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View Full Version : The Republican Faction

01-23-2013, 07:22 PM
Hello Folks,

Looking for some serious players to join our faction. Around 20,000 attack or more. We may consider those who have an attack of 10,000 but thats about it. Though, we may weed you out if we have someone better.

Our faction is quite serious and has some real good players. We are not very worried about awesome players with high stats. Though, it would be awesome if you would like to join. Just know you will not be pulling the whole team's weight.

Also if you are a gold player with low stats, we may consider you. Though you would have to talk to our faction leader about contributions. (We don't want to use you, but we don't want you using us).

Also know that our faction is actually a good group of friends. We constantly talk on our forum everday and like to have fun. We are not a boring faction. We kind of expect you to be a good friend as well. And because we are good friends we are extremely competetive.

If you are interested in a stable faction we are the right ones for you. However, we would appreciate if you don't sell yourself around. Again, we are serious faction and we would appreciate that if you are interested that you actually give us some commitment before trying other groups.

Please give me your ID number, a fun fact, what your attack and defense are, and how you would like to contribute to our faction.

Good Luck,


01-24-2013, 03:40 AM
This sounds like a good faction. It is interesting to know that you achieved top 1000 with only 14 members. The other 12 members were removed from our faction because they were non playing members. Our faction is quite nice, but participation is a must.

My MW ID is 271-260-467. Invite me, check out my stats and start up a conversation or post back here. I am the faction leader. While I am not the strongest member stat wise in the faction, I have the range of stats our faction is looking for.

Looking forward to inviting some future "Republicans" to join us in our quest to annihilate the opposition.

01-24-2013, 09:35 AM
As of now we have 16 devoted spots. This means we have 16 active players who donate substantially and add a good amount of points. With our the new guilds we have opened this means we have been able to add 6 more slots. In total we have 10 spots! Grab them now. We would appreciate if you could write a resume on this page. However, you may also contact our faction leader Hushsway above.

01-24-2013, 10:31 AM
ID 546-943-239
I'm an adult who still plays like a kid. I enjoy snowboarding, wakeboarding, golf and politics. I work hard at work and play even harder on the weekends. Oh and I secretly play modern war all day!!
Attack: 50,200
Defense: 52,150
Income: 651294 p/h
I have $5 mil itching to contribute everyday to a faction that plays fair to its members. And all the concert I get, normally 10 a day

01-24-2013, 02:22 PM
you have been accepted. I sent you a message in your profile. Hope you accept.

01-25-2013, 09:06 PM
We have had 4 spots taken. There are 5 left. Most have personally sought me out. I'd prefer if you are interested to put your resume here and attract other people.

All pretty good recruits.

01-27-2013, 03:27 PM
Attention! If you are a member of Screaming Eagle looking for the merger interest. This is where we will discuss

01-31-2013, 08:51 AM
3 spots left. Also, update for faction members.

01-31-2013, 09:36 AM
Over 10,000 Attack

Major Pain*
Mr. Steelurgirl*
Loop the Hoop*
Ebenezer Scrooge

Currently Upgrading and Letting me Know

These Players Need Some Help (Or need to heed to advice I post)
Sir Richard (Need to start spamming useful units like demolitions)
Faber Not even 3000 attack? (Needs to start spamming and upgrading. Plus, the member number given was not a real member number. Please give me the real member number. Thank you.)
Thrashing Come on dude. Your buddy vouched for you. You really need to start spamming.

Alright forum players. This is something to work for. If you have a star by your name, you have met standards but based on level, we hope that you continue to upgrade. You really need to upgrade if you guys want to be successful.

Those currently upgrading and letting me know have done a good job. Please continue to do so. All have a potential of being top members based off what I have currently seen. We have high hopes for you guys, but you guys need to continue improving your attack and donating.

For players that need help. I hope that you guys listen to advise I am giving you. They are simple things. For example, spamming Demolitions is one of the easiest things to do to improve your attacks.

The best money buildings are Command Centers, Munitions Stockpiles. Upgrading these to level ten will give you a daily 1,000,000. When you need and can afford to upgrade more money buildings, Natural Gas Buildings, Recycling Plants and Oil Rigs are good. In that order. WE (INCLUDING YOU) need money. You guys need to get your attack up. We need you to get your attack up. You need to donate to the faction. We need you to donate to the faction.

GOLD. I am personally not going to tell you to buy gold. But damn... that stuff is really helpful. You are only helping yourself if you want to buy gold. However, this doesn't exclude you from getting the free gold from Tap Joy. Everyone should have gold for the last event. Gold wins battles. Simple as that.

Keep in mind. We are not excluding anyone. We want everyone to stay. Most have you have really benefited from the factions success. So I hope in respect for the people who have done all that they can (whether its donating or getting points) you also put yourself into it. The problem comes when we don't see donations, and we see little improvements in what needs to be improved... for example... attack and defense. You should not be over level 50 and have less than 10000. If it happened... it happens, lets just get back on track.

This comes into our second point. Hushsway, Samson, and I have seen growing number people trying to join. If we feel that you are really not trying in the faction we will let you go before we buy a cap increase. Its just logical to save money and buy a worthy upgrade instead of keeping slackers. We will not let you go until this happens. But please don't let us do this. MAKE US, buy that cap increase for the faction.

Remember Three Things

1. Donate
2. Increase Attack (defense but lesser extent)
3. Get Gold (free or purchased) For free download tapjoy.com from Modern War. On the purchase gold page, if you go to the bottom it says free gold. Download tapjoy and start tappen and getting free gold.