View Full Version : New valour units destructible now

03-09-2013, 11:32 AM
Thought CJ said it was intentional and they were indestructible and tags would be fixed. Guess its the other way round since they are now tagged as very low.

Glad I hadn't pumped too much gold into BP's yet. Prices seem too high now for destructible units, concerning the amount of gold it would take to reach the higher ranks and the amount of gold it would take to get the valour prices seemed about right if they were indestructible. Ie 25k valour at an average of 10 per fight is 2500 fights or 500 gold which seemed about right for the stats of the final unit.

Hope they do make them indestructible but not holding breath, since it feels better putting gold towards ranking up and getting valour since it feels like you are actually getting stronger by playing rather than just spending 2 seconds buying a unit from the store even if the gold cost is about the same.