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View Full Version : Casualty rate revisited

02-06-2013, 03:56 PM
I have 2 accounts, one is L42 10.6/11.8K and another L83 33K/31K. The LLP account I attack and raid opponents with 4k to 5k defence and rarely loose a unit, raid the same thing. Now the HLP is anouther story every time I attack a player, no matter what stats lower then my attack and 100% of the time I loose at least 1 unit and, for example, just attacked a player with 439/629, attacked him twice, first attack 1 amphibious trooper may he RIP, second attack 1 minisub 1 bradley to the scrap yard. Now if I raid say a players building and if he has 20k defence most of the times I don t loose any units.
Does someone have the same problem or care to share your thoughts and experience on this pleas do...

02-06-2013, 03:58 PM
I have to fight people 8 to 10 thousand below me if I don't want to lose a unit. I have to raid 2 to 4 thousand below me as well. I am at 15k

02-06-2013, 04:07 PM
That is what I used to do, but see this last battle its 33k attack vs a 629 defence.... now I ALWAYS loose a unit at least... I attacked a very low stats player 2 days ago I dropped 500 attack points on 16 attacks so many hi valor units lost like this...

02-06-2013, 04:11 PM
Again, my casualty rate is 0%. I disagree with everyone in the forum who goes on about casualty rate this or that. No change in the rating at all!
That goes for everyone on Kingdom Age as well, 0% on there as well!

02-06-2013, 04:15 PM
Again, my casualty rate is 0%. I disagree with everyone in the forum who goes on about casualty rate this or that. No change in the rating at all!
That goes for everyone on Kingdom Age as well, 0% on there as well!
I haven't seen you post in a long time....

02-06-2013, 04:17 PM
Plux then how do you explain what is going on with my L83 account

And I forgot to add that player had 20 units only.... so 1660 vs 20 33kA vs 629D....

02-06-2013, 04:37 PM
I need a 5 to 1 a/d ratio to only lose 1 unit every 2 attacks otherwise its at least 1 loss per attack/raid. A 2 to 1 ratio is about 3 losses for 2 attack/raids? That is with low loss units and a level 5 infirmary.

02-06-2013, 04:55 PM
My threshold is usually to attack at 40% my stats. However, I just attacked someone at 35% and lost my shorts. Ironically, an amphibious unit was one of the many things that Gree was rubbing in my face that I lost. Hey! At least I have -2 Arctic Expedition Chests to show for it!!!

Q Raider
02-06-2013, 05:23 PM
Again, my casualty rate is 0%. I disagree with everyone in the forum who goes on about casualty rate this or that. No change in the rating at all!
That goes for everyone on Kingdom Age as well, 0% on there as well!

If you already have a ZERO casualty rate then you either have a full indestructible army or you have a glitch which prevents the casualties from being correctly recorded so how would you have a clue that it has changed?

King little fruit fly
02-06-2013, 05:34 PM
I have 2 accounts, one is L42 10.6/11.8K and another L83 33K/31K. The LLP account I attack and raid opponents with 4k to 5k defence and rarely loose a unit, raid the same thing. Now the HLP is anouther story every time I attack a player, no matter what stats lower then my attack and 100% of the time I loose at least 1 unit and, for example, just attacked a player with 439/629, attacked him twice, first attack 1 amphibious trooper may he RIP, second attack 1 minisub 1 bradley to the scrap yard. Now if I raid say a players building and if he has 20k defence most of the times I don t loose any units.
Does someone have the same problem or care to share your thoughts and experience on this pleas do...

You and others just confirm my speculation that GREEdy tweaks the LLP and HLP tiers so the HLP suffer more casualty just like the epic boss event is more challenging for the HLP.

02-06-2013, 06:10 PM
Omg y'all need to stop complaining. Cj already stated that the casualty rate has not been changed. @op u lost a frkin loot drop amphibious trooper which is like losing nothing. U should be happy. What do you guys honestly expect? For your units never to die?

02-06-2013, 07:31 PM
Omg y'all need to stop complaining. Cj already stated that the casualty rate has not been changed. @op u lost a frkin loot drop amphibious trooper which is like losing nothing. U should be happy. What do you guys honestly expect? For your units never to die?

CJ says a lot of things on this forum that he then retracts after the engineers and/or the developers check out the code. Just this week, it was "faction names are all unique" and then somebody posted several sets of repeated faction names, and then it was "ooops, we actually looked and you were right, we found a glitch..."

The hard thing to do is to get them to take a look. Like on the way that WD points were added incorrectly, and/or the ghost factions were tying things up, and on and on.

Players are not supposed to show up on your ally list and your rival list at the same time. They do these days, though.

I think that there are enough things wrong with the code to assume that when people report that the formula is working incorrectly (an earlier poster says that he does not have any casualties, i.e., a 0% casualty rate -- can that be right?) that maybe we should at least grant the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there is something wrong with the code.

02-06-2013, 08:19 PM
How dare you use logic?!
That's just not fighting fair.
I have argued this point ad nauseum, I finally just changed my army make up to compensate.
Good Luck Gentlemen,


02-07-2013, 07:09 AM
I lose 20+ amphibious, cruisers, eagle fighters a day. U just have to buy new ones to replace them :D but yeah, casuality rate is too friggin big :(

02-07-2013, 07:11 AM
just received an email from a new player asking why his infirmary has a minus boost so i checked mine and i am now the owner of a -2 % boost !? so if you are experiancing high unit loss i would check your infirmary lol

02-07-2013, 07:16 AM
just received an email from a new player asking why his infirmary has a minus boost so i checked mine and i am now the owner of a -2 % boost !? so if you are experiancing high unit loss i would check your infirmary lol

Mine have always been negative. Level 5 shows as -10%. Logically speaking that actually is correct as the boost is supposed to LOWER Unit Casualty Rate. Thus -10% means you have 10% lower chance of having a casualty. Right?

02-07-2013, 07:22 AM
oh yes silly me forgot that goes in minus .

02-07-2013, 07:28 AM
This is war ... casualties happen and are to be expected :)

02-07-2013, 10:38 AM
Jesus...either my English sucks....or most of you guys don't understand what I m saying here.

That battle was an example, I lost 3 units, EXAMPLE

What I m saying is with the level 83 account, NO MATER WHATS STATS THE OPPONENT HAS I ALWAYS loose at least one unit, ALWAYS, that does not happen on the level 42 account where I rarely loose units fighting players with 4k to 5k defence....

02-07-2013, 10:40 AM
You and others just confirm my speculation that GREEdy tweaks the LLP and HLP tiers so the HLP suffer more casualty just like the epic boss event is more challenging for the HLP.

I think only you understood what I wrote and what is going on with the game...

02-07-2013, 11:45 AM
With 1400 attacks in the recent PvP event, I had the following losses:

1.) > 60 stealth frigates.
2.) 11 of the BP unlocked rover thing (bought in the last 30 or so attacks)
3.) 600 ish frigates.
4.) 100 ish snipers. (bought towards the end of the event)
5.) many, many hundreds of other assorted units that I do not stock up on, including most of my destroyers, and various others,

I total I estimate an average loss of 1.25 units per fight

I lost between 10% and 20% of fights against players who had between half and three quarters of my stats.

Attacking and raiding is not sustainable for me, even with a pretty huge economy.

02-07-2013, 12:18 PM
With 1400 attacks in the recent PvP event, I had the following losses:

1.) > 60 stealth frigates.
2.) 11 of the BP unlocked rover thing (bought in the last 30 or so attacks)
3.) 600 ish frigates.
4.) 100 ish snipers. (bought towards the end of the event)
5.) many, many hundreds of other assorted units that I do not stock up on, including most of my destroyers, and various others,

I total I estimate an average loss of 1.25 units per fight

I lost between 10% and 20% of fights against players who had between half and three quarters of my stats.

Attacking and raiding is not sustainable for me, even with a pretty huge economy.

I also only fight for the faction, raiding only if its a hi output building, and only because I don t loose that many units raiding, but still loose stealth frigates and attack drones out of the blue

What level are you?

02-07-2013, 12:38 PM
one thing i noticed during the attack.
if the player has a really high a/d troop like 200/300, if you don't have many strong troops stronger than that, you will lose every single time.
It happened to me before, someone has a faction raider that I don't have but his/her total def is only 600. I had at list 20k attack and def.
See whether happen to you or not, I want to get this proof too.

02-07-2013, 12:56 PM
Lvl 50-60 ish. 250 or so allies, 22k a/d

02-07-2013, 01:08 PM
I think only you understood what I wrote and what is going on with the game...

Here we go, now you're complaining about people not reading your posts? Come on man!

I'd start a thread about how I am losing vaulted cash, but the smart guys will just tell me I didn't vault.

Q Raider
02-07-2013, 02:04 PM
one thing i noticed during the attack.
if the player has a really high a/d troop like 200/300, if you don't have many strong troops stronger than that, you will lose every single time.
It happened to me before, someone has a faction raider that I don't have but his/her total def is only 600. I had at list 20k attack and def.
See whether happen to you or not, I want to get this proof too.

If I understand correctly you are saying your 20k attack lost to a 600 Defence.

That is a skill point hacker, report them through the Support system.

02-07-2013, 02:04 PM
I don't get the casualty rates at all, or how they're figured between different players. In the last 2 weeks I've lost 70 super hornets, 50 hardened marines, 50+ expert drones that casualty rate doesn't seem "low" at all. To make it even more frustrating a buddy of mine started at the same time and never loses valor units, I just wish there was some kind of consistency....

Q Raider
02-07-2013, 02:30 PM
There is one other change which came into the game (for me anyway) when the MW3 upgrade came out.

I started to receive the "better" loot items during PVP.

There is now quite a group of those sitting where I used to have the "cannon fodder" low 20 stat units.

Wondering if they have a very low casualty rate and it now means that the higher loot (T/R's, Brigands) and the Valor units are first cab of the rank when it comes to unit losses?

02-07-2013, 02:36 PM
1,995 Victories, 0 Losses, +1300 Unit Loot Gains and 0 Unit Losses. Casualty Rate is 0%.

02-07-2013, 02:54 PM
I don't get the casualty rates at all, or how they're figured between different players. In the last 2 weeks I've lost 70 super hornets, 50 hardened marines, 50+ expert drones that casualty rate doesn't seem "low" at all. To make it even more frustrating a buddy of mine started at the same time and never loses valor units, I just wish there was some kind of consistency....

Here's some advice that wasnt passed on to me.
Hardened marines, mlrs, expert attack drones, elite ops helicopters all have atrocious consumption rates. I have probably lost over 1500 of those units combined. The ones I have the best luck with are super hornets and stealth frigates. I have also heard that the catamaran unlocked at major also has horrible consumption rates. But someone else can verify that.


02-07-2013, 03:06 PM
I have no casualty rate.

I am casualty free

Q Raider
02-07-2013, 03:44 PM
Here's some advice that wasnt passed on to me.
Hardened marines, mlrs, expert attack drones, elite ops helicopters all have atrocious consumption rates. I have probably lost over 1500 of those units combined. The ones I have the best luck with are super hornets and stealth frigates. I have also heard that the catamaran unlocked at major also has horrible consumption rates. But someone else can verify that.


Catarmaran was better than the SH and SF till the recent update I referred to earlier, after which they fall over as often as the EAD's were dropping.

02-07-2013, 04:33 PM
Some of my thoughts, for what they're worth....

In my inexperienced, early MW days I also found I had the same problems, losing lots of units. If I was to use my full 20 stamina points in one go I would probably have to spend 2 million to replace my lost units. To compound my frustration I spoke with a fellow faction member who said He NEVER has casualties. He isn't a hacker/cheater so surely he is doing something I am not. What possibly? So I looked into it.

His 'attack' skill point total was pushing 350. Mine at the time was about 20. So basically from level 1 he has thrown the majority of his earned skill points into the attack skill.

As he neglects to a degree doing missions and only concentrating on PvP the huge amount of valor saved has allowed him to have 500 of the majority of the valor units. All of which have a low casualty rate. I had a silly strategy of owning 25 of every available unit. As you can imagine, replacing high casualty rate rocket soldiers on a regular basis at 280k a go got very frustrating.

I decided to change how I do things. I'm currently working on my Infirmary. Currently upgrading to level 6. I have now given up on missions for the immediate future and concentrating solely on PvP. Now I'm at level 100 I'm gathering valor through the infinite force degradation goals (although the number has got up to something silly now, at about 60 wins to reach the goal). I've stopped buying ANY unit that has either a high or medium casualty rate. The only units I care about are low or very low casualty rates. Since I started this the high/medium units I owned have quickly died off but the low/very low units still stand strong (yeah I occasionally lose a unit, but not too often). I'm also putting every skill point I get into the 'attack' skill which I think is linked somehow to casualty rate when attacking. Currently at 39.

My PvP targets are the inactive looking players who have less than 5k att/def. By changing my strategy I now lose hardly any units and have saved up 60k valor in about 10-14 days. I'm still nowhere near being able to claim I 'never lose units' but I think I could be onto something. With more improvements in a month or two I hope to be in a much better position! I'm having to sacrifice battle points short term but over time it should be worth it.

Another benefit of attacking low att/def players like this is as I don't really lose units any more, my total unit count is flying up through the random 'dropped' units I win in battle. I've gone from 3000 units to 4500 units in 2 weeks or so.

Not saying this is 100% guys, just a theory I've come up with on my own, but seems to be working for me.....so far haha.

02-07-2013, 05:30 PM
I repeat every thing again....
I did not loose the battle, what I am saying is I always loose at least 1 unit EVERY time I attack a player, NO MATTER what their stats are, he can have 600D or 30KD my 33KA Level 83 player will ALWAYS loose 1 unit at least, if I raid the same player I will not loose any unit if he has up to 15kD.
Now with my 11K Level 42 player, if I attack someone with up to 6KD I don t loose units and if I raid him I also do not loose units.
Both players are balanced with the skill points on attack and defence.

I repeat the example, attacked a player with 600D with my 33KA player and lost units, raided him and no unit lost.

Is it clear now? Or do I have to re write it in different words and add drawings.

Two different tiers players and different unit casualties with huge difference in the balance of the battles

33KA vs 600D loosing units
11KA vs 6KD don't loose units

Now the point of the valor units, I loose almost the same between my hornets, attack drones and stealth frigates. I do loose maybe a little more of the stealth frigates but I do have a lot more of them, I think that does influence what units are lost during a battle.

PS My level 83 has a level 3 infirmary while my level 42 has a level 2 infirmary.

02-07-2013, 11:59 PM
If I understand correctly you are saying your 20k attack lost to a 600 Defence.

That is a skill point hacker, report them through the Support system.

typing too fast..
what I mean is losing troops every single time even you win.

02-08-2013, 02:35 AM
You and others just confirm my speculation that GREEdy tweaks the LLP and HLP tiers so the HLP suffer more casualty just like the epic boss event is more challenging for the HLP.

That is completely true. Getting Gree to admit t though will never happen.

02-08-2013, 03:10 AM
The last 3days I have lost 250 expert drones. And alot of other unites (200) this in 500fights.
Alot ofmthe fights I have 30-40k more attack then the defence og the guy I attack.
Gree you need to start admit that you have a problem.
I have lost over 10k attack strength the last days.
Support dont answer their tickets and Cj sais that this is no problem. What to do?

02-08-2013, 03:23 AM
That is completely true. Getting Gree to admit t though will never happen.

I have casualties on my lvl 45 account, even when I do missions =:0

Admittedly they are low level infantry units but when doing PvPs, I do lose a lot of my highest value aircraft!

02-08-2013, 03:56 AM
I was having this problem like 4 months ago, caused me to stop playing. My buddy talked me back into it because of the faction stuff but if this keeps up I don't know if I want to continue or not

02-08-2013, 07:06 AM
I've taken to keeping 100 each of some cheap units around to help with absorbing losses. They seem to account for about 3/4 of my unit losses.

02-08-2013, 11:54 AM
I've taken to keeping 100 each of some cheap units around to help with absorbing losses. They seem to account for about 3/4 of my unit losses.

but what to do when you are a "high" lvl player who only have expensive / high lvl unites to loose. we can only have 2k unites to war.

02-10-2013, 08:18 AM
With the casualties rate what it is, and vaule changes, it is getting do that the risk reward ratio of attacking and raiding is no longer worth it.

So if you find someone over vault, you risk multi million dollar units to win 300k. And it seems that every time I attack I loose several multi million units. It seems that I lose a lot of LOW and VERY LOW cas rate, expensive naval units a lot.

Raiding, the odds seem slightly better. While I don't have exact stats, I seem to loose fewer units, but generally it seems that I loose units every time. Let's call it a slight net loss on raids.

Raids or attacks, it seems that the enemy does NOT suffer the same casualty rates. Since folks have been discussing the casualty issue, i have been pretty regular about checking enemy losses. At most, they seem to loose 1/3 to 1/4 of the troops I do. And I very rarely see a high value unit lost.

I am not attacked often, but when I am, I notice my loss rate is very very low, compared to my ratio during attacks.

02-10-2013, 08:41 AM
Raids or attacks, it seems that the enemy does NOT suffer the same casualty rates. Since folks have been discussing the casualty issue, i have been pretty regular about checking enemy losses. At most, they seem to loose 1/3 to 1/4 of the troops I do. And I very rarely see a high value unit lost.

This is also what really frustrates me. I can attack someone with 1/4 of my stats and lose an Expert Attack Drone and a couple of other units and my opponent loses NOTHING! It just doesn't make sense.

And this jump in casualty rates is REAL, and it started just before the first PvP weekend after they sorted the "Faction Glitch".

Now that being said there are ways to reduce the losses but there HAS BEEN a change, Gree just hasn't admitted it yet.

02-10-2013, 09:35 AM
There is definitely a glitch. I have two relatively high level players. One - my primary player - does not have the glitch & experiences a casualty maybe one in every 15 - 20 or so raids/attacks, regardless of the level or stat of my target. That player gains most of its income from raids & progresses in rank (& strengthens stats) through valor missions.

The other, which actually has a higher level infirmary and higher defense building upgrades cannot raid or attack without losing significant ground. Rank remains stagnant because no bps are being earned, and valuable valor units are lost, not gained, because each attempt at completing valor missions results in a net loss. In an attempt to confirm that this was still occurring, I did a few raids & attacks this morning & last night. Here are the results:

Lost units from Raid on 5 bldgs (15 hits) of rival with def 49k below my attack stat.:
3 Brigand Lightning (99/80, low casualty, PvE loot item)
2 Hardened Marines (31/25, low casualty, 400 valor points each)
1 Elite Ops Helicopter (37/48, low casualty, 600 valor points)
1 Chinook Helicopter (7/8, low casualty, $45k)
1 Commando (14/9, High casualty, $85k)

Lost units from raid on 1 bldg (3 hits) of rival with defense 30k below my attack stat:
1 Brigand Lightning (99/80, low casualty, PvE/loot)
1 Hardened Marine (31/25, low casualty, 400 valor points)
1 Commando (14/9, high casualty, $85k)
1 Aquatic Explorer (40/38, low casualty, loot item)

Lost units from 2 hit attack on rival with defense 38k below my attack stat:
Hit one: Pavelow Helicopter (13/14, low casualty, $250k)
Hit two: Shipyard Destroyer (8/6, low casualty, loot item)
Hardened Marine (31/25, low casualty, 400 valor points)

Attack on rival 61k below my attack score: 5 hits = no losses (very rare to find players with stats this low)

losses from Attack on rival with defense 54k below my attack stat. (7 hits):
Hit 1: 1 Brigand Lightning (99/80, low casualty, PvE/loot item)
Hits 2-6: no lost units
hit 7: 1 Stealth Frigate (31/18, low casualty, 275 valor points)

02-10-2013, 10:47 AM
Nice record keeping Nic. I haven't gone into detail like that, all I know is anecdotal according to what it was like before and after the 1st PvP weekend. Actually DURING the 1st PvP weekend immediately after the faction glitch fix. For what's it worth I was one of the players with the glitch and in 2 factions at the same time.

02-10-2013, 11:57 AM
I am seriously considering whether Gree has increased the casualty rate recently in anticipation to BFG.
I have lost today one Stealth Boat (22/19, 750k) and 2 supposed to be low casualty Railgun Destroyer (46/39, 8M) in less than 20 PVPs. This is more than what I lost during the last PVP event altogether and with over 600 PVP.
Note that the lost were done against opponent with far lower Def than my attack (even over 10 times lower for one of them). I suppose that this is the consequence of the new boost bonus as part of the faction and the fact that we are slowly pushed to buy more and more gold overall in the game.

02-10-2013, 02:07 PM
Does anyone know if the faction casualty boost helps at all? Infirmary upgrades don't seem to help decrease these losses, but if the faction casualty boost will help, my faction would get behind it. I'd hate to throw their donations away on it if others haven't seen a noticeable change, though.

02-19-2013, 03:11 PM
I started playing about the same time as a friend almost a year ago. Her a/d scores are almost 10000 higher than mine due to the inventory loss that I have from pvp. I am level 166 a/d scores 67 and 65k. When she attacks, fights, raids, she seldom if ever has a loss of inventory. Even if she looses the fight, still no loss of inventory. For me, I have to look for someone that has under 1000 units and a/d scores around 9000-11000. Thats not easy to find. If I attack anyone higher, I will have at least one inventory loss per fight. When my friend fights she looks for people to attack that are about 60 to 70% of her a/d score with no loss of units. The units I loose are mostly valor point units, some loot items, and high dollar items. It does not matter what the casualty rate of the unit is, I still loose them. One attack on a person about 15% of my a/d resulted in two units lost. When I checked to see what I lost, I freaking aircraft carrier and a battleship. Thats about 10 mill in two units.This has been going on ever since I reached level 130. My a/d scores have not changed much since level 130. Since the bfg I have lost about 2000 in a/d points. My infirmary is a level 6, increasing that to a six was a waste of money, because it has not done a thing. I have an ongoing ticket with Gree about this which they say nothings wrong, its the same for everyone. This is part of my last reply to Gree, still waiting for a responce.

My attack and defence scores are going down do to the inventory loss of mostly valor point items and some high value items. Over the past several months, I have had a net loss (I was not able to replace as fast as I loss) of about 240 valor point inventory item that value in about 112,500 valor points. This is not the total loss, this is net loss of items lost that I have not been able to replace. The total loss at my guess is almost double that amount.

02-19-2013, 03:47 PM
I started playing about the same time as a friend almost a year ago. Her a/d scores are almost 10000 higher than mine due to the inventory loss that I have from pvp. I am level 166 a/d scores 67 and 65k. When she attacks, fights, raids, she seldom if ever has a loss of inventory. Even if she looses the fight, still no loss of inventory. For me, I have to look for someone that has under 1000 units and a/d scores around 9000-11000. Thats not easy to find. If I attack anyone higher, I will have at least one inventory loss per fight. When my friend fights she looks for people to attack that are about 60 to 70% of her a/d score with no loss of units. The units I loose are mostly valor point units, some loot items, and high dollar items. It does not matter what the casualty rate of the unit is, I still loose them. One attack on a person about 15% of my a/d resulted in two units lost. When I checked to see what I lost, I freaking aircraft carrier and a battleship. Thats about 10 mill in two units.This has been going on ever since I reached level 130. My a/d scores have not changed much since level 130. Since the bfg I have lost about 2000 in a/d points. My infirmary is a level 6, increasing that to a six was a waste of money, because it has not done a thing. I have an ongoing ticket with Gree about this which they say nothings wrong, its the same for everyone. This is part of my last reply to Gree, still waiting for a responce.

I think you are going to be waiting a long time for GREE to admit that there are some bugs in their programming that cause some player accounts to have higher-than-normal casualties. Hopefully, some of them read the forums and perhaps read the tickets that get sent in with specific evidence, and then quietly fix something behind the scenes when no one is looking.

I sympathize with the programming problem, because it is not a problem that affects all accounts, which makes it much harder to isolate, and they already have droves of other problems to wrestle with.

I just went ahead and created other accounts on other devices, and the one that has the high casualty rate just farms and/or does PvE while the other two accounts play normally.

02-19-2013, 03:50 PM
Yeah I questioned the same thing, Gree claimed nothing was wrong, I can go maybe 1 outta 50 fights/raids where I lose nothing, just about every other fight I lose a low casualty valor unit. Unfortunately I spent a lot of time/ in game money for a level 8 infirmary before I found out its worthless

My buddy on the other hand may lose a unit once in 100 attacks and even if he loses a fight rarely sustains unit losses.

We started within a couple weeks of each other, it's frustrating to see what my stats COULD be if I didn't sustain such high valor unit losses

02-19-2013, 04:30 PM
the low valor units are being being replaced with high valor units with higher casualty rates.

looks like the very low got promoted to low - new units have a higher turnover.

not only that but the advertised unit defense value is not what you are going to get if you buy a new unit - will be less since there is a focus on bumping up the attack value.

looks like they are motivating/engaging the campers to attack more . . . lol

02-19-2013, 04:48 PM
Meat shield armies sustain higher casualty losses than low casualty / indestructible armies. Not much more science or math than that.

02-19-2013, 05:02 PM
Meat shield armies sustain higher casualty losses than low casualty / indestructible armies. Not much more science or math than that.

Yes but some of us seem to lose very low causality units at a far greater pace than others, I fully expect to lose anything above a low in a fight. I've had to stop attacking outside of events because I'd lose more in units than the gained valor/ pocket change from my targets to replace them with.

02-19-2013, 05:05 PM
Yes but some of us seem to lose very low causality units at a far greater pace than others, I fully expect to lose anything above a low in a fight. I've had to stop attacking outside of events because I'd lose more in units than the gained valor/ pocket change from my targets to replace them with.Maybe the cumulative rates decide if/how many units you lose; the individual loss rate may have nothing to do with the specific unit(s) you lose. Food for thought.

03-06-2013, 08:40 AM
sorry to bring up this now-aging thread, but can anyone confirm the meat shield theory still does work? war casualties are now more threatening than ever with the new (destructable) units.

03-06-2013, 09:22 AM
From what you are saying you are a farmer of Amphibious Troopers, which has a casualty rate of 2%.
Consider the scenario where you are bringing 500 of these to battle; mathematically each of those units has a 2% chance to die - meaning that you would expect to lose 10 each battle - fortunately casualties seem to be capped at 3 (or is it 4?).

It's simple, the more of a unit that you own, the greater the chance that one will be randomly selected to die.

Apparently, although this seems not to be borne out empirically, the enemy statistics are irrelevant to casulaties; I don't think this is true, but expect that casualties are hard-coded, with an increased chance of casualties should the enemy be stronger.

Simply put, if you have a high casualty rate army, then expect it to have high casualties.

Were I you, I would consider changing your army composition, maybe camp a while and load up on frigates, they are comparable to ATs in stats and have a vastly lower casualty rate at 0.3%.

**EDIT - just realised I replied to an old post. the meat shield theory works in that the units with the higher casualty rates are more likely to die; it's an expensive technique though as you have to constantly replace units.

03-06-2013, 11:43 AM
Thanks for the answer. I'll test it.

And honestly, I've camped on-and-off for 2 years, high IPH, and defensive unit of choice is stealth drones with Russia (20% air hanger, 20% composite). So I have a decent amount of in-game cash I can play with.