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07-12-2013, 08:46 PM
They refresh after 23 hours.
07-12-2013, 08:47 PM
my friends start at a weird time now, how do I get it to a time I want? use them for the first time at the desired time? or is it when they run out
Use them for the first time at the desired time.
07-12-2013, 08:57 PM
A question of my own: I've read a few times about people having a few dozen chest keys stockpiled. Is there any other advantage to stockpiling keys vs. using them right away than the resulting armors not cluttering up armor slots you could use for crafting?
I am glad I stockpiled yellow keys. Then they put fusion boost armours in them and I got a few. Perhaps next week they will put In crafting materials for wicked wraith? (obviously I don't think this will happen)
If you do not need to use them to achieve your current goals, perhaps a stock pile is best. But, the fastest growth is all ways use all of your resources asap.
Super helpful answer, eh?
07-13-2013, 08:35 AM
About epic bosses.. I see very old players that fought bosses like steam wizard or grim gargoyle... First boss that i fought was the faerie dragon, but what was the first boss, and the order of those older one? Have someone got pictures of those bosses or of their rewards?
07-13-2013, 09:07 AM
About epic bosses.. I see very old players that fought bosses like steam wizard or grim gargoyle... First boss that i fought was the faerie dragon, but what was the first boss, and the order of those older one? Have someone got pictures of those bosses or of their rewards? should give you some of the information; same probably for their KnD facebook page.
I am glad I stockpiled yellow keys. Then they put fusion boost armours in them and I got a few. Perhaps next week they will put In crafting materials for wicked wraith? (obviously I don't think this will happen)
If you do not need to use them to achieve your current goals, perhaps a stock pile is best. But, the fastest growth is all ways use all of your resources asap.
Super helpful answer, eh?
Actually it is. No point at all in stocking up on silver keys, but for gold and black I guess I might keep some in stock when/if I get them.
07-13-2013, 04:08 PM
I just tried to fuse ruby platemail(mono fire****) with bone harvester(mono spirit****) tells me this armor is not available? What should I combine these armor with? I have those two armor, horrible wurm(earth/air****) and euros armor(water/spirit****), what would give me the best results, I have mats for a lot of legendary but not enough for 2 of them, if I fuse a previous boss armor it would be awesome. Thanks in advance for the advice.
07-13-2013, 04:41 PM
Is there a good guide to leveling up armors/ enhancement? I'm not finding a good one, I only found one that's more of a rough introduction to enhancement and the other is research and results. Also what do Fusion Stones have to do with leveling up? I have 19 and really want to know how they help so I can get my knights stronger
I think the idea is to fuse uncommon/commons to make a rare then use the rare for enhancement.l
07-13-2013, 05:27 PM
Got my first two of the big four almost to 50 and am about to be able to craft HH+, I just got a boilerplate armor as well (W/F).
Is it worth leveling the HH+ or should I stick with the Boilerplate?
(I know there is no almost no chance I'll ever get a Boilerplate+)
07-13-2013, 05:34 PM
How do you guys even get that many silver keys and fusion stones? I know they are supposidely random but I'm reallllly getting a minor amount of Fusion stones.
Another question, does anyone happen to know anything about network connection error code 17? I've been getting it so many times and its frustrating not being able to start the game up while I do have network. Anyone know how to fix it?
07-13-2013, 05:35 PM
Hey guys! What do u think wil be the next element of the next dragon? Since we have water/spirit then air/water
07-13-2013, 05:39 PM
How do you guys even get that many silver keys and fusion stones? I know they are supposidely random but I'm reallllly getting a minor amount of Fusion stones.
Another question, does anyone happen to know anything about network connection error code 17? I've been getting it so many times and its frustrating not being able to start the game up while I do have network. Anyone know how to fix it?
Wt lvl r u? Wen u get to higher lvl i feel like ul get more fusion stones.. Atleast thats wat happen to me, part of it is the tournament wen u get to like rankings till 1000.. U get fusion stones and then bosses ofc
07-13-2013, 05:40 PM
Ive gotten all of my keys thus far from getting to level 3 of the epic boss events, quests.
Ive gotten about 30 or so fusion stones thus far from killing the bosses (mostly when I play against the epic level)
Currently at level 47 so I havent played for a crazy amount of time, just grinding the lower level EPIC's
How do you guys even get that many silver keys and fusion stones? I know they are supposidely random but I'm reallllly getting a minor amount of Fusion stones.
Another question, does anyone happen to know anything about network connection error code 17? I've been getting it so many times and its frustrating not being able to start the game up while I do have network. Anyone know how to fix it?
07-13-2013, 05:41 PM
Got my first two of the big four almost to 50 and am about to be able to craft HH+, I just got a boilerplate armor as well (W/F).
Is it worth leveling the HH+ or should I stick with the Boilerplate?
(I know there is no almost no chance I'll ever get a Boilerplate+)
HH+ is worth it,, big four atleast helps u till 100 of the story, boilerplate have a good def, but then again non + version u dont get the full stats not worth it
07-13-2013, 05:54 PM
Wt lvl r u? Wen u get to higher lvl i feel like ul get more fusion stones.. Atleast thats wat happen to me, part of it is the tournament wen u get to like rankings till 1000.. U get fusion stones and then bosses ofc
I'm level 75. I havent gotten below rank 3000 yet in tournaments but I believe I can easily do it now.
Also Boilerarmor normal is still a very good armor, I would max it. Max stats at normal is still better than I believe most level 70 story mode armors. I have mine almost maxed as well with AA+ and LF +
07-13-2013, 07:55 PM
Hey guys i had a couple questions about what armor I should use/ level up, I'm only level 20 and since i read the guide the first thing im trying to do is get the "big 4" I have gotten a couple pieces of armor from the DPC and i was wondering if you could tell me if any is good/ worth leveling up. I got: Armor of the Infernal Lord, Moks Vestments, Spectral Captain's uniform, steam wizards robes, Storm Sorcerer, Torch Flame Mantle, Riverstone mantle, and finally on the last one i just did the Nemesis Robes. (I didnt buy any stones I got them all through the Video Offers.) Right now I am focusing on getting A couple more training fields set up and then im gonna try and get the "big 4". Any suggestions on what to use to level up my armor would be greatly appreciated! Also I was wondering which level of the dungeon is best for farming Snakeskin leather strips?
07-13-2013, 08:02 PM
Hey guys i had a couple questions about what armor I should use/ level up, I'm only level 20 and since i read the guide the first thing im trying to do is get the "big 4" I have gotten a couple pieces of armor from the DPC and i was wondering if you could tell me if any is good/ worth leveling up. I got: Armor of the Infernal Lord, Moks Vestments, Spectral Captain's uniform, steam wizards robes, Storm Sorcerer, Torch Flame Mantle, Riverstone mantle, and finally on the last one i just did the Nemesis Robes. (I didnt buy any stones I got them all through the Video Offers.) Right now I am focusing on getting A couple more training fields set up and then im gonna try and get the "big 4". Any suggestions on what to use to level up my armor would be greatly appreciated! Also I was wondering which level of the dungeon is best for farming Snakeskin leather strips?
Get the Infernal Lord to 20, that will let you get the + version right off the bat when you unlock it. the rest is pretty MEHsauce. Spend the gems on leveling your Training Fields first. On normal you have about a 70% chance of getting a snakeskin so that is where i would be at. Plus you get more swings per knight on normal which makes up for it
07-13-2013, 08:04 PM
Hey guys i had a couple questions about what armor I should use/ level up, I'm only level 20 and since i read the guide the first thing im trying to do is get the "big 4" I have gotten a couple pieces of armor from the DPC and i was wondering if you could tell me if any is good/ worth leveling up. I got: Armor of the Infernal Lord, Moks Vestments, Spectral Captain's uniform, steam wizards robes, Storm Sorcerer, Torch Flame Mantle, Riverstone mantle, and finally on the last one i just did the Nemesis Robes. (I didnt buy any stones I got them all through the Video Offers.) Right now I am focusing on getting A couple more training fields set up and then im gonna try and get the "big 4". Any suggestions on what to use to level up my armor would be greatly appreciated! Also I was wondering which level of the dungeon is best for farming Snakeskin leather strips?
I would level this armor "Armor of the Infernal Lord" to level 35 to unlock the "plus" version. I would suggest to farm "Snakeskin Leather Strip" in the Epic level since your level 20. Knight's HP regenerates (1 HP per 20 seconds). Hopes this help you out.
07-13-2013, 08:08 PM
Hey guys i had a couple questions about what armor I should use/ level up, I'm only level 20 and since i read the guide the first thing im trying to do is get the "big 4" I have gotten a couple pieces of armor from the DPC and i was wondering if you could tell me if any is good/ worth leveling up. I got: Armor of the Infernal Lord, Moks Vestments, Spectral Captain's uniform, steam wizards robes, Storm Sorcerer, Torch Flame Mantle, Riverstone mantle, and finally on the last one i just did the Nemesis Robes. (I didnt buy any stones I got them all through the Video Offers.) Right now I am focusing on getting A couple more training fields set up and then im gonna try and get the "big 4". Any suggestions on what to use to level up my armor would be greatly appreciated! Also I was wondering which level of the dungeon is best for farming Snakeskin leather strips?
Try and finish your "Big Four" as well as all your expansions and Training Fields first before aiming for the higher tier armors. You might say that finishing all your expansions and TFs is too expensive, but in the long run, you'd be thankful that you did finish it as early as you possibly can.
For the armors, Storm Soc, even if its normal, is the best out of the list u just provided. Maxing Nemesis(for Boreas i presume?) should also help you in beating this weeks boss.
Lastly, normal stage for snakeskin, least damage inflicted on you. (when u hit higher level and stage 1-5 mobs and boss only do 1-3dmg, its really up to you which to farm. Some veteran would say Normal stage, but i personally prefer Mighty, the second stage..... i have no idea why i prefer that over normal).
For Armor Enhancing, check out 600RRs FAQ Breakdown.
(i use basics for 1-10; uncommon for 11-20; snakeskin etc for 21 and above)
hope this helps
07-13-2013, 08:32 PM
What are the best(s) ways to level the Big Four + armors? It doesn't seem to go as fast with 4 snakeskins. Should I unlock Snakeskin+ and level that to L11 and then enhance? I just used 4 snakeskins at L20 and it only got to L23. At this rate...
07-13-2013, 08:54 PM
What are the best(s) ways to level the Big Four + armors? It doesn't seem to go as fast with 4 snakeskins. Should I unlock Snakeskin+ and level that to L11 and then enhance? I just used 4 snakeskins at L20 and it only got to L23. At this rate...
snakeskin and snakeskin+ give the same amount of EP. When your just starting out, levelling something as the Big Four might seem like a daunting task, but theyre a great investment in the long run (you'd still be using them four up until you hit level 100).
try to balance expansions/Training Fields/enhancement expenditures wisely, them gold generating TFs are very important.
like i said in my previous post, give 600RRs FAQ Breakdown a read, it will clear a lot of your questions, and from there you can create your very own approach in playing the game.
07-13-2013, 09:03 PM
What are the best(s) ways to level the Big Four + armors? It doesn't seem to go as fast with 4 snakeskins. Should I unlock Snakeskin+ and level that to L11 and then enhance? I just used 4 snakeskins at L20 and it only got to L23. At this rate...
There is a thread called "FAQ Breakdown - Frequently Asked Questions by the beginners"
started by 600RR which is very helpful for everyone and it has different alternatives to level / enhance an armor to the max level.
Most veteran players will suggest to you to get your castle expansion first i.e. Training Grounds. So that you can earn massive gold in the early levels and onwards. And then worry about enhancing the Big-4 armor later once you know your comfortable with your current Gold amount to use for enhancing armors.
If you are in a guild right now (in iOS not in Android), you can buy those Fusion Boost Armor which it can yield 150 EP for non-matching element or 180 EP for matching element. The cost of Fusion Boost Armor gets expensive the more you buy them. This can level / enhance the Big-4 armor to about 3 - 4 levels. However, using 4 Snakeskin Leather Strip to enhance the Big-4 armor is fast enough.
Hopes this help !
07-13-2013, 09:18 PM
What are the best(s) ways to level the Big Four + armors? It doesn't seem to go as fast with 4 snakeskins. Should I unlock Snakeskin+ and level that to L11 and then enhance? I just used 4 snakeskins at L20 and it only got to L23. At this rate...
How much were you really expecting it to go up? 3 levels is pretty good for 2 hours. There are other tactics but honestly, they have to put bottlenecks somewhere or the game is too easy
07-13-2013, 09:31 PM
I'm level 75. I havent gotten below rank 3000 yet in tournaments but I believe I can easily do it now.
Also Boilerarmor normal is still a very good armor, I would max it. Max stats at normal is still better than I believe most level 70 story mode armors. I have mine almost maxed as well with AA+ and LF +
Yah get to that 1000 mark.. Ul get extra stones
07-14-2013, 12:01 AM
I just tried to fuse ruby platemail(mono fire****) with bone harvester(mono spirit****) tells me this armor is not available? What should I combine these armor with? I have those two armor, horrible wurm(earth/air****) and euros armor(water/spirit****), what would give me the best results, I have mats for a lot of legendary but not enough for 2 of them, if I fuse a previous boss armor it would be awesome. Thanks in advance for the advice.
Bump anyone have a suggestion?
07-14-2013, 12:28 AM
Bump anyone have a suggestion?
You can't fuse previous boss armors, at least not the boss armors after horrible wurm, where the armors had better stats.
You could probably try fusing horrible wurm with bone harvester for either a guardian or sky guardian.
07-14-2013, 01:20 AM
Just fused a sky guardian yay! Been trying for a while and finally got it hehe. Anyways was wondering if I should max that out first instead of storyline level 70 armour. I have maxed big four and jackalope+. Also have enough mats to make an infernal lord+ and I also fused a boilerplate armour the other day. I'm not sure which one to max out first so any help would be appreciated!
07-14-2013, 01:54 AM
Just fused a sky guardian yay! Been trying for a while and finally got it hehe. Anyways was wondering if I should max that out first instead of storyline level 70 armour. I have maxed big four and jackalope+. Also have enough mats to make an infernal lord+ and I also fused a boilerplate armour the other day. I'm not sure which one to max out first so any help would be appreciated!
- see for which element combinations you don't have a strong armor yet.
- go to the spreadsheet linked from , sort by Combined Max. Stats (column N) and look up your armors.
Then make your decision based on those 2 pieces of information.
07-14-2013, 02:38 AM
Thanks for the answer. It just felt like I was doing something wrong only getting 3 levels. I don't mind grinding, but this is the first time I've grinded on an Android game.
07-14-2013, 03:30 AM
Hi guys, just back gaming for some time ago, a question about guild.
Does the guild elemental boosts stack? or it's automated adjusting to the higher boost %?
07-14-2013, 05:45 AM
Hi guys, just back gaming for some time ago, a question about guild.
Does the guild elemental boosts stack? or it's automated adjusting to the higher boost %?
It stacks.
Hey welcome back ang, a bunch of us were wondering what happened. You dropped off alot of our friends lists. It would be nice to use your aegis ;).
07-14-2013, 09:33 AM
It stacks.
Hey welcome back ang, a bunch of us were wondering what happened. You dropped off alot of our friends lists. It would be nice to use your aegis ;).
Ty rediye ,was away and busy for work. As work load gets lighter, I'll be available for knd. Many things to catch up:(
07-14-2013, 10:02 AM
I need your advice :)
Im lvl 51 atm and i have the bug four. Crius+ lvl 31, AA+ lvl 31, HH+ lvl 10, Living Flame+ lvl 18
Im at Misty Marsh on thr story line. Should i upgrade the big four to lvl 50 first or should I try to get the bigger four?!
And what do u use for enhance the big four?? Im using snakeskins, but i have to farm A LOT, and i dont have so much time.
Is there an other cheap possibility??
07-14-2013, 10:33 AM
I need your advice :)
Im lvl 51 atm and i have the bug four. Crius+ lvl 31, AA+ lvl 31, HH+ lvl 10, Living Flame+ lvl 18
Im at Misty Marsh on thr story line. Should i upgrade the big four to lvl 50 first or should I try to get the bigger four?!
And what do u use for enhance the big four?? Im using snakeskins, but i have to farm A LOT, and i dont have so much time.
Is there an other cheap possibility??
"cheap" no. There is no cheap way. And yes, lvl your big 4 instead of going for the bigger 4
07-14-2013, 11:08 AM
"cheap" no. There is no cheap way. And yes, lvl your big 4 instead of going for the bigger 4
Is it wort to fuse something or are the plus version of the big four better then thr armor i can fuse?!
07-14-2013, 11:24 AM
Is it wort to fuse something or are the plus version of the big four better then thr armor i can fuse?!
- fusion produces non-plus armors
- very few non-plus armors have stats higher than the big four plus armors
- the few that do are level 70 armors, meaning that you'll spend about 5 times as much gold to level those than a big four armor
Result: veterans here seem to see fusion as useless except to complete fusion quests and to fuse 2 commons/uncommons into a 50 Enhancement Point armor. (there's a list around here somewhere fusing which commons/uncommons guarantees a 50 EP armor...)
07-14-2013, 11:24 AM
And my last question:
Is there a somewhere an inventory where i can see how many resources i have?
I never know how many snakes leather i have in my “inventory”.
It would be great if someone could tell me where i can look how many craft materials i have.
07-14-2013, 11:26 AM
And my last question:
Is there a somewhere an inventory where i can see how many resources i have?
I never know how many snakes leather i have in my “inventory”.
It would be great if someone could tell me where i can look how many craft materials i have.
in armorsmith
07-14-2013, 11:29 AM
in armorsmith
iOS feature only for now I guess. It's not there on Android.
07-14-2013, 11:30 AM
in armorsmith
In Armorsmith i only see how many i need to craft something but i dont see how much i have.
But i think im just to stupid to find it... Would you please say me concretely where i find the “inventory”?
07-14-2013, 11:32 AM
iOS feature only for now I guess. It's not there on Android.
I see... Thats stupid...
07-14-2013, 04:50 PM
Another quick question.
I'm busy leveling up two level 70 armors. One being Boiler one the Infernal lord +. I can't decide if I should max the boiler armor (its 57/70) first or ignore it for now for the infernal. My boiler is by far the best armor so I wanna replace the other armors quick but It might not be too smart.
What do you guys usually do?
07-14-2013, 05:04 PM
Where can u get the Aegis of the Dragon+ armor ? From the DPC ? Can u get all non craftable+ version from the DPC ? Or are some from special events ?
Oh, and is there a Clayplate+ already ? Or are the stats on the banner for the regular version ?
What about temperd and guardians battlegear ? Can u even get the + versions atm ?
07-14-2013, 05:15 PM
I upgraded my iphone to IOS 7 beta 3 last week. And then My game has been stopped giving me any video offers. Does someone has same scenario?
07-14-2013, 05:55 PM
I upgraded my iphone to IOS 7 beta 3 last week. And then My game has been stopped giving me any video offers. Does someone has same scenario?
Don't think its the upgrade. In general people seem to get less video offers. Maybe they read the ''How to get gems'' thread? I know it can be random, but I did used to get at least 1 offer a day. Havn't gotten one in 2 now
Mike Stanley
07-14-2013, 08:18 PM
What fuzes are 50 EP for water air
07-15-2013, 12:44 AM
Basic air + basic fire
Basic air + basic mystic
Basic water + basic mystic
07-15-2013, 01:53 AM
Can you get the aegis of the dragon armor by fusion? If so what are the best ways to fuse it or is it just by the chance chest?
07-15-2013, 02:10 AM
Hi I m pretty new to the game. About level 30 aiming for the big four.
However as it proceeds, I need friends to help in completing quest. I came to realise that all the stated stats for approximately the samw level is the same. However acxording to their looks, their armor is different. Should I choose it based on my knowledge of their armor stats?
07-15-2013, 03:01 AM
Can you get the aegis of the dragon armor by fusion? If so what are the best ways to fuse it or is it just by the chance chest?
Only from Dark Prince Chest, Aegis is non-fusable.
Hi I m pretty new to the game. About level 30 aiming for the big four.
However as it proceeds, I need friends to help in completing quest. I came to realise that all the stated stats for approximately the samw level is the same. However acxording to their looks, their armor is different. Should I choose it based on my knowledge of their armor stats?
The stats your friends reflect depends on your level and they increase along with your level. From what i noticed, the armor your main knight wears also affects their stats but i need some confirmation on this point.
07-15-2013, 03:02 AM
Hi I m pretty new to the game. About level 30 aiming for the big four.
However as it proceeds, I need friends to help in completing quest. I came to realise that all the stated stats for approximately the samw level is the same. However acxording to their looks, their armor is different. Should I choose it based on my knowledge of their armor stats?
If you look through your "hire friends" screen, the attack/defense stats should vary quite a bit for friends with similar champion level and the same armor, depending on how far (or not) they leveled their armor. It's all about the stats, not how the armor looks. (I think someone described it as us playing a game of math here. ;) )
Have your friends list mostly full, so you can pick and choose the right elements so your friend is strong and not weak against whatever you're fighting. (plus a filled friend list provides some extra gold and arena XP from friend battles)
07-15-2013, 03:51 AM
What I did was go to Arena and go as high on the leaderboards as you can and start adding people that have their code in their name. Those people are willing to add anyone. That's all I did and I have 50+ friends all around lv50-65 range. I haven't been able to get anyone higher.
07-15-2013, 08:11 AM
I downloaded the game onto my friends iphone and played some and wanted him to start, he uninstalled it the day after or same day, but now he wants to play it cause he cant stop playing it on my phone now, but for some reason when he downloaded it now it says "error 10007" wich says connection problem, he has FREE 3G + tried connecting to hes Wifi and none of them worked even tho it worked for me at the exact same time.
please if somone could solve this would be awesooooooome!!!
username: Anti (hes username that is, not mine)
07-15-2013, 08:49 AM
I downloaded the game onto my friends iphone and played some and wanted him to start, he uninstalled it the day after or same day, but now he wants to play it cause he cant stop playing it on my phone now, but for some reason when he downloaded it now it says "error 10007" wich says connection problem, he has FREE 3G + tried connecting to hes Wifi and none of them worked even tho it worked for me at the exact same time.
please if somone could solve this would be awesooooooome!!!
username: Anti (hes username that is, not mine)
You need to contact Gree to solve this problem, but the first thing they'll tell you is to delete the app and re-install. Possibly several times. So try that.
07-15-2013, 11:18 AM
You need to contact Gree to solve this problem, but the first thing they'll tell you is to delete the app and re-install. Possibly several times. So try that.
Ah yea forgot to say that i re-downloaded it like 8 Times' /Day for like 3 days xD
Ok now a small stupid question, how do i contact them?
07-15-2013, 11:33 AM
Sorry if this has been asked already, I'm on mobile, and it's difficult to navigate...
Can you get the + versions of armors that can't be forged, like Stormrage, like is there always a slim chance you'll obtain the + version from combining, or can you only get the + versions of armors you forge from materials?
07-15-2013, 11:33 AM
Ah yea forgot to say that i re-downloaded it like 8 Times' /Day for like 3 days xD
Ok now a small stupid question, how do i contact them? I guess...
07-15-2013, 12:07 PM
Sorry if this has been asked already, I'm on mobile, and it's difficult to navigate...
Can you get the + versions of armors that can't be forged, like Stormrage, like is there always a slim chance you'll obtain the + version from combining, or can you only get the + versions of armors you forge from materials?
Uncraftable armor "+" version can only be obtain in Dark Prince Chest or DPC for short. Fusing 2 armor only yield regular version of either craftable or uncraftable armor. The materials that you can farm from weekly Epic Boss or from the dungeons, or obtain from quest rewards, you can use these materials to forge your desire armor and then level it to unlock the "+" version.
Hopes this helps !
07-15-2013, 12:17 PM
newb question.. for my lower tier armor the basic ones should i just be crafting as many of the same types (earth, water etc) and keep using them to upgrade? or is it not worth it to upgrade them? Thanks for the info
07-15-2013, 12:30 PM
Misty Marsh:
I'm currently farming for Wriggling Roots for my Swamp Shaman Robes on the Normal stage (my 10 friends/day are all allocated to the epic boss, so higher stages succes without a "everybody killed" or "flee" inbetween is rather iffy)
result: something like 1/3rd Wriggling Roots and 2/3rds Hydra Scales (way too expensive to craft into a 24 EP armor) :(
Can someone remember if the higher stages give much better Wriggling Roots drop results?
(just trying to figure out if 1 victory, 1 defeat per "heal" cycle at a higher stage is better than the more intuitve 2 victories on the Normal stage...)
07-15-2013, 01:07 PM
Hello guys, I know that it is better to use the same element armor to upgrade but does using the + version make a different?
Example would be using fire armor + instead of fire armor to upgrade my hydra armor.
If it is better to use + armor to upgrade should I get all the basic element armor to the + stage? Should I also get the next armor tier to the + stage also?
07-15-2013, 01:11 PM
newb question.. for my lower tier armor the basic ones should i just be crafting as many of the same types (earth, water etc) and keep using them to upgrade? or is it not worth it to upgrade them? Thanks for the info
You can use basic armors of the same type to enhance an armor with a matching element to get most of EP otherwise you will get less EP (about 20% less) if you're using it to enhance a non-matching element.
Most veteran player would suggest to you that you can keep using basic armor to upgrade an armor then switch to uncommon armor to upgrade and then to rare armor for upgrade and/or use fusion stones. See for an example below. Assuming time and/or gold is not issue with you.
Leveling Atlantean Avenger Armor (i.e. AA for abbreviation for this armor)
Level 1 to 15 - you would use 4 basic wind armor or 4 basic water armor
Then you stop at level 15 to unlock the "plus" version of Atlantean Avenger Armor. Craft the "plus" version of AA.
Leveling AA+ has higher stats growth than the regular version.
Lvl 1 to 20 or 25 - you would use 4 basic wind armor or 4 basic water armor.
Lvl 25 to 35 - you would use 4 uncommon wind or water armor.
Lvl 25 to 50 - you would use 4 Snakeskin armor or 4 uncommon wind or water armor.
To craft one Basic armor takes about 5 minutes and 300 gold.
To craft one Uncommon armor takes about 30 minutes and 500 gold.
To craft one Snakeskin armor takes about 2 hours and 3000 gold.
Hopes this helps !
07-15-2013, 01:14 PM
Hello guys, I know that it is better to use the same element armor to upgrade but does using the + version make a different?
Example would be using fire armor + instead of fire armor to upgrade my hydra armor.
If it is better to use + armor to upgrade should I get all the basic element armor to the + stage? Should I also get the next armor tier to the + stage also?
As far as I know, using a regular or "plus" version, say fire armor, would still yield 6 EP to a matching element when upgrading an armor.
07-15-2013, 01:26 PM
For materials like Hydra Scales, do I have to kill the boss with the attack special? On the material list, it doesn't list the drop as "boss", so does that mean it's just the boss's regular drop without killing it with an attack special? I've gotten the crimson dragon scales twice now when I've killed it with the special.
As for the question with + armor, the + means it's the upgraded version of the armor (receives better stats per level and higher max level stats), and whenever you use it as a piece to enhance another armor, you get the level of the +armor, subtract 1, and that gets added as enhancement points towards the armor you're enhancing. Example, you use Seafoam+ level 11 to enhance Atlantean Avenger+, you get an extra 10 enhancement points from the Seafoam+ (for it being a +, you get a transfer of enhancement points. A regular Seafoam armor, without the +, does not yield you an extra 10 towards the armor you want to enhance).
07-15-2013, 01:31 PM
Level 1 to 15 - you would use 4 basic wind armor or 4 basic water armor
Small note to prevent confusion: for ex 3 basic wind and 1 basic water would be fine too. Not all 4 armors need the same element, they just need to match (at least one element) to one of the elements of the armor you're enhancing to get the full effect.
07-15-2013, 01:39 PM
For materials like Hydra Scales, do I have to kill the boss with the attack special? On the material list, it doesn't list the drop as "boss", so does that mean it's just the boss's regular drop without killing it with an attack special? I've gotten the crimson dragon scales twice now when I've killed it with the special.
No, normal attack drops would be fire or water shards.
Later bosses just have 2 types of special attack drops: their own and those of an earlier boss. (Heck, that started at Gorgon dropping Stone Slabs in addition to Snakeskin Leather)
I'm currently in a similar situation: Swamp Kraken is trolling me by giving about 1/3rd Wriggling Roots and 2/3rds Hydra Scales on Normal stage... :(
If you team is strong enough, playing on the higher stages should give you a higher percentage Hydra Scales over Crimson Dragon Scales.
07-15-2013, 02:22 PM
Yeah, I'm getting trolled too. I'm only advancing when I have friends available while farming/arena/enhancing between, so it kind of sucks to not get the drops I need. As for the 2 items drop rate, the other bosses (besides Gorgon since it's easy to notice when you farm I guess) haven't trolled me at all so I haven't noticed.
07-15-2013, 04:00 PM
Small note to prevent confusion: for ex 3 basic wind and 1 basic water would be fine too. Not all 4 armors need the same element, they just need to match (at least one element) to one of the elements of the armor you're enhancing to get the full effect.
Good catch ! :cool:
07-15-2013, 06:21 PM
im currently level 87 with the big 4+ and at level 50.
I am at the mighty stage on the kingdom of darkness.
All my training fields are fully upgraded and i have have over 50 gems and 51 fusion stars.
i have never got a + version on a epic boss yet cuz its hard to fit in that many fights in only couple days.
should i try and get infernal lord+, maybe is there something i should be trying to fuse to get and then upgrade it to +, or use gems on chests to get something and upgrade it or can u actually just get a + version from a chest, or lastly only focus on epic boss +
07-15-2013, 06:25 PM
im currently level 87 with the big 4+ and at level 50.
I am at the mighty stage on the kingdom of darkness.
All my training fields are fully upgraded and i have have over 50 gems and 51 fusion stars.
i have never got a + version on a epic boss yet cuz its hard to fit in that many fights in only couple days.
should i try and get infernal lord+, maybe is there something i should be trying to fuse to get and then upgrade it to +, or use gems on chests to get something and upgrade it or can u actually just get a + version from a chest, or lastly only focus on epic boss +
Farm the mats to get Infernal+. Don't bother trying to fuse for it. You won't be able to defeat level 43 of an epic boss with the Big 4 unless you're in a top guild.
07-15-2013, 07:07 PM
is there such a list? at least is there a complete (or nearly so) one? ive seen several that were sad, incomplete nuisances. btw add WBB-CRQ-QFM id really like the rewards. thnx.
07-15-2013, 07:17 PM
is there such a list? at least is there a complete (or nearly so) one? ive seen several that were sad, incomplete nuisances. btw add WBB-CRQ-QFM id really like the rewards. thnx.
Theer is no reliable way to fuse 4* armors, don't waste your fusion stones trying. Even if you could fuse them, theyd be regular versions and not worth enhancing.
Get your 4* armors by fighting the Epic Bosses. Better still, wait until you can beat 43 levels, craft one set and level it to 35, then craft the +version with the remaining materials. This is the only 4* armor you will want to level to 70 and use against future Epic Bosses.
07-15-2013, 11:33 PM
Hi Guys,
I have a small collection of 4* armors but I'm not entirely sure whether there is a preference for leveling one specific armor or if I should just level whatever armor works best against the current epic?
Here are my current armor sets, any advice as to what priority order they should be leveled in would be great thanks.
Armor name (current lvl)
Admiral + (25)
Eldritch (11)
Horrible wurm + (40)
Jian (25)
Pyromancer (5)
Armor of Boreas (1)
Armor of Eurus (16)
Deep Dragon (1)
Half Dragon (27)
JAckalope (27)
Mantle of the Beast (51)
Wanderer Shroud (1)
Thanks in advance.
07-15-2013, 11:38 PM
Hi Guys,
I have a small collection of 4* armors but I'm not entirely sure whether there is a preference for leveling one specific armor or if I should just level whatever armor works best against the current epic?
Here are my current armor sets, any advice as to what priority order they should be leveled in would be great thanks.
Armor name (current lvl)
Admiral + (25)
Eldritch (11)
Horrible wurm + (40)
Jian (25)
Pyromancer (5)
Armor of Boreas (1)
Armor of Eurus (16)
Deep Dragon (1)
Half Dragon (27)
JAckalope (27)
Mantle of the Beast (51)
Wanderer Shroud (1)
Thanks in advance.
None of the above imho
07-15-2013, 11:50 PM
None of the above imho
Seriously? None? Not one of them is worth leveling to 70? Geez. I thought my sets would be bad but I didn't think they would be THAT bad.
Ok what would be a good armor set to target to craft then? I know that armor sets become redundant over time because of the constant of introduction of higher specced sets. So does this mean I should try and unlock the + version of one of the current 4 epic dragons and focus on leveling that one?
07-15-2013, 11:54 PM
My question is when upgrading armour, say I am leveling up Seafoam. If I use a level 15 basic water armour, will it get more exp than the level 1 version?
07-15-2013, 11:59 PM
My question is when upgrading armour, say I am leveling up Seafoam. If I use a level 15 basic water armour, will it get more exp than the level 1 version?
You get 1EP for every level. So using a level 15 armor will give you 14 more EP
07-16-2013, 12:02 AM
Seriously? None? Not one of them is worth leveling to 70? Geez. I thought my sets would be bad but I didn't think they would be THAT bad.
Ok what would be a good armor set to target to craft then? I know that armor sets become redundant over time because of the constant of introduction of higher specced sets. So does this mean I should try and unlock the + version of one of the current 4 epic dragons and focus on leveling that one?
You could go for admiral+ and wurm+. Don't bother with any boss armors that aren't +. If you could get the + version of the dragon armors than go ahead, it has good stats.
07-16-2013, 02:19 AM
Seriously? None? Not one of them is worth leveling to 70? Geez. I thought my sets would be bad but I didn't think they would be THAT bad.
Ok what would be a good armor set to target to craft then? I know that armor sets become redundant over time because of the constant of introduction of higher specced sets. So does this mean I should try and unlock the + version of one of the current 4 epic dragons and focus on leveling that one? lE#gid=0
has all the armors. Sorting by Combined Max. Stats (column N) gives you a rough indication of which armors have good stats and which don't. (doesn't account for elements of course ;) )
07-16-2013, 02:26 AM
Seriously? None? Not one of them is worth leveling to 70? Geez. I thought my sets would be bad but I didn't think they would be THAT bad.
Ok what would be a good armor set to target to craft then? I know that armor sets become redundant over time because of the constant of introduction of higher specced sets. So does this mean I should try and unlock the + version of one of the current 4 epic dragons and focus on leveling that one?
Prolly admiral+ but even the stats on that's gonna phase out soon. So I'd say save the gold.
07-16-2013, 02:30 AM
Prolly admiral+ but even the stats on that's gonna phase out soon. So I'd say save the gold.
He needs to start somewhere. The admiral+ and horrible wurm+ is a good start before going for 70+ epic boss armor. Unless he's able to get the current boss armor+ that is.
07-16-2013, 02:42 AM
He needs to start somewhere. The admiral+ and horrible wurm+ is a good start before going for 70+ epic boss armor. Unless he's able to get the current boss armor+ that is.
Well, true to a certain extent. But big four can also get you to 43 will some effort. I'd rather cut my losses. But that's just my opinion. It's all ultimately up to him. Just my 2 cents. Getting to 43 isn't impossible with just the big 4 now. It's just harder. Been there done that. I've got guildies doing 43 at level 8x with those 4 armors. They listened to advice and are now harvesting the rewards. But in the end, it's all up to him. :)
07-16-2013, 04:13 AM
Well, true to a certain extent. But big four can also get you to 43 will some effort. I'd rather cut my losses. But that's just my opinion. It's all ultimately up to him. Just my 2 cents. Getting to 43 isn't impossible with just the big 4 now. It's just harder. Been there done that. I've got guildies doing 43 at level 8x with those 4 armors. They listened to advice and are now harvesting the rewards. But in the end, it's all up to him. :)
In my current situation, I think the only way I could earn enough badges to achieve the coveted lvl 43 on any of the epics would be to spend gems which is something I would prefer not to do. I guess I'll continue to farm the snakeskins with an eye towards eventually being able to earn one of the current + armors.
Thanks for all the input, I actually did have a look at the googledoc spreadsheet and it looked like teh Admiral + and Wurm+ armors were on the higher end of the spectrum. Guess I may have been looking at it wrong. :-S
07-16-2013, 08:24 AM
When upgrading armor is it better to use normal+ version or can I just use normal regular?
07-16-2013, 08:45 AM
When upgrading armor is it better to use normal+ version or can I just use normal regular?
non-plus or plus doesn't matter at all when using it to enhance another armor.
07-16-2013, 08:48 AM
Sorry for all the questions just a newb trying to soak it up. Another question I have is at what lvl should i stop using basics and start using the "uncommon" armor to start upgrading?
07-16-2013, 01:01 PM
I've paid real $ for gold, gems or both. I've made about six purchases total but twice after purchasing I didn't receive what I was charged for. Who do I contact for help with this issue? I've tried the support email address in the Google Play store as well as the support email address on the emailed receipt. I haven't received a response from either one. Any help on finding who to contact or how to fix this would be very much appreciated.
07-16-2013, 01:10 PM
submit a ticket to gree and wait for gray hair
07-16-2013, 01:15 PM
Sorry for all the questions just a newb trying to soak it up. Another question I have is at what lvl should i stop using basics and start using the "uncommon" armor to start upgrading?
u can use basics up until level10. then uncommon till 20(?), then snakeskin, whichever u prefer. there is always the cheap way (snakeskin) and the fast but expensive way(fuse).
07-16-2013, 03:22 PM
I'm in the process of making and upgrading the big four. My question is should I make more then one pieceof each type for example having three hydra hunter + armor?
07-16-2013, 03:33 PM
I don't think so because you can just switch them on and off between your characters. If anything, you can make two of whatever you need, but not two of each. Most people would probably say don't build two at all, so three is a definite no.
When upgrading armor is it better to use normal+ version or can I just use normal regular?
Normal+ doesn't have any bonus over normal regular, unless you level it up to get the extra enhancement points.
07-16-2013, 03:40 PM
Why do I keep getting 2 star rares when fusing the uncommon wind and uncommon earth!?! I want the big 4!!
DG Magneto
07-16-2013, 03:48 PM
I am on the quest "Armorsmith Architecture". I have to build 3 taverns, 3 Cathedrals, and 2 training fields. I currently have 7 or so training fields of which most are level 3. Im low on space and dont want to delete a training ground or either of my 2 dungeons. Should i ignore these building quests or should i complete them? is there any decent rewards for finishing them all? Will they eventually want level 3 buildings that cost gems?
Thanks in advance!
07-16-2013, 03:59 PM
Not worth it if you have to delete TGs, tbh. Looking at the end of the chain, you're only going to lose 9 gems (which can be replaced easily by video ads and doesn't even come close to 1 Lv3 TG), a lot of XP and gold (meh). At this point, I would say just skip it. I'm in a similar boat as you. I have 7 Lv3 TGs and don't see myself doing that quest chain now, or even at all. It would slow me down too much. You would have to save up for extra castle space and that gets exponentially more expensive.
07-16-2013, 09:20 PM
every time i fight some1 with this i lose.. i checked the chart and it is strong.. but it cant be crafted.. soo i guess i have to fuse for it.. how do i fuse for it... what levels should each one be.. and how to i get the ones i need for it in case they are rare too.. and how would i get plus version.. would i have to get it once upgrade it and then try and fuse again later..
if there is a link that talks about this can u answer and also refer me to other page so i dont need to ask again
07-16-2013, 09:24 PM
every time i fight some1 with this i lose.. i checked the chart and it is strong.. but it cant be crafted.. soo i guess i have to fuse for it.. how do i fuse for it... what levels should each one be.. and how to i get the ones i need for it in case they are rare too.. and how would i get plus version.. would i have to get it once upgrade it and then try and fuse again later..
if there is a link that talks about this can u answer and also refer me to other page so i dont need to ask again
You can't get sky guardian+ either than from the dark prince chest. The sky guardian normal version can be gotten by fusing spirit armors with wind armors. The higher the rarity of the armors you use, the better your chances. You should read the stickied guides on the forum.
07-16-2013, 11:04 PM
I am on the quest "Armorsmith Architecture". I have to build 3 taverns, 3 Cathedrals, and 2 training fields. I currently have 7 or so training fields of which most are level 3. Im low on space and dont want to delete a training ground or either of my 2 dungeons. Should i ignore these building quests or should i complete them? is there any decent rewards for finishing them all? Will they eventually want level 3 buildings that cost gems?
Thanks in advance!
Armour smiths can be torn down cheaper and faster for quests. Or wait until you have a fresh expansion unlocked. For that quest I recommend both. 8 hours and 75k gold is pretty expensive.
07-16-2013, 11:11 PM
Why do I keep getting 2 star rares when fusing the uncommon wind and uncommon earth!?! I want the big 4!!
better to use commons than uncommons if you are aiming for a rare. cheaper to pre level for 15 as well.
I think you know what you are talking about, but in case someone else reads this I want to really spell it out. How to use a fusion stone well
1) obtain enough hydra scales for one armour.
2) level a fire uncommon to 15
3) level a water uncommon to 15
4)fuse them
if you got a hydra armour level 15
5) begin crafting hydra+
if you got something else
5) goto 2)
07-17-2013, 12:44 AM
Why do I keep getting 2 star rares when fusing the uncommon wind and uncommon earth!?! I want the big 4!!
why do u even need to fuse armors to get big 4?
07-17-2013, 02:23 AM
better to use commons than uncommons if you are aiming for a rare. cheaper to pre level for 15 as well.
I think you know what you are talking about, but in case someone else reads this I want to really spell it out. How to use a fusion stone well
1) obtain enough hydra scales for one armour.
2) level a fire uncommon to 15
3) level a water uncommon to 15
4)fuse them
if you got a hydra armour level 15
5) begin crafting hydra+
if you got something else
5) goto 2)
Reason why leveling to 15:
common/uncommon level 15 = 71 enhancement points used
rare level 15 = 291 enhancement points
So if you get your wanted armor on the first try, you have a profit of 291-(2*71)=149 enhancement points. If you get it on your second try, you still have a small 7 enhancement points profit.
For anything where the odds of getting the intended armor are smaller than 50%, leveling your fusing fodder beyond level 1 doesn't make much sense. (and level 15 is of course chosen because that unlocks "plus" on rares.)
@KayOrzz: making the "plus" from your first set of crafting materials?
Demonic Lord
07-17-2013, 02:34 AM
What are some fusions for 2star armors? Always get some **** armor when fusing can anyone help me out
07-17-2013, 03:02 AM
What are some fusions for 2star armors? Always get some **** armor when fusing can anyone help me out
Board censorship trolling hard? ;)
Other than the "guaranteed 50 EP" fusions, less elements in is more targeted results and more stars in is higher chance of more stars out, there's not much else to say about the casino that is fusing...
07-17-2013, 03:02 AM
LOL seriously you have too much gold then. 25k and a stone for some big four armor that you can easily acquire materials for?
07-17-2013, 03:27 AM
LOL seriously you have too much gold then. 25k and a stone for some big four armor that you can easily acquire materials for?
Too long ago since you were a newbie?
For ex. fusing to a Hydra Hunter for ex. 2 locations before the Hydra, so you can already start leveling it to 15 before you can even farm a single Hydra Scale sure beats them funneling the gold and materials into for ex. their Monk's Vestments...
07-17-2013, 05:03 AM
Too long ago since you were a newbie?
For ex. fusing to a Hydra Hunter for ex. 2 locations before the Hydra, so you can already start leveling it to 15 before you can even farm a single Hydra Scale sure beats them funneling the gold and materials into for ex. their Monk's Vestments...
That's what I did on my alt acc. I tried to fuse for the big 4 and storyline 3* early on so I can level them and unlock the plus earlier without having to gather 2 times the materials needed.
07-17-2013, 05:44 AM
Is there a point of having and leveling Sky Guardian if I have Armour of Boreas + Eurus?
07-17-2013, 05:47 AM
Is there a point of having and leveling Sky Guardian if I have Armour of Boreas + Eurus?
Depends on if they're the + version or not. If they are you should probably level them first. If not, go for the sky guardian. The normal sky guardian has pretty good nonetheless and should still be leveled eventually since it has a different element combination.
07-17-2013, 05:52 AM
Depends on if they're the + version or not. If they are you should probably level them first. If not, go for the sky guardian. The normal sky guardian has pretty good nonetheless and should still be leveled eventually since it has a different element combination.
They aren't the plus version, should I level up Sky Guardian because it's cheaper in the long run or because it is ultimately better than Eurus + Boreas?
07-17-2013, 05:56 AM
They aren't the plus version, should I level up Sky Guardian because it's cheaper in the long run or because it is ultimately better than Eurus + Boreas?
The normal sky guardian has better stats than the normal eurus and boreas. Though it isn't any cheaper or easier to level. If anything, it should be harder since it doesn't have any matching elements with snakeskin.
07-17-2013, 06:09 AM
The normal sky guardian has better stats than the normal eurus and boreas. Though it isn't any cheaper or easier to level. If anything, it should be harder since it doesn't have any matching elements with snakeskin.
Damn, alright thanks, wish I was capable of getting the + version of the boss armours
07-17-2013, 06:11 AM
Damn, alright thanks, wish I was capable of getting the + version of the boss armours
Aight, anytime :) don't worry, you'll reach it soon enough! Either than the sky guardian, having good 70+ armors is a great start to reaching level 43 of the epic boss, so infernal+, swamp shaman+ and dark prince+ would be food armors to have.
07-17-2013, 06:20 AM
Thanks heaps, cheers!
Hey guys,...
i got an offer about a newspaper which would give me 211 Gems! (for the small cost of 42€ lol)
Anyways - i'm an idiot and bought this newspaper.. after 24hrs i havent got my Gems lol...
Today was the offer back si i deleted my first and bought another newspaper...
Do you guys know when i will get the gems? lol
It's kinda sad... to pay 42€ for an (intresting) newspaper lol
Help pls :c
07-17-2013, 09:02 AM
Hey guys should I focus more on money building early on? Right now I have 10 fountains 2 armor smiths and a tavern. I was thinking of upgrading my fountains to those crystal buildings. I've skimmed the sticky and money buildings besides build fountains and thr hihh end one there isn't much information.
07-17-2013, 10:53 AM
If I am changing games from IOS to Android will I be able to switch my data over and if so how?
07-17-2013, 11:16 AM
Hey guys should I focus more on money building early on? Right now I have 10 fountains 2 armor smiths and a tavern. I was thinking of upgrading my fountains to those crystal buildings. I've skimmed the sticky and money buildings besides build fountains and thr hihh end one there isn't much information.
Save up 80k. Start getting Training Grounds.
07-17-2013, 11:40 AM
Hi everyone!
My phone stopped working and I need to replace it. It's iOS.
Does anyone know if I can transfer my game data to a new iOS phone?
I'm worried I might have to start all over
07-17-2013, 11:47 AM
Is it ever worth upgrading Armory? The first upgrade is only 10k for 5% increase (I know it isn't much but minutes), but what about Lv3 Armory? I don't want to waste gold to get Lv2 to realize Lv3 sucks too (this is theoretically speaking, say I already have all Lv3 TGs).
07-17-2013, 12:04 PM
Cn anyone tell me why a lvl13 is at #13 in the arena?? Glitch? Or someone cheatin even at the dragon leaderboard its a lvl1 with 100million damagae.. Ios platform
07-17-2013, 12:40 PM
Is it ever worth upgrading Armory? The first upgrade is only 10k for 5% increase (I know it isn't much but minutes), but what about Lv3 Armory? I don't want to waste gold to get Lv2 to realize Lv3 sucks too (this is theoretically speaking, say I already have all Lv3 TGs).
Level 3 is another 5%, making it 10% faster than a level 1. Not much difference on 5 and 30 minute armors, but quite a chunk on the 3-day armors that the Epic Bosses now provide.
10k is nothing, chump change in the scheme of things. Level 3 requires Gems, which you might wish to save for other purposes. I'd recommend upgrading your training fields before your armories.
07-17-2013, 01:04 PM
Do the chances of getting typhoon gem raise with each level? Do I have the same chances of getting typhoon gem on normal and on epic?
07-17-2013, 01:14 PM
I dont think they increase with your level but they are higher on harder stages of the level, yes.
07-17-2013, 01:23 PM
I dont think they increase with your level but they are higher on harder stages of the level, yes.
Boooo. I having a lot of trouble on the epic stage compared to normal.
Thanks for answering :)
07-17-2013, 01:24 PM
Boooo. I having a lot of trouble on the epic stage compared to normal.
Thanks for answering :)
You also have to consider how much more damage you're taking on epic compared to normal. I managed to collect 54 roots from the normal level in 2-3 days I believe.
07-17-2013, 02:02 PM
What do you want to do with the roots anyway ?
Level your big 4 first. By the time you got all of them maxed out, you shouldnt have any trouble doing the more difficult stages.
07-17-2013, 02:07 PM
quest completion more than anything I'd wager
07-17-2013, 02:29 PM
If I am changing games from IOS to Android will I be able to switch my data over and if so how?
Very doubtful, since they are two completely seperate systems. (friends aren't shared, Android has no guilds etc. ), so it's not just changing a device ID code like it is when switching between devices on the same platform...
07-17-2013, 04:20 PM
Can someone explain why the big 4+ are so good from lvl's 20-60? I'm lvl 20 and am not even able to collect the mats to create any of the regular versions. Tried fusing 1/4 now(2 flowstones, one monstrous garb, and one living flame, which seems worse then my royal flame) I need serious help!!
07-17-2013, 04:25 PM lE#gid=7
Use that spreadsheet often. Royal Flame armor has lower stats than the Big 4. And the Big 4 are easy to collect, just start with the Atlantean Avenger which is the first one you'll be able to craft.
07-17-2013, 04:27 PM lE#gid=7
check the finished attack/defense stats, should be self explanatory compared to other armors
07-17-2013, 04:34 PM
Cheers guys! I didn't realize there was a spread sheet
07-17-2013, 06:21 PM
Which one is the armor that my knight is wearing for my friends ? And where/how do i change it ?
07-17-2013, 06:27 PM
Are outstanding friend requests capped at 50?
It just seems unlikely that people suddenly stopped spamming me with them...
07-17-2013, 06:31 PM
seems so, although I'e hit 52 or 53, they drop down, I wonder if the expire after a certain tme, they've dropped to 46 without me doing anything
maybe bans?
07-17-2013, 07:20 PM
Hello guys! Two questions.
Should I focus on maxing out my atlantian avenger first before moving onto the next big 4 to level?
Should I make more then one atlantian avenger to max out or should I max out one of each of the big 4 before making more?
Thanks in advance
07-17-2013, 07:48 PM
one of each + version is fine, AA+ is a good start
07-17-2013, 08:44 PM
Is the only place to trigger this new boss at misty marsh? it will only give me credit towards triggering him if I do that place and It was never like that before.
07-17-2013, 08:47 PM
what are you talking about
07-17-2013, 09:04 PM
How do you join a Guild. Do i have to complete the game first? Do i have to get to lvl 100?
07-17-2013, 09:19 PM
Is the only place to trigger this new boss at misty marsh? it will only give me credit towards triggering him if I do that place and It was never like that before.
Any minions in any area (except the Prince's Castle) will trigger the boss to respawn. I usually go into Skeletons Tomb to farm Snakeskin. I usually have to get to the 2/4 or 3/4 round before the DANGER pops up. After I fight the boss, then it takes me back to where I was at in Skeletons Tomb. If you trigger the boss, but don't have enough EE or don't want to fight him, then the boss will be active for 2 hours and then disappear again... at which time you have to trigger him again by killing some minions.
How do you join a Guild. Do i have to complete the game first? Do i have to get to lvl 100?
I believe the minimum level to join a guild is level 15 or 17? I don't remember off hand. Also, guilds are ONLY on iOS right now, not Android.
07-17-2013, 09:30 PM
I believe the minimum level to join a guild is level 15 or 17? I don't remember off hand. Also, guilds are ONLY on iOS right now, not Android.
Thank you, as Im using Android, Very helpful.
07-17-2013, 10:15 PM
New (ish) to the game but, falling quickly in love with it.
Anxious to gain supreme power and would like to ask the vets a few questions!
Im level 53 and a daily player. Have 5 sets of legend armor (nothing too fancy blackfrost x2 guardians and last two dragon armors.)
First, what are clans and how does one join? Ive outgrown most of my allies and am looking for a group of like minded stronger players to fun with. (iOS just read lol @ droids)
Second, ive read about enhancing armor and its a tedious and expencive process. I need a recommendation on how to craft/enhance as fast as possible.
Lastly, thanks for your time I play on an S3 and WBB-CYG-RZG is my id if you want a motivated up-and-coming daily player. Thanks in advance.
07-17-2013, 11:13 PM
@ Grizmare frst clans are for ISO only at the moment but should droids soon, second it depends on your money problem if you have money you can do the uncraftable which will give you 50 EP.
07-18-2013, 12:07 AM
I'm level 35 and was messing around and got the nemisis armor from the chest. Should I invest my income into leveling it or should I still continue to level my AA+ which is only at level 13?
my friend code is WBB-NYP-WBM if anyone wants to take advantage of me and use my nemisis armor for this weeks boss :) haha
07-18-2013, 12:10 AM
I'm level 35 and was messing around and got the nemisis armor from the chest. Should I invest my income into leveling it or should I still continue to level my AA+ which is only at level 13?
my friend code is WBB-NYP-WBM if anyone wants to take advantage of me and use my nemisis armor for this weeks boss :) haha
If you can't get to 43, I wouldn't bother with Nemesis. Actually, I wouldn't bother with Nemesis even if you could, it dies wayyyyy too fast.
07-18-2013, 12:16 AM
If you can't get to 43, I wouldn't bother with Nemesis. Actually, I wouldn't bother with Nemesis even if you could, it dies wayyyyy too fast.
Thats a shame, what a waste of 20 gems then. I'm looking at the reward section and if I reach over 21 wins i'll get 10 mystic armor which I could use to upgrade other armor. Would it be atleast worth it to invest a little bit into the armor? Maybe getting it to level 10 or so?
Thanks Unresolved (and everyone else) for always being one of the people to answer my questions, as a new player I appreciate it.
07-18-2013, 12:30 AM
Thats a shame, what a waste of 20 gems then. I'm looking at the reward section and if I reach over 21 wins i'll get 10 mystic armor which I could use to upgrade other armor. Would it be atleast worth it to invest a little bit into the armor? Maybe getting it to level 10 or so?
Thanks Unresolved (and everyone else) for always being one of the people to answer my questions, as a new player I appreciate it.
You would be spending more EP to enhance that Nemesis to level 10 than you would get from the 10 Mystic Armors. And a level 10 Nemesis is very weak.
And no problem, I was a new player not so long ago and these guys helped me out too. It's only fair to pass on knowledge :).
07-18-2013, 12:41 AM
people hate on the nemesis armour when they are level 100+ and have a plethora of legendary + armour to wear. The basic nemesis last week was better than a maxed mantle of the beast + legendary (assuming crappy guild bonuses), the best armour I could field despite playing this game for months. Also: If your higher level friends are getting capped by your crappy stats you would rather they were wearing nemesis than combustion armour.
Nemisis armour isn't that expensive to level. 780 or so ep. perhaps that would be better spent on your first living flame+, but way less satisfying.
Nero rage
07-18-2013, 03:58 AM
Any tip to get some more fusion stones? Need to craft 50 ep armors but i'm always out of stones
07-18-2013, 04:00 AM
Any tip to get some more fusion stones? Need to craft 50 ep armors but i'm always out of stones
Just keep on killing whatever boss that feels the most comfortable for you. Fusion star drops are more or less based on luck, so you'll just have to keep on killing bosses. Placing high in the arena also gives you a few fusion stars, along with opening chests.
07-18-2013, 04:14 AM
If you can't get to 43, I wouldn't bother with Nemesis. Actually, I wouldn't bother with Nemesis even if you could, it dies wayyyyy too fast.
Friends wearing Nemesis greatly helped me get to level 28 on the previous boss.
My guess is "Nemesis dying way too fast" is only releavant for the higher levels, since IIRC on level 28 they were still taking/dishing out about 5 hits before dying. (which was much more than could be said from my Crius+ knight and only slightly more squishy than my Crius+ champion) .
07-18-2013, 05:06 AM
What's the best number of armorsmiths to have? I'm about to get the 1 million expansion and i'm thinking that I need more armorsmiths rather than extra training grounds.
07-18-2013, 05:16 AM
What's the best number of armorsmiths to have? I'm about to get the 1 million expansion and i'm thinking that I need more armorsmiths rather than extra training grounds.
Usually 3-5 depending on your needs. Most people use 3 or 4 tho
07-18-2013, 05:40 AM
Usually 3-5 depending on your needs. Most people use 3 or 4 tho
Thanks! 4 makes sense because then you could craft four armors at once and enhance them in one go.
07-18-2013, 05:47 AM
With the last change that epic boss armors now take 3 days to craft (instead of 2), I am more inclined to the 5 armor smith variant.
07-18-2013, 06:06 AM
Just keep on killing whatever boss that feels the most comfortable for you. Fusion star drops are more or less based on luck, so you'll just have to keep on killing bosses. Placing high in the arena also gives you a few fusion stars, along with opening chests.
I've noticed since the 1.32 update on iOS that the fusion star drop rate has dropped even lower. When farming Snakeskin, I would normally get 1 fusion star about every 30-50 runs. I've been keeping a log and after 300 Epic Tomb runs, only 2 fusion stars dropped. My stockpile is now running low :(
07-18-2013, 06:11 AM
I've noticed since the 1.32 update on iOS that the fusion star drop rate has dropped even lower. When farming Snakeskin, I would normally get 1 fusion star about every 30-50 runs. I've been keeping a log and after 300 Epic Tomb runs, only 2 fusion stars dropped. My stockpile is now running low :(
Hmm it's probably just bad luck I believe. Just today in around 50 runs I've had 4 fusion stars drop.
07-18-2013, 06:24 AM
I relly don't understand who you can farm so mamy resources?!?!?!
I have 2 armorsmiths atm and i have ti farm sankeskins si often...
How do you farm the crafting materials when you have 4 or 5 armorsmiths?
And which level do you use for farming snakeskins(normal, mighty...)
And my last question: why android user cant see how many crafting materials they have in their inventory???
07-18-2013, 06:33 AM
I relly don't understand who you can farm so mamy resources?!?!?!
I have 2 armorsmiths atm and i have ti farm sankeskins si often...
How do you farm the crafting materials when you have 4 or 5 armorsmiths?
And which level do you use for farming snakeskins(normal, mighty...)
And my last question: why android user cant see how many crafting materials they have in their inventory???
It's just a matter of having the patience to do the stage over and over again. Personally I go for epic since the drop rates are higher and the enemies do only 1 to 2 damage to me.
It probably hasn't gotten that update yet, since android was released later tha iOS.
07-18-2013, 07:11 AM
I relly don't understand who you can farm so mamy resources?!?!?!
I have 2 armorsmiths atm and i have ti farm sankeskins si often...
How do you farm the crafting materials when you have 4 or 5 armorsmiths?
And which level do you use for farming snakeskins(normal, mighty...)
And my last question: why android user cant see how many crafting materials they have in their inventory???
I have 3 armorsmiths right now. I need 24 leather for each round of crafting. Lately, there has been a boss armor crafting nonstop in 1 of my smiths, so I really only need 16 each round. That's 8 runs on Epic Tomb. I am farming all the time.. at work, at home watching tv, even in bed when I can't sleep. It's tedious and boring, but it fills the gaps between epic boss fights and arenas. I have 3,500 stone crystals that could make 1,150 Basic Earth Armor, and 1,800 water crystals to make 600 Basic Water Armor if that tells you anything... and I'm not a hard-core player!
I run Epic because it's a 95% drop rate of leather. I did run Honor for awhile, but when I tracked it in my spreadsheet, it was about 75% drop rate. Even lower (50% or below) on Valor, Mighty, and Normal. I don't like to waste time. As death said, my armor only gets hit for 1-3 on Epic, so 1 knight can go 25-30 runs or so, then go to the next knight, etc.
And yes, I play now and then on my daughter's android and I don't like that they haven't updated the #mats in the armorsmith.
07-18-2013, 07:41 AM
I have 3 armorsmiths right now. I need 24 leather for each round of crafting. Lately, there has been a boss armor crafting nonstop in 1 of my smiths, so I really only need 16 each round. That's 8 runs on Epic Tomb. I am farming all the time.. at work, at home watching tv, even in bed when I can't sleep. It's tedious and boring, but it fills the gaps between epic boss fights and arenas. I have 3,500 stone crystals that could make 1,150 Basic Earth Armor, and 1,800 water crystals to make 600 Basic Water Armor if that tells you anything... and I'm not a hard-core player!
I run Epic because it's a 95% drop rate of leather. I did run Honor for awhile, but when I tracked it in my spreadsheet, it was about 75% drop rate. Even lower (50% or below) on Valor, Mighty, and Normal. I don't like to waste time. As death said, my armor only gets hit for 1-3 on Epic, so 1 knight can go 25-30 runs or so, then go to the next knight, etc.
And yes, I play now and then on my daughter's android and I don't like that they haven't updated the #mats in the armorsmith.
Thank you for your help.
Im farming atm on mighty stage because the droprate is much higher then on normal.
My Knights arent so strong thats why i take too much damage on epic stage (about 5-6)
But I aprreciate your advice to farm on epic stage!
And yes, I play now and then on my daughter's android and I don't like that they haven't updated the #mats in the armorsmith.
Sorry, but what do you mean that the android version doesn't have updated #mats in the armorsmith?
07-18-2013, 07:55 AM
How to collect wriggling root more quickly? I still need 8 (+18 for the +version) wriggling root. Is the drop rate higher on more difficult stage? Which stage is the best for gathering this resource?
07-18-2013, 08:17 AM
Sorry, but what do you mean that the android version doesn't have updated #mats in the armorsmith?
In the armorsmith on the android version, it only shows how many mats are needed to make the armor. it does not show you how many you actually have stored up. on iOS, if i have 22 snakeskin leather, it shows 22/8 meaning i have 22 mats total, but only need 8 to craft each armor.
In my post above, i know i have 3,500 earth shards because it says 3500/3 in the Basic Earth Armor info tab.
07-18-2013, 08:22 AM
How to collect wriggling root more quickly? I still need 8 (+18 for the +version) wriggling root. Is the drop rate higher on more difficult stage? Which stage is the best for gathering this resource?
The higher stages do give a better drop rate, but even the Epic stage isn't 100% roots. If you read the previous few comments they could have saved you asking your question.
In the armorsmith on the android version, it only shows how many mats are needed to make the armor. it does not show you how many you actually have stored up. on iOS, if i have 22 snakeskin leather, it shows 22/8 meaning i have 22 mats total, but only need 8 to craft each armor.
In my post above, i know i have 3,500 earth shards because it says 3500/3 in the Basic Earth Armor info tab.
Oh wow... I can see how useful that would be for planning. Like when I'm mining snakeskins... I want to mine until I have enough for all my smiths (4) and I have to craft first to find out if I have enough mats. A bit annoying. Would be nice to see it like in the iOS version.
07-18-2013, 10:07 AM
What lvl can you start farming materials for the big 4? and when should you consider replacing them?
07-18-2013, 10:29 AM
What lvl can you start farming materials for the big 4? and when should you consider replacing them?
You can start farming for materials for the big 4 at the writhing cascade (typhoon gem). But you can the big 4 armor early ingame by fusion.
Quick question - Should I be leveling my armor evenly? Or should I just be focusing on maxing out my first big 4 armor (AA+)?
07-18-2013, 11:03 AM
Hi, I am new, and I get the idea of levelling up and fusing armour and making new armour etc. Basically I've seen 2 armour sets that I would like and cannot seem to fuse them correctly: I have gathered information that to create the Rageborne Raiment, you must combine livingflame & Alatean armour, I've done this, however I received a Wind monarch's armour set. My question is this: Is the formula for combining armour to create better armour sets random? I would like to combine armour sets to create brawlers set, and I've hear I can combine basic spirit and basic earth armour, or stonescale & mystic armour, which is correct? Is any of this correct? I am level 37, but I'm still not 100% of elements of this game, please help! :)
07-18-2013, 11:41 AM
I have a million questions but there are few that are really bugging me, all on the topic of Asura armor. I know its rubbish armor, but limited resources means I need to use it wisely.
I got 3 sets of asura armor from the chests. It says on the armor spreadsheet that asura can be crafted but I can't see it anywhere in my armorsmith. So my first 2 questions are, can Asura be smithed? if so, when is it available to smith?
Assuming it can't be smithed, would it better to upgrade my Riverstone Mantle or combine with other armors in hopes of getting a good armor set? Maybe it's more of a preferrence thing but anyhoo...
If it can be smithed, can I upgrade Asura to Lvl 15 to unlock the the +version before it is available to smith? Or do I have to wait until the option to smith it gets unlocked before I can proceed to unlock the +version?
Since I'm the topic of +armors, I'll ask one more question. Do +armors provide more enchancment points than the regular versions?
Sorry if these questions have been answered already, but sifting through 242 pages is a daunting task to find info about Asura armor.
Thanks for reading :)
07-18-2013, 12:37 PM
I have a million questions but there are few that are really bugging me, all on the topic of Asura armor. I know its rubbish armor, but limited resources means I need to use it wisely.
I got 3 sets of asura armor from the chests. It says on the armor spreadsheet that asura can be crafted but I can't see it anywhere in my armorsmith. So my first 2 questions are, can Asura be smithed? if so, when is it available to smith?
Assuming it can't be smithed, would it better to upgrade my Riverstone Mantle or combine with other armors in hopes of getting a good armor set? Maybe it's more of a preferrence thing but anyhoo...
If it can be smithed, can I upgrade Asura to Lvl 15 to unlock the the +version before it is available to smith? Or do I have to wait until the option to smith it gets unlocked before I can proceed to unlock the +version?
Since I'm the topic of +armors, I'll ask one more question. Do +armors provide more enchancment points than the regular versions?
Sorry if these questions have been answered already, but sifting through 242 pages is a daunting task to find info about Asura armor.
Thanks for reading :)
Asura may have been craftable once, but I think not any more. Certainly not from any materials gathered from adverturing on the map. The spreadsheet appears to be out of date. By the time you could gather 50 pieces of 'Asura Charms' you'll be onto better armors anyway.
You are better off trying to develop the Big Four armors, as referred to constantly on the forum. The materials for these are gathered in Guardian's Crossing and the next three map areas. Craft or otherwise obtain through fusing one set, level to 15 to gain the ability to craft the +version, and start again with fresh materials. Do not try to fuse again for the +versions, you will only reliably get them through crafting in your armorsmith.
+armors provide no bonus points when used for enhancing.
So build the big four, and use your Asura and Riverstone armors as enhancing materials. They really aren't worth enhancing in themselves.
07-18-2013, 12:41 PM
I have a million questions but there are few that are really bugging me, all on the topic of Asura armor. I know its rubbish armor, but limited resources means I need to use it wisely.
I got 3 sets of asura armor from the chests. It says on the armor spreadsheet that asura can be crafted but I can't see it anywhere in my armorsmith. So my first 2 questions are, can Asura be smithed? if so, when is it available to smith?
Assuming it can't be smithed, would it better to upgrade my Riverstone Mantle or combine with other armors in hopes of getting a good armor set? Maybe it's more of a preferrence thing but anyhoo...
If it can be smithed, can I upgrade Asura to Lvl 15 to unlock the the +version before it is available to smith? Or do I have to wait until the option to smith it gets unlocked before I can proceed to unlock the +version?
Since I'm the topic of +armors, I'll ask one more question. Do +armors provide more enchancment points than the regular versions?
Sorry if these questions have been answered already, but sifting through 242 pages is a daunting task to find info about Asura armor.
Thanks for reading :)
i wouldn't fuse armors to wear, but it's up to you.
not applicable
07-18-2013, 01:58 PM
Fifth smith. 20 gems? More? Not available at all? I am just curious. No intention or need for it.
07-18-2013, 02:03 PM
Crazy fast reply and very useful info too, I'll put this info to good use. Now I can move on without wondering "what if??" and get rid of these Asuras. Thanks again! :)
07-18-2013, 02:11 PM
Fifth smith. 20 gems? More? Not available at all? I am just curious. No intention or need for it.
I think it was once posted here as 4th: 20, 5th: 40, 6th: 80 .
By the time you could gather 50 pieces of 'Asura Charms' you'll be onto better armors anyway.
The 50 kind of points to it once having been an epic boss armor.
(Can't directly find it searching the topics in though...)
07-18-2013, 02:25 PM
My question is this: Is the formula for combining armour to create better armour sets random?
Except for the restriction that the resulting armor will contain 1 element from the first armor and 1 from the second (or apparently in very rare ocasions be a mono-element armor as result) , combining is more or less a lottery.
(so water/fire + earth/air -> a random water/earth or water/air or fire/earth or fire/air armor (or mono any of those 4)
Number of stars in seems to tweak the odds for the number of stars out a bit.
07-18-2013, 02:31 PM
What should I do with the nemesis armor of an outdated boss? Is it worth fusing or just dump it into enhancing another armor?
07-18-2013, 02:45 PM
to date none have been repeated
07-18-2013, 04:49 PM
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but from my understanding if I had 4 armory crafting 4 basic water armor which would take a total of 5 minutes to finish and be 24 ep points for enhancing. If i crafted the next tier of armor, it would take 30 minutes and only be 40 points. Right now my AA+ is at level 16. Wouldn't it be better to craft basic water armor instead of the next tier if I was able to check my phone every 5-10 minutes?
07-18-2013, 04:51 PM
Time wise yes it would be the fastest way to level up your armour. But with each enhancement / armor level, the enhancement costs more. It would get to the point where trying to upgrade an armour to the higher levels would cost you a fortune.
07-18-2013, 06:11 PM
What is that #1 reward armor for the new arena event ?
07-18-2013, 08:08 PM
Hey guys.. I just fused and the result was a combustion armor.. Tho ofc its not a + version... But stats of it is really high compare to others should i max it?
07-18-2013, 08:17 PM
What is that #1 reward armor for the new arena event ?
Eldritch robe, spirit mono
07-18-2013, 08:18 PM
Hey guys.. I just fused and the result was a combustion armor.. Tho ofc its not a + version... But stats of it is really high compare to others should i max it?
Yes it's a good armor worth maxing, as long as u have the resources to.
07-18-2013, 08:29 PM
Yes it's a good armor worth maxing, as long as u have the resources to.
God damned why can't i craft it xD i want it so bad, chinesemafia, what did you fuse together to craft it?
07-18-2013, 08:53 PM
Yes it's a good armor worth maxing, as long as u have the resources to.
Ok thanks.. By any chance for like lvl 100+ will it go like 1500/1500 atleast?
God damned why can't i craft it xD i want it so bad, chinesemafia, what did you fuse together to craft it?
Deathsade : as for ur question its a combination of roc and wanderer shroud.. I didn't need the shroud so i tot combining it with roc, i ddnt hv a fire/spirit yet to max but instead it went fire/air either or im happy wd da result..
07-18-2013, 09:36 PM
i just read this and thought i gotta try fusing a combustion as well.
after some ****ty tries with with duo element armors who had fire and air in it i went with fusing ruby plate mail and storm kings finery, both legendary mono element armors. worked on the first try... :)
oh and btw: what armor am i wearing in the friendslist of others ?
07-18-2013, 09:46 PM
i just read this and thought i gotta try fusing a combustion as well.
after some ****ty tries with with duo element armors who had fire and air in it i went with fusing ruby plate mail and storm kings finery, both legendary mono element armors. worked on the first try... :)
oh and btw: what armor am i wearing in the friendslist of others ?
Its so hard to get a legendary on just tryng luck on monos.. Like combustion or guardian battlegear they are worthit tho its not + so y wud u need like a mono legendary if u cn fuse it wd another and get better result.. Good job to u as well the + of that is sick but that will do.. More stars better chances, learned from the pros
07-18-2013, 11:13 PM
Hi everyone!
My phone stopped working and I need to replace it. It's iOS.
Does anyone know if I can transfer my game data to a new iOS phone?
I'm worried I might have to start all over
do you have a back to iCloud if you do you can just restore it back to the phone and it should work.
let me know if that helps
07-18-2013, 11:24 PM
do you have a back to iCloud if you do you can just restore it back to the phone and it should work.
let me know if that helps
It's safer to get a transfer from GREE by contacting them. There are cases where transferring through ICloud or other means have caused problems.
07-19-2013, 12:01 AM
I don't know how they haven't had phone numbers attached to accounts or just have us make accounts, etc..
07-19-2013, 03:40 AM
I just got asura armor + from dpc, what are the max stats? It only gives the basic stats in the spreadsheet.
07-19-2013, 03:44 AM
I don't know how they haven't had phone numbers attached to accounts or just have us make accounts, etc..
Tablets don't have phone numbers, so the first won't work and as for the second: yeah, then when people are asleep, they can let someone from a farm shop in China or India log in to grind materials for them, so they have plenty stockpiled during the day... (which would cut into Gree's profits, since that money won't be spent on gems/gold) 1 person playing separate KnD games on 3 devices probably also makes Gree more money than 1 person playing 1 KnD game on 3 devices.
07-19-2013, 03:51 AM
I just got asura armor + from dpc, what are the max stats? It only gives the basic stats in the spreadsheet.
Do your part! Throw 4 basic basic armors at it, note down how maybe levels, attack and defense it increased and mention it in the datasheet topic!
(max values are the simple base_atk + (49 * (atk_increase / lvl_increase)) and base_def + (49 * (def_increase / lvl_increase))
07-19-2013, 04:02 AM
I have 3 armorsmiths right now. I need 24 leather for each round of crafting. Lately, there has been a boss armor crafting nonstop in 1 of my smiths, so I really only need 16 each round. That's 8 runs on Epic Tomb. I am farming all the time.. at work, at home watching tv, even in bed when I can't sleep. It's tedious and boring, but it fills the gaps between epic boss fights and arenas. I have 3,500 stone crystals that could make 1,150 Basic Earth Armor, and 1,800 water crystals to make 600 Basic Water Armor if that tells you anything... and I'm not a hard-core player!
I run Epic because it's a 95% drop rate of leather. I did run Honor for awhile, but when I tracked it in my spreadsheet, it was about 75% drop rate. Even lower (50% or below) on Valor, Mighty, and Normal. I don't like to waste time. As death said, my armor only gets hit for 1-3 on Epic, so 1 knight can go 25-30 runs or so, then go to the next knight, etc.
And yes, I play now and then on my daughter's android and I don't like that they haven't updated the #mats in the armorsmith.
I'm doing quite a lot of my farming at Relic Ruins lately:
say whereever you farm, 2 special attacks on minions, 1 on boss and 2 random drops, so per round:
Skeletons Tomb Epic: 2/8th Snakeskin Armor + 4/3rd Basic Earth -> 6 + 8 = 14EP (assuming gorgon never drops Stone Slabs)
Relic Ruins Epic: 3/4th Stonescale + 4/3rd Basic Earth -> 7.5 + 8 = 15.5EP
So if gold isn't the bottleneck, then at Relic Ruins you're farming EP for an earth/other armor faster than at Skeletons Tomb (plus you could enhance basic earth armors into the Stonescale for level 6 or 11, while you wouldn't even craft them if you focus solely on Snakeskins...)
I guess I'll be feeding my Swamp+ Relic Ruins materials for a while.
My tendency to focus more on farming boss armor materials instead of snakeskin leather and lower does too often lead to my smiths running out of materials; it's silly if the cheapest thing you can craft at a certain moment is Living Flame... ;)
07-19-2013, 06:41 AM
I just got asura armor + from dpc, what are the max stats? It only gives the basic stats in the spreadsheet.
Do your part! Throw 4 basic basic armors at it, note down how maybe levels, attack and defense it increased and mention it in the datasheet topic!
(max values are the simple base_atk + (49 * (atk_increase / lvl_increase)) and base_def + (49 * (def_increase / lvl_increase))
Yes, please do so D3athShade... actually since it's a level 50 armor, you only have to throw 1 basic at it and it will level up to 2, so if you didn't want to keep it you would only be out 1 basic armor and 150 gold. Then post the numbers or send me a PM and I will update the Data Sheet. I'm guessing the max stats won't be over 1,400
07-19-2013, 07:49 AM
Can some tell me how many is the total enhancment point required to max out lvl50 armor?
I know it's 194 for lvl30 and 5080 for Lvl70 armor.
thank you.:)
07-19-2013, 07:57 AM
I just purchased gems but it was not reflected even after payment was deducted
07-19-2013, 08:33 AM
Can some tell me how many is the total enhancment point required to max out lvl50 armor?
I know it's 194 for lvl30 and 5080 for Lvl70 armor.
thank you.:)
about 1600 EP
Hi can someone please tell me, does having wings or capes make any difference to your armour or are they purely just for show ????
Necromancer Guild.... Recruiting new members
07-19-2013, 12:13 PM
Hi can someone please tell me, does having wings or capes make any difference to your armour or are they purely just for show ????
Necromancer Guild.... Recruiting new members
Purely for show.
Also, please don't do recruitments here please, there's a sub forum for that.
Thanks for the answer
Sorry for the guild recruitment bit
07-19-2013, 03:09 PM
It's safer to get a transfer from GREE by contacting them. There are cases where transferring through ICloud or other means have caused problems.
I've just replaced my phone from an HTC Thunderbolt to the Galaxy 4, both Android. I tried to switch my account to the new Galaxy 4, but I just ended up with an entirely new game on the Galaxy 4. How can I switch my account over to my new phone?
I tried to contact Gree about it, but I have no idea how long it takes for them to reply, what will happen when or if they do, and how I'm supposed to get their reply back. Hell, when I sent the message, all I got was auto-sent to the FAQ page, which didn't explain the problem. So I guess my question is:
How do I contact Gree about it? I've already tried contacting Wise One before... it's been two weeks, and no response to my original question. Is there a link to contact them somewhere? I've looked around, but apparently I'm missing it.
Thanks. :)
07-19-2013, 03:19 PM
I'm wondering if I'm playing a bit too methodical and gambling way less than others?..
On my friend list I see a bunch of people about my level (78) or much lower with Bkal, Aegis, Nemesis etc.
yet my party of six is running around in maxed "big four", a second maxed Crius+ and a second AA+ at level 34.
Other than for the quests, I think I've used up just 1 or 2 fusion stones (got 66 stockpiled) .
Got unused/not crafted "non-plus" materials from the 3 previous epic bosses (since non-plus would mostly be wasted material/gold)
DPC: can't remember ever opening one; maybe once if some quest long ago gave me a key?
Got 13 2-star armors (from epic bosses, tournaments and quests) unused in my inventory waiting to be used as a drop in a bucket on a level 50-70 enhancement of an armor.
Funneled almost all of my gems into L3 Training Fields.
Always clearing my quests before progressing and just farmed enough Roots to craft my Swamp+ (damn you Hydra Scales!) while having Zephyr Plateau and Haunted Citadel unlocked. (got the 18 Roc Feathers quest still to complete before I move into Haunted Citadel)
And yet while being under the impression of having the most bland team out of the players about my level, I was level 28/rank #53 damage on the previous boss on Android (with a lot of help from friends) and #71 in the tournament that just ended...
(maybe I should do a fusion or two to celebrate unlocking my 1 million expansion?)
07-19-2013, 03:21 PM
How do I contact Gree about it? I've already tried contacting Wise One before... it's been two weeks, and no response to my original question. Is there a link to contact them somewhere? I've looked around, but apparently I'm missing it.
Thanks. :)
I guess
07-19-2013, 03:24 PM
It was my understanding that Android -> Android is not (currently?) supported by the account transfer process, perhaps someone who knows for sure will correct me?
07-19-2013, 03:48 PM
I changed my sister broken phone account to its new one very easily.
I dont reccomend someone to do this, one wrong step and probably your account will be vaporized.
I transferred the entire game folder via a file editor to the pc
I checked the broken phone udid
I changed the new phone udid tho the old one( your account is pratically linked only at this id)
I installed k&d on the new phone whitout launching it
I transferred all the data from the pc on the new phone,lefting untouched the apple certificates so the app will surely run.
Game started like the old phone, no troubles. He can even log in in the broken phone untill it overheat and shut down, but after that, he can play on the new.
I didnt tried tho change only the udid and start the game, maybe the app will simply download the game data based on the udid, if this work we can basically stole other people data. So, dont tell anyone your udid.
07-19-2013, 04:05 PM
Submitted the support request. Thank you for the link. :)
07-19-2013, 04:51 PM
I didnt tried tho change only the udid and start the game, maybe the app will simply download the game data based on the udid, if this work we can basically stole other people data. So, dont tell anyone your udid.
I'm guessing the IDs are sufficiently long and not given out sequentialy, resulting in the chance that you can pick the ID of another KnD player being astronomically small.
It might be possible to abuse it to send the ID off to some Chinese/Indian "farming" company to allow them to farm snakeskins for you while you're asleep/at work/etc...
(What you've done is similar to cloning a MAC address because your ISP has an obnoxious modem that expects to connect to a network card with a specific MAC address.)
07-19-2013, 05:37 PM
I just purchased gems but it was not reflected even after payment was deducted
HI please help, need those gems urgently.
07-19-2013, 05:57 PM
HI please help, need those gems urgently.
I posted a link where you can send a ticket to Gree a few replies back...
07-19-2013, 06:18 PM
Yes, please do so D3athShade... actually since it's a level 50 armor, you only have to throw 1 basic at it and it will level up to 2, so if you didn't want to keep it you would only be out 1 basic armor and 150 gold. Then post the numbers or send me a PM and I will update the Data Sheet. I'm guessing the max stats won't be over 1,400
Ok i will send you a pm pretty soon, getting drunk atm :p so itll be for in an hour or 2-3
07-19-2013, 07:13 PM
I posted a link where you can send a ticket to Gree a few replies back...
Thanks. Sent and hopefully they reply soon.
07-19-2013, 07:20 PM
Yes, please do so D3athShade... actually since it's a level 50 armor, you only have to throw 1 basic at it and it will level up to 2, so if you didn't want to keep it you would only be out 1 basic armor and 150 gold. Then post the numbers or send me a PM and I will update the Data Sheet. I'm guessing the max stats won't be over 1,400
Okej, did them math. Asura armor starts with 243/245 and raises with 7 attack and 10 defence per lvl wich at lvl 50 makes a total of 586/735 at lvl 50. So add this to the spreadsheet ^^ Now... ADORE ME! :p
07-20-2013, 12:03 AM
Hey guys! First time posting here, but have been reading a lot over the past few days. One thing I still don't get at all is the spreadsheet… I don't know which stats are good, when and armor is bad… I just don't know, so my question entails armor.
I opened 11 dark prince chests (for the nemesis+ armor) today and in them I got a bunch of armors, and I'm not sure if any are good and worth levelling or if I should stick to 'the big four' as I've heard them called. The list of the ones I feel might be worth something is as follows:
Boilerplate Armor
Embersteel Armor
Steam Wizard's Robes
Glacier Armor+
Riverstone Mantle
Royal Flame Armor
Stormrage Armor
Torchflame Mantle
Vinewood Carapace
Wavecharmer's Mantle
Since I started playing on sunday, this is pretty much what I have at my disposal, besides my monk's vestments, my crius armor+ and my Lighting Lord armor.
Thanks in advance =)
07-20-2013, 12:08 AM
Hey guys! First time posting here, but have been reading a lot over the past few days. One thing I still don't get at all is the spreadsheet… I don't know which stats are good, when and armor is bad… I just don't know, so my question entails armor.
I opened 11 dark prince chests (for the nemesis+ armor) today and in them I got a bunch of armors, and I'm not sure if any are good and worth levelling or if I should stick to 'the big four' as I've heard them called. The list of the ones I feel might be worth something is as follows:
Boilerplate Armor
Embersteel Armor
Steam Wizard's Robes
Glacier Armor+
Riverstone Mantle
Royal Flame Armor
Stormrage Armor
Torchflame Mantle
Vinewood Carapace
Wavecharmer's Mantle
Since I started playing on sunday, this is pretty much what I have at my disposal, besides my monk's vestments, my crius armor+ and my Lighting Lord armor.
Thanks in advance =)
Get the big 4 first, that should be your priority. Torch flame could probably replace living flame+, but living flame+ has slightly better stats. After that, you can consider leveling boiler plate and riverstone. You could just forget about riverstone if you're already on your way to getting swamp shaman+ since it has much better stats. The rest of the armors aren't really worth much.
07-20-2013, 02:10 AM
Hey guys! First time posting here, but have been reading a lot over the past few days. One thing I still don't get at all is the spreadsheet… I don't know which stats are good, when and armor is bad… I just don't know, so my question entails armor.
I opened 11 dark prince chests (for the nemesis+ armor) today and in them I got a bunch of armors, and I'm not sure if any are good and worth levelling or if I should stick to 'the big four' as I've heard them called. The list of the ones I feel might be worth something is as follows:
Boilerplate Armor
Embersteel Armor
Steam Wizard's Robes
Glacier Armor+
Riverstone Mantle
Royal Flame Armor
Stormrage Armor
Torchflame Mantle
Vinewood Carapace
Wavecharmer's Mantle
Since I started playing on sunday, this is pretty much what I have at my disposal, besides my monk's vestments, my crius armor+ and my Lighting Lord armor.
Thanks in advance =)
How to read the the spreadsheet, Armors tab:
Base stats (columns H and I): stats at level 1
Stat Increase Per Level (columns J and K): how much stats enhancing the armor 1 level adds
Stats at Max Level (columns L-N): what the stats will be if leveled all the way, where column N (combined max stats) is column L and M summed.
So in the long run, you want armors with te highest possible values in column N, so sort on that column and look up your armors (but don't confuse "plus" and "non-plus" versions, because the stats of a "plus" can be quite a lot higher than its "non-plus" variant!)
If you are pretty new, then for the time being "which armors can tide me over on their base stats until I get and level my big 4?" is probably the thing to look at (sort by columns H or I).
Since you mentioned already having a Crius+ , I guess you can funnel your resources into leveling that and wear 3 armors with high base stats until the Crius+ outscales one of them.
(I've oversimplified things a bit by not looking at the elemental advantages/disadvantages.)
PS: Nemesis/Nemesis+ is mostly only useful when hunting for the elusive level 43 of the epic boss and not very strong against anything but the epic boss. At a lower champion level using Nemesis probably doesn't add more than a few extra victory reward armors and the not super strong non-plus boss armor that would soak up 200K gold and 3 days time in an armorsmith. (got 4 of those uncrafted in my armorsmith...)
07-20-2013, 05:43 AM
I can't seem to find anything on the forums written recently so I'm just going to ask. I've got a few questions about the chance chest, everybody knows the drop rates for the DPC are extremely low so I was wondering what kind of materials can you gain from the chance chests? Do they ever give out materials from past epic bosses and is it ever worth going for a chance chest instead of the DPCs?
07-20-2013, 05:49 AM
I can't seem to find anything on the forums written recently so I'm just going to ask. I've got a few questions about the chance chest, everybody knows the drop rates for the DPC are extremely low so I was wondering what kind of materials can you gain from the chance chests? Do they ever give out materials from past epic bosses and is it ever worth going for a chance chest instead of the DPCs?
Materials from epic bosses are never given out in chance chests. You can only get materials from the gold chests and the normal chests, but not the DPC. The materials include the materials from normal craftable armors from the map bosses and special armors like steam powered exoskeleton, white kaleidoscopic armor and dragon tamer armor.
Usually you'll open gold chest either for fusion stones or fusion boost armors.
07-20-2013, 06:31 AM
Does anyone know the drop rate of wriggling root and other high class materials of different stages? I have been camping at honour stage to gather wriggling root (still need 14) and the drop rate seems to be even lower than 10%. Is it normal? Which stage is the best for gathering materials?
07-20-2013, 06:32 AM
Thanks for the reply! I'll just stick to risking my gems on the DPCs for now then to try and get some decent + armours.
07-20-2013, 06:40 AM
Thanks for the reply! I'll just stick to risking my gems on the DPCs for now then to try and get some decent + armours.
If you haven't done so, gems are better spent on getting level 3 training fields, they benefit you much more.
07-20-2013, 06:43 AM
Does anyone know the drop rate of wriggling root and other high class materials of different stages? I have been camping at honour stage to gather wriggling root (still need 14) and the drop rate seems to be even lower than 10%. Is it normal? Which stage is the best for gathering materials?
Wriggling roots doesnt exactly have the best drop rates in the games. Even epic is pretty horrible at times. I needed 8 roots a few days ago and in the time i got those 8 roots i had well over 50 hydra scales. Normally epic has higher drop rates i guess.
07-20-2013, 06:45 AM
If you haven't done so, gems are better spent on getting level 3 training fields, they benefit you much more.
Yeah I've upgraded about 5 of mine to level 3 now. I'm guessing once you've upgraded all the training fields there isn't really much else to spend the gems on? I'm way off being strong enough to beat level 43 of the epic boss so I figured I may as well spend them on DPCs.
07-20-2013, 07:02 AM
Yeah I've upgraded about 5 of mine to level 3 now. I'm guessing once you've upgraded all the training fields there isn't really much else to spend the gems on? I'm way off being strong enough to beat level 43 of the epic boss so I figured I may as well spend them on DPCs.
Yeah, so getting all your level 3 training fields are a priority. You don't need to open the dpc to get to 43, and having more level 3 training fields will let you get to 43 faster actually.
07-20-2013, 07:46 AM
I am about to get enough wriggling roots to craft my first Swamp Shaman, and I was hoping to avoid having to go through the collection pain 2x to get the + version.
Is there any chance that by Fusing a Earth (Stonescale+ lvl 30) + Water (seafoam + lvl 30) that I will get a SS?
The only good thing about the pain is its helping my HH+ Level faster with all the hydra scales :)
07-20-2013, 07:49 AM
Does anyone no how to transfer my profile from ipad to iphone?
07-20-2013, 08:51 AM
Just fused spectral capitain from hidra hunter & chimera corps. Is possible to fuse dark prince ? Already hard collected mats for two sets of roc god, swamp shaman, infernal lord, spectrail capitain.... But will be a pain for me farming dark prince epic stage lots of times to get 44 jewels....
07-20-2013, 09:09 AM
Just fused spectral capitain from hidra hunter & chimera corps. Is possible to fuse dark prince ? Already hard collected mats for two sets of roc god, swamp shaman, infernal lord, spectrail capitain.... But will be a pain for me farming dark prince epic stage lots of times to get 44 jewels....
I don't recall anyone fusing dark prince before. I don't think it's possible, or at least it's close to impossible.
07-20-2013, 09:49 AM
whats the max lvl? leveling seems to go fast on this game :P lvl 27 after playing 2 days =.=
07-20-2013, 09:53 AM
whats the max lvl? leveling seems to go fast on this game :P lvl 27 after playing 2 days =.=
There isn't a max level. But your stats and health stops increasing after level 100.
07-20-2013, 11:03 AM
I am about to get enough wriggling roots to craft my first Swamp Shaman, and I was hoping to avoid having to go through the collection pain 2x to get the + version.
Is there any chance that by Fusing a Earth (Stonescale+ lvl 30) + Water (seafoam + lvl 30) that I will get a SS?
The only good thing about the pain is its helping my HH+ Level faster with all the hydra scales :)
AFAIK level doesn't affect anything other than output level being the average of the input levels.
I'd say that with those two armors the odds of Snakeskin are way higher than the odds of Swamp...
And after grinding for the materials, you then get to grind to level the armor to level 70. ;-( My swamp+ is only level 20 and it's starting to get tedious already. Using only Snakeskins to enhance, that's already 212 armors you have to throw at it; even more with the common/uncommon/snakeskin route I'm taking...
07-20-2013, 12:14 PM
whats the max lvl? leveling seems to go fast on this game :P lvl 27 after playing 2 days =.=
From level 1-50, every time you turn around you seem to gain a level. After that it takes a bit more XP for each level. Max functional level in the game is 100. You stop gaining additional stats after 100, but you still get either 1,000 gold, a gem, or a key for each level over 100.
You will see some people over level 200 in the game.
07-20-2013, 02:28 PM
About how often do gem sales happen?
Thought I'd have to the end of today to hook up some extra pre-paid creditcard credit to the google wallet to buy some discounted gems, but nope, the sale is gone already... :(
07-20-2013, 03:05 PM
From level 1-50, every time you turn around you seem to gain a level. After that it takes a bit more XP for each level. Max functional level in the game is 100. You stop gaining additional stats after 100, but you still get either 1,000 gold, a gem, or a key for each level over 100.
You will see some people over level 200 in the game.
thanks jello for replying =)
just another question : will the epuc boss get more difficult when your lvl gets higher?
07-20-2013, 03:20 PM
thanks jello for replying =)
just another question : will the epuc boss get more difficult when your lvl gets higher?
I dont think so.
07-20-2013, 03:34 PM
just another question : will the epic boss get more difficult when your lvl gets higher?
No. The Epic Boss is really there as an endgame activity. Endgame will I define as having opened all the map areas and beaten the final boss at least once (if you can do it once you can do it again).
When you (and your friends) can beat the Epic Boss 15 times, ytou have earnt enough materials to craft that week's Epic Boss armor. However it doesn't have the final stats they misleadingly show on the epic boss page. Those are the stats for the +version, for which you need another 50 materials, and to level the first armor to lvl 35. The latter enables you to craft the +version.
You can gain those extra 50 materials by beating the boss (up to level 43), summoning it at the summoning stone (at a cost in gems) or some combination of the two.
The regular version is OK as a backup armor for a while, but you'll want the +version for beating future epic bosses, along with a bunch of friends also have the same.
07-20-2013, 04:27 PM
About how often do gem sales happen?
Thought I'd have to the end of today to hook up some extra pre-paid creditcard credit to the google wallet to buy some discounted gems, but nope, the sale is gone already... :(
When aren't the gems on sale?
But really, I think they're on sale about as often as they aren't...
07-20-2013, 09:02 PM
I'm level 33, and I just finished getting the big four to level 15 [and unlocking the plus versions.]
I can only craft the Atlantean Avenger right now, what should my next moves be? Should I go ahead and craft a few Atlantean Avenger pluses for my crew, or just one? Should I be enhancing other armors, or just focus on enhancing the Atlantean Avenger pluses for everybody who can wear them?
Should I be fusing anything? I already fused the big four, is there something else worth fusing?
I'm just unsure what to do now that i've got the big four to level 15.
07-20-2013, 09:11 PM
I was wondering if anybody can help clarify this for me. It has me perplexed. I am level 134 and have a maxed out Armor of the Infernal Lord + version. Why are my stats lower than someone else also on level 100+ with the same armor?
I can't seem to attach pictures so I will just list out.
My stats are: 1395 atk and 1421 def. Armor is 1025 atk and 1050 def
I have seen for eg another player level 108 with stats of 1516 atk and 1544 def.
07-20-2013, 09:13 PM
I was wondering if anybody can help clarify this for me. It has me perplexed. I am level 134 and have a maxed out Armor of the Infernal Lord + version. Why are my stats lower than someone else also on level 100+ with the same armor?
I can't seem to attach pictures so I will just list out.
My stats are: 1395 atk and 1421 def. Armor is 1025 atk and 1050 def
I have seen for eg another player level 108 with stats of 1516 atk and 1544 def.
He has guild bonuses.
07-20-2013, 09:14 PM
I'm level 33, and I just finished getting the big four to level 15 [and unlocking the plus versions.]
I can only craft the Atlantean Avenger right now, what should my next moves be? Should I go ahead and craft a few Atlantean Avenger pluses for my crew, or just one? Should I be enhancing other armors, or just focus on enhancing the Atlantean Avenger pluses for everybody who can wear them?
Should I be fusing anything? I already fused the big four, is there something else worth fusing?
I'm just unsure what to do now that i've got the big four to level 15.
Just one should be enough. Focus on getting it maxed and then go on the get the rest of the big 4.
07-20-2013, 09:35 PM
I confirmed my email to get some gems. Gt the gems. I also discovered another page to earn gems but a lot more than just singles. I downloaded a couple and received them, hen I downloaded some more but didnt receive them. How can I resolve this? It has been over 20 minutes now.
07-20-2013, 09:44 PM
I confirmed my email to get some gems. Gt the gems. I also discovered another page to earn gems but a lot more than just singles. I downloaded a couple and received them, hen I downloaded some more but didnt receive them. How can I resolve this? It has been over 20 minutes now.
Give it more time, sometimes it takes pretty long.
07-20-2013, 09:47 PM
Thank you for the info
07-20-2013, 09:47 PM
I just received some of it.
07-20-2013, 09:50 PM
Hi, I made this calculator/simulator for enhancing armors (that tells you the individual cost per enhancing, the total cost from starting level to desired level and simulates what happens during the enhancing process) but I can't post a new thread in 'General' thread.
Do I have to be a respectable member of this forum to do that?
(new to forums, been MONTHS in game)
07-20-2013, 09:50 PM
I'm only level 74 and trying to compete the ancient dragon armor collection. At this point I have spent more gems than BK+ is worth and was wondering if I could get a couple elite players 100+ that could help me in this endeavor.
XBB-NCB-BQW is my friend code.
If anyone is willing to help me save a couple dollars please add me. I have about 15 slots open atm.
07-20-2013, 09:55 PM
Happy to help -- add me :)
07-20-2013, 10:02 PM
I'm only level 74 and trying to compete the ancient dragon armor collection. At this point I have spent more gems than BK+ is worth and was wondering if I could get a couple elite players 100+ that could help me in this endeavor.
XBB-NCB-BQW is my friend code.
If anyone is willing to help me save a couple dollars please add me. I have about 15 slots open atm.
I have spent over 10k usd to get a bkal+ and still not gotten any. So pls tell me u spent more than that to justify spending more than its worth.
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