View Full Version : 1 opening for the 74th ranked faction from Egypt

03-22-2013, 11:38 AM
Deeznuts looking to fill 1 opening.

Health Regen 15
Infantry Defense 15
Ground Defense 15
Air Defense 10
Sea Defense 5
Building Defense 15
Building output 10
Guild increase +20

We are on the verge of getting our next Building output upgrade.

Looking for active players who want to have fun as well. Don't have to spend gold if you don't want to but that would be a plus if you do. Looking for any level player but someone who is at least 50k att/def without boosts. Would consider a little lower as well though. We do not have a solid donation per day or anything, just contribute to the faction and participate in WD events. If you are camping or saving for a big upgrade that is fine too, just let us know. If this sounds like the faction for you pm me with your in game name and your stats.

03-23-2013, 02:18 PM
Still 1 opening

03-24-2013, 03:22 AM
MW name/ID: General Shepherd 179462905
Current level :110
Nr. Allies:473
Attack/defense stats :64284A/74448
IPH :401558
Gold use light/medium/high:light
WD points BfG/ROE :BFG 7000/ ROE 12000
If I meet the requirement plz add me and invites me
To the faction thank you


03-25-2013, 11:49 AM
Illusion, I sent you an ally request and a PM on here.