View Full Version : Looking for a good fraction. Come check out my stats

01-26-2013, 07:40 AM
I have 1.2mil IPH
15000/16000-a/d with 110 allies. Usually add allies up to 300 when event starts for a 30/30 ATt/def
Post your fraction stats and number if interested
Loyal fractions only

01-26-2013, 07:59 AM
Faction : Rule The World. Id : 285142043

We are looking for new aktive/Daily players. We just booted 13 players for being inactive.
So we have 13 slots open for new players.

Faction stats:
Health regen : +9%
Buildings defense : +20%
Infantry defense : +15%
Ground defense : +5%
Guild member increase : +6

We are Daily getting stronger and people are donating 0,5 - 5 mil pr. Day pr. Person.

About you:

Active/Daily player
Will donate so we Can get stronger
Have at least 35K attack and defense numbers

Then come and join us. We need you

The members indtil now

Stars. Att/def

144. 75k/73k
54. 8k/8k
135. 55k/50k
145. 73k/74k
137. 36k/35k
136. 58k/54k
93. 18k/20k
111. 26k/25k
136. 26k/26k
38. 6k/7k
78. 37k/38k
171. 43k/39k
147 48k/48k

01-26-2013, 08:11 AM
Top 1000 team with only 20 of 28 slots filled and only 12 of those active in BFB. We sound like-minded with regard to teamwork and activity. Our request-invite code is 969784353 (the SEC faction).

01-26-2013, 08:25 AM
hi, my faction, seal tm 6, is one of the top 1000 faction. we are now recruiting active daily players. come and join us! invite code: 999632724

Here are some stats of our faction:
We have 562k WD points in the last battle.

Health regen +14%
Infrantry attack +5%
Infrantry defense +20%
Ground defense+15%
Air defense +10%
Sea defense +5%
Building defense +25%
Building output +10%
Guild member increase +14

We are now recruiting active daily players with 20k A/D.
Please join us!

Invite code: 999632724

01-26-2013, 10:21 AM
Combined Arms Group have two spots left. We are a top 1000 faction looking to become top 100. Our slogan says it all: Quiet Professionals. Check us out via link in my signature and either PM me or reply to our recruiting thread with your ID and stats.

01-26-2013, 10:45 AM
we are a strong fraction but need active players.

Health Regen 9%
Infantry Def 15%
Ground Def 10%
Air Def 5%
Building 20%
Guild member 14

We need 5 player to total 34

01-26-2013, 10:55 AM
Very active members, plenty of bonuses. If you're in a crappy faction and want to move we are ready to accept new members.

125 164 451

If you're part of a small faction without many bonuses, drop that faction and join us. Don't stay in a small faction be part of the horde

01-26-2013, 12:29 PM
Fazhang, how often do you play? We're looking for hourly, not daily players. As long as your attack/defense is at least 25K, you can typically find a weak link to attack over and over again for points, so I'm more concerned with how frequently you play versus what you bring as far as iph, attack, and defense goes. Gold and time are more important than those things IMO.

So with that said, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot finished 78th in first PvP, 45th in second PvP, and 33rd in Battle for Brazil. I can post other stats if you really need them, but I feel these stats are more indicative to the quality of the faction. If you could answer my above question in a PM, we'd like to hear from you. Thanks for the consideration.

01-26-2013, 12:35 PM
I have 1.2mil IPH
15000/16000-a/d with 110 allies. Usually add allies up to 300 when event starts for a 30/30 ATt/def
Post your fraction stats and number if interested
Loyal fractions only

" We barely missed the top 1000. If we had known it was a four day event and had not spent resources on level ten forts we would have easily been able to have more forts and attack more often. Also we would have had more bonuses. We have several power players but also many low level players and some campers. We just expect active players who will contribute on a fairly regular basis, and are playing the game i.e. leveling up and improving! We are trustworthy and wont boot people because the grass is greener. If you are awol for a long time and dont post a good reason you will get booted.
Our faction is 921691938. We have openings and straight up one or two more players that have been awol for a week that we will boot. I expect we will double our score next event. "

01-26-2013, 12:49 PM
Join seal team 6 alpha 1

Health regen +18%
Infantry defense +15%
Ground defense +10%
Air defense + 10%
Defense building +25%
Building Output+10%
Members +16

Would prefer the following

Must be level 100 plus
A/D over 50k
500 +allies
IPH : 300k +
Donate as much as u can

01-26-2013, 02:13 PM
Faction seekers, stop and read!


We are the World Domination Alliance and are a top 1000 faction. We don't think that is okay. We can do better. What we look for in people is simpel: You are active! You help think out strategy, donate, and are present daily for battles. You have a defense score of more than 25K and you personally have earned more than 20.000 WD points in Battle for Brazil.

After the war we are recruiting new members to replace member that are not active (enough). We have no hard feelings to them but feel this is unfair to our active members. Do you feel the same, than please apply.


If you feel attracted to this please apply: 900879574

For more info, add me and post on my wall: 732 660 928

01-26-2013, 02:25 PM
The Zombie Killing Team is looking for another member. We had a top 1,000 finish, and accumulated 472,144WD points. <----points is the other information you want to see. ;). We entered the battle with 26 of our 32 slots filled. We were a victim of the ghost players and did not fill the positions in time before BfB began. Of those 26, 8 were removed for lack of participation as soon as the battle was over. We have recruited well and our goal is set to be a top 100 faction next battle. I battled 16-18 hours per day during the battle and had 374 wins. The members on the team are diehard players such as myself.

Our current stats
Health regen +14
Infantry defense +15
Ground defense +5
Air defense +5
Building defense +25
Guild member increase +12

All of our members have been donating hard since BfB ended, and we have banked over 400,000,000 already. We are saving up for our next health regen.

We have a requirement also, but shoot me a private message for what it is.

Big Hog
01-27-2013, 05:39 AM
I have 1.2mil IPH
15000/16000-a/d with 110 allies. Usually add allies up to 300 when event starts for a 30/30 ATt/def
Post your fraction stats and number if interested
Loyal fractions only

Seal Team USA Do You Want To Be A USA Seal ? Do You Have What It Takes ?Looking for long term Daily players level 80 and over and/or with particularly high IPH who are willing to be an active friendly member of our faction. We have a great team and are only looking for other team players. It is a requirement that you donate and post on our forum daily so that we know you are participating. Right now we have 2 open slots. Seal Team USA came in around 300 spot in the world domination battle. Apply now to get one of these spots.

Faction bonuses are:

Health Regen: +14%
Infantry Defense +25%
Ground Defense +15%
Air Defense +5%
Sea Defense 10%
Building Output +5%
Building Defense: +25%
Guild Member Increase: +14

Invite Code:

01-27-2013, 01:00 PM
MW ID 170-818-300
Lvl 177
A/D 37363/45624
Allies 497 will keep this at 498 or less
Units 4910
IPH 801772
Two AC buildings
Infirmary in process of upgrading to lvl 9 then right to lvl 10 composite factory lvl 8 will get that to lvl 10
Then I will concentrate on building on income again.
Finished 2nd in my fraction with 97,700 points 4 out of 34 did the main fighting looking for a better fraction with more team support.
I am concentrating on building up units while waiting on upgrades. Leader has added 5 new members and in three days, they have given nothing to help fraction frustrating.
I spend RM on gold vaults you can check out my inventory also you will see I use gold there also.

02-20-2013, 11:17 PM
Join red dawn top 500 fraction
988 935 120
14% health re gen
15% infantry defense
15% ground defense
5% air defense
5% sea defense
20% building defense
5% building output
14+ guild increase

02-21-2013, 10:34 AM
Modern War Killers faction is looking for a few good soldiers. We currently have 11 openings after gutting our faction of non-participants. We finished in the top 2000 with only half the faction participating, and can finish much higher with a full team.

We like to have fun and realize its just a game. however, we need people who are willing to donate, participate in the faction forums regarding strategies, and participate during the battles. We don't have a limit on levels per se, but want to see that prospective members are serious about participation. We are not gold players, so spending a boatload of money is not required.

If you are interested, PM me with your stats (Level, Attack/Defense points, # Allies, and Income Per Hour).

ID # 569-989-396
Health Regen 9%
Infantry Defense 15%
Ground Defense 10%
Air Defense 5%
Building Defense 15%
Guild Member Increase +8

02-21-2013, 10:36 AM
Modern War Killers faction is looking for a few good soldiers. We currently have 11 openings after gutting our faction of non-participants. We finished in the top 2000 with only half the faction participating, and can finish much higher with a full team.

We like to have fun and realize its just a game. however, we need people who are willing to donate, participate in the faction forums regarding strategies, and participate during the battles. We don't have a limit on levels per se, but want to see that prospective members are serious about participation. We are not gold players, so spending a boatload of money is not required.

If you are interested, PM me with your stats (Level, Attack/Defense points, # Allies, and Income Per Hour).

ID # 569-989-396
Health Regen 9%
Infantry Defense 15%
Ground Defense 10%
Air Defense 5%
Building Defense 15%
Guild Member Increase +8

02-21-2013, 10:53 AM
I am willing to recruit any active players that are willing to donate as much as possible to my faction. Our ID is
547 123 583. We are placed in the top 500 and getting better every day.

02-21-2013, 01:15 PM
I am the leader of Heavy Marine Helicopter faction. We have three openings only for very active players who want to be a part of a very loyal team. We have our own private website where we share our stats and strategies. All members participate daily. Looking for high defense stats and IPH over 500K. I am not posting our invite code, I get a lot of requests each day and am only looking for the right guys to take a seat at the table. Add me as an ally and then leave a comment on my board that you would like to be invited. Thanks 858442293 Marines, and former Marines preferred but not necessary. Semper Fi

02-21-2013, 06:14 PM
you can join my faction 768337194 every member get officer rank

02-21-2013, 08:59 PM
I have 1.2mil IPH
15000/16000-a/d with 110 allies. Usually add allies up to 300 when event starts for a 30/30 ATt/def
Post your fraction stats and number if interested
Loyal fractions only

Guns, Guts, and Glory also known as team 3-G is recruiting members.
We have spaces to fill fast, looking for extremely active daily players.
We are players who left our former factions due to disorganization and a ton of dead weight players.
There will be no dead weight in this one, everyone is highly active and dedicated to doing the best we can in the WD events.
We are only a few weeks old and already have:
+15% Building defense
+15% infantry defense
+10% ground defense
+5% air defense

We placed just out of the top 1,000 last event with only 8 players, and would like to find more players like us to reach the top 1,000 or better this time around.

Our main requirements are:
that you're an active player who checks in daily (preferably several times a day like us)
you donate daily (most of us try to do 2 mil a day, but some of the lower level players do at least 250k a day)
obviously you have to be over level 10 to even compete in the pvp events (we keep getting requests from players under level 10 for some reason)
you must provide your email address so we can communicate with you through our group email (we also share strategies and tips frequently to help each other get stronger)

We don't care if you're a heavy gold, or no gold player, or anything in between, and we don't care if you're a camper (as long as you donate daily and participate fully in the PVP events). We just want dedicated players who are very active and want to be part of an organized faction of players who use teamwork and strategy to place as high as we can in the WD events and get some beastly units as a result. Having fun is really important, we take it seriously and try our best, but we still like to have fun!

So if you don't have a faction, or are having trouble with your faction, or feel like you're doing all the work while dead beats sit back and reap the rewards, then come join team 3-G, we are looking for you!

invite code = 370-367-116

02-21-2013, 10:40 PM
Dr Evil is looking to fill 1 spot at his ruthless corporation Virtucon. The last member who proved himself "unworthy", was fed to the sharks!

Virtucon finished in the top 1000 during both the battle for Brazil and the battle for Greenland. We have grown even stronger, and are looking to finish in the top 100 in Egypt!

If you believe you are viable candidate, and are willing to make the necessary sacrifices that are required to be a part of such a devious, yet great organization, please submit your application to join the ranks of Virtucon.

Join Using Faction ID: 315-578-132

Dr. Evil awaits your response...


Faction ID: 315-578-132

Current Faction Bonuses:
Health Regen: +10%
Infantry Defense: +10%
Ground Defense: +5%
Building Defense: +15%
Guild Member Increase: +14

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmKBIp5HDHKOW289sZ0_77OZHJJBqhe NnKwaTGwUcpHCx8cjQm

Number 2 has devised various schemes and ventures which would not only garner massive profits for - and expand the power-base of - the Virtucon empire, but would do so legitimately, leaving the authorities with little excuse for apprehending Dr. Evil!