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View Full Version : 7th in the Battle for Brazil

01-26-2013, 12:12 PM
Faction Invite Code: 857 271 316. Please join the "World Domination League" Faction. We placed 7th in the Battle for Brazil. We would be happy to have you on our team.

Edit: according to the change in the leaderboard thread, we are the 9th now!

01-26-2013, 12:19 PM
Please have stats over 100k in attack and defense! Required: dedication and willing to spend gold to help in the Battle for Greenland event. Thank you

01-26-2013, 01:09 PM
7th is nice but where's the challenge? May I suggest another faction?


We are the World Domination Alliance and are a top 1000 faction. We don't think that is okay. We can do better. What we look for in people is simpel: You are active! You help think out strategy, donate, and are present daily for battles. You have a defense score of more than 25K and you personally have earned more than 20.000 WD points in Battle for Brazil.

After the war we are recruiting new members to replace member that are not active (enough). We have no hard feelings to them but feel this is unfair to our active members. Do you feel the same, than please apply.


If you feel attracted to this please apply: 900879574

For more info, add me and post on my wall: 732 660 928

Imperial Marine Corps
10-05-2014, 10:14 AM
Sounds good