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08-17-2013, 11:44 PM
One last question concerning Crius armor again.
When trying to fuse for it, as I had just explained.. using Wing Warrior and Stonescale.
Does it make any difference if I use Stonescale vs Stonescale + ie:
Slot 1: Wing Warrior , Slot 2: Stonescale
Slot 1: Wing Warrior , Slot 2: Stonescale +
does it make any difference? Am I more likely to get Flowstone over Crius (which I dont`want)..due to my using Stonescale+
I hope not, because I don`t think I can get regular stonescale anymore, now that I`ve unlocked Stonescale +.
Thanks, Zanatar.
08-17-2013, 11:49 PM
One last question concerning Crius armor again.
When trying to fuse for it, as I had just explained.. using Wing Warrior and Stonescale.
Does it make any difference if I use Stonescale vs Stonescale + ie:
Slot 1: Wing Warrior , Slot 2: Stonescale
Slot 1: Wing Warrior , Slot 2: Stonescale +
does it make any difference? Am I more likely to get Flowstone over Crius (which I dont`want)..due to my using Stonescale+
I hope not, because I don`t think I can get regular stonescale anymore, now that I`ve unlocked Stonescale +.
Thanks, Zanatar.
Nope, + doesn't make a difference at all. Why don't you just farm the mats for it? AA and crius materials are the first two after the mono maps so are pretty easy to farm.
08-18-2013, 12:10 AM
I've used the search feature and I feel like this would have come up a lot, though I can't find any answers. Are all the armors in the game (besides Nemesis) available via fusion? If so, can you fuse + versions of armor, maybe through using two + armors in the combine process?
08-18-2013, 12:13 AM
I've used the search feature and I feel like this would have come up a lot, though I can't find any answers. Are all the armors in the game (besides Nemesis) available via fusion? If so, can you fuse + versions of armor, maybe through using two + armors in the combine process?
You can't fuse most boss armors, except the really old useless ones that are only good to be used in fusion. You can't fuse armors like aegis and dark prince too. + versions of armors are also not available through fusion.
08-18-2013, 01:09 AM
I figured the epic boss armors wouldn't be fusable. But what's special about the Dark Prince armor that it can't be fused? It's just a regular collect-the-materials craftable, right? I'm new, so forgive my ignorance. So how do people get things like Aegis and the + version of it?
08-18-2013, 05:12 AM
For some reason i cant seem to contribute any amount to the guild. It confirms it is taking money but then nothing happens and my balance remains the same. Has this happened to anyone? Ive just uninstalled the game and reinstalled but no luck
08-18-2013, 05:18 AM
Usually don't notice any higher chance of better armour if the are leveled. Just starts the fused item at a higher lvl. Witch can be very useful to.
08-18-2013, 06:06 AM
What do you get if you fuse 2 boost armors together? Also, if you are attacking something where you are strong against both elements, does it do more damage than if you are just strong against one?
Well, I tried it.
I took an Air Fusion Boost Armor and an Earth Fusion Boost Armor.
I got a level 1 (2 star) Monstrous Garb, which I mean isn't that bad. LOL.
08-18-2013, 06:19 AM
Also, I'm playing as a 1 man Guild. I don't care how many losses I take. All I have to do is keep destroying the Sentinels and earning my 2 Armor Fusion Boost per Battle.
Spectacular. :)
08-18-2013, 06:24 AM
Are there any other benefits to leveling your fusion materials when combining other than getting a product that already has a few levels on it? Has anyone had increased success getting higher rarity armors this way?
Nope, resulting armor is average level of source armors. That's it.
Well, I tried it.
I took an Air Fusion Boost Armor and an Earth Fusion Boost Armor.
I got a level 1 (2 star) Monstrous Garb, which I mean isn't that bad. LOL.
From 2x 180 EP to 50 EP and a fusion star lost. That's pretty terrible. (at least I only went from 2x 90 to 50 when fusing 2x 3-star resulted in Monstrous)
08-18-2013, 06:26 AM
From 2x 180 EP to 50 EP and a fusion star lost. That's pretty terrible. (at least I only went from 2x 90 to 50 when fusing 2x 3-star resulted in Monstrous)
It was an experiment and trust me, I won't be doing it again anytime soon. ;)
08-18-2013, 06:33 AM
Also, I'm playing as a 1 man Guild. I don't care how many losses I take. All I have to do is keep destroying the Sentinels and earning my 2 Armor Fusion Boost per Battle.
Spectacular. :)
You earn fusion boost armor if your a GM and take out the sentinels?
08-18-2013, 06:37 AM
You earn fusion boost armor if your a GM and take out the sentinels?
Correction. All I have to do is take out the Guardian. Not the Sentinel. I can only hope that I keep running into Level 1,2,3. LOL.
But, yes. I get 2 Fusion Boost Armor per Battle.
08-18-2013, 06:40 AM
Is that a GM only thing or can any member get FB for taking out the Guardians?
08-18-2013, 06:42 AM
Not sure? You'll have to wait to see what other members' input is. The message I get is that I delivered the final blows/most damage to the Guardian or something along those lines.
Haha, I wonder if there's a lot of volunteers to take out the Guardians and now players/leaders will know why?
08-18-2013, 06:44 AM
Wow I need some fusion boosts, haha totally volunteering next time.
I really hope this isn't GM exclusive though.. Thanks for the help!
08-18-2013, 06:46 AM
Hi, new to this forum and I have several questions.
Arena: How do people get ranked? I am usually fighting people from the 600s to the 1000s range and some of them are really bad (a few great), but I would say 80% are not as good as me and they are ranked higher and show about the same amount of swords, so fought about the same # of battles. Does it even matter in your ranking if you won or lost?
People with worse armor having the same score/rank:
- possibly using up every drop of their arena energy all day (losses also give you points, so playing more == more points)
- could be that some of them buy extra arena energy (technically, you could probably win black medal with 1 knight wearing basic armor and only losses by spending thousands of dollars)
- doubledowns are only processed when collected (also for opponent selection), so they could have just now 8/8 doubledowned from 300+ points below your score.
Lower armors, what to do with them. I got 6 basic armors (from keys) and 16 or more stonescale and crimson armors from winning them. I am leveling up three 70s armors, so I really only want to use snakeskins from now on. Is there any use in enhancing the snakeskins to higher levels? I couldnt tell last time. I used all my basics to level up one of the 4 snakeskins and need to use up some of the stonescale (running out of storage space). I know you can fuse two basics, but I have no gold or else I would not be having the snakeskins in storage waiting on more gold.
What should I do with the lower level armors I cant use right now?
The only kind of economical "enhancing enhancement material" done with those is uncommon_lvl11 (1 uncommon with 8 commons enhanced onto it). Enhancing onto Snakeskin just costs way too much gold for the little extra levels/EP it provides. (4 commons gets an uncommon to level 6, but they get a Snakeskin only to level 3)
Commons and uncommons are cost effective for the first few levels of a level 70 armor though, so if they're not in your way, keeping them for your next level 70 armor is useful.
Search the forum for the data sheet administration topic; there's a spreadsheet with lots of useful armor data there.
Lag: I have a terrible lag problem. I had 128 friends. My guild told me to dump them down to 35 or 40 to get rid of the lag. I dumped about 40 friends (sorry) and not taking new friends. No help mostly. Still have a lag of over a minute for each snake battle, drives me crazy to have to wait for minutes between each battle. Do I have to dump more friends to get rid of this lag?? It makes the game very frustrating.
I've read a few reports of reducing number of friends to about 50 indeed cutting most of the lag.
I'm lucky to "only" have 2x 5 sec. lag at most at 128 friends...
Lastly, I might be blind but I dont see a User CP where I can put in a signature.
At the top of the forum, I have a "Notifications" link inbetween my forum name and "My Profile".
Clicking that Notifications link gets me to my PMs with a menu on the left that includes setting signature.
(yes, it's not logical that that option isn't found under "My Profile"... :mad: )
08-18-2013, 06:47 AM
Hi all, quite new to this and I have been levelling my big4 armors with the same element armors, using basic and common.
I am at level 54 character and level 23-35 level armor. I am still using these but when do I start to change and to what?
I am trying to do epic bosses but can craft the 1st boss armor but do not seem to be able to craft the second... I am doing something wrong here? As I have seen people on my level but with like upgraded assassin and the one now??...
Any advise or help appreciated.
08-18-2013, 06:49 AM
After the big 4 are the bigger 4.
Inernal Lord, Swamp Shaman, Roc, and Dark Price (all +'s would be better) from what I remember.
08-18-2013, 06:49 AM
Is the fusion boost armor given that is give to you when you harm it the most based off on the guild's elemental bonuses or is it just random? Will the guardians attribute affect the outcome of the fusion boost armor given to you?
08-18-2013, 06:50 AM
I am trying to do epic bosses but can craft the 1st boss armor but do not seem to be able to craft the second... I am doing something wrong here? As I have seen people on my level but with like upgraded assassin and the one now??...
You have to craft the first Epic Boss armor after level 15 Boss. Level it up to 35? And then keep defeating the Epic Boss until you reach level 43 Boss. Then you will have enough Material to craft a + version of the Armor.
Or, you can spend 30 Gems at a time at the Summoning Stone to get the necessary 50 materials or 30x 25 = 750 Gems and do the same thing.
08-18-2013, 06:53 AM
Is the fusion boost armor given that is give to you when you harm it the most based off on the guild's elemental bonuses or is it just random? Will the guardians attribute affect the outcome of the fusion boost armor given to you?
I've gotten Wind & Water.
I've gotten Stone & Fire.
I think it's random as I have only used 1 character (main) with Phyrus to defeat. And both Guardians were Crimson Dragon level 1.
08-18-2013, 07:05 AM
Hey guys,
I'm level 39 and I'm a really weak player. I'm on level 14 on the current Epic Boss and I have no high level friends with my highest being 41. Can any high level people add me so I can beat the boss and craft the armour!
Much Appreciated
08-18-2013, 07:19 AM
I've gotten Wind & Water.
I've gotten Stone & Fire.
I think it's random as I have only used 1 character (main) with Phyrus to defeat. And both Guardians were Crimson Dragon level 1.
I defeated mammoth rider and water elemental, getting two air from the first and air plus magic from the second. I think is a bit random, maybe the two air were lucky shots.
08-18-2013, 07:34 AM
You have to craft the first Epic Boss armor after level 15 Boss. Level it up to 35? And then keep defeating the Epic Boss until you reach level 43 Boss. Then you will have enough Material to craft a + version of the Armor.
Or, you can spend 30 Gems at a time at the Summoning Stone to get the necessary 50 materials or 30x 25 = 750 Gems and do the same thing.
While the boss is still active, it's 11 gems instead of 30, so things like level 42 + 11 gems at the Summoning Stone is also possible to get to 101 materials (2x 50 and 1 spare).
Do not start crafting your second armor until you've leveled your first one to level 35, or you'll just make another non-plus, even if you level that first one in the mean time. It's the start of crafting that determines which type you craft. ;)
Hi all, quite new to this and I have been levelling my big4 armors with the same element armors, using basic and common.
I am at level 54 character and level 23-35 level armor. I am still using these but when do I start to change and to what?
Bigger four as listed by someone else; materials found at Misty Marsh and further.
You don't "change", you "add". You'll probably still be using your big four in some way until you have 10+ maxed legenday/epic armors, even if it's just on the 3rd knight in your party when farming/fighting the epic boss.
08-18-2013, 07:44 AM
Hey guys,
I'm level 39 and I'm a really weak player. I'm on level 14 on the current Epic Boss and I have no high level friends with my highest being 41. Can any high level people add me so I can beat the boss and craft the armour!
Much Appreciated
Friend stats are kind of capped by your own level and armor on your commander, so adding higher level friends won't help very much.
If clearing it in 2 runs with 2x 2 friends doesn't work, you'll just need to level your kinghts and your armors a bit more and try again next boss.
(I've friended my level 103 main account on my level 16(?) alt and there he hits the about level 8 boss for I think less than 200 points, while on my main that same knight hits the level 33 boss for something like 1300 (can't remember the exact numbers, but its a more than 5 times difference) . )
edit: and no, you don't want to craft and level the non-plus boss armor, since its stats will be worse than the bigger four's (not even much better than the big four) .
Instead invest that 200K gold into unlocking castle expansions and building level 2 training fields. That will improve you instead of set you back (which is what the resource sink of crafting and leveling a non-plus boss armor without enough material for the plus armor would do) .
08-18-2013, 07:54 AM
While the boss is still active, it's 11 gems instead of 30, so things like level 42 + 11 gems at the Summoning Stone is also possible to get to 101 materials (2x 50 and 1 spare).
Do not start crafting your second armor until you've leveled your first one to level 35, or you'll just make another non-plus, even if you level that first one in the mean time. It's the start of crafting that determines which type you craft. ;)
Bigger four as listed by someone else; materials found at Misty Marsh and further.
You don't "change", you "add". You'll probably still be using your big four in some way until you have 10+ maxed legenday/epic armors, even if it's just on the 3rd knight in your party when farming/fighting the epic boss.
Thanks mate, guess I need to still level my big 4 as levelling the epic will be near impossible at my level.
What level were you when you could easy get the plus?
08-18-2013, 08:51 AM
Thanks mate, guess I need to still level my big 4 as levelling the epic will be near impossible at my level.
What level were you when you could easy get the plus?
My first level 43 was probably when I was somewhere in the level 95-100 range.
My first level 35 I guess was somewhere in the level 80-90 range.
The extra health and attack/defense from levels do really help in addition to having the right element armors maxed.
(I think I got upto about level 12 or 13 on this boss with just my commander in HH+)
Important things to hit 43 I guess:
- high enough level and the correct maxed armors
- enough good friends with the correct maxed armors
- correct management of epic energy timer, friend reset timer and boss trigger timer plus the ability to play when those align, so you can optimally use the energy and 7 x 10 friends over the week
- if you really want to be fanatic, the data from! calculated in a spreadsheet for your knights and friends vs the boss, so you can calculate which/how many knights and friends you need at each level to kill the boss without wasting epic energy. (too much effort for me (though not using it got me in the situation today of having to go back in for a second run with my commander at 3 epic energy expense to wipe the last 87 health from the boss. Picking other friends or adding a second follower would have saved me 2-3 epic energy.))
08-18-2013, 09:18 AM
Thanks again for quick response mate.
I have tried to read all this thread but got bored on page 17 lol.
Also tried to work out the formula for the epic boss, too intense.......
I will just farm snakeskins and upgrade my big4 armor.
I do have some high level friends but non with the nem armor ATM which I think will help me a lot.
Have asked 4 to join that I found on leader board but still waiting.
Out of interest, can I use just snakeskin armor to upgrade all? Even if not same elements? As I have been using just my basics at the moment with sea form etc but takes time...
08-18-2013, 09:25 AM
Thanks again for quick response mate.
I have tried to read all this thread but got bored on page 17 lol.
Also tried to work out the formula for the epic boss, too intense.......
I will just farm snakeskins and upgrade my big4 armor.
I do have some high level friends but non with the nem armor ATM which I think will help me a lot.
Have asked 4 to join that I found on leader board but still waiting.
Out of interest, can I use just snakeskin armor to upgrade all? Even if not same elements? As I have been using just my basics at the moment with sea form etc but takes time...
Just cannot believe lower levels with the plus versions beating me in the arena
08-18-2013, 10:12 AM
Thanks again for quick response mate.
I have tried to read all this thread but got bored on page 17 lol.
Also tried to work out the formula for the epic boss, too intense.......
I will just farm snakeskins and upgrade my big4 armor.
I do have some high level friends but non with the nem armor ATM which I think will help me a lot.
Have asked 4 to join that I found on leader board but still waiting.
Out of interest, can I use just snakeskin armor to upgrade all? Even if not same elements? As I have been using just my basics at the moment with sea form etc but takes time...
Just cannot believe lower levels with the plus versions beating me in the arena
Make sure you are leveling the + versions of the Big Four Armors.
And yes a lot of people here feed Snakeskins to armors that aren't Water or Earth to enhance.
08-18-2013, 10:29 AM
I'm currently level 63, and looking for a way to level quickly. All I can find is about leveling armor quickly, I'm not asking about armor. How do I level my account quickly?
08-18-2013, 10:30 AM
People with worse armor having the same score/rank:
- possibly using up every drop of their arena energy all day (losses also give you points, so playing more == more points)
- could be that some of them buy extra arena energy (technically, you could probably win black medal with 1 knight wearing basic armor and only losses by spending thousands of dollars)
- doubledowns are only processed when collected (also for opponent selection), so they could have just now 8/8 doubledowned from 300+ points below your score.
The only kind of economical "enhancing enhancement material" done with those is uncommon_lvl11 (1 uncommon with 8 commons enhanced onto it). Enhancing onto Snakeskin just costs way too much gold for the little extra levels/EP it provides. (4 commons gets an uncommon to level 6, but they get a Snakeskin only to level 3)
Commons and uncommons are cost effective for the first few levels of a level 70 armor though, so if they're not in your way, keeping them for your next level 70 armor is useful.
Search the forum for the data sheet administration topic; there's a spreadsheet with lots of useful armor data there.
I've read a few reports of reducing number of friends to about 50 indeed cutting most of the lag.
I'm lucky to "only" have 2x 5 sec. lag at most at 128 friends...
At the top of the forum, I have a "Notifications" link inbetween my forum name and "My Profile".
Clicking that Notifications link gets me to my PMs with a menu on the left that includes setting signature.
(yes, it's not logical that that option isn't found under "My Profile"... :mad: )
Yes, thats what Im saying storage is a problem, Im at 59/60 on storage and have three snake skins coming out in the next hour. Thats why Im asking what is the best way to get rid of lower level armors.
Im about to do level 35 epic boss where I will get 10 hydra armors and it will again shut down my armorys unless I find a way to get rid of the cheap armors. So, I should enhance the basics with each other? I dont know if I have all elements, just random ones from keys and just won one more from another key to get rid of fast. I also need to toss some of those stonescales too, and just asking what is the best way to get rid of armors without totally losing their value.
I feel bad getting rid of friends I have had since the game started who probably can use my help (Im over level 100) and they dont know its making my game lag, it feels so mean to be cutting my friends like this, since I know they are real people using my help on epic bosses. But I cant stand this lag.
I also have issues in the arena where my screen flickers and I have to jump out (flee) a battle that I am winning. I had this issue again this morning. I have several issues as you can see playing this game, though I love it so much.
08-18-2013, 01:16 PM
Could use some help, hopefully others have this problem and could tell me how I can fix this.
First of all my iPod is the newest kind and it is updated with the most recent iOS (6.1.3)
But I am having trouble accessing my guild members page so I can edit their ranks, whenever I click on that tab, it takes too long, and after like 30 seconds without it ever going to the page it lags out of the app on me. Also these new guild wars, I have the same kind of problem with, whenever I click on the banner to go to guild wars it doesn't load and then lags out of the app after a few seconds.
Please help!
08-18-2013, 01:16 PM
Ok, of the Big 4. I have 2 of the 4 (Atlantean Avenger and Hydra`s Hunter). And I`m still trying to get Crius (2 times failed now.. got Flowstone battlegear twice now.. 50k wasted :( . But I`ll keep trying. Can't go for Living Flame yet , until unlock the Spirit related Dungeon to make the Spirit basic or mono.
The question is: Once I have all 4 of the Big 4. Who do you all normally put them on? There are quite a few combination you can go with. ie: Water knight can have either the Atlantean Avenger or the Hydra`s Hunter. Or then there is yourself (the main).. who can wear any of the 4.
So which of the BIG 4 , do you usually put on the MAIN.. and of the other knights.. who normally gets what?
Thanks, Zanatar.
08-18-2013, 01:23 PM
So, I should enhance the basics with each other? I dont know if I have all elements, just random ones from keys and just won one more from another key to get rid of fast. I also need to toss some of those stonescales too, and just asking what is the best way to get rid of armors without totally losing their value.
For best value, throw 4 basics/commons onto an uncommon (such as stonescale), element doesn't matter
or throw 8 basics/commons onto an uncommon where at least 5 are matching element.
08-18-2013, 01:39 PM
Could use some help, hopefully others have this problem and could tell me how I can fix this.
First of all my iPod is the newest kind and it is updated with the most recent iOS (6.1.3)
But I am having trouble accessing my guild members page so I can edit their ranks, whenever I click on that tab, it takes too long, and after like 30 seconds without it ever going to the page it lags out of the app on me. Also these new guild wars, I have the same kind of problem with, whenever I click on the banner to go to guild wars it doesn't load and then lags out of the app after a few seconds.
Please help!
There's 2 or 3 topics on the forum about all of the guild war problems, half the people crashing etc.
So which of the BIG 4 , do you usually put on the MAIN.. and of the other knights.. who normally gets what?
Each of the Followers has the exact same base health, attack and defense stats, so that's not a determining factor.
You check what armors you have in your inventory versus the elements of the location you're going to and try to get a set of 3 armors that's strong versus those and preferrably not weak. If you can achieve that with your Commander in the strongest armor, great! But sometimes he/she will have to give up the best armor to a follower for the good of the team. ;)
tl;dr location is leading on who should get what armors.
08-18-2013, 02:17 PM
Any difference between torchflame mantle being listed as fire/spirit and living flame being listed as spirit/fire in battle context?
08-18-2013, 02:47 PM
Any difference between torchflame mantle being listed as fire/spirit and living flame being listed as spirit/fire in battle context?
Nope, only thing that will change is the animation of your special attack.
08-18-2013, 03:13 PM
For best value, throw 4 basics/commons onto an uncommon (such as stonescale), element doesn't matter
or throw 8 basics/commons onto an uncommon where at least 5 are matching element.
Is the idea, to then Enchance just 1 lvl 11 uncommon, into the armor of choice (ie: one of the big 4?). Or is the idea to get FOUR lvl 11 uncommon`s, to enchance in one shot? Does it matter if it`s just 1 lvl 11.. or is it better to have all 4 slots taken?
One that note..same question with the Basic`s. When enhancing, and your given a choice of filling all 4 slots, is there a bonus for doing all 4? Or is that just a time saver? Just to illustrate my question. (using fake numbers, as I dont`know the actual value.. ).. So lets say 1 basic earth is worth 2 EP towards your armor. If you put 2, or 3 or all 4.. Does it just add them up? ie: 1 basic is 2EP, 2 Basic is 4EP , 3 basic is 6 EP and 4 Basic is 8 EP.. ? Or does it give you some kind of bonus for doing all 4 ?
Curious, as sometimes I have say just 1 , 2, or 3 of a Basic. (not all 4.. and I dont`know if it actually does anything when I take the time to make sure I have 4 full basics before Enchancing.
08-18-2013, 03:14 PM
Someone shoul make a thread whit all the animations by element combinations. I dont remember much of those animation seven if i looked at them tons of times
08-18-2013, 03:27 PM
What would you say is the fastest way to level? I have the whole map explored and wanted to start leveling alot faster.
08-18-2013, 03:35 PM
What would you say is the fastest way to level? I have the whole map explored and wanted to start leveling alot faster.
Haunted Citadel Epic
08-18-2013, 03:39 PM
One last question. The tab to buy gems and gold on my android tablet does not work. Is there anyone who know if Gree is working on this bug? It used to go into a endless loop where I had to jump out of the game and reboot. Now for the last 2 weeks, it says "content download error, please try again later".
I can do the free gems button, but not the one to buy gems. Its never worked on my adroid tablet.
Also, on the free gems button, the contact Gree button is disabled so I cant send them a message asking this question. Is there another way to contact them if someone here does not know the answer to how I can buy gems?
08-18-2013, 05:18 PM
One last question. The tab to buy gems and gold on my android tablet does not work. Is there anyone who know if Gree is working on this bug? It used to go into a endless loop where I had to jump out of the game and reboot. Now for the last 2 weeks, it says "content download error, please try again later".
I can do the free gems button, but not the one to buy gems. Its never worked on my adroid tablet.
Also, on the free gems button, the contact Gree button is disabled so I cant send them a message asking this question. Is there another way to contact them if someone here does not know the answer to how I can buy gems?
For me it also sometimes shows that error, but then does show the gem buy options. Though I'm not sure if I ever bought gems after the error or not.
Is there a better chance at 4&5 star loot when you en the guild chest 10 at a time?
08-18-2013, 05:54 PM
Just want to ask if you have any information about a Guild? On when will you get additional officers? What is the max number high commanders, etc? Spefically, when will you get the 12th commander? Thanks
08-18-2013, 05:56 PM
Is the idea, to then Enchance just 1 lvl 11 uncommon, into the armor of choice (ie: one of the big 4?). Or is the idea to get FOUR lvl 11 uncommon`s, to enchance in one shot? Does it matter if it`s just 1 lvl 11.. or is it better to have all 4 slots taken?
One that note..same question with the Basic`s. When enhancing, and your given a choice of filling all 4 slots, is there a bonus for doing all 4? Or is that just a time saver? Just to illustrate my question. (using fake numbers, as I dont`know the actual value.. ).. So lets say 1 basic earth is worth 2 EP towards your armor. If you put 2, or 3 or all 4.. Does it just add them up? ie: 1 basic is 2EP, 2 Basic is 4EP , 3 basic is 6 EP and 4 Basic is 8 EP.. ? Or does it give you some kind of bonus for doing all 4 ?
Curious, as sometimes I have say just 1 , 2, or 3 of a Basic. (not all 4.. and I dont`know if it actually does anything when I take the time to make sure I have 4 full basics before Enchancing.
First a note: I meant "best value" referring to "best value to get rid of common and uncommon armors clogging up your armor slots. [1]
The topic links to a spreadsheet with lots of useful armor information.
Enhancement cost goes up each level, with as result that it's always best to use all 4 enhancemen slots, so you do all 4 enhancements at the lower price. (well with the exception of the last enhancement that maxes out the armor: there you obviously don't want to use 4 slots if 2 suffice the max the armor. ;) )
(see also the spreadsheet, "armor leveling" tab)
[1]most used enhancement pattern for maximum gold efficiency is to start using basics/commons to enhance, then uncommons, then Snakeskin and for level 70 and 99 armors switch to 50 enhancement point armors at the end (can't remember the levels when to switch between each type right now). Uncommon_lvl11 is an alternative to Snakeskin that trades more gold and time in game used for a wallclock time benefit.
08-18-2013, 08:35 PM
Nope, only thing that will change is the animation of your special attack.
Thanks - this actually had me confused for a bit!
08-18-2013, 09:46 PM
Well first things first, just a friendly reminder that you DON'T get plus versions of armors from fusions. As you haven't unlocked the mono spirit stage yet, i'm sure you're just trying to get a headstart in unlocking Crius+.
Next thing is, you should consult the data sheet to see the max stats of the Big 4 in plus form. Understanding that your main knight has significantly higher stats than the rest of your knights it is ultimately up to you whether you want your main knight to have more defense or a higher offense. The health gap that your main knight has over your other knights plays an important factor I feel.
Elemental advantage is also important.
Crius (Air/Earth) > Atlantean (Water/Air) Crius has dual advantage over AA's one
Hydra Hunter (Fire/Water) > Living Flame (Spirit/Fire) HH has dual advantage over LF's one
Living Flame > Crius
Crius > Hydra Hunter
Atlantean > Hydra Hunter
Atlantean > Living Flame
This is only relevant for friends list if you know what kind of armor they're equipping if they're going for the Big 4 too :P
TLDR: Just know that your main knight has higher stats ESPECIALLY health over the rest of your knights and make your decision from there.
I know, I said a lot about nothing ._.
08-18-2013, 10:23 PM
I plan on buying an iPad later this week, is there any way to transfer my iPod account over to my iPad? If so what info do I need to give them?
08-18-2013, 11:03 PM
Random collection of noob questions here.
1) When's the best time to use Fusion Boost armors? Should I save them until I'm leveling something major league like an epic boss + armor or use them to help get my big 4 level up?
2) Just how big is the leadership bonus in guilds? I'm a Sentinel in my current guild, but several of my irl friends are in another that I was thinking of joining. How much stats would I be giving up if I make the change?
3) I'm about to start breaking into the late game maps for things like Infernal Lord and whatnot. Would it be worth it to use my fusion stones to try and craft a suit of high level armor so I can jump straight into plus versions when I get enough mats to craft one of them?
4) What level/what kinds of stats do I need before I can realistically expect to be able to get the 43 kills I need for an epic boss+ armor?
Thanks for all the help you guys are providing.
08-18-2013, 11:19 PM
Random collection of noob questions here.
1) When's the best time to use Fusion Boost armors? Should I save them until I'm leveling something major league like an epic boss + armor or use them to help get my big 4 level up?
2) Just how big is the leadership bonus in guilds? I'm a Sentinel in my current guild, but several of my irl friends are in another that I was thinking of joining. How much stats would I be giving up if I make the change?
3) I'm about to start breaking into the late game maps for things like Infernal Lord and whatnot. Would it be worth it to use my fusion stones to try and craft a suit of high level armor so I can jump straight into plus versions when I get enough mats to craft one of them?
4) What level/what kinds of stats do I need before I can realistically expect to be able to get the 43 kills I need for an epic boss+ armor?
Thanks for all the help you guys are providing.
1) The big 4 are pretty easy to level. If you are running out of room in your armor list you can use them but bigger four 60-70 is what I save them for to mitigate the cost
2) I'm not 100% sure but I belive GM gets 20% Sentinal 15% HighCom 10% but I'm Android and not IOS but if you search there was a whole thread on this last week.
3) Chances are pretty slim to get IF or SS from fusing from what I have seen. If you can go ahead and try but don't get your heart set on anything.
4) I'm 90+ and am getting damn close the last two bosses and I just run out of time. I'm sure others can get a little more spacific. I have for current boss two HH+ maxed and lots of friends in the same. We will see if I can get it this time.
08-19-2013, 01:01 AM
Wanna ask that I got a level 17 character playinWanna ask that I got a level 17 character playing on the epic boss event and I hire my friends level 95 and a level 60+ friends to fight the boss level 8, but why my friends hit the boss only 100-250+ damage?? And my friends told me they in game hit the boss is 1000+ damage... and the boss level is higher than mine level 10++
Is this normal as level gap too big??
Or isit a bug?? If its a bug any solution on how to solve it???
Have try reinstall too.. also I'm a android user. on the epic boss event and I hire my friends level 95 and a level 60+ friends to fight the boss level 8, but why my friends hit the boss only 100-250+ damage?? And my friends told me they in game hit the boss is 1000+ damage... and the boss level is higher than mine level 10++
Is this normal as level gap too big??
Or isit a bug?? If its a bug any solution on how to solve it???
Have try reinstall too.. also I'm a android user.
08-19-2013, 01:19 AM
Your friend stats are capped based on your level. So it's not a bug. If you level higher you will notice his attacks/defence in battle will also become better and better.
08-19-2013, 01:19 AM
Random collection of noob questions here.
1) When's the best time to use Fusion Boost armors? Should I save them until I'm leveling something major league like an epic boss + armor or use them to help get my big 4 level up?
2) Just how big is the leadership bonus in guilds? I'm a Sentinel in my current guild, but several of my irl friends are in another that I was thinking of joining. How much stats would I be giving up if I make the change?
3) I'm about to start breaking into the late game maps for things like Infernal Lord and whatnot. Would it be worth it to use my fusion stones to try and craft a suit of high level armor so I can jump straight into plus versions when I get enough mats to craft one of them?
4) What level/what kinds of stats do I need before I can realistically expect to be able to get the 43 kills I need for an epic boss+ armor?
Thanks for all the help you guys are providing.
1 - I'd save them for at least the bigger four (SS/AotIL/DP/RR). Save them until you're nearing the final couple of levels. It will save you a ton of money
2 - Currently the ios system has it where leadership stats are pretty crazy, if you are ios the following bonuses occur. 20% for Guild leader and 15% for Sentinel in your case. For android, it's not implemented like that yet (hopefully wont be)
3 - You could do that, however it would probably be smarter to just get the guarunteed 50ep fusions (basic water/basic earth) and level your current bigger four that way. But really, I think it'd be best if you saved them for guild related quests and only used for extremes like legendary or the final couple of levels on an epic (at minimum)
4 - Can't answer for I haven't done it yet! :)
Hope that helped
08-19-2013, 02:15 AM
Hi there :), althought I am not a beginner, this is quite a beginner-ish question:
Where do you find the materials to craft dragon tamer, Steampowered, and Kaleidoscopic Starmetal? Are they just random drops from the last level? I randomly got a few from silver key chests, but if that's the only way to come by them, then I'm going to be waiting a long time to craft the + versions! Thanks in advance! :D
08-19-2013, 04:47 AM
I plan on buying an iPad later this week, is there any way to transfer my iPod account over to my iPad? If so what info do I need to give them?
Things like Commander's names, friend codes on both devices, number of gems etc. IIRC from reading here.
(yes, you first need to make a new account on the new device to have the old account transfered over it)
Hi there :), althought I am not a beginner, this is quite a beginner-ish question:
Where do you find the materials to craft dragon tamer, Steampowered, and Kaleidoscopic Starmetal? Are they just random drops from the last level? I randomly got a few from silver key chests, but if that's the only way to come by them, then I'm going to be waiting a long time to craft the + versions! Thanks in advance! :D
AFAIK chests only. And they are probably already so old their plus versions probably don't even beat current boss non-plus versions. (didn't feel like looking them up on the spreadsheet right now. :p )
(Just like Steamwizard was once an epic boss armor, but now is a 1 referral reward that's nothing more than enhancement fodder.)
08-19-2013, 10:57 AM
Is the 4x rewards for chests worth it? I've never spent gems oon it. But something is drawing me in...the need for a great armour.A couple people in my guild got a 5 *. Makes me want it!
08-19-2013, 11:07 AM
Hi everyone, I just made some fusions with useless legendaries non plus armor and I got a Blazeborne vanguard, a Boilerplate armor and a Tempered Battlegear.
Just wanted to know if it was a good idea to max these armors even if they are not +.
Im level 72, I have the bigger four+ maxed and can't get near the level 43 of legendary bosses yet.
Thanking you in advance.
08-19-2013, 11:19 AM
Yes you should level them. Unless your planning on bbuying alot of gems to get the + versions, it'll still be the best armor for u.
08-19-2013, 11:23 AM
At which level of Assassin's Shroud will I be able to craft the + version? I'm already at 25 and + is still not available :(
First time attempting to craft a boss +version.
At which level of Assassin's Shroud will I be able to craft the + version? I'm already at 25 and + is still not available :(
First time attempting to craft a boss +version.
Lv 35 unlocks the plus version. Yes, it's a pain.
08-19-2013, 11:27 AM
At which level of Assassin's Shroud will I be able to craft the + version? I'm already at 25 and + is still not available :(
First time attempting to craft a boss +version.
+ is available at lvl 35
08-19-2013, 11:36 AM
Is the 4x rewards for chests worth it? I've never spent gems oon it. But something is drawing me in...the need for a great armour.A couple people in my guild got a 5 *. Makes me want it!
Odds of geting a 5-star from fusing together 2 (non-plus) boss armors are better than getting it from a chest. (see fusion results topic) Even a 4x chest AFAIK still has only something like a 1-2% chance of getting a 4-star or better.
I have two blazeborns from fusion now. What should I do with the second? Save it so I have two or what?
08-19-2013, 02:24 PM
^What did you fuse to get those?
And is Skyguardian normal better than Roc+?
08-19-2013, 03:08 PM
^What did you fuse to get those?
And is Skyguardian normal better than Roc+?
yeah, it is
08-19-2013, 04:45 PM
What level do you unlock *** plus versions/
08-19-2013, 04:50 PM
What level do you unlock *** plus versions/
*** armors unlock plus at level 20.
08-19-2013, 05:15 PM
Is 1600 enchanchement points to get a legendary to 35, i did it using 11 monos in a day, plus version nearly baked out(couple of hours left)
Sky guardian is something like roc plus, defect for like 40 stats and if you already have roc, dont go for it.
08-19-2013, 05:25 PM
Is 1600 enchanchement points to get a legendary to 35, i did it using 11 monos in a day, plus version nearly baked out(couple of hours left)
Sky guardian is something like roc plus, defect for like 40 stats and if you already have roc, dont go for it.
It's more like 60 points.
And if he hasn't leveled neither then he should go for Sky, otherwise if he's already leveled the Roc+ then he should just stick to that.
08-19-2013, 06:22 PM
Just got 3 dpc keys from gree, should i use it now or wait till there's a decent armor present?
08-19-2013, 06:23 PM
i got it to and a air boost armor. Im waiting for next weeks nemisis to use them
08-19-2013, 06:25 PM
works out good for me because of guild war crashes i lost about 45 gems spent on guild war energy. I prob would have spent 60 trying for nemisis next week so all is well in my town
08-19-2013, 08:39 PM
If I was to be 2-3 kills away from + epic boss. Would using gems for energy be a good idea?
And on second thoughts. Is 8-5 best energy wise. Or 7-6?
08-19-2013, 10:00 PM
how do you know what element would the next epic boss have? is there a pattern?
08-19-2013, 10:51 PM
how do you know what element would the next epic boss have? is there a pattern?
I would like to know this to
08-20-2013, 12:51 AM
Wow I really should've known that! :) Thanks Marco, much appreciated!
08-20-2013, 04:03 AM
If I was to be 2-3 kills away from + epic boss. Would using gems for energy be a good idea?
And on second thoughts. Is 8-5 best energy wise. Or 7-6? is better 6/7, cause at the second time the boss will do two special attacks in a row, so go whit main/friend/friend and after whit follower in tank armor/main in attack armor/ friend in tank/ friend in attack, this worked fine for me, i got 43 just now.
To the other, there is not a pattern, but they get out bosses whit elements that didnt popped out for a while, an air earth or fire water is near its way
08-20-2013, 04:08 AM
I have two questions:
1. Is it possible to hack Knights and Dragons? Sometimes I see People with 10-20 legendaries+ maxed, although they are lol Level. I looked in the Internet, but I found only hacktools, but im scared of downloading them because they often have a malware or something else. And on YouTube there are only fake Videos. So can you hack/cheat on android?
2. Last Epic Boss I had this nice bug where my main commander and one follower had the same armor (Living Flame) although I had only ONE armor in the Inventor.
This time I dont have this really helpfull Bug/Glitch. How does this Bug work and whats the course?
08-20-2013, 04:21 AM
I have two questions:
1. Is it possible to hack Knights and Dragons? Sometimes I see People with 10-20 legendaries+ maxed, although they are lol Level. I looked in the Internet, but I found only hacktools, but im scared of downloading them because they often have a malware or something else. And on YouTube there are only fake Videos. So can you hack/cheat on android?
2. Last Epic Boss I had this nice bug where my main commander and one follower had the same armor (Living Flame) although I had only ONE armor in the Inventor.
This time I dont have this really helpfull Bug/Glitch. How does this Bug work and whats the course?
This is not a thing to say on the forum. By the way, all the info about your account are stored on gree servers now, almost on ios. So is totally law breaking violating the server and modding your account. So, no.
Hack tools are simple .exe that do not work. They contain adwares, virus, and tell you to complete a survey to download them, then you pay 5€ for a phone paid service, open the exe,install and adware, and the exe tell you that the tool no more work and to download another, make another survey... Endless chain. Do not do those things.
08-20-2013, 04:24 AM
This is not a thing to say on the forum. By the way, all the info about your account are stored on gree servers now, almost on ios. So is totally law breaking violating the server and modding your account. So, no.
Hack tools are simple .exe that do not work. They contain adwares, virus, and tell you to complete a survey to download them, then you pay 5€ for a phone paid service, open the exe,install and adware, and the exe tell you that the tool no more work and to download another, make another survey... Endless chain. Do not do those things.
i was just curios about that :P
I thought that ist just fake and now I know that :) Thx for Info
Do you have an answer to my second question?
08-20-2013, 05:13 AM
i was just curios about that :P
I thought that ist just fake and now I know that :) Thx for Info
Do you have an answer to my second question?
Big time abusing glitches is probably seen as similar to client-side editing things and getting them past Gree's terrible lack of verifying data the client sends (arena cheaters with unlimited gems/edited scores etc.) , so risks your account being banned. That's not something you want on a leveled account...
08-20-2013, 05:19 AM
If I was to be 2-3 kills away from + epic boss. Would using gems for energy be a good idea?
And on second thoughts. Is 8-5 best energy wise. Or 7-6?
Depending on what's the bottleneck, there are various gem spending ways for the epic boss:
- epic energy
- Summoning Stone (while the boss is active, 11 gems for a level 1 boss for 2 materials)
- special attacks (IIRC 1 gem per special attack, but if that allows you to take out the boss as 5 knights and not have to send 1 in for a second round, that's 3 epic energy saved)
08-20-2013, 06:00 AM
Big time abusing glitches is probably seem as similar to client-side editing things and getting them past Gree's terrible lack of verifying data the client sends (arena cheaters with unlimited gems/edited scores etc.) , so risks your account being banned. That's not something you want on a leveled account...
I know that but still i saw on this Forum that some had the same glitch (same armor twice) like me, I just cant found it. again. But that glitch was very usefull last week :D
08-20-2013, 06:54 AM
I'm unsure of where to go from here, as I have 8 different armors to enhance, so I need advice on what armors to focus on.
I have:
4* Aegis of the Fallen 27/70
4* Steampowered Exoskeleton 8/70
4* Assassin's Shroud 35/70
3* Swamp Shaman Robes+ 31/70
3* Spectral Captain's Uniform+ 30/70
3* Rocfeather Robes+ 18/70
1* Crius Armor+ 26/50
1* Atlantean Avenger Armor+ 26/50
I already have the big four maxed, and I use those, I'm just looking to know what I should be training to replace them. I have Armor of the Infernal Lord crafting, but I will need to plus it, and craft it again before I can use it.
08-20-2013, 06:57 AM
I'm unsure of where to go from here, as I have 8 different armors to enhance, so I need advice on what armors to focus on.
I have:
4* Aegis of the Fallen 27/70
4* Steampowered Exoskeleton 8/70
4* Assassin's Shroud 35/70
3* Swamp Shaman Robes+ 31/70
3* Spectral Captain's Uniform+ 30/70
3* Rocfeather Robes+ 18/70
1* Crius Armor+ 26/50
1* Atlantean Avenger Armor+ 26/50
I already have the big four maxed, and I use those, I'm just looking to know what I should be training to replace them. I have Armor of the Infernal Lord crafting, but I will need to plus it, and craft it again before I can use it.
Do you have um.. Assassins+ or Aegis+? I wouldn't level SCU anymore tbh.. the stats are terrible. I'd prioritise Roc+ last... The CA and AA, I wouldn't level either unless you need them for epic. Steampowered exo is crap as well.
I'd focus on the swamp+ and infernal+. If you have aegis+ or assasssins+, level those as well.
08-20-2013, 07:03 AM
Do you have um.. Assassins+ or Aegis+? I wouldn't level SCU anymore tbh.. the stats are terrible. I'd prioritise Roc+ last... The CA and AA, I wouldn't level either unless you need them for epic. Steampowered exo is crap as well.
I'd focus on the swamp+ and infernal+. If you have aegis+ or assasssins+, level those as well.
No, I can't defeat the epic boss that many times to get the plus versions. I'm a free player, and only about five weeks old, so I'm not on that level yet where I can get the plus versions of the boss armors, only the regular ones.
So, swamp is the only one I should raise?
Also, another question: I could probably join a much better guild then the one I'm in, since I'm level 90, but I got 30+ fusion boost armors being in this one, because most of the guild is inactive. Are the guild rewards for being in a better guild worth the loss of fusion boost armors that I would certainly failt to get in a more active guild?
08-20-2013, 07:08 AM
No, I can't defeat the epic boss that many times to get the plus versions. I'm a free player, and only about five weeks old, so I'm not on that level yet where I can get the plus versions of the boss armors, only the regular ones.
So, swamp is the only one I should raise?
Also, another question: I could probably join a much better guild then the one I'm in, since I'm level 90, but I got 30+ fusion boost armors being in this one, because most of the guild is inactive. Are the guild rewards for being in a better guild worth the loss of fusion boost armors that I would certainly failt to get in a more active guild?
Yep. And just as a tip, if you can't defeat the epic boss 43 times, don't bother crafting and leveling the armour. You're better off spending all the resources to getting the bigger4+ maxed first with Roc as last priority.
Second question - probably.. The crappiest armour you can get I think even top100 -> SG+ is better than all the armours you have now.
08-20-2013, 07:14 AM
How does th. Summoning stone work? Does it spawn it at the lvl I'm currently at? Or is it easier to beat? And what if i did it multiple times(3-4)? Does it stay tthe same. Or get harder as I go?
How does th. Summoning stone work? Does it spawn it at the lvl I'm currently at? Or is it easier to beat? And what if i did it multiple times(3-4)? Does it stay tthe same. Or get harder as I go?
It is the level 1 push-over every time. Doing multiple times gets expensive, though. 2 epic materials per kill.
08-20-2013, 07:26 AM
I'm 5 kills away from it. And gave kinda hit a wall. As it would be my first legendary it seems worth it to me. Also, do u have to use epic energy to do it also? And is there a cool-down between uses?
08-20-2013, 08:10 AM
1) How do you get non-craftable Legendary+ armors? I have 2 regular non-craft-leg armors now, that I got from fusion, and was wondering. They are still powerful, but obviously not the most powerful.
2) I recently got a regular Flamehunter's Garb, but already have a level 43 regular Jian armor. The Flamehunter is more balance in A/D, and a little higher in stats, but it seem wasteful to just ditch the Jian at this piont, so I was considering fusing it with a EB regular armor. Any thoughts???
08-20-2013, 08:18 AM
Hi all
I am at level 56 and at the moment maxing my big 4, there are between 20-34.
I have just won a nemesis armor but seems not that great against my altantean + level 34.
Is it worth me enchanting this or should I leave it? I ham just crafting my first epic armor after reaching stage 15 and wondering if I should try and get the second one to make the + ( also wondering how you do this with 2 epic same armor, do you just fuse them together to get the plus or do you wait until you enchance the first one to plus then craft the second one which should then be a plus?) sorry for the newbie questions. Was going to do the bigger 4 but I am not strong enough to do these levels without friends.... Also would like to know if this is the right order with best first, roc,swamp,inf lord then last spectal?
Thanks in advance
08-20-2013, 08:21 AM
Finished the guild war but there no reward given i have to wait ???
08-20-2013, 08:34 AM
Hi all
I am at level 56 and at the moment maxing my big 4, there are between 20-43
I have just won a nemesis armor but seems not that great against my altantean + level 43.
Is it worth me enchanting this or should I leave it? I ham just crafting my first epic armor after reaching stage 15 and wondering if I should try and get the second one to make the + ( also wondering how you do this with 2 epic same armor, do you just fuse them together to get the plus or do you wait until you enchance the first one to plus then craft the second one which should then be a plus?) sorry for the newbie questions. Was going to do the bigger 4 but I am not strong enough to do these levels without friends.... Also would like to know if this is the right order with best first, roc,swamp,inf lord then last spectal?
The armor I have besides the big 4 are:
Assassin shroud
Sky guardian
Spectal captains uniform
Dorars nemesis
Monstrous garb
Aegis of the fallen
None are plus
Thanks in advance
08-20-2013, 08:35 AM
Does the guild contribution rewards reset when you join another guild?
08-20-2013, 08:36 AM
Hi all
I am at level 56 and at the moment maxing my big 4, there are between 20-34.
I have just won a nemesis armor but seems not that great against my altantean + level 34.
Is it worth me enchanting this or should I leave it? I ham just crafting my first epic armor after reaching stage 15 and wondering if I should try and get the second one to make the + ( also wondering how you do this with 2 epic same armor, do you just fuse them together to get the plus or do you wait until you enchance the first one to plus then craft the second one which should then be a plus?) sorry for the newbie questions. Was going to do the bigger 4 but I am not strong enough to do these levels without friends.... Also would like to know if this is the right order with best first, roc,swamp,inf lord then last spectal?
Thanks in advance
I would focus on maxing out your big 4 (+ versions!!!) first, they will be more helpful to you at this stage in your game, since they level up quickly, and most armors merely match their strength at level 50... then of course, the Legendary's go to 70 for more, but at a greater price. Nemesis armors are ONLY good against their respective EB, nothing else... these will help out later in the game.
I wouldn't worry about the epic boss + versions yet... I'm at 91 and just got to stage 35 for the first time lol... I'll get to 43 one of these days lol. In order to craft a EB+ armor, you need to get all of it's materials again (at stage 43), level up the regular version to level 35, then craft the + version. It's a big process, so don't focus on it until much later in the game! Just keep doing the EB stages to get extra crafting materials for now at stages 3, 6, 10, 21 & etc.
Once the big 4+ are maxed, then work on the 3*+ armors like roc, sham, and inf... again only max out the + versions. You are able to get those when the regular 3*'s reach level 20. Refer to the data sheet to see how other armors stack up.
Just saw your edit:
I would keep the Sky Guardian (instead of Rocfeather spirit/wind), and the Assassins Shroud (spirit/earth). The others are trumped by other armors Like the AoFallen is trumped by the Dark Prince + armor. AGAIN: keep these for LATER... Max big 4+ for now.
08-20-2013, 08:39 AM
Hi all
I am at level 56 and at the moment maxing my big 4, there are between 20-34.
I have just won a nemesis armor but seems not that great against my altantean + level 34.
Is it worth me enchanting this or should I leave it? I ham just crafting my first epic armor after reaching stage 15 and wondering if I should try and get the second one to make the + ( also wondering how you do this with 2 epic same armor, do you just fuse them together to get the plus or do you wait until you enchance the first one to plus then craft the second one which should then be a plus?) sorry for the newbie questions. Was going to do the bigger 4 but I am not strong enough to do these levels without friends.... Also would like to know if this is the right order with best first, roc,swamp,inf lord then last spectal?
Thanks in advance
At this time, you only have about a day and a half to upgrade your Nemesis, so it's probably not wise to do so. Also, for the same reason, you probably won't get to Epic Boss lvl 43. Sorry..
It's best to focus on the Big 4 and work your way up that way. It's also my suggestion that you work on ONE armor at a time so that you have a good armor that can take a lot of damage if you need to. I've seen too many people spread themselves thin in terms of armor leveling and that can be bad for your arena play as well.
Lastly, most people tend to skip the Spectral Captain's Uniform. Some people skip the Rocfeather Robes. Since your Big 4 armors aren't maxed yet, you shouldn't worry about them too much. Rather, max out your Big 4 and take it from there.
Of the "Bigger 4," most people work on Armor of the Infernal Lord and the Dark Prince armor. With that said, I'm not exactly sure if the Aegis of the Fallen (regular) is better than the Dark Prince+ so you might want to consider just leveling the Aegis of the Fallen.
Hope this helps!
08-20-2013, 08:47 AM
1) How do you get non-craftable Legendary+ armors? I have 2 regular non-craft-leg armors now, that I got from fusion, and was wondering. They are still powerful, but obviously not the most powerful.
2) I recently got a regular Flamehunter's Garb, but already have a level 43 regular Jian armor. The Flamehunter is more balance in A/D, and a little higher in stats, but it seem wasteful to just ditch the Jian at this piont, so I was considering fusing it with a EB regular armor. Any thoughts???
1) You can only get the + versions through Chests. Whether it be Dark Prince's or the Limited Time chests.
2) If I were you, I'd keep the Jian's! It just looks cooler :) But I guess it depends on what level the Flamehunter is, as well. At lvl 43, the Jian's armor is probably better to max since you're about half way there, in terms of EP.
08-20-2013, 08:53 AM
Anyone got any advice for the contribution bug..i cant seem to contribute any amount at all to the guild.
08-20-2013, 08:56 AM
1) How do you get non-craftable Legendary+ armors? I have 2 regular non-craft-leg armors now, that I got from fusion, and was wondering.
Only chests, sorry.
Hi all
I am at level 56 and at the moment maxing my big 4, there are between 20-34.
I have just won a nemesis armor but seems not that great against my altantean + level 34.
Is it worth me enchanting this or should I leave it? I ham just crafting my first epic armor after reaching stage 15 and wondering if I should try and get the second one to make the + ( also wondering how you do this with 2 epic same armor, do you just fuse them together to get the plus or do you wait until you enchance the first one to plus then craft the second one which should then be a plus?) sorry for the newbie questions. Was going to do the bigger 4 but I am not strong enough to do these levels without friends.... Also would like to know if this is the right order with best first, roc,swamp,inf lord then last spectal?
Thanks in advance
A Nemesis is only useful against the boss it's meant against. After that it's just fodder to enhance another armor, so it doesn't clutter your armory. I guess this is also why they don't get 3 visual evolutions like most armors...
Boss non-plus armor isn't too great in stats for the material/gold you need to level it.
Getting plus works the same as for the big 4 and other craftable armors: you craft 1, level it (in this case to level 35) at which point you unlock the plus and can use a second set of materials to craft the plus. For bosses that involves getting 2x 50 materials by killing the boss upto level 43 or getting some materials from the Summoning Stone if you have lots and lots of gems.
Bigger four: Swamp, Infernal and Dark Prince with as baby brother Roc and unwanted stepbrother Spectral... ;)
Does the guild contribution rewards reset when you join another guild?
No, I tried.
^What did you fuse to get those?
And is Skyguardian normal better than Roc+?
Boreas and phyrus for the first, SG and wanderers shroud for the second. Pain to level up tho
08-20-2013, 09:11 AM
I crafted aegis of the fallen
There was 2 minutes left and I left my tablet on sleep mode
I came back in 10 mins and it was gone :(
I need help
08-20-2013, 09:21 AM
I crafted aegis of the fallen
There was 2 minutes left and I left my tablet on sleep mode
I came back in 10 mins and it was gone :(
I need helpgo to the fusion master bulding and try to look for it, or checkon menu-my knights-take your knight- search the aegis, if this dont work, send a ticket from settings-support
08-20-2013, 09:52 AM
hiya appologies if thsi is the wrong area but I'm in need of help! my first account isnt able to post on the forum for an unknown reason and ive tried contacting admins for further help with no luck and this new account i cant make my own posts only reply does anyone have any ideas any advice is appreciated thanks!
hiya appologies if thsi is the wrong area but I'm in need of help! my first account isnt able to post on the forum for an unknown reason and ive tried contacting admins for further help with no luck and this new account i cant make my own posts only reply does anyone have any ideas any advice is appreciated thanks!
You have to have 10 posts to create a new thread.
08-20-2013, 10:18 AM
Thanks for the fast reply guess i will have to keep posting or find a relative thread.
08-20-2013, 10:43 AM
I am getting a new phone I have an HTC one and I'm having overheating issues so I am getting a new HTC one how can I transfer my game data over to my new phone, I don't want to lose gems I've payed for or my lvl in knights @ dragons
08-20-2013, 10:49 AM
I am getting a new phone I have an HTC one and I'm having overheating issues so I am getting a new HTC one how can I transfer my game data over to my new phone, I don't want to lose gems I've payed for or my lvl in knights @ dragons
You load KnD on the new phone (new game).
You send Gree a ticket and they should ask you things like friend codes, Commander's name, number of gems etc. of both accounts.
After that, they should change to which device which account is linked and you can play your existing account on your new phone.
08-20-2013, 10:57 AM
Hi all
Thanks for the advise people. I have forgotten to say I have the following armor and was wondering after the big 4 will any of these replace the bigger 4?
The armor I have besides the big 4 are:
Assassin shroud
Sky guardian
Spectal captains uniform
Dorars nemesis
Monstrous garb
Aegis of the fallen
None are plus
Thanks in advance
08-20-2013, 11:07 AM
I can't post new topic. How should I do? Please help.
08-20-2013, 11:07 AM
Sky Guardian is only good set, would be better if it was +.. Not really worth it for any of them unless you cn get AotF+, AS+ Sky+, tbh not really worth it
08-20-2013, 11:19 AM
Hi. can anyone make a thread on armor and what they look like.
Armor name & rarity
Pics of armor in phase 1 2 and 3
if possible max stats + and non+
This may lead you to what you're looking for:
08-20-2013, 11:34 AM
Hi. can anyone make a thread on armor and what they look like.
Armor name & rarity
Pics of armor in phase 1 2 and 3
if possible max stats + and non+
Here is the armor data sheet containing the information you are looking for sans the pictures: lE#gid=0
08-20-2013, 11:57 AM
Some pictures can be seen on the wiki, but most of the articles are inaccurate and just trowed up.
08-20-2013, 12:21 PM
and in addition to that:
All those stats and pictures per armor are planned to be listed at the Wikia; no idea how far the implementation is, since I've been severely negnecting my wiki duties for the past 2 weeks. ;-;
edit @Sakino: yeah, got to get around to whipping together a bunch of templates and then fixing what needs fixing based on the spreadsheet.
08-20-2013, 12:46 PM
Has anyone found a particular area / stage that has a better fusion stone drop rate?
I hardly ever get fusion stones anymore when I farm for snakeskins, and you need sooooo many of them for guild quests :-(
************************************************** ******
Friend code: WBB-NWQ-VND
Level 80+
Guild: Iron Throne
Guild level: 17
08-20-2013, 12:48 PM
"some" i kinda wanted to see all armors in all their phases. the wiki doesnt have those. just pics of armor in random phases
08-20-2013, 02:17 PM
You load KnD on the new phone (new game).
You send Gree a ticket and they should ask you things like friend codes, Commander's name, number of gems etc. of both accounts.
After that, they should change to which device which account is linked and you can play your existing account on your new phone.
Thanks Marco I hope this works
"some" i kinda wanted to see all armors in all their phases. the wiki doesnt have those. just pics of armor in random phases
I'm not aware of any source that has those images compiled...yet. There was a thread here a while ago specifically suggesting we start collecting those images for that purpose.
08-20-2013, 02:59 PM
and in addition to that:
All those stats and pictures per armor are planned to be listed at the Wikia; no idea how far the implementation is, since I've been severely negnecting my wiki duties for the past 2 weeks. ;-;
edit @Sakino: yeah, got to get around to whipping together a bunch of templates and then fixing what needs fixing based on the spreadsheet.
Hopes for the wiki to become better. I can start to trow out lots of screenshots but i cant accurade edit them. If you want, i can make a topic in the off topic section whit the armor images that i have
08-20-2013, 03:01 PM
Hopes for the wiki to become better. I can start to trow out lots of screenshots but i cant accurade edit them. If you want, i can make a topic in the off topic section whit the armor images that i have
Guy up, you cam get a 10,15,20% bonus stats from guil leadership roles and get your bkal even better. You can get max stats by being guild master, level 100+ and wearing a maxed plus set.
Edit: i pressed reply ehit wuote instead of edit.. What a screw up
08-20-2013, 03:13 PM
"some" i kinda wanted to see all armors in all their phases. the wiki doesnt have those. just pics of armor in random phases
Well, that doesn't just magically appear but requires lots players to screenshot their armors at the different evolutions.
Maybe once the armor pages are more on the rails, we'll make a "request for images" topic over here listing what armor evolutions the wiki is still missing...
(I've been making lots of screenshots of opponents' armors in arena fights and will at some point sift through those hundreds of pictures and copy any missing armor evolutions I can find to the wiki, but that's a lot of time and work...)
08-20-2013, 03:15 PM
Is it worth enhancing my SG (regular)?
08-20-2013, 03:47 PM
Is it worth enhancing my SG (regular)?
Sky Guardian: 916/1027 (1943 combined) max
Roc+: 982/899 (1881 combined) max
So if you haven't started on Roc yet, Sky Guardian could be a decent alternative.
08-20-2013, 03:58 PM
So I am noticing and odd thing here.
Swamp Shaman + at level 35 = 1236
Slimebane Battlegear at level 35 = 1239..
I am fairly certain that Shaman+ will outstat the Slimebane soon, but as far as getting it to level 35, it was just as easy and served me well in farming other gear while I worked on my 3star+ armors.
It seems some of the boss armors non-plus are at least decent to keep around for their stats.
I will likely keep slimebane simply because I love the look, but i may also use it as a second Water/Earth if those elements are good against certain encounters.
This question may have already been answered, but I'm somewhat new to the forums and would rather ask again than scroll through the thousands of questions in this thread.
I'm currently lvl 121, with Max Black Kaleidoscope Armor(+) and I've noticed that some members of the game, when I view their profiles with main character equipped with the same Black Kaleidoscope Armor(+), their offensive and defensive stats are about 50 more on each. How does this work? Does the higher gem capes (wings or cape spectacular) add stats? These people I've viewed aren't even as high lvl as I am, but still boast higher armor stats than me. I'd like to know why. Thanks!
I don't think the capes effect your stats at all, they are just for decoration. My guess is that he is a higher rank than you in his guild since high commanders, sentinels, masters, etc get a stat boost. You might want to PM a mod about this one since element bonuses wouldn't apply.
08-20-2013, 04:18 PM
I don't think the capes effect your stats at all, they are just for decoration. My guess is that he is a higher rank than you in his guild since high commanders, sentinels, masters, etc get a stat boost. You might want to PM a mod about this one since element bonuses wouldn't apply.
That is exactly the reason. Guild rank effects the stats by %.
08-20-2013, 05:01 PM
How can you find out what position your guild is in? Im on android if that helps.
08-20-2013, 05:06 PM
Hi, sorry im new to all this forum stuff hope im posting correctly 😕 can anyone here help me out please?.... I've been playing K&D on my iPhone for sometime now and tonight my son downloaded it onto his own iPhone and as we use the same iTunes account it automatically took him straight into my game, without thinking i asked him to delete the game from his phone, when i then opened the game on my phone to play it had wiped my data and restarted me from the beginning :(
I'm absolutely devastated months and months of building up my knights and armours and so on..
Anyone know if theres someway i can retrieve my game data?
Any help would be much appreciated THANKS! X
What armors make 'The big 4' and how do you obtain them?
08-20-2013, 05:22 PM
What armors make 'The big 4' and how do you obtain them?
Big 4 are Crius Armor, Hydra Hunter, Atlantean Avenger, and Living Flame. You'll get materials for them in the middle story maps.
Big 4 are Crius Armor, Hydra Hunter, Atlantean Avenger, and Living Flame. You'll get materials for them in the middle story maps.
Cool, Just missing one.
Another question: Is there any other way to get fusion stones other than getting them in the chance chests?
08-20-2013, 05:45 PM
I'm so lost without my game :( wish someone could help!
Would be very grateful :) thanks X
08-20-2013, 05:45 PM
Another question: Is there any other way to get fusion stones other than getting them in the chance chests?
Bosses drop them rarely. Also get them from epic boss rewards and Arena rewards. I think I found around 80-100 on my way to level 100.
Bosses drop them rarely. I think I found around 80-100 on my way to level 100.
Any bosses? Even the first boss?
08-20-2013, 05:47 PM
Any boss. Not sure if the later maps provide more stones or not. I don't really kill those bosses anymore.
08-20-2013, 05:49 PM
Dark prince stage have got five bosses, so is easy that almost some one drop something, i get a good number of keys and stones only by farming epic jewels
08-20-2013, 06:57 PM
My phone is having some issues and I need to factory reset my phone. I am on the Android Galaxy S4. I see some posts of people factory resetting their phone and having major issues with no resolution (or taking up to 8 weeks for a resolution). I also see some people claiming they did a reset and their phone with no problems (since they are on the same phone UDID). Does anyone have an answer to my particular situation? I emailed the developers 72 hours ago and only received a "we have received your question, someone will respond to your question in a timely manner" type of response.
In a nutshell:
Android Galaxy S4
Have not reset my phone yet
Will be using same phone (so i assume i will have same UDID)
Have screen shot my invite code
What can I do to prepare myself for the quickest game reload once I factory reset my phone
Thanks in advance
08-20-2013, 07:37 PM
Hi, sorry im new to all this forum stuff hope im posting correctly can anyone here help me out please?.... I've been playing K&D on my iPhone for sometime now and tonight my son downloaded it onto his own iPhone and as we use the same iTunes account it automatically took him straight into my game, without thinking i asked him to delete the game from his phone, when i then opened the game on my phone to play it had wiped my data and restarted me from the beginning :(
I'm absolutely devastated months and months of building up my knights and armours and so on..
Anyone know if theres someway i can retrieve my game data?
Any help would be much appreciated THANKS! X
Open a ticket with Gree. It sounds like somehow the account got tranfered to the other phone, even though an account should be locked to 1 device.
08-20-2013, 07:49 PM
Open a ticket with Gree. It sounds like somehow the account got tranfered to the other phone, even though an account should be locked to 1 device.
OK thanks i'll try that tomorrow, i think you do that in the game is that correct?
I cant even open the game past the loading screen just now as it kills me to see
it empty and bare, i was on lvl 85 :( its a lot of time and effort to lose it so easily.
Thanks again 👍
08-20-2013, 08:11 PM
OK thanks i'll try that tomorrow, i think you do that in the game is that correct?
I cant even open the game past the loading screen just now as it kills me to see
it empty and bare, i was on lvl 85 :( its a lot of time and effort to lose it so easily.
Thanks again
in game or at
08-20-2013, 09:45 PM
Legendary Fuzing
For legendary's that at this point I haven't gotten to 43 (my poor dragons) if I am trying to fuze for blazeborn/moonplate, is it worth getting the items to level 35 in case they have a epic boss fire sale again (5 gem/per shot at epic boss).
IMO its probably not since by the time that fire sale comes out there will probably have been better boss armor available and the 1664 EP/400k might be better spent elsewhere.
I personally just hate when a blazeborn just whoops my assasin's so I need my hands on that armor
Thanks in advance,
08-20-2013, 10:52 PM
Hi lvl 64 nub here lol. I was just woundering I see lvl 100-150 with 607 hp . Is that max HP? What is max base atk/def and at what level does it all max out? I'm on android.
08-20-2013, 10:58 PM
Hi lvl 64 nub here lol. I was just woundering I see lvl 100-150 with 607 hp . Is that max HP? What is max base atk/def and at what level does it all max out? I'm on android.
Yes, 607 is the max HP. Max attack/defense is 316. Everything caps at level 100.
Hey, whats the best way to level a legendary armor?
I mean, kind of looking for the most efficient way that most people (or you) use to level it.
I understand for the first levels uncommons + uncommons lvl 11 + snakeskins will do. Once it reach level 20 or so, I am not very comfortable with this method anymore, especially if snakesins aren't compatible with my armor. So, any thoughts ? I have been thinking fusion boost armors from guild donation + uncraftable armors is prolly my best choice overall, but this is hella expensive.
What methods do you use?
08-20-2013, 11:46 PM
Thanks a bunch unresolved.
08-20-2013, 11:48 PM
Hey, whats the best way to level a legendary armor?
I mean, kind of looking for the most efficient way that most people (or you) use to level it.
I understand for the first levels uncommons + uncommons lvl 11 + snakeskins will do. Once it reach level 20 or so, I am not very comfortable with this method anymore, especially if snakesins aren't compatible with my armor. So, any thoughts ? I have been thinking fusion boost armors from guild donation + uncraftable armors is prolly my best choice overall, but this is hella expensive.
What methods do you use?
If your armor has earth or water:
Basics/Uncommons to 25/30. Snakes to 60. Fusion stones/boosters to 70/99.
You could save some gold by using snakes at level 16, but snakes are soooo slow and the gold differential is very small at those levels.
If your armor doesn't have earth/water:
Basics/Uncommons to 25/30, snakes to 50, Fusion stones/boosters to 70/99.
08-21-2013, 03:00 AM
I can't post new topic. How should I do? Please help.
Anybody know how to? Please
08-21-2013, 03:18 AM
Anybody know how to? Please
You need to have a post count of at least 10 before you are allowed to create your own thread I believe. .
08-21-2013, 03:54 AM
...which is a good thing because there are probably few things that are worth a new topic by a new forum user and don't already have a topic about them...
08-21-2013, 04:01 AM
Legendary Fuzing
For legendary's that at this point I haven't gotten to 43 (my poor dragons) if I am trying to fuze for blazeborn/moonplate, is it worth getting the items to level 35 in case they have a epic boss fire sale again (5 gem/per shot at epic boss).
IMO its probably not since by the time that fire sale comes out there will probably have been better boss armor available and the 1664 EP/400k might be better spent elsewhere.
I personally just hate when a blazeborn just whoops my assasin's so I need my hands on that armor
Thanks in advance,
If it wasn't worth summoning the boss when it was 11 gems, it's very questional if it will be worth it 2 months later at 5 gems...
Only do it if you badly miss the element combination in your collection.
Dragon armors seem to have been fused into quite a lot of Epics; see the fusion results topic.
08-21-2013, 04:10 AM
If it wasn't worth summoning the boss when it was 11 gems, it's very questional if it will be worth it 2 months later at 5 gems...
Only do it if you badly miss the element combination in your collection.
Dragon armors seem to have been fused into quite a lot of Epics; see the fusion results topic.
IMHO, it may be worth it if you are slow to level armors and your older more dated armors are the only ones you are in a position to craft a + version of. Personally I only have 2 maxed + armors (wurm and admiral) and I'm still doing decent in most arena and guild battles. Even if the armor isn't the bleeding edge of spanking new, I wouldn't dismiss the brute force strength of a maxed out + armor. Regardless of age.
Personally, I'm planning on levelling the + versions of the 4 dragon armors just cause I think they look cool. But thats more of an 'eye of the beholder' thing.
08-21-2013, 05:12 AM
What is the reward for being number one on epic boss leaderboard? does it level your armor up 20+ or is another armor given to you level 20?
08-21-2013, 05:27 AM
What is the reward for being number one on epic boss leaderboard? does it level your armor up 20+ or is another armor given to you level 20?
You get an armor at level 20.
08-21-2013, 05:39 AM
You get an armor at level 20.
Ah right..nice one thanks
08-21-2013, 09:03 AM
Quick! how do I get torchflame mantle plus?! >_<
Also, recipe for combustion armor or moontide?
08-21-2013, 09:26 AM
I've noticed that farming shards take so long. How do you guys do it more effectively?
I'm trying to get my first epic boss+ armor and I wanted to use the basics first before starting on my snakeskins.
I farm Skeleton tomb often in valor mode and I yield about 2-4 earth shards and 2-3 water shards per run.
Is this normal? I notice in the animation that I should have gotten more than that since after a special attack on the first monster, the other monsters yield a basic shard to. But apparently it doesn't add that way since instead of getting 8-9 shards per run I only get 2-4.
I only noticed that only the last monster yields the "actual" shards if defeated by a special attack or the previous monsters were defeated by it but only the last monster actually counts on the shard reward at the end where you click on the exp crystals/shards that you get.
Please help if anyone can solve this. Tired of only getting so few shards per run :/
Gundam Lvl 91 Knight
08-21-2013, 09:29 AM
Quick! how do I get torchflame mantle plus?! >_<
Also, recipe for combustion armor or moontide?
All fusions are based on armors elements. By fusing for example dragonflame and mystic armor, you can get torchflame, living flame, and anything related whit spirit\fire. By the way, is nearly impossible fusing three,four, or five stars whit armors lower than three stars. Only three stars and higher have decent(not sure) chanches of giving out good armors, like clayplate mantle, guardian battlegear, moontide, and by the way. Soo a good combination to get montide is anything having water in one side and spirit in the other. Roc god and swamp shaman is the cheapest combination, but remember you cam still get a wawecharmer or a spectrail capitan, and even a crius or something other. So, good luck!
Last one... You can get uncraftable armors plus versions only via dark prince chests and weekly 30 gems chests.
Remember that living flame+ is still cheaper and better than torchflame, crius+ is better than monstrous garb, and this way to lightning lord, and all the other two stars. Check the spreadshet for more infos on armor stats, max stats, increase per level and if they are fuseable E
I've noticed that farming shards take so long. How do you guys do it more effectively?
I'm trying to get my first epic boss+ armor and I wanted to use the basics first before starting on my snakeskins.
I farm Skeleton tomb often in valor mode and I yield about 2-4 earth shards and 2-3 water shards per run.
Is this normal? I notice in the animation that I should have gotten more than that since after a special attack on the first monster, the other monsters yield a basic shard to. But apparently it doesn't add that way since instead of getting 8-9 shards per run I only get 2-4.
I only noticed that only the last monster yields the "actual" shards if defeated by a special attack or the previous monsters were defeated by it but only the last monster actually counts on the shard reward at the end where you click on the exp crystals/shards that you get.
Please help if anyone can solve this. Tired of only getting so few shards per run :/
Gundam Lvl 91 Knight
Thats wrong. The first monster you kill, drop something, no? Then her friend come, and take their drop back, after you kill this, the guy drop his things and the friend one, and all the way to the stage part finish. So you get your shards and exps only at the last shot. Is like having four friends, you beat one, the second take their wallet, you beat the second, he drop two wallets, and this way untill you can get your four wallets. Someone already said this, dont remember who.
08-21-2013, 09:31 AM
Quick! how do I get torchflame mantle plus?! >_<
Also, recipe for combustion armor or moontide?
You may get a torchflame+ from the chests, if you open enough. That's the only way.
No guaranteed recipes for combustion or moontide. Some of my Guildies are reporting success by combining unwanted legendaries, but it's a gamble, you're more likely to just end up with fewer fusing materials than you started with.
08-21-2013, 09:42 AM
I've noticed that farming shards take so long. How do you guys do it more effectively?
I'm trying to get my first epic boss+ armor and I wanted to use the basics first before starting on my snakeskins.
I farm Skeleton tomb often in valor mode and I yield about 2-4 earth shards and 2-3 water shards per run.
Is this normal? I notice in the animation that I should have gotten more than that since after a special attack on the first monster, the other monsters yield a basic shard to. But apparently it doesn't add that way since instead of getting 8-9 shards per run I only get 2-4.
I only noticed that only the last monster yields the "actual" shards if defeated by a special attack or the previous monsters were defeated by it but only the last monster actually counts on the shard reward at the end where you click on the exp crystals/shards that you get.
Please help if anyone can solve this. Tired of only getting so few shards per run :/
Gundam Lvl 91 Knight
You're getting more than I get at level 100+. I only get 2 special attacks before the final boss and sometimes only one. 1 spard per special attack, plus any you get for unforced criticals.
The best you can get from the Boss is 2 snakeskin per run, and the ratio of snakeskin to stone drops does seem to have deteriorated recently, but that may be just my perception because I'm running the dungeon more at present to level up my Assassin's Shroud.
You could get more basic water and earth shards by wearing weaker armor, so it takes more blows to kill the minions, but you'd get fewer runs for your health bar.
08-21-2013, 10:05 AM
I've noticed that farming shards take so long. How do you guys do it more effectively?
I'm trying to get my first epic boss+ armor and I wanted to use the basics first before starting on my snakeskins.
I farm Skeleton tomb often in valor mode and I yield about 2-4 earth shards and 2-3 water shards per run.
Is this normal? I notice in the animation that I should have gotten more than that since after a special attack on the first monster, the other monsters yield a basic shard to. But apparently it doesn't add that way since instead of getting 8-9 shards per run I only get 2-4.
I only noticed that only the last monster yields the "actual" shards if defeated by a special attack or the previous monsters were defeated by it but only the last monster actually counts on the shard reward at the end where you click on the exp crystals/shards that you get.
Please help if anyone can solve this. Tired of only getting so few shards per run :/
Gundam Lvl 91 Knight
It's the game mechanics; basically as you clear through a wave, the drops are all shown collectively:
1st kill: 1st kill drops shown
2nd kill: 1st and 2nd kill drops shown
3rd kill: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd kill drops shown
Repeat up to 5 if needed. They show up graphically and it looks as though you're getting drops from all, but you're not.
Basically what you collect after the last minion in a given wave, that's what you got total for the wave. It's Gree's implementation, albeit a bit of a confusing one, rather than a bug.
I've noticed that farming shards take so long. How do you guys do it more effectively?
I'm trying to get my first epic boss+ armor and I wanted to use the basics first before starting on my snakeskins.
I farm Skeleton tomb often in valor mode and I yield about 2-4 earth shards and 2-3 water shards per run.
Is this normal? I notice in the animation that I should have gotten more than that since after a special attack on the first monster, the other monsters yield a basic shard to. But apparently it doesn't add that way since instead of getting 8-9 shards per run I only get 2-4.
I only noticed that only the last monster yields the "actual" shards if defeated by a special attack or the previous monsters were defeated by it but only the last monster actually counts on the shard reward at the end where you click on the exp crystals/shards that you get.
Please help if anyone can solve this. Tired of only getting so few shards per run :/
Gundam Lvl 91 Knight
Why not hit a zone that exclusively drops the shards you need if that's all you're after? For instance, farming snakeskin I get a ton of water and earth that stockpile. If I am building level 11 mono's and run out of shards, I have two choices:
1. Farm snakeskins and kill two birds with one stone, but get fewer shards per run.
2. Farm Relic Ruins, Theives Cove, etc. More of the specific shards I want, but no snakeskins.
If you use method 2, make sure and use as many SA on minions as you can and do not use SA on the final boss. Instead of Stone Slab, etc, it will usually drop 2 shards instead.
08-21-2013, 11:08 AM
Are all levels on final stage only 3 rounds? Went through normal and valor so far.
Gittt, Epic stage has 4 stages, with the last stage even ''transforming'' itself. Its the Dark prince stage. I don't remember other stages. All the others are 3 stages only.
Now for my question:
When Should I open the last expansion slot?
I got info from 2 very strong players, and one of them tell me its too costly, while the other one tells me I should go for it as soon as possible. Any other thoughts on this? Despite the fact that there is no right answer, I'd like to hear about it from more people now.
I have like 1.5mil saved up and my armors are not really as strong as I wish they were, but I do have a combustion armor pretty much begging to be leveled. But there is that freaking last slot that costs 2 mil and 2 days to open aswell.
Fact is If I open it I will prolly only get 1 TF out of it because I find it slow enough with 2 armorsmiths, so I'd want at least 3. 2 mil for one TF? Not sure if its that good right now.
Any thoughts?
08-21-2013, 11:41 AM
Gittt, Epic stage has 4 stages, with the last stage even ''transforming'' itself. Its the Dark prince stage. I don't remember other stages. All the others are 3 stages only.
Now for my question:
When Should I open the last expansion slot?
I got info from 2 very strong players, and one of them tell me its too costly, while the other one tells me I should go for it as soon as possible. Any other thoughts on this? Despite the fact that there is no right answer, I'd like to hear about it from more people now.
I have like 1.5mil saved up and my armors are not really as strong as I wish they were, but I do have a combustion armor pretty much begging to be leveled. But there is that freaking last slot that costs 2 mil and 2 days to open aswell.
Fact is If I open it I will prolly only get 1 TF out of it because I find it slow enough with 2 armorsmiths, so I'd want at least 3. 2 mil for one TF? Not sure if its that good right now.
Any thoughts?
Fill out your expansions ASAP. It's something that's a pain to do but worth it in the long run.
Gittt, Epic stage has 4 stages, with the last stage even ''transforming'' itself. Its the Dark prince stage. I don't remember other stages. All the others are 3 stages only.
Now for my question:
When Should I open the last expansion slot?
I got info from 2 very strong players, and one of them tell me its too costly, while the other one tells me I should go for it as soon as possible. Any other thoughts on this? Despite the fact that there is no right answer, I'd like to hear about it from more people now.
I have like 1.5mil saved up and my armors are not really as strong as I wish they were, but I do have a combustion armor pretty much begging to be leveled. But there is that freaking last slot that costs 2 mil and 2 days to open aswell.
Fact is If I open it I will prolly only get 1 TF out of it because I find it slow enough with 2 armorsmiths, so I'd want at least 3. 2 mil for one TF? Not sure if its that good right now.
Any thoughts?
You are close to covering the cost now. When is it going to get "easier" to save that much gold? Once it is done, your gold can be focused on leveling armor exclusively and you are at max output.
Has anyone ever wondered why they called it "Hydra Hunter"? It has fire so it is weak against a hydra, but it does not have air to be strong against a hydra. That must have been worn by someone really bad at his job, right?
I'm just level 57 and trying to save for the 500k expansion. I was leveling armors at the same time. At first, that went fine...until I started getting into the 40+ range on the big 4. I realized I was going to have to stop leveling armors completely to get to the 500k. In thinking occurred to me, I might as well swap my 2 extra armories for more training fields if I'm not going to be using them. Does that seem like a viable strat? If so, how long should I continue that? Until I have all expansions? Maybe just add one extra armory to have 2 and then save? Would you finish the big 4 before doing the 1 mil expansion? Maybe after the bigger 4?
I really hate to delay getting boss armors any longer than necessary so those seem a little out of reach until I can at least make a good try for boss armors each week while I save. I recognize that I won't be making a good run at those until 90+ unless I spend a lot of money, which I won't do. However, if I'm trying for boss armors, that means I need to level that armor to 35 quickly...which means both that I am not saving very well at that point AND that I need as much income as I can get. I just get matched against so many in Arena already who have leveled boss armors. Makes me feel like I'm already behind the curve in almost every aspect, lol.
I don't really want to do it, but I suspect I need to be saving right now for those last two expansions. If I do that, I'll have a ton of Snakeskin Leathers stocked up by the time I finish the castle. While that sounds like it would put me in a good spot to hit the ground running when I am done, it sure doesn't sound like a fun month or so.
08-21-2013, 03:18 PM
I'm just level 57 and trying to save for the 500k expansion. I was leveling armors at the same time. At first, that went fine...until I started getting into the 40+ range on the big 4. I realized I was going to have to stop leveling armors completely to get to the 500k. In thinking occurred to me, I might as well swap my 2 extra armories for more training fields if I'm not going to be using them. Does that seem like a viable strat? If so, how long should I continue that? Until I have all expansions? Maybe just add one extra armory to have 2 and then save? Would you finish the big 4 before doing the 1 mil expansion? Maybe after the bigger 4?
I really hate to delay getting boss armors any longer than necessary so those seem a little out of reach until I can at least make a good try for boss armors each week while I save. I recognize that I won't be making a good run at those until 90+ unless I spend a lot of money, which I won't do. However, if I'm trying for boss armors, that means I need to level that armor to 35 quickly...which means both that I am not saving very well at that point AND that I need as much income as I can get. I just get matched against so many in Arena already who have leveled boss armors. Makes me feel like I'm already behind the curve in almost every aspect, lol.
I don't really want to do it, but I suspect I need to be saving right now for those last two expansions. If I do that, I'll have a ton of Snakeskin Leathers stocked up by the time I finish the castle. While that sounds like it would put me in a good spot to hit the ground running when I am done, it sure doesn't sound like a fun month or so.
Lots, and i say lots of peoples i see in arena are probably wearing non plus verions, and i think is also your situation. Dont worry whit the boss, because untill 100 you will not get near 43. Work as fast as possible on big four, because you will use them for a loong time, they will get a space untill you will have lots and lots of maxed legendaries. A good configuration for gold production and enchsnchements purposes is 3 armories, and the rest training fields. You will not feel comfortable whit only two or one armory, and will be penalized on enchanching. So get all the expansions you can as fast as possible, wait a bit only on the two last ones, and after having all your training fields and maxed big four, go get you bigger four, and dont forget to keep farming snakeskins. After maxing at least two bigger fours, you will have levelled to 100 and have a plain road to the epic boss 43' kill. Maybe you want to try fusing three stars thogheter to get some legendaries, armors like blackfrost, clayplate, combustion, guardian battlegear and this way are the same as actual epic bosses armors.
08-21-2013, 04:21 PM
Has anyone ever wondered why they called it "Hydra Hunter"? It has fire so it is weak against a hydra, but it does not have air to be strong against a hydra. That must have been worn by someone really bad at his job, right?
The person who first crafted this armor named it after themselves, of course. They killed a hydra to get the materials for it, so it's the "hydra hunter's armor". :)
08-21-2013, 05:11 PM
What is the best way to earn gems? A lot of people are saying thy get like 800 gems per day from watching videos, but mine always says none available. Is there a way to change this?
08-21-2013, 05:16 PM
What is the best way to earn gems? A lot of people are saying thy get like 800 gems per day from watching videos, but mine always says none available. Is there a way to change this?
Nope, if you do get that many videos than you're quite lucky, and there's no way to change it. The fastest way is to just check your offers often and try to conserve them and use them for important things and not on chests.
08-21-2013, 05:16 PM
it's really grinding to watch 800 videos a day .......
08-21-2013, 05:30 PM
Question: Is it all just about the numbers?
I have been wondering if the best armors in this game (for each element combo) are just the ones with the highest stats?
I love the look of blackfrost but stat wise (for the same element combo) moontide has higher att/def.
08-21-2013, 05:36 PM
Question: Is it all just about the numbers?
I have been wondering if the best armors in this game (for each element combo) are just the ones with the highest stats?
I love the look of blackfrost but stat wise (for the same element combo) moontide has higher att/def.
Pratically yes. But remember the element advantages and disadvantages. You can have, for example, a dark prince plus at level 70 that's beaten by a level 50 hidra hunter plus. All because hidra hunter get 50% bonud damage for every element he is strong again. So simply be wise whit elements you use.
Abou the blackfrost. Yes, looks cool, i have one also. But if i get moontide, is better to stop updgrading it and focus on the better one. You can have some good epic fusions if you are lucky enought
08-21-2013, 05:42 PM
Thanks Sakino for the swift response.
So you get a 25% damage bonus per element? e.g. A mono water vs DP would be only strong against the fire so its 25%?
08-21-2013, 06:12 PM
Thanks Sakino for the swift response.
So you get a 25% damage bonus per element? e.g. A mono water vs DP would be only strong against the fire so its 25%?
You get 50% per strong element. Against past week's boss, water/fire did 100 + 50 + 50 = 200% damage.
08-21-2013, 06:40 PM
What is big 4? Lol sorry for newibe Q....
08-21-2013, 06:49 PM
What is big 4? Lol sorry for newibe Q....
Antlantean Avenger+, Hydra Hunter+, Living Flame+, Crius Armor+
08-21-2013, 07:09 PM
I got a stormrage armor plus from the dpc, is it a good armor?
08-21-2013, 07:45 PM
When does the next war start?
08-21-2013, 08:06 PM
I got a stormrage armor plus from the dpc, is it a good armor?
If its the + version then upgrade it over AA+. If its normal then it's not worth upgrading and using.
08-21-2013, 08:15 PM
It is the plus but it only reaches at lvl 50 so i'm not so sure if it's strong
08-21-2013, 08:51 PM
It is the plus but it only reaches at lvl 50 so i'm not so sure if it's strong
Depending on your level it can be well worth upgrading. If you don't have strong armors I would recommend upgrading it. E
You can find the stats of armors here.
08-22-2013, 01:20 AM
Is it common if my arena opponent are 200 point difference than me ? for example im at rank 300 and my opponent around 130-150. there is time where I enter arena the opponent around my point and now they are 200 point difference, kinda hard to defeat -_-
08-22-2013, 01:49 AM
Yes, it's common. I guess it's to determine if you belong higher than what you are or you belong your spot...which is odd since you can just farm on people that are lower than you. It doesn't change once you get higher either. In top 100, you can have #1-5, then the rest would be #40+ and just skip out on 30+ other players.
08-22-2013, 02:33 AM
You need to have a post count of at least 10 before you are allowed to create your own thread I believe. .
I will try to do that. Thank you
It is the plus but it only reaches at lvl 50 so i'm not so sure if it's strong
Neither the stars nor the level the armor caps (50-70, etc) have any bearing on the strength. You really need to use the data administration thread here on this forum to look up the maximum stats on any armor. The reason the "big 4" are the big 4 is because they are 1 star armor with a cap of level 50 but their total stats are even higher than some 4 star armors. An armor with a level cap of 50 is awesome if the max stats are good because then it is MUCH cheaper and faster to level.
08-22-2013, 08:57 AM
It may be the wrong forum but what are the ranks such as junior members, members and senior members and is there any other ranks
It may be the wrong forum but what are the ranks such as junior members, members and senior members and is there any other ranks
Pretty sure that's just based on post count. I believe it is Jr Member until 10 posts. That is when you become a Member and can start a new thread. Not sure on Sr Member or if that changes anything to do with permissions.
08-22-2013, 09:10 AM
Thanks anyway
08-22-2013, 12:06 PM
How long on average does it take to get a reply from support
08-22-2013, 01:53 PM
How long on average does it take to get a reply from support
Three days, or more.
08-22-2013, 02:36 PM
How long on average does it take to get a reply from support
I believe it has been at least 3-4 days but most I know have taken longer...
08-22-2013, 02:58 PM
When an armor is being referred to as a "tank", what does it mean exactly?
08-22-2013, 03:06 PM
When an armor is being referred to as a "tank", what does it mean exactly?
A tank is an armor that can take a lot of damage, but doesn't deal as much in return. Notus and Flame Summoner are great examples of this.
Erin's pride
08-22-2013, 03:19 PM
It is totally worthwhile to spend gems on upgrading training fields to max. 24000 per field as opposed to 16500 in the same time frame makes a a massive difference!
08-22-2013, 11:57 PM
If u combine a boss armor with a 3 star armor or 2 boss armors is there a possibility of getting a regular 4 star armor? Also will u get anything good from combining 2 nemisis armors or a nemisis and a 3 star armor or boss armor?
08-23-2013, 04:55 AM
If u combine a boss armor with a 3 star armor or 2 boss armors is there a possibility of getting a regular 4 star armor? Also will u get anything good from combining 2 nemisis armors or a nemisis and a 3 star armor or boss armor?
The only good combines are 3 star whit three stars and four star whit other four stars. The first have a 1/6 chanche of giving out something useful, the second is nearly sure. In case of four star mono( this boss armor, wanderer shroud)
I know you can get 100% higher than three star results. The other, like 2 stars and above, give out 99% crap.
Dont combine four stars whit three stars, cause is better to save the four star and craft another three star one.
Only once i got a sky guardian by combining basic, but like after 100' of combination for creating 50 ep armors.
08-23-2013, 05:16 AM
How do I get the "+" armors, how better are they from normal ones and what is epic armor? thank you
08-23-2013, 06:27 AM
A tank is an armor that can take a lot of damage, but doesn't deal as much in return. Notus and Flame Summoner are great examples of this.
In other words: more defense than attack.
How do I get the "+" armors, how better are they from normal ones and what is epic armor? thank you
plus armors:
- craftable: craft and level the non-plus armor to a certain level (see spreadsheet in "data sheet administration" topic) to be able to craft the plus version
- non-craftable: Dark Prince's Chest
non-plus vs plus stats: see the spreadsheet.
epic: 5-star
08-23-2013, 08:20 AM
How do I get the "+" armors, how better are they from normal ones and what is epic armor? thank you
In a few words,the plus versions are unlocked when you level the basic version enough. They have better stats.
The armors you cant craft but you see around, like steam wizard, monk vestments, etc, are only obtenaible via fusion in the basic versions. The plus are obteinable if you have luck in the dark prince chests.
08-23-2013, 08:36 AM
I see. thank you for the reply! :)
08-23-2013, 09:53 AM
why is 1135 censored? LOL wth gree. having a nice chat and my guildmate said he is rank **** LOL
So, I'm level 60 now and trying to top off the big 4. That being said, I've noticed an elemental gap in my armors. For most, I have at least 2 armors to cover a particular element. Some of them open me up to a weakness to use them still, but have 2 to choose from. For instance, if I need water elements, I can use AA or HH. Either one might open an element weakness but I can avoid that one or maybe it doesn't really matter like snakeskin farming. For earth and spirit, however, I have only one armor each to choose from. It seems pretty obvious from the flow of craftables as well as the quests, Chimera Corp was the design intent to fill both gaps with one armor. Given the overall weakness of the armor, however, I have avoided it per the suggestions here.
For a non-gem spender, how would you recommend attempting to fill that gap?
08-23-2013, 10:14 AM
How can I get my guild banner from an android phone to the forums
08-23-2013, 10:18 AM
why is 1135 censored? LOL wth gree. having a nice chat and my guildmate said he is rank **** LOL weird I noticed it to but it was five stars not 4
08-23-2013, 10:29 AM
Hi all,
I am now level 64.
My base has the following.
4 armories, 8 training grounds, 1traven and 2 monster nests ( due to quests)
Still trying to save for the last expansion and thinking of 2 more training.
At the moment I was using snakeskin to enhance my big 4 but now seems to take forever due to limited drops now.
My aa+ and hh+ are maxed, ca+ = 32 and lf+ = 25.
Am I still better off farming snakeskins or is there another way to enhance just as fast by using basic+?
Also thinking of starting the bigger 4 but just want to make sure that my other armors are not worth upgrading
Assassin should level 12 ATM, sky guard, spectral cap, dorar nemesis and aegis of the fallen. All are non plus.
DG Magneto
08-23-2013, 10:49 AM
You might consider switching to 3 armorys and putting a TF in its place. That will help your gold flow and wont require as much material farming.
Go for that last expansion. Save toward it daily. You can still enhance armors of course.
Are you farming snakeskin on a hard difficulty? The drop rate is 70% or higher i believe.
Snakeskin is sadly the way to go. You can try using say stonescale uncommon and enhancing it with 5 basic earth. This will level it to 8, which gives 17 EP.(snakeskin 24 EP) This will lower your crafting times but will require more material farming. I find it very useful to have a full set (or 2) of the big 4 for epic bosses each weak.
As for your other armors, Sky guardian is decent Spirit/Air with 916attk/1027 def. You can do that and/or go for swamp shaman+ next. After that get infernal lord +.
08-23-2013, 11:03 AM
You might consider switching to 3 armorys and putting a TF in its place. That will help your gold flow and wont require as much material farming.
Go for that last expansion. Save toward it daily. You can still enhance armors of course.
Snakeskin is sadly the way to go. You can try using say stonescale uncommon and enhancing it with 5 basic earth. This will level it to 8, which gives 17 EP.(snakeskin 24 EP) This will lower your crafting times but will require more material farming. I find it very useful to have a full set (or 2) of the big 4 for epic bosses each weak.
As for your other armors, Sky guardian is decent Spirit/Air with 916attk/1027 def. You can do that and/or go for swamp shaman+ next. After that get infernal lord +.
Thanks for quick response, I will farm snakeskins if that's the best way to go now and in the future.
I will start building up the pluses on the sg and ss but what is the fourth one to go for?
I am also thinking of stalling the quests as I seem to be selling buildings etc to complete the quests.....
Tbh I have been using snakeskin to enhance even if the element is not on the armor, just to quickly get the attack...guessing this is done due to no other armor as good to use for enhancements
Thanks again
Thanks for quick response, I will farm snakeskins if that's the best way to go now and in the future.
I will start building up the pluses on the sg and ss but what is the fourth one to go for?
I am also thinking of stalling the quests as I seem to be selling buildings etc to complete the quests.....
Tbh I have been using snakeskin to enhance even if the element is not on the armor, just to quickly get the attack...guessing this is done due to no other armor as good to use for enhancements
Thanks again
I'm pretty sure Sky Guardian can only get the plus from chests. The "bigger 4" is usually Swamp Shaman+, Infernal Lord+, Dark Prince+ and if you haven't come across a decent substitute by the time those are done, Rocfeather+. Since you have SG, that would be your Roc+ alternative.
Snakeskins just happen to be convenient because they only cost 3k gold to craft for the 20-24ep. Leveling an uncommon to level 11 with 8 basics can get you essentially the same ep but then costs more. A matching uncommon level 11 is 20ep which is what you get for a non-match snakeskin.
300 x 8 for the basics, + 500 x 4 for the uncommons, + first fusion at 600 x 4 and the second fusion at 1600 x 4 =
6400 (fusion 2)
2400 (fusion 1)
2000 (uncommon)
2400 (basics)
13200 for a set of 4 armors to be consumed in the enhance. This is also faster to craft, but requires more micro-management to stay that way.
vs 3000 x 4 = 12000 for a set of 4 snakeskins. Of course, if the snakeskins do match, they are more ep than the level 11 uncommons.
08-23-2013, 12:59 PM
So, I'm level 60 now and trying to top off the big 4. That being said, I've noticed an elemental gap in my armors. For most, I have at least 2 armors to cover a particular element. Some of them open me up to a weakness to use them still, but have 2 to choose from. For instance, if I need water elements, I can use AA or HH. Either one might open an element weakness but I can avoid that one or maybe it doesn't really matter like snakeskin farming. For earth and spirit, however, I have only one armor each to choose from. It seems pretty obvious from the flow of craftables as well as the quests, Chimera Corp was the design intent to fill both gaps with one armor. Given the overall weakness of the armor, however, I have avoided it per the suggestions here.
For a non-gem spender, how would you recommend attempting to fill that gap?
For Earth, Swamp Shaman+ is a pretty nice Water/Earth tank-ish armor. Farming for roots can drive you crazy due to drop rates even on Epic difficulty.
For Spirit, I am mostly satisfied with my LF+ and never found any need for Spirit. However, the DP armor is Fire/Spirit. Farming the evil gems requires some patience and rather high level since it drops only on Epic level of last stage.
I am skipping DP personally since I am crafting the Aegis of the Fallen from last week epic boss :)
08-23-2013, 01:09 PM
Never mind the Connection Error, I fixed it! The cause was my phone's time being incorrect (it was 1 hour ahead).
Oh, and on the iPhone I recieved 3 Dark Prince's Keys and an Air Fusion Boost Armor (Apperently as some kind of an apology? Didn't read full message.) and I managed to gain a Stormrage Armor + , which lucky enough has better stats than any of the Big Four.
I'm level 46 and I'm currently at Sunken Carrack - Epic Stage. Any tips for me?
For Earth, Swamp Shaman+ is a pretty nice Water/Earth tank-ish armor. Farming for roots can drive you crazy due to drop rates even on Epic difficulty.
For Spirit, I am mostly satisfied with my LF+ and never found any need for Spirit. However, the DP armor is Fire/Spirit. Farming the evil gems requires some patience and rather high level since it drops only on Epic level of last stage.
I am skipping DP personally since I am crafting the Aegis of the Fallen from last week epic boss :)
I appreciate the reply. I'll have to get strong enough to get through some more progression before I can start on SS. I am currently working the stage where you can get Spectral (can't remember the name off the top of my head and the app is currently updating on the phone). I've slowed down on progress a bit because the last couple of stages were sweating it if I could make it through. Assumed I needed to "buff up" a little before going back to it.
I was hoping there was something I'm not aware of that could help me there. The Armors spreadsheet didn't show me anything that seemed likely, but then, I was looking specifically at the earth/spirit combo. I've considered just trying to level an extra LF+ and Crius+. However, then if I need earth but air is a liability, I don't have any other options. Same for LF if I need spirit but not fire.
I may dig around in the spreadsheet for earth armors not tied to spirit and vice versa to see if I can find anything half way decent that is attainable for me. Just hoping someone had some suggestions. Again, thanks for taking the time to help.
08-23-2013, 01:35 PM
I appreciate the reply. I'll have to get strong enough to get through some more progression before I can start on SS. I am currently working the stage where you can get Spectral (can't remember the name off the top of my head and the app is currently updating on the phone). I've slowed down on progress a bit because the last couple of stages were sweating it if I could make it through. Assumed I needed to "buff up" a little before going back to it.
I was hoping there was something I'm not aware of that could help me there. The Armors spreadsheet didn't show me anything that seemed likely, but then, I was looking specifically at the earth/spirit combo. I've considered just trying to level an extra LF+ and Crius+. However, then if I need earth but air is a liability, I don't have any other options. Same for LF if I need spirit but not fire.
I may dig around in the spreadsheet for earth armors not tied to spirit and vice versa to see if I can find anything half way decent that is attainable for me. Just hoping someone had some suggestions. Again, thanks for taking the time to help.
Ok. Just curious, have you maxed your Crius+ and AA+ ? Those 2 armors are essential for getting through most stages. IIRC, I was able to walk through that pirate stage with maxed Crius+, AA+, and lv ~40 LF.
I actually finished each stage at least once with only maxed big 4. I never had any need for Spirit element to complete any of them.
I appreciate the reply. I'll have to get strong enough to get through some more progression before I can start on SS. I am currently working the stage where you can get Spectral (can't remember the name off the top of my head and the app is currently updating on the phone). I've slowed down on progress a bit because the last couple of stages were sweating it if I could make it through. Assumed I needed to "buff up" a little before going back to it.
I was hoping there was something I'm not aware of that could help me there. The Armors spreadsheet didn't show me anything that seemed likely, but then, I was looking specifically at the earth/spirit combo. I've considered just trying to level an extra LF+ and Crius+. However, then if I need earth but air is a liability, I don't have any other options. Same for LF if I need spirit but not fire.
I may dig around in the spreadsheet for earth armors not tied to spirit and vice versa to see if I can find anything half way decent that is attainable for me. Just hoping someone had some suggestions. Again, thanks for taking the time to help.
I'd say powerlevel some by mass farming snakeskins, saves you a lot of time in the future too. After that you can get through the last stages easier. Get to the point where you can get the + version of the epic boss armor asap, as story armors still take a lot to max but are becoming quite outdated.
08-23-2013, 02:21 PM
After leveling the normal boss armor to lvl 35 is it better to combine in leveling the + armor or to use fusion stone and fuse. I have all the 2 star bost armors that I have not used yet.
08-23-2013, 02:51 PM
Never mind the Connection Error, I fixed it! The cause was my phone's time being incorrect (it was 1 hour ahead).
Oh, and on the iPhone I recieved 3 Dark Prince's Keys and an Air Fusion Boost Armor (Apperently as some kind of an apology? Didn't read full message.) and I managed to gain a Stormrage Armor + , which lucky enough has better stats than any of the Big Four.
I'm level 46 and I'm currently at Sunken Carrack - Epic Stage. Any tips for me?
You were lucky because the chests have a ridicolous chanche of giving out a plus armor, even a low stars one.
Cause its better than atlean avenger, max stormrage as your first armor, and then get the other pieces of the big four that you need. After that, go to complete quests.
At this point you have to unlock the three star bigger four, amd craft swamp shaman, infernal lord and dark prince, cause those will end up useful to get to epic boss 43. Consider skipping roc god cause the stats are a bit crappy and the combination not so much useful. Totally forget spectral capitain, i maxed one first of getting out that have lower stats than your stormrage but three times the cost. Now if you havent, level to 100 and get a guild whit good elemental bonuses, and you will smash out the bosses to 43.
08-23-2013, 03:03 PM
I still didn't get Guild Wars rewards, anyone knows what should I do?
08-23-2013, 03:45 PM
Does 5X aegies of the dragon armor drop chance in prince chest apply to the + version also?
Ok. Just curious, have you maxed your Crius+ and AA+ ? Those 2 armors are essential for getting through most stages. IIRC, I was able to walk through that pirate stage with maxed Crius+, AA+, and lv ~40 LF.
I actually finished each stage at least once with only maxed big 4. I never had any need for Spirit element to complete any of them.
I currently have HH+ and Crius+ maxed. I have AA+ at 33 I think and LF+ at 41. When I started into that level of the map I think I was level 56 or 58. I came a little too close to having my main knight dying. When I was doing some of the maps for getting the big 4 mats, I ran into that a lot and got sick of waiting 60-90 minutes to finish the last stage of each difficulty. Since I haven't tried in a few levels, it might be time to revisit them and see where I stand now. I just haven't yet because I was saving for my 500k expansion and haven't done any real leveling of the armors since my last attempts.
08-23-2013, 04:25 PM
hey, another question to you guys..anyway to get rid of useless armors that i have without fusing/enhancing? like remove them or something? ty
08-23-2013, 04:29 PM
Sifu i think it's a good idea to open the 500k and maybe also the 1m expansion before lvling armors ...
I have just done the same ... 2 weeks ago I casual played for 4 days and not level any armors to save enough money for the 500k and 1m expansion
08-23-2013, 06:04 PM
I am lvl 75 with the big four maxed now I woukd lime to know what I should do with the gems I get in the game I have four armoreies and all the expansion but one open should I use the gems for upgrading building or for the dpc or what also I am tring to get the first biger four armor to max lvl should I try to max it or lvl it until some lvl?
08-23-2013, 06:10 PM
I am lvl 75 with the big four maxed now I woukd lime to know what I should do with the gems I get in the game I have four armoreies and all the expansion but one open should I use the gems for upgrading building or for the dpc or what also I am tring to get the first biger four armor to max lvl should I try to max it or lvl it until some lvl?
Use all your gems on Training Field upgrades. Max one Bigger 4 armor at a time. Swamp Shaman is a good armor to start with.
Sifu i think it's a good idea to open the 500k and maybe also the 1m expansion before lvling armors ...
I have just done the same ... 2 weeks ago I casual played for 4 days and not level any armors to save enough money for the 500k and 1m expansion
Yeah, I have been mulling over the idea to do exactly that. When I thought about it, I hate letting weeks go by that I still cannot get to the Epic Boss + armors, but...once I am there, then every week I am going to want to get the normal, level it to 35 and then craft it again for the +. Not counting leveling the armor, that's 400k a week. Now seems like my last chance to save without that temptation. I did purchase the 500k expansion. Wasn't sure how I was going to do the 1 and 2 million ones. I probably will continue to save for at least the 1 million. The 500k took two days, so the 1 million one alone might take me 3-4. Going for the 2 million might be asking me to wait too long, lol.
08-23-2013, 06:56 PM
Yeah, I have been mulling over the idea to do exactly that. When I thought about it, I hate letting weeks go by that I still cannot get to the Epic Boss + armors, but...once I am there, then every week I am going to want to get the normal, level it to 35 and then craft it again for the +. Not counting leveling the armor, that's 400k a week. Now seems like my last chance to save without that temptation. I did purchase the 500k expansion. Wasn't sure how I was going to do the 1 and 2 million ones. I probably will continue to save for at least the 1 million. The 500k took two days, so the 1 million one alone might take me 3-4. Going for the 2 million might be asking me to wait too long, lol.
What I did was to get the 80k expansion and TF's, enhanced the Big 4, and then finished the rest of my expansions. It's annoying to save up the gold to get the last 2 expansions, but it's necessary. After that, you can enhance level 70/99 armors.
What I did was to get the 80k expansion and TF's, enhanced the Big 4, and then finished the rest of my expansions. It's annoying to save up the gold to get the last 2 expansions, but it's necessary. After that, you can enhance level 70/99 armors.
That might make it easier to save for the 1 million if I finish my big 4 now and then do it. I can feel like I've made SOME kind of progress in between, at least. Kind of sucks that I'm hitting this point just after guilds released on android. I feel like a shmuck for not being able to donate except a little bit just once in a while.
08-23-2013, 07:02 PM
That might make it easier to save for the 1 million if I finish my big 4 now and then do it. I can feel like I've made SOME kind of progress in between, at least. Kind of sucks that I'm hitting this point just after guilds released on android. I feel like a shmuck for not being able to donate except a little bit just once in a while.
Hopefully your guild understands that getting more TF's is the priority :p.
That might make it easier to save for the 1 million if I finish my big 4 now and then do it. I can feel like I've made SOME kind of progress in between, at least. Kind of sucks that I'm hitting this point just after guilds released on android. I feel like a shmuck for not being able to donate except a little bit just once in a while.
I'd assume that any guild would prefer you to max your expansion slots asap. After all, it's a one time investment for permanent benefits and pays itself off quite fast. In the long run you'll be able to contribute more if you the faster you have them maxed.
That might make it easier to save for the 1 million if I finish my big 4 now and then do it. I can feel like I've made SOME kind of progress in between, at least. Kind of sucks that I'm hitting this point just after guilds released on android. I feel like a shmuck for not being able to donate except a little bit just once in a while.
I'd assume that any guild would prefer you to max your expansion slots asap. After all, it's a one time investment for permanent benefits and pays itself off quite fast. In the long run you'll be able to contribute more if you the faster you have them maxed.
My suggestion would be to just craft snakeskins and save up the armors for as long as you can, while saving up for the last expansion slots. Not the most efficient way gold-wise, but does save you a fair few hours of crafting time.
08-23-2013, 11:00 PM
You were lucky because the chests have a ridicolous chanche of giving out a plus armor, even a low stars one.
Cause its better than atlean avenger, max stormrage as your first armor, and then get the other pieces of the big four that you need. After that, go to complete quests.
At this point you have to unlock the three star bigger four, amd craft swamp shaman, infernal lord and dark prince, cause those will end up useful to get to epic boss 43. Consider skipping roc god cause the stats are a bit crappy and the combination not so much useful. Totally forget spectral capitain, i maxed one first of getting out that have lower stats than your stormrage but three times the cost. Now if you havent, level to 100 and get a guild whit good elemental bonuses, and you will smash out the bosses to 43.
Thanks a lot for your advice! That sure is gonna help me out quite a bit ^^ I already have a great guild though, everyone's friendly and we managed to get in the top 300 in the guild wars.
Oh, and for maxing out my armors quickly, farming Snakeskins or something?
08-23-2013, 11:11 PM
Hey guys, today I had a forced update, and when I got my daily present (which should have been day 4 or 5) I instead got a day 1 gift. I haven't skipped a day of playing since I started K&D, and while it's not a big deal it is kind of annoying to miss the armor gift. Did this happen to anyone else? Is there anything I can do or am I sol?
08-23-2013, 11:15 PM
Hey guys, today I had a forced update, and when I got my daily present (which should have been day 4 or 5) I instead got a day 1 gift. I haven't skipped a day of playing since I started K&D, and while it's not a big deal it is kind of annoying to miss the armor gift. Did this happen to anyone else? Is there anything I can do or am I sol?
Well I'm not at Day 5 yet... I do remember that it happened for me once too, but I'll tell you if I encounter the problem again ^^
08-24-2013, 03:11 AM
guys anyway i can get rid of all the armors i have? i barely can get to enhance armor with my lame phone.. keeps crashing .. :(
08-24-2013, 09:46 AM
I was prompted to update the app yesterday so i did. I started it up and an in-game update started but it goes to 0.2% then resets to 0.0%. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and even rebooting my phone and it still does this, had this happened to anyone else? I have more than enough memory on my phone.haven't played since yesterday morning It sucks that i can't play...
I was prompted to update the app yesterday so i did. I started it up and an in-game update started but it goes to 0.2% then resets to 0.0%. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and even rebooting my phone and it still does this, had this happened to anyone else? I have more than enough memory on my phone.haven't played since yesterday morning It sucks that i can't play...
My first thought on reading this is that your phone may be out of resources. Could be a space issue, a memory issue, or anything similar. Obviously, this could also be some kind of file corruption as well. If you have a way to make sure your space and memory are cleaned up, I would do that first. If that doesn't work, I would open a ticket to Gree.
08-24-2013, 10:56 AM
How would i opena ticket to gree? I can't even remember my friend code due to when the game is on the title screen the update takes effect. I know 2 of my armors lvls and the name i used that's about it. I can clear all kad data but that would mean my account would be deleted
08-24-2013, 11:04 AM
I've recently started a new account on my Android (level 21 atm) and progress is going quite slowly. I currently have one of the Big Four (Crius Armor level 15) and I failed miserably trying to fuse a Living Flame Armor (ended up with Embersteel even though it's much more rare :mad:) leaving me running out of both Fusion Stones and money. Rather frustrating, because with my current armors and levels I don't see myself farming the upcoming stages for TWICE the Big Four anytime soon, seeing as I'm unable to complete the Faerie Forest - Valor Stage without any friends... *sigh*
There's so many things that I have to do but I have no idea in which order and AAARRGGHH :confused:
Please help me to clarify some things, I've read the ''Things I wish I knew when I was a noob'' a hundred times already but so far it ain't helping much with this issue.
08-24-2013, 12:54 PM
I was wondering if you knew anything about getting a Knights and Dragons game progress transferred to a new device? My old iPhone4 had my level 155 knight on it but I recently upgraded to an iPhone5 and I want my progress put on my new device. Any help or assistance you can give me would be most appreciated.
08-24-2013, 05:33 PM
Hello, When i go into the store and go into the Gold & Gems section it says Content Downloading but then when it is done it does not load the page it just says Content download error please try again later. I have been dealing with this for a couple weeks now and i really want to buy gems Please help.
08-24-2013, 05:47 PM
I was wondering how the summoning stone works because i have never used it before and i am thinking about it. I want to know if it summons the boss so that you can fight him and win lots of rewards before he leaves or do you summon him fight it once and he is gone? Thanks,
DG Magneto
08-24-2013, 06:44 PM
I've recently started a new account on my Android (level 21 atm) and progress is going quite slowly. I currently have one of the Big Four (Crius Armor level 15) and I failed miserably trying to fuse a Living Flame Armor (ended up with Embersteel even though it's much more rare :mad:) leaving me running out of both Fusion Stones and money. Rather frustrating, because with my current armors and levels I don't see myself farming the upcoming stages for TWICE the Big Four anytime soon, seeing as I'm unable to complete the Faerie Forest - Valor Stage without any friends... *sigh*
There's so many things that I have to do but I have no idea in which order and AAARRGGHH :confused:
Please help me to clarify some things, I've read the ''Things I wish I knew when I was a noob'' a hundred times already but so far it ain't helping much with this issue.
If you havent already, work towards getting that first training field in. Then get another one in and upgrade them to level 2. Then go for some expansions. This stage might take a while sadly but it will pay off later. Keep cramming in TF's.
Next get out your calculator and figure out which areas are good (best) for gaining exp. Just take the damage you take off 1 mob and the exp received and divide. You dont have to use 3 knights at a time or finish the stage. Farm up those shards and enhance your Crius. You probably can take it to 20-25 just off shards. After that you can use level4 uncommons or snakeskins. After faerie forest you can start on Atlantean avenger, a really good armor.
08-24-2013, 07:24 PM
I was wondering how the summoning stone works because i have never used it before and i am thinking about it. I want to know if it summons the boss so that you can fight him and win lots of rewards before he leaves or do you summon him fight it once and he is gone? Thanks,
You only get to kill him once after summoning him. Can do it multiple times if you want. Usefully if you are a few kills away from + but can't kill him anymore. Summons him as the lvl 1 so he's killed in one hit.
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