View Full Version : must read for CJ and ALL forum vets - the confusion and lies inside Gree!!

04-03-2013, 05:01 PM
Dear CJ and all MW players that read this,

My faction and myself have sent countless tickets on an issue since Brazil(January). We were undeniably not given approximately 87,000 WD points due to Gree miscalculations which SHOULD have given our faction top 100 in Brazil. CJ, I have seen your responses that go unanswered for weeks and when I contact you again with yet another ticket asking for a reply, within 20 minutes I get an email saying "Gree engineers did not miscalculate point totals". sounded very "canned" then as is evidenced below...

Here is the part that upsets all of my faction... Another member sent the same ticket, same screenshots as I did with UNDENIABLE proof that we were not given approximately 87k points and therefore top 100 in Brazil. This member was replied to by "Mike" at Gree and AWARDED the A2 stiletto and Mike apologized for the miscalculation. I sent the actual email from Mike at Gree to you CJ and anyone else at Gree. 4 weeks later, no reply!

CJ, I have sent tickets in game, via regular email, 2 PMs to your account here (un read and un replied to). Seriously CJ! ? What does it take to fix this mess in Brazil? So now I am calling you out on the forum to fix this!

How many battles, wars etc have we lost points and been at an unfair advantage for not being credited with the A2? Listen, I have used every possible avenue to get this CORRECTED! But you dear CJ stay silent. Yet Mike at Gree recognized the issue and fixed it quickly for one member.

How can you possibly prove us otherwise when we have screenshots of every single battle in Brazil and showing incorrect point totals?? Obviously Mike at Gree can do simple math.

If you or anyone thinks I am crying over spilled milk, not the case. We just want what is right and fair- especially when real money was spent for what we know was a top 100 rank but not given it. Justice and fairness is what we want and demand now. This is not a boo hoo story. This is about fighting Gree for justice!

CJ, please fix this situation ASAP or refund all gold spent by my faction in Brazil.

Finally, will Gree block my IP address again due to complaints on this issue? I have dozens of Internet cafes, libraries, etc where I can post the forum from. And you Gree will not keep me quiet!

04-03-2013, 05:23 PM
Nor me...

Here is my open letter to CJ from several months ago, still unread and still unanswered, ban me too if you prefer to bury your mistakes

Open letter to East Coast Elite faction and MW community
Recipient Users: CJ54
01-30-2013 09:53 AM


Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2011Posts: 176

planned open letter to East Coast Elite faction and MW community

Dear CJ,

I am writing on behalf of the officers of our faction. As you will see from the letter below we are very upset about a number of issues at the moment, most importantly loss of points which cost us top 100 placement and lack of communication in response to tickets and forum posts on this issue. We have drafted an open letter we plan to send to our faction and to the MW community in general. We thought it only fair to give you the chance (again) to respond to the specific issues we raise before we make our concerns public.

kind regards

Dear ECE faction members,
I think you will all agree that the WD event has added a new dimension to the game that has the potential to make MW a much more fun and interactive game. We have all thoroughly enjoyed being part of ECE. However, as faction officers we think it is only fair that we highlight various issues that may affect whether and how our members decide to continue to play the game.
1. Final standings and prize allocation in Battle for Brazil for our faction are incorrect.
We have received prizes for the Battle for Brazil. It is pleasing that Gree have now allocated these prizes. However, these are according to a top 1000 placement. As you all know our correct points total was for a top 100 finish because points were deleted on two occasions (but restored only once). Screen shots for the majority of our battles were kept and show our mimimum final points tally to be at least 200,000 points higher than recorded at the end of the event. Our true correct points total will probably never be known but is higher still. The same problem has been reported by multiple other factions on the forum. Gree responded to and fixed the initial points loss, but has not responded to or fixed the subsequent points losses. They have not, despite requests, published points totals in their final winners list, nor published the points thresholds for different prize brackets.
2. Gold spends therefore did not affect prizes we received. Together we spent an estimated $500 - $1000 on gold for this event (depending on sale prices or not). If we had not spent any money we would have ended up in the same prize bracket due to the problem with lost points.
3. Other problems in WD game mechanics have affected our faction and other factions. These include battle screens stalling (in at least one of our battles), only being able to fire off 3 out of 4 shots per refill, not being able to see player battle stats.
4. We are unsure if faction boosts have any effect. Buying attack and defence faction boosts appear not to have changed player profile statistics. It is possible that these boosts represent wasted in-game cash.
5. Battle statistics are lower than boosted profile statistics. This has been confirmed by several players in our faction. Gree have provided no explanation for this as far as I am aware. In the absence of any explanation, these are some possibilities that cannot be excluded: the battle algorithms are wrong, certain boosts that show in profile do not affect battle results, or even that some boosts erroneously subtract rather than add to stats.
6. Battle for Brazil was the first run out of this new aspect of the game. CJ has posted saying this has involved a huge technical challenge for Gree. It is likely that Gree are now aware of the issues highlighted above (eg lost event points), but it is unknown whether those will be addressed in future because...
7. Communication from Gree has been near non-existent. Our faction has sent tickets to gree, and we have posted on various occasions on the web forum with specific and clear queries and messages directed at CJ. None of these have been answered or even acknowledged. Given this we can only assume that the problems experienced in Battle for Brazil will not be resolved, AND that if similar problems occur in future that they will NOT be addressed to our satisfaction in response to tickets etc.
Recommendation to faction members:
1. Each of you has to decide individually whether you wish to continue to invest time and/or money into Gree games under these circumstances.
2. In any case, do NOT use gold in the upcoming battle for Greenland. We are perfectly capable of achieving the same prize category as we were eventually awarded (when many of the extra points we paid real life money for were simply lost).
3. If the issues appear to be resolved (crucially no points losses) then we will reconsider our advice for battles after Greenland.


Just to reiterate... since January!!! ... our faction has done everything asked of us... sent tickets in the manner requested with screen shots showing that Gree messed up, tried to resolve this amicably and quietly, and gree has responded saying 'yes we were wrong we miscalculated things you did finish top 100' to an ex-member and awarded the appropriate unit whilst at the same time telling the rest of us from the same faction the exact opposite and then banning us from this forum if we complain.

well let me tell you I DONT CARE ABOUT THIS UNIT, BUT I DO CARE ABOUT DEALING WITH PEOPLE DECENTLY, and herewith I willingly enter my first ban from the forum on behalf of my friends and team mates!

Dirk Durbin37
04-03-2013, 05:32 PM
Good luck getting help. Maybe Gree will add a feature where you pay 100 Gold to get a prompt reply for issues.

04-03-2013, 05:35 PM
This is not how you get responses.