View Full Version : Attention australian and european players!!

03-06-2013, 09:06 PM
KILL YO SELF - KYS (710-617-045)

We have one spot open for an Australian or European player. We have a lonely Aussie on our team who needs a friend while the rest of us are sleeping in the U.S. We also have a few European players who could use an addition for around the clock battles.

Here is a little about our Faction:

We just dropped a ton of dead weight and recruited some monster players that should allow us to easily finish in the TOP 250 at the Battle for Egypt. Finished TOP 1000 (887) in Battle for Brazil and moved up to (354) for Greenland. We have several light gold users and a few moderate/heavy gold users, but this is not a requirement. Several members who have left their old Faction and joined KYS are here to stay because of the great camaraderie within KYS. The most important goal of our Faction is to have fun and win.

We currently have donation, battle, and stat requirements and receive on average $50,000,000 - $100,000,000 in donations daily. If you have good stats and you are a daily player send me a PM and we will talk further. Include your Attack/Defense, IPH, Gold Usage, and Average Battle Points (NOTE: You will not be accepted without sending a PM first because I won't know your stats or who you are.)

Current Faction Bonuses: (We will add another Inf., Air, and Ground Defense tomorrow)

Health Regen: 15%
Infantry Defense: 15%
Ground Defense: 10%
Air Defense: 5%
Building Defense: 15%
Guild Member Increase: +14
Sea Defense: 5%


BIFF - Recruiting Officer