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08-02-2013, 05:51 PM
No, there is no way to get the plus version by combining armors, only way is getting the regular to level 15 and craft it again to get the plus.
So am I behind at lvl 40 and not having the plus versions of HH and LF??
08-02-2013, 06:06 PM
So am I behind at lvl 40 and not having the plus versions of HH and LF??
Nope. I don't think I had plus versions all big 4 maxed before something like level 60.
08-02-2013, 06:25 PM
My question is about the big 4. I have the plus versions of the Crius and AA but only have LF and HH in regular but they are up to lvl 15 to have the plus versions. I am only lvl 40 and wondering if I should be at the stages where the mats drop for these armors. I feel like I am behind in this regard. Is there another way to get these plus armors or mats to craft them? Can you fuse the two plus versions to get a plus version?
Levels don't really matter in this game all THAT much. It depends about the areas you've opened up. The mats for those items are available in Blazing Tides and Caballero Desert. You're on the right pace. Only way to get a + version is to unlock it at lv15 or get them through chests (which we don't suggest). They are really easy to get and it helps to farm the mats since a lot of quests/gold/xp coincide.
08-02-2013, 06:25 PM
Is moontide in the dpc still? Or just fusable, what should I enhance bkal with?
Was it ever in the DPC? I thought it was only in the Dragons' Chests.
Enhance BK with whatever you like, no elements are going to match since it has no elements to match to, so it'll be a long haul.
08-02-2013, 09:54 PM
Keep getting an error. Says there is a problem with my game data. Error code 15. Won't even past.the loading screen. A little scared as I'm a ccouple weeks in(OK, alot scared) I did send a support ticket in, but from other experiences it can be a slow process. Anyone have any clue how i can fix this? What causes it? And Is my game safe?
Keep getting an error. Says there is a problem with my game data. Error code 15. Won't even past.the loading screen. A little scared as I'm a ccouple weeks in(OK, alot scared) I did send a support ticket in, but from other experiences it can be a slow process. Anyone have any clue how i can fix this? What causes it? And Is my game safe?
I am getting an error as well. Mine is "No Network Connection". I've read some past threads and apparently this happens when the game servers go down. Freaked me out since I couldn't find posts here about it. Hopefully we're having the same issue and hopefully on their end not ours.
08-02-2013, 10:01 PM
I am getting an error as well. Mine is "No Network Connection". I've read some past threads and apparently this happens when the game servers go down. Freaked me out since I couldn't find posts here about it. Hopefully we're having the same issue and hopefully on their end not ours.
same here. and same for my friends.
so, i think the server go down...or guild wars start soon :D
08-02-2013, 10:02 PM
I am getting an error as well. Mine is "No Network Connection". I've read some past threads and apparently this happens when the game servers go down. Freaked me out since I couldn't find posts here about it. Hopefully we're having the same issue and hopefully on their end not ours.
Anytime I get a no network connection, I'm able to fix it by restarting the game and if that fails I restart my phone, that's worked every time for me, of course there is the possibility that you really don't have a network connection...
Anytime I get a no network connection, I'm able to fix it by restarting the game and if that fails I restart my phone, that's worked every time for me, of course there is the possibility that you really don't have a network connection...
I restarted my tablet, but it didn't work right away again. But I just tried it again (after a few more minutes had passed) and I was able to connect. No clue what it could have been...
08-02-2013, 11:36 PM
I keep getting mystic cloth scraps from the phoenix. Is the valor stage till epic a guaranteed feather drop? If not then gree is a liar, 100% rare drop rate if you kill the boss with a special attack my a**.
08-02-2013, 11:53 PM
So far I have aa+ and all the other big 4 + at level one except crius I still need to get materials to craft the plus version what should I enhance to max next?
08-03-2013, 12:12 AM
I keep getting mystic cloth scraps from the phoenix. Is the valor stage till epic a guaranteed feather drop? If not then gree is a liar, 100% rare drop rate if you kill the boss with a special attack my a**.
Mystic cloth is considered as a special drop. Killing the Phoenix with a special attack will either give you mystic cloths or Phoenix feathers. You're probably just going through a bad streak.
08-03-2013, 12:26 AM
What level of the boss do u have to beat b4 u can craft the + armor?
08-03-2013, 12:29 AM
What level of the boss do u have to beat b4 u can craft the + armor?
I answered you question in the other thread already.
08-03-2013, 01:33 AM
I just want to know if its now possible to transfer an Android account to a new device (also Android)? I allready contact the Support but still no reply, so maybe someone can help me. i dont want to start new again.
Thanks for your Help
Best Regards
08-03-2013, 03:22 AM
I keep getting mystic cloth scraps from the phoenix. Is the valor stage till epic a guaranteed feather drop? If not then gree is a liar, 100% rare drop rate if you kill the boss with a special attack my a**.
Just wait till you get to Swamp Kraken. Roots drops were probably below 25% for me... :(
And Dark Prince is now trolling me with loads of Phoenix Feathers instead of Evil Gems.
A question: at Kingdom of Darkness Epic stage do you "special attack kill" anything besides Dark Prince's final form? I kind of just first-hit Kraken, Roc and Cerberus with them to soften them up, since I don't have any need for their materials...
08-03-2013, 03:29 AM
You can always get the mats to try to craft the armor and hope for a lucky fuse.
08-03-2013, 03:45 AM
A question: at Kingdom of Darkness Epic stage do you "special attack kill" anything besides Dark Prince's final form? I kind of just first-hit Kraken, Roc and Cerberus with them to soften them up, since I don't have any need for their materials...
This is what I do. If you try to save up your special attack for a last hit, you might potentially take 1 more hit from the boss.
08-03-2013, 03:48 AM
You can always get the mats to try to craft the armor and hope for a lucky fuse.
If you meant fuse for Dark Prince, IIRC that was reported as unfusable in the fusion topic.
If you meant crafting and fusing other 3-star storyline armors, that's a decent idea.
I maxed Swamp+ without using any fusion stones (using tournament winnings for the last few levels) and Infernal+ is also looking to not need many fusion stones and Dark Prince+ is still about 28 Evil Gems away, so I might just try farming and crafting some more storyline 3-star armors and spend some of my 109 fusion stones on fusing those together...
(Wait, I just remembered I skipped Roc+... I guess that's one more thing to work on as long as Dark Prince keeps being stingy.)
08-03-2013, 04:05 AM
Hi all! Would just like to check if there is indeed a cap on the stats of the friends I use for the weekly boss fights? I noticed the same stats for many of my friends with different armour, which doesnt really make any sense? I'm on an android device, is that the cause, seeing that android users are pretty much handicapped in this game..?
08-03-2013, 04:16 AM
Hi all! Would just like to check if there is indeed a cap on the stats of the friends I use for the weekly boss fights? I noticed the same stats for many of my friends with different armour, which doesnt really make any sense? I'm on an android device, is that the cause, seeing that android users are pretty much handicapped in this game..?
Yes there's a cap. The cap is based on the stats of your main knight.
08-03-2013, 04:17 AM
Hi all! Would just like to check if there is indeed a cap on the stats of the friends I use for the weekly boss fights? I noticed the same stats for many of my friends with different armour, which doesnt really make any sense? I'm on an android device, is that the cause, seeing that android users are pretty much handicapped in this game..?
A few pages back someone reported that the cap seems to be influenced by your Commander's stats while armored.
So wearing your best armor on your Commander raises the cap higher.
But capping is logical: you don't want to let a level 1 player be able to clear epic boss to level 21+ just because he has 10 strong level 100+ friends or get all the way to Kingdom of Darkness while still below level 25 just because he has 10 strong level 100+ friends...
Loophole: a level 1 player who DPC-ed his way to a maxed Moontide+/Aegis+/etc. would have high stats and therefor high stat friends.
08-03-2013, 04:43 AM
A few pages back someone reported that the cap seems to be influenced by your Commander's stats while armored.
So wearing your best armor on your Commander raises the cap higher.
But capping is logical: you don't want to let a level 1 player be able to clear epic boss to level 21+ just because he has 10 strong level 100+ friends or get all the way to Kingdom of Darkness while still below level 25 just because he has 10 strong level 100+ friends...
Loophole: a level 1 player who DPC-ed his way to a maxed Moontide+/Aegis+/etc. would have high stats and therefor high stat friends.
Not sure about that, and can easily test naked vs. wearing Monk's Vestments (assuming said L1 can be bothered to input the friend code). Unleveled armor only varies by a few hundred tops, that likely won't make or break the algorithm unless it's terribly sloppy... and it's a long way to maxing a high level armor for an L1. Of course where the breakpoints are may make sense to craft and level a mono armor to 30 (future enhancement material if nothing else to a big 4 norm version if chosen well) and be time to party!
Something else to check when I use one of my other devices for an even more scrubby scrub testing some various low level strategies for giggles and future reference.
08-03-2013, 04:53 AM
This is what I do. If you try to save up your special attack for a last hit, you might potentially take 1 more hit from the boss.
Only after the first kill (well maybe second if you have main knight vs. sidekick) given how damage doesn't vary much at all from swing to swing (misses / crits due to the RNG notwithstanding).
Personally I think having more mats is never a bad thing, though given that my only fusion test of 3 star armors gave me a whopping Brawler's Armor, I'd need to be at a point where time (crafting opportunity cost) and gold just didn't matter before trying that route again.
In general other than a few select 3 star non-plus armors as filler slots (vis a vis I'd love to have a leveled WW normal right now on Snotty) one would need to get awfully lucky to get anything worthwhile... and given how perspective changes as time goes on, think I have better use for the fusion stones for at least the next few months than expensive fusion lottery testing.
Longer term, or even at the point of farming KoD, likely better off fusing boss normal armors anyway that are picked up along the way, leveled to 35, and discarded in favor of the plus version. Higher quality armor leading to better possible results, and whatever you get is already leveled to 35 (assuming paired with another lvl 35 non-plus). Shorter walk to make it useful if you decide to keep it.
08-03-2013, 06:05 AM
please help. wiped phone for new update. now I can't access the game and don't know if my account is lost also. I get error code 3. but even if I don't the loading screen stays and doesn't change. also it says complete tutorial and get rewards. in already level 58 and I put allot of time in this game so that sucks.
08-03-2013, 07:32 AM
When does android get guilds? hope someone knows
08-03-2013, 07:38 AM
When does android get guilds? hope someone knows
No one does, it'll be ready when it's ready I guess.
08-03-2013, 08:09 AM
What do you guys suggest to use for combining to get swamp shaman, that way I don't have to collect an awful lot of mats.
08-03-2013, 08:27 AM
What do you guys suggest to use for combining to get swamp shaman, that way I don't have to collect an awful lot of mats.
Don't bother trying to fuse for it. All you're going to get are snakeskins. It doesn't take that long to collect roots
What do you guys suggest to use for combining to get swamp shaman, that way I don't have to collect an awful lot of mats.
I agree with Cube. I tried a few fusions to try to get regular SS to get a "head start" for the plus version. But I couldn't bear blowing away more gold so I stopped and focused on mining.
This is purely speculation, but it seemed that I had a better drop rate for the wriggling roots when I had at least one quest active to collect roots. I got all but six mats for both SS and SS+ this way. The last six mats took a lot longer to get! My suggestion is keep the wriggling root/craft SS quests OPEN until you get ALL mats necessary for SS and then SS+.
08-03-2013, 08:47 AM
Okay, thanks but now my next question is, how can I unlock that quest? Also I followed the auggested armor for blazing tides but I want to know if there is a better knight combo order so I don't have to rely on friends too often.
08-03-2013, 09:17 AM
Okay, thanks but now my next question is, how can I unlock that quest? Also I followed the auggested armor for blazing tides but I want to know if there is a better knight combo order so I don't have to rely on friends too often.
You're allowed 10 friends a day and at your level you probably shouldn't invest too many of those into the epic boss fights, so you should have some left over for beating the higher stages of the locations.
Another helpful tip: ideally you want each level up to happen just before the boss of the furthest location/stage available to you with only one knight still alive, since that will revive and fully heal all your knights. Make sure you watch your XP bar, so you don't waste level ups on farming missions!
Roots quests:
- Marsh Memories 3 (5 roots) Quest chain leading upto that one: X Marks the Gravestone 1-4, Marsh Memories 1-2
- Man's Best Friends 3 (10 roots) Quest chainleading upto that one: Soaring Ambitions 1-4, Man's Best Friends 1-2
- Swamp Swag 1 (18 roots) Quest chain leading upto that one: Complex Combination, Flame On, Flames Rise Higher, Hydra Hunting, Armor Restoration, Pirate Prep, Pirate Power
- A Mind for Metal 5 (12 roots) Quest chain leading upto that one: "hitting level 55"(?), A mind for Metal 1-4
08-03-2013, 09:26 AM
Thank you very much, and about the epic boss, I don't use my friends much there unless I know I can beat it. I stop when I know I can't beat it any further that I need gems for it to get even the regular armor. Seems quite unfair not many people can get the plus version without buying gems. Fair game gree, very fair game.
08-03-2013, 09:35 AM
Thank you very much, and about the epic boss, I don't use my friends much there unless I know I can beat it. I stop when I know I can't beat it any further that I need gems for it to get even the regular armor. Seems quite unfair not many people can get the plus version without buying gems. Fair game gree, very fair game.
Getting to the + version is fairly easy if you have the big 4 maxed and 1 to 2 70+ armors alongside good friends. You don't need gems to get it.
08-03-2013, 09:44 AM
Yeah but that's only if you have the right element combo for it. Chances are slim to have the right ones for the boss. The 2 lvl 70 plus armors might not be the right one.
08-03-2013, 09:46 AM
Just big n bigger 4 and it's a confirmed farm mode on level 43 bosses
08-03-2013, 09:51 AM
Yeah but that's only if you have the right element combo for it. Chances are slim to have the right ones for the boss. The 2 lvl 70 plus armors might not be the right one.
True, but making it any easier wouldn't be an option especially with guild boosts. Anyways you'll still be able to get storyline 70+ armors first. Bosses come after that.
08-03-2013, 10:09 AM
Hmm, well I shouldn't even try to get the craftable boss reward, just the extra armor and gold.i'll aim for the plus after maxing out my big 4 and bigger 4. I'm only lvl 40 with a lvl 30 AA+ and 26 CRIUS+ not even close to getting the LF+ since the phoenix is being an a** dropping mystic cloth and wasting my time. Health regen gets slower each lvl up.
08-03-2013, 10:20 AM
Hmm, well I shouldn't even try to get the craftable boss reward, just the extra armor and gold.i'll aim for the plus after maxing out my big 4 and bigger 4.
And with an attitude like this is the reason why you will succeed where others have failed. Clap clap.
08-03-2013, 10:26 AM
Hmm, well I shouldn't even try to get the craftable boss reward, just the extra armor and gold.i'll aim for the plus after maxing out my big 4 and bigger 4. I'm only lvl 40 with a lvl 30 AA+ and 26 CRIUS+ not even close to getting the LF+ since the phoenix is being an a** dropping mystic cloth and wasting my time. Health regen gets slower each lvl up.
You: "stupid Phoenix, give me Feathers!"
Me: "Stupid Dark Prince, stop giving me Feathers!"
Health regen stays constant at 1 health per 20 seconds. (3 per minute); it's just that full health gets higher and higher the further you level.
A way to optimize doing a stage in 2 parts if you don't have any friends to assign:
- put your Commander in 3rd place behind 2 Followers
- once your 2 Followers are dead and your Commander has lost as much health as the total health the Followers have, press the X to flee. All your knights heal at the same rate, so that way your Commander will hit full health again at the same time as your followers and you can pick up with 3 full health knights where you left off. If instead you kept fighting until your Commander was also dead, he would probably have had to do something like 45+ more minutes of healing than the Followers.
(IIRC, knights 1 and 2 won't revive for a "continue" until knight 3 hits 100% health)
08-03-2013, 11:02 AM
If only you could give me the extra feathers you get but trading isn't implemented yet, or even going to be implemented.
Thanks for the tips, now trying to get the plus LF so I can focus on caballero and finally focus on saving up gold and maxing the big 4 all out before sunken carrack. Or I couldnwork my way up whole maxing out my big 4 before misty marsh. Everyone seems hyped to get SS then SS+.
08-03-2013, 12:11 PM
I like all the info I just have a question.
Is the Roc God always stingy in dropping his feathers or am I just unlucky? 10+ kills and 2 feathers.
Should I grind out the +Roc the stats arn't that great? (No sky gaurdian for me still need gems for TF)
I am now able to get the epic boss armors not the + just the normals but are they worth the cost?
08-03-2013, 12:12 PM
I agree with Cube. I tried a few fusions to try to get regular SS to get a "head start" for the plus version. But I couldn't bear blowing away more gold so I stopped and focused on mining.
This is purely speculation, but it seemed that I had a better drop rate for the wriggling roots when I had at least one quest active to collect roots. I got all but six mats for both SS and SS+ this way. The last six mats took a lot longer to get! My suggestion is keep the wriggling root/craft SS quests OPEN until you get ALL mats necessary for SS and then SS+.
If such a beast exists, it's possible only when you still have roots required to complete the quest: I can pretty much anecdotally confirm that with the gathering portion of the quest completed roots sort of suck (armor not crafted).
My experience has been a little different: I actually got a lot of roots over time, I've using the zone for exp farming on my spirit knight (as I have zero useful armor for this toon for Haunted, just a waste of health trying it). In fact, for two days straight I received virtually nothing but roots with the quest active; however, I *might* have needed roots at that time to complete the quest through part of it, I honestly wasn't tracking it that carefully as strangely enough I actually was looking for the undercard hydra scales without having to go back to the Desert.
Now though, with the quest still active (but no more roots required, crafting another SS is just a waste of time and resources for me, to be done when I get a 3rd or 4th AS and don't have a 70 to level sooner rather than later), yesterday's and today's haul I can see what everyone's been complaining about: 3 x hydra scales every single drop.
Either this game goes in streaks or they quietly nerfed drop rates in normal (as my Snakeskin farming rate in normal mode has been abysmal since yesterday too, not sure); I think the former is more likely than the latter. Sadly though for a blanket confirmation that quests being active help, I rather doubt it. Certainly wasn't the case with Phoenix feather farming as Crash has been complaining about for me :).
08-03-2013, 12:21 PM
Think of grinding mats as a way of leveling up and you will have found your "purpose". God knows how many people try to take the expensive shortcut and still ask questions like "where's the best place to level up in?" They've in fact found it but were too blind to notice.
08-03-2013, 01:28 PM
which is better: HH+ or LF+?
now i have crius+ and atlantean+ and i want to lvl up only one more of the big four
08-03-2013, 01:37 PM
which is better: HH+ or LF+?
now i have crius+ and atlantean+ and i want to lvl up only one more of the big four
Which is better: rock, paper or scissors?..
Each works better vs other element combinations.
The only reason not to max one of the big 4 is if you already have a 3, 4 or 5 star "plus" armor of the same elements and even then the big 4 armor would be nice on a secondary knight when battling an epic boss with the right elements.
08-03-2013, 01:37 PM
which is better: HH+ or LF+?
now i have crius+ and atlantean+ and i want to lvl up only one more of the big four
You should level up both of them. You'll use them, even after you get level 70 armors. And they're easy to max. But if you had to pick one, go with HH+.
08-03-2013, 01:45 PM
You should level up both of them. You'll use them, even after you get level 70 armors. And they're easy to max. But if you had to pick one, go with HH+.
Heh, if I had to pick just one, I'd have picked LF+ instead for the reason that AA+ already includes water, but neither AA+ nor CA+ contains spirit.
08-03-2013, 01:48 PM
Heh, if I had to pick just one, I'd have picked LF+ instead for the reason that AA+ already includes water, but neither AA+ nor CA+ contains spirit.
I honestly barely ever use my LF+. I detest the spirit/fire combination since it gets eaten alive by 80% of the common armors in the Arena(on iOS). My HH+ did well in countering all the fire/earth, spirit/earth, spirit/fire combinations(which admittedly aren't super common). All LF+ can really do anything against are the earth/spirit combos since all of the spirit/air combinations have much higher stats than LF+.
What's the odds of 14 straight chimera talons instead of infernal iron chunks? (And is it actually possible for someone's luck to be that bad?)
08-03-2013, 01:53 PM
What's the odds of 14 straight chimera talons instead of infernal iron chunks? (And is it actually possible for someone's luck to be that bad?)
Probably pretty good odds. And it's possible for your luck to be far, far worse ;).
08-03-2013, 02:11 PM
What's the odds of 14 straight chimera talons instead of infernal iron chunks? (And is it actually possible for someone's luck to be that bad?)
Fairly reasonable on normal. 5/6 of my knights spend their entire lives at the moment in haunted citadel (and I clear the boss as well) and have for the last 12 or so levels: I have absurd amounts of chim talons I will never use, but likely not enough to craft Infernal Lord and it's plus version.
Angry dad
08-03-2013, 02:34 PM
Does anyone know what the guild levels have as far as number of members it can have and number of leadership positions? i would like to know how close we are as we are leveling up our guild to be able to add more players. Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, but i cant find it.
08-03-2013, 03:06 PM
apologies if this was asked before, I looked through a few pages but didn't want to look through a few hundred more.
Is there any point to the capes in the shop other than for looks? Do they add stats or elements?
No theyre purely just for looks
08-03-2013, 03:15 PM
I honestly barely ever use my LF+. I detest the spirit/fire combination since it gets eaten alive by 80% of the common armors in the Arena(on iOS). My HH+ did well in countering all the fire/earth, spirit/earth, spirit/fire combinations(which admittedly aren't super common). All LF+ can really do anything against are the earth/spirit combos since all of the spirit/air combinations have much higher stats than LF+.
That's what I feel too, which is why my LF+ is only lv37. I barely use it and HH+ is better in most areas, not to mention the later stages where Spirit gets beat by all the Fire elements, and HH+ has water to counter Fire and doesn't get countered by Earth.
What's the odds of 14 straight chimera talons instead of infernal iron chunks? (And is it actually possible for someone's luck to be that bad?)
Pretty reasonable on any difficulty. I still think higher difficulty isn't worth it if you're farming materials to craft unless you want to max exp as well. For the players that can't handle HC without a friend, it's better to max exp and play on higher difficulty while farming with them. Even on higher difficulties, bosses still troll a lot.
08-03-2013, 03:20 PM
That's what I feel too, which is why my LF+ is only lv37. I barely use it and HH+ is better in most areas, not to mention the later stages where Spirit gets beat by all the Fire elements, and HH+ has water to counter Fire and doesn't get countered by Earth.
Well, LF+ saved my ass on Notus. It was functioning as my main armor, as sad as that may be. But hey, Notus is a fantastic armor :).
08-03-2013, 03:40 PM
I have absurd amounts of chim talons I will never use, but likely not enough to craft Infernal Lord and it's plus version.
Well, if you have plenty of money, Chimera is 4 EP more than a Snakeskin towards leveling Dark Prince... ;)
08-03-2013, 04:13 PM
Does leveling a 3 star take a lot longer to get to 50 than leveling a 1 star plus to 50?
Which leads me to opinions on leveling Boilerplate Armor v. Hydra Hunter Plus?
At 50:
Boilerplate: 740/940
Hydra Hunter Plus: 777/795
I know the boiler plate can go beyond 50, but if the EP to get beyond it before I start getting the 3 star pluses make it prohibitive, I may as well stick to Hydra Hunter Plus.
Its tempting to level boiler plate because it stays ahead in stats all the way up to lvl 50, but i don't know if the cost of leveling it up will be much more, EP wise.
08-03-2013, 04:50 PM
Does leveling a 3 star take a lot longer to get to 50 than leveling a 1 star plus to 50?
It takes almost double the Ep to get the 3 star to level 50.
08-03-2013, 04:50 PM
Do you guys think I should just use the regular AA that I used to lvl up to unlock the plus version to fuse it to the plus version or keep it?
08-03-2013, 04:59 PM
Do you guys think I should just use the regular AA that I used to lvl up to unlock the plus version to fuse it to the plus version or keep it?
Did you mean enhance? Personally I kept doubles of all my big 4 just to avoid the "this is the only armor this knight can wear" message.
08-03-2013, 05:06 PM
Well I confused enhance with fuse. But yeah, I mean why not just buy a basic armor for the knight? A lot of people here recommended to enhance the armor used to unlock the plus verson. But I'm not sure if I should cause I sometimes use the regular lvl 15 armor for the stages as backup even though they don't last long in a few hits.
08-03-2013, 05:10 PM
Do you guys think I should just use the regular AA that I used to lvl up to unlock the plus version to fuse it to the plus version or keep it?
It's probably best used to enhance one of the later levels of the AA+, since IIRC a level 15 AA is worth 24 + (15-1) = 38 enhancement points.
Does leveling a 3 star take a lot longer to get to 50 than leveling a 1 star plus to 50?
Which leads me to opinions on leveling Boilerplate Armor v. Hydra Hunter Plus?
At 50:
Boilerplate: 740/940
Hydra Hunter Plus: 777/795
I know the boiler plate can go beyond 50, but if the EP to get beyond it before I start getting the 3 star pluses make it prohibitive, I may as well stick to Hydra Hunter Plus.
Its tempting to level boiler plate because it stays ahead in stats all the way up to lvl 50, but i don't know if the cost of leveling it up will be much more, EP wise.
A very large portion of the game consists of max leveling level 70 armors. If you tag on the term "prohibitive" to that, you might burn out from this game pretty soon... ("get new armor, grind for up to a week for materials to max level it, get new armor..." is kind of the basics of the game.)
08-03-2013, 05:11 PM
Well I confused enhance with fuse. But yeah, I mean why not just buy a basic armor for the knight? A lot of people here recommended to enhance the armor used to unlock the plus verson. But I'm not sure if I should cause I sometimes use the regular lvl 15 armor for the stages as backup even though they don't last long in a few hits. since it gives a poorly amount of point, only the basic 24 plus 1 point per level.... Keep it untill it will be totally useless. At low levels, a 15 armor can make the difference.
08-03-2013, 05:27 PM
So I should keep my regular AA lvl 15 till it's totally garbage then?
08-03-2013, 05:35 PM
Well, if you have plenty of money, Chimera is 4 EP more than a Snakeskin towards leveling Dark Prince... ;)
Laugh, true; however, that is not me. I'm perpetually broke in this game: enhancement is a beast that must be fed.
Back to the poster's question regarding drop rates off HC Cerberus norm: 75% talon drops, 3:1 ratio compared to Infernal Chunks for me.
08-03-2013, 05:35 PM
For some reason, my knights didn't heal during the time that I wasn't logged on! Was offline for just over a day and my units were at the same health (1hp) as they were when I logged out! Was really annoying as had to wait 2 hours to finish the round I was on!!
Any reason why?
08-03-2013, 05:43 PM
For some reason, my knights didn't heal during the time that I wasn't logged on! Was offline for just over a day and my units were at the same health (1hp) as they were when I logged out! Was really annoying as had to wait 2 hours to finish the round I was on!!
Any reason why?
If you "x-ed" out of the game(not "exited") in the middle of a battle, you won't heal.
08-03-2013, 05:44 PM
Does leveling a 3 star take a lot longer to get to 50 than leveling a 1 star plus to 50?
Which leads me to opinions on leveling Boilerplate Armor v. Hydra Hunter Plus?
At 50:
Boilerplate: 740/940
Hydra Hunter Plus: 777/795
I know the boiler plate can go beyond 50, but if the EP to get beyond it before I start getting the 3 star pluses make it prohibitive, I may as well stick to Hydra Hunter Plus.
Its tempting to level boiler plate because it stays ahead in stats all the way up to lvl 50, but i don't know if the cost of leveling it up will be much more, EP wise.
Depends on your level and economy. Napkin math if you look at the datasheet, it is approximately double the ep cost (and therefore everything else) to level a 70 lvl cap armor vs. a 50 lvl cap one. Such that you can level 2 of the Big 4 to 50 for the same cost as leveling one 70 to 50... and as you've surmised, the stats are pretty much a wash until you kick the legendary higher and 50-70 isn't cheap, I haven't looked explicitly yet but I strongly suspect you could get a third Big 4 leveled for near the same cost.
It's why the conventional forum wisdom is correct in this case: it's often a mistake to level a 3, 4, or 5 star armor too early in the game because there's better uses for it in the short term. Once your economy is decked out, and you've finished leveling and content progression as far as you want, then there's plenty of spare resources to start pushing the higher quality armors.
Finally it depends what your goals are, if you're just looking to get to 100 quickly and then look around (like I did), the path is Big 4 to 50 then ride SS+ to level 100 on exp runs in HC norm (mighty might actually be better depending on targets) in my estimation.
Fact is the Big 4 will serve you very well even past 100 for a lot of things; they may not be the ultimate end-game armor, but their cost and stats justify their being initial tier of armor to shoot for.
08-03-2013, 05:51 PM
If you "x-ed" out of the game(not "exited") in the middle of a battle, you won't heal.
Hmm, in the middle of a battle, the only "X" there is should be the "flee" one.
But if you stay in the battle (you don't win, die or flee) AFAIK you indeed don't heal.
08-03-2013, 05:53 PM
Hmm, in the middle of a battle, the only "X" there is should be the "flee" one.
But if you stay in the battle (you don't win, die or flee) AFAIK you indeed don't heal.
You put it way better than I did. Words weren't forming correctly in my brain when I wrote that :p.
08-03-2013, 06:08 PM
Are you sure? I heal when I don't finish a fight. I think they key action you must do is go into the overworld in the middle of the fight, and when you wake up the next day, you're at full hp on all 3 knights.
08-03-2013, 06:16 PM
Are you sure? I heal when I don't finish a fight. I think they key action you must do is go into the overworld in the middle of the fight, and when you wake up the next day, you're at full hp on all 3 knights.
If you say, hit the "home button" on your phone in the middle of a battle(not in-between rounds), you won't heal.
08-03-2013, 06:28 PM
Are you sure? I heal when I don't finish a fight. I think they key action you must do is go into the overworld in the middle of the fight, and when you wake up the next day, you're at full hp on all 3 knights.
Yeah, that's the "flee" action. You're then out of the fight and in the "overworld", but it still shows a marking at the location and stage where you bailed and you can then continue at the round where you left off. (also very handy when you're short on special attack energy to hit the boss: fleeing preserves special attack energy, but heals all monsters in that round again, so you can (ab)use that to get the extra 1 or 2 hits to fill the bar)
08-03-2013, 06:49 PM
Yeah, that's the "flee" action. You're then out of the fight and in the "overworld", but it still shows a marking at the location and stage where you bailed and you can then continue at the round where you left off. (also very handy when you're short on special attack energy to hit the boss: fleeing preserves special attack energy, but heals all monsters in that round again, so you can (ab)use that to get the extra 1 or 2 hits to fill the bar)
Oh hey, thanks Marco! I do fine on things I care about but I get sloppy on snakeskin farming sometimes; this will save me a non-trivial amount of self-flagellation for having wasted my time by not paying attention on that run :).
08-04-2013, 02:25 AM
Oh hey, thanks Marco! I do fine on things I care about but I get sloppy on snakeskin farming sometimes; this will save me a non-trivial amount of self-flagellation for having wasted my time by not paying attention on that run :).
Yeah, I run into that a lot myself: "wait, did I just special attack the last minion of round 2 or 3? Oh there is the Gorgon, so it was 3, so I kill the first minion of round 4, then flee, return immediately and then the 2 full health minions will be just enough to build up my special attack bar for Gorgon".
08-04-2013, 04:37 AM
If you "x-ed" out of the game(not "exited") in the middle of a battle, you won't heal.
Hmm, in the middle of a battle, the only "X" there is should be the "flee" one.
But if you stay in the battle (you don't win, die or flee) AFAIK you indeed don't heal.
So you two are saying that I exited the game before I fleed / died?
I.e. I pressed the home button in the middle of a battle?
Lord Of The Infernal
08-04-2013, 06:57 AM
So you two are saying that I exited the game before I fleed / died?
I.e. I pressed the home button in the middle of a battle?
Made thing simple to understand like example you enter guardian crossing Normal mode there are 5 stages
You Can Flee At 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 to get healed ONLY after you WON a stage not in the middle of fighting
08-04-2013, 07:06 AM
So you two are saying that I exited the game before I fleed / died?
I.e. I pressed the home button in the middle of a battle?
Not the home button, the X button. It's in the top right hand corner of your screen.
08-04-2013, 07:35 AM
Anyone knows how the game counts 10 friends a day?
I notice the countdown timer that all the friends i used are the same so it means they all reset at the same time.
Do you know if they start counting 24 hrs when you used your 1st friend or the game has a specific timer to count the 'day' ?
08-04-2013, 07:48 AM
Anyone knows how the game counts 10 friends a day?
I notice the countdown timer that all the friends i used are the same so it means they all reset at the same time.
Do you know if they start counting 24 hrs when you used your 1st friend or the game has a specific timer to count the 'day' ?
It starts counting when you use your first friend and I believe the cd was 23h
And y the other friends you use later has the same cd as the first 1 you have used
08-04-2013, 07:51 AM
Made thing simple to understand like example you enter guardian crossing Normal mode there are 5 stages
You Can Flee At 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 to get healed ONLY after you WON a stage not in the middle of fighting
No. You are mixing things up.
Stage = Normal, Mighty, Valor, Honor, Epic
After each stage you get returned to the overworld; no fleeing involved.
Each stage is split into 4-7 rounds.
At any point in a round when you're actually fighting (not when the game is waiting for you to press the button to start the round I think), you can use the X in the upper right corner to flee, which gets you to the overworld, remembers at what stage and round you were and starts healing your knights, since they are in the overworld.
08-04-2013, 08:42 AM
It starts counting when you use your first friend and I believe the cd was 23h
And y the other friends you use later has the same cd as the first 1 you have used
Thank you Spongie.
08-04-2013, 10:43 AM
It starts counting when you use your first friend and I believe the cd was 23h
And y the other friends you use later has the same cd as the first 1 you have used
This does mean that if in about 4 hours you need 2 friends to help beat the epic boss and friend list has reset just now, then wasting 1 friend now on something trivial could in some cases be advantagious to get the next reset counter running now instead of in 4 hours.
There's lots of timers to think about in this game...
08-04-2013, 11:56 AM
Does anyone know the name of the My Little Pony that the Dark Prince rides in his first form?
08-04-2013, 05:03 PM
Obviously Fluttershy.
08-04-2013, 07:14 PM
I just got a Fire Fusion Boost Armor, but I've only got the + versions of Atlantean Avenger and Crius right now. Should I hold off on using it until I get an LF or HH+ or just go ahead and use it. It might be a bit before I get the mats to make the + version of those other two, as I haven't even unlocked the stages for the feathers or whatever HH uses.
My initial thoughts were that if I use it to help me boost up one of the two that I have it will help me get to the newer areas faster, but then I wondered if losing 20% of the points would be worth it.
08-04-2013, 07:26 PM
I just got a Fire Fusion Boost Armor, but I've only got the + versions of Atlantean Avenger and Crius right now. Should I hold off on using it until I get an LF or HH+ or just go ahead and use it. It might be a bit before I get the mats to make the + version of those other two, as I haven't even unlocked the stages for the feathers or whatever HH uses.
My initial thoughts were that if I use it to help me boost up one of the two that I have it will help me get to the newer areas faster, but then I wondered if losing 20% of the points would be worth it.
spare the boost for a more important armor.
You can top your AA with Snakeskins...
08-04-2013, 07:41 PM
Yep, keep it for the last few levels of a level 70 armor.
08-04-2013, 07:54 PM
Ok, thanks!
Angry dad
08-04-2013, 10:01 PM
Hahaha! Fluttershy! Great question! Got another question i posted several pages back. I wont post it again if it does not get answered...will asume it is not known.
As the guild levels up, at what levels are 1) more members allowed to join, 2) more leadership positions available.
08-04-2013, 10:28 PM
As the guild levels up, at what levels are 1) more members allowed to join, 2) more leadership positions available. Thanks.
I didn't count, but the increases occur every 2-3 levels I think.
08-05-2013, 06:30 AM
Okay, so I m level 37. I have unlocked all of the Big Four + versions and done most of the quests available. I am in the process of converting my whole castle to training grounds and leveling up my big four armour. Is there anything else I need to be doing right now? Anything I can try fusing that could give me something better than Big Four (even if a fairly low chance)? Need something to alleviate the boredom of grinding and upgrading the same old armour :)
08-05-2013, 06:39 AM
Is there anything else I need to be doing right now? Anything I can try fusing that could give me something better than Big Four (even if a fairly low chance)? Need something to alleviate the boredom of grinding and upgrading the same old armour :)
Too expensive and not worthwhile for lvl 50 armors.
Welcome to the game.
08-05-2013, 07:09 AM
Need something to alleviate the boredom of grinding and upgrading the same old armour :)
level 70 armor == grinding 3 1/2 times as long... :p
08-05-2013, 07:10 AM
Okay, so I m level 37. I have unlocked all of the Big Four + versions and done most of the quests available. I am in the process of converting my whole castle to training grounds and leveling up my big four armour. Is there anything else I need to be doing right now? Anything I can try fusing that could give me something better than Big Four (even if a fairly low chance)? Need something to alleviate the boredom of grinding and upgrading the same old armour :)
From my experience, it really is all about the tough grind to get the big 4+ maxed at lvl 50. Once you do that, you will be powerful enough to start taking on the next two zones and begin working on getting Swamp Shaman Robes+ (Spectral Captain is not worth it). Of course you will need some good friends to help you with the more powerful stages!
Now Im 14 minutes from getting my first Armour of Infernal Lord
So,I just finished the dark prince epic stage for the first time (pretty stoked), but no notification? No message from the dark lord himself? Nothing? That was quite a disappointment,was hoping for a reward of some sort,or a notification or achievement for finishing the final stage of the game,or at the least was expecting another smartass message from the dark lord. I guess I was too far ahead of my quests :P ohwell,time to start farming like crazy
08-05-2013, 07:36 AM
So,I just finished the dark prince epic stage for the first time (pretty stoked), but no notification? No message from the dark lord himself? Nothing? That was quite a disappointment,was hoping for a reward of some sort,or a notification or achievement for finishing the final stage of the game,or at the least was expecting another smartass message from the dark lord. I guess I was too far ahead of my quests :P ohwell,time to start farming like crazy
That's disappointing! I'm on 2nd stage of KoD, but taking my time as am trying to do the quest path properly. Gotta redo Stage 1 again, which is a little annoying but no biggie.
Just wondering, if you do know, what is the next quest that follows "The Final Push"? This is the one where you have to get HH to lvl 20, SC and SS to lvl 15 and Roc and AoIL to lvl 10. I ask because I don't want to have to redo KoD if the quest that follows this has something to do with KoD!
08-05-2013, 07:50 AM
Well getting the big4 was really nice, but most say once I found out how much of a grind it is to upgrade lvl 70 armors, I got really discouraged and only play when im on the bus to and from work :P. I'm still getting my levels, but can't believe it's necessary to grind the same places over and over again to get mats for upgradring. It's painfully slow and boring. Would be nice if they made fusion stones drop more often, so you can spend money on making 50EP armors for enhancing, instead of having to do the incredibly boring farming for materials. I have 3 mill now and constantly growing because i can't farm enough to spend it :P
08-05-2013, 08:00 AM
So,I just finished the dark prince epic stage for the first time (pretty stoked), but no notification? No message from the dark lord himself? Nothing? That was quite a disappointment,was hoping for a reward of some sort,or a notification or achievement for finishing the final stage of the game,or at the least was expecting another smartass message from the dark lord. I guess I was too far ahead of my quests :P ohwell,time to start farming like crazy
It is a bit of an anticlimax.
After 10 Dark Prince kills you get an achievement, but I recall thinking that after all the build up to get there and kill the DP, they kind of leave you feeling unfulfilled. I was hoping the rest of the clouds might clear from the map and reveal new areas, but nada.
I have four achievements remaining, silver, gold and black medals which I will never get, and the last is for crafting the Kaledoscopic Starmetal Raiment which I am not sure is even still in the game, unless it's the Black Kaleidoscopic+ armor many of us are waiting for, in which case I'll never craft one because I'll already have one.
That's disappointing! I'm on 2nd stage of KoD, but taking my time as am trying to do the quest path properly. Gotta redo Stage 1 again, which is a little annoying but no biggie.
Just wondering, if you do know, what is the next quest that follows "The Final Push"? This is the one where you have to get HH to lvl 20, SC and SS to lvl 15 and Roc and AoIL to lvl 10. I ask because I don't want to have to redo KoD if the quest that follows this has something to do with KoD!
I am not that far along in the quests unfortunately,so I cannot help you sorry. I've sort of stopped doing quests hoping guilds will come out on android soon so then I can finish off quests for the guild quests
It is a bit of an anticlimax.
After 10 Dark Prince kills you get an achievement, but I recall thinking that after all the build up to get there and kill the DP, they kind of leave you feeling unfulfilled. I was hoping the rest of the clouds might clear from the map and reveal new areas, but nada.
I have four achievements remaining, silver, gold and black medals which I will never get, and the last is for crafting the Kaledoscopic Starmetal Raiment which I am not sure is even still in the game, unless it's the Black Kaleidoscopic+ armor many of us are waiting for, in which case I'll never craft one because I'll already have one.
Unfulfilled indeed! I had no idea what to do after I killed him so I just tapped around dumbfounded for a few minutes before logging off in disappointment lol
08-05-2013, 09:05 AM
That's disappointing! I'm on 2nd stage of KoD, but taking my time as am trying to do the quest path properly. Gotta redo Stage 1 again, which is a little annoying but no biggie.
Just wondering, if you do know, what is the next quest that follows "The Final Push"? This is the one where you have to get HH to lvl 20, SC and SS to lvl 15 and Roc and AoIL to lvl 10. I ask because I don't want to have to redo KoD if the quest that follows this has something to do with KoD!
After "The Final Push":
More like Dork Prince: collect 18 Evil Jewels, craft 1 The Dark Prince's Royal Armor 5000G, 3350XP, 1 gem.
"collect" quests start counting from the moment you view the quest intro, so any Evil Jewels you get before that don't count towards the quest. (not that it really matters, since you need 2x 22 Evil Jewels for Dark Prince+ and KoD Epic gives you way more Phoenix Feathers than Evil Jewels... -_-; :( )
I have four achievements remaining, silver, gold and black medals which I will never get, and the last is for crafting the Kaledoscopic Starmetal Raiment which I am not sure is even still in the game, unless it's the Black Kaleidoscopic+ armor many of us are waiting for, in which case I'll never craft one because I'll already have one.
AFAIK the gold chest can drop Kal material (Kal is a white version of BKal with worse stats. I have someone on my friend list wearing it though...) .
Would be nice if they made fusion stones drop more often, so you can spend money on making 50EP armors for enhancing, instead of having to do the incredibly boring farming for materials. I have 3 mill now and constantly growing because i can't farm enough to spend it :P
Assuming you're on Android (since I heard on iOS you can just funnel all gold into your guild) and you have a lot of shards stockpiled: use commons to burn through that gold. In the time you can craft a Snakeskin (24 or 20 EP), you can craft 24 commons (24x6=144 EP) and directly use them to enhance the armor. You'll burn through your gold 3-4 times as fast as using Snakeskin. Someone did a 1-70 enhancement using just commons and burned through about 9 million gold.
08-05-2013, 09:45 AM
Assuming you're on Android (since I heard on iOS you can just funnel all gold into your guild) and you have a lot of shards stockpiled: use commons to burn through that gold. In the time you can craft a Snakeskin (24 or 20 EP), you can craft 24 commons (24x6=144 EP) and directly use them to enhance the armor. You'll burn through your gold 3-4 times as fast as using Snakeskin. Someone did a 1-70 enhancement using just commons and burned through about 9 million gold.
Well my problem is that insane amount of farming which is necessary. True i could burn gold by using commons, but getting all those commons would also require a lot of farming and with little to show for it in regards of enhancement. So basicly it's just an option to burn gold.
I'm looking for a way to enhance armor without having to spend hours grinding the same place over and over. Fusing would be a good option, as it burns gold, but with fusion stones being so rare it's not an option :(
I would like to see fuse stones as a more common drop, but seeing as Gree nerfed the drop on them, that's probably not gonna happen.
08-05-2013, 10:00 AM
Well my problem is that insane amount of farming which is necessary. True i could burn gold by using commons, but getting all those commons would also require a lot of farming and with little to show for it in regards of enhancement. So basicly it's just an option to burn gold.
I'm looking for a way to enhance armor without having to spend hours grinding the same place over and over. Fusing would be a good option, as it burns gold, but with fusion stones being so rare it's not an option :(
I would like to see fuse stones as a more common drop, but seeing as Gree nerfed the drop on them, that's probably not gonna happen.
Sadly the grinding for materials (and almost always snakeskin) everyday is the way the game goes. I have to spend on average at least 15 minutes every two hours grinding for snakeskin to keep my three armorsmiths busy and just one armor levelling slowly. It does make the game incredibly tedious, with the Arena, Epic Boss and upcoming Guild Wars (on iOS) the only moments that lighten the tedium.
If Gree don't increase Fusion stone drops (which seem currently to be about 1% of the time), or open a market where you can buy materials for Gold and sell off unwanted materials you have gathered, I will be dropping this game when I have achieved certain self-set objectives, and then be a very occasional player, mostly playing to funnel Gold income into my Guild.
08-05-2013, 10:13 AM
After "The Final Push":
More like Dork Prince: collect 18 Evil Jewels, craft 1 The Dark Prince's Royal Armor 5000G, 3350XP, 1 gem.
"collect" quests start counting from the moment you view the quest intro, so any Evil Jewels you get before that don't count towards the quest. (not that it really matters, since you need 2x 22 Evil Jewels for Dark Prince+ and KoD Epic gives you way more Phoenix Feathers than Evil Jewels... -_-; :( )
Thank you! That is very helpful.
I knew about the item drop counter from before. Its very annoying, but as you quite rightly said, I need to craft 2 of them, so its really no biggie.
It just means I can take my time with enhancing completing this quest.
08-05-2013, 10:53 AM
Well my problem is that insane amount of farming which is necessary. True i could burn gold by using commons, but getting all those commons would also require a lot of farming and with little to show for it in regards of enhancement. So basicly it's just an option to burn gold.
I'm looking for a way to enhance armor without having to spend hours grinding the same place over and over. Fusing would be a good option, as it burns gold, but with fusion stones being so rare it's not an option :(
I would like to see fuse stones as a more common drop, but seeing as Gree nerfed the drop on them, that's probably not gonna happen.
If you've been Snakeskin farming and not using the earth and water shards from Skeletons Tomb at all, you quickly build up a whole bunch of them, so you should have plenty for your armorsmiths to burn through without needing extra farming.
(I myself don't have many, since I'm using them all to make Stonescale_lvl11 ... (eats up 5 basic earth and 3 basic water per Stonescale))
Either you grind a lot or you open lots of DPCs for enhancement armors. There's no other ways to play this game.
08-05-2013, 11:18 AM
Mm I have around 100 fusion stones.. I am getting like 2-3 per day by farming snakeskin.. so I saved them up for my when my lvl 70 armors hit lvl 50+
08-05-2013, 01:26 PM
Here are the minions/bosses in KoD:
Stage / All Elements / Boss Elem / Need
1/4 / water-spirit-earth / water-earth / air-fire-spirit
2/4 / spirit-air-fire / air-spirit / fire-earth-water
3/4 / fire-earth-air / fire-earth / water-spirit-earth
4/4 / spirit-fire-air / spirit/fire / fire-water
You will need to use friend(s) until you get some of your armors like Inf+ and Shaman+ maxed. I'm on farm in KoD with maxed Eurus+, Infernal+, and Shaman+. It works well, even though I end up on stage 3 using Inf+ which requires 3 hits on the boss (vs 2 with a water armor). But I get through no problems and no friends needed for it anymore.
Thank you for this post Jello! Vaguely recall seeing it previously but now having finished HC powerleveling to 100, time to start farming Jewels... which mandates actually trying KoD for once :)
08-05-2013, 04:30 PM
Thank you for this post Jello! Vaguely recall seeing it previously but now having finished HC powerleveling to 100, time to start farming Jewels... which mandates actually trying KoD for once :)
You're welcome. I gain about a level a day by running KoD Epic 4-5 times a day. I set aside 3 knights for it - Follower in Eurus+ maxed, Follower in Infernal+ maxed, and Commander in Shaman+ maxed. Gets me through with about 150-200 health remaining on my commander. All 3 heal max at the same time and I run it again.
I use the other 3 knights to farm Skeletons Tomb for snakeskin and Writhing Cascades for typhoon gems. It's 6,000 to craft an AA but it fills the gap with 24 EP on anything with Air and the gems drop fairly well. To get a Snakeskin to level 5 (to make it 24 EP on any non earth/water) would cost 4,000 gold (300*8 basics + 600 & 1000 for 2 enhancements).
08-05-2013, 05:09 PM
That's disappointing! I'm on 2nd stage of KoD, but taking my time as am trying to do the quest path properly. Gotta redo Stage 1 again, which is a little annoying but no biggie.
Just wondering, if you do know, what is the next quest that follows "The Final Push"? This is the one where you have to get HH to lvl 20, SC and SS to lvl 15 and Roc and AoIL to lvl 10. I ask because I don't want to have to redo KoD if the quest that follows this has something to do with KoD!
Mmm, have you gotten the "Climactic Clash" quests? I believe there's one for each level of KoD--these are in addition to the one where you have to get evil jewels / DP armor. From your question I suspect you've gotten the first one, mentioning it just in case so you don't have to go back and do each one a second time.
On another topic...does anyone understand how the game chooses arena opponents? I did a couple strings of double-downs on the first night of the current tournament and got myself up around rank 100 or so. It then stuck me fighting "other" rank 100 opponents as my rank dropped below 500. It is VERY slowly giving me lower ranked opponents as I continue to get beat up by people who are currently ranked about where I was a day or two ago. Is it wiser to just not play the arena for the first few days to get easier opponents later on?
08-05-2013, 06:29 PM
Does anyone have a picture of Clayplate Mantle at level 1-11?
08-05-2013, 07:17 PM
So I've just maxed swamp+ and am working to maxing my infernal+.
I'm wondering which lvl 70 I should go for next to maximise my chances of getting an epic boss+.
I've got roc+, WW, DP+. Obviously DP+ has the highest stats but I already have the same element combination in LF+.
08-05-2013, 07:35 PM
So I've just maxed swamp+ and am working to maxing my infernal+.
I'm wondering which lvl 70 I should go for next to maximise my chances of getting an epic boss+.
I've got roc+, WW, DP+. Obviously DP+ has the highest stats but I already have the same element combination in LF+.
I'm going to suggest that you work on DP+ or Wicked Wraith next. If you're really concerned about having to put so much time into DP+ because of its elements, WW is probably a better option. I am personally avoiding Roc+ because I'm not convinced it's worth the time.
Just my $.02
08-05-2013, 08:14 PM
So I've just maxed swamp+ and am working to maxing my infernal+.
I'm wondering which lvl 70 I should go for next to maximise my chances of getting an epic boss+.
I've got roc+, WW, DP+. Obviously DP+ has the highest stats but I already have the same element combination in LF+.
I'm in a similar transition situation and I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that maxing an individual armor and hoping to get lucky with the boss draw, is begging for a long and painful process completely at the mercy of Gree's whimsy.
Here's what I'm intending to try, and if anyone has any advice or suggestions I'd appreciate it:
Basic math off the armor data sheet suggests I can raise two level 70 armors to 45 for the price of one to 70. I'm stuck in the situation where I have more armors than I have time, and trying to raise a level 70 from zero to hero, well, I found this week isn't likely without a bunch of pooled resources which I don't have (yet).
So instead, I'm going to raise a couple: SG in wings, Inf+, DP+ (once I get the stupid place on farm, first test run went incredibly poorly), the Guardian's which is now at 45, and any random boss armors that fufill a niche I can't cover (hopefully plus but...) and beyond that, just pool resources.
Comments off the recent Slimelord thread suggest that with proper friend management even Big 4 level armor is sufficient to hit 43, I don't quite have the friends list they do but mine isn't shoddy either. Interestingly enough, most legendaries at level 50, are right in line with Big 4.
So, for Epic Boss maximization, if I draw a boss where I have a good suit waiting in the 45-50 range, spend the resources to level it quickly, and then start pooling immediately after.
I think this will give me the highest chance of making a match between Gree's selection, and my own armor pool as keeping a bunch of legendaries at 1 and trying to take the shot, just isn't going to be effective and I have far too many gaps to cover right now.
Yes, in theory in 2-3 months with proper armor selection and resource management I should be able to take on any boss to 43; however, the goal is to get to that point as soon as possible, ideally (if I get lucky) starting next or maybe two weeks from now.
08-05-2013, 08:34 PM
I'm in a similar transition situation and I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that maxing an individual armor and hoping to get lucky with the boss draw, is begging for a long and painful process completely at the mercy of Gree's whimsy.
Here's what I'm intending to try, and if anyone has any advice or suggestions I'd appreciate it:
Basic math off the armor data sheet suggests I can raise two level 70 armors to 45 for the price of one to 70. I'm stuck in the situation where I have more armors than I have time, and trying to raise a level 70 from zero to hero, well, I found this week isn't likely without a bunch of pooled resources which I don't have (yet).
So instead, I'm going to raise a couple: SG in wings, Inf+, DP+ (once I get the stupid place on farm, first test run went incredibly poorly), the Guardian's which is now at 45, and any random boss armors that fufill a niche I can't cover (hopefully plus but...) and beyond that, just pool resources.
Comments off the recent Slimelord thread suggest that with proper friend management even Big 4 level armor is sufficient to hit 43, I don't quite have the friends list they do but mine isn't shoddy either. Interestingly enough, most legendaries at level 50, are right in line with Big 4.
So, for Epic Boss maximization, if I draw a boss where I have a good suit waiting in the 45-50 range, spend the resources to level it quickly, and then start pooling immediately after.
I think this will give me the highest chance of making a match between Gree's selection, and my own armor pool as keeping a bunch of legendaries at 1 and trying to take the shot, just isn't going to be effective and I have far too many gaps to cover right now.
Yes, in theory in 2-3 months with proper armor selection and resource management I should be able to take on any boss to 43; however, the goal is to get to that point as soon as possible, ideally (if I get lucky) starting next or maybe two weeks from now.
I'd rather get one level 70 armor than 2 level 45 armors. A level 70 armor and good friends(assuming you're matching up decently against the boss) will be able to get to level 43 of the boss. A level 45 armor is barely better than a Big 4 armor and the only benefit is some more elemental combinations. Getting a solid core of friends that are active is the most important thing for cracking the epic boss barrier.
08-05-2013, 09:21 PM
I'd rather get one level 70 armor than 2 level 45 armors. A level 70 armor and good friends(assuming you're matching up decently against the boss) will be able to get to level 43 of the boss. A level 45 armor is barely better than a Big 4 armor and the only benefit is some more elemental combinations. Getting a solid core of friends that are active is the most important thing for cracking the epic boss barrier.
I probably didn't make myself clear.
Instead of just maxxing a single 70, and then repeating the exercise, I want to build a staple of 45's (or some breakpoint) with enough resources to push any single one of them to 70 with the release of the boss or within a day or two when it starts to matter.
What I'm hoping to accomplish is spreading my base such that I can respond more effectively to whatever combination Gree gives; this breaks down as I'm not certain I can raise to 70 and have another useful armor to push to 45 in a week, plus pool the requisite resources for next emergency raise, but I do think this shortcuts the time period where I'm simply waiting for Gree to release a boss I can hit hard by giving me more options to be able to accomplish that.
I'm expecting I'm going to have to effectively skip some weeks, but my goal is to keep those weeks as few as possible.
08-05-2013, 09:26 PM
I probably didn't make myself clear.
Instead of just maxxing a single 70, and then repeating the exercise, I want to build a staple of 45's (or some breakpoint) with enough resources to push any single one of them to 70 with the release of the boss or within a day or two when it starts to matter.
What I'm hoping to accomplish is spreading my base such that I can respond more effectively to whatever combination Gree gives; this breaks down as I'm not certain I can raise to 70 and have another useful armor to push to 45 in a week, plus pool the requisite resources for next emergency raise, but I do think this shortcuts the time period where I'm simply waiting for Gree to release a boss I can hit hard by giving me more options to be able to accomplish that.
I'm expecting I'm going to have to effectively skip some weeks, but my goal is to keep those weeks as few as possible.
Ah, okay. That's a good idea. It gets easier after you get a legendary or two under your belt.
08-05-2013, 10:18 PM
On another topic...does anyone understand how the game chooses arena opponents? I did a couple strings of double-downs on the first night of the current tournament and got myself up around rank 100 or so. It then stuck me fighting "other" rank 100 opponents as my rank dropped below 500. It is VERY slowly giving me lower ranked opponents as I continue to get beat up by people who are currently ranked about where I was a day or two ago. Is it wiser to just not play the arena for the first few days to get easier opponents later on?
Trying to understand the selection process is an ongoing chore. It is tempting to just skip the area for a while to get 'soft' opponents, then get a bunch of easy double-downs to catch up.
I seem to be able to hover around the 150 mark if I select my opponents carefully, but have slipped to 200 & something because I just can't be bothered to keep checking my options. I'd like to stay in the top 250. Getting into and staying in the top 100 is too much effort. Once I get up around 150 my opponents are in the top 50 and almost all seem to have either Moonplate or Dark Kaleidescope, or both, which makes them near unbeatable.
The higher you are the fewer opponent options the system has to choose from, so you do start seeing the same opponents again and again. If you keep a record of who you can beat, and especially who you can't, you can try for longer double-downs. I usually give up on the DDs half-way through the week because I just can't get beatable opponents without a lot of fuss.
08-05-2013, 11:41 PM
So is the big 4 guaranteed to get you to lvl 43 epic boss and beat it?
08-05-2013, 11:49 PM
So is the big 4 guaranteed to get you to lvl 43 epic boss and beat it?
No. You would need really good friends. Even then it may be pretty hard. Having at least one 70+ armor like swamp+, infernal+ and dark prince+ would make it much easier.
08-05-2013, 11:51 PM
So is the big 4 guaranteed to get you to lvl 43 epic boss and beat it?
No. But I've been playing for five months and I think this is the first week I haven't had use for at least 1 of the big 4.
08-06-2013, 03:14 AM
Sadly the grinding for materials (and almost always snakeskin) everyday is the way the game goes. I have to spend on average at least 15 minutes every two hours grinding for snakeskin to keep my three armorsmiths busy and just one armor levelling slowly. It does make the game incredibly tedious, with the Arena, Epic Boss and upcoming Guild Wars (on iOS) the only moments that lighten the tedium.
If Gree don't increase Fusion stone drops (which seem currently to be about 1% of the time), or open a market where you can buy materials for Gold and sell off unwanted materials you have gathered, I will be dropping this game when I have achieved certain self-set objectives, and then be a very occasional player, mostly playing to funnel Gold income into my Guild.
Yeah increased drop rate, or being able to buy fuse stones for ~25-50k gold would help sooo much to alleviate the tedious grind we are forced into. It's not like it would destroy the balance, as I see it. 50-75k for 50EP would be a nice choice for people who don't want to spend hours grinding, and still get decent progression.
Here's the thing. I lost my iphone today including my fairly good progress in K&D.
- Guild master in lvl 44 guild
- lvl 137
- Waiting for bk+ to arrive
- etc
Is there any way to retrive my game progress to my new iphone without my old lost iphone?
If its not Gree really should adress the matter!
Thanks for replies.
08-06-2013, 12:43 PM
If you've been Snakeskin farming and not using the earth and water shards from Skeletons Tomb at all, you quickly build up a whole bunch of them, so you should have plenty for your armorsmiths to burn through without needing extra farming.
(I myself don't have many, since I'm using them all to make Stonescale_lvl11 ... (eats up 5 basic earth and 3 basic water per Stonescale))
Either you grind a lot or you open lots of DPCs for enhancement armors. There's no other ways to play this game.
How many EP each armor level gives you ? Is it an efficient use of gold to increase the level of armours before using them to level up the base armour ?
08-06-2013, 12:52 PM
How many EP each armor level gives you ? Is it an efficient use of gold to increase the level of armours before using them to level up the base armour ?
Snakeskin Armors give you 24 Enhancement Points if the elements of the armor you're enhancing is Water or Earth, or just 20 EP if it doens't match.
And yea it's best to use Common Armors until Level 10 and Uncommons until Level 14, so you're not wasting Snakeskins since it takes awhile to get the mats and craft them.
Then around Level 45-50 Snakeskins won't cut it anymore and you'll have to use fuse basics for 50 EP armors.
Veloster Raptor
08-06-2013, 01:16 PM
Now that I have beaten the Dark Prince I am working on finishing out quests. What is the drop rate of the boss mats? IE Wriggling Roots vs. Hydra Scales. I am farming for the roots but I keep getting the Hydra Scales. I am farming this on normal. Does it make a difference if I go on a higher level?
08-06-2013, 02:22 PM
Here's the thing. I lost my iphone today including my fairly good progress in K&D.
- Guild master in lvl 44 guild
- lvl 137
- Waiting for bk+ to arrive
- etc
Is there any way to retrive my game progress to my new iphone without my old lost iphone?
If its not Gree really should adress the matter!
Thanks for replies.
Do you still remember your friend code from the old account? That is the one piece of information you REALLY need to make a transfer. Besides that, you have everything else: friend code on new phone and MAC address of new phone. But you need your old account's friend code for them to be able to retrieve it. Good luck!
08-06-2013, 02:24 PM
Snakeskin Armors give you 24 Enhancement Points if the elements of the armor you're enhancing is Water or Earth, or just 20 EP if it doens't match.
And yea it's best to use Common Armors until Level 10 and Uncommons until Level 14, so you're not wasting Snakeskins since it takes awhile to get the mats and craft them.
Then around Level 45-50 Snakeskins won't cut it anymore and you'll have to use fuse basics for 50 EP armors.
Sorry my question was not very clear. Marco_ mentioned increasing Stonescale to level 11. So I was wondering how much EP a level 11 Stonescale can provide as suppose to level 1 assuming compatible element.
08-06-2013, 02:26 PM
U get 1ep per level from level 2 onwards
08-06-2013, 02:54 PM
Sorry my question was not very clear. Marco_ mentioned increasing Stonescale to level 11. So I was wondering how much EP a level 11 Stonescale can provide as suppose to level 1 assuming compatible element.
uncommon to 11 takes 80 minutes, is 500 for the base armor and 2400 for 8 x 300 for the basics, for a total of 2900 to make one to 11
uncommons require 600+1600 (2200 total) in enhancing costs just to get it to 11 where as snakeskin requires no enhancing costs for it to have 24ep
so 4100 gold and 80 minutes time for 20 EP for matching element
3000 gold and 120 minutes time for 24 EP for matching element
As you can see it takes less time to make the Level 11 Uncommons, but it takes more gold and yields less EP, not to mention its takes a lot more work on your part since you have to be constantly crafting, waiting, and enhancing.
Snakeskin is less expensive and yields more EP but takes longer to make, but I'd much rather just pop it in the armorsmith and be able to use that time to do other things. And even if the elements don't match it still gives 20 EP that a matching Lv 11 Uncommon would too.
New Jersey Jones
08-06-2013, 03:47 PM
Now that I have beaten the Dark Prince I am working on finishing out quests. What is the drop rate of the boss mats? IE Wriggling Roots vs. Hydra Scales. I am farming for the roots but I keep getting the Hydra Scales. I am farming this on normal. Does it make a difference if I go on a higher level?
I was about to tell you that Epic seems to give better drop rates of the better materials than Normal, but I re-tested my hypothesis on Skeleton's Tomb and got Snakeskin 5 times in a row on Normal! Last time it was Stone Slabs 5 times in a row on Normal! I guess my n was too low! :p
Still, even on Epic, the higher levels don't drop at 100%. For example, I think I got Wriggling Roots about 65-75% of the time on Epic and the rest of the time it was Hydra Scales. On Epic for Roc Feathers it was closer to 50-60% versus Shiny Shards. Again on Epic, Infernal Iron Chunks seemed to drop a bit more frequently (70-ish%). Unfortunately, I haven't kept track of it precisely, but those are my best estimates. The other caveat is that given my experience with the Misty Marsh, I've really stuck with making my runs on Epic, both for the (assumed) better drop rates and better experience points.
08-06-2013, 04:30 PM
I was about to tell you that Epic seems to give better drop rates of the better materials than Normal, but I re-tested my hypothesis on Skeleton's Tomb and got Snakeskin 5 times in a row on Normal! Last time it was Stone Slabs 5 times in a row on Normal! I guess my n was too low! :p
In a randomly generated sequence, streaks are likely :P Anyway, Epic does have the higher % drop rate, I've seen someone do hundreds of tries and he said that the drop rate of Snakeskins on Epic is around 90-95%.
It also makes sense to me that the rate would be lower for the higher map stages, like you posted, but it's still the higher out of all the levels on Epic.
What's the likely hood that a person with two aegis of the dragons (maxed or close to it) and a maxed epic armor is legit?
EDIT: They are also below level 50.
08-06-2013, 08:32 PM
I played someone the other day who had 3 Combustion Armors.
08-06-2013, 08:41 PM
I played someone the other day who had 3 Combustion Armors.
That's Nahuy1997 or something. He posts here
08-06-2013, 08:44 PM
What's the likely hood that a person with two aegis of the dragons (maxed or close to it) and a maxed epic armor is legit?
EDIT: They are also below level 50.
It's unlikely, but possible. I prefer to assume people are innocent until you can prove they're guilty :). Still, some people in the Arena make me suspicious.
08-06-2013, 08:55 PM
It's unlikely, but possible. I prefer to assume people are innocent until you can prove they're guilty :). Still, some people in the Arena make me suspicious.
If below 50, could be possible but they must have lots of money to be legit.
Did I ever mention I've gotten 5 Aegis all nonplus, maxed 3 and fused 2 away?
08-06-2013, 11:46 PM
Can anyone tell me if you can get more slots for armor crafting and adding friends after lvl 100 please?
You can't unfortunately. Maybe they will change that in the future.
08-07-2013, 01:29 AM
My question is, what is the best way for grinding xp. I'm currently level 72 and getting close to a level a day by just continuously doing honour runs at the citadel. I've tried doing valor runs of KoD but it doesn't seem as beneficial. So what is the best grind?
08-07-2013, 01:34 AM
My question is, what is the best way for grinding xp. I'm currently level 72 and getting close to a level a day by just continuously doing honour runs at the citadel. I've tried doing valor runs of KoD but it doesn't seem as beneficial. So what is the best grind?
What armors do you have? Assuming the Big 4(and that you don't desperately need to grind for a specific material), the best places to train would be in the Haunted Citadel(normal or Epic) with HH+ and then a combination of Writhing Cascades(normal) with Crius+, Caballero Desert(normal) with AA+/Crius+, or Sparkling Steppes(normal) with LF+(the worst of all options). If you do the Haunted Citadel on Epic, only fight round 1.
08-07-2013, 01:35 AM
My question is, what is the best way for grinding xp. I'm currently level 72 and getting close to a level a day by just continuously doing honour runs at the citadel. I've tried doing valor runs of KoD but it doesn't seem as beneficial. So what is the best grind?
I ran normal Citadel (migthy actually may be better, more earth mobs that hit softer and if you're one shotting everything anyway that's important); exp runs in higher difficulties in Citadel et al don't make as much sense as they did back in the first five zones: higher difficulties have increased number of elements, which usually cause more damage than the extra exp is worth.
I didn't pencil it out personally but I found that to be the case everywhere and simply assumed it held true in Citadel as well.
08-07-2013, 01:36 AM
What armors do you have? Assuming the Big 4(and that you don't desperately need to grind for a specific material), the best places to train would be in the Haunted Citadel(normal or Epic) with HH+ and then a combination of Writhing Cascades(normal) with Crius+, Caballero Desert(normal) with AA+/Crius+, or Guardian Crossing(normal) with LF+(the worst of all options). If you do the Haunted Citadel on Epic, only fight round 1.
Nah I went alternate to the Big 4 route, I am able to easily clear the first round of Citadel so should I just grind that? instead of doing all the rounds of valor? (which I do between 5-6 times a day)
08-07-2013, 01:38 AM
Nah I went alternate to the Big 4 route, I am able to easily clear the first round of Citadel so should I just grind that? instead of doing all the rounds of valor? (which I do between 5-6 times a day)
It completely depends on your armors. Since I have no idea what you have, I could only give suggestions based on the assumption that you maxed the Big 4.
08-07-2013, 01:39 AM
Nah I went alternate to the Big 4 route, I am able to easily clear the first round of Citadel so should I just grind that? instead of doing all the rounds of valor? (which I do between 5-6 times a day)
I didn't explicitly test in Citadel; however, in general grinding for exp in either normal or mighty produces better results as there won't be element mismatches if you choose your armor well. 3 elements in a stage make that impossible other than a few Boss mono-element armors and those at most can be worn by two knights, dual is by 3.
08-07-2013, 01:39 AM
It completely depends on your armors. Since I have no idea what you have, I could only give suggestions based on the assumption that you maxed the Big 4. I usually use Boreas, SG and Infernal lord which are all mid to low 40s
08-07-2013, 01:44 AM
I usually use Boreas, SG and Infernal lord which are all mid to low 40s
Hmm, since I haven't done any exp/hp ratio testing with those specific armors, try Cabellero Desert(normal) and Sunken Carrack(normal) with Boreas and SG. Also try Guardian's Crossing with Infernal. You'd have to find out which is the best.
I fixed an error in my post earlier. I wrote Guardian's Crossing instead of Sparkling Steppes.
08-07-2013, 01:47 AM
Hmm, since I haven't done any exp/hp ratio testing with those specific armors, try Cabellero Desert(normal) and Sunken Carrack(normal) with Boreas and SG. Also try Guardian's Crossing with Infernal. You'd have to find out which is the best.
I fixed an error in my post earlier. I wrote Guardian's Crossing instead of Sparkling Steppes.
Alright thanks, but a part of me wants to keep doing what I'm doing currently as I sort of enjoy just grinding for a short period of time. But it probably wouldn't hurt to give your suggestions a shot.
08-07-2013, 01:47 AM
Alright thanks, but a part of me wants to keep doing what I'm doing currently as I sort of enjoy just grinding for a short period of time. But it probably wouldn't hurt to give your suggestions a shot.
Grinding is still quick either way. As long as you're not doing snakeskin farming, it should only take 10 minutes to use all of your health.
08-07-2013, 01:55 AM
Grinding is still quick either way. As long as you're not doing snakeskin farming, it should only take 10 minutes to use all of your health.
Well for me currently I do 2 runs of Citadel on Honor with 5 knights on both runs, which nets me about 1/4 to 1/5 of my xp bar. That takes like 5 minutes and then I just wait until my health comes back and I do it again.
08-07-2013, 01:57 AM
Well for me currently I do 2 runs of Citadel on Honor with 5 knights on both runs, which nets me about 1/4 to 1/5 of my xp bar. That takes like 5 minutes and then I just wait until my health comes back and I do it again.
If you really want to increase your leveling speed, don't use your friends with full HP knights. Use one friend with a low HP knight and clear the hardest stage you can(make sure you kill the boss!). I could go into specifics, but most people don't care about the details of exp/hp ratios :p.
08-07-2013, 01:59 AM
If you really want to increase your leveling speed, don't use your friends with full HP knights. Use one friend with a low HP knight and clear the hardest stage you can(make sure you kill the boss!). I could go into specifics, but most people don't care about the details of exp/hp ratios :p.
Haha yeah I know what you mean, I want to care but I sort of hate grinding to be honest. But if you were willing to do a quick overview of specifics that'd be great!
08-07-2013, 02:12 AM
Haha yeah I know what you mean, I want to care but I sort of hate grinding to be honest. But if you were willing to do a quick overview of specifics that'd be great!
Sure, I know what you mean. I leveled to 100 so quickly that I burnt out :(. I hate snakeskin farming with a vengeance and I can't bring myself to do it diligently anymore :(.
Most important concept for leveling is your experience/hp ratio for an entire stage(excluding crits/misses). A good benchmark that I found was that Writhing Cascades(normal) with Crius+ gave me around 25 exp/hp, the best ratio until you reach Haunted Citadel which is ever-so-slightly higher. If you find the average exp/hp ratio for different areas, you can use your knights in such a way that you maximize the experience you can gain in 2-3 hours(because hp is the limiting factor). Simply put, the best way to increase that ratio is to make sure that enemies are not hitting you super-effectively(provided you can one-shot the regular mobs). So always avoid areas where you're being hit effectively.
Because of this, you don't want to use friends with your full HP knights since your friends can only be used once each(so use is the limiting factor, not hp). Due to this, you will use your friends in an area that likely hits your knights very hard and gives bad exp/hp ratios. So to minimize this effect, you use friends with a 20-hp knight in a zone where you can kill the boss(as this is the single largest source of experience).
Damn, that got a bit wordy, but I don't know how to shorten it. Sorry :(
08-07-2013, 02:15 AM
Sure, I know what you mean. I leveled to 100 so quickly that I burnt out :(. I hate snakeskin farming with a vengeance and I can't bring myself to do it diligently anymore :(.
Most important concept for leveling is your experience/hp ratio for an entire stage(excluding crits/misses). A good benchmark that I found was that Writhing Cascades(normal) with Crius+ gave me around 25 exp/hp, the best ratio until you reach Haunted Citadel which is ever-so-slightly higher. If you find the average exp/hp ratio for different areas, you can use your knights in such a way that you maximize the experience you can gain in 2-3 hours(because hp is the limiting factor). Simply put, the best way to increase that ratio is to make sure that enemies are not hitting you super-effectively(provided you can one-shot the regular mobs). So always avoid areas where you're being hit effectively.
Because of this, you don't want to use friends with your full HP knights since your friends can only be used once each(so use is the limiting factor, not hp). Due to this, you will use your friends in an area that likely hits your knights very hard and gives bad exp/hp ratios. So to minimize this effect, you use friends with a 20-hp knight in a zone where you can kill the boss(as this is the single biggest source of experience).
Damn, that got a bit wordy, but I don't know how to shorten it. Sorry :(
Woah thats pretty intense! But cheers for that, I will definitely try and find the best ratios I can get. Thanks
08-07-2013, 04:37 AM
As you can see it takes less time to make the Level 11 Uncommons, but it takes more gold and yields less EP, not to mention its takes a lot more work on your part since you have to be constantly crafting, waiting, and enhancing.
Snakeskin is less expensive and yields more EP but takes longer to make, but I'd much rather just pop it in the armorsmith and be able to use that time to do other things. And even if the elements don't match it still gives 20 EP that a matching Lv 11 Uncommon would too.
Well, there's also the fact that 1 Snakeskin takes at least 4 farm rounds, while Stonescale takes 1 1/3 farm rounds. And that all those shards collected from Snakeskin farming can be applied to Stonescale_lvl11 (5 common earth and 3 common water) . I think I did about 1:4 Stonescale:Snakeskin runs. It greatly helped me level Swamp+ and Infernal+ without using any fusion stones and with few 50 EP+ tournament winnings used. For DP+ I'll probably need some fusion stones, since the farm locations/elements are worse.
08-07-2013, 12:01 PM
As you can see it takes less time to make the Level 11 Uncommons, but it takes more gold and yields less EP, not to mention its takes a lot more work on your part since you have to be constantly crafting, waiting, and enhancing.
Snakeskin is less expensive and yields more EP but takes longer to make, but I'd much rather just pop it in the armorsmith and be able to use that time to do other things. And even if the elements don't match it still gives 20 EP that a matching Lv 11 Uncommon would too.
Well, there's also the fact that 1 Snakeskin takes at least 4 farm rounds, while Stonescale takes 1 1/3 farm rounds. And that all those shards collected from Snakeskin farming can be applied to Stonescale_lvl11 (5 common earth and 3 common water) . I think I did about 1:4 Stonescale:Snakeskin runs. It greatly helped me level Swamp+ and Infernal+ without using any fusion stones and with few 50 EP+ tournament winnings used. For DP+ I'll probably need some fusion stones, since the farm locations/elements are worse.
Thank you both for your answers. It looks like to me the combination of both technique is the best way for me. With 3 Lv2 smiths, I can create 3x lv11 Stonescale in about 70 minutes. This is about how long my playing sessions usually last anyway. At the end of play session, I start 3x snakeskin armours and leave the game. I can use the combinations of Stonescale+snakeskin to enhance at the beginning of my next session
08-07-2013, 12:04 PM
Does anybody know what the little shields are for in your guild?
08-07-2013, 01:33 PM
Hey all,
Been playing K&D for a couple of weeks, it's an addicting little game :)
I had a question regarding getting + versions of armor that is created via fusion. For instance, I've noticed that in the armor spreadsheet linked in the sticky thread above there is a Riverstone Mantle+ . It is my understanding that the Riverstone Mantel can only be created through fusing, so could someone tell me how the plus version is obtained? Thanks much.
08-07-2013, 01:44 PM
Hey all,
Been playing K&D for a couple of weeks, it's an addicting little game :)
I had a question regarding getting + versions of armor that is created via fusion. For instance, I've noticed that in the armor spreadsheet linked in the sticky thread above there is a Riverstone Mantle+ . It is my understanding that the Riverstone Mantel can only be created through fusing, so could someone tell me how the plus version is obtained? Thanks much.
Only thru dark prince chests
08-07-2013, 02:05 PM
What level runs would you guys suggest for me for leveling quickly?
I am currently Level 80 and my armors are in my sig, I also have Phyrus non-plus at 35 too
08-07-2013, 02:40 PM
What level runs would you guys suggest for me for leveling quickly?
I am currently Level 80 and my armors are in my sig, I also have Phyrus non-plus at 35 too
I think it kinda depends how many runs you can do..
For me I kinda followed my quests and made sure I farmed enough mats for + versions of spectral, SS, rocs and now farming for chunks..
I can do 2 runs when my knights have full health and then I have still 1 knight left with full health for snakeskin farming..
Depending on how much time I have I can do about 1.5-2lvls per day + getting the mats I need for lvling armor.
Veloster Raptor
08-07-2013, 03:47 PM
I have enough mats for Swamp Shaman but I currently have Lvl 18 Swamp Shaman Robes currently. What level do I have to get them to for the + version?
08-07-2013, 04:00 PM
I have enough mats for Swamp Shaman but I currently have Lvl 18 Swamp Shaman Robes currently. What level do I have to get them to for the + version?
get the normal version to lvl 20 to unlock the + version
08-07-2013, 05:26 PM
I just got myself the regular Slimelord armor. It says it takes 200,000 and 3 days to craft. The 200k isn't a big problem, as I have 8 level 3 training fields now, but is it worthwhile crafting this sucker for me? I'm currently wearing a level 37 AA+, 32 Cruis+, 16 LF+, 7 HH regular, 18 Monk's Vestments and a level 10 Embersteel. I've just purchased the 1,000,000 expansion and in 23 hours I'm going to make 2 more Armorsmiths so that I have 4, so having one occupied for the next 3 days won't be so bad. I'm just wondering if it's worthwhile to invest the resources into the Slimelord or if I'd be much better just trying to raise the 3 of the big 4 that I already have so that I can open up the area with the mats for the HH. I definitely will not be getting to the level 43 version of the boss, as it took nearly everything I had to kill off the level 15 version!
If I shouldn't bother with the Slimelord armor, should I use it to enhance one of my current armors or save it for later? What would you say I should concentrate most on, improving the AA+ to 50 and then working on the others or try and bring the LF and Cruis up to the same level and then bring them all up to 50 at that time? Or something else entirely?
I know you guys answer various version of this exact question 100 times a day and I swear I do read the answers but it's still a bit confusing on what exactly I should do first in my own situation. I really thank any of you who still have the stamina to answer these questions!
08-07-2013, 05:30 PM
I just got myself the regular Slimelord armor. It says it takes 200,000 and 3 days to craft. The 200k isn't a big problem, as I have 8 level 3 training fields now, but is it worthwhile crafting this sucker for me? I'm currently wearing a level 37 AA+, 32 Cruis+, 16 LF+, 7 HH regular, 18 Monk's Vestments and a level 10 Embersteel. I've just purchased the 1,000,000 expansion and in 23 hours I'm going to make 2 more Armorsmiths so that I have 4, so having one occupied for the next 3 days won't be so bad. I'm just wondering if it's worthwhile to invest the resources into the Slimelord or if I'd be much better just trying to raise the 3 of the big 4 that I already have so that I can open up the area with the mats for the HH. I definitely will not be getting to the level 43 version of the boss, as it took nearly everything I had to kill off the level 15 version!
If I shouldn't bother with the Slimelord armor, should I use it to enhance one of my current armors or save it for later? What would you say I should concentrate most on, improving the AA+ to 50 and then working on the others or try and bring the LF and Cruis up to the same level and then bring them all up to 50 at that time? Or something else entirely?
I know you guys answer various version of this exact question 100 times a day and I swear I do read the answers but it's still a bit confusing on what exactly I should do first in my own situation. I really thank any of you who still have the stamina to answer these questions!
If you can't craft the plus version of a legendary, don't bother making it. You're better off just finishing up the Big 4 and then moving onto Infernal/Swamp/Dark Prince. I would probably save Slimelord to try my hand at fusing a 4* when you get another legendary that is fusion-compatible. If you don't want to wait for that, just use it to enhance something I guess.
08-07-2013, 05:39 PM
If you can't craft the plus version of a legendary, don't bother making it. You're better off just finishing up the Big 4 and then moving onto Infernal/Swamp/Dark Prince. I would probably save Slimelord to try my hand at fusing a 4* when you get another legendary that is fusion-compatible. If you don't want to wait for that, just use it to enhance something I guess.
Alright, thanks!
08-07-2013, 07:19 PM
On July 4th, I purchased the 175 gems for $19.99 (It was on sale)
My game crashed as the purchase happened and I never received my gems, but I did have the money taken from my account.
I have contacted Funzio and Gree through EVERY single contact us link I could find and have received no answer.
Does anyone know how to Reach these people so that I can get a refund or get the gems I purchased. Its been over a month with no word from these people.
08-07-2013, 07:35 PM
the only additional options on this forum would be to PM The Wise One but he doesn't reply to PM's
call your credit card company and ask their advice, you're dealing with a pretty terrible vendor
08-07-2013, 09:26 PM
I did email Gree and issued a ticket, I did buy gems a few times :)
I can log into their game with my husbands same Android and there is no issue with our internet, I can log into my other games online Apps I play, but this seems intentional that they blocked my account from logging in, Nothing else explains this, Ive re booted, tried logging in all evening, They basically still never ever gave me a response from my first email ticket, If I dont get a response from them, I am assuming I will contact my bank since they have all my money and are not fixing or unblocking etc my account,
Any feedback from anyone else would be great.
Thank you
08-07-2013, 10:13 PM
The assassin's shroud seems to be better than the monk vestment, yet I can't craft it cause I can't get the plus version. This is the best earth/spirit armor that I will get in a long time since I am too noobish to even get to a lvl 43 epic boss. So is it really worth it just getting the regular? I mean this is the best one I'll ever get in a long time.
08-07-2013, 10:22 PM
The assassin's shroud seems to be better than the monk vestment, yet I can't craft it cause I can't get the plus version. This is the best earth/spirit armor that I will get in a long time since I am too noobish to even get to a lvl 43 epic boss. So is it really worth it just getting the regular? I mean this is the best one I'll ever get in a long time.
I would say stick to getting the big 4 and then infernal+, swamp+ and dark prince+ first.
08-07-2013, 10:31 PM
Then I will have no strong earth/spirit, if you could suggest me an armor with that same element combo, I'll stop trying to even get the regular then.
08-07-2013, 10:35 PM
Then I will have no strong earth/spirit, if you could suggest me an armor with that same element combo, I'll stop trying to even get the regular then.
I don't consider earth/spirit an essential elemental combination to have. By the time you finish the other 9 possible combinations, there will probably have been another earth/spirit boss.
08-07-2013, 10:35 PM
Then I will have no strong earth/spirit, if you could suggest me an armor with that same element combo, I'll stop trying to even get the regular then.'
Wait till earth/spirit comes around again? or get normal WW from 50 friends.
08-07-2013, 10:43 PM
god forbid I get even a fourstar plus armor. Anyway, what is WW? I'm not familiar with some abbreviations.
08-07-2013, 10:46 PM
god forbid I get even a fourstar plus armor. Anyway, what is WW? I'm not familiar with some abbreviations.
WW = Wicked Wraith
The early part of k&d is all about not messing up your foundation. Once you get a solid economy and armor set going, you won't be limited to crafting regular legendaries. Economy > Big 4 > Bigger 4(or 3 depending on your preferences). If you have all of that, then you should be able to reach 43 with some friends(and maybe some gems for your first one).
08-07-2013, 10:52 PM
I can't even get that if I can't even get one friend referral, but since having a spirit/ earth is bad like you said, I'll gove up on it and hopefully get some luck even getting an epic boss armor when I get some bigger 4 armor. My main problem is that I can only reach tf lvl 2 but most people recommend getting 3. I think I'll just endure tf lvl 2s since I'm broke on real money.
08-07-2013, 10:56 PM
I can't even get that if I can't even get one friend referral, but since having a spirit/ earth is bad like you said, I'll gove up on it and hopefully get some luck even getting an epic boss armor when I get some bigger 4 armor. My main problem is that I can only reach tf lvl 2 but most people recommend getting 3. I think I'll just endure tf lvl 2s since I'm broke on real money.
I'm not sure why you have such troubles getting friends. When I just started, I would just add people in the "Add me on iOS" thread. I also spammed a few people through the tournament ranks I'm ashamed to say, but I've atoned for that particular sin since then :p.
Earth/spirit isn't bad per say, but there aren't many cases where I'd want to use it. The only time I'd find it useful in the Arena is if I know I'm attacking someone with an Aegis. But outside of that, I wouldn't be using it as often as another armor. The only combination I like less than earth/spirit is fire/spirit :p.
08-07-2013, 11:14 PM
Getting them to add you after completing the tutorial is pretty hard. Adding is easy, but getting them to add you after their tutorial is tricky, plus I've already tried multiple sites and Not even one referral to get steam wizard let alone WW.
Then you're saying I wasted my time leveling my LF? Since fire/ spirit is pretty bad in my experience
08-07-2013, 11:17 PM
Getting them to add you after completing the tutorial is pretty hard. Adding is easy, but getting them to add you after their tutorial is tricky, plus I've already tried multiple sites and Not even one referral to get steam wizard let alone WW.
Then you're saying I wasted my time leveling my LF? Since fire/ spirit is pretty bad in my experience
Nah, LF+ is part of the Big 4. Since they're only level 50 armors, they're easy to max. Don't get me wrong, fire/spirit has its uses, but it has a niche role in my experience. Fire/spirit gets destroyed in the Arena because of all the water armors.
08-07-2013, 11:30 PM
The early part of k&d is all about not messing up your foundation. Once you get a solid economy and armor set going, you won't be limited to crafting regular legendaries. Economy > Big 4 > Bigger 4(or 3 depending on your preferences). If you have all of that, then you should be able to reach 43 with some friends(and maybe some gems for your first one).
Crash - this is so true. When I started, I ended up getting Jackalope regular and leveled it up to 60. I thought I had something great. It may have helped with a little of the storyline stuff, but in reality Jack reg wasn't that great and I wish I had the resources back (mats and gold) to put towards something more useful. I finally got on track and now hit boss level 43 fairly easy, but don't go much beyond 46. Eurus+ was my first Epic Boss + armor. Now I have the 4 dragon armors + (Eurus+ at 70, Phyrus+ at 45, Notus+ and Boreas+ still at 1). I also just got the Slimebane Battlegear+ (If I had got Jack+, I wouldn't have had to get this). I received a Sky Guardian+ from a DPC chest as well which is maxed. But I still have the Big 4 and Bigger 3 (minus Rocfeather since I have Sky Guardian). It also helps to have a lot of high level friends. I have 65 over level 100, and another 40 between 85-99.
08-07-2013, 11:49 PM
I see, thanks for the feedback unresolved.
I'm a little frustrated That getting bkal + is impossible but it's my own damn fault for not playing early. Congrats jello, you might get bkal+ soon. I don't think gree will make another nonelemental armor that has no weaknesses. Even missed the dragon armors which are all strong. If bigger 4 and luckily my friends wear armor that dominates the epic boss really is easy peasy to get to lvl 43 then I'll get the bigger 4 very fast. Still levling my big 4 so far my AA+ is at 40 the rest at their 30s. Hopefully this will help clear sunken carrack then get to misty marsh and get that SS+ which will be a ling painful journey since I've heard root drop rates are very low.
By the way, I have 22 gems, should i use it on dpc or save that up and upgrade my tf to 3?
08-07-2013, 11:51 PM
I see, thanks for the feedback unresolved.
I'm a little frustrated That getting bkal + is impossible but it's my own damn fault for not playing early. Congrats jello, you might get bkal+ soon. I don't think gree will make another nonelemental armor that has no weaknesses. Even missed the dragon armors which are all strong. If bigger 4 and luckily my friends wear armor that dominates the epic boss really is easy peasy to get to lvl 43 then I'll get the bigger 4 very fast. Still levling my big 4 so far my AA+ is at 40 the rest at their 30s. Hopefully this will help clear sunken carrack then get to misty marsh and get that SS+ which will be a ling painful journey since I've heard root drop rates are very low.
Don't worry about the missed epic boss armors. The armors are slowly, but steadily getting stronger. So your first legendary will likely be better than any of the dragon armors.
08-07-2013, 11:59 PM
Don't worry about the missed epic boss armors. The armors are slowly, but steadily getting stronger. So your first legendary will likely be better than any of the dragon armors.
Yeah but my life so far is pretty unlucky, while I level my way to completing the storyline, farming mats, maxing big 4 and bigger 4. I've probably missed more than 20 epic bosses that have good armor and when I can finally defeat a lvl 43, the armor is ****ty. I doubt the next epic bosses will have better armor than dragons let alone better than bkal+ maxed
08-08-2013, 12:01 AM
Yeah but my life so far is pretty unlucky, while I level my way to completing the storyline, farming mats, maxing big 4 and bigger 4. I've probably missed more than 20 epic bosses that have good armor and when I can finally defeat a lvl 43, the armor is ****ty. I doubt the next epic bosses will have better armor than dragons let alone better than bkal+ maxed
Slimelord and the current boss both have armors with better stats than the dragons. I missed a load of bosses too, but it's not the end of the world. Of course, if the bosses get harder, then you might have some difficulties.
08-08-2013, 12:16 AM
If the bosses get harder then all that farming was for nothing if the bigger 4 with friends cant even reach 43
08-08-2013, 02:16 AM
First I would like to thanks everyone for this amazing forum that helped me a lot ! The numeroes post about "how to start", "things I wanted to know when I was new" ect are really godlike :)
However I notice one thing, I can't find a good post about what to do to transition from mid game to end game.
I am right now lvl 62 and I have the big4 (2 maxed, 2 on the way). I can clear the special boss up to lvl15. I am finishing the Misty Marsh. I have 9 training field and 2 armory.
So now I have a couple of question:
-Shall I aim on unlocking all my armory/training field asap, or can I continue to use gold for upgrades and wait that it build slowly to the millions for unlock the last 4 fields?
-What level 70 armor shall I aim for now? Shall I try to combine for lvl 70 armor or to double craft it (for the +) from materials? (i.e. shall I waste my fusion stone to save a few run of hard boss, or shall i keep them for easy EP)
-About lvl 70 uncraftable armor it's a bit unclear to me how to get the + version... I heard it's from chest only... if it's the case do I need to have the normal one and make it + then chest again, or is it pure random luck and I can get a + version at first?
-Is it worth crafting the nemesis armor as I can get enough materials? (I won't be abble to get the + version and it's rly long and expensive...)
Anyway I think it might be awesome to have a post called "from mid game to end game" in the highlighted topics. Of course it's always easy to ask than to do ... maybe I should do it myself later when I'll be pro héhé ;-)
Anyway thank you everyone again for this forum!
08-08-2013, 02:20 AM
i am trying to craft the hydra hunter+ armor
but every battle that i fight with the hydra i get crimson scales i killed the hydra over 10 times with speacila att and without and i am with no luck at all i didnt get even one hydra scale so i would like to know if random is random or i need to do something to be able to get the hydra to drop her scales
08-08-2013, 03:55 AM
i am trying to craft the hydra hunter+ armor
but every battle that i fight with the hydra i get crimson scales i killed the hydra over 10 times with speacila att and without and i am with no luck at all i didnt get even one hydra scale so i would like to know if random is random or i need to do something to be able to get the hydra to drop her scales
it is totally random.. I think the higher lvls have higher chance of dropping it but isn't guaranteed.
your other option is get to Misty marsh and farm there.. rare drop is the root.. the other more often drop are hydra scales.
08-08-2013, 10:02 AM
I have a question
Do you know if they will add guilds to android
08-08-2013, 10:58 AM
I just finished making my big 4. Should I focus next on infernal lord + or swamp shamen +? Thanks!
08-08-2013, 11:06 AM
^ go for it dude
u on android?
08-08-2013, 11:34 AM
I just finished making my big 4. Should I focus next on infernal lord + or swamp shamen +? Thanks!
Based on monsters levels, Swamp Shaman should be first since Misty Marsh is 2 stages below Haunted Citadel, i.e. it is easier to farm. Also, if you time your quest progression correctly, you can complete the quests (getting 18 roots) along with farming for swamp shaman armour.
As far as stats, IIRC Infernal has better stats and is more useful for defeating Dark Prince.
08-08-2013, 11:34 AM
I just finished making my big 4. Should I focus next on infernal lord + or swamp shamen +? Thanks!
Personally I think swamp shaman; it'll help you obtain infernal lord / plus, and is the best story line armor for levelling 70-100. If you picked up either Phyrus or Slimelord, I'd compare stats on them at least before leveling either.
08-08-2013, 12:40 PM
When i fuse 2 level 30 armor a 2 star and everytime i fuse them i get a 1 star how come
08-08-2013, 12:43 PM
When i fuse 2 level 30 armor a 2 star and everytime i fuse them i get a 1 star how come
I have some trouble understanding, but the higher the rarity of the armors, the better your chances at getting better armors. However, in your case, that doesn't mean that you can't get an armor of a lower rarity.
08-08-2013, 01:28 PM
I have a question
Do you know if they will add guilds to android
apparently they will be added but no timeframe has been announced, deadlines don't matter anyway apparently, even if it were announced, oh I dunno, a month in advance
08-08-2013, 01:35 PM
If I have a level 21 living flame armor and am getting a livening flame armor plus. Will the level 21 flame armor be more effective in enhancing than just a level 1?
08-08-2013, 01:36 PM
yes, if you never level the LF+
when it finishes crafting in a whole 2 hours you can compare the numbers, in the end, the LF+ will be the better armor, don't enhance your regular LF anymore
08-08-2013, 01:42 PM
How u making the +armour?
I have now stonescale plate mail 6/30 and still it not show me that i can make it +...
Waht i need to do?
08-08-2013, 01:53 PM
How u making the +armour?
I have now stonescale plate mail 6/30 and still it not show me that i can make it +...
Waht i need to do?
Stonescale is an uncommon (silver star) so the plus version will be unlocked when you level up the regular version to level 10/30
The armor information datasheet is located on the first post of this thread:
08-08-2013, 01:59 PM
I have some trouble understanding, but the higher the rarity of the armors, the better your chances at getting better armors. However, in your case, that doesn't mean that you can't get an armor of a lower rarity.
Is there a way to get a better fusion rate because i spent 2 many fusion materials
08-08-2013, 02:10 PM
only by using higher rated materials (more stars)
I wish I could make it so that fusion was restricted to level 90+ and all expansions unlocked and a minimum of 9 Training Fields+2 and 100 fusion stones
so many people fuse before they would be wise to be doing
08-08-2013, 02:19 PM
only by using higher rated materials (more stars)
I wish I could make it so that fusion was restricted to level 90+ and all expansions unlocked and a minimum of 9 Training Fields+2 and 100 fusion stones
so many people fuse before they would be wise to be doing
I have 106 fusion stones atm.. wasted a few y but saving mostly now for making 50ep armor
08-08-2013, 02:31 PM
Stonescale is an uncommon (silver star) so the plus version will be unlocked when you level up the regular version to level 10/30
The armor information datasheet is located on the first post of this thread:
Tnx you! Its waht im looking for!
And also for the common armors no have +, yes?
I'm level 28 and did not do the friend code to start =(
In fact, I have only 3 friends except the tutorial one, so far and they are low level
Given that, I am wondering if/how far behind the curve I am. Also, what would you recommend I focus on?
I currently have:
Faerie Forest Valor level unlocked
2 Armorsmiths
2 Taverns
1 Cathedral
Building my third Training Ground
2 Guard Towers
2 each, lvl 15-18 Stonescale+, Seafoam+, Dragonflame+ (one for the associated knight and one for my main as needed)
Lvl 9 Wing Warrior+
Lvl 16 Mystic+
Lvl 6 AA
Lvl 7 HH
Gold is fluctuating wildly. I had a moment of weakness around level 21and bought 100k gold to get the first two TGs going. That has helped a lot, but I still regret it some. Anyways, those TGs paid for the two fusions so I can start working on getting the first two plusses for the big 4. It also has now paid to get the third TG building. I plan to buy another TG as soon as I can. Not sure if I'll upgrade those or buy the 80k expansion after that.
24 gems
I'm just looking at things, and not sure of my direction. For instance, I still need to progress further to be able to craft the plus versions on the pieces of the big 4 I have. However, Faerie Forest is still tough on my toons. A lot of down time trying to clear stages of that. I also try to spend some time farming snakeskin. That all sounds about right. I'm just not sure how to get stronger at this point.
Snakeskin farming is facing water and earth. That makes the Air in AA take extra damage and the fire in HH take extra damage. Those armors won't help in snakeskin farming until they are leveled up high enough to not matter on the extra damage. If I fuse an LF, the fire in it would take extra damage. Crius would take extra damage because of the air.
Does that mean I should be working on getting these basic monos to 30? At the moment, I am using spirit knight with lvl 16 Mystic+, earth knight with lvl 18 Stonescale+ and the air knight with lvl 6 AA to farm snakeskin. I am doing that in Valor level. When their health is too low to continue, I am using the water knight with lvl 7 HH, fire knight with lvl 18 Dragonflame+ and main with lvl 15 Dragonflame+ to try to clear FF. I am on the Valor stage and having to heal before completing all the stages. I only rarely kill minions in one shot at this stage.
What do I work on to get stronger? Do I buff up these basic monos more to farm and clear better? Fusing more of the big 4 would be cool, but I can't level them all at the same time, so that can't be the answer yet. Is it more about my level than my armor at this point? I can only stockpile so much armor due to hitting the cap at 32 so I am having to be careful about what I craft at this point too. I was just crafting anything I had mats for to try to keep the armories busy, trying to stockpile lvl 11 monos. Putting together strong teams for clearing progression at this point makes me feel like I need 2 well enhanced versions of basic monos so that I can match elements better, but that just sounds like I am wasting time and resources. The arena definitely makes me feel like I am doing something wrong because I keep getting nothing but matches against people with a lot more advanced armor. Most teams are in all multi-element armors that appear to be at least second stage visuals and I'm only at like 28k on the leaderboard. Even battling level 21-22 friends I lose more than I win. I get lining up to face the elements, they just hit harder than me without bonuses.
Just about given up on pvp. I still do it because the damage I take doesn't affect the rest of the game and 5 gold is 5 gold. Just get's really old seeing low stat pvp teams to find they have well enhanced air, spirit and multi-element fighters meaning they are probably much higher level, etc. Getting stomped by those gaming the system on Android is...yeah. I still get 4 or 5 win streaks occasionally, but it is a lot of work and low expectations at this point, lol.
Ok, still waiting (about 72 hours now) for the registration email so I can post this. Finally had to register with a different user name and email just to get on the site =(
Oh, btw, on android
IGN: Sifu
Friend code: WBC-FQZ-WHB
08-08-2013, 02:34 PM
I have 106 fusion stones atm.. wasted a few y but saving mostly now for making 50ep armor
this is the correct answer
08-08-2013, 02:36 PM
Nah, LF+ is part of the Big 4. Since they're only level 50 armors, they're easy to max. Don't get me wrong, fire/spirit has its uses, but it has a niche role in my experience. Fire/spirit gets destroyed in the Arena because of all the water armors.
LF+ is doing quite decently for me inbetween my AA+ and Swamp+ in the Android arena...
My main problem is that I can only reach tf lvl 2 but most people recommend getting 3. I think I'll just endure tf lvl 2s since I'm broke on real money.
- There is a decent amount of gems you get for completing quests.
- silver and gold chest at times give keys
- Arena tournament position 1500 and up give gems
- there are some gems as epic boss victory rewards
- most people at least get some gems from "free gems" (for video offers you sometimes might need to click 3-10 times in a row to trigger a video)
So even without spending money, you can make level 3 TFs. Though in that case how well "free gems" functions for you determines how quickly...
If I have a level 21 living flame armor and am getting a livening flame armor plus. Will the level 21 flame armor be more effective in enhancing than just a level 1?
Living Flame level 21 counts as 24 + (21-1) = 44 enhancement points.
08-08-2013, 02:50 PM
I'm level 28 and did not do the friend code to start =(
In fact, I have only 3 friends except the tutorial one, so far and they are low level
Easy to fix:
- Android playstore comments
- the friend code page on the wikia
(and/or the annoying way that gets everybody friend request spammed: go to the arena leaderboard, pick a range where you think people might not just ignore all friend requests, profile -> add friend on a bunch of people)
Any friends you don't like you can just remove again.
You're really make it difficult on yourself by not having at least the 10 friends you're allowed to use each day. That's 3 times each day you could have taken on a stage as a team of 5, but had to settle for 3 and once 4 instead of 5.
Easy to fix:
- Android playstore comments
- the friend code page on the wikia
(and/or the annoying way that gets everybody friend request spammed: go to the arena leaderboard, pick a range where you think people might not just ignore all friend requests, profile -> add friend on a bunch of people)
Any friends you don't like you can just remove again.
You're really make it difficult on yourself by not having at least the 10 friends you're allowed to use each day. That's 3 times each day you could have taken on a stage as a team of 5, but had to settle for 3 and once 4 instead of 5.
I have always found the "ADD ME" kind of spam that comes with these kinds of games...distasteful. I don't mean to sound unappreciative of your helpful comments, just explaining why I haven't done those up to this point. I have added myself to the current post. I'm just not a person who will typically go through these kinds of lists adding random people from my side. That is how I found the three I currently have, but it just feels awkward to me.
As to the rest of my post, do you have any suggestions? Am I just being impatient and need to keep doing what I am doing? I just worry that if I do that, I'll find myself still struggling to beat FF epic and only minor progress on + versions of AA and/or HH but be level 46 from the minimal xp grinding snakeskins and be too far behind the curve. I appreciate your time so far to attempt to help me.
08-08-2013, 03:19 PM
Too far behind what curve ? There is no curve. As long as you enjoy the game, take your time and don't rush.
Too far behind what curve ? There is no curve. As long as you enjoy the game, take your time and don't rush.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that these kinds of games...well, probably any game, really, are inherently a time sink. Having said that, I am competitive by nature. I don't want to be wasteful of my time or effort even in a "time sink" game. That is why I have been reading this forum since I was out of the tutorial. I made the effort to find guides, tips, etc so that I can be as effective as I can.
I came to this kind of mindset from my experience in WoW. My first character, I just did whatever I wanted. After quite a while, I got into a number of different resources like the official forums at first and then better sites like Tankspot. I learned just how badly I played that first character from those kinds of sources. Every character after that was much more enjoyable to level because I was doing it "right". Obviously, as long as a game is fun, you are doing fine. However, I find my enjoyment is related to my efficiency.
That's not to knock the way anyone else plays. That is just the way I tend to enjoy myself the most. The purpose of my post was simply to learn from the mistakes of others and be able to lay out a roadmap of where I want to be and the most efficient way to get there. Just looking for the kind of information others might have where they say, "If I had it to do again, I would have done it this way..." Hope that clears up my intent a little. Thanks.
08-08-2013, 03:29 PM
I have always found the "ADD ME" kind of spam that comes with these kinds of games...distasteful. I don't mean to sound unappreciative of your helpful comments, just explaining why I haven't done those up to this point. I have added myself to the current post. I'm just not a person who will typically go through these kinds of lists adding random people from my side. That is how I found the three I currently have, but it just feels awkward to me.
As to the rest of my post, do you have any suggestions? Am I just being impatient and need to keep doing what I am doing? I just worry that if I do that, I'll find myself still struggling to beat FF epic and only minor progress on + versions of AA and/or HH but be level 46 from the minimal xp grinding snakeskins and be too far behind the curve. I appreciate your time so far to attempt to help me.
Here is a suggestion. Use HH and AA to farm Flaming Wildwood on normal and use the fire shards to build basic fire armors and upgrade HH and AA to level 15 (or 20 if you are desperate). At the very least, HH will help you clear Epic Faerie Forest quite easily.
And get more strong friends ;)
08-08-2013, 04:19 PM
I have always found the "ADD ME" kind of spam that comes with these kinds of games...distasteful. I don't mean to sound unappreciative of your helpful comments, just explaining why I haven't done those up to this point. I have added myself to the current post. I'm just not a person who will typically go through these kinds of lists adding random people from my side. That is how I found the three I currently have, but it just feels awkward to me.
Well, unfortunately the game is kind of built and balanced around having a pretty decent friend list and using those friends.
So to be blunt, you're kind of asking "why isn't bringing a knife to a gunfight working out for me?"
It would have taken me a long time to get past Epic stages of some early-mid to mid locations in 1 go without a decent friend list. I think until it started lagging at 100+ friends, I always kept my friend list filled to within 10 of its maximum.
08-08-2013, 04:48 PM
I have always found the "ADD ME" kind of spam that comes with these kinds of games...distasteful. I don't mean to sound unappreciative of your helpful comments, just explaining why I haven't done those up to this point. I have added myself to the current post. I'm just not a person who will typically go through these kinds of lists adding random people from my side. That is how I found the three I currently have, but it just feels awkward to me.
Maybe you're playing the wrong kind of game?
In the regular map you can progress alone very slowly, or use friends to get it done quicker. As you've seen, you often need to get through an area to the area beyond it to get the armor that best helps in the first area. I used friends to open up all the stages past Normal almost every time throughout the entire map, got to the next area, farmed it for materials on the Normal stage, then started levelling the +version.
You do need 'friends' in this game. Most people are happy to accept lower level friends on the basis that they will progress. If you progress too slowly, then you risk getting cut. When I need to clear spaces, I usually drop the lowest people, it's the easiest way to sort them.
You mention farming snakeskin. A level 30 Stonescale+ would certainly be better than NOT having a level 30 Stonescale+. It doesn't take much enhancing to get to one level 30, and when you've finished with it you use it to enhance something else. You could use two of those and your water knight in Seafoam+ armor to go through the normal stage of Skeletons [sic]Tomb as often as your time and their health allows.
08-08-2013, 08:35 PM
When people talk about "mono armor" what do they mean? Thanks
08-08-2013, 08:42 PM
When people talk about "mono armor" what do they mean? Thanks
Armor with one element
DG Magneto
08-08-2013, 09:35 PM
For Sifu,
First off, Since you are on android id be happy to help. WBB CXP WGM
My 2 cents,
1. If you can bear it, save up for the 80k expansion. After that focus on getting more training fields. Upgrade them to level 2 if you can bear it. Remember when upgraded you get more gold per hour.
2. Level your AA and HH armor to 20. The stats on those should beat out all the others against all elements at those early stages. Use single basics instead of uncommons. After you clear Faerie forest, the next stage will drop items to build your AA+ armor. Build 2 of them if you like. Farm them on normal unless you can clear higher difficulty in 1 shot with a friend. If needed, before bed try the stage. If you fail, you can continue where you left off in the morning.
3. If your concerned with efficiency, do some calculations. Take your exp gained per mob and divide it by the damage taken. Only enter a stage with 1 or 2 people. Make sure the first person doesent have weaknesses to monsters. exit when you think you cant clear the next round with the first person.
4. Friends really help. I dident use them really until a few stages ahead of where you are now. You can easily double your exp gain using them wisely.
5. Dont play with the epic bosses yet. Save those friends for exping and farming materials for good armors. Also i wouldent bother with arena yet. The rewards arent great until you can get top 1500 or better.
08-08-2013, 11:04 PM
First I would like to thanks everyone for this amazing forum that helped me a lot ! The numeroes post about "how to start", "things I wanted to know when I was new" ect are really godlike
However I notice one thing, I can't find a good post about what to do to transition from mid game to end game.
I am right now lvl 62 and I have the big4 (2 maxed, 2 on the way). I can clear the special boss up to lvl15. I am finishing the Misty Marsh. I have 9 training field and 2 armory.
So now I have a couple of question:
-Shall I aim on unlocking all my armory/training field asap, or can I continue to use gold for upgrades and wait that it build slowly to the millions for unlock the last 4 fields?
-What level 70 armor shall I aim for now? Shall I try to combine for lvl 70 armor or to double craft it (for the +) from materials? (i.e. shall I waste my fusion stone to save a few run of hard boss, or shall i keep them for easy EP)
-About lvl 70 uncraftable armor it's a bit unclear to me how to get the + version... I heard it's from chest only... if it's the case do I need to have the normal one and make it + then chest again, or is it pure random luck and I can get a + version at first?
-Is it worth crafting the nemesis armor as I can get enough materials? (I won't be abble to get the + version and it's rly long and expensive...)
Anyway I think it might be awesome to have a post called "from mid game to end game" in the highlighted topics. Of course it's always easy to ask than to do ... maybe I should do it myself later when I'll be pro héhé ;-)
Anyway thank you everyone again for this forum!
DG Magneto
08-08-2013, 11:50 PM
I'd save up for the last 2 expansions. The extra gold will be useful later and the sooner you save the better. As long as you build gold you can still enhance your armors some. Work on some exp. The higher your level, the stronger your friends get and the faster you can level. Try using 1 knight and 1 good friend and see what stage you can clear or get a good chunk of exp in. You might be able to do that in Misty marsh and kill 2 birds with 1 stone...
08-09-2013, 12:00 AM
-Shall I aim on unlocking all my armory/training field asap, or can I continue to use gold for upgrades and wait that it build slowly to the millions for unlock the last 4 fields?
Ehh, either way is fine really. I'd probably just finish maxing the Big 4. It's pretty cheap and won't delay your expansions more than 2-3 days really.
-What level 70 armor shall I aim for now? Shall I try to combine for lvl 70 armor or to double craft it (for the +) from materials? (i.e. shall I waste my fusion stone to save a few run of hard boss, or shall i keep them for easy EP)
Get the Bigger 4 after you finish expansions. That's Swamp Shaman, Infernal Lord, Dark prince, and Rocfeather Robes. The last one isn't really that good, so I'd probably just skip it. But if you desperately need that combo, go for it.
-About lvl 70 uncraftable armor it's a bit unclear to me how to get the + version... I heard it's from chest only... if it's the case do I need to have the normal one and make it + then chest again, or is it pure random luck and I can get a + version at first?
You can only get them from DPC. It's completely random, so you don't need to level up the normal versions.
-Is it worth crafting the nemesis armor as I can get enough materials? (I won't be abble to get the + version and it's rly long and expensive...)
Uhhh, I guess if you have it and you need it to reach an important milestone(like level 43). But don't open DPC just to get it.
08-09-2013, 12:55 AM
When I start the game Knights and Dragons a notification pops up with error code 3 and the game cannot start up. (The Error 3 also states if I complete the tutorial I can get gems, this is strange because I already completed the tutorial.)
I checked the FQA but i cannot find anything related in there, can you please tell me how this.
Also i did the following things:
- I got the latest version of Knights and dragons (no update in the google play store).
- I removed and installed the Knights and dragon apps several times
- I tried different Wifi connections to connect to but still got error code 3
- The Wife connections works because I can go to other websites and download the app again
- I also tried to change the date and time (this was a solution I read on internet forum but it also did not work)
- I put my tablet back to the factory settings and installed the knights and dragons app.
This problem I have now since Wednesday evening. And I can’t fight the boss for legendary armor and compete in the Arena tournament
Your help is much appreciated
08-09-2013, 01:22 AM
Hello again,
What is the risk behind using the free gem system?
For exemple the "imput your data to get a nokia blabla"? do you get spammed after or smthing like that?
What about the +50 gem offer "the hit of summer blinksomthing 2.0"?
Thank you!
08-09-2013, 02:00 AM
5. Dont play with the epic bosses yet. Save those friends for exping and farming materials for good armors. Also i wouldent bother with arena yet. The rewards arent great until you can get top 1500 or better.
But do send in your knights without friends to the epic boss, since the boss drops and low level victory awards are a nice addition to your supplies.
08-09-2013, 02:28 AM
Two Quick Questions.
1. I have 180 Gems... What should I realistically spend them on? I hear a lot of people dissing the DPC...What is the best option?
2. I can't seem to get Roc Feathers to drop.. I have been farming the place on the first 3 levels for over a week and have gotten feathers to drop once. Should I just level gear and farm Epic only? Is it really just that hard?
08-09-2013, 02:30 AM
Two Quick Questions.
1. I have 180 Gems... What should I realistically spend them on? I hear a lot of people dissing the DPC...What is the best option?
2. I can't seem to get Roc Feathers to drop.. I have been farming the place on the first 3 levels for over a week and have gotten feathers to drop once. Should I just level gear and farm Epic only? Is it really just that hard?
1) Max your Training Fields.
2) They're not as rare as your experience suggests. Should be able to get at least enough for one set of armor in 1-2 days. Though I personally wouldn't bother with making the Rocfeather Robes.
08-09-2013, 02:34 AM
1) Max your Training Fields.
2) They're not as rare as your experience suggests. Should be able to get at least enough for one set of armor in 1-2 days. Though I personally wouldn't bother with making the Rocfeather Robes.
I am making it for the quest completion.
Based on the Armor I have listed in my Sig (Slightly higher now)... What should I be aiming for? DP+?
I make plenty of cash... As a matter of fact, I make it faster than I can spend it so I don't know if spending gems on training fields is really the right move for me right now as I am on android and can't spend money on my guild right now.. Ive got 3million banked for guilds when and if we get them and have nothing more I want to spend it on.
08-09-2013, 02:36 AM
Two Quick Questions.
1. I have 180 Gems... What should I realistically spend them on? I hear a lot of people dissing the DPC...What is the best option?
2. I can't seem to get Roc Feathers to drop.. I have been farming the place on the first 3 levels for over a week and have gotten feathers to drop once. Should I just level gear and farm Epic only? Is it really just that hard?
considering you have most of your dragon armors upgraded to ~35 you could unlock + and summon the respective dragons for gems to get a + version. That way you are certain to get a good armor, and not dependant on luck from DKC. Not sure if it's worth it though and how much it would cost.
08-09-2013, 02:38 AM
I am making it for the quest completion.
Based on the Armor I have listed in my Sig (Slightly higher now)... What should I be aiming for? DP+?
I make plenty of cash... As a matter of fact, I make it faster than I can spend it so I don't know if spending gems on training fields is really the right move for me right now as I am on android and can't spend money on my guild right now.. Ive got 3million banked for guilds when and if we get them and have nothing more I want to spend it on.
Max your training fields. I don't even know why you have so many epic boss normals levelled up that high. Max your big 4+ first then go for swamp+, infernal+, dp+
08-09-2013, 02:40 AM
I am making it for the quest completion.
Based on the Armor I have listed in my Sig (Slightly higher now)... What should I be aiming for? DP+?
I make plenty of cash... As a matter of fact, I make it faster than I can spend it so I don't know if spending gems on training fields is really the right move for me right now as I am on android and can't spend money on my guild right now.. Ive got 3million banked for guilds when and if we get them and have nothing more I want to spend it on.
It's absolutely imperative that you max your training fields. Why? Because when you eventually start maxing legendary armors, you need a minimum of 2.9m to max one of them. If you don't max your fields, you can only do one armor per 1.5 - 2 weeks. Not to mention that you're more likely than not going to receive utter crap through DPC.
As for your armors, max the rest of the Big 4. Don't level up regular legendary armors; they cost a lot to max and are worse than Swamp+/Infernal+/Dark Prince+.
08-09-2013, 02:40 AM
I guess my other option would be to blow it on getting the current epic boss+ by getting epic energy with gems? I just am not sure if it's really worth it right now..
I am stingy with my gems...
08-09-2013, 02:42 AM
I guess my other option would be to blow it on getting the current epic boss+ by getting epic energy with gems? I just am not sure if it's really worth it right now..
I am stingy with my gems...
Max your training fields
08-09-2013, 02:44 AM
I am making it for the quest completion.
Based on the Armor I have listed in my Sig (Slightly higher now)... What should I be aiming for? DP+?
I make plenty of cash... As a matter of fact, I make it faster than I can spend it so I don't know if spending gems on training fields is really the right move for me right now as I am on android and can't spend money on my guild right now.. Ive got 3million banked for guilds when and if we get them and have nothing more I want to spend it on.
Unless you've maxed a 70+ armor before, you haven't actually experienced how much gold it takes. On average, maxing a 70 armor would take 3 million gold. Maxing training fields, getting the big 4 and then going for swamp+, dark prince+ and infernal+ should be your priority. At the moment, all the armors in your signature are quite useless unless they're the + versions.
08-09-2013, 02:50 AM
Unless you've maxed a 70+ armor before, you haven't actually experienced how much gold it takes. On average, maxing a 70 armor would take 3 million gold. Maxing training fields, getting the big 4 and then going for swamp+, dark prince+ and infernal+ should be your priority. At the moment, all the armors in your signature are quite useless unless they're the + versions.
And related: AFAIK over half of that gold is in the last 30 levels, so "oh, I leveled a level 70 armor to 35 and I have a lot of gold left over" is quite meaningless...
08-09-2013, 03:46 AM
But here is the kicker..
My non+ armor of Boreas for example will have better stats than a level 50 Crius in about 12 levels.
Is it really more beneficial for me to level a Crius plus from 1-50 than it is to just put the effort into getting my non+ Dragon armors 15 more levels where the stats are even or better?
If the endgame is to have something better than the big four so that I can farm SWamp Shaman etc (Which I already have + versions of waiting to be levelled) Then I don't think I see the point.
thank you for informing of the end cost. I used my gems to Gold out my Training fields (5 of them Maxed now)
08-09-2013, 04:28 AM
But here is the kicker..
My non+ armor of Boreas for example will have better stats than a level 50 Crius in about 12 levels.
Is it really more beneficial for me to level a Crius plus from 1-50 than it is to just put the effort into getting my non+ Dragon armors 15 more levels where the stats are even or better?
If the endgame is to have something better than the big four so that I can farm SWamp Shaman etc (Which I already have + versions of waiting to be levelled) Then I don't think I see the point.
thank you for informing of the end cost. I used my gems to Gold out my Training fields (5 of them Maxed now)
The reason why it is more beneficial to max Crius than a non+ legendary is because of the time and the cost. 1 and 2* armours are easy to max and take around 1/3 of the points than a 3 or 4*. As well, the stats for non+ armours are only marginally better than those of the Big4+. I was thinking along the same lines as you a few weeks back, but came to the realisation that its really not beneficial to max a non+ armour simply because the cost FAR exceeds the benefits.
It is much better to allocate your resources in trying to get Swamp Shaman, Armour of Infernal Lord and Dark Prince Armour (all +) to max level, which is what I'm doing.
The only reason why anyone would want to level these non+ legendaries is simply due to the elemental combination. So for example, the new ninja armour, Spirit+Earth is significantly better than the farmable Chimera Corps Uniform, however it is significantly poorer than the equivalent Wicked Wraith+ armour, which can be obtained from combinations!
08-09-2013, 04:42 AM
Hello again,
What is the risk behind using the free gem system?
For exemple the "imput your data to get a nokia blabla"? do you get spammed after or smthing like that?
What about the +50 gem offer "the hit of summer blinksomthing 2.0"?
Thank you!
Kim Katarina
08-09-2013, 04:49 AM
I can't get into the game, I get Error Code 100012. What is that? What do I do?should I remove it and then install it again? I use an android pad
08-09-2013, 05:08 AM
Hello again
When I start the game Knights and Dragons a notification pops up with error code 3 and the game cannot start up. (The Error 3 also states if I complete the tutorial I can get gems, this is strange because I already completed the tutorial.)
Also i did the following things:
- I got the latest version of Knights and dragons (no update in the google play store).
- I removed and installed the Knights and dragon apps several times
- I tried different Wifi connections to connect to but still got error code 3
- The Wife connections works because I can go to other websites and download the app again
- I also tried to change the date and time (this was a solution I read on internet forum but it also did not work)
- I put my tablet back to the factory settings and installed the knights and dragons app.
This problem I have now since Wednesday evening. And I can?t fight the boss for legendary armor and compete in the Arena tournament
Your help is much appreciated
08-09-2013, 06:12 AM
Is it really more beneficial for me to level a Crius plus from 1-50 than it is to just put the effort into getting my non+ Dragon armors 15 more levels where the stats are even or better?
cost of maxing a 3/4* (includes crafting, unlocking plus version, enhancing, etc)
cost of maxing a full set of all four of the big four plus armors (includescrafting, unlocking plus version, enhancing, etc)
spare change
do the math, make your own choice
Kim Katarina
08-09-2013, 06:31 AM
Hello again
When I start the game Knights and Dragons a notification pops up with error code 3 and the game cannot start up. (The Error 3 also states if I complete the tutorial I can get gems, this is strange because I already completed the tutorial.)
Also i did the following things:
- I got the latest version of Knights and dragons (no update in the google play store).
- I removed and installed the Knights and dragon apps several times
- I tried different Wifi connections to connect to but still got error code 3
- The Wife connections works because I can go to other websites and download the app again
- I also tried to change the date and time (this was a solution I read on internet forum but it also did not work)
- I put my tablet back to the factory settings and installed the knights and dragons app.
This problem I have now since Wednesday evening. And I can?t fight the boss for legendary armor and compete in the Arena tournament
Your help is much appreciated
Hi, I figured out my problem, so I might help you with yours. When I deleted the game and reinstalled it I got error code 3 which said that something was wrong with my network. Then I went to a website which told me the exact time for my location, and it turned out my GMT zone was wrong, so I corrected that, then made sure the time and date was correct, and then I got in!
I hope this helps :)
08-09-2013, 07:51 AM
The only reason why anyone would want to level these non+ legendaries is simply due to the elemental combination. So for example, the new ninja armour, Spirit+Earth is significantly better than the farmable Chimera Corps Uniform, however it is significantly poorer than the equivalent Wicked Wraith+ armour, which can be obtained from combinations!
WW+ can't be fused, nor any + for that matter.
08-09-2013, 08:28 AM
WW+ can't be fused, nor any + for that matter.
So how does one obtain WW+? Chest?
08-09-2013, 08:30 AM
So how does one obtain WW+? Chest?
Yes, chest only.
08-09-2013, 08:31 AM
does the plus version of rageborne raiment exist in the game?
Yes, there are + versions of everything, but if the armors are uncraftable, such as rageborne raiment, then they are only available through opening chests.
08-09-2013, 08:32 AM
Yes, chest only.
Ouch. Then I can see why one would want to level up a non+ legendary. I agree its not worth it given the time and cost, but in terms of what can be obtained "for free", its better than most. That, in essence, is the end game armours for non-buyers.
08-09-2013, 08:36 AM
Ouch. Then I can see why one would want to level up a non+ legendary. I agree its not worth it given the time and cost, but in terms of what can be obtained "for free", its better than most. That, in essence, is the end game armours for non-buyers.
Not exaxtly, for iOS players, and in the future when android gets guilds, reaching 43 for the + version of boss armors is pretty easy with the guild boosts. It would be quite a big waste to spend the time and money on a normal non + boss armor that has only sub par stats.
08-09-2013, 08:38 AM
The reason why it is more beneficial to max Crius than a non+ legendary is because of the time and the cost. 1 and 2* armours are easy to max and take around 1/3 of the points than a 3 or 4*. As well, the stats for non+ armours are only marginally better than those of the Big4+. I was thinking along the same lines as you a few weeks back, but came to the realisation that its really not beneficial to max a non+ armour simply because the cost FAR exceeds the benefits.
It is much better to allocate your resources in trying to get Swamp Shaman, Armour of Infernal Lord and Dark Prince Armour (all +) to max level, which is what I'm doing.
The only reason why anyone would want to level these non+ legendaries is simply due to the elemental combination. So for example, the new ninja armour, Spirit+Earth is significantly better than the farmable Chimera Corps Uniform, however it is significantly poorer than the equivalent Wicked Wraith+ armour, which can be obtained from combinations!
How do you get a +version of an armor through comnbinations (fusing)?
08-09-2013, 09:32 AM
Not exaxtly, for iOS players, and in the future when android gets guilds, reaching 43 for the + version of boss armors is pretty easy with the guild boosts. It would be quite a big waste to spend the time and money on a normal non + boss armor that has only sub par stats.
Ahh I see. Am an Android player so no guilds yet. But you do make a very fair point! I hope to be able to get the 43 kills to get the ninja armour! Looks cool and don't have enough spirit armours!
How do you get a +version of an armor through comnbinations (fusing)?
You don't. I made an error. My bad :(
08-09-2013, 10:07 AM
The reason why it is more beneficial to max Crius than a non+ legendary is because of the time and the cost. 1 and 2* armours are easy to max and take around 1/3 of the points than a 3 or 4*. As well, the stats for non+ armours are only marginally better than those of the Big4+. I was thinking along the same lines as you a few weeks back, but came to the realisation that its really not beneficial to max a non+ armour simply because the cost FAR exceeds the benefits.
It is much better to allocate your resources in trying to get Swamp Shaman, Armour of Infernal Lord and Dark Prince Armour (all +) to max level, which is what I'm doing.
The only reason why anyone would want to level these non+ legendaries is simply due to the elemental combination. So for example, the new ninja armour, Spirit+Earth is significantly better than the farmable Chimera Corps Uniform, however it is significantly poorer than the equivalent Wicked Wraith+ armour, which can be obtained from combinations!
WW+ is only from DPC (or the former special dragon chests); WW is fusable, but having wasted a non-trivial amount of gold, fusion stones, and armor in the fusing process, I've completely given up on it. Personally I'd level Assassin's Shroud rather than going through the expense of WW, fact is both will be replaced anyway and the stat differential isn't so great to sacrifice the resources to gain it on average.
I agree with your assertion, level 70 non-plus with very few exceptions are either second/third boss armors when you're chasing higher levels, or to cover a particular element combination that you're lacking.
I'm not entirely sold on the Big 4 > boss normal; for anyone in the early game (pre-100) that's absolutely true, but the transition from 100 to reliable boss 43 kills and subsequently reliable 51+ may mandate a few non-plus being leveled for efficiency as Gree's boss selection is fairly unpredictable. Also this presumes you have a respectable friends list, but since the Dragon bosses are now gone and we're back to Deva stats, I wound up whacking 28 with two Big 4 and one level 70-comparable armor and no friends used (admittedly on a pretty Big-4 friendly element combination), but realistically the path to 43 as it stands today can be accomplished without an absurd amount of requirements, making leveling most normal armors irrelevant.
Also these days the guild leadership bonus dwarfs the difference anyway, so either in your current guild or potentially a future one, it's better off just to level what you can easily obtain rather than praying for a marginally better one when it comes to things like Roc vs. SG or Boss normal vs. fusable 3-4 star.
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