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View Full Version : 4 central fleet command ??

01-23-2013, 07:28 PM
Either there are some HACKERS taking advantages of the prizes or a very big Oops from GREE !!!
Quite a number of players have 4 CENTRAL FLEET COMMAND in their inventory especially in one of the Top 10 faction, probably from the same faction as they are using this advantage to pound some of our faction members !!!
It seems very clear HOLD NO GRUDGES does not exist for some sore losing factions !!! And they are seeking for revenge !!! NAsty nhe....................
I am sure when query these guys, they will make up some excuses that they are unaware of this. There is one guy ere caught with hacker in his faction and making excuses managed to clear his faction name,which managed to convinced everyone nothing to do with his faction and get away with and now his faction and him is doing it AGAIN !!!!!

Picture never lies !!!


01-23-2013, 07:29 PM
Obviously it's a cheat or glitch, just report and move on.

01-23-2013, 07:30 PM
Big oops from Gree. CJ posted in another thread. They should have it fixed soon.

01-23-2013, 07:30 PM
That must be a certain four letter member of an organization with a nautical theme. I got a visit as well. I do believe he has one that should be in my inventory. I have graciously requested that he return it. Another GREE mistake.

01-23-2013, 07:33 PM
See thread :


01-23-2013, 07:36 PM
Obviously it's a cheat or glitch, just report and move on.

Report, that is for sure BUT this is from the same faction found with hacker and managed to convinced everyone in one of the thread that their faction has no knowledge nor nothing to do with hacker !!!
is it What a coincident ??? and why all their players with 4 Central Fleet Command continue pound our faction's player after WD?? another what a coincident ???? Seeking revenge with hacker's help ???


01-23-2013, 07:36 PM
I just checked... I have 4, too. Odd.

01-23-2013, 07:42 PM
I just checked... I have 4, too. Odd.

Yep, it's a glitch BUT there is a factions with all the members with this glitch is taking advantage of this pounding our players to seeking revenge !!
It's seems the thread posted by his leader on HOLD NO GRUDGES after BFB is totally buII$hit and very unhonest !! Very revengeful and sore loser faction !!!!


Spanish Fly
01-23-2013, 07:45 PM
I have four as well and also a Bravo member. Looking forward to the explanation or resolution and taking no action.

01-23-2013, 07:47 PM
Andy, did all of Bravo get it? Are you all aware of it? Cuz one of your guys has been repeatedly hitting one of my guys with his 4 fleet thingies. Maybe he doesn't know?

Kara T
01-23-2013, 07:50 PM
I am with you NCP. I got hit by a 4x'er and unfortunately I have not received my first one to help fend him off.

01-23-2013, 07:57 PM
It's funny how people complain and want to boycott because of hackers and glitches, but as soon as one happens in their favor they use it to their advantage 100% of the time.

01-23-2013, 07:59 PM
It's seems the thread posted by his leader on HOLD NO GRUDGES after BFB is totally buII$hit and very unhonest !! Very revengeful and sore loser faction !!!!

After what I saw in this event, I don't believe anything factions or their leaders say. one particular faction who took a very public and strong stand against hacker/cheaters had a person with something like 99 boss event rares in their inventory. So much for all the honor and integrity posturing...

People are full of it.

I've got 4 of these too, but I'm not hitting anyone back. I am about to take them out for a spin on the rivals list, just to see what kind of numbers they turn up. only going to hit people I can take normally though, don't want to be on the newsfeed of someone who can hit back when this is corrected. :D

01-23-2013, 08:04 PM
After what I saw in this event, I don't believe anything factions or their leaders say. one particular faction who took a very public and strong stand against hacker/cheaters had a person with something like 99 boss event rares in their inventory. So much for all the honor and integrity posturing...

People are full of it.

I've got 4 of these too, but I'm not hitting anyone back. I am about to take them out for a spin on the rivals list, just to see what kind of numbers they turn up. only going to hit people I can take normally though, don't want to be on the newsfeed of someone who can hit back when this is corrected. :D

Very much agreed, i am quitting this forum as it's all buII$hit !!!


01-23-2013, 08:10 PM
Andy, did all of Bravo get it? Are you all aware of it? Cuz one of your guys has been repeatedly hitting one of my guys with his 4 fleet thingies. Maybe he doesn't know?

I just realized I got 4 as well when I started doing some random attacks farming money, I'm Bravo as well, though every fight i've won their stats were under my stats pre-brazil, so no real difference, I only noticed when someone posted on my wall asking where i got those ships. the plural tipped me off then i saw this thread and CJ post. oh well, I'm sure they'll fix soon.

01-23-2013, 09:13 PM
Andy, did all of Bravo get it? Are you all aware of it? Cuz one of your guys has been repeatedly hitting one of my guys with his 4 fleet thingies. Maybe he doesn't know?

I think they all have it. I guarantee there is nothing organized as far as attacks. We are war weary!

I will admit that I did a simple attack to prove it to myself... I am too lazy to hunt for units in my inventory. It is much easier to look at the top 45 battle results. I took a screen shot for bragging rights, then started doing real life stuff.

01-24-2013, 03:17 AM
It's funny how people complain and want to boycott because of hackers and glitches, but as soon as one happens in their favor they use it to their advantage 100% of the time.

You are so so right.

01-24-2013, 04:39 AM

I only have 3 of each unit :(

Speed ump
01-24-2013, 05:08 AM
Don't worry anjun, gree will soon rectify that. As far as those units go, most of us don't need those to hit anyone in the game we want anyway, so it dosnt really change anything. It's back to collecting money for the faction again. No rest for the weary.

01-24-2013, 05:17 AM
It's incredible how quick people are to call "hack" and yet how slow they are to apologise for such a claim - GREE have said that this is a scripting error and I'm sure it'll be fixed soon.

As for pounding on people in your recent news feed - isn't that we all do when someone raid us and fails? We've all (I mean anyone who was in the B4B) gone 5 days staying under vault and are trying to build up some cash to get back upgrading again. Remember, this is a war game - most sane people won't hold grudges but will seek to maximise their own returns and upgrades.

Let's stop calling "hack", "cheat" and the like when we see someone with good stats, many of those (including me) have invested far more money then we ever thought possible or prudent in this game - we're hooked & we enjoy it so we get the plastic out.

01-24-2013, 05:54 AM
i haven't checked all my prizes but i know i have 4 x fleet command ships , anyone who uses thier increased stats to hit someone they would not be able to hit after gree take them back is leaving themselves open to many revenge attacks , that is why i am sticking to the target range i had before the event .

01-24-2013, 08:28 AM
So there's where mine went i guess?

01-24-2013, 08:49 AM
yes i have your fleet command but don't worry i am taking good care of it for you , i will try not to dent it up too much , it may need a wash though .

01-24-2013, 08:57 AM
Oh wait, I think I might have just sunk that one, sorry.