View Full Version : Low stress faction looking for 6 active players we ranked 151

03-13-2013, 12:35 PM
Legends squad 481960155

Want to join a daily playing faction?!
Ranked Greenland 180/Egypt 151

our bonuses are..

18%health regeneration
25%building defense
5%building output
20guild member increase
Infantry defensie 25+
Ground defense 15+
Air defense 10+
Sea defense 5+

After Egypt we got rid off 6 inactive players.
We have a minimum off 2mill donation a day and in war time you have to get 20k minimum off wd points.
And we got a forum outside the game for tacktics and other things.

We are searching daily players and have a good and fun team..
Come and see!!

Faction code 481960155
or contact me id323639977

03-13-2013, 07:01 PM
Bumpity bump