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03-23-2013, 09:13 PM
If Gree charged a monthly fee to play MW, would you participate?

Let's say Gree offered five tiers of paid membership, plus the current PSEUDO-FREE model, and each tier offered more value for the subscription, would you support that?

TIER 0 = Stays the same, current model (pay as you go, or ride for free) HUSTLING
(vaults for purchase @ $125.00/vault)

TIER 1 = $50.00 monthly charge (includes - 1 vault of gold or groats, your choice) SCUFFLING
(additional vaults for purchase @ $100.00/vault)

TIER 2 = $100.00 monthly charge (includes - 2 vaults of gold or groats, your choice) SHUFFLING
(additional vaults for purchase @ $90.00/vault)

TIER 3 = $250.00 monthly charge (includes - 5 vaults of gold or groats, your choice) RUSTLING
(additional vaults for purchase @ $75.00/vault)

TIER 4 = $500.00 monthly charge (includes - 10 vaults of gold or groats, your choice) BIG DOG
(additional vaults for purchase @ $50.00/vault)

TIER 5 = $900.00 monthly charge (includes - 20 vaults of gold or groats, your choice) TOP DOG
(additional vaults for purchase @ $25.00/vault)

Gold or Groats will be offered in one size only, a vault, no subsets.

This program would eliminate the bonus program.
Your level subscription is good for the month.
Your selected membership can be changed each month.
This program is flexible.
You don't need to wait weeks to receive your bonus, because once you've paid, your membership is good for the entire month.
If you haven't paid by the due date, you're enrolled in TIER 0 for that month.

So, there's one straw man model.

Let's beat him up, make it better.

This is a win-win-win for Gree, Big Spenders, and even Pretenders.

03-23-2013, 09:16 PM
Tier 4 and 5 cost the same.

03-23-2013, 09:18 PM
Tier 4 and 5 cost the same.

Me so stupid.

Me fix it, man.

Thank you.

03-23-2013, 09:26 PM
I like where this is going but I doubt anyone would listen. Some of us really have to beg for the gold bonus and when we do get it, it really feels like a lifetime accomplishment. But anyway the maximum amount allowed by iTunes is $100 so seeing a $500 for monthly subscription is a no go. I like the idea and the concept but I think this is suited for an online game away from Apple.

03-23-2013, 09:34 PM
I like where this is going but I doubt anyone would listen. Some of us really have to beg for the gold bonus and when we do get it, it really feels like a lifetime accomplishment. But anyway the maximum amount allowed by iTunes is $100 so seeing a $500 for monthly subscription is a no go. I like the idea and the concept but I think this is suited for an online game away from Apple.What are you talking about? Ou can order $2k gift cards online?

03-23-2013, 09:36 PM
I like where this is going but I doubt anyone would listen. Some of us really have to beg for the gold bonus and when we do get it, it really feels like a lifetime accomplishment. But anyway the maximum amount allowed by iTunes is $100 so seeing a $500 for monthly subscription is a no go. I like the idea and the concept but I think this is suited for an online game away from Apple.

That can easily be addressed in multiple payments, or direct payments to Gree for "membership".
You would still buy EXTRA vaults from Apple or Google.

It could also be adjusted to be a WEEKLY membership, as opposed to a monthly membership.

If we float the concept, let people consider it, discuss it, who knows?

03-23-2013, 09:47 PM
I'm all for it ! Love the concept.

03-23-2013, 10:02 PM
That can easily be addressed in multiple payments, or direct payments to Gree for "membership".
You would still buy EXTRA vaults from Apple or Google.

It could also be adjusted to be a WEEKLY membership, as opposed to a monthly membership.

If we float the concept, let people consider it, discuss it, who knows?

I think this a brilliant idea and well thought out. It could work just like a boss meter. Select the tier you want, pay in multiple payments until you reach the amount for the membership. I really wish GREE can consider a future wire transfer option for players who want to play but are having issues with apple and their lazy security system.

Ericinico- I wasn't talking about gift cards, I was talking about the amount in game that is available for purchase and $100 being the maximum amount.

Big Apple
03-23-2013, 11:11 PM
I like the idea!

03-23-2013, 11:33 PM
Too much nonsense on ur post Pamper Juice...aka Pj...Go ahead and brag about why depends is top notch adult diaper brand alog with whatever. Bring ur topic ol geezer u bring fame to the game as angry birds did to android

why do you love destroying a good thread?

03-23-2013, 11:44 PM
Too much nonsense on ur post Pamper Juice...aka Pj...Go ahead and brag about why depends is top notch adult diaper brand alog with whatever. Bring ur topic ol geezer u bring fame to the game as angry birds did to android

Thank you, buster.

Replying with quote helps preserve the evidence.

Again, thanks.

03-23-2013, 11:49 PM
This thread wasn't intended to cause arguments, or disputes.

I started this thread as way to help Gree (and us, the players) think outside the box.

Gree can make money for profit and R&D.

R&D will improve the game and keep it up to date.

It's obvious that most people like this game, and are willing to pay SOME AMOUNT REGULARLY to continue playing this game.

So, why not fund it differently?

03-23-2013, 11:51 PM
While we're thinking about funding, would you spend money to post YOUR Gree APPROVED picture as your avatar?

What about paying money to post a slogan, motto, or creed?

03-24-2013, 12:17 AM
The old man jokes are getting old and annoying as well. Eventually you will all grown old and depend on your kids like they have depended on you all these years while some will be unfortunate and never be able to live long enough to be considered old. Hating on someone cause of their age is not just sad but immature as well. Makes one question how parents bring up their kids these days. If an effect on your pixelated army makes you bitter and emotional, try playing something else that is stress free for you. Pick a game where no one dies so you dont need to waste your time and people's time complaining about dead troops. If anything, online games show that age never really matters. You can meet a 15 year old that sounds like he is old enough to be your dad and a 70 year old that sounds like a kid. Whatever the case, unless you know the whereabouts of the fountain of youth, I suggest you stop acting like a troll and start respecting people the same way you expect them to treat you.
This thread has potential. It is a great idea that should be taken into consideration and it benefits those of us who truly want more from the game besides the usual gold bonus program.

If you disagree with it, you should state your opinion, this is a public forum after all.

03-24-2013, 12:57 AM
i like this idea but we end up with a situation where the freeplayers get weaker and the payplayers get stronger. if it was a 2 tiered system like tier 0 and tier 3 only that wouldnt be much of a problem.

03-24-2013, 01:20 AM
i like this idea but we end up with a situation where the freeplayers get weaker and the payplayers get stronger. if it was a 2 tiered system like tier 0 and tier 3 only that wouldnt be much of a problem.

Okay, explain your approach, please.

Are you saying that gold and free players should be segregated and never war?

That could work.

Why not Modern War-Green (Free), and another Modern War-Gold (P2P)?

That opens up next idea. Why not a two tiered World Domination, Green (Free) & Gold (P2P)?

03-24-2013, 01:22 AM
I like to decide how much I spend, entry fees are an instant turn off

03-24-2013, 01:30 AM
I like to decide how much I spend, entry fees are an instant turn offThen you can stay in Tier 0. Tier 0 allows you to spend nothing, something, something more, or request to be upgraded to Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.Or, play MW-Green, not MW-Gold. As it stands today, you have no choices. One size must fit all, and Gree makes the choice for you. It's only a strawman. Lets work together to make it better for everyone.

By the way, it's not an entry fee.

It's a subscription.

It's done by many companies, and it works.

03-24-2013, 02:42 AM
Like the idea. And I think that the more you pay , the faster support have to answer your tickets.

03-24-2013, 04:24 AM
I like the monthly subscription idea and would definitely support it.

03-24-2013, 05:06 AM
I for one would switch back to free from light gold in an instant, if you want a pay lots or pay nothing system this is the way to go because you would be crazy to pay those prices for a little gold while big spenders are getting volts at 75% off what you are paying , sure some people would pay more but whatever you do nothing would really change , if I paid more and became stronger so would lots of other people so I wouldn't really be getting any stronger compared to my rivals , that is the gree concept to keep you paying .

03-24-2013, 05:25 AM
Better idea make volts $25 however many you purchase ,that would encourage everyone to spend ,light or big and is fair for all , WD would be more interesting for a start and light gold players would keep paying knowing they can get strong over a longer time period . Make a volt $10 and you have big players and fun open WD all round , sometimes lowering a price and selling more will make more money . This would strengthen the game all round , only sticking point is people who have already spent big but hey you payed for entertainment not investment , maybe add gold purchased up and give out some 5-10k stat units to compensate those so that way they keep their power in the game with those super units . Dam I should be running the game with these ideas .

dj maj
03-24-2013, 05:44 AM
i support the idea

03-24-2013, 05:51 AM
I like the subscription model PJ proposes better than the current one, but the principal issue would remain the same: Gold is too expensive in aggregate, and because it is so expensive, the gap between the haves and have nots continues to grow.

They will never do it now that they've seen the cash register ringing like it is, but the concept of having an alternate currency (someone suggested silver) that is only used during WD would really help the game. Gold is reserved for all of its current uses except WD refills, and silver is purchased in more massive quantities and for much cheaper so you can fight more.

I think the concept of paying $100 (forget discounting for a minute) for a vault, and then burning that vault up in relatively few WD fights (25 gold per refill, four fights per refill = about six gold per hit) is pretty discouraging. A vault nets you about 250 more fights than you otherwise get - you can burn up a vault easy in 2 hours...while these events go for 80-100 hours. That makes it crazy expensive for all but a few.

03-24-2013, 05:53 AM
Silver was my idea too , are you listening gree ? Sign me up ! Lol

-War Priest
03-24-2013, 05:56 AM
I like the idea a lot. Thinking outside the box is what put a man on the moon. If you don't adapt & change you die, I think gree it at that point. If anything it gets us thinking about ways to improve the game.


War Priest

03-24-2013, 06:24 AM
I have and always will believe that Gree needs to lower the price of gold to get the campers to spend just a little of their hard earned money.

03-24-2013, 06:49 AM

Great concept! I really like the tier system but really don't like the price structure. In all actuality I really can't see myself spending $500 for a top tier sub so that already puts my decision / preference at a disadvantage. The goal here is to pull everyone in closer together power wise this keeping the game sustained for a long period of time. One reply was that the strong will get stronger and the weak will get weaker. IMO th evaluate prices of $99.99 is rediculous and should be addressed. The concept of two separate wars is fine but perhaps we should consider separate faction tiers. PUN and the other top factions will reamain at the top as they are clearly the strongest faction on the game perhaps to make it more competitive the factions should be separated into tiers based on avg strength. I may be getting off topic for a while and for that I apologize. Subscriptions for the game would lose players I am not sure how many would be lost as the "non spenders" would gain absolutely nothing and the "spenders" would have everything to gain. Good idea but what would the except able player loss be for Gree? Perhaps a poll should be taken with all players and as a reward they get some item, as I am sure that Gree values any and all honest input from the consumers. After all it is a business and the business must take car of the consumers or the business will not survive.


03-24-2013, 07:12 AM
Usually I avoid PJ threads like the plague because they don't make any sense to me. This morning I'm at work and bored out of my mind so I clicked it.

To my surprise, I didn't regret it! Haha good idea PJ. Would there be any other perks to membership? I think there should be a special building that only big dogs and top dogs can buy.

I agree this does seem better and more straight forward than the current system. A couple problems I see though-
-factions would nominate one or two people to be top dogs. Send money to these top dogs to buy cheap vaults and score all the WD points. GREE would probably lose out on money this way. GREE does not like losing money.
-it would cause an even bigger divide between light gold and heavy gold players
-don't think GREE can implement this kind of thing through the iTunes store. Maybe they could do it for android users though?

Agent Orange
03-24-2013, 07:35 AM
I suggest a different scenario months ago.

Instead you pay X dollars up front, then play a game similar to what we have now except no gold purchases so it is all about strategy.

Instead of the way factions are set up now, each member of your group adds to your overall stats. Therefore the more allies you have with high stats the higher yours are.

No cap on units brought to battle so the more allies the more units but the flip side is the more allies the less targets..

So basically we toss out the deep pocket strategy and see who has better tactical skills...

03-24-2013, 07:39 AM
So basically we toss out the deep pocket strategy and see who has better tactical skills...

Obviously you're not a business owner

Agent Orange
03-24-2013, 07:48 AM
Obviously you're not a business owner

Wrong on many levels. Would you rather have 1 million $10 sales, 100 million $1 sales, or 400 $1,0000 sales....

Listen carefully as I whisper, Angry Birds, business model in your ear....

03-24-2013, 08:13 AM
Seems like a perfectly reasonable idea to me - should make Gree's ability to project profits etc far easier. It also appears to simplify the operational model requiring help desk engagement for bonus. It would also give Gree a better model for attracting players to greater investment through judicious use of bonuses for higher tiers - or even for multiple months at a given tier.

Nice one.

03-24-2013, 08:19 AM
Seems like a perfectly reasonable idea to me - should make Gree's ability to project profits etc far easier. It also appears to simplify the operational model requiring help desk engagement for bonus. It would also give Gree a better model for attracting players to greater investment through judicious use of bonuses for higher tiers - or even for multiple months at a given tier.

Nice one.

You're arach?! Never seen you on here before bruh. Never seen the gsf logo before either. Me likey.

03-24-2013, 08:20 AM
Wrong on many levels. Would you rather have 1 million $10 sales, 100 million $1 sales, or 400 $1,0000 sales....

Listen carefully as I whisper, Angry Birds, business model in your ear....

Exactly ! But some people just want to pay for a top player status with extra benefits rather than earn it from actual gameplay .

03-24-2013, 08:22 AM
For real with tier 5? Or you could buy a car/get a life.

03-24-2013, 08:23 AM
Hell. No.

The only game I would pay a monthly for is a good MMO on PC. You know, a game that actually takes skill? A game with actual content?

To pay a monthly sub for something that is simply an electronic board game is pathetic.

For real with tier 5? Or you could buy a car/get a life.

This guy gets it.

03-24-2013, 08:23 AM
I think this would be a great idea I buy 5 vaults a month anyway so it's win win and won't have iTunes lock account after 2 vaults.

Speed ump
03-24-2013, 08:39 AM
For those of you saying the goal is to bring the free and gold spenders closer together, I think you missed the point. No where did PJ state this as a goal, and this will never be a goal in this game, as it does not promote incentive to spend, and gree wants us to spend. For those saying that the spenders will keep getting further ahead, hasn't that been happening and accelerating over the last year? That would not change, nor is this idea meant to change that. There is no more strategy in playing for free, than there is in playing and spending. Even the spenders don't have everything maxed out, and they still have to chose where they wish to put their money. They are competing with the other spenders, not the free players. The wd event as it stands already divides free players from spenders. The free p,ayers will be competing at a different level than the spenders. Do you really think gree should give the same kinds of rewards for a free divisions, as the paying division might receive? All our spending allows you free players to enjoy this game. If there was no spending in the game, then you would pay a flat fee to purchase the game. Nothing is free. Someone has to pay. I don't mind paying for you, so why would you mind that I have. Just pretend that you are Belize, and we are the USA. So the US should either not spend money so Belize can be on a level p,aging field as far as their military goes, or all the worlds nations should split their military budgets equally? You're being unrealistic. This plan sounds very interesting. It might encourage some people to spend more, which would make gree happy. I would jump on this program myself. I think many people would prefer something like this.

03-24-2013, 08:46 AM
Hi PJ,

Might like the idea, but the prices you've proposed don't make financial sense for me as a player. As proposed, they represent a significant price increase. I don't know if that was deliberate, or if you were just using as a what-if scenario.

Nevertheless, yes, a monthy fee is a good idea. But as I said your numbers are way high.

I currently obtain 2 vaults (3000 gold) per month for about $48/mo, assuming a 10 month commitment, by using apple 20% off, gree 40% off, gree bonus program. (I.e. 10 vaults + bonus = 30k gold, $1000, less 40%, less 20% = $480 = 10 months of 3k gold for $48/mo).

I'd refactor your idea to potentially include a 12-month term.. $48/mo = 3k gold/mo. The other options should be similarity analyzed.

I'd probably let gree marketing determine how many levels to offer. Personally, I'd publically offer a 10/mo, 25/mo, 50/mo, and maybe 100/mo. From an attracting new players perspective, if I were a new player and saw a $900/mo subscription fee I'd freak out. I'd venture to guess <1% of players spend that. I would recommend gree have the higher levels, but I would not advertise them.

03-24-2013, 09:09 AM
Better idea make volts $25 however many you purchase ,that would encourage everyone to spend ,light or big and is fair for all , WD would be more interesting for a start and light gold players would keep paying knowing they can get strong over a longer time period . Make a volt $10 and you have big players and fun open WD all round , sometimes lowering a price and selling more will make more money . This would strengthen the game all round , only sticking point is people who have already spent big but hey you payed for entertainment not investment , maybe add gold purchased up and give out some 5-10k stat units to compensate those so that way they keep their power in the game with those super units . Dam I should be running the game with these ideas .excellent idea. :). Bang on. :)

03-24-2013, 09:17 AM
I like the subscription model PJ proposes better than the current one, but the principal issue would remain the same: Gold is too expensive in aggregate, and because it is so expensive, the gap between the haves and have nots continues to grow.

They will never do it now that they've seen the cash register ringing like it is, but the concept of having an alternate currency (someone suggested silver) that is only used during WD would really help the game. Gold is reserved for all of its current uses except WD refills, and silver is purchased in more massive quantities and for much cheaper so you can fight more.

I think the concept of paying $100 (forget discounting for a minute) for a vault, and then burning that vault up in relatively few WD fights (25 gold per refill, four fights per refill = about six gold per hit) is pretty discouraging. A vault nets you about 250 more fights than you otherwise get - you can burn up a vault easy in 2 hours...while these events go for 80-100 hours. That makes it crazy expensive for all but a few.

There is no need to have "silver", "copper", or anything else as far as the value of what you're buying goes. Simply give more hits per refill or reduce the price of a refill and you solve the problem.

I agree that what PJ is proposing is too heavily top loaded and maybe it's because he's relating it to how much HE spends. I have 2 other games I play in addition to Modern War and don't spend a fraction on both of them compared to what this game cost. If GREE really wants to make money they should LOWER the cost of gold by a very large margin.

Agent Orange
03-24-2013, 09:27 AM
Exactly ! But some people just want to pay for a top player status with extra benefits rather than earn it from actual gameplay .

Yup, why they'd keep the current version and release MW Xtreme Strategy version and have two money streams. Perhaps that was an initial idea for KA but they saw how much they could squeeze out of their players and just stuck with the same formula.

King little fruit fly
03-24-2013, 09:53 AM
If Gree charged a monthly fee to play MW, would you participate?

Let's say Gree offered five tiers of paid membership, plus the current PSEUDO-FREE model, and each tier offered more value for the subscription, would you support that?

TIER 0 = Stays the same, current model (pay as you go, or ride for free) HUSTLING
(vaults for purchase @ $125.00/vault)

TIER 1 = $50.00 monthly charge (includes - 1 vault of gold or groats, your choice) SCUFFLING
(additional vaults for purchase @ $100.00/vault)

TIER 2 = $100.00 monthly charge (includes - 2 vaults of gold or groats, your choice) SHUFFLING
(additional vaults for purchase @ $90.00/vault)

TIER 3 = $250.00 monthly charge (includes - 5 vaults of gold or groats, your choice) RUSTLING
(additional vaults for purchase @ $75.00/vault)

TIER 4 = $500.00 monthly charge (includes - 10 vaults of gold or groats, your choice) BIG DOG
(additional vaults for purchase @ $50.00/vault)

TIER 5 = $900.00 monthly charge (includes - 20 vaults of gold or groats, your choice) TOP DOG
(additional vaults for purchase @ $25.00/vault)

Gold or Groats will be offered in one size only, a vault, no subsets.

This program would eliminate the bonus program.
Your level subscription is good for the month.
Your selected membership can be changed each month.
This program is flexible.
You don't need to wait weeks to receive your bonus, because once you've paid, your membership is good for the entire month.
If you haven't paid by the due date, you're enrolled in TIER 0 for that month.

So, there's one straw man model.

Let's beat him up, make it better.

This is a win-win-win for Gree, Big Spenders, and even Pretenders.

Multiply those bonus by 10 then I am on. ;)

03-24-2013, 02:22 PM
An alternative would be for Gree to offer payments direct and skip the iTunes all together. Mafia Wars did this where you would call in the bulk purchase request and they would charge your credit card (if I remember correct minimum was $500) and they could hit you with the bonus and purchase at the same time and we could avoid they stupid iTunes fees.

Just a thought

Mr. J
03-24-2013, 02:37 PM
PJ - Nice idea; and has brought some constructive thought back to the forum.

I think some are still looking for a way to balance the game and I'm not sure that is really feasible (nor the goal of this idea as speed stated). I think the item that I would adjust in your proposal is the cost of the additional vaults. While we agree that the goal is not to balance, I see vaults for $25 taking the divide to an extreme level. Have the enticement for the higher tiers be the included vaults (as you have already), but a more consistent cost for additional vaults would drive for more sustainable subscription levels (avoid someone going for the highest tier, loading up on cheap vaults and then going free the rest of the time).

Either way, I like seeing a thread that has me thinking!

As above, so below!

03-24-2013, 02:41 PM
This game is free why should there be a membership? Do you guys make real life money from this game? I guess I just don't understand spending 900 a month on a game...

03-24-2013, 03:29 PM
You lot truly are mental.

I really am in the wrong business. Seems I need to come up with an APP that generally gets people raging about it and make it really glitchy and unbalanced with certain things working then not working again until no one knows what's going on and then prop it up with a team of 2 'customer service personnel' that take weeks and week and weeks to get back to anybody. Then just when it doesn't seem to get any worse I'll charge a monthly fee for it.


PS Sorry I know its not constructive (Above). But $500 a month?! Are you for real? Actually forget the new APP I'll jump into the line of work you're in..............


03-24-2013, 03:33 PM
I suggest a different scenario months ago.

Instead you pay X dollars up front, then play a game similar to what we have now except no gold purchases so it is all about strategy.

Instead of the way factions are set up now, each member of your group adds to your overall stats. Therefore the more allies you have with high stats the higher yours are.

No cap on units brought to battle so the more allies the more units but the flip side is the more allies the less targets..

So basically we toss out the deep pocket strategy and see who has better tactical skills...


A much better idea and sensible to.

Bashful Rain
03-24-2013, 04:15 PM
Ok Pirate dude... Arggh!!!

The highest option is much better for the gold players who spend $2K a month for the bonus gold... but its a worse deal for the free players

03-24-2013, 04:20 PM
Sorry Dill3nger, but you don't know what some people are willing to spend for Modern War. Not that I condon it, but people spend thousands.

As far as the actual thread, its actually very thoughtful and very well planned out. However, the only reason why I don't see it working very soon is that it would require another expansion of whale territory. Now units and stats will be easier to obtain. Moderate and non spenders would than have a huge gap. In order for the game to work coherently and not scare away many wave of players they would need to expand and probably create a mid-whale territory which basically consists of mid-heavy to moderate players. That would cost money for Modern War. Plus these deals make is possible that heavy gold users buy less gold.

They have already expanded territory for players and divided players based on allies and stats. Now I can find no players at all below 18,000 defense and I'm not even above lvl 100. This is probably based on the fact that anyone who buys any amount of gold creates a really huge gap between players that pay for little amounts to none.

In order to truly make your suggestion work (though it was well thought out) would be to increase the capacity for the game. Increasing maximum levels, dividing players again by rivaling them to closer stats.

03-24-2013, 04:23 PM
by buying less gold I mean spending less money. Which in the end doesn't make Gree very happy.

03-24-2013, 05:00 PM
I'm all for making the game more affordable to play, but what incentive is there for Gree? Money talks, bull**** walks. We are our own worst enemy. Interesting idea though.

03-24-2013, 05:15 PM
Yes, I would pay to play

the secret gold bonus program should die

03-24-2013, 05:40 PM
If you can still buy vaults outside of this monthly fee, the only thing this monthly fee does is cheapens a few vaults of your gold per month.

It should be one of these packages or nothing. No vaults on the side. This way gold has to be spent efficiently and people cannot become overpowered overnight.

Of course though i'd prefer to have a system like AO states where strategy is the main idea and the company finds ways of earning profit through other means.

This game runs like how many other mobile app games run atm. Thing is, those apps are one player. If someone wants to buy their way to beating one of those games, it doesn't effect anyone. This game being multiplayer, those with tons of gold destroy those without it and in some cases ruin the experience for the more casual players.

Most cash shop games don't let it get as out of control as these games by GREE. You buy cash shop stuff for small boosts or for decorative purposes. In this game you buy anything and everything to make those who do not absolutely useless in comparison. It's far too late in the game for any of these ideas to be implemented or even considered though.

03-24-2013, 06:14 PM
I like the idea and think it is great. Few other ideas. Take out the people who buy so much as 50 gold from the free players. They can have their own WD events and what not, I hate all the complaints I see. Solves that issue. Next, I like the tiers and think rivals should be matched accordingly. I do see an issue though. Someone unloads one month and camps down with the tier 1 players next. None of them will be able to compete. Personally, I don't care, it's part of the game. Mud rolls downhill (I know it's not mud). Maybe just simply matching players on stats and let the dice sort it out. Sounds more exciting to me anyway. I think the price should drop a little bit for tier 1 (most likely where I would play). I know the big spenders should get discounts like that as it would replace the current gold system, but for people who play for fun and spend a little, $100 can be a deal breaker, so $90 simply because people will think of it as a discount still. All I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe a three tiered WD event based what factions spend in total? The free, light/moderate, and moderate/heavy.

Next issue. The people who can spend the most, get the most. Welcome to life. This game triggers a competitive side of people. Most of us probably want to "win". The top spenders deserve the most for without them the free and light spenders would be nothing. I consider myself a moderate spender and am thankful for the guys/gals? in PUN and people like Ferr, and all other big spenders, who fund my entertainment. I thank them all. Stop hating on all of their personal successes that gave them the ability to fund our mindless entertainment.

03-24-2013, 06:33 PM
I don't doubt the personal successes of heavy spenders. There are other ways they can show off their wealth.

The point I make is that a game where you pay money to win defeats the purpose of a game really.

I agree there are other ways and can think of many. I think it is the idea of competition that drives them to spend. You don't have that kind of money without being a naturally competitive person in one way or another. The power of the almighty dollar will always rule, that is why I suggested the tiers for people that want strategy. Pair with people who want the same things out of the game, while spenders spend. Seems like a win/win for us all, or as close as we can get to one.

03-24-2013, 09:37 PM
My ideas weren't meant to be the ideal, simply a number.

The take away here is that MW can't be sustained the way it exists today.


If you've expended $2,000 to get where you are today, would you expend another $2,000 over the next year to stay there?

Substitute $2,000 with $20,000 or $200 or $200,000; the actual number is relative.

The answer will be NO, 99% of the time.

So, if MW is to be sustained, it has to have a cost associated with it.

The people who paid to build it, won't continue to pay to maintain it, by and large.

Therefore, I suggested a subscriber model to allow the game to live, and Gree the ability to make a profit.

I like the subscription model PJ proposes better than the current one, but the principal issue would remain the same: Gold is too expensive in aggregate, and because it is so expensive, the gap between the haves and have nots continues to grow.

They will never do it now that they've seen the cash register ringing like it is, but the concept of having an alternate currency (someone suggested silver) that is only used during WD would really help the game. Gold is reserved for all of its current uses except WD refills, and silver is purchased in more massive quantities and for much cheaper so you can fight more.

I think the concept of paying $100 (forget discounting for a minute) for a vault, and then burning that vault up in relatively few WD fights (25 gold per refill, four fights per refill = about six gold per hit) is pretty discouraging. A vault nets you about 250 more fights than you otherwise get - you can burn up a vault easy in 2 hours...while these events go for 80-100 hours. That makes it crazy expensive for all but a few.

03-24-2013, 09:40 PM
You might want to continue avoiding my threads.

You failed to understand what I posted.

Your response is either unresponsive, or incomprehensible, either way; you didn't get it.

Usually I avoid PJ threads like the plague because they don't make any sense to me. This morning I'm at work and bored out of my mind so I clicked it.

To my surprise, I didn't regret it! Haha good idea PJ. Would there be any other perks to membership? I think there should be a special building that only big dogs and top dogs can buy.

I agree this does seem better and more straight forward than the current system. A couple problems I see though-
-factions would nominate one or two people to be top dogs. Send money to these top dogs to buy cheap vaults and score all the WD points. GREE would probably lose out on money this way. GREE does not like losing money.
-it would cause an even bigger divide between light gold and heavy gold players
-don't think GREE can implement this kind of thing through the iTunes store. Maybe they could do it for android users though?

03-24-2013, 09:40 PM
Okay, explain your approach, please.

Are you saying that gold and free players should be segregated and never war?

That could work.

Why not Modern War-Green (Free), and another Modern War-Gold (P2P)?

That opens up next idea. Why not a two tiered World Domination, Green (Free) & Gold (P2P)?

What if we have a second server for the real MW enthusiasts.
The way you move from one server to the next is by having the top 3 factions from the lower league win spots from the bottom 3 factions in the top tier. Like in soccer division 1 and division 2. We setup a waiting list of any players from division 2 that want to play division 1 and the division 1 factions can recruit if they want. No players allowed in division 1 without belonging to a faction.

03-24-2013, 09:42 PM
Check your math.

Here's a HINT, 2 vaults of fake gold can't be obtained from Google or Apple for $48.

Hi PJ,

Might like the idea, but the prices you've proposed don't make financial sense for me as a player. As proposed, they represent a significant price increase. I don't know if that was deliberate, or if you were just using as a what-if scenario.

Nevertheless, yes, a monthy fee is a good idea. But as I said your numbers are way high.

I currently obtain 2 vaults (3000 gold) per month for about $48/mo, assuming a 10 month commitment, by using apple 20% off, gree 40% off, gree bonus program. (I.e. 10 vaults + bonus = 30k gold, $1000, less 40%, less 20% = $480 = 10 months of 3k gold for $48/mo).

I'd refactor your idea to potentially include a 12-month term.. $48/mo = 3k gold/mo. The other options should be similarity analyzed.

I'd probably let gree marketing determine how many levels to offer. Personally, I'd publically offer a 10/mo, 25/mo, 50/mo, and maybe 100/mo. From an attracting new players perspective, if I were a new player and saw a $900/mo subscription fee I'd freak out. I'd venture to guess <1% of players spend that. I would recommend gree have the higher levels, but I would not advertise them.

03-24-2013, 09:44 PM
Okay, explain your approach, please.

Are you saying that gold and free players should be segregated and never war?

That could work.

Why not Modern War-Green (Free), and another Modern War-Gold (P2P)?

That opens up next idea. Why not a two tiered World Domination, Green (Free) & Gold (P2P)?

What if we have a second server for the real MW enthusiasts.
The way you move from one server to the next is by having the top 3 factions from the lower league win spots from the bottom 3 factions in the top tier. Like in soccer division 1 and division 2. We setup a waiting list of any players from division 2 that want to play division 1 and the division 1 factions can recruit if they want. No players allowed in division 1 without belonging to a faction.
Top 100 factions now make up division 1.

03-24-2013, 09:48 PM
PJ, we have already paid to play. Gree wants more...Gree wants extortion...Gree please ban my
character and IP address one more time before I leave.

Freddie, discussing ideas doesn't mean you support them.

My top post was meant to be a straw man.

It can be taken to have many meanings.

The forest has many trees.

Each tree has its function.

This is simply an exercise directed at stimulating thought.

Can you not see that it could have many meanings?

PJ is rarely literal.

PJ is often less than translucent for very good reasons.

03-25-2013, 01:03 AM
Awful idea.

03-25-2013, 02:01 AM
Awful idea.Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Just let the ailing beast die.

03-25-2013, 03:10 AM
Agree gree need sustain ability, but think this starts with customer service excellence! Once your looking after the providers they will by their own desire provide sustainable ideas... Thanks PJ for efforts to continue the fun, I wish those at gree shared your desire to sustain their providers, it seems however that after weeks of waiting some people have been given a sorry we don't care about your experience response. This is not me, I speak of, I would say I've had the we would like to care but can't support the idea at this time approach.. For those who experienced the lowers tiers of service I'm not surprised the idea of a car or holiday as a better use of spare entertainment cash.. Me I'm undecided.. Monthly variable commitment sounds great, widening the gulf between free and paid for experience does not! But then as with all things in life why would you pay if the same experience came free? Oh and the guy with the $48 dollars a month spend, great maths for genuine play with a 20% iTunes reduced gift card and the bonus gold giving effective doubling of in game gree 20% just the discipline required to spread this investment over 10 months can only be found in a few places around the world! For the rest of us children great lure gone in 3 months best guess :D

03-25-2013, 03:59 AM
No harm in people having a civil discussion, even disagreeing. I'm afraid, everyone should prepare to move on, very soon.
Agree gree need sustain ability, but think this starts with customer service excellence! Once your looking after the providers they will by their own desire provide sustainable ideas... Thanks PJ for efforts to continue the fun, I wish those at gree shared your desire to sustain their providers, it seems however that after weeks of waiting some people have been given a sorry we don't care about your experience response. This is not me, I speak of, I would say I've had the we would like to care but can't support the idea at this time approach.. For those who experienced the lowers tiers of service I'm not surprised the idea of a car or holiday as a better use of spare entertainment cash.. Me I'm undecided.. Monthly variable commitment sounds great, widening the gulf between free and paid for experience does not! But then as with all things in life why would you pay if the same experience came free? Oh and the guy with the $48 dollars a month spend, great maths for genuine play with a 20% iTunes reduced gift card and the bonus gold giving effective doubling of in game gree 20% just the discipline required to spread this investment over 10 months can only be found in a few places around the world! For the rest of us children great lure gone in 3 months best guess :D

03-25-2013, 08:16 AM
I personally like the idea of a monthly subscription which you have full control over changeling from 1 their to another genius concept.

It works for wow why not mw

03-25-2013, 01:57 PM
The privilege is given to all players. Gold will be cheaper for all the top spenders so it will make no difference for them. The only difference is that they will buy more volume but comparatively they will still be the same.