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04-09-2013, 08:46 AM
MT’s Camper/Boss Killer Guide:

Emcee as nice enough to provide a camper guide a couple years ago (http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?13829-Tortoise-guide-for-newbies.-Slow-and-steady). I’ve been moving through the game at a fairly slow pace and have gotten over 1Mil IPH, over 100k ATK/DEF at level 88. I have also started a new camper account to facilitate a complete updated turtle/camper walkthrough.

In my opinion, at the moment, the greatest way to create a high powered player is through the Epic Boss Event. To me, if you’re starting an account, this should be your focus and, with my new account, is my focus as well. Everything I’m doing is working toward making a Boss Killer.

With that said, your first goal needs to be to figure out how you’re going to take down the Tier #1 Boss. In order to take down that boss for free, you are going to need approximately 8,500 attack (more on this later). Note that the epic boss events do not allow you to use any syndicate bonuses, so this has to be your RAW attack.

So here goes:

Brand new account:
Of course, pick Tycoon class to begin.

Buy every cash building available to you, starting with those which provide the highest $ gain/day/upgrade hour. Use itzkakarot’s spreadsheet (he keeps the updated version in his signature, but here’s the current link for his latest post on it right now http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?50405-Update-to-Hood-Planner-Sheet-now-with-Stacking-Bonus-Calculator). If you don’t want to waste your time using spreadsheets, a general rule is most buildings are optimal around level 5, so work on getting most of your buildings to there, but you really want to focus on your Movie Theater (MT) and Lofts, the rest should be used as fillers until you can save the required funds for them. Use Tapjoy to get (2) basketball courts and (2) ice cream shops. Don’t buy any other gold buildings at low levels.

Upgrade all of your buildings to raise the most $/day based on how often YOU plan on checking the account. Do not attack or raid ANYBODY. Just sit back, hit scratchers, and build your economy. Keep your ally count low, only popping it up as needed to acquire Italian Restaurant, Movie Theater, Lofts, and eventually, Nightclubs. Use www.crimecitymafiacodes.com and the Funzio forum to keep a full log of pending requests. For some reason, I still get attacked several times a day (thanks a lot Henchmen) and all of my successful defending causes you to level up as you get 2 XP per defense win, but I believe that it helps.

Buy your expansions as necessary. Try to keep open space for the next building you plan to build well in advance so that you don’t need to wait on an expansion, as this will cause you unnecessary delays. The Movie Theater, Lofts, and Nightclubs are larger than the other buildings you’ve got, so be prepared for them. Check allies for more of an idea if you’re unfamiliar.

When you do level up, place your skill points in either attack or defense for now. Once you’re past the point where you can take down bosses, I recommend you stop putting them into attack and defense, as they won’t provide a whole lot of points comparatively [if you’re interested, the forumula is supposedly (Level x .09 + 1) x skill points)]. The strategy I have been using now is to work on getting my stamina and energy to the point where I can get 6-8 hours rest between using them. I won’t use them for a long time, but I want them when I’m done camping later on for farming (this means going to maps and acquiring items) and PVP (player vs. player – attacking others). I don’t like putting skill points into defense because you can always buy defense buildings, but you can never buy attack buildings, so it’s a waste to me. I would place them in attack until you pass level 25, then work on your stamina and energy.

At low levels, I don’t see the need for defense buildings. Scratchers will provide you enough defense to fend off attackers. Once you’re able to get the Gatling Turret (Level 47), build a bunch of those and the defense buildings above them. Don’t worry about upgrading them, as you don’t get full value out of each defense building level upgrade (you only get 50% of the promised UPGRADE defense points). If you have nothing else to upgrade much later on, you can upgrade them, but don’t go above Level 3.

I also do not do any banking of my money. Since most likely the only people who can take my money are camping as well, the people who do attack/rob me are failing. If somebody finds you and starts targeting you or you’re just losing attacks regularly, then you should bank your money. Otherwise, keep the 10%.

You’ll inherently get some respect points early on, but it’s best to save these until right before you attempt your first boss and use them toward whatever gets you the highest gain. Once you're boss hunting, you can just save your respect items until later on when better items open up for you.

Keep using Tapjoy as much as possible to build a gold cache. You’ll need this later on.

Epic Boss
So far, I’ve been giving tips on building yourself up toward one goal: you want to be able to take down the final Epic Boss. I don’t recommend participating in any events until you can take down the final boss. This may be very difficult to do, so you’re welcome to throw in some here and there if you feel lucky. Ideally, you want to get to a point where you can finish Boss #40, THEN start the boss event. When you're ready, you'll need to max your ally count for your level (5 allies for each level) to maximize your attacking power.

Read Billionaire's Epic Boss Guide before proceeding as well http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?47322-The-Billionaires-Guide-to-Boss-Events&highlight=epic+boss.

I mentioned earlier that you need stats of approximately 8,500 to take down the Tier 1 (Level 10-25) Epic Boss for free. Here’s a little tip – you can do it with only 5,500 for about 150 gold and this doesn’t take into account the items you’ll gain along the way. Download my calculator to analyze your boss event - http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?49188-Epic-Boss-Calculator-Brought-to-You-by-SAS&highlight=epic+boss.

If you have enough Tapjoy gold saved up or are willing to drop a little cash into your character, you can target starting your first Epic Boss at around 5,000 attack or even slightly lower. Ideally, you would do this at Level 10 when the boss first becomes available to you. I believe if you start your Epic Bosses at Level 10, you’ll get three separate bosses in before you move into the next tier. If you were to complete three Epic Bosses before you enter the 2nd Tier of bosses (starts at Level 26), you should easily have 28k stats required to defeat the 2nd Tier Boss (Level 26 to Level 50).

Level 26 and the Future
At this point, just keep doing what you’re doing. Once you enter Tier 2, I think you’re safe to participate in other events, but don’t go crazy. Don’t perform missions and only rob Laundromats and other low XP buildings (like T-Shirt stands, etc.) if you want to trigger the bosses or get Cases to drop for collect 10 or 20 events. Build your economy with your goal to get Nightclubs as soon as possible. Focus on upgrading your longer and higher payout buildings, such as MT, Lofts, Playhouse, Wholesale Warehouse, etc. when they become available. Eventually, you’ll get to the point where you’ll want to start finishing the Thug Life (TL) goals, so if you are attacking, make sure the person you’re hitting meets the criteria of your current goal.

It’s possible this method may bore you too much to play this way. It’s tedious and requires a lot of patience. Feel free to use some hybrid method that’s more entertaining to you. If you’ve got two devices, play a main device at a faster pace and use your camper account to just build up a future beast.

Regarding syndicates, I recommend you get involved in a camping syndicate that won’t require you to participate in events at first. You’ll want the 25% building output bonus. Once you’ve established your player, feel free to get into a higher level group to take advantage of the some of the bonuses if you desire, but keep in mind, this will require you to level up, so I don’t recommend you do this until you’re comfortable with your current status.

Wrap Up
I may have belabored some items to make them clear to a new player and I may have been too technical for some new players, but I’ve tried to make this guide as universal as possible and hope that it’s a help to you.

Please send me a PM or reply to this message if you have any questions or suggestions. I will continue to edit this post as I think of new things, because I mostly just typed through all this as I thought of it, so it may be overwhelming or wandering at times.

04-09-2013, 08:46 AM
I'm going to use this spot to link users to other beginner guides that I believe you'll find useful:

To start, you may need to read Ram's glossary, which will provide you with an understanding of the game and its terms:

Best of the best guides (includes a lot of the below items):

What are respect points and what are they good for?:

Sal The Stockbroker
04-09-2013, 09:00 AM

04-09-2013, 09:18 AM
Wow... that cat is long!

04-09-2013, 09:39 AM
Basketball Courts and Ice Cream shops are a terrible investment, even in the beginning stages. There's no rush to get a huge IPH since most of your stats will come from scratchers (as well as a lot of your early cash)....no reason to waste gold on them. Most buildings are NOT optimal at level 5, and not all buildings are created equal. There are plenty you can skip. House and Tattoo Parlors should go to 10 while youre bringing your Italians to 7 or 8. By the time you plant a MT those are just about the only 3-4 buildings you need. After you get your lofts up, you can ditch the tattos and the houses. After your NC1 is as L2 you can sell off everything except the MTs and Lofts, if you want.

Skill points in ATK and DEF is awful advice. Your formula is also off by a factor of 10; it also maxes out at 10. For a level 10, if they put all skill points into ATK it will only have raised their stats by 51 points. That's a couple days worth of scratchers. Keep your skill points for energy and stamina - which actually do something.

Ride Jib
04-09-2013, 09:45 AM
Interesting guide. I'm too far invested in the game for this to be useful for me.

Is there a point at which you recommend churning lower level money buildings for their realestate for higher end buildings, or do you say to always do hood expansions for more real estate?

04-09-2013, 09:49 AM
Of course, putting skill points into energy and stamina that you NEVER PLAN ON USING also seems like bad advice for campers. I made an alt account a while ago to test out how easy boss events are for new players (answer: waaaaay too easy), and I just haven't used any of my skill points. There's really no point to it.

04-09-2013, 09:50 AM
Of course, putting skill points into energy and stamina that you NEVER PLAN ON USING also seems like bad advice for campers. I made an alt account a while ago to test out how easy boss events are for new players (answer: waaaaay too easy), and I just haven't used any of my skill points. There's really no point to it.Thats a good point. For most users, their campers activate for one reason or another (I think?). I can see the option to never allocate skill points could be a point of pride.

04-09-2013, 10:17 AM
Interesting guide. I'm too far invested in the game for this to be useful for me.

Is there a point at which you recommend churning lower level money buildings for their realestate for higher end buildings, or do you say to always do hood expansions for more real estate?

I think a lot of it depends on your preference, your income, and what level your buildings are. I know a lot of high income players that still keep around their lower level buildings. Personally, I analyze how much each building is bringing me each day. If it's a very small portion of my income, then I'll get rid of it. For the most part, you should be able to expand faster than new buildings are becoming available to you, so I wouldn't sell them off until your Nightclubs are dominating your economy. I know I kind of skirted the question, but it's tough to give a fully encompassing answer.

04-09-2013, 10:37 AM
Basketball Courts and Ice Cream shops are a terrible investment, even in the beginning stages. There's no rush to get a huge IPH since most of your stats will come from scratchers (as well as a lot of your early cash)....no reason to waste gold on them. Most buildings are NOT optimal at level 5, and not all buildings are created equal. There are plenty you can skip. House and Tattoo Parlors should go to 10 while youre bringing your Italians to 7 or 8. By the time you plant a MT those are just about the only 3-4 buildings you need. After you get your lofts up, you can ditch the tattos and the houses. After your NC1 is as L2 you can sell off everything except the MTs and Lofts, if you want.

I disagree with your assessment of BBall and Ice Cream - I think it's the best use of the minimal gold required to acquire them. The GFI (Thanks to Ram - http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?33363-ROI-is-dead.-Long-live-GFI&highlight=long+live) on those buildings and upgrades is phenomenal.

I also think you should keep every building you can and use itz's spreadsheet to figure out what's the best item to upgrade. Your assessment ignores collection rates - taking a House to L10 has a terrible ROI, $/gain/upgrade hr, and GFI metric. Considering you'll be spending months below Level 25 using this plan, you're better off with every building available. If you ignore all the others, you'll delay your economy and ultimately your NCs.

Skill points in ATK and DEF is awful advice. Your formula is also off by a factor of 10; it also maxes out at 10. For a level 10, if they put all skill points into ATK it will only have raised their stats by 51 points. That's a couple days worth of scratchers. Keep your skill points for energy and stamina - which actually do something.

Thanks, I didn't notice my skillpoint typo, but it should be fixed now.

Considering the skillpoints to get to level 10 (or Level 25 is really where I recommend you start applying them elsewhere) are minimal in the grand scheme, those 51 points (or 234) will be better than nothing. I did mention that I don't think they're useful in defense and that they're better off going toward stamina and energy down the road, as that's when you'll need them. Nobody needs to allocate ALL of your skill points toward stamina and energy and if you're going to use them at ATK/DEF at some point, I recommmend it to be done early.

Thanks for your suggestions, I'm sure people will find them useful.

04-09-2013, 11:37 AM
I disagree with your assessment of BBall and Ice Cream - I think it's the best use of the minimal gold required to acquire them. The GFI (Thanks to Ram - http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?33363-ROI-is-dead.-Long-live-GFI&highlight=long+live) on those buildings and upgrades is phenomenal.

I also think you should keep every building you can and use itz's spreadsheet to figure out what's the best item to upgrade. Your assessment ignores collection rates - taking a House to L10 has a terrible ROI, $/gain/upgrade hr, and GFI metric. Considering you'll be spending months below Level 25 using this plan, you're better off with every building available. If you ignore all the others, you'll delay your economy and ultimately your NCs.Remember that ROI, $/hr/hr and GFI are just tools. They don't fully account for cash on hand, opportunity cost, space, play style, and timing. The extra couple days you save due to having a basketball court or ice cream shop is very little in the overall scheme of things. Since they're super short upgrades and very low cost they very much skew towards appearing like good investments. An NPV calculation, which you didn't mention, would reveal them to be poor. Also, remember that GFI is dynamic, as your IPH changes the calculation does, as well. The calculation works for one specific upgrade at one point in time.

So, I'd trade the gold required and the decorations for a few less bucks. Keep focused on scratchers that you'll need before the your stats get up to 7.5K. On my camper, without buying weapons and focusing only on type A buildings, I reached 7.5K stats in 110 days with an IPH of $61.6K.

There's no reason to needlessly waste TJ gold, especially if you're a free player. I think sometimes its hard for big spenders to appreciate the preciousness because they're desensitized to it, and dont always account for the limited nature of it.

04-09-2013, 11:40 AM
I wish I would've seen this when I first started. I made it to level 40 and have slowed down because I want to get stronger and richer...

04-09-2013, 03:13 PM
Remember that ROI, $/hr/hr and GFI are just tools. They don't fully account for cash on hand, opportunity cost, space, play style, and timing.

There's no reason to needlessly waste TJ gold, especially if you're a free player. I think sometimes its hard for big spenders to appreciate the preciousness because they're desensitized to it, and dont always account for the limited nature of it.

I used my new camper account as the basis for my GFI, so I still believe that they're good investments. They can be procured using a day's worth of TJ downloads. I say go for them since there's not much else to drop your TJ gold on, you say no. Different strokes.

04-09-2013, 05:44 PM
I used my new camper account as the basis for my GFI, so I still believe that they're good investments. They can be procured using a day's worth of TJ downloads. I say go for them since there's not much else to drop your TJ gold on, you say no. Different strokes.At level 10, in terms of real income per day (6 collections on the 3hr, 2 collections on the 12), that's only an extra $7,476 / hr. That would only have been about 12% of what you could have by focusing only on Type A buildings.

By the time my NC2 went up that would amount to less than 3% of my IPD.

In fact, in a vacuum, over the entire 110 days the Ice Cream and Basketballs would have only output about $14.5M...or about 36% of the initial cost of a NC. Those 4 buildings, over that entire time, amount to what 2 Loft 5 and 2 Movie Theater 7's (what I recommend prior to the NC build) make in 10 days.

Just because it doesn't look like it costs a lot doesn't mean it's a good deal. Just looking at that last example should tell you what you need to know about ROI, $/hr/hr and GFI - they are interesting numbers, but being able to interpret them is much more important.

04-09-2013, 05:52 PM
I suppose you should just sit around and wait for your movie theaters to upgrade and don't do anything else then. I'd be interested to see the same comparison done by you on Houses and Tattoo Parlors.

I'm also eager to see your walk through for new players as well, once you're done poo pooing mine. I appreciate your and all input, but it seems as if you're more interested in derogation than constructive input.

04-09-2013, 07:00 PM
Why not just buy all available buildings and upgrade all to level 10? Makes no sense why you wouldn't. I mean, I've got all available cash buildings to me at level 5/6 (except the loft) and am working on upgrading them to level 10...why not?

bald zeemer
04-09-2013, 07:53 PM
Because upgrade time is the most valuable and limited resource in the game. If at all possible all upgrade time should be focussed on buildings you want to keep long term.

So, Italians, lofts, MTs.

04-09-2013, 08:00 PM
Why not just buy all available buildings and upgrade all to level 10? Makes no sense why you wouldn't. I mean, I've got all available cash buildings to me at level 5/6 (except the loft) and am working on upgrading them to level 10...why not?

Well, it comes down to a few things. For one, it would take you forever to upgrade EVERY building to Level 10. In reality, by the time you get most of them into the higher levels, you'll want to focus your TIME on Lofts, Nightclubs, and the other higher output buildings. At a certain point, the lower level buildings won't be worth your time to upgrade, even if they're cheap to do so.

The question just becomes which buildings you upgrade first and at which point do you stop with the lower buildings.

04-09-2013, 08:19 PM
Great job MT!
Glad you are one of us

04-09-2013, 08:49 PM
Lot's of good points brought up, but this is my take on this.

I usually tell someone who just made a new account, to increase mafia and to try to build a MT as soon as possible, then a loft. But in the process of saving up for it, they should start building all the Type A Buildings, then upgrading everything up till 6 while focusing on upgrading the House, T-Shirt Stand to lvl 10 while they are saving up for the upgrades on the MT's and Lofts.

Once your MT's and Loft's are built, You can start building Type B buildings with bases above 1k

If you look at my hood, it's pretty much how MXZ described what buildings are essential in the beginning stages of camping, which seems to be what most experienced campers usually have.

04-09-2013, 09:08 PM
I'm also eager to see your walk through for new players as wellI thought you'd never ask.

04-09-2013, 09:16 PM
I'm also eager to see your walk through for new players as wellhttp://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?50299-Holding-support-s-hand-how-to-help-support-help-you

04-09-2013, 09:26 PM
Good points guys. I do want to reiterate, my focus in this guide and my opinion of strategy revolves around bosses. The economy side is mostly second to me, because I think if you set yourself up early as a boss killer, the rest will fall into place and truthfully won't be relevant until much further on.

I know this has turned into a large economy discussion based on some individuals' interests. Mine are that you focus on your bosses.

04-09-2013, 09:27 PM

You probably didn't need to go this far man... lol

04-09-2013, 09:31 PM
Good points guys. I do want to reiterate, my focus in this guide and my opinion of strategy revolves around bosses. The economy side is mostly second to me, because I think if you set yourself up early as a boss killer, the rest will fall into place and truthfully won't be relevant until much further on.

I know this has turned into a large economy discussion based on some individuals' interests. Mine are that you focus on your bosses.

Sorry man, but in order to be a boss killer and still be a free player, you need a good economy and planning. Or you can take the sure fire easy way, and invest in hundreds of vaults of gold... >.>...

bald zeemer
04-09-2013, 09:31 PM
There are mafia-size based weapons that you can unlock from lvl 2. A strong economy allows you to stock up on these, making boss-killing that much easier.

04-09-2013, 09:32 PM
Good points guys. I do want to reiterate, my focus in this guide and my opinion of strategy revolves around bosses. The economy side is mostly second to me, because I think if you set yourself up early as a boss killer, the rest will fall into place and truthfully won't be relevant until much further on.

I know this has turned into a large economy discussion based on some individuals' interests. Mine are that you focus on your bosses.

Nice job Matt :)

I have a boss-based hood and understand exactly what you are talking about!

I am very happy to be part of this awesome syndicate!

04-09-2013, 09:37 PM
I'd like to publicly thank Mxz for all he has done for the various Gree games. You can use his links above to find out a bunch of info on various Gree games and items within those games. None of them address in detail what I've done in this thread, so I hope it's useful to others in different ways than they are.

If you need to reach Mxz, please see his contact above, or find any post from an SAS member and he'll be trolling it because who knows why.

I truthfully don't know why he has decided to troll this one, but I honestly hope it helps people and I had no intention for it being his sounding board of minute details and do not wish to feed him any longer, as I've tried to avoid thus far.

If anybody else has any questions of which I can be of assistance, I ask that you post them here as others have done and I will answer them to the best of MY ability. I've tried to compile everything that I wish somebody would have told me when I started.

04-09-2013, 09:40 PM
Sorry man, but in order to be a boss killer and still be a free player, you need a good economy and planning. Or you can take the sure fire easy way, and invest in hundreds of vaults of gold... >.>...

I'm actually going to disagree with this. I took down many bosses and Peppers has too without spending any gold. I'm not what you would consider a heavy gold spender. Mxz also mentioned in an earlier post the same strategy I'm insisting upon. Once you get enough scratchers to beat 1 boss, the rest will steamroll if you follow this strategy. The first boss is the key though. The rest after that will be free.

04-09-2013, 09:47 PM
Nice thread MT. I haven't had the time to update my guides. It's good to see a lively discussion on the subject elsewhere.

04-09-2013, 09:47 PM
I'd really appreciate turning the thread back into what the intent of it was. I spent a lot of time putting it together to try to help people based on my experience. If you have something to add to that or a question along those lines, I'd appreciate we keep it to that.

04-09-2013, 09:49 PM
Nice thread MT. I haven't had the time to update my guides. It's good to see a lively discussion on the subject elsewhere.

Thanks for your original thread emcee. I keep it saved in my favorites and refer back to it regularly even still. I also had it open as I typed up my own guide.

04-09-2013, 09:51 PM

Sorry to venture off topic here, but mxz, we know so much about mxz the crime city player... what can you tell us about mxz the person. What is your day to day life like? How would you rate your personal sense of happiness on a scale of 1 to 10, and where was it 5 years ago?

04-09-2013, 10:11 PM
This is an excellent guide MT, and is pretty much what I've stuck to as a camper. For anyone reading: I can guarantee that you'll be quite competitive within your bracket, even as a free player, if you follow these guidelines.

I did it a little bit differently myself, focusing only on defense buildings, scratcher prizes and maximizing Defense when I first began. I dropped my first 20 points into Defense to allow me to maintain a perfect W/L record for more than 6 months straight (Not a smart move by any means, I just wanted to :cool:). After losing my first battle to someone with a maxed amount of the new Respect explosives, I began slowly leveling - Doing Boss Events, Collect 10, and Syndicate Wars). I took my Energy up to about 500, and am currently investing everything else into Stamina for Collect 10 events and PvP Wars. Looking back I could've spent better, but my build keeps me entertained, which is the only thing that really matters.

I don't have the best stats per se, because I spend very little out-of-pocket Gold on this game (When I do spend though, I like to make it count). But for being primarily a Tapjoy player, I've managed to place rather nicely within my bracket.

04-09-2013, 11:40 PM
I'm actually going to disagree with this. I took down many bosses and Peppers has too without spending any gold. I'm not what you would consider a heavy gold spender. Mxz also mentioned in an earlier post the same strategy I'm insisting upon. Once you get enough scratchers to beat 1 boss, the rest will steamroll if you follow this strategy. The first boss is the key though. The rest after that will be free.

I guess I'm talking through my experience on what I did on both my accounts, which was camping way before scratchers even started. But I still believe warehouses and basketball courts is not needed, just solely for the huge space it requires. And at the lower levels, space is at a premium.

And I do remember cursing at myself on my oldest account, when I ran out of space due to having 2 warehouses...

04-10-2013, 06:38 AM
I can understand the point if only upgrading what you'll need in the future, however, if I'm at level 6 and saving for a loft or another MT upgrade and it's benificial to upgrade and loss the income for 24 hours while I
Upgrade because in 48 hours I will have made that plus some back, then why not?
The way I'm looking at it is that in order for me to upgrade a MT to level 3 or 4 (one is level 3 and one is level 2), I'd have to save for about 28 hours or 43 hours. If I chance that and take two oter buildings during those wait periods and upgrade them so that something is always upgrading, the wait time in the future is shortened. I have no more buildings I can build. I have every building (minus defense and gold) for a level 6. So why not upgrade while I sit and wait for the money to be able to upgrade my MT as I am no where close to building a loft... (74 hour saving time plus saving for a hood expansion at $50,000 - which would be made off one more MT collection or 100 collections of both laundrymats.

bald zeemer
04-10-2013, 06:45 AM
So your italians are already fully upgraded?

Personally I've got 1 ice cream, and I've designated houses as my non-optimal upgrade buildings, so while I wait for key upgrades they get upgraded. Should have MTs at a point where further upgrading should all be long-term by the time they're all at 10.

04-10-2013, 06:56 AM
So your italians are already fully upgraded?

Personally I've got 1 ice cream, and I've designated houses as my non-optimal upgrade buildings, so while I wait for key upgrades they get upgraded. Should have MTs at a point where further upgrading should all be long-term by the time they're all at 10.

My Italians are at level 3. They are being upgraded in my down time of MT upgrades. That's my point though. Why not upgrade them and everything else while I'm saving for MT upgrades?

bald zeemer
04-10-2013, 07:09 AM
Italians are long(ish) term buildings.
General idea is LMs to pay for italians, italians to pay for MTs, MTs to pay for Lofts, Lofts to pay for NCs.
Upgrade focus is always the highest of these you have down, then move down the chain as required in order to save for that upgrade.
Avoid all upgrading outside this if possible. And if you do upgrade outside this, focus on a building set you'll hold onto for a bit longer.

Broad-based upgrading isn't going to do you any favours.

Yes, once you have NCs up and humming a good argument can be made that you only need to hang onto the lofts, but IMO that's overkill. Expansions enough to fit in these buildings and the other end-game buildings (which are a very, very long way off) aren't expensive. Hang onto the key "chain" of buildings all the way through (LMs potentially excluded - they're handy if you have to bank and have hourly opens, boss attacks etc).

Then if you want the decoration buildings make the decision on whether further expansions are worth your while.

04-10-2013, 07:21 AM
I'd like to publicly thank Mxz for all he has done for the various Gree games. You can use his links above to find out a bunch of info on various Gree games and items within those games. None of them address in detail what I've done in this thread, so I hope it's useful to others in different ways than they are.

If you need to reach Mxz, please see his contact above, or find any post from an SAS member and he'll be trolling it because who knows why.

I truthfully don't know why he has decided to troll this one, but I honestly hope it helps people and I had no intention for it being his sounding board of minute details and do not wish to feed him any longer, as I've tried to avoid this far.

If anybody else has any questions of which I can be of assistance, I ask that you post them here as others have done and I will answer them to the best of MY ability. I've tried to compile everything that I wish somebody would have told me when I started.

Nothing like an epeen battle based off of mobile app game stats.

04-10-2013, 08:07 AM
Well, for the whole dispute on developing an economy ...

My solution is this:

If you want the buildings, then build them.

Being a camper myself, I started off with Basketball Courts and Ice Cream Shops as well. My courts are both at level 10 now and I still have them both to this day. Do they take up a boatload of space? Yes. Are they the most effective buildings in my hood? Heaven's no. But I like them, and right now I enjoy having the double 10 buildings at the front of my hood. That's not to say that they might not get removed one day, but if I like them now, I'm keeping them. Plain and simple.

I thoroughly appreciate economic analysis, but it should really boil down to finding what you enjoy, and building an economy that works best for you. Your actual in-game play-time and collection cycles should be one of the biggest factors considered.

If you're not a very active player, then focusing on building up your Laundromat's is going to pretty much be a waste in the long run. You'll maybe collect them 2-3 times a day, far from being a worthwhile investment (Although they are excellent to initially get you going). Similarly speaking, if you're only able to collect on your Italian Restaurants once per day, then you're missing out on most of their benefits.

For people who only log in once or twice a day, I would strongly disagree with developing hoods that focus on buildings that produce cash quickly. Now you can use those buildings at first to help get the financial ball rolling, but don't really focus on developing them past anything reasonable (Perhaps level 4-7). You really won't be using them at all once you get your collection cycles running. Anything that generates cash in under 8-12 hours is pretty much going to be sitting in your hood all day, going uncollected. For any player, I would suggest looking at how many times you can realistically collect a building each day, and then focusing primarily on building up those buildings that will be the most effective for you.

For a newer player who is only on once or twice a day, having all of your 12/24/48 buildings built up is a much better focus. So Basketball Courts, Houses, Pawn Shops, Tattoo Parlors, Gun Shops, etc., should be the primary focus, with faster-producing buildings being the "secondary" upgrades as you get the chance (Ice Cream Shops, Laundromats, Italian Restaurants, etc).

Then you basically just keep up that routine until you can buy your first Movie Theater. Once you hit this point your MT upgrades become your primary focus. Everything else becomes secondary. Rinse and repeat until you can buy your first Loft. Same thing happens again until you can get your first Nightclub. And once you get your first Nightclub ... Well, by then cash won't even be a problem anymore ;)

04-10-2013, 08:32 AM
Quality guide MT!

Been thinking of starting a camper for a while now, will definitely be following this guide when I get round to it.

04-10-2013, 09:25 AM
I truthfully don't know why he has decided to troll this one, but I honestly hope it helps people and I had no intention for it being his sounding board of minute details and do not wish to feed him any longer, as I've tried to avoid this far. I apologize if my peer review offended you in any way.

Part of publishing these types of things is adapting and tweaking them. It's impossible to be the foremost expert on every topic - there's nothing wrong with taking other people's suggestions and learning from their math.

If you wanted to write an autobiography of your camper account, that would have been fine, and I probably wouldn't have even read it. However, when presented as an end-all-be-all guide to growing a camper, you probably should have expected some differing opinions. The fact is - your main dispute with my points, backed up by math and reasoning, had more to do with how little I've helped the community. I don't think I ever saw Tramp Stamp, itz, WF, jimmyshines, allhail, Ramshutu, emcee, Dreno and all the other pioneers of the game (whine) and moan about being peer reviewed so much. My advice...let it go. If you disagree with me, use math not character assassinations.

Tommy Two Toes
04-10-2013, 09:34 AM
If you're not a very active player, then focusing on building up your Laundromat's is going to pretty much be a waste in the long run. You'll maybe collect them 2-3 times a day, far from being a worthwhile investment (Although they are excellent to initially get you going). Similarly speaking, if you're only able to collect on your Italian Restaurants once per day, then you're missing out on most of their benefits.

For me it was quite the opposite. When I first started playing, I rarely missed collections during daytime hours, even Laundromats, so they were valuable upgrades, along with my Italian Restaurants. Now, I log in less, but it like finding a thousand dollar bill on the floor to collect my Laundromats, so I do it, and I feel no need to replace them (yet).

As to hood planning, like you, I think the most important part is to figure out how often you will collect from a building, and modify the IPH Gain accordingly.

For instance, I expect to collect from a T-Shirt Stand once per day, which means my Realistic Collectible IPH (RCIPH?) is 75% of my IPH.

As a real-world example, two of my choices for upgrade include an L4 T-Shirt Stand and an L8 Basketball court. I prefer to upgrade whichever building will give me the highest RCIPH/Upgrade time.

Since L4->L5 T-Shirt will give me a RCIPH gain of ($10.00*.75)/per Upgrade hour (or $7.50/Hr/Hr), and an L9 Basketball court upgrade will give me $3.32/Hr/Hr, it’s a no-brainer to me, that the T-Shirt Stand will get the upgrade first.

Obviously, some people will collect Italians once a day, and others will collect 6 times per day, so mileage varies.

04-10-2013, 10:02 AM
This is a good summary. It could benefit from linking in more of the detailed and more comprehensives threads about economy, build choices, bracketing, respect, bosses (although I think you linked this one), camping, syndicates etc posted by various other people for more in depth and "explained from first principles" information. There is simply too much info about the camping an economy game out there to really cover everything!

it maybe worth including the glossary I posted in case some of this goes over people's heads. I feel, somewhat that this is a good summary for those who know a little bit about the game, but someone who is brand new maybe a bit lost in some areas.

04-10-2013, 10:43 AM
This is a good summary. It could benefit from linking in more of the detailed and more comprehensives threads about economy, build choices, bracketing, respect, bosses (although I think you linked this one), camping, syndicates etc posted by various other people for more in depth and "explained from first principles" information. There is simply too much info about the camping an economy game out there to really cover everything!

it maybe worth including the glossary I posted in case some of this goes over people's heads. I feel, somewhat that this is a good summary for those who know a little bit about the game, but someone who is brand new maybe a bit lost in some areas.

Thanks Ram - I'll continue to tweak it and link in some of the more in-depth discussions that others have covered in detail, that's a good suggestion. I tried to trim it down to make it not TOO long, even though it already is pretty long. Linking them toward helpful articles would be a good way to accomplish this if they want to get more in depth with it.

I'll use my saved reply and link to them...

05-02-2013, 05:12 PM
I just wonder what is the maximum number of boss events you're able to participate in while camping in tier 1, 2 and 3? I'm talking about the situation when you only participate in boss events and build your atk stats, so only bosses net you xp. Basically how many xp do bosses give you?

05-02-2013, 09:00 PM
I just wonder what is the maximum number of boss events you're able to participate in while camping in tier 1, 2 and 3? I'm talking about the situation when you only participate in boss events and build your atk stats, so only bosses net you xp. Basically how many xp do bosses give you?
There's a guide that tells you. I'm fairly certain that if you start at level 10, you can get 3 full boss events in on the first tier

05-03-2013, 03:45 AM
I just wonder what is the maximum number of boss events you're able to participate in while camping in tier 1, 2 and 3? I'm talking about the situation when you only participate in boss events and build your atk stats, so only bosses net you xp. Basically how many xp do bosses give you?

The most I have heard of completing in Tier 1 is 3 boss events, but it requires some serious dedication or a couple vaults of gold. I'm not sure about Tier 2, but if you beat 3 in tier 1, you'll be taking down A LOT of bosses in Tier 2 and 3.

One thing to keep in mind is the final bosses may be going up to 50 soon like MW. In this case, we may have to revisit the strategy and numbers slightly.

05-03-2013, 02:57 PM
Good post, BTTT

05-03-2013, 03:32 PM
Thank you Matt for posting something valuable that contributes to the forum - a pleasant change from the usual trollery, hack complaints, gree complaints and so on. And also, I like the ice cream shops - for newbies the 3 hour collection time means there is something to do more often early on and they look ok too - I've still got my two even though they now barely contribute anything to my economy.

Sir Chief
06-25-2013, 07:46 PM
Good sound of advice..could you Add all 4 in "1 player " accepts in an hour 488 804 846 , 186 202 901, 480 743 199, 968 862 179 , low level camper,thanks Matt.

08-21-2013, 11:39 AM
Enjoyed reading all the posts above and would like to point to one missing statistics that I think is very important for a camper. I think the Table listing XP for each level would be extremely useful in guiding a camper through certain events, such as LTQs. For my camper I set an objective of 4k att/def gain per level as an absolute minimum with the average goal of 6k per level. Thus, when I look at an LTQ i calculate the total weapon att/def gain in going to a certain level as well as the total xp gain and stop when xp gain exceed my target for stats gain. Unfortunately CC only gives the number of xp needed to reach the new level while I would like to know the XP of the next level as well. Anyone aware of the table listing xp per level? Would appreciate a link.

08-21-2013, 12:12 PM
Enjoyed reading all the posts above and would like to point to one missing statistics that I think is very important for a camper. I think the Table listing XP for each level would be extremely useful in guiding a camper through certain events, such as LTQs. For my camper I set an objective of 4k att/def gain per level as an absolute minimum with the average goal of 6k per level. Thus, when I look at an LTQ i calculate the total weapon att/def gain in going to a certain level as well as the total xp gain and stop when xp gain exceed my target for stats gain. Unfortunately CC only gives the number of xp needed to reach the new level while I would like to know the XP of the next level as well. Anyone aware of the table listing xp per level? Would appreciate a link.a nice, small necro.

08-30-2013, 09:16 AM
My mini is:

Lvl 3
IPH: $8k
Def: 2k
Bank: $400k
Mafia: 30
Do I just save for Loft? Or are MT's worth it? Id like to afford an LTB before lvl20. Join a camper Syndicate?

09-15-2013, 03:15 PM
you can now add your code to this page (much more people will see it cause its newer)


TBC Ghost
09-18-2013, 08:18 PM
Basketball Courts and Ice Cream shops are a terrible investment, even in the beginning stages. There's no rush to get a huge IPH since most of your stats will come from scratchers (as well as a lot of your early cash)....no reason to waste gold on them. Most buildings are NOT optimal at level 5, and not all buildings are created equal. There are plenty you can skip. House and Tattoo Parlors should go to 10 while youre bringing your Italians to 7 or 8. By the time you plant a MT those are just about the only 3-4 buildings you need. After you get your lofts up, you can ditch the tattos and the houses. After your NC1 is as L2 you can sell off everything except the MTs and Lofts, if you want.

Skill points in ATK and DEF is awful advice. Your formula is also off by a factor of 10; it also maxes out at 10. For a level 10, if they put all skill points into ATK it will only have raised their stats by 51 points. That's a couple days worth of scratchers. Keep your skill points for energy and stamina - which actually do something.

Basketball courts and ice cream shops are worth it in the beginning. ANY building is important early on. I am level 1 $145k iph. 2 clubs. I got those by getting those 2 buildings to 10 ASAP then MT to 4 then loft to 5 then club. Saving for second club upgrade. I will have the highest iph in the game by level. I agree about skill points going to energy or stamina with the new events coming out it really helps. Good luck campers!