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View Full Version : Rare Opportunity - Join Ranger's LLP's!!!

02-06-2013, 08:54 AM
You've all seen our name... now come see what its all about!

Is there anyone out there around levels 50-80 with great stats and a lot of stamina who just isn't getting any love in their faction?

Did you spend a fortune in gold, only to see your faction miss the top 100 in the BfB?

Are you the only one in your faction doing any work?

Are you tired of seeing other factions getting all the prizes (we have THREE PvP prizes so far and were top 100 in the BfB) and wish you had one also?

Is your faction full of jerks? Would you like to hang out with some fun people?

Have you been on the sidelines and think its too late to get into a good faction?

Did you maybe start your own faction, and now find you can't fill your ranks with quality players and want to get serious and play competitively?

We have some great perks here at Rangers LLP's, including:
Health Regen: 22%
Building Defense: 20%
Building Output: 15%
Guild increase: +22
Infantry Defense +15%
Ground Defense +15%
Air Defense +15%
Sea Defense +15%

Not bad for a bunch of LLP's, huh? Are you interested? Tempted? Want more info?

Contact either me or BringIt, and send your level, stats, stamina and iph. I also want to know your playing style... if you're a hard core camper, we are not the right fit for you. Gold playing isn't necessary, but a little gold sure would help :)

We have one opening immediately, and will have 2 more shortly... spaces in our faction are rare! Don't miss this opportunity!

02-06-2013, 12:56 PM
Also we have good looking boys and girls, our own beach, lots of good weather and all flavors of beverages to celebrate our countless victories. Don't miss it!

02-06-2013, 07:04 PM
Keep the requests coming in!

02-06-2013, 07:24 PM
Looking to upgrade my faction..
Att 31K
def 45K
IPH 493
489 142 275

02-07-2013, 04:24 AM
Brand new faction recruiting members now - 22 / 56 spots filled, 34 open but filling FAST!

THE REAL KINGS - ID 125 928 554

Faction Stats:
Casualty Rate +14% Health Regen +22%
Ground Attack +20% Air Attack +15%
Infantry Attack +25% Sea Attack +15%
Infantry Defense +25% Ground Defense +25%
Air Defense +25% Sea Defense +25%
Building Defense +25% Building Output +25%
Guild Member +36

Level 100+
Attack & Defense 50K+
Cash & Concrete donations daily, no minimum!

Tired of being the only active member in your faction? Want to get into a Top 25 Faction?

Send a request if you meet the requirements!

See you in the game,


Modern War ID Moon 400 335 010.
I meet those requirements but wow really u kicked more then half ur guys out. So I get to join donate millions and millions to get you all theses nice upgrades to be kicked later on? Where do I sign up.
Btw get ur own recruitment thread kinda rude there buddy but seeing how u can drop everybody like nothing I guess that's how u roll

02-07-2013, 07:00 AM
@Jex: Dude, start your own thread!

To everyone else:

We are still looking for that ONE special player to join us.

02-07-2013, 08:48 PM
We are still in the recruiting process

02-07-2013, 09:14 PM
Join my powerhouse faction and annihilate the enemy!!! 799 648 175

02-08-2013, 03:10 PM
Does Ranger's LLP's sound like a faction you would like to join!? Then we're waiting to hear from you! Send a message to Peppers or BringIt for further recruitment information! Cheers!

02-12-2013, 07:46 PM
My apologies - if I could figure out how to delete the reply I would.. New to the forums, but not the game.

Good luck in Greenland, Rangers!

02-12-2013, 07:49 PM
Reply deleted, I meant no disrespect, especially not for the U.S. Rangers!

02-12-2013, 07:55 PM
No problem Jex :)

Good luck to you also!