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View Full Version : PVP Addicts "Wants you!" Maybe....

Kiss Of Death
03-03-2013, 11:39 PM
Hi my name is Anna, PVP Addicts Syndicate needs some high IPH players who are willing to donate heavily (Most of us are as we say PVP Addicts... ) We mostly make our money for the group by raiding and now in prep. for the Syndicate wars we need some heavy earners who can contribute as well as play.

We are a fun group and I am a loyal boss. If you donate and chat you never will be asked to leave. We play for fun but want to win as high as we can and even if you are looking for a good gang to sit with for a few weeks until you're able to get into an even higher Syndicate please sit with us, just donate daily while your with us and banter on the forum wall.

NOW my background... Modern War... Ferr's Emperors.. 2nd and 2nd in last 2 events (Retired due to family commitments and moved to Danger Close ranked from top 1000 in Brazil to 173rd in Greenland and growing stronger)

Also I am one of the founders of Forum Knights over in KA and in Forum Knights Guild. So plenty of operational and background in game dynamics.

So Here is where we casual PVP Addicts are to date:
Fight Respect +20%
Jobs Payout +5%
Car Defense +10%
Building Payout +15%
Melee Defense +25%
Gun Defense +15%
Armor Defense +10%
Building Defense +20%
Members +12

So if you can donate at least 500k-1mill a day and are at least level 30 send me a PM.

Cheers ;) KoD