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View Full Version : Question for anyone whose switched from Android to IOS

01-31-2013, 01:40 PM
My game has been super-wonky for a while, when I'd try to load the game it would say, "Unable To Load String-Girl's Hood!", but I could navigate away or bank or do almost anything except collect or upgrade or anything in my Hood. After a few tickets and some attempts on my end with Tech Support from Verizon, I get a message from Gree that it "appears my phone is too old to use all of CC's features",.... like loading my hood. It's a Samsung C771, one of the first Mil-Spec Smartphones (Water, Dust, and Shock Resistant) and while it is indeed a incredibly tough and popular phone around here, nobody else I know likes it for any other reason that it can stand up to an amazing amount of abuse.

My "Free" upgrade comes up in a few days meaning my phone is exactly two years old, but damned if I'm going to put up with another two years of Android BS, especially just for a game with as many problems as this one. I'm getting an iphone like everybody here says to :)

But I've got a ton of time and about $120 worth of gold invested in CC, and don't want to just abandon it and start all over again. Many of my "friends" and I carry around a second phone, variously called a "prison" or a "re-hab" phone, one of those cheapie $15 disposable pay-by-the-minute ones you buy at a Kwik-E-Mart that are useful for all kinds of things. Well, the other day I saw that they now have Android phones for crazy cheap (like $50), and was thinking that maybe, short of trying to jailbreak or root my new/old phone, I'd buy one of these and log on once a day, collect my 24/48's and take a few whacks, and just use it as a CC phone.

Does anybody who has gone from Android to IoS have any suggestions?

[There's also this which just got updated, but I'm not really sure if it would apply, or even what it does, exactly...

01-31-2013, 01:57 PM
Why not just get decent Android phone? Like Galaxy S2 or S3.

I have S2 and after almost a year playing can't remember having any problems.

Also have low level account on my missus phone Galaxy Note. Only been playing on it for couple months but no troubles so far.

01-31-2013, 02:17 PM
I had an android account with decent stats and 4 of the first auction style event top 500 and top 250 prizes.. I hated my android phone and upgraded to iPhone... Gree basically told me I couldn't transfer anything and I would not get any reimbursement gold for starting over... Slap in my face