste of time and money. That's why I'd like to avoid it as much as possible. I also now have a Hydra armor which I'm trying to get to lvl 15, and I'm farming Snakeskins for cheap enhancement, xp and (hopefully) fusion stones. I have all the expansions up till the 80k one filled with 2 armorsmiths, a crystal conversatory and the rest with taverns. I'm saving up for TF's although fusing the Big Four's my priority right now.
Stop fusing.. TFs should be your priority...
08-25-2013, 01:46 AM
Hi all, just finished crafting the epic armor but was wondering if it is worth upgrading these?
Just that I have maxed 3 of my big four and only a few levels to go on my last one so was wondering if I should? The stats are not higher than any off my armor my 6 are wearing.
Using the big 4 and my assassin and sky guardian, both of these not levelled at all.
Also Harding it hard to get the w. roots on epic , takes both sets of my 3 to clear with hardy a drop, so was wondering if there is a way to fuse these bigger four like using critics and living?
Also can only reach level 28 on epic boss with 2 high friends ( level 127s)
Is it due to me being only level 68? And this will improve when I get to 80s with normal big four or is this the time to start the bigger four and give it all?
08-25-2013, 01:54 AM
Hi all, just finished crafting the epic armor but was wondering if it is worth upgrading these?
Just that I have maxed 3 of my big four and only a few levels to go on my last one so was wondering if I should? The stats are not higher than any off my armor my 6 are wearing.
Using the big 4 and my assassin and sky guardian, both of these not levelled at all.
Also Harding it hard to get the w. roots on epic , takes both sets of my 3 to clear with hardy a drop, so was wondering if there is a way to fuse these bigger four like using critics and living?
Also can only reach level 28 on epic boss with 2 high friends ( level 127s)
Is it due to me being only level 68? And this will improve when I get to 80s with normal big four or is this the time to start the bigger four and give it all?
For the middle part: You can fuse Swamp Shaman, Rocfeather Robes and Armor of the Infernal Lord, but the chances are very low. The more stars the armors you're fusing have, the higher chance of higher leveled results. Dark Prince's Royal Armor... I'm not sure if you can fuse it, I can't find any information on the wikia.
08-25-2013, 04:10 AM
For the middle part: You can fuse Swamp Shaman, Rocfeather Robes and Armor of the Infernal Lord, but the chances are very low. The more stars the armors you're fusing have, the higher chance of higher leveled results. Dark Prince's Royal Armor... I'm not sure if you can fuse it, I can't find any information on the wikia.dark prince cant be fused. By the way. You can get to level 43 whit only big four, if you hit a boss that is weak against them. This one, for example, is weak to crius and atlean both, so is very, easy to kill.
For you, now is better to farm wriggling roots to make a swamp shaman regular and then a plus, cause the odds of fusing those armors by twp stars are ridicolous. Skip rocfeather cause you have a better sky guardian and get infernal lord. Then max those armors and choose to start using friends on kingdom of,darkness, or if you have reached 100, on epic boss to try for 43. You first legendary plus will be something awesome to own.
Hi all, just finished crafting the epic armor but was wondering if it is worth upgrading these?
Just that I have maxed 3 of my big four and only a few levels to go on my last one so was wondering if I should? The stats are not higher than any off my armor my 6 are wearing.
Using the big 4 and my assassin and sky guardian, both of these not levelled at all.
Also Harding it hard to get the w. roots on epic , takes both sets of my 3 to clear with hardy a drop, so was wondering if there is a way to fuse these bigger four like using critics and living?
Also can only reach level 28 on epic boss with 2 high friends ( level 127s)
Is it due to me being only level 68? And this will improve when I get to 80s with normal big four or is this the time to start the bigger four and give it all?
I don't know where the 'bigger 4' came from, but there really is no such thing. Roc+ has always been inferior and the rest is getting quite outdated too. Regular SG is about as good as these *** story armors and doesn't require a lot of farming. My suggestion would be to just farm a lot of snakeskins, level up in the meantime and train your SG. Acquire some good and useful friends and you should be able to get to lvl 43 of the epic boss at level 80+ or so. Assuming the friends you got are good enough.
First of all, I'm currently at Faerie Forest, so I simply cannot craft any of the + versions. Second of all, I'm using Chimera and Embersteel because they are, along with Crius and Hydra, the only armors I currently have with decent stats. I'll replace them with the rest of the Big Four as soon as I can and have fused them.
Keep farming snakeskins until you're higher to get the materials for the big 4. Until then just keep your Crius and HH at lvl 15, maybe get embersteel and chimera to that point too for the farming, but there's really no need to train them higher.
08-25-2013, 08:00 AM
dark prince cant be fused. By the way. You can get to level 43 whit only big four, if you hit a boss that is weak against them. This one, for example, is weak to crius and atlean both, so is very, easy to kill.
For you, now is better to farm wriggling roots to make a swamp shaman regular and then a plus, cause the odds of fusing those armors by twp stars are ridicolous. Skip rocfeather cause you have a better sky guardian and get infernal lord. Then max those armors and choose to start using friends on kingdom of,darkness, or if you have reached 100, on epic boss to try for 43. You first legendary plus will be something awesome to own.
However, you can get dark prince from chests... that being said there is a very low probability of this, and there is no point in not farming epic stage as you also get experience.
08-25-2013, 08:37 AM
Keep farming snakeskins until you're higher to get the materials for the big 4. Until then just keep your Crius and HH at lvl 15, maybe get embersteel and chimera to that point too for the farming, but there's really no need to train them higher.
Okay. I'm now level 26 and I've collected somewhere between 120 and 150 snakeskins so far. I've also now fused AA, so when it's level 15 I'll try and farm the newly unlocked Writhing Cascades for the + version (also got 2 typhoon gems from a Silver Key so that'll help. A bit :D). Should I use some Snakeskins to get AA up or rather farm Thieves Cove for Water Shards/Coral Chunks?
Okay. I'm now level 26 and I've collected somewhere between 120 and 150 snakeskins so far. I've also now fused AA, so when it's level 15 I'll try and farm the newly unlocked Writhing Cascades for the + version (also got 2 typhoon gems from a Silver Key so that'll help. A bit :D). Should I use some Snakeskins to get AA up or rather farm Thieves Cove for Water Shards/Coral Chunks?
Nice job, but far from enough. ;) You'll need thousands and thousands of snakeskins in the end game. I'd suggest doing mono's up to about 35, from there on snakeskins. Eventually basics till about 20.
08-25-2013, 10:13 AM
I'm wondering if i delete my knd data on my phone (not the app, the actual data) would i have to start over from lv 1? I still haven't gotten an answer from gree yet about my update error, and i really want to play....
08-25-2013, 10:40 AM
Hi all, ty for information fr next stage.
Have been farming snakeskins in epic stage like
I just realised I have thes in my stash and wondered if these are any good to replace my big four?
Assassins shroud, aegis of the fallen, leviathans platemail and sky guardian.
Still having issues with misty epic to get roots??? Been like 45 tries and only 2drops!!!!!!!!!?????
Seriously debating to fuse ca and lf to hopefully get infernal
Hi all, ty for information fr next stage.
Have been farming snakeskins in epic stage like
I just realised I have thes in my stash and wondered if these are any good to replace my big four?
Assassins shroud, aegis of the fallen, leviathans platemail and sky guardian.
Still having issues with misty epic to get roots??? Been like 45 tries and only 2drops!!!!!!!!!?????
Seriously debating to fuse ca and lf to hopefully get infernal
Never get rid of your big 4, they'll be useful for a very long time for 2nd/3rd knight on the EB still. And story armors aren't particularly good anymore, I personally don't even find them worth the materials used for enhancing anymore. You could max your SG as a temporarely thing until you can get your hands on good 70s (EB +armors or clayplate/guardian/combustion/boiler reg).
08-25-2013, 12:22 PM
So I got a swamp shaman and dark prince armor ( both regular ) from DPC.
I have crafted neither since Ive been catching up the big 4 ( and bigger 4 ).
My question is can I level those two to unlock the plus versions that I can craft or do you have to level an armor you crafted to get the plus version unlocked?
08-25-2013, 12:33 PM
So I got a swamp shaman and dark prince armor ( both regular ) from DPC.
I have crafted neither since Ive been catching up the big 4 ( and bigger 4 ).
My question is can I level those two to unlock the plus versions that I can craft or do you have to level an armor you crafted to get the plus version unlocked?
You can simply level your Swamp Shaman and the Dark Prince's Armor to level 20 and then craft the + versions. It doesn't matter from where you got the normal versions, it'll always unlock at the specific level.
08-25-2013, 12:51 PM
Most excellent. Thank you!
08-25-2013, 03:47 PM
i cant contribute gold to my guild. everytime i try so it loads, loads then when it finishes i see i did not contribute. any idea why?
08-25-2013, 09:14 PM
I have an Atrix HD phone, my wife as well, and we both experience a signifigant game freeze/lag that lasts about 4 - 8 seconds before the selection screen unlocks.
My wife switched her phone to a Samsung active, and has no apparent freezing/lag.
Has others experienced this issue, and found a solution for it? (aside from buying a new phone)
08-25-2013, 11:46 PM
I have an Atrix HD phone, my wife as well, and we both experience a signifigant game freeze/lag that lasts about 4 - 8 seconds before the selection screen unlocks.
My wife switched her phone to a Samsung active, and has no apparent freezing/lag.
Has others experienced this issue, and found a solution for it? (aside from buying a new phone)
Its probably your friends list. If you have over 50% friends on the list on certain devices you will start getting lag.
08-26-2013, 12:46 AM
i cant contribute gold to my guild. everytime i try so it loads, loads then when it finishes i see i did not contribute. any idea why?
Contribute bug. Can't do anything about it because Gree will ignore your tickets.
08-26-2013, 01:02 AM
I started playing about 6 weeks ago on Android. I can't get to 43 on the boss yet, but see there is a reward if you have all of the dragon armors in your inventory.
I would assume Gree will do the same thing with this month's armors, but is that reward any good? Should I craft the non plus versions at all? Or do I craft them and pray to the gods of combination chance?
08-26-2013, 01:50 AM
Just because they did it for the dragon armors, doesn't mean they will do it every month.
08-26-2013, 02:05 AM
Anyone's game crashes after trying to access the member tab inside guild?
08-26-2013, 05:21 AM
Also can only reach level 28 on epic boss with 2 high friends ( level 127s)
Is it due to me being only level 68? And this will improve when I get to 80s with normal big four or is this the time to start the bigger four and give it all?
- damage of friends AFAIK is capped by by your stats, so probably wouldn't matter to you if those friends would be level 80 or 100+... Reward levels kind of seem to be spaced out so that if you're playing lots, you advance one epic boss reward level per week (of course slows down after you hit level 100), so if you reach level 28 on the boss now, 35 on the next might be possible and 43 on the one after that.
- if 2 friends isn't enough, you of course switch to 3 or 4 friends...
* Trigger the boss when you're at 9 1/2 - 10 epic energy
* go in as 2 followers + commander + 2 friends, followed about 1 1/2 hours later (3 epic egergy regen) by commander + 1 friend (3 friends used per level; also called 5/2 formation) or 1 follower + commander + 2 friends followed by commander + 2 friends (4 friends used per level; also called 4/3 formation)
* alternative that accounts for the fact that the boss starts with 1 or 2 crits on the second round: 2/5 or 3/4 formation lets a follower tank those crits. But will look scary, since after the first round the boss likely will still have 6-70% health left...
You can get to level 43 whit only big four, if you hit a boss that is weak against them. This one, for example, is weak to crius and atlean both, so is very, easy to kill.
No. This is a harder boss than the previous 2, since none of the big 4 do 200% damage to it and none of your friends will do 200% damage either.
I'm wondering if i delete my knd data on my phone (not the app, the actual data) would i have to start over from lv 1? I still haven't gotten an answer from gree yet about my update error, and i really want to play....
Unless you're changing the phone's ID (or perhaps restoring a phone backup from when you were level 1), it shouldn't give you a level 1 account, but just re-fetch the data from the server.
08-26-2013, 07:07 AM
Contribute bug. Can't do anything about it because Gree will ignore your tickets.
I guess im out of luck then, still no reply back from gree. Sent the ticket in 4 days ago. Glad i didnt spent real life money on this game..... Looks like i need to find another game to play
08-26-2013, 07:21 AM
Is it worth upgading WW non+?
Stats are still pretty good without the non+
08-26-2013, 08:06 AM
Anyone's game crashes after trying to access the member tab inside guild?
After the most recent update I can't even access the Guild menu without the game crashing
08-26-2013, 08:20 AM
Is it worth upgading WW non+?
Stats are still pretty good without the non+
The question is "are the stats pretty good for a level 70 armor".
earth/spirit armors, sorted descending by maxcombined:
name maxatk maxdef maxcombined
Guardian's Battlegear+ 1213 1302 2515
Wicked Wraith+ 1003 1332 2335
Assassin's Shroud + 1186 1134 2320
Guardian's Battlegear 1103 1190 2293
Mantle of the Beast+ 1232 968 2200
Wicked Wraith 836 1090 1926
Mantle of the Beast 987 798 1785
Assassin's Shroud 876 891 1767
Hunter's Garb + 757 870 1627
Hunter's Garb 663 772 1435
Monks Vestments + 597 708 1305
Brawlers Armor+ 551 746 1297
Chimera Corps Uniform + 511 737 1248
Monks Vestments 525 585 1110
Chimera Corps Uniform 447 620 1067
Brawlers Armor 483 574 1057
If you don't have any of the armors listed above it, then I guess it's a pretty decent armor to keep and level.
No. This is a harder boss than the previous 2, since none of the big 4 do 200% damage to it and none of your friends will do 200% damage either.
Don't underestimate a good 2nd knight. W/s and s/e are just exceptionally sweet when all you have is big 4.
08-26-2013, 08:37 AM
The question is "are the stats pretty good for a level 70 armor".
earth/spirit armors, sorted descending by maxcombined:
name maxatk maxdef maxcombined
Guardian's Battlegear+ 1213 1302 2515
Wicked Wraith+ 1003 1332 2335
Assassin's Shroud + 1186 1134 2320
Guardian's Battlegear 1103 1190 2293
Mantle of the Beast+ 1232 968 2200
Wicked Wraith 836 1090 1926
Mantle of the Beast 987 798 1785
Assassin's Shroud 876 891 1767
Hunter's Garb + 757 870 1627
Hunter's Garb 663 772 1435
Monks Vestments + 597 708 1305
Brawlers Armor+ 551 746 1297
Chimera Corps Uniform + 511 737 1248
Monks Vestments 525 585 1110
Chimera Corps Uniform 447 620 1067
Brawlers Armor 483 574 1057
If you don't have any of the armors listed above it, then I guess it's a pretty decent armor to keep and level.
Thank you.
I don't have any of the better armours and I don't expect to get any of them either. It'll be something I have to think about.
08-26-2013, 08:39 AM
Hi I just started knd about 1 month ago and I was wondering if it is a must to max out the big 4? My HH+ is a at lvl 37 AA + 35 CRIUS+ 16. I also have dragon tamer + at 35, infernal + 52 and sg at 62 and ss+ 10. Can anybody give me advice on what should I max 1st or should I buy gems to get better armours then this. Your help is greatly appreciated :)
08-26-2013, 08:39 AM
^^ I just noticed that Chimera Corps+ is not that much better than Monk Vestment LOL
Serious question to Lotak and everyone else. Why do you want to spend mats and gold upgrading a middle of the pack spirit/earth armor ? With the number of players with Blazeborne and Phyrus on the Arena, aren't you basically asking for a beatdown ?
08-26-2013, 08:41 AM
Thank you.
I don't have any of the better armours and I don't expect to get any of them either. It'll be something I have to think about.
I think you should wait until the first EB you can get plus on. I don't feel like you should rush out to max an earth/spirit combination.
08-26-2013, 08:42 AM
^^ I just noticed that Chimera Corps+ is not that much better than Monk Vestment LOL
Serious question to Lotak and everyone else. Why do you want to spend mats and gold upgrading a middle of the pack spirit/earth armor ? With the number of players with Blazeborne and Phyrus on the Arena, aren't you basically asking for a beatdown ?
Fair point.
I got all these snakeskins, i don't know what to do with them now >.<
08-26-2013, 08:43 AM
Hi I just started knd about 1 month ago and I was wondering if it is a must to max out the big 4? My HH+ is a at lvl 37 AA + 35 CRIUS+ 16. I also have dragon tamer + at 35, infernal + 52 and sg at 62 and ss+ 10. Can anybody give me advice on what should I max 1st or should I buy gems to get better armours then this. Your help is greatly appreciated :)
If you can buy gems for chests.. then go for it.
08-26-2013, 08:45 AM
Hi I just started knd about 1 month ago and I was wondering if it is a must to max out the big 4? My HH+ is a at lvl 37 AA + 35 CRIUS+ 16. I also have dragon tamer + at 35, infernal + 52 and sg at 62 and ss+ 10. Can anybody give me advice on what should I max 1st or should I buy gems to get better armours then this. Your help is greatly appreciated :)
08-26-2013, 08:46 AM
Hi I just started knd about 1 month ago and I was wondering if it is a must to max out the big 4? My HH+ is a at lvl 37 AA + 35 CRIUS+ 16. I also have dragon tamer + at 35, infernal + 52 and sg at 62 and ss+ 10. Can anybody give me advice on what should I max 1st or should I buy gems to get better armours then this. Your help is greatly appreciated :)
Well, it depends on your level and what you want to accomplish in the game. As a general rule, everyone can do what they want on the game. However, having at least a few maxed big 4 armors will make it easier to defeat certain area, epic bosses, and other players in the Arena.
Since you already have infernal+, I assume you already defeated DP at least once ? What do you want to do next ?
08-26-2013, 08:51 AM
Don't underestimate a good 2nd knight. W/s and s/e are just exceptionally sweet when all you have is big 4.
Don't you mean f/s or w/f instead of w/s?
3 of the big 4 are weak against w/s and the 4th would only do 150% damage, while for f/s AA+/HH+/HH+ and for
w/f Crius+/AA+/AA+ would be a nice lineup.
08-26-2013, 08:53 AM
Well, it depends on your level and what you want to accomplish in the game. As a general rule, everyone can do what they want on the game. However, having at least a few maxed big 4 armors will make it easier to defeat certain area, epic bosses, and other players in the Arena.
Since you already have infernal+, I assume you already defeated DP at least once ? What do you want to do next ?
Yea I defeated dp maybe about thrice. At the moment I'm trying to get to lvl 43 of Epic boss and it seems like I'm having a very hard time reaching my goal. So you think if I should continue enhancing my sg or infernal +?
08-26-2013, 08:57 AM
I think you should wait until the first EB you can get plus on. I don't feel like you should rush out to max an earth/spirit combination.
I'm finding it difficult to get to level 43. I *might* be able to do it this time round as am on lvl 37 with a little over 2 days left, so have 7 more rounds to go. Possible, but Im not sure I'm powerful enough to do it as I have only got Big4+, AoIL+ and SS+ as my decent armours.
Obviously friends help a lot, but they can only do so much and only 10 / day.
08-26-2013, 09:00 AM
^^ I just noticed that Chimera Corps+ is not that much better than Monk Vestment LOL
Serious question to Lotak and everyone else. Why do you want to spend mats and gold upgrading a middle of the pack spirit/earth armor ? With the number of players with Blazeborne and Phyrus on the Arena, aren't you basically asking for a beatdown ?
Well, general advice seems to be: get armors with consecutive elements for boss and armors with non-consecutive elements for arena, so this would be a boss fighting armor, not an arena armor.
If you can buy gems for chests.. then go for it.
Are you trolling?..
Or did you mean it in a "if you open a bunch of chests, you get lots of junk you can use to enhance the armors you listed" way?
08-26-2013, 09:03 AM
Yea I defeated dp maybe about thrice. At the moment I'm trying to get to lvl 43 of Epic boss and it seems like I'm having a very hard time reaching my goal. So you think if I should continue enhancing my sg or infernal +?
I think you should max big 4 as well. What you need for level 43 EB are a decent range of element combinations and big4+ provide 4 good EB armour at only 500k a pop.
I'm finding it difficult to get to level 43. I *might* be able to do it this time round as am on lvl 37 with a little over 2 days left, so have 7 more rounds to go. Possible, but Im not sure I'm powerful enough to do it as I have only got Big4+, AoIL+ and SS+ as my decent armours.
Obviously friends help a lot, but they can only do so much and only 10 / day.
Well if you're on 37 you should be able to make it this time around.. You can do 2x 2/5 with 3 friends and 1x 3/4 with 4 friends a day. If you cant beat 43, you'll definitely at least reach 42 then it'll only cost 11 gems to get the mats for it so this should be your first eb =].
I'd probably focus on maxing this armor out first. It'll help a lot for future EBs.
08-26-2013, 09:11 AM
Are you trolling?..
Or did you mean it in a "if you open a bunch of chests, you get lots of junk you can use to enhance the armors you listed" way?
Nope.. I meant it in a "if you're willing to spend $10000, then go for it" way.
I definitely don't recommend it but it's an option if he wanted to get better armour than what he has. Otherwise why ask?
08-26-2013, 09:13 AM
[QUOTE=cubey;944127]I think you should max big 4 as well. What you need for level 43 EB are a decent range of element combinations and big4+ provide 4 good EB armour at only 500k a pop.
Thanks mate, I'm gonna try maxing the big 4 1st. Hmm one final question, should I buy dpc or wait for the epic armour boxes? I need a good water armour though
08-26-2013, 09:21 AM
Thanks mate, I'm gonna try maxing the big 4 1st. Hmm one final question, should I buy dpc or wait for the epic armour boxes? I need a good water armour though
If you're a mostly free player, I'd suggest waiting for epic bosses. There will be one sooner or later that you can get close to 43 on. Save the gems for when you need it to help you cross over this line.
Swamp+ is a pretty good water armour esp. for arena so I'd recommend maxing that too.
08-26-2013, 09:24 AM
Thanks mate, I'm gonna try maxing the big 4 1st. Hmm one final question, should I buy dpc or wait for the epic armour boxes? I need a good water armour though
First thing to know about any of the DPC or higher chests:
- chance of getting any 4-star or higher armor is probably less than 1%
- someone suggested the chance of getting a plus armor seems to be 10% of getting a non-plus armor
Result: do you play the lottery expecting to one day get the jackpot? If so, go and play the chest lottery.
The only other reason to use those chests is if you don't want to farm for Snakeskins and fusion stones. The 99+% junk you'll get from the chests will be a nice time saving replacement to those to enhance the decent armors already in your inventory.
Hi I just started knd about 1 month ago and I was wondering if it is a must to max out the big 4? My HH+ is a at lvl 37 AA + 35 CRIUS+ 16. I also have dragon tamer + at 35, infernal + 52 and sg at 62 and ss+ 10. Can anybody give me advice on what should I max 1st or should I buy gems to get better armours then this. Your help is greatly appreciated :)
The big 4 will be useful for a LONG time, mainly for 2nd/3rd knight on epic boss. After that I'd suggest maxing your ss+. By that time you should probably be close enough to getting to level 43 on the epic boss, if you don't make it you can finish the last few materials at the summoning stone. Low amount of gems for a good armor. I'd suggest keeping your dragon tamer+, inf+ and sg for now, but not maxing them any further. Use the ep on your big 4 instead, after that on ss+ and the epic boss + armors.
About the DPC: it's only good for enhancing fodder, with a small shot at something good. The odds are low and the chests are expensive though, so using them to get a good armor to max is way too expensive imo.
Don't you mean f/s or w/f instead of w/s?
3 of the big 4 are weak against w/s and the 4th would only do 150% damage, while for f/s AA+/HH+/HH+ and for
w/f Crius+/AA+/AA+ would be a nice lineup.
I meant f/s indeed, brain fart.
08-26-2013, 09:28 AM
I think you should max big 4 as well. What you need for level 43 EB are a decent range of element combinations and big4+ provide 4 good EB armour at only 500k a pop.
Well if you're on 37 you should be able to make it this time around.. You can do 2x 2/5 with 3 friends and 1x 3/4 with 4 friends a day. If you cant beat 43, you'll definitely at least reach 42 then it'll only cost 11 gems to get the mats for it so this should be your first eb =].
I'd probably focus on maxing this armor out first. It'll help a lot for future EBs.
That's a good idea, as I will have 3 friend refreshes between now and when the new epic boss appears so can do 3, 3 and 1. The only problem is I might not have enough time to achieve this.
However, if I can get some more powerful friends to help me, I might be able to do the next few with only 8-11 energy, rather than 13, which will save an hour.
Only bummer is that my last run today gave me 5EE, which is a waste since I cannot hire any more friends >.<
08-26-2013, 09:30 AM
Thanks Alot for all Ur help! I really appreciate it :)
08-26-2013, 10:39 AM
I just got my first epic boss +armor last week on Dorar with 15 gem spent and i'd like to give my 2 cents (I was around lvl90)
Assuming you are a free player and not want to spend any gem.
it would be nice to have 2 set of big4+ armors and all you need is to wait for a boss with consecutive elements which one of your big4 can do 200% damage.
So now you can equip your 2 of your knights with the 200% big4 and the third knight with a 150% big4. If you have good friends you can go up to lvl 34 with only 8 energy each ... i remember lvl35 and after I needed 13 energy (maybe lvl36 I did 11 energy but i forgot)
At the end I used 4 gems on critical hit on the lvl 41 and 42 bosses. I couldn't finish 43 in time so i spent 11gem to summon it once to get the final materials.
If you only have big4, then doing an epic boss with adjacent elements can greatly increase your chance to get to lvl43.
08-26-2013, 10:49 AM
Random question
can a special attack miss
08-26-2013, 10:53 AM
Random question
can a special attack miss
It cannot.
08-26-2013, 11:37 AM
Weird a senior member asks a question a junior answer s it
08-26-2013, 11:58 AM
How do you get a wanderers shroud?
08-26-2013, 12:23 PM
Weird a senior member asks a question a junior answer s it
Why? Forum ranks are by post count, so that could just mean the junior prefers less idle chitchat or the senior asked a lot of questions that thereby boosted his/her post count...
How do you get a wanderers shroud?
answered at the fusion results topic.
Assuming you are a free player and not want to spend any gem.
it would be nice to have 2 set of big4+ armors and all you need is to wait for a boss with consecutive elements which one of your big4 can do 200% damage.
So now you can equip your 2 of your knights with the 200% big4 and the third knight with a 150% big4.
Some aditional advice to that: don't go now rushing to have a complete second set of big 4 if that takes away from enhancing other armors, but whenever a new boss pops up check if one of the big 4 is a very good match and if so, and you don't have enough other good armors for the boss, start leveling that one. By the time that second armor is badly needed for the boss it should have a decent level.
(I myself built up a nice extra set of LF+/Crius+/HH+(44)/AA+(36) over the weeks because of the good boss alignment)
08-26-2013, 12:41 PM
Has anyone actually had experience with gree when sending in a ticket to them? How long did it take them to reply and did they help resolve your problem?
08-26-2013, 01:00 PM
What's the best way to level mono armors? Like this week's boss armor?
08-26-2013, 01:07 PM
What's the best way to level mono armors? Like this week's boss armor?
08-26-2013, 04:23 PM
Has anyone actually had experience with gree when sending in a ticket to them? How long did it take them to reply and did they help resolve your problem?
For me 2 weeks
08-26-2013, 04:52 PM
I sent a ticket to gree for gems missing, responded within 24 hours
08-26-2013, 05:13 PM
I sent a ticket to gree for gems missing, responded within 24 hours
Wth! Im still waiting for a reply its been 4 days!
08-26-2013, 06:02 PM
Hey guys, I'm currently saving up for the 500k armor expansion, just unlocked Misty Marsh and have 2 of the Big 4 maxed (aa/crius). Neither HH or LF look to be super helpful in the Marsh, which should I work on next?
Also, what should I do with my level 15 non + big 4? Should I fuse them or save them for enhancing? Thanks!
08-26-2013, 06:50 PM
You only get to kill him once after summoning him. Can do it multiple times if you want. Usefully if you are a few kills away from + but can't kill him anymore. Summons him as the lvl 1 so he's killed in one hit.
Thanks for that now I know it is not good to use unless I really only need a few collectibles.
08-26-2013, 08:10 PM
At how many posts can you post a thread?
At how many posts can you post a thread?
I had to manually activate my account again, despite already being able to post, to be able to create threads.
I think I had like 10 posts back then
08-26-2013, 11:46 PM
Hey guys, I'm currently saving up for the 500k armor expansion, just unlocked Misty Marsh and have 2 of the Big 4 maxed (aa/crius). Neither HH or LF look to be super helpful in the Marsh, which should I work on next?
Also, what should I do with my level 15 non + big 4? Should I fuse them or save them for enhancing? Thanks!
Honestly, using level 51 knights in Misty Marsh is asking for a lot of heartache. I say build up your level while saving up for the expansion. Crius+ is great at Writhing Cascades and AA+ is good for Caballero Desert. In between leveling up, make sure to hunt for snakeskins for upgrading your next armor
If you are sticking with Big 4, you will need to level up a third to make Misty MArsh easier to defeat. I vote LF+ due to spirit > earth. Plus in Zephyr, LF is more useful than HH. Once you get to Citadel, HH is great, but we are getting too far ahead of ourselves.
Also get some strong friends to help you out in Marsh and beyond.
Once you get to level 70, feel free to apply to my guild ;)
08-27-2013, 02:45 AM
Also, what should I do with my level 15 non + big 4? Should I fuse them or save them for enhancing? Thanks!
Enhancing. They're worth 24 + (15 - 1) = 38 enhancement points.
If you fuse them, you probably end up with junk that's worth less EP than the armors you put into it while also losing a fusion stone.
08-27-2013, 03:23 AM
Hi all,
I am lvl36 on epic boss and I really need this week's armor for some reasons : First, I am in a little guild so it is better to have mono armors (more stats to compensate elemental bonus, but there are low elemental bonuses in little guilds anyway). Furthermore, I just have maxed my SS+ so if I don't get to lvl43, it means that I have to max an Infernal lord+ (as hard to max as an epic boss+...) even if I am so close to lvl43 (and it will be for another boss, not mono I think).
So I have a few things to ask :
- Is it a good idea to quit my guild just to finish the epic boss ? I am currently a high commender with every bonuses at 4%. If I quit I will be a Guild master with bonuses at 0% (I may buy some if it is cheap).
- It was quite hard to finish lvl36 (using 8EE) is it possible to get at least to lvl42? (I can use 11gems to skip lvl43). I can use the 4/3 method for the last levels.
- The most important : Could you please add me if you have a strong air armor or nemesis?^^
The event is almost finished so I can't loose any more fights, please help me! :)
My code : XBD-YBP-MGN
P.S. : Sorry for the double post (message posted on leviathan's thread) but I am really in hurry.
Thanks in advance, have a nice day^^
08-27-2013, 03:58 AM
Hey guys what should I do I have a few choices to make. I am lvl 65 and have the blazebourne vanguard that is currently at lvl 41. I am unsure to lvl up my infernal lord to get the plus the max out the plus or lvl up blazebourne more.
08-27-2013, 05:08 AM
- It was quite hard to finish lvl36 (using 8EE) is it possible to get at least to lvl42? (I can use 11gems to skip lvl43). I can use the 4/3 method for the last levels.
Unless you sleep very short, I suspect you might be short on epic energy to reach level 42.
I'm currently waiting for epic energy to regen for level 37 and my estimate is that I would need to do level 37-41 as 5/0 to have enough time/energy to reach 42. Even with my nice guild bonusses and lots of friends with good armors, I only give that a 50% chance. (would have easily gotten there if I wouln't have been away from my tablet for almost 2 days...)
Hey guys what should I do I have a few choices to make. I am lvl 65 and have the blazebourne vanguard that is currently at lvl 41. I am unsure to lvl up my infernal lord to get the plus the max out the plus or lvl up blazebourne more.
If you haven't already, first unlock all your castle expansions and fill them with Training Fields. That Blaze will drain your resources (gold, armors/materials/fusion stones) like crazy. If you look at the spreadsheet, later levels enhancing 4 armors onto it costs 120K gold...
If you already have a decent earth armor, Blaze might be the better option to work on, even though leveling Infernal non-plus far enough and maxing Infernal+ will be cheaper than maxing Blaze...
08-27-2013, 05:50 AM
Thanks for the answer Marco :)
I also think that I will be very short. But it makes me wonder on another thing....
Maybe I should go as far as possible (from 37 to 40 until the end is possible I think) and then skip to 42 (virtually) with 22 gems (I have 20, hope for new free offers). Then, I will have to spend 30 gems after the event but I think it's worth doing it because I have finished my SS+ so between an AoIR+ or a levi+ (+30 gems) the legendary is better^^Even if i'll get my 30 gems in a few weeks (I will have time to save money for enhancing^^)
08-27-2013, 07:53 AM
Honestly, using level 51 knights in Misty Marsh is asking for a lot of heartache. I say build up your level while saving up for the expansion. Crius+ is great at Writhing Cascades and AA+ is good for Caballero Desert. In between leveling up, make sure to hunt for snakeskins for upgrading your next armor
If you are sticking with Big 4, you will need to level up a third to make Misty MArsh easier to defeat. I vote LF+ due to spirit > earth. Plus in Zephyr, LF is more useful than HH. Once you get to Citadel, HH is great, but we are getting too far ahead of ourselves.
Also get some strong friends to help you out in Marsh and beyond.
Once you get to level 70, feel free to apply to my guild ;)
Hmm ok. I have to admit though I've never really focused on leveling per se, I've just done quests and worked on getting the big 4 while pushing through the maps. For leveling, would it be best to do Writhing/Caballero on Normal so I can maximize my clears? Or should I try the harder difficulties?
Edit: I should also note that I'm actually level 61 I just hadn't updated my signature. Not sure if that changes anything XD
08-27-2013, 08:58 AM
Any suggestions on which order i should max the bigger 4?
08-27-2013, 09:23 AM
Just noticed he said bigger 4 not big 4 lol >_>
08-27-2013, 09:32 AM
Hi guys I am lvl 32 and right now have 1 of the Big 4 + versions (AA+). I just got it to lvl25 (for the new look), and plan on crafting more of the +versions of the rest of the Big 4. My question is how do you go about enhancing all 4 at a time? Do you focus on maxing 1 and then go to the next, or maybe get to 25 with all, then to 50 with all, etc?
08-27-2013, 09:35 AM
Hmm ok. I have to admit though I've never really focused on leveling per se, I've just done quests and worked on getting the big 4 while pushing through the maps. For leveling, would it be best to do Writhing/Caballero on Normal so I can maximize my clears? Or should I try the harder difficulties?
Edit: I should also note that I'm actually level 61 I just hadn't updated my signature. Not sure if that changes anything XD
Level 61 is much better than 51 to go through the Marsh for sure :) I still think you need a 3rd good armor (lvl 30+) since you will be using 3 knights. Even if it is HH (weak for marsh).
Leveling up will make that much easier to complete a stage. IIRC, I completed Marsh around lvl 70 with 3 out of big4 maxed.
I usually level on the highest stage where I can one hit KO the minions, yet have enough HP (between the 3 knights) to kill the boss in 1 run. Better yet if I can get 2 or more runs before all 6 knights are exhausted. If you have high level friends, you can pair 1 almost dead knight with 1 or 2 friends to get yet another run. Repeat until you are out of friends and HP.
Marco_ probably has the most efficient way to level up, though :)
08-27-2013, 09:40 AM
Any suggestions on which order i should max the bigger 4?
Getting materials for Swamp+, Infernal+ and Dark Prince+ will be a bigger bottleneck than leveling them, so in whatever order you manage to craft them. Roc(+): only if you can't get another armor with same element, but better stats (boss armor, Sky Guardian etc.) .
08-27-2013, 09:45 AM
Hi guys I am lvl 32 and right now have 1 of the Big 4 + versions (AA+). I just got it to lvl25 (for the new look), and plan on crafting more of the +versions of the rest of the Big 4. My question is how do you go about enhancing all 4 at a time? Do you focus on maxing 1 and then go to the next, or maybe get to 25 with all, then to 50 with all, etc?
Max first whichever helps the most at the location you're working on. If you slowly level all of them at the same time, then it will take a long time before any of the big 4 actually have better stats than the armors you're using now.
08-27-2013, 10:36 AM
Max first whichever helps the most at the location you're working on. If you slowly level all of them at the same time, then it will take a long time before any of the big 4 actually have better stats than the armors you're using now.
Thanks Marco. Since AA+ is at 25 I might as well try to enhance the last 25 levels to max it. To make crafting/enhancing more efficient should I make a total of 4 Armorsmiths so I can craft/enhance 4 armors at once?
Thanks Marco. Since AA+ is at 25 I might as well try to enhance the last 25 levels to max it. To make crafting/enhancing more efficient should I make a total of 4 Armorsmiths so I can craft/enhance 4 armors at once?
That will really hamper your gold income. I'm not sure what expansions you've purchased yet. I had 3 armorsmiths for quite a while but when I reached the 500k expansion, I had to cut back. I dropped to 1 armorsmith to get built up to buy that expansion. That really hurt so with the 500k expansion, I added back 1 armorsmith to be at 2. This seems to be a good balance at this point. I can still work on snakeskins for leveling armor but the natural bottleneck there means that I don't spend gold too fast and I can still save for the 1 million expansion. I currently use 2 armorsmiths, one dragon's nest when the quest came up to do it and the rest all training fields. The nests and tf's are all at level 2 except one tf at level 3. No gems to do more.
08-27-2013, 10:47 AM
Thanks Marco. Since AA+ is at 25 I might as well try to enhance the last 25 levels to max it. To make crafting/enhancing more efficient should I make a total of 4 Armorsmiths so I can craft/enhance 4 armors at once?
3 armorsmiths also works fine most of the time and a 4th armorsmith costs 20 gems. Those gems can be better used to help make a Training Field level 3 or (lower priority) an armorsmith level 3.
When you start working on level 70 or level 99 armors and join a guild and donate gold, gold often gets more of a bottleneck than crafting capacity, so better to add another Training Field than a 4th smith.
08-27-2013, 10:53 AM
Thanks again guys. I just opened up the 80k expansion and have 5 Lvl 2 Training fields. Good to know the 4th armorsmith costs 20 gems as I would rather upgrade my fields. I think I will stick with 2 Armorsmiths for now to try and keep the gold income up.
08-27-2013, 10:56 AM
That will really hamper your gold income. I'm not sure what expansions you've purchased yet. I had 3 armorsmiths for quite a while but when I reached the 500k expansion, I had to cut back. I dropped to 1 armorsmith to get built up to buy that expansion. That really hurt so with the 500k expansion, I added back 1 armorsmith to be at 2. This seems to be a good balance at this point. I can still work on snakeskins for leveling armor but the natural bottleneck there means that I don't spend gold too fast and I can still save for the 1 million expansion. I currently use 2 armorsmiths, one dragon's nest when the quest came up to do it and the rest all training fields. The nests and tf's are all at level 2 except one tf at level 3. No gems to do more.
Ah, what a difference level 3s make then... At that point I had 3 smiths being busy most of the time while gold was still piling up from my TF3s and I think I unlocked the last 3 expansions within a 2 week period. I then thought: "hey, gold is piling up, so I should add a 4th smith." A few days later guilds were added on Android and I scrapped the 4th smith at a 20 gem loss to replace it with a TF2, since for guilds gold trumps everything.
08-27-2013, 11:31 AM
Okay, see if I can explain this without any images.
So this is my Castle Layout atm:
Arena --- Fusion Place --- Chance Chest + Crystal Conversatory
Armorsmith ---- Tavern ---- Tavern ---- Armorsmith
Locked ----- Training Field ---- Tavern + Tavern
Locked ----- Tavern + Tavern ---- Tavern + Tavern
Other two rows not unlocked yet.
Because I have my Chance Chest on this current place, does it mean I just wasted one spot where I can put an Armorsmith/TF?
08-27-2013, 01:03 PM
Okay, see if I can explain this without any images.
So this is my Castle Layout atm:
Arena --- Fusion Place --- Chance Chest + Crystal Conversatory
Armorsmith ---- Tavern ---- Tavern ---- Armorsmith
Locked ----- Training Field ---- Tavern + Tavern
Locked ----- Tavern + Tavern ---- Tavern + Tavern
Other two rows not unlocked yet.
Because I have my Chance Chest on this current place, does it mean I just wasted one spot where I can put an Armorsmith/TF?
If you clear 1 of your 2 taverns on the single spot. then move your chance chest to that place.. remove your crystel conversatory. and you have a spot open to build a TG/AS
08-27-2013, 01:13 PM
If you clear 1 of your 2 taverns on the single spot. then move your chance chest to that place.. remove your crystel conversatory. and you have a spot open to build a TG/AS
Oh right, I didn't know you could move the Chance Chest like that ^^ Thanks.
08-27-2013, 01:27 PM
Getting materials for Swamp+, Infernal+ and Dark Prince+ will be a bigger bottleneck than leveling them, so in whatever order you manage to craft them. Roc(+): only if you can't get another armor with same element, but better stats (boss armor, Sky Guardian etc.) .
I see, appreciate your advise, so far I'm getting lucky with finding the proper mats. Is the Spec. Captain worth lvling?
08-27-2013, 01:40 PM
spec captain is not worth levelling. Don't bother with it.
08-27-2013, 01:42 PM
I see, appreciate your advise, so far I'm getting lucky with finding the proper mats. Is the Spec. Captain worth lvling?
Only if you are desperate to have spirit / water armor ? At Level 70, Spec Captain+ has 773A/899D, only marginally better than any level 50 Big 4 armors.
I would wait until the next spirit / water epic boss
08-27-2013, 04:10 PM
Only if you are desperate to have spirit / water armor ? At Level 70, Spec Captain+ has 773A/899D, only marginally better than any level 50 Big 4 armors.
I would wait until the next spirit / water epic boss
Aim to fuse a blackfrost or a moontide( if you are lucky) cause spectral capitain is some sort of junk... 150 point better than big four, but three times more pricey. Totally crap.
08-27-2013, 04:18 PM
Only if you are desperate to have spirit / water armor ? At Level 70, Spec Captain+ has 773A/899D, only marginally better than any level 50 Big 4 armors.
I would wait until the next spirit / water epic boss
Aim to fuse a blackfrost or a moontide( if you are lucky) cause spectral capitain is some sort of junk... 150 point better than big four, but three times more pricey. Totally crap.
I see, I will stop upgrading mine now and just work on my Shaman than lol.
08-27-2013, 09:08 PM
Not a K&D question, sorry, I hope I'm not too OT.
But how to I create a signature for my posts?
Thanks so much!
08-27-2013, 09:16 PM
Not a K&D question, sorry, I hope I'm not too OT.
But how to I create a signature for my posts?
Thanks so much!
At the top, choose Forum Actions - General Settings, then on the left choose Edit Signature.
08-27-2013, 11:29 PM
have any of you guys tried filing a ticket for game account transfer to a new device? im switching handsets and i want to continue to play my first account but its taking forever for the staff to reply to my ticket and i wont be able to use my old handset in a few days :(
08-27-2013, 11:44 PM
I'm trying to figure out if I will be able to skip some of the bigger four armors to avoid the massive time and gold commitment of leveling them up. I'm currently lvl 88 and have all of the big 4 maxed, and this week I was able to clear the epic boss to level 35. I'm assuming just reaching level 100 won't be enough to get the epic boss to 43 using just my big 4 armors but im not sure. Of the bigger 4, I have the swamp shaman+ up to level 21 so far, should i keep leveling it? Which armors from the bigger 4 can I or should I skip? Thanks for the help.
08-28-2013, 12:06 AM
I'm trying to figure out if I will be able to skip some of the bigger four armors to avoid the massive time and gold commitment of leveling them up. I'm currently lvl 88 and have all of the big 4 maxed, and this week I was able to clear the epic boss to level 35. I'm assuming just reaching level 100 won't be enough to get the epic boss to 43 using just my big 4 armors but im not sure. Of the bigger 4, I have the swamp shaman+ up to level 21 so far, should i keep leveling it? Which armors from the bigger 4 can I or should I skip? Thanks for the help.
You can skip Roc+ if you have a better alternative. I opted to roll with my regular sky guardian and has been decently useful. It's hard to say what armors you can skip and what armors you can't because it depends on what element combos you need/want. Furthermore, the combined stats value of an armor would be a good indicator as well. Bigger 4 armor have a combined atk/def of around any armor you possess with a higher combined total should take precedence. If you really don't want to go for the bigger 4 and don't want to spend gems on Dpc, fuse normal versions of boss armors together for a chance to get some nice legendary armor as regular boss armor only caps at around 1800 or so.
08-28-2013, 02:31 AM
I'm trying to figure out if I will be able to skip some of the bigger four armors to avoid the massive time and gold commitment of leveling them up. I'm currently lvl 88 and have all of the big 4 maxed, and this week I was able to clear the epic boss to level 35. I'm assuming just reaching level 100 won't be enough to get the epic boss to 43 using just my big 4 armors but im not sure. Of the bigger 4, I have the swamp shaman+ up to level 21 so far, should i keep leveling it? Which armors from the bigger 4 can I or should I skip? Thanks for the help.
i'd recommend swamp shaman + and infernal lord +, dark prince + after, roc+ optional
08-28-2013, 02:53 AM
i'd recommend swamp shaman + and infernal lord +, dark prince + after, roc+ optional
Finally fusing my first Dark Prince armour. 8 more rounds to go till I can get + version! Can't wait!
Only problem with not fusing roc+ and not having a better alternative is that the only air armours available are AA+ and CR+.
Annoying how they did that
08-28-2013, 03:03 AM
i'd not recommend fusing, but that's just an opinion.
leveling while grinding for the materials
save fusion stones and gold
builds up a nice reserve of shards and uncommon mats
08-28-2013, 08:58 AM
I haven't recieved any Video Offers in weeks, so I do all the surveys there are which involve watching videos or downloading apps. I've recieved a survey that required to download a game and open it (reward: 5 gems), finish it, no gems. Happened again with another game (reward: 3 gems), but again, I haven't recieved anything.
Anyone that recieves similar problems? I've already sent a complaint 3 days ago without a reply (but the ticket obviously). I know it's only 8 gems but there's hardly any way for me to earn gems, since I currently only get gems from leveling up and from Silver/Enchanted Keys from Epic Boss, Stage Bosses and leveling up (rarely though).
08-28-2013, 09:51 AM
might be the wrong thread but how does a forum become a sticky forum
08-28-2013, 10:07 AM
might be the wrong thread but how does a forum become a sticky forum
Topic becomes a sticky topic when The Wise One decides it should be I guess.
08-28-2013, 10:19 AM
I was wondering if anyone knew if the rewards for levelling up is defined or totally random? If defined, does anyone have a chart?
08-28-2013, 10:21 AM
I was wondering if anyone knew if the rewards for levelling up is defined or totally random? If defined, does anyone have a chart?
There is a chart. E
Its under the "Stats by Level" tab.
08-28-2013, 10:22 AM
I would think it's not random can you pm me withc the answer
08-28-2013, 10:55 AM
Does anyone know a website to make a guild emblem for recruiting
08-28-2013, 11:35 AM
Does anyone know a website to make a guild emblem for recruiting
There's no ''site''. Just make one on Photoshop or MS Paint with some images found on the internet/screenshots.
08-28-2013, 11:42 AM
take photos of your phone with your other phone and add instagram filters. I would tots join that guild
08-28-2013, 12:04 PM
There is a chart. E
Its under the "Stats by Level" tab.
so stats cap at lvl 100?
08-28-2013, 12:08 PM
so stats cap at lvl 100?
Yes it does. The only thing you'll gain by leveling up after level 100 are small rewards (gems, enchanted keys etc.), and maybe in the future you WILL get higher stats after all.
08-28-2013, 01:26 PM
Is it possible to get a + version of an armor you can only get through Fusing, and if so how? Thanks.
08-28-2013, 01:29 PM
Is it possible to get a + version of an armor you can only get through Fusing, and if so how? Thanks.
The only way to get + version of non-craftable armors is by opening DPC
08-28-2013, 01:53 PM
I just had a couple questions about leveling up some armor. I'm currently lvl 89, trying to level up the bigger four. I currently have Armor of the Infernal Lord+(lvl 24), Rocfeather Robes+(lvl 20), Swamp Shaman Robes+(lvl 16). Infernal Lord is fire/earth, does it matter if for example I put 4 Basic Fire+ or should I put 2 Basic Fire and 2 Basic Earth? Or will either level just has fast, and if I put higher rarity armors in there will that make it level faster? Like last night I put Crius Armor+(lvl 41) because of the earth element, and 3 Dragonflame Armor+ and my Infernal Lord went form lvl 18 to lvl 19.5. I was a little disappointed I was hoping for more a level jump. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I just had a couple questions about leveling up some armor. I'm currently lvl 89, trying to level up the bigger four. I currently have Armor of the Infernal Lord+(lvl 24), Rocfeather Robes+(lvl 20), Swamp Shaman Robes+(lvl 16). Infernal Lord is fire/earth, does it matter if for example I put 4 Basic Fire+ or should I put 2 Basic Fire and 2 Basic Earth? Or will either level just has fast, and if I put higher rarity armors in there will that make it level faster? Like last night I put Crius Armor+(lvl 41) because of the earth element, and 3 Dragonflame Armor+ and my Infernal Lord went form lvl 18 to lvl 19.5. I was a little disappointed I was hoping for more a level jump. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Take a look around the threads here. One important one is the Data Sheet Administration. There are threads dedicated to leveling armors. I'll try to give a brief run-down:
Every armor is assigned a certain number of "enhancement points". It has one value for non-matching elements and a slight bonus if the elements match. Generally, the higher the level of the armor, the higher the enhancement points it will give. The required number of total EP required to level an armor depends on it's max level, e.g. 1/30 or 1/70.
Basics provide very little EP per armor. Uncommons (Stonescale, Dragonflame, etc) provide a little more, etc.
Every level of the armor above level 1 provides another point of EP. For instance, Stonescale armor provides 10 EP. A level 11 Stonescale provides 20 EP (level 11 - 1 = 10 extra EP). You can get uncommons to level 11 by fusing (enhance) 8 basics into it before using it as the fuel for an ehancement.
Snakeskin is popular because it is relatively easy to farm, matches two elements, and has a lower cost than most 1 star armors to craft. Snakeskin provides 20 EP for non-matching armors and 24 for matching armors.
Basics and uncommons are not very good fuel for enhancements. Raising uncommons to level 11 before using them makes them as effective as snakeskins if the uncommon is matching and the snakeskin is not. However, those uncommons will cost more gold to use because you do have to raise them to level 11 first.
For level 70 and 99 armors, there comes a point when you will probably want to fuse lower level armors to make 50 EP armors to use as enhancement materials. There is a thread here that discusses what you can fuse to get guaranteed 50 EP armors. These are obviously costly to craft for leveling the armors. However, the cost of enhancement goes up with the level of the armor. For instance, the enhancement cost when the armor is 1/70 will be 150 gold per piece added. At 50/70, that cost will be MUCH higher. Therefore, using 50 EP armors becomes effective because you will be paying the enhancement cost fewer times.
Armor data (including the EP each armor gives). This is also VERY useful for knowing which armors are worth leveling. Consider the costs to level the armor against the total stats it will have at max level. To see why this is useful, compare the "big 4" (1/50) stats vs most 3 stars (1/70). The big 4 will be MUCH easier to level and their stats are as good as or better at max. Be sure to check out the different tabs as well. lE#gid=0
Good armor leveling data here too:
08-28-2013, 03:33 PM
Take a look around the threads here. One important one is the Data Sheet Administration. There are threads dedicated to leveling armors. I'll try to give a brief run-down:
Every armor is assigned a certain number of "enhancement points". It has one value for non-matching elements and a slight bonus if the elements match. Generally, the higher the level of the armor, the higher the enhancement points it will give. The required number of total EP required to level an armor depends on it's max level, e.g. 1/30 or 1/70.
Basics provide very little EP per armor. Uncommons (Stonescale, Dragonflame, etc) provide a little more, etc.
Every level of the armor above level 1 provides another point of EP. For instance, Stonescale armor provides 10 EP. A level 11 Stonescale provides 20 EP (level 11 - 1 = 10 extra EP). You can get uncommons to level 11 by fusing (enhance) 8 basics into it before using it as the fuel for an ehancement.
Snakeskin is popular because it is relatively easy to farm, matches two elements, and has a lower cost than most 1 star armors to craft. Snakeskin provides 20 EP for non-matching armors and 24 for matching armors.
Basics and uncommons are not very good fuel for enhancements. Raising uncommons to level 11 before using them makes them as effective as snakeskins if the uncommon is matching and the snakeskin is not. However, those uncommons will cost more gold to use because you do have to raise them to level 11 first.
For level 70 and 99 armors, there comes a point when you will probably want to fuse lower level armors to make 50 EP armors to use as enhancement materials. There is a thread here that discusses what you can fuse to get guaranteed 50 EP armors. These are obviously costly to craft for leveling the armors. However, the cost of enhancement goes up with the level of the armor. For instance, the enhancement cost when the armor is 1/70 will be 150 gold per piece added. At 50/70, that cost will be MUCH higher. Therefore, using 50 EP armors becomes effective because you will be paying the enhancement cost fewer times.
That was incredibly helpful. I really appreciate the advice. Thanks again.
08-28-2013, 05:14 PM
Does black kolidoscope armor get a 100% boost against any dual element and 50% boost against single element armor? Thanks in advance to whoever know the answer and explains it!
08-28-2013, 07:50 PM
Hey all,
This is where I am: I'm level 86, have my big 4+ maxed.
I've crafted the non plus versions of the last 3 epic boss' armor.
I'm not sure what I should do next. I would like to avoid doing the major 4 if possible.
I have a ton of armor and a handfull of fusion boosts laying around because I'm not sure what I should put the EP towards. I don't want to dump a bunch of resources into something I will regret later.
Is it worth levling non plus epic boss armor? Can leveling non plus epic boss armor unlock the plus version? If so, would I have to use the summoning stone to get the mats for bsosses that have came and went? Or is there another alternative?
Should I be fusing armor? If so, what kind should I be fusing? Do people farm armors to fuse them? Should I try and fuse some of non plus epic boss armor I have together?
sorry for the wall if text but I have allot of questions. Any answers or advice is appreciated. Thanks much!
08-28-2013, 07:53 PM
Sorry for going off-topic, but I know this section is fairly active, so maybe someone will know whats up.
I am unable to post a new thread at all. I get the same error message as if the account had not been activated after registering, however I have activated it. I can post reply's to threads like this, but not create my own thread. I've read the FAQ and tried searching for restrictions, but was unable to find any information pertaining to my issue. Anyone know what causing this issue?
On- Topic
Definitely removing some friends from my list, and keeping it under 50% of the total, the interface "lag" or "freezes" have become very minimal.
Thank you for the tip!
08-28-2013, 08:05 PM
Posted this in the fusion armor results thread but thought it might be better suited to ask here, Is it possible to fuse the Bigger 4? I'm finding that farming the mats even for the non-plus version is tedious, so if I have a shot at fusing to get a base version that I could upgrade and then go straight to crafting the + it would save me quite a bit of time.
If it is possible, would Basic Armors work? Or would I need to use something else?
08-28-2013, 08:13 PM
Posted this in the fusion armor results thread but thought it might be better suited to ask here, Is it possible to fuse the Bigger 4? I'm finding that farming the mats even for the non-plus version is tedious, so if I have a shot at fusing to get a base version that I could upgrade and then go straight to crafting the + it would save me quite a bit of time.
If it is possible, would Basic Armors work? Or would I need to use something else?
Yes they r fusable with the exception of dark prince armor. Fusing yields erratic results so go ahead knowing that u most probably will not get what u r looking for. Fusing basics to get ultra rare armors is highly unlikely. Fusing 1 or 2 stars armors will give better results but be prepared to use up ur fusion stones and getting plenty of heartaches.
08-28-2013, 08:35 PM
I am unable to post a new thread at all. I get the same error message as if the account had not been activated after registering, however I have activated it. I can post reply's to threads like this, but not create my own thread. I've read the FAQ and tried searching for restrictions, but was unable to find any information pertaining to my issue. Anyone know what causing this issue?
You need a certain number of posts before you can create a thread. I was able to create a thread by post 15, so restriction might be 10 or so.
08-28-2013, 08:44 PM
Thank you, that's what I was looking for.
Im not a huge poster, but I'd like to post my guild recruitment thread on the recruitment page :D
08-28-2013, 09:06 PM
With the latest update when I try to hit the Contact Us button it says account doesn't exist. Anyone know how I can fix that. Thanks
08-28-2013, 09:16 PM
Level 100.. 1000 gold.. I felt like i just got slapped in the face.. or Maybe punched in the teeth.
I was expecting something else.. What gives!@#!
08-28-2013, 09:33 PM
Does black kolidoscope armor get a 100% boost against any dual element and 50% boost against single element armor? Thanks in advance to whoever know the answer and explains it!
I know each weak element gives the opponent 50% damage bonus... I'd like to know the answer to the above question to better prep for sentinals that are strong enough to need to adjust armors / armor order to beat.
08-28-2013, 10:52 PM
Does black kolidoscope armor get a 100% boost against any dual element and 50% boost against single element armor? Thanks in advance to whoever know the answer and explains it!
I know each weak element gives the opponent 50% damage bonus... I'd like to know the answer to the above question to better prep for sentinals that are strong enough to need to adjust armors / armor order to beat.
You get a 50% damage bonus against all armors.
08-28-2013, 11:09 PM
Is hacking real or fake?
My friend claimed he "used" hacks to get 100000 gold :/
I always thought it was impossible to hack
08-29-2013, 12:05 AM
Was hoping that someone could help me, I about to upgrade my Nexus 4 to the Note 3. My one problem is I can't lose my K&D game. Normally I can backup my phone and then can transfer to a similar phone, but will the backup be compatible if i'm changing type of phone?
08-29-2013, 12:49 AM
Was hoping that someone could help me, I about to upgrade my Nexus 4 to the Note 3. My one problem is I can't lose my K&D game. Normally I can backup my phone and then can transfer to a similar phone, but will the backup be compatible if i'm changing type of phone?
Not unless that also changes the device ID of the new phone to that of the old phone.
Better to create a new account on the new phone and then contact Gree to have your old account transfered to the new phone. (from what I've read they should ask you things like friend codes, main knight names and amount of gems of both accounts and they seem rather backlogged right now, so you should probably expect to miss a boss armor before they succeed in the switch... :( )
08-29-2013, 12:56 AM
Is hacking real or fake?
My friend claimed he "used" hacks to get 100000 gold :/
I always thought it was impossible to hack
Probably no longer the case. I haven't seen any complaints of arena/epic boss cheaters lately.
In the past, it seems the server did hardly any checking on the data the clients sent it. If the client would say "hey, I have 1 billion gold and 1 million gems", the server would say "OK, that's fine" without checking if that client could have legitimately gotten that amount of gold/gems; apparently even something like "OK, my armor has 10000/10000 stats" was accepted back then.
08-29-2013, 01:58 AM
When starts the next guildwar??
It makes so much fun !!!
08-29-2013, 07:39 AM
When starts the next guildwar??
It makes so much fun !!!
Probably not for awhile
Hey all,
This is where I am: I'm level 86, have my big 4+ maxed.
I've crafted the non plus versions of the last 3 epic boss' armor.
I'm not sure what I should do next. I would like to avoid doing the major 4 if possible.
I have a ton of armor and a handfull of fusion boosts laying around because I'm not sure what I should put the EP towards. I don't want to dump a bunch of resources into something I will regret later.
Is it worth levling non plus epic boss armor? Can leveling non plus epic boss armor unlock the plus version? If so, would I have to use the summoning stone to get the mats for bsosses that have came and went? Or is there another alternative?
Should I be fusing armor? If so, what kind should I be fusing? Do people farm armors to fuse them? Should I try and fuse some of non plus epic boss armor I have together?
sorry for the wall if text but I have allot of questions. Any answers or advice is appreciated. Thanks much!
I'm not sure why you would want to skip the story armors, or at least the 3 good ones. Swamp Shaman+, Infernal Lord+ and Dark Prince+ will be useful for a long time. If nothing else, they are good to equip your elemental knights with when they match up well with an epic boss. Without throwing a LOT of RL money at the game for VERY low chance chests, there aren't many good ways to "skip" parts of this game.
Save the fusion boosts for finishing off level 70 or 99 + armors that you decide to level. At 180 EP each, those can save you TONS of gold when the enhancement costs start to get really high.
Boss non + armors are, generally speaking, not worth leveling. For instance, Aegis of the Fallen was the last one. At 1837 total stats for the non +, that is a decent armor. However, this is a Fire/Spirit which is the same as Living Flame+ from the big 4. Living Flame+ has 1514 total stats. Aegis of the Fallen then is a 20% increase, but the cost is high. It would take more than 3 1/2 times as much to level Aegis of the Fallen as it would for Living Flame. Therefore, it would probably be better to just level a second set of the big 4 at basically the same cost so that you could have multiple knights in AA+ or whatever lines up best with the current boss. In the end, this is a personal decision, but that is the general opinion. Swamp Shaman at 1936 total stats is the weakest of the "bigger 3". The others each have a little over 2000 to put this non + into perspective a little too. Roc+ is a part of the bigger 4 but is often skipped because it is relatively weaker at 1881 total stats...which is actually more than Aegis of the Fallen non+.
As to unlocking the plus of a boss armor, yes, it works like other craftable armors. You have to level it to the half-way point to unlock the plus. The non-plus would have to be leveled to 35 before you craft it a second time to obtain the + version. As to gathering mats for a second armor, it is by far best to just be able to beat the epic boss 43 times to obtain the required materials. The summoning stone will bring up a level 1 push-over of the boss but it also only gives 2 materials. This is a very expensive way to try to obtain mats. I have had chests randomly give me mats for some of the older armors, but of course, those are very unreliable.
Fusing for usable armors is just gambling. Any time you feel like you have 25,000 gold and fusion stones to waste, it's always an option. Having said that, make sure you are aware of the popular methods of leveling 70 and 99 armors. The enhancement costs can get really high as you approach the max level. Due to this, many players choose to fuse basics into 50 EP armors after ~ level 55-65 of the armor. Those can save you a lot of gold by reducing the number of times you have to enhance at that cost. At 4 fusion stones per enhancement, you might be surprised at how many you need to try to stockpile to top off those armors.
08-29-2013, 10:07 AM
Does the star element armor does 500% damage to another star element armor?
08-29-2013, 10:29 AM
Does the star element armor does 500% damage to another star element armor?
No. It does 50% more, just like against any other armor.
08-29-2013, 11:14 AM
I am not sure how my progression is going so far.
-I`m currently lvl 28.
-I`m currently stuck on Writhing Cascades (epic). Very close to beating it.. within a few hits.
-I have fused and created 1 full set of the "Big 4". I've Leveled 2 of the "Big 4".. to level 15 (unlocking the + version). and I`m working on leveling the other 2 to level 15 as well to also unlock the + versions.
-With Corvus, this is my 3rd epic boss I`ve tried since starting the game. So far I have not been able, on any of the epic bosses so far, to get beyond 9 wins. ie: I get 1 win shy of 10 wins (4 tiers).
-In the Arena, this is the 2nd tournament I`ve been in I think. I am ranking at around 50,000 each time, which puts me in Ribbon 8 rewards.
-For my Castle, I currently have: 2x level 3 Armorsmiths, 9x Level 2 Training Fields, 1x Lvl 2 Monster`s Nest. There are 4 expansions left to unlock, my next one being 1,000,000 in cost.
Any suggestions, given where I am at, on what I should be focusing on at this point? What I should be doing to improve at this point? Am I doing anything wrong , that you can see?
I am also not quite sure how to obtain the mats to craft the + versions of the Big 4.. I`ve gotten a few mats so far, and I think they were from rewards received in the Arena tournaments and or Epic boss rewards. Is that the only way to obtain the mats to craft the + versions of the big 4?
Just hoping I`m at around the right level I should be, given what I`ve achieved so far.
Thanks, Zanatar.
08-29-2013, 11:36 AM
Seems you're headed in the right direction! 9x Lvl 2 Training Fields is impressive for lvl 28! Keep that up. If you find yourself not playing very much, going for the 1million expansion is good.
However, if you are playing quite a bit, then focus on the Big 4. You asked how you get the materials.. You can find that information here: lE#gid=8
Please familiarize yourself with this if you plan on playing this game seriously! It's is one of the best resources made by the fantastic people on these forums! Note, there are tabs at the bottom that you should explore!
If you really wanted to, you could focus on leveling up, but that kind of just comes natural as you unlock more areas on your map. Leveling up has a lot of advantages so keep that mind. Remember to use your friends in not only Epic Boss battles, but even some of your adventure battles! It's about using them wisely!
I am not sure how my progression is going so far.
-I`m currently lvl 28.
Thanks, Zanatar.
08-29-2013, 11:37 AM
- quite impressive castle for level 28, though the gems would probably have been better spent on TF3 instead of smith3.
- expansions unlock 4 squares at a time, so you only need to unlock 1 million and 2 million.
- boss: you can use 10 friends a day, so if you trigger the boss when you have 9 1/2 - 10 epic energy, send in follower + commander + 2 friends with the right armor and 1 1/2 hour later (epic energy back at 6) send in commander + 2 friends with the right armor level 10 rewards should probably be yours. (even though friends stats will be capped by your own stats, they're still stronger than your followers and most of the time also you commander)
- special attack kiling the boss of Writhing Cascades will give you the Typhoon Gems to craft your AA+ (or sometimes you have bad luck and get the lower single element materials). Just do Writhing Cascades normal until you've farmed enough materials.
08-29-2013, 11:53 AM
That`s for your reply to my question on my progress.
I have used the link you`ve provided .. ie: Armor`s Data.. ie: lE#gid=8
But I`ve also seen reference to Knights & Dragons Data sheet.. ie: lE#gid=0
They seem to be competing documents? or do they compliment each other? Or is one no longer used and outdated vs the other?
08-29-2013, 12:20 PM
That`s for your reply to my question on my progress.
I have used the link you`ve provided .. ie: Armor`s Data.. ie: lE#gid=8
But I`ve also seen reference to Knights & Dragons Data sheet.. ie:
<deleted to avoid confusion>
They seem to be competing documents? or do they compliment each other? Or is one no longer used and outdated vs the other?
The first document is the most recent and most up to date version
08-29-2013, 12:30 PM
The first document is the most recent and most up to date version
The second one AFAIK is a "every anon can edit this file" one and has therefor been abandoned as useless.
08-29-2013, 12:36 PM
Hey guys
Just after some advise, I have a number of standard boss armors and was wondering if it's worth Keeping them to level up, using them for enhancement or fusing them together.
I have the following spare
Mantle of the Beast lvl 50
Armor of Eurus lvl 40
Leviathan's Platemail lvl 36
Armor of Phyrus lvl 24
Slimebane Battlegear lvl 16
Assasins Shroud lvl 14
Aegis of the Fallen lvl 10
What do you guys reckon?
08-29-2013, 12:45 PM
Well last boss i was able to defeat till lv43, and i found my shard only reach till 99/100 which should be 101/100. I guess i didnt receive any shard in one of the boss. Any solution for this ?
Hey guys
Just after some advise, I have a number of standard boss armors and was wondering if it's worth Keeping them to level up, using them for enhancement or fusing them together.
I have the following spare
Mantle of the Beast lvl 50
Armor of Eurus lvl 40
Leviathan's Platemail lvl 36
Armor of Phyrus lvl 24
Slimebane Battlegear lvl 16
Assasins Shroud lvl 14
Aegis of the Fallen lvl 10
What do you guys reckon?
Are any of those the + version? If not, then I would not level them any more than you absolutely have to. You are investing a LOT into armors that are very replaceable.
Edit: These might be fusable into a better armor but any time you fuse, you are gambling.
08-29-2013, 12:50 PM
Well last boss i was able to defeat till lv43, and i found my shard only reach till 99/100 which should be 101/100. I guess i didnt receive any shard in one of the boss. Any solution for this ?
you probably forgot to pick up one of the shard the boss drops. it disappears after a few seconds of not picking it up. solution is to use 11 gems to summon the current boss on the summoning stone
08-29-2013, 01:03 PM
Well last boss i was able to defeat till lv43, and i found my shard only reach till 99/100 which should be 101/100. I guess i didnt receive any shard in one of the boss. Any solution for this ?
You have to defeat level 43 to get the 101 shards. They will automatically pick up if you don't do it manually so you didn't miss one that way. Summoning Stone is the only other option for shards now. You could have used 11 gems to summon it while that boss was active but now that a new boss is available it would be 30. Probably not worth it unless you get free gems or are a huge spender. You can wait and hope there is another Summoning Stone special where it costs 5 gems to summon.
08-29-2013, 01:07 PM
you probably forgot to pick up one of the shard the boss drops. it disappears after a few seconds of not picking it up. solution is to use 11 gems to summon the current boss on the summoning stone
Just like other drops, those should be added to your inventory once they dissapear. I wonder if it was a glitch. I will have to check my own inventory later as I defeated lvl 43 but have not craft the armor.
One more thing, outside the boss week, the summon costs 30 gems
08-29-2013, 01:22 PM
you probably forgot to pick up one of the shard the boss drops. it disappears after a few seconds of not picking it up. solution is to use 11 gems to summon the current boss on the summoning stone
well it automatically put inside your bags if you didnt pick up, well thanks for the answer guys, guess i have the only option to fight it at the summoning stone. I know i should have go higher, better more than none T.T btw, im on android and updated, so stay alert on this bug T.T
08-29-2013, 01:35 PM
well it automatically put inside your bags if you didnt pick up, well thanks for the answer guys, guess i have the only option to fight it at the summoning stone. I know i should have go higher, better more than none T.T btw, im on android and updated, so stay alert on this bug T.T good to know that. i always panic and spill my water all over when i see the stuff disappearing.
08-29-2013, 06:20 PM
Guys, what do you think about that?
08-29-2013, 11:40 PM
What is the email support adress for gree?
08-30-2013, 02:31 AM
I got feather blade armour from boss and leviathan. Not plus version. Should I keep them, fuse them or use them for enhancing?
08-30-2013, 02:51 AM
What is the email support adress for gree?
Don't know if there's really one. "I think when people talk about "e-mail support" as opposed to "in-game support/contact" they're referring to:
edit: or maybe the listed in the Google Play Store?
08-30-2013, 10:49 AM
anyone else having problems where you can't add friends without the game freezing?
08-30-2013, 11:10 AM
Training Fields or monster nests? how many Armour smiths should i put?
08-30-2013, 11:21 AM
Training Fields or monster nests? how many Armour smiths should i put?
Training Fields of the highest level you can, and 2-3 Armorsmiths. Depends if you need more money than armors.
08-30-2013, 11:22 AM
I got feather blade armour from boss and leviathan. Not plus version. Should I keep them, fuse them or use them for enhancing?
i believe fusing non+ epic boss armor is better then enhancing them.
08-30-2013, 11:24 AM
Training Fields of the highest level you can, and 2-3 Armorsmiths. Depends if you need more money than armors.
Niceee thanks for the quick reply :)
anyone else having problems where you can't add friends without the game freezing?
At least for Android devices, this is a known issue. If you keep your friends list to 30 or so, the lag is not bad.
Training Fields or monster nests? how many Armour smiths should i put?
The choice between them now is a personal choice. If you can guarantee that you collect often enough they are never idle except for 3 hours during sleep, dragon nests make more gold now. Otherwise, training fields are better. The dragon nests number was based on collecting immediately before sleep and sleeping 7 hours. Therefore, the first four hours of sleep they are building and only 3 idle hours a day.
As to armor smiths, that all depends on you as well. For a leveling character, you are probably going to be best served by only having two armorsmiths. This creates a bottle-neck on how fast you spend your gold because your income is restricted by needing castle expansions and buildings and building upgrades. It just seems to balance out well on the income/costs. From what I've read, many end-gamers are using three armorshmiths. Some I've read do prefer four. My plan is to add the third armorsmith into my last expansion slot of the last expansion. If I manage to gather gold faster than I spend it at that point, I'll switch a tf for another armory. However, I see a fourth armory as unlikely. At that point in the game, I should be working on epic boss armors. To do that, I'll need 200k for the normal. Gold for enhancement fodder to get it to 35. Then another 200k for the +. Then gold to level that on top of the eb armor the next week.
08-30-2013, 01:22 PM
At least for Android devices, this is a known issue. If you keep your friends list to 30 or so, the lag is not bad.
Well that sucks cause I'm on IOS. It's been fine up until this boss so... :\
08-30-2013, 02:19 PM
anyone else having problems where you can't add friends without the game freezing?
I play on android on a Nexus 4 and have my friend list full and have no lag so far fighting them or adding them to epic boss fight
08-30-2013, 02:47 PM
Well that sucks cause I'm on IOS. It's been fine up until this boss so... :\
Current iOS guild war probably messing things up for you.
From what I've read, many end-gamers are using three armorshmiths. Some I've read do prefer four.
4 is a pre-guilds number. All gold that could at first be used by a 4th smith is now funneled into the guild. ;)
08-30-2013, 05:16 PM
Is Moontide Plate still fusable from let's say Assassin's Shroud and Leviatha/Aegis of Falleb and Leviathan? Just masking sure before I do one.
Also check me out on YouTube: KnD Channel :)
08-30-2013, 05:20 PM
Is Moontide Plate still fusable from let's say Assassin's Shroud and Leviatha/Aegis of Falleb and Leviathan? Just masking sure before I do one.
Also check me out on YouTube: KnD Channel :)
Yes, be prepared to get something worse though.
08-30-2013, 08:37 PM
Does attack and defence really make a difference? Or just the total stats? You think low att and high def would cancel it self out against high att and low def?
Also, I'm stuck deciding what to do. I got a lvl 49 AoF+. My Levi+ is ready to be crafted and I'm crafting my feather reg now. Cant keep up with it all. What should i prioritize?
08-30-2013, 08:40 PM
I have a complaint today in guild wars my guild placed 15th almost everyone revived awards but I have not received them yet idk if this is a bug or something but can someone tell if its also happening to you?
08-30-2013, 09:38 PM
what happens when u fuse 2 nemesis armors???
do u get legendary/epic/3stars???
08-30-2013, 11:09 PM
I wouldn't say it's absolutely impossible, but HIGHLY unlikely you'll get something really good. Like.. 99% chance you won't get a Legendary or Epic.
what happens when u fuse 2 nemesis armors???
do u get legendary/epic/3stars???
08-31-2013, 03:49 AM
Does attack and defence really make a difference? Or just the total stats? You think low att and high def would cancel it self out against high att and low def?
high attack might get you to just kill the enemy before he can strike back, high defense might allow you to tank one more hit so you build up the special attack bar to full for a special attack.
It's just a matter of math: "the enemy has X attack and Y defense, how many hits can I take in that case with different attack/defense options and how much damage can I dish out before I die" (you want to maximize damage before death of course ;) ) .
- at boss level 60 you want to go all out offense because he one-shots (nearly) all your armors.
- at a 3/4 or 2/5 formation boss run, you want to put your first follower in the 2nd run in the most tanky armor, since he's mostly there to soak the crits the boss will start with on the 2nd run instead of being there as a damage source.
See also:!
08-31-2013, 07:07 AM
Hello, How much would it take to max an epic armor? i have one atm. Donno if to lvl it or to max other stuff first
08-31-2013, 07:24 AM
Hello, How much would it take to max an epic armor? i have one atm. Donno if to lvl it or to max other stuff first
Roughly 5 million+ gold. It's not exactly something you should go for if you don't have a couple of maxed 70+ armors yet.
08-31-2013, 07:47 AM
I unfortunately found this forum about 70 levels too late, so I'm scrambling to build properly as I go on. My question is if there is a list of reliable 50 ep fusion armors similar to the exorcist vesments for wind/spirit? I tried using the sheet on my phone but fusable (yes) and 2star yielded no results. Thanks in advance.
08-31-2013, 07:50 AM
I unfortunately found this forum about 70 levels too late, so I'm scrambling to build properly as I go on. My question is if there is a list of reliable 50 ep fusion armors similar to the exorcist vesments for wind/spirit? I tried using the sheet on my phone but fusable (yes) and 2star yielded no results. Thanks in advance.
08-31-2013, 08:08 AM
high attack might get you to just kill the enemy before he can strike back, high defense might allow you to tank one more hit so you build up the special attack bar to full for a special attack.
It's just a matter of math: "the enemy has X attack and Y defense, how many hits can I take in that case with different attack/defense options and how much damage can I dish out before I die" (you want to maximize damage before death of course ;) ) .
- at boss level 60 you want to go all out offense because he one-shots (nearly) all your armors.
- at a 3/4 or 2/5 formation boss run, you want to put your first follower in the 2nd run in the most tanky armor, since he's mostly there to soak the crits the boss will start with on the 2nd run instead of being there as a damage source.
See also:!
Thanks! Keep that in mind.
Any suggestions on where to go from here. As in my other post I got a 49 AoF+. Ready to craft my Levi+ and crafting my feather now(1 day to go). Should I continue maxing my first? Or abandon it and start working on a stronger one?
08-31-2013, 08:12 AM
Many Thanks... How much you had to lvl a lvl 70 armor before being able to get the + version?
Also which armor lvl70 to go for? quest drops version or epic bosses crafted ones??
08-31-2013, 08:26 AM
also just wondering if jumping to a new guild, will it reset the contribution reward for the fusion boosters
08-31-2013, 09:03 AM
Hi all,
sorry for this but I am trying to level up my level 70 to create the plus and was looking at the spreadsheet to see what will create 50 ep.
Am i right in saying that I crafte 2 basic elements eg basic spirit and basic water, fuse them together to create a wavecharmer and then use these, when fused 4, to enhance my level 70 by 200EP?
and all this without levelling them up?
08-31-2013, 09:14 AM
Hi all,
sorry for this but I am trying to level up my level 70 to create the plus and was looking at the spreadsheet to see what will create 50 ep.
Am i right in saying that I crafte 2 basic elements eg basic spirit and basic water, fuse them together to create a wavecharmer and then use these, when fused 4, to enhance my level 70 by 200EP?
and all this without levelling them up?
I also a noob but usually fuse wing + mystic to get a 50/40 exp armor
08-31-2013, 09:14 AM
Hi all,
sorry for this but I am trying to level up my level 70 to create the plus and was looking at the spreadsheet to see what will create 50 ep.
Am i right in saying that I crafte 2 basic elements eg basic spirit and basic water, fuse them together to create a wavecharmer and then use these, when fused 4, to enhance my level 70 by 200EP?
and all this without levelling them up?
Yes you are correct if your lvl 70 armor has water or spirit
08-31-2013, 09:17 AM
I appreciate the quick response, but to double check, are these mono common fusions? And like exocists vestments are they reliable when fused in specific slots (left being slot 1)
So list would look more like
(Slot 1/Slot 2)
Dragonflame/Wind Warrior
Wind Warrior/Mystic
Please correct any mistakes.
08-31-2013, 09:17 AM
also just wondering if jumping to a new guild, will it reset the contribution reward for the fusion boosters
nope. it will stay the way it is
08-31-2013, 09:24 AM
I appreciate the quick response, but to double check, are these mono common fusions? And like exocists vestments are they reliable when fused in specific slots (left being slot 1)
So list would look more like
(Slot 1/Slot 2)
Dragonflame/Wind Warrior
Wind Warrior/Mystic
Please correct any mistakes.
What I've listed are the reliable fusions used to get 50EP armors. You could just use basic armors instead of the mono armors like dragonscale and stoneplate so as to save time and materials. The order of the fusion doesn't matter.
08-31-2013, 10:26 AM
Most of the previous page's questions are answered on sheet 3 of the spreadsheet (Armor Leveling). lE#gid=3
08-31-2013, 10:41 AM
first, how do you get + versions of uncraftable armors? They are in the spreadsheet so they must exist?
Also, are the castle building quests worth the effort if I've already got training grounds everywhere? On one that wants me to build 3taverns+cathedrals and even after next expansion I would have to sell off a lv2 training ground (or wait for last expansion, which seems even more wasteful)
Third, why do some people stay at low level for so long? It always seems odd for me when I beat someone with a maxed armor of the same type I have at low lv
08-31-2013, 10:56 AM
Zrednic;first, how do you get + versions of uncraftable armors? They are in the spreadsheet so they must exist?
for uncraftable armors, the + versions are able to get them thru Chests that are bought by gold only. And fusing dont give you a + version chance at all too.
Also, are the castle building quests worth the effort if I've already got training grounds everywhere? On one that wants me to build 3taverns+cathedrals and even after next expansion I would have to sell off a lv2 training ground (or wait for last expansion, which seems even more wasteful)
You should always make it the earliest time to open your expansion fully. Building quests give you gold,exp, gems.... Depends on whether you want to clear all quest log as a personal experience or anot, or else you can skip them, doesn't affect your gameplay or armors in anyway.
08-31-2013, 12:17 PM
I started a guild, thus am guild master. However, I have a higher level and higher armor than my guild members. So, I figure for the battles I should be the Sentinel as better protection. I trust the current Sentinel and would be comfortable swapping places with him. I have not named a guild champion so that spot is empty as far as a replacement.
Is it as simple as 1) I quit the guild, 2) the current guild sentinel is automatically made guild master, 3) I ask to join the guild, 4) new guild master (old sentinel) accepts me and names me sentinel?
Would appreciate help here as I'm willing to step down if it helps my guild be more successful.
08-31-2013, 12:24 PM
I started a guild, thus am guild master. However, I have a higher level and higher armor than my guild members. So, I figure for the battles I should be the Sentinel as better protection. I trust the current Sentinel and would be comfortable swapping places with him. I have not named a guild champion so that spot is empty as far as a replacement.
Is it as simple as 1) I quit the guild, 2) the current guild sentinel is automatically made guild master, 3) I ask to join the guild, 4) new guild master (old sentinel) accepts me and names me sentinel?
Would appreciate help here as I'm willing to step down if it helps my guild be more successful.
hi, you can leave guild n he will be the next GM. Or you can promote him to guild master, and he have to accept it in his guild menu the mailbox, it will ask whether he wants to accept the post of GM.
08-31-2013, 12:46 PM
Zrednic;first, how do you get + versions of uncraftable armors? They are in the spreadsheet so they must exist?
for uncraftable armors, the + versions are able to get them thru Chests that are bought by gold only. And fusing dont give you a + version chance at all too.
Also, are the castle building quests worth the effort if I've already got training grounds everywhere? On one that wants me to build 3taverns+cathedrals and even after next expansion I would have to sell off a lv2 training ground (or wait for last expansion, which seems even more wasteful)
You should always make it the earliest time to open your expansion fully. Building quests give you gold,exp, gems.... Depends on whether you want to clear all quest log as a personal experience or anot, or else you can skip them, doesn't affect your gameplay or armors in anyway.
final 2 building quests:
Armorsmith Architecture build 3 Taverns, 3 Cathedrals, 2 Training Fields 5000G, 1800XP
Monster Madness build 2 Monster Nests, upgrade a Monster Nest to level 2, collect 20000 gold from Monster Nests 5000G, 2050XP, 1 gem
You'll be spending a lot of gold for that gem and some XP, so unless you want to clear all your quests or can really use it for a guild "quests" quest, it's probably not worth it.
I did it on my main, since I was logging quests for the wiki, but on my alt I just dropped that quest chain at the build a monster nest quest.
how long does it take you to get this far?
Maid Marian
08-31-2013, 04:42 PM
Hello all
I have been lurking about for a few weeks absorbing information and learning more about the game. Thanks to those who have already contributed to my knowledge.
I am at Level 67 have all the expansions for my city opened up (that was hard work) and am working on getting my Big 4 up to L50 and working on the Bigger 4.
I have been doing the quests including the building quests because it would bug me to leave them undone - I will admit to being a bit fussy like that. However, now that I have passed the upgrade two dragon's nests quest I am hoping I have done them all and maybe can start selling off conservatories, taverns, cathedrals etc with a view to replace them with training fields? Are there any additional building quests that will come up later in the game to annoy me? The last thing my OCD self would like is to sell off all my taverns etc only to need to rebuild them again to get another quest off the list.
cheers and thanks in advance
Maid Marian
08-31-2013, 04:59 PM
final 2 building quests:
Armorsmith Architecture build 3 Taverns, 3 Cathedrals, 2 Training Fields 5000G, 1800XP
Monster Madness build 2 Monster Nests, upgrade a Monster Nest to level 2, collect 20000 gold from Monster Nests 5000G, 2050XP, 1 gem
You'll be spending a lot of gold for that gem and some XP, so unless you want to clear all your quests or can really use it for a guild "quests" quest, it's probably not worth it.
I did it on my main, since I was logging quests for the wiki, but on my alt I just dropped that quest chain at the build a monster nest quest.
Oh, I think the answer to my question was close by, I didn't read Marco's post carefully. It would appear that the upgrade the monster nests to Lvl 2 is the final quest so far and now that I have completed it then I can start to sell off and install training fields.
Am I missing anything? I tend to play twice a day so the extra capacity of the TF to generate gold is nice for my style of play.
08-31-2013, 05:39 PM
Oh, I think the answer to my question was close by, I didn't read Marco's post carefully. It would appear that the upgrade the monster nests to Lvl 2 is the final quest so far and now that I have completed it then I can start to sell off and install training fields.
Am I missing anything? I tend to play twice a day so the extra capacity of the TF to generate gold is nice for my style of play.
Well, I missed something: the 2 building tasks randomly thrown in a long quest chain...
Here's the 2 quests plus what leads up to it (tl;dr 1 tavern, 1 monster nest level 2. "build" == "have it in your castle, at the start of the quest also qualifies") :
Sqaull Tales 1-4 -> Gwen's Obsession 1-4 -> Artie's Career Change 1-4 -> Aunt Morgan 1-3 ->
Aunt Morgan 4 collect 7500 gold, build 1 Monster Nest, upgrade a Monster Nest to level 2, craft 1 Living Flame Armor 5000G, 1500XP, 1 gem
-> First Do No Harm 1-4 -> X Marks the Gravestone 1-3 ->
X Marks the Gravestone 4 X Marks the Gravestone 3 Marsh Memories 1 build 1 Tavern, collect 3000 gold from Taverns, clear Blazing Tides once on the Epic stage, clear Caballero Desert once on the Honor stage 5000G, 2000XP, 1 gem
08-31-2013, 06:00 PM
Anyone know why my knights stats have been going down? I know for a fact that my main was over 1200 attack and when last I logged in he's now down to 1150ish. I know I had 4 knights over 1000 attack and when I last logged in I only had 3 knights over 1000. I haven't changed any of their armors, they're all still wearing the exact same armor they were wearing.
08-31-2013, 06:07 PM
You either got demoted from your guild, or for a while its been they nerfed the guild bonuses
08-31-2013, 06:33 PM
Friend's guild bonuses don't work anymore and they nerfed guild % bonuses.
08-31-2013, 08:19 PM
Ah ok, that explains it. I was actually promoted in my guild, so it's got to be the nerf. Thanks!
09-01-2013, 05:24 AM
Hi there,
Iīm not sure if this question has been answered before (i searched the forum but havenīt found anything):
Killed enemies seem to drop more shards than the counter at the armorsmith shows. For example, I was recently farming at the Faerie Forest on epic level where all enemies together dropped at least 16 spirit shards (4 waves with 4 enemys that dropped between 0 and 2 shards). Then i realised that at the armorsmith I had only 7 shards available for crafting spirit-armors?! I tested this on other stages with different shard types and the result was the same every time.
Is the amount of collected shards calculated randomly for each stage? Shouldnīt it be the sum of all shards that killed enemies drop? I often use a power attack at the beginning of a wave, so every enemy drops a shard. This tactic would be completely useless if the shards are not collected.
It would be great if someone could explain this issue to me. Maybee Iīm not the only one that ecounters it. :)
Thanks a lot!
09-01-2013, 06:41 AM
iīm wondering if the friendlist is buggy. I had 50 friends and add 2 new and suddendly i had only 46 :)
Sorry if thats a questions allready asked.
09-01-2013, 06:47 AM
iīm wondering if the friendlist is buggy. I had 50 friends and add 2 new and suddendly i had only 46 :)
Sorry if thats a questions allready asked.
people might have removed you as their friend
09-01-2013, 07:07 AM
Hi there,
Iīm not sure if this question has been answered before (i searched the forum but havenīt found anything):
Killed enemies seem to drop more shards than the counter at the armorsmith shows. For example, I was recently farming at the Faerie Forest on epic level where all enemies together dropped at least 16 spirit shards (4 waves with 4 enemys that dropped between 0 and 2 shards). Then i realised that at the armorsmith I had only 7 shards available for crafting spirit-armors?! I tested this on other stages with different shard types and the result was the same every time.
No. You're confused by the visual representation of shard and XP drops.
If the first minion of screen drops 1 shard, you will see that same shard again at the next minion etc. until it really gets picked up at the end of the screen, so what you percieved as 16 shards was probably at most 4 or 5.
09-01-2013, 07:08 AM
yeah thats possible, but i was strange that they are less friends direct i added 2 new :) but i thought that this was a game problem :)
09-01-2013, 07:12 AM
yeah thats possible, but i was strange that they are less friends direct i added 2 new :) but i thought that this was a game problem :)
Adding the friends probably just caused a refresh from the server. The client talks to the server as little as possible, which can get things a bit out of sync...
09-01-2013, 07:24 AM
What does guild champion do
09-01-2013, 08:05 AM
Thankīs for the quick answer Marco_, that explains a lot. :D
09-01-2013, 11:55 AM
I cant combine the torchflame with anything else ( doesnt show up as an option )
I cant use it to upgrade any other armor ( doesnt show up as an option ).
Anyone else having this problem?
09-01-2013, 12:58 PM
I cant combine the torchflame with anything else ( doesnt show up as an option )
I cant use it to upgrade any other armor ( doesnt show up as an option ).
Anyone else having this problem?
AFAIK This can happen if any of your knight are wearing it for adventure, arena or epic boss (perhaps also Summoning Stone if you ever used that) . If that is the case, switch armors there and the Forchflame should become usable.
09-01-2013, 12:59 PM
I cant combine the torchflame with anything else ( doesnt show up as an option )
I cant use it to upgrade any other armor ( doesnt show up as an option ).
Anyone else having this problem?
It's probably equipped to one of your knights, you have to unequip it in order to be able to fuse with it. However I suggest you don't, fusing 2-3 Stars is just a waste of time and gold as you will almost never get anything worth it.
09-01-2013, 02:30 PM
That did it.
Weird normally it gives me a warning that someone is wearing it.
And no....Im just using it to upgrade.
Chetti Knight
09-01-2013, 04:09 PM
I'm sure it's been asked before but what building has the best money turnover?
09-01-2013, 04:51 PM
There is all the raw data here on this Spreadsheet. lE#gid=7
09-01-2013, 06:51 PM
I'm sure it's been asked before but what building has the best money turnover?
A lazyman will choose TFs!
09-02-2013, 02:44 AM
Friend list add damage?
Hi all, was wondering if you are 'used' By friends in epic battles do you get extra damage bonus?
09-02-2013, 03:22 AM
AFAIK, You won't gain extra damage for your own epic boss battles just because someone else used you as part of their epic boss party.
09-02-2013, 03:56 AM
AFAIK, You won't gain extra damage for your own epic boss battles just because someone else used you as part of their epic boss party.
I don't mean in my own epic battles but a small amount of damage as a 'fee' for using us in their epic battle.
09-02-2013, 05:44 AM
Hi all, just a question.
I got a dark prince royal armor + from a chest. If I level this to 35, will my blacksmith change to be the plus version?
09-02-2013, 05:56 AM
Hi all, just a question.
I got a dark prince royal armor + from a chest. If I level this to 35, will my blacksmith change to be the plus version?
I hoped that you're not joking.
Your blacksmith can only be upgraded twice, first is through gold and second is through gem. What it does is just reduce the amount of time needed to craft a certain piece of armor by %.
To get a + armor, you just need to level the non + version of the armor to half of its max level and you can craft the + armor through your blacksmith. This only applies to armors that can be crafted through blacksmith, to get the + version of Epic armors like moontide platemail, tectonic you will need to get it through chest.
09-02-2013, 06:15 AM
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I got the DP+ from chests. I have also all the evil gems to craft a DP (non +) as well. My question, if I were to level my DP+ to 35, will all my succeeding DP be the + version?
I hoped that you're not joking.
Your blacksmith can only be upgraded twice, first is through gold and second is through gem. What it does is just reduce the amount of time needed to craft a certain piece of armor by %.
To get a + armor, you just need to level the non + version of the armor to half of its max level and you can craft the + armor through your blacksmith. This only applies to armors that can be crafted through blacksmith, to get the + version of Epic armors like moontide platemail, tectonic you will need to get it through chest.
09-02-2013, 06:34 AM
Guild war reward problem threads all closed!!
Ok, what's the solution and what's going on? I still not received rewards and I am guessing a lot of other people are the same?
Would have been nice to tell us what's happening instead of just closing threads.
Ticket has been sent but still no correspondence from them...
09-02-2013, 07:19 AM
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I got the DP+ from chests. I have also all the evil gems to craft a DP (non +) as well. My question, if I were to level my DP+ to 35, will all my succeeding DP be the + version?
Not 100% sure, but it probably will once you level it to 20. (3-star = 20, 4-star = 35)
Not that it matters unless you were planning to wear 2x DP+ armors, since that's the only thing the "plus" matters for. (doesn't make a difference for fusing and enhancing)
09-02-2013, 07:48 AM
Can anyone explain the mechanics of how your opponent list is generated?
I notice that it will reshuffle occasionally, sometimes giving you people close to your rank, sometimes random ranks.
Obviously win ratios for random ranks are much higher. What I want to avoid is starting a double down streak, using my energy up, and coming back to a pool of players that I have no chance of beating.
The safe thing to do seems to be ending your double down when you run out of energy, but you miss out on a lot of possible points, since max double down is 8, and max energy is 5.
Is there a way to make a more educated guess as to whether your opponent list will be reshuffled next time you enter the arena?
09-02-2013, 07:53 AM
Well I've accumulated a few legendary armors from raid bosses. They are strong, but before I sink time and gold into leveling them, I was wondering if anyone has tried fusing two of them? (Possible epic armor outcome?) Please advise.
09-02-2013, 07:58 AM
Well I've accumulated a few legendary armors from raid bosses. They are strong, but before I sink time and gold into leveling them, I was wondering if anyone has tried fusing two of them? (Possible epic armor outcome?) Please advise.
Results can be found on the Fusion Results Thread
09-02-2013, 08:38 AM
Can anyone explain the mechanics of how your opponent list is generated?
I notice that it will reshuffle occasionally, sometimes giving you people close to your rank, sometimes random ranks.
Obviously win ratios for random ranks are much higher. What I want to avoid is starting a double down streak, using my energy up, and coming back to a pool of players that I have no chance of beating.
The safe thing to do seems to be ending your double down when you run out of energy, but you miss out on a lot of possible points, since max double down is 8, and max energy is 5.
Is there a way to make a more educated guess as to whether your opponent list will be reshuffled next time you enter the arena?
If you really wanna be safe. Look up the rank of the person you gonna fight on the,leaderboard. See what armor there main is wearing. If you have bbetter, you will have a good chance of winning and not losing out on double down.
09-02-2013, 08:43 AM
How would I send a support ticket to Gree? I fought the epic bossand it wasted my friends and not my energy, It ticks me off because I was going for 43.
09-02-2013, 08:53 AM
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I got the DP+ from chests. I have also all the evil gems to craft a DP (non +) as well. My question, if I were to level my DP+ to 35, will all my succeeding DP be the + version?
I'm not sure about that,sorry.
09-02-2013, 10:29 AM
Looking at my Android account's level and armors (see signature), how can I get my Big Four armors up the best?
Like, which of the Big Four I should max first, or if I shouldn't level one of them because it isn't worth it, or if I should level them at the same rate.
I'm currently at Caballero Desert (Valor) btw.
09-02-2013, 11:07 AM
How would I send a support ticket to Gree? I fought the epic bossand it wasted my friends and not my energy, It ticks me off because I was going for 43.
in game: menu -> options -> FAQ -> contact us
outside game:
09-02-2013, 11:22 AM
Looking at my Android account's level and armors (see signature), how can I get my Big Four armors up the best?
Like, which of the Big Four I should max first, or if I shouldn't level one of them because it isn't worth it, or if I should level them at the same rate.
I'm currently at Caballero Desert (Valor) btw.
Just look at the elements you're fighting against: Cabalero Desert is mostly fire and water, so against those you want water and air. Oh, hey, that AA+! A good idea to level that one.
Next location is Sunken Carrack which mostly uses water and spirit. Against those air and fire are strong, while fire and earth are weak. So there:
- Crius+ hits hard and gets hit hard
- AA+ hits hard get hits normal
- LF+ hits normal, gets hit hard
- HH+ hits hard, gets hit hard
And again AA+ wins out, so I'd max that bad boy first!
After that: Misty Marsh: water and earth. Try to figure the elements circle for that one out yourself... ;)
09-02-2013, 12:17 PM
What level should i stop using the monk's vestment? What should i replace it with? What level should i upgrade it to while using it? Thanks a bunch!
09-02-2013, 12:21 PM
Looking at my Android account's level and armors (see signature), how can I get my Big Four armors up the best?
Like, which of the Big Four I should max first, or if I shouldn't level one of them because it isn't worth it, or if I should level them at the same rate.
I'm currently at Caballero Desert (Valor) btw.
While I admire your dedication to two games/platforms, it's probably better to focus your energy on one or the other.
That being said, getting the Big Four upped can be pretty interesting. You can do HH+, Crius+, and AA+ with snakeskins since you're at a fairly low level. This method is the cheapest, but takes a bit longer.
Which one of the Big Four is 'best' is up for debate, actually. I suggest you do AA+ but others might disagree.
09-02-2013, 12:36 PM
Can anyone explain the mechanics of how your opponent list is generated?
I notice that it will reshuffle occasionally, sometimes giving you people close to your rank, sometimes random ranks.
Obviously win ratios for random ranks are much higher. What I want to avoid is starting a double down streak, using my energy up, and coming back to a pool of players that I have no chance of beating.
The safe thing to do seems to be ending your double down when you run out of energy, but you miss out on a lot of possible points, since max double down is 8, and max energy is 5.
Is there a way to make a more educated guess as to whether your opponent list will be reshuffled next time you enter the arena?
I also am interested in this question. I've found that I can pretty easily predict when the random low ranks will come up, but its much harder to know when it will return to the high ranks. I force myself to stop at 5 double down for that reason, but 5-8 is worth so much that if I could figure it out it would be worth a ton.
09-03-2013, 02:34 AM
What level should i stop using the monk's vestment? What should i replace it with? What level should i upgrade it to while using it? Thanks a bunch!
Follow this guide:
It will tell you all you need to know!
09-03-2013, 06:37 AM
After the 60th boss kill, will I be able to take further attempts, for damage leaderboard?
If yes, what will be the level of the boss on those additional attempts?
09-03-2013, 06:41 AM
I seem to be at a bit of an impass. I'm currently level 93. I have my big 4+ maxed, AotIL+ maxed, and Swamp Shaman+ maxed. However, I'm stuck on level 37 of the boss, and can't defeat the dark prince unless I use two friends. I'm guessing that the problem is that I have only 3 level 100 or greater friends, and only one friend with nemesis armor.
Is this the normal state for a player of my level? If so, what should I be doing to try and push the boss to 43 or to makefarming DP shards easier?
Also, if it matters, I'm on android and my guild currently has 4% bonuses to all elements, and I am in a high commander position (for whatever bonus that gives.)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
09-03-2013, 07:15 AM
I seem to be at a bit of an impass. I'm currently level 93. I have my big 4+ maxed, AotIL+ maxed, and Swamp Shaman+ maxed. However, I'm stuck on level 37 of the boss, and can't defeat the dark prince unless I use two friends. I'm guessing that the problem is that I have only 3 level 100 or greater friends, and only one friend with nemesis armor.
Is this the normal state for a player of my level? If so, what should I be doing to try and push the boss to 43 or to makefarming DP shards easier?
Also, if it matters, I'm on android and my guild currently has 4% bonuses to all elements, and I am in a high commander position (for whatever bonus that gives.)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
HC bonus is 5%. Your problem is your lack of friends at the moment. Try to beef that up by messaging a lot of people on the forums through private message. Don't say add my code (I, and others I know ignore that completely), find their code through their posts, tell them your IGN and to please add you when your friend request arrives. Most of them will. Good luck! Hope that helped!
Don Caliskan
09-03-2013, 10:45 AM
Hello, i need some answer if possible.
I'm currently level 50, i crafted the big four+ but not maxed yet.
My CA+ is maxed, my AA+ is 42, my LF+ is 26 and my HH+ is 19.
My main goal right now is maxing these. But what other things could i do?
I can't beat the boss 43. Should i just kill it 15 times and craft the amour so that i can fuse it later?
And what should i do after maxed the big four?
09-03-2013, 01:28 PM
Hello, i need some answer if possible.
I'm currently level 50, i crafted the big four+ but not maxed yet.
My CA+ is maxed, my AA+ is 42, my LF+ is 26 and my HH+ is 19.
My main goal right now is maxing these. But what other things could i do?
I can't beat the boss 43. Should i just kill it 15 times and craft the amour so that i can fuse it later?
And what should i do after maxed the big four?
Have you finished the story yet ? If not, then there are Dark Prince to defeat and quests to complete.
There are bigger 4 armors to unlock and craft like Swamp Shaman, Infernal Lord, and Dark Prince (Roc is optional). All require mats hunting / farming at the last 4 stages of the game.
The epic boss armors are good for fusing due to their high *. Getting to at least level 15 epic is advisable for the mats, but leveling non plus version of the armor is most likely not a good idea. Depending what your gold situation, they may be very expensive to craft. It is easier to keep 50 raw mats for crafting later because they do not take up precious armor slots.
09-03-2013, 02:54 PM
I would suggest you to max big4 and expand your friend list as much as possible. you will need lots of friends in order to beat lvl43 bosses.
After big4 ... if you are lucky to see an epic boss with adjacent elements then it's quite easy to kill with big4 as you can do 200% dmg if the combination is right ... My first boss+ armor is Aegis of Fallen because I have two HH+ which can do 200% dmg to it ...
otherwise you can choose to max one of the bigger4 ... i dont suggest to max more than one bigger4 as i treat it as a transition armor towards boss+ armor.
09-03-2013, 11:15 PM
If you were to fuse, lets say, a Featherblade and an Armor of the Infernal Lord. Could the possible outcome be a two star, like Flowstone Battlegear?
09-03-2013, 11:22 PM
If you were to fuse, lets say, a Featherblade and an Armor of the Infernal Lord. Could the possible outcome be a two star, like Flowstone Battlegear?
Yes, it could.
09-04-2013, 08:10 AM
If you were to fuse, lets say, a Featherblade and an Armor of the Infernal Lord. Could the possible outcome be a two star, like Flowstone Battlegear?
Yes whenever you fuse 3 Stars you open up an array of 2 Stars as possible results. Stick to fusing with two Legendaries for best results.
09-04-2013, 08:31 AM
If I was to fuse an armor that was a +. Would it give me more of an upgrade fuse, then what a NON + would give me?
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