View Full Version : United Elites of America looking for dedicated players to join us in BfE !!

02-20-2013, 04:02 PM
If your looking to join a top 20 faction going to the top ten, light gold spenders a minimum thank you !!

02-20-2013, 09:24 PM
Id - 399 428 668

Lvl - 148
Allies - 2240
Units - 8500
Attack - 55,000
Def - 103,000
IPH - 860,000

Daily player currently carrying a top 1000 faction on my shoulders, need a faction with players who contribute as much as I do. Please send your response in game, tho I will check back here if I don't hear from you

02-20-2013, 10:29 PM
Join red dawn top 500 fraction
Lots of active players looking for more
988 935 120
14% health re gen
15% infantry defense
15% ground defense
5% air defense
5% sea defense
20% building defense
5% building output
14+ guild increase