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01-18-2013, 03:15 PM
Anyone know during a battle what the number to the left of an opponents name means? (number of times attacked)?

Anyone figured out how many energy each attack uses and how much we have? I am only getting 2-3 attacks in per battle.

Dr. Dengus
01-18-2013, 03:15 PM
Android update doesn't work. You go to globe and it crashes.

You get a new phone/tablet B, or just speaking on someone else's behalf?

01-18-2013, 03:24 PM
You get a new phone/tablet B, or just speaking on someone else's behalf?someome else's behalf m8. I'd never low grade. Lol

commander Don
01-18-2013, 03:27 PM
can can we have an update on works regard adroid issues please!

01-18-2013, 03:29 PM
Anyone know during a battle what the number to the left of an opponents name means? (number of times attacked)?

Anyone figured out how many energy each attack uses and how much we have? I am only getting 2-3 attacks in per battle.

I think that #1 is the leader, 2are officers, and 3s are members..... I think.

01-18-2013, 03:31 PM
FIXED!! Thank you

Evo 3d user.

01-18-2013, 03:36 PM
Galaxy S2 here; and it appears to be working on android now.


01-18-2013, 03:39 PM
Anyone else getting the "you must be a member of a faction to participate in a World Domination event?"

I'm the faction leader, how can I not be in a faction?


commander Don
01-18-2013, 03:40 PM
fixed, thx cj

01-18-2013, 03:41 PM
Galaxy S2 here; and it appears to be working on android now.


We just pushed that out, people on Android who were having trouble accessing the faction/WD stuff should be good to go.

Alaska Ken
01-18-2013, 03:46 PM
CJ, read pm please.

01-18-2013, 03:48 PM
CJ, what we need to do, to get functional the world domination on Android. All have the same problem: it frezzes and ask to end the app. Last battle we do nothing.

01-18-2013, 03:49 PM
How is it that during a battle I can attack the fortification but when I go to attack the defense leader of the rival faction the following message appears: Not in faction, you must be a member of a faction to participate in a world domination event?

Is our only option to attack the fortification?

does it mean that their defense leader is offline and cannot be attacked, thus no other players can be attacked?

Please help.

thank you.

Anyone else getting the "you must be a member of a faction to participate in a World Domination event?"

I'm the faction leader, how can I not be in a faction?


01-18-2013, 03:51 PM
Well I hope this all gets worked out. CJ... your overtime is much appreciated.

Ph4ntom Stranger
01-18-2013, 03:52 PM
Accessing faction menus is working again on android. However the newer boosts aren't visible like they were last night CJ.

01-18-2013, 03:52 PM
CJ every question put in front of you. You've bosses it. Awesome job man. Enjoying this. When's leaderboard up again. Our wins aren't registering.

01-18-2013, 03:57 PM
They should change the declare button to only show up for faction leaders.
Our faction is going around accusing all the newbies of pressing the button when no one steps forward to say that they pushed it. We have some low level faction members that don't participate on the forum so we have no way to contact them to tell them not to press the button too soon. It is better if only the leaders had that button.

In "real life" they don't let one person declare war, right?

01-18-2013, 04:03 PM
No one in our faction declared war... yet we all just got a timer with only 30 minutes on it. What the heck??
We had all agreed to stay out of the war until these bugs were fixed, yet it seems we've been pulled in anyway.
Gree should be refunding our 10 million cash and 118 blocks for the level 10 fortification we just lost.
Worst Programmers and Beta Testers - EVER!
- in fact you should be called Money-Scammers, not Programmers.

01-18-2013, 04:04 PM
Only Congress can declare war not the president!

01-18-2013, 04:04 PM
They should change the declare button to only show up for faction leaders.
Our faction is going around accusing all the newbies of pressing the button when no one steps forward to say that they pushed it. We have some low level faction members that don't participate on the forum so we have no way to contact them to tell them not to press the button too soon. It is better if only the leaders had that button.

In "real life" the president has to be the one to declare war, right?

Technically the Pres has a very limited ability to declare war (This phenomena is only recent, last 20 years or so) and it was congress which held that responsibility and power (in reference to American history)

Jean marc
01-18-2013, 04:06 PM

How is it possible to be attack in the game at the same time i am in a war. i am getting hit while in the war loosing units and money i did not get to bank being busy battling in the war.

01-18-2013, 04:12 PM

Is there suppose to be an advantage to winning a war? Seems to me that a close match where for example the Winning faction scored 200,000 points and the losing faction scored 199,999 points... that the only difference is 1 point towards Brazil totals and a win or loss on the records. Shouldn't there be some sort of a win bonus?

01-18-2013, 04:17 PM
We are still losing wins. we should be 4-0 right now but it only shows 1-0.

01-18-2013, 04:20 PM
so my lvl 27 android account just got beat by a lvl 144 account who had stats 5x as strong.
Is that how this goes?

01-18-2013, 04:26 PM
so my lvl 27 android account just got beat by a lvl 144 account who had stats 5x as strong.
Is that how this goes?
I guess, I was just hit by a guy from two battles ago that was 50 levels below me. Poor little guy.
I hit him one time so i could post on his wall.

01-18-2013, 04:32 PM
Now that the attack / defense stats show in the attack screen...why are they varying so much with each attack? I'm seeing 20k-30k differences with each attack?

Flavious Flav
01-18-2013, 04:32 PM
CJ every question put in front of you. You've bosses it. Awesome job man. Enjoying this. When's leaderboard up again. Our wins aren't registering.

Ours either, no leader board, and no updated win loss stats. Our last wars WD points have not been added to our total. Is anyone else having this problem?

01-18-2013, 04:34 PM
2 of our battles are not showing in our record, including our only win (we'd like that little bit for morale)

01-18-2013, 04:34 PM
CJ, what we need to do, to get functional the world domination on Android. All have the same problem: it frezzes and ask to end the app. Last battle we do nothing.

A fix for that is on the servers; also just in general make sure you are on the current build/current dataset to minimize issues.

How is it that during a battle I can attack the fortification but when I go to attack the defense leader of the rival faction the following message appears: Not in faction, you must be a member of a faction to participate in a world domination event?

I don't know. Send in a ticket through the in-game so that we have your info, and we'll take a look.

Accessing faction menus is working again on android. However the newer boosts aren't visible like they were last night CJ.

I'll check with the devs, but that is probably a side-effect of the fix for the faction menu issue. We'll have 'em back in when we can, in the meantime they are applying correctly on the server.


How is it possible to be attack in the game at the same time i am in a war. i am getting hit while in the war loosing units and money i did not get to bank being busy battling in the war.

We're looking into solutions for that one now, and the newsfeed issue, but we may not have those out during this event.


Is there suppose to be an advantage to winning a war? Seems to me that a close match where for example the Winning faction scored 200,000 points and the losing faction scored 199,999 points... that the only difference is 1 point towards Brazil totals and a win or loss on the records. Shouldn't there be some sort of a win bonus?

Nope, there's no bonus for winning a single war, the point is the overall WD you accumulate.

We are still losing wins. we should be 4-0 right now but it only shows 1-0.

The team is looking into this one now.

so my lvl 27 android account just got beat by a lvl 144 account who had stats 5x as strong.
Is that how this goes?

If you mean in a war, I'd recommend going back and checking the first post of this thread. I gave some details about how the matching system works; it's possible to get an imbalanced match-up sometimes, in which case the best thing to do is attack the fortification. If you mean he's just attacking you outside of that, it's because you're in his newsfeed. We're looking into ways to address that issue.

Flavious Flav
01-18-2013, 04:37 PM
Galaxy S2 here; and it appears to be working on android now.


Off subject but that's the coolest avatar I've seen. Yes, I know I'm a geek. I bet Spock would rock at WD during pon fare and yes I know it's spelled wrong. Forgive me for the off subject post. Good hunting to everyone during their battles.

01-18-2013, 04:46 PM
Guys could you tell me please

What should I attack first in brazil war ,, I should attack the defense player or the facation !!? Need your help

01-18-2013, 04:49 PM
Already did. ticket #334890
Still no gold CJ. I really need it now.

01-18-2013, 04:54 PM
Guys could you tell me please

What should I attack first in brazil war ,, I should attack the defense player or the facation !!? Need your help

If you can't beat the defense leader, then attack the faction. There are numbers under their name in which I have no clue what it means, but the lower the number...I say hit it. Even if you don't win the war, you'll accumulate some points for your effort.

Edited: The number under their name means the number of alliance they have. I see some in the war I'm fighting with 1 and 2 alliance member which leads me to believe that they tried the strength in numbers strategy that was mentioned somewhere else on the forum. It's a classic Trojan horse defense, although we don't exactly choose who we battle. They drop alliance to seem weak for the match up, and then the defense leader is a beast!

All in all, a money making scheme for health replenishing.

01-18-2013, 04:55 PM
We are still losing wins. we should be 4-0 right now but it only shows 1-0.Same with us but CJ knows and I'm sure is working on it.

I think everyone here just needs to relax a bit and just give CJ the facts about problems without the negative. While things could be going much smoother, I am sure they are doing everything possible to address your concerns. Obviously gree does not want to intentionally make their paying customers angry. So take a pull, sit back and enjoy yourselves as much as possible.

Ajk...that wasn't directed at you.

01-18-2013, 04:57 PM
If you can't beat the defense leader, then attack the faction. There are numbers under their name in which I have no clue what it means, but the lower the number...I say hit it. Even if you don't win the war, you'll accumulate some points for your effort.

As you say

I will try to attack lithe defense player first if I cannt beat him
I will attack the faction right !?

And if me and my faction is online at the same time we should attack the defense player to knock him OUT :)

01-18-2013, 04:58 PM
Same with us but CJ knows and I'm sure is working on it.

I think everyone here just needs to relax a bit and just give CJ the facts about problems without the negative. While things could be going much smoother, I am sure they are doing everything possible to address your concerns. Obviously gree does not want to intentionally make their paying customers angry. So take a pull, sit back and enjoy yourselves as much as possible.

Ajk...that wasn't directed at you. Well said, although i am more worried about the gold i purchased as it can really help my faction right now, not later, right now.

01-18-2013, 05:11 PM
Can't someone from Gree post the leader boards here so atleast we have an idea where we are at? Or is it a complete Cluster@%$!

01-18-2013, 05:16 PM
Why is it taking so long for the wars to start. We have had only 2 in the first 8 hrs and the whole 8 hrs we have been in a declared war state

01-18-2013, 05:28 PM
This wasnt explained very well at all!!! So much hype, i read the help columns but when the wars started... WHAT!!!!!! Cmon!

01-18-2013, 05:36 PM
Hey CJ or anyone else out there,
On the battle list tab in a war what do the numbers in the gold stars mean. I get the number next to it is allies but even that is having problems but the gold star has random numbers 1-3 in it. What's that mean?

01-18-2013, 05:48 PM
Hey CJ or anyone else out there,
On the battle list tab in a war what do the numbers in the gold stars mean. I get the number next to it is allies but even that is having problems but the gold star has random numbers 1-3 in it. What's that mean?
1 is leader, 2 officer, 3 member.

Jean marc
01-18-2013, 06:09 PM
no refuse war button, so you can get attack even if nobody is present got to like that

01-18-2013, 06:17 PM
Why can't I attack defense leader a message keeps popping up anybody else having this issue

01-18-2013, 06:21 PM
We have three spots left. Join Black Ops, we have over 440k WD points so far. check us out 8895-113-363


Jean marc
01-18-2013, 06:24 PM
the leader board is out of order

01-18-2013, 06:31 PM
I have a feeling that the wait times to be paired are going to change the outcome of the event. If you have wait 20+ miunutes after every battle to find a rival while others don't, you are screwed! You lose a 1 hour battle every 4 hours. that can mean millions of lost WD points over 5 days...

Couldn't have said it any better!!!
Our faction was only been able to battle twice since the start.
Been waiting now 3+ hours or our 3rd battle to start!!!
We screwed!

01-18-2013, 06:31 PM
2 months ago I was ready to quit, It was getting boring. I was excited for this war and something to do. I been playing for an entire year and $50 for gold and was happy. After the war and the only way to do anything is gold, I am again ready to quit.

Really 4 hits and your done with 2-3 more and time. My god talk about ****.

01-18-2013, 06:44 PM
I agree they really need to give us at least double the health we now have.

01-18-2013, 06:46 PM
Is Android supposed to be working now? We have several players who can't seem to get in.

Devil dog
01-18-2013, 06:58 PM
We are still losing wins. we should be 4-0 right now but it only shows 1-0.

We are having the same problem? For some reason our wins aren't showing up and our points aren't adding up?

01-18-2013, 07:05 PM
Guys... Can only the leader set a defensive leader? Does one have to be set before every battle? Our leader is hardly around and we don't think we ever have a defensive leader set. Would be really nice if the officers could see this stuff or set a leader!!!

01-18-2013, 07:23 PM
Guys... Can only the leader set a defensive leader? Does one have to be set before every battle? Our leader is hardly around and we don't think we ever have a defensive leader set. Would be really nice if the officers could see this stuff or set a leader!!!

Only the leader can set the defensive leader... But once set, it should stay the same person...

01-18-2013, 07:25 PM

if i do not declare war, why am i always at war? i have been for the last 6 hours or so

the first two wars were declared on my. i didn't declare.

i did 1 declaration... after that war was done, another immediately started WITHOUT declaration.

and another, and another.

am i missing something?

and i can not make a defense leader. says wait until it's over.

tell me how to fix this! i have sent in a ticket. as posted in another thread, and history being my guide... i humbly ask for a support response before feb 1.

01-18-2013, 07:30 PM
Only the leader can set the defensive leader... But once set, it should stay the same person...

Thanks.. We don't know if our leader set one. Doesn't seem like it

01-18-2013, 07:37 PM
i am the leader of my group, and i CAN NOT set a defense leader. it says....



i have been trying to set this since downloading the app this afternoon. no luck. and as a result, it appears that by having no leader you are subject to a war declaration whether you want it or not.

you can not recharge your health between wars.

also, there is no place on the screen, that i can see, where it tells you how long you have to wait.. when you fight a boss, it is there. this thing needs the same.

01-18-2013, 07:58 PM
i am the leader of my group, and i CAN NOT set a defense leader. it says....



i have been trying to set this since downloading the app this afternoon. no luck. and as a result, it appears that by having no leader you are subject to a war declaration whether you want it or not.

you can not recharge your health between wars.

also, there is no place on the screen, that i can see, where it tells you how long you have to wait.. when you fight a boss, it is there. this thing needs the same.

Yeah,our leader was gonna try and resign cause he's soooo hacked about this game... It wouldn't left him.. He tried to delegate his account... Wouldn't let him... :). My whole faction is sick of this already. 8battles in 8 hrs... And over half of our defensive buildings are gone.. And we only declared twice that I know of......

01-18-2013, 08:04 PM
Either it was auto-declaring and has stopped or paused, or posting a message in all caps on every member's wall and reposting every 5th post in our forum helped. Try this: DO NOT DECLARE WAR - ONLY THE LEADER WILL DECLARE WAR - CHECK FORUM FOR NEXT WAR TIME - DO NOT DECLARE WAR

We wondered for a while if it was sabotage, but that really didn't fit. It might have been new players who hadn't been to battle yet, testing out the new update before checking in and realizing what they'd done.

01-18-2013, 08:06 PM
We have three spots left. Join Black Ops, we have over 440k WD points so far. check us out 8895-113-363


1st - wrong spot for this. 2nd - factions are on lock-down until this event is over. Nobody gets in or out of your faction.

01-18-2013, 08:07 PM
I just wanna say thanks to gree and CJ especially, I can feel the effort that went into this. Yeah, there are issues and even many legit ones, but folks, this is war and it ain't pretty. We had a great time today. We had more than our share of faction challenges and if anything pulled together in this event.

The whole "defense leader" thing seems to cause some confusion, esp from the appointment side. You need to know they must be killed to hit the rest of the oppponent, and the variations between successful power attack, regular attacks etc etc. But otherwise a lot of folks are wrapping around the axle.

We're gonna keep persevering, learning, laughing and looking on the bright side. If you can't do that I hear bowling is fun. If your retort is that you invested irreplaceable time and money in this game you need help not grown in this forum.

Go get it folks.

Durt McGurt
01-18-2013, 08:09 PM
2 months ago I was ready to quit, It was getting boring. I was excited for this war and something to do. I been playing for an entire year and $50 for gold and was happy. After the war and the only way to do anything is gold, I am again ready to quit.

Really 4 hits and your done with 2-3 more and time. My god talk about ****.

^^ Agree ^^

Jean marc
01-18-2013, 08:29 PM
all the faction is locked cannot promote, demote remove or change defense leader.

01-18-2013, 08:47 PM
Anybody out there?
Our faction has been waiting for the battle to start for 6+ hours now!!!
We're dead in the water while others rack up the points!
This is painful to be apart of, please help!!!

01-18-2013, 09:08 PM
Is the leader board frozen? Hasn't reloaded in a long time

01-18-2013, 09:22 PM
Is the leader board frozen? Hasn't reloaded in a long timemine was showing up again recently

01-18-2013, 09:51 PM
Anybody out there?
Our faction has been waiting for the battle to start for 6+ hours now!!!
We're dead in the water while others rack up the points!
This is painful to be apart of, please help!!!

Wally, have you sent in a ticket? If so, PM me the ticket number, or else I can use your invite code. I'll let the engineers know.

01-18-2013, 09:59 PM
i cant play anymore since last update. says INVALID DATA & now in Playstore/Market says not compatible with my device. yet ive been playing the game on same phone for past 6 month

what did they do? and if i do need to upgrade my game, how would i transfer my game since cant open it?

01-18-2013, 10:01 PM
all the faction is locked cannot promote, demote remove or change defense leader.

If you are in a battle you need to wait until it is over to change defense leader. We had the same problem, once the battle was over we were able to change our DL.

01-18-2013, 10:03 PM
the leader board is out of order
What do you mean it's out of order? Nothing to see here!

Run along children! READ SOME BOOKS! ~ Nacho Libre

Dr. Dengus
01-18-2013, 10:24 PM
What do you mean it's out of order? Nothing to see here!

Run along children! READ SOME BOOKS! ~ Nacho Libre


01-18-2013, 11:03 PM
Our faction members have not declared war.. yet we keep getting thrown into battles. Now we can't even attack the defensive leader - keep getting a "server error - updating event data". I want my money back CJ. I'm launching a
complaint with Apple. That's enough of you guys and your incompetence.
Everyone who is having a problem should launch a complaint with your Device Manufacturer - Because GREE does not listen nor care.

01-18-2013, 11:09 PM
Our faction members have not declared war.. yet we keep getting thrown into battles. Now we can't even attack the defensive leader - keep getting a "server error - updating event data". I want my money back CJ. I'm launching a
complaint with Apple. That's enough of you guys and your incompetence.
Everyone who is having a problem should launch a complaint with your Device Manufacturer - Because GREE does not listen nor care.

The only way you can declare war is if someone in your faction declares war.

Dr. Dengus
01-18-2013, 11:09 PM
The only way you can declare war is if someone in your faction declares war.

Hope you have a case of cold ones waiting for you at home CJ ...

01-18-2013, 11:12 PM
Our faction members have not declared war.. yet we keep getting thrown into battles. Now we can't even attack the defensive leader - keep getting a "server error - updating event data". I want my money back CJ. I'm launching a
complaint with Apple. That's enough of you guys and your incompetence.
Everyone who is having a problem should launch a complaint with your Device Manufacturer - Because GREE does not listen nor care.

Hacker issues !!


01-18-2013, 11:20 PM
The only way you can declare war is if someone in your faction declares war.

No one in my faction is even online right now except me. Yet after each battle we are thrown into another. Do you expect me to believe this statement considering the bugs found and listed on this forum?

Normally I would say - it's just a game, who cares. But considering the loss of our fortifications and the real gold it took to get them, the loss of time invested into playing this game and donating to the faction by all of our members, it is no longer just a game. its now a headache.

Point in fact. I just watched the last minute tick down on the existing battle... and then BOOM!!! Your Faction has declared War message came up. So dont tell me your excuses. I've already contacted Apple and Launched a complaint against Gree and Funzio.

Sorry CJ - for you I know it's just a job as forum moderator. But the company you work for, and the programmers and beta testers who said this was ready - All receive a major FAIL. Shame on them.

01-18-2013, 11:23 PM
This BFB is bad! It is not wel tested. Lot of bug's. Forts that can be taken down, battels which don't start, sh.tload off hackers, etc etc. Way would i spend gold= money an à defaulted game. Worst part, i think gree has to look up THE words costum and support! In wil ask For a refund For not delivering a well working product. You al should ask For à refund!

01-18-2013, 11:23 PM
A similar bug is that my game is buying gold refills automatically when I press the attack buttong at 25% health. And it is NOT a doubletap issue. I tested is thoroughly.

Whay suspect is that invisible popup or popup lag may be an issue. Some people still attack when the war is already over. They press what they see as the attack button, but the screen already detecting the Declare War window with the declare war button. The visuals did not change yet, but the touch areas did.

So nobody is aware of pressing the declare war button, yet they do it when it is invisible.

i did have the enemy roster up showing me that I can attack (I did not press the button) when the battle was already past the 1 hour and over. So I think this is where the devvelopers should look. We are pressing invisible buttons because the button touch areas and the graphical layers do not change at the same time.

01-18-2013, 11:35 PM
Sorry CJ - for you I know it's just a job as forum moderator. But the company you work for, and the programmers and beta testers who said this was ready - All receive a major FAIL. Shame on them. I can categorically state that the beta testers that actually play the game, did not say that the bugs were all worked out. They hardly had any time to test it out, from what I have been able to unravel.

01-18-2013, 11:39 PM
This BFB is bad! It is not wel tested. Lot of bug's. Forts that can be taken down, battels which don't start, sh.tload off hackers, etc etc. Way would i spend gold= money an à defaulted game. Worst part, i think gree has to look up THE words costum and support! In wil ask For a refund For not delivering a well working product. You al should ask For à refund!

Looks like my assumption is wrong, not the AC but The Fort collapse first !! Maybe it is designed to collapsed due to heavy firing ?? Or is your GOLDEN FORT supposed to be uncollapsable !!


01-18-2013, 11:39 PM
Wally, have you sent in a ticket? If so, PM me the ticket number, or else I can use your invite code. I'll let the engineers know.

The ticket number on this is #335771
Thanks CJ!!!

01-18-2013, 11:41 PM
This BFB is bad! It is not wel tested. Lot of bug's. Forts that can be taken down, battels which don't start, sh.tload off hackers, etc etc. Way would i spend gold= money an à defaulted game. Worst part, i think gree has to look up THE words costum and support! In wil ask For a refund For not delivering a well working product. You al should ask For à refund!

This part of the faction is totally devoted of imagination, it is just designed as a money sukker, after experiencing the rate at witch you have to spend money, we are just going to play for free and if we do not like the results at the end we will drop out of the game, I believe many players will follow, this battle for Brazil was invented by a 12 year old for 6 year old players that inherited from Grand-Ma , sorry but "FFF" on the hole line

Major Chaos
01-19-2013, 01:51 AM
This update is riddled with bugs... Releasing the update only a day before the World Domination event kicks off is in my opinion such a poor decision by management. I was excited for this event to start only to be disappointed by not being able to participate as the WD countdown timer was incorrect. I was left without a faction as I was changing factions last minute and relying on a timer that was wrong.

01-19-2013, 02:02 AM
Moving this post from fl@sh's rage post here.

my poor LLP lvl 49 has been in 3 battles and the def leaders all have thousands of allies vs my lowly 35 allies ! and now am being attacked in game by people 100 levels higher than me, because am now on their walls it wont stop hardly fair matching now is it.

Agreed here.

Once war is declared, your faction will be matched up with other factions of similar attack strength, fighting to win World Domination (WD) points.

I'm level 39 with 25 alliance and in a faction with my friend who is level 30, 35 alliance and my other account which is level 10. On our first match we got paired up with someone who was level 109 and more then double my A/D and in our 3rd match we went up against someone who was level 143, 131 allies and more than 3x my A/D. If this is how the pairing system works GREE can keep their WD tournaments.

01-19-2013, 03:09 AM
Any idea wen leaderboard will be up and running.

SuperSonic Chimp
01-19-2013, 03:28 AM
[QUOTE=Baraka;558396]Any idea wen leaderboard will be up and running.[/QUO

It's up and running now....just not correct...like everything else! ;-) I just had to do it!

SuperSonic Chimp
01-19-2013, 03:34 AM
=Point in fact. I just watched the last minute tick down on the existing battle... and then BOOM!!! Your Faction has declared War message came up. So dont tell me your excuses. I've already contacted Apple and Launched a complaint against Gree and Funzio.

There has to be some truth to this. My faction just got out of a fight, everyone went to bed except me. literally...3 seconds from the screen showing we had won, it said we had declared war again, and the other team already had 268 points up on us. No one has energy to fight since we just got out of a fight, and I'm the only member up at the moment.....something is terribly wrong. I think it's been happening all day to. So much to the point I threatened to delete every member of my faction if it happened again.

01-19-2013, 03:49 AM
We can report that we never declared war either yet somehow we are at war WTF

01-19-2013, 03:58 AM
How does the factions total score system work ? Our faction won a war by over 8,000 points to 1,000 yet only gained a score of 400 in the total points score when the leader has over 2 million already !!! It seems a strange scoring system and doesn't encourage you to play. Plus we have won 2 wars yet it shows nil???
Very confusing and annoying- any ideas??

The Battle for Brazil is almost upon us. This event, the first of the World Domination events, will start at 9 AM PST on 1/18 and end Wednesday 1/23 at 12 noon PST.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and feedback, and also to offer some helpful tips to get the most out of the event:

The Matching System:

During the event, your faction will be able to Declare War. Doing this will tell the system "We're ready for a fight", and the system will start looking for another faction to pair you with. Declaring war will cost one fortification. The system looks at the following to determine an appropriate foe:

1: The overall strength of your faction: The sum of your faction's power will be compared to the sum of the other faction's power when looking for potential match-ups.

2: The Faction's WD Rank: This is based on how well you are doing in the contest.

3: How many match-ups you have had with the guild during the event.

The system will spend 20 minutes looking for a match-up. As this time goes on, the parameters will relax slightly. If a match-up is not found in 20 minutes, your guild will have to declare war again and the system will start looking again.

When a match-up is made, a special UI will come up that will allow you to attack the other faction's members (starting with the defense leader if he has not been defeated). You will have one hour after the match-up starts to attack the other faction, during which time the other faction will also be attacking you. For this reason, it is very important to coordinate war declarations with your faction to maximize the number of people online during an attack.

What to do in the case of a difficult match-up:

Due to the above system, you may face a variety of overall power levels (although they should be fairly close, especially as the event goes on). If you get a difficult match-up, you can attack the Command Center of the other faction instead of the players. This will result in less points per attack, but remember that it will take more than a single match-up to decide the Battle for Brazil. The winning factions will be the ones that have the most World Domination points at the end, which means the prizes for this event will ultimately go to the most dedicated and best organized.

A new update will be required to see the event tomorrow:

You will have to download a new update to participate, and that update is currently being prepped (i.e. it is not in the App Store yet). As soon as it is released, we will post on the forums to announce it so that everyone can download the update.

If anyone has any additional questions, I will do my best to answer them today.

Jean marc
01-19-2013, 04:59 AM
no outside a battle been trying but nothing, just tried again msg factions locked....., on ipad 2

01-19-2013, 05:26 AM
i cannot promote members to officers. It says the system is locked during the event. I knew we would not be able to add/remove members, but are we also supposed to be prohibited from promoting & demoting?

01-19-2013, 05:33 AM
Just trying to figure out how many WD points we need to advance further.

01-19-2013, 05:43 AM
Our WD points are not being recorded. I don't know how many are missing now. At the end of our last war, I captured a screenshot that showed we had 335,451. The WD screen now shows that we have just 287,034! Our last war wasn't even counted. Our win/loss total is wrong, and I fear that the points from several of our other battles also were not counted. The total displayed on the leader-board page to reach the next level has likewise risen by the amount of points that have gone missing. We weren't tracking this, but there's a good chance this happened throughout the day as well.

01-19-2013, 05:45 AM
Same issue here. Points have halved today and wins aren't showing up. So frustrating!

01-19-2013, 05:50 AM
Hei CJ what happen to the splash screen of the BfB? Seems it is stock and we are not able to see the battle points

01-19-2013, 06:05 AM
My faction has a leader and officer but I keep hearing defense leader and we don't have one. Is this another rank that leader should of appointed? If so is it too late to promote one? I haven't updated my game yet and neither has my faction because all the replies here tells me that this is one big mess of an update and WD isn't as high and mighty as we thought. Please answer CJ or any other member about defense leader.


01-19-2013, 06:20 AM
You need to update to compete. Once updated, your leader designates a member as defense leader by promoting that person in the same way they would an officer, but selecting defense leader. I hope it works.

01-19-2013, 06:59 AM
Our WD points are not being recorded. I don't know how many are missing now. At the end of our last war, I captured a screenshot that showed we had 335,451. The WD screen now shows that we have just 287,034! Our last war wasn't even counted. Our win/loss total is wrong, and I fear that the points from several of our other battles also were not counted. The total displayed on the leader-board page to reach the next level has likewise risen by the amount of points that have gone missing. We weren't tracking this, but there's a good chance this happened throughout the day as well.

According to our individual totals, we should have 366,476 WD points, so quite a few have dropped out of our calculations. Also, we show just 1:3, yet we have fought in at least 8 battles. I don't know if this is somehow related, but just in case ...

ticket #336403

01-19-2013, 07:12 AM
Missing WD Points

Our faction is losing total points as well. We are down 20k-30k points as the total keeps dropping and it definitely doesn't match the individual points when added up.

Ticket Number 336592

01-19-2013, 07:19 AM
We are missing our points as well and W-L records are not updated. Once a fix is made, will those points be restored or will they be lost?

01-19-2013, 07:30 AM
We are missing our points as well and W-L records are not updated. Once a fix is made, will those points be restored or will they be lost?

Take screen shots and keep for your records after each battle. The points and win-loss are disappearing for us after each battle.

01-19-2013, 07:30 AM
Same issues.

Ticket sent with screen shots.

01-19-2013, 08:03 AM
Every time we get to 500 WD points it puts us back to 42 and we also are at 0-0 after 4 battles

01-19-2013, 08:10 AM
everyone in the faction is getting a "updating server error" when trying to attack the defense leader,
We destroyed the fortification and the command center and still can not attack the defense leader.
Only got 4200 points for the whole battle. What gives?
1) we are not showing correct number of wins, if that even matters
2) points do not add up, that does matter.

ticket #336846 FYI

Army of Death
01-19-2013, 08:11 AM
We are also missing battle points as well as the number of battles are incorrect. We also have wars started when nobody in the faction declared. It seems this wasn't vetted very well as there are numerous bugs with this whole world domination. Gree should just cancel the battle and work out all the bugs and then do a launch when everything is working correctly.

Secondly, am I the only one who thinks that the whole battle health thing is lame that you only get to attack someone four times then your health is gone? And then it takes more than the hour of the battle to fully regenerate. I get it is all about making money but this is ridiculous that you could spend the $60 to get the 1,500 gold but at 25 gold per refill of health you get 60 refills so for every refill of health it cost $1. It makes more sense to me seeing it is still a PVP's event that the health should be based on the stamina that the players has just like when you attack someone in the game. This really needs to be changed or I can see many players dropping from this event and even the game as the top factions will be unbeatable going forward.

SuperSonic Chimp
01-19-2013, 08:15 AM
We are also missing battle points as well as the number of battles are incorrect. We also have wars started when nobody in the faction declared. It seems this wasn't vetted very well as there are numerous bugs with this whole world domination. Gree should just cancel the battle and work out all the bugs and then do a launch when everything is working correctly.

Secondly, am I the only one who thinks that the whole battle health thing is lame that you only get to attack someone four times then your health is gone? And then it takes more than the hour of the battle to fully regenerate. I get it is all about making money but this is ridiculous that you could spend the $60 to get the 1,500 gold but at 25 gold per refill of health you get 60 refills so for every refill of health it cost $1. It makes more sense to me seeing it is still a PVP's event that the health should be based on the stamina that the players has just like when you attack someone in the game. This really needs to be changed or I can see many players dropping from this event and even the game as the top factions will be unbeatable going forward.

Please refrain from making too much sense...it's frowned upon here........

01-19-2013, 08:20 AM
I am the defence leader for my faction. We've been in 5 wars so far, I have not taken more than 5 failed attacks in any of these and yet my members are getting attacked. The the defence leader get a report of all attacks taken? I thought the defence leader could take 10 failed attacks before falling.

01-19-2013, 08:20 AM
The only way you can declare war is if someone in your faction declares war.

Our faction just got dragged into another war and no one have health left... There are suggestion that it issue to lag of the screens and some member trying to attack after 60 minute timer expires. Is there any truth to that?

01-19-2013, 08:22 AM
Secondly, am I the only one who thinks that the whole battle health thing is lame that you only get to attack someone four times then your health is gone? And then it takes more than the hour of the battle to fully regenerate.

No you are not.

And I'm watching our WD points disappear before my eyes. We just finished a battle and were at 72k and change and I looked again 5 minutes later and we dropped 12K points! And this is HALF of the individual totals. It could be that we only get 50% of the individual totals as per the rules but I don't think the way the system is scoring it is correct as that should be accounted for before they're displayed.

01-19-2013, 08:27 AM
Fought and won 4 times, waited 30 minutes and fought and one once. Did not update my stats and our faction lost because Gree has crappy programmers. I can no longer fight PVP because of massive unit loss. Nothing left to play other than camping or deleting game.

Hero of Time
01-19-2013, 08:29 AM
It keeps saying that I'm not in a faction but I am in one so now I can't attack and just sitting there getting my ass kicked. What the hell is going on!?

01-19-2013, 08:37 AM
Our faction just spent a bunch of gold to get into the top 100, and we just noticed that the leader board has not changed since yesterday. Does that mean that our ranking in the top 100 is based on yesterday's stats? And that if the leader board were updating the cutoff for top 100 would be different?

Thank you,

01-19-2013, 08:41 AM
Hey anyone having problems fighting in faction battles, I can attack the first time war starts and then I get an error message saying " I need to join a faction to fight" I cannot fight more then one battle each round and it sucks as I am not earning any points after the first attack WTF. Yes I am in a faction

Army of Death
01-19-2013, 08:42 AM
Please refrain from making too much sense...it's frowned upon here........

Yeah I don't know what I was thinking I guess I forgot where I was posting. Still this whole battle thing is lame!!!

01-19-2013, 09:34 AM
What they should have done was run a full blown, all faction "BETA" with NO GOLD being spent for health until all the bugs were worked out.

Geez I can't believe these guys are that profit oriented.

01-19-2013, 10:07 AM
Has anyone had this problem

A faction declared war and our faction was a match-up. When I tried to attack their Defense Leader it says that I´m not in a faction and that I should wait until the World Domination Event is over?!?

I´m the leader of our faction and we won several battles until now. There is also an issue with the result counter which doesn´t count all the battles and also the WD Points are not showing right.

I must say that I´m disappointed with this first event, because is clear that the rewards are already taken and the winners are known:mad:...

01-19-2013, 10:07 AM
Faction 273486805 Beer O Clock:

Missing 3 wins, 1 loss. All associated points. Last battle was at 28,000 points, counted, then disappeared. Other battles were big too, but do not have the exact numbers (as we assumed they wouldn't disappear).

Please help - Our members are spending GOLD to win these!!

01-19-2013, 10:10 AM
Looks like we also automatically declaring war... Could it be issue related to previous ghost bug?


People are spending hard earned real money on this!!!


commander Don
01-19-2013, 10:11 AM
missing wins and WD.

Ticket sent

Jean marc
01-19-2013, 10:14 AM
Some members cannot fight other members they can only hit the fortification. we are missing battle point, our win loss is out of whack.

i did a count on battle now it says win:lost 4:0 but should say 11:2,

Devil dog
01-19-2013, 10:27 AM
What they should have done was run a full blown, all faction "BETA" with NO GOLD being spent for health until all the bugs were worked out.

Geez I can't believe these guys are that profit oriented.

Amen to that!

01-19-2013, 10:44 AM
Wally, have you sent in a ticket? If so, PM me the ticket number, or else I can use your invite code. I'll let the engineers know.

Thank you CJ! We're able to battle now.

Our faction is now being thrown into war after each battle is over.
Immediately after each battle is over, another war starts against the same faction.
No one in our faction is declaring war!!!
We're losing our lvl 10 fortifications each time.
Can anyone help?

Gree Ticket Number: 337275
Faction ID: 942429165
Alliance ID: 155965718

01-19-2013, 10:50 AM
New to this forum since battle for brazil issues... What is a ticket and how do I use it to report an issue re points disappearing and wins not being counted correctly?

Captian Awesome
01-19-2013, 10:54 AM
I've encountered some issues but restarted the app or waited five minutes and things continue on ... We all need to relax, and let them work out the bugs .... So far it's great but a heavy gold spenders game as expected.

01-19-2013, 11:00 AM
New to this forum since battle for brazil issues... What is a ticket and how do I use it to report an issue re points disappearing and wins not being counted correctly?

The disappearing WD points are fun, huh? I'm sure that Gree is on top of the problem and will very soon do absolutely nothing about it.
Don't worry about submitting a ticket; in my experience it doesn't help. The only responses are the immediate automatic response and another response a week later stating they closed the ticket.

01-19-2013, 11:12 AM
Our WD points are not being recorded. I don't know how many are missing now. At the end of our last war, I captured a screenshot that showed we had 335,451. The WD screen now shows that we have just 287,034! Our last war wasn't even counted. Our win/loss total is wrong, and I fear that the points from several of our other battles also were not counted. The total displayed on the leader-board page to reach the next level has likewise risen by the amount of points that have gone missing. We weren't tracking this, but there's a good chance this happened throughout the day as well.Bet your sweet bippie it happened all day! Our figures were short through first 10 battles. Last two have been accurate. Of course we had 1/4 of all our points disappear but hey...hmmmm....I have no idea what to say, lol.

Jean marc
01-19-2013, 11:21 AM
What!!!!!!! our battle point just went down by 12,000 and our win loss also should i take snap shot of my screen so that i do not get stolen by this game. I am not getting my money worth, i should stop spending money. Come on our faction was doing really good battling day and night and now that. sorry it is actually triple that if not more.

01-19-2013, 11:24 AM
Our faction was being attacked by "Global Strike Force" when all of a sudden all the other players changed their names to "Pacifist Spoon".

I thought it was just a glitch in the "Battle List" display, but then I started getting attacked by different "Pacifist Spoon" players outside of the Battle for Brazil war. Their bases looked very fishy. Low level players but with both anniversary buildings, 250K+ attack and defense stats, crazy assortments of very powerful units. We we attacked by some hackers? How can multiple players change their names at the same time to the same thing. It worked to confuse us and lose the battle...


An example of some units this player has:
Did they just spend mega gold to buy a bunch of crates? How did they get all of those?

01-19-2013, 11:26 AM
I was looking at our wd points and thought we had less points today so i came to this forum to make sure other people were having the problem. Plus i wanted to make sure it wasn't a lack of sleep. After reading the forum went back to my faction battle screen and the results were lower on on the wd point total in the upper right hand screen. This is huge problem if the server isn't keeping track. Our battles are worthless. Cj tell me please they are still keeping track of the #' s. I know the win loss doesn't matter. Thanks

01-19-2013, 11:33 AM
WHAT A JOKE this is turning out to be!!! GREE is laughing all the way to the bank. Literally!!

01-19-2013, 11:42 AM
Is anyone else having problems with the amount of points and win loss record being incoorect? Keeps taking my faction back to 2-2 and like 10,000 points when we have members that by themselves are over 10,000 pts. Anyone else having similar problems?

01-19-2013, 11:49 AM
The Leaderboard seems frozen with some results from yesterday. We have no idea how we are doing. It is making the team less inclined to declare another war, or spend any more gold if they don't know how we are doing.

01-19-2013, 11:54 AM
When I open the globe I automatically start a war. I can't look at the status or the leader board without starting a new battle. Is anybody having this problem?

01-19-2013, 11:57 AM
Yeah i was fighting almost single handed for my faction in any case.

But as everything i earn disappears randomly and drops us back to the exact number of WD points we had after our very first battle i have given up. The leaderboard doesnt update. WD points disappear etc im calling it event over at this point.

I dont know where we stand in the scheme of things and i seem to be wasting time gold and units for nothing.... If i saw we were at some level i may put effort and money in again.

One thing that does seem to be working is im loosing units in battle. In fact it seem to be the only bloody thing that works. Kinda makes the whole thing a heap of pain for zero gain.

Sgt Z 0311
01-19-2013, 11:58 AM
Mega gold.

01-19-2013, 12:01 PM
So should I submit a ticket everytime we get points deducted? It just keeps happening! Geezuz!

Sgt Z 0311
01-19-2013, 12:02 PM

The WD points in the top left may not change. However, the points that accumulate for you as an individual do change. Look for yourself in the list and watch your L/W change and WD points grow. I thought the same thing as you did until I realized it. So I think you're really ok

That said however, there were issues last night regarding indestructible forts, and we also ran into a skill point hacker with 5 million defense. So there are some issues but in all they should be relatively minor. Don't let this stop you from playing! And if you are the sole contributor in your faction, contact me. We're looking for a good, active team player like yourself. Same goes for anyone else reading this.

01-19-2013, 12:03 PM
lets just hope gree can take each of our individual stats to get the faction totals

01-19-2013, 12:03 PM
So leaderboard will be fixed when ....

Sgt Z 0311
01-19-2013, 12:05 PM
Also, sometimes it may appear that points are being deducted, but they really are not

01-19-2013, 12:16 PM
I'm now getting this message when I try to open the app, whether over wifi or my actual cellular network:

"Cannot connect to server. You must have access to the internet to use this application."

And I can connect to other online apps, search google, etc so I know I have connectivity

01-19-2013, 12:18 PM
How is this? I've gotten every pop-up about the wars we lost. The two we have won have not had a pop-up. Yes, our faction is suffering from the declare war problem too. There were server issues in the two we won. Once, the server decided to update data for the last 10 minutes of the war. In the second, about 30 minutes in, the game reverted back to the beginning state with the defense leader intact. We had already knocked him out and racked up some points pvp. We quit attacking and so did the opponent. We were ahead by 1500 points at the end, but no declaration of victory and no refund of gold for med packs that we used. This really should end. Gree can't run this for the next three days.

01-19-2013, 12:20 PM
I'm now getting this message when I try to open the app, whether over wifi or my actual cellular network:

"Cannot connect to server. You must have access to the internet to use this application."

And I can connect to other online apps, search google, etc so I know I have connectivity

Getting the exact same issue. Funnily enough CC is working too. Did the MW server just die a horrible death?

01-19-2013, 12:20 PM
We are also missing battle points as well as the number of battles are incorrect. We also have wars started when nobody in the faction declared. It seems this wasn't vetted very well as there are numerous bugs with this whole world domination. Gree should just cancel the battle and work out all the bugs and then do a launch when everything is working correctly.

Secondly, am I the only one who thinks that the whole battle health thing is lame that you only get to attack someone four times then your health is gone? And then it takes more than the hour of the battle to fully regenerate. I get it is all about making money but this is ridiculous that you could spend the $60 to get the 1,500 gold but at 25 gold per refill of health you get 60 refills so for every refill of health it cost $1. It makes more sense to me seeing it is still a PVP's event that the health should be based on the stamina that the players has just like when you attack someone in the game. This really needs to be changed or I can see many players dropping from this event and even the game as the top factions will be unbeatable going forward.

we are missing an entire battle as well. can't believe your stamina doesn't help each player to attack different number of times.

01-19-2013, 12:21 PM
I'm now getting this message when I try to open the app, whether over wifi or my actual cellular network:

"Cannot connect to server. You must have access to the internet to use this application."

And I can connect to other online apps, search google, etc so I know I have connectivity

Same here might as well shut the whole battle down.this is crazy,are yawl on droid to

01-19-2013, 12:23 PM
Same here might as well shut the whole battle down.this is crazy

Maybe they just did using the power button on the server ;)

01-19-2013, 12:24 PM
I'm now getting this message when I try to open the app, whether over wifi or my actual cellular network:

"Cannot connect to server. You must have access to the internet to use this application."

And I can connect to other online apps, search google, etc so I know I have connectivity

Same exact thing here. It always seems to happen when my faction goes to war and then I cannot even access the app at all. Then it seems when the war is over I can get back into the app until the next war starts.

01-19-2013, 12:27 PM

The WD points in the top left may not change. However, the points that accumulate for you as an individual do change. Look for yourself in the list and watch your L/W change and WD points grow. I thought the same thing as you did until I realized it. So I think you're really ok

That said however, there were issues last night regarding indestructible forts, and we also ran into a skill point hacker with 5 million defense. So there are some issues but in all they should be relatively minor. Don't let this stop you from playing! And if you are the sole contributor in your faction, contact me. We're looking for a good, active team player like yourself. Same goes for anyone else reading this.

That's just not true. I'll post the screenshots when I get a chance but ours change after every battle. We are now 106,403 points off from our individual scores and lost 46,319 from what was displayed in the upper left corner after the battle. In other words, just post battle the WD score was 106,860 and ten minutes later it now shows 60,491.

01-19-2013, 12:28 PM
Stupid GREE, fix your leader board!

01-19-2013, 12:28 PM
Whoever is mking the decisions to deploy at Gree needs better judgement. People are paying huge amounts to compete and the central capability is tracking points. I've yet to see anything to offer confidence; be it the late Android upgrade, displaying decreasing and inaccurate stats (my faction is 1-0, just dropped another 12k point, and have no display to track how each member is doing), and inconsistent war declarations among other things.

Next up fixes to these issues that break other things?

01-19-2013, 12:29 PM
Same here might as well shut the whole battle down.this is crazy,are yawl on droid to

Droid here

01-19-2013, 12:30 PM
Droid here as well

01-19-2013, 12:31 PM
Looks like they solved the Android issues by pulling the plug on us.

Hope the iOS users enjoy the event because for an Android user its been a kick in the teeth to be honest.

01-19-2013, 12:33 PM
Looks like they solved the Android issues by pulling the plug on us.

Hope the iOS users enjoy the event because for an Android user its been a kick in the teeth to be honest.

Amen to that

01-19-2013, 12:40 PM
Looks like they solved the Android issues by pulling the plug on us.

Hope the iOS users enjoy the event because for an Android user its been a kick in the teeth to be honest.

We had an outage due to some server issues for about 15 minutes, that should be back up now (the server ops guys are on it).

01-19-2013, 12:43 PM
Now the message I'm getting is:

"The game is down for maintenance. Please try again in 1 hour."

I appreciate that the message is more informative, do you think it will actually be less than an hour though?


01-19-2013, 12:45 PM
I'm now getting this message when I try to open the app, whether over wifi or my actual cellular network:

"Cannot connect to server. You must have access to the internet to use this application."

And I can connect to other online apps, search google, etc so I know I have connectivity

Finally was able to connect after about 10 hard resets.

01-19-2013, 12:47 PM
Now the message I'm getting is:

"The game is down for maintenance. Please try again in 1 hour."

I appreciate that the message is more informative, do you think it will actually be less than an hour though?


That's the default message. I was just told we're still having a little weirdness server-side, but the team's on it and we'll have things back to normal asap.

01-19-2013, 12:50 PM
Cj, I know you are busy, but what's happening with the leaderboard? It's shown the same results all day. I'd love to know where my faction is sitting right now

01-19-2013, 12:50 PM
CJ did you get my pm about battle points?

01-19-2013, 01:05 PM
I have a silly question, but could someone send me a screenshot of the leaderbord?? Because mine is not up to date.

01-19-2013, 01:59 PM
My Leaders board says:
1.SuperFaction 2,488,243
2.Ferr's Emperors 2,449,156
10.Ranger Elites Guild 701,613
25.Urgent-Fury 372,535

Mine says my faction only needs a few more points to get into the top 3 but I don't believe it since the numbers haven't changed in a long while.

01-19-2013, 02:25 PM
Can you guys fix the Leader Board. We are flying blind here. We got it that WD event is about spending gold, but at least with knowing our place on LB we can do it wiser. Please, please fix this thing ASAP.

King Dante!
01-19-2013, 02:26 PM
I have yet to participate in BFB because of the multitude of issues everyone seems to be having, but I do have one question. Hopefully someone can help me out.

Regarding the matching system, are factions with only 1 member matched up with other factions with only one member with like stats?

As an LLP, my goal would be to earn just enough WD points to get into the top 5000, but I dont want to declare war and end up being matched up against huge factions that I'd have no chance to compete against.

Thanks in advance if any can help answer my question.

01-19-2013, 02:36 PM
This event was poorly executed. Lame health regeneration, unknown war declarations, win/loss errors, WD point totals, etc. Our entire faction has become very frustrated. Shut down this event ASAP, regroup, fix the issues, and try again.

01-19-2013, 02:37 PM
Give us an update on why the leader board is frozen. Unless you guys are that greedy that you freeze the leader board after 6 hours into a 5 day event. Worse than the crates where you froze it for the last hour. What kind of idiots are we dealing with here

01-19-2013, 02:46 PM
Spend Gold

CJ, I would spend gold if there was a functioning leaderboard. If I could accurately tell where we were in the standings and what it would take to push us to the next tier I would invest.

The idea was great, but the implementation has been very poor.

01-19-2013, 02:48 PM
How do you protect you team and make everyone "protected by the defense leader"?
The Battle for Brazil is almost upon us. This event, the first of the World Domination events, will start at 9 AM PST on 1/18 and end Wednesday 1/23 at 12 noon PST.I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and feedback, and also to offer some helpful tips to get the most out of the event:The Matching System:During the event, your faction will be able to Declare War. Doing this will tell the system "We're ready for a fight", and the system will start looking for another faction to pair you with. Declaring war will cost one fortification. The system looks at the following to determine an appropriate foe:1: The overall strength of your faction: The sum of your faction's power will be compared to the sum of the other faction's power when looking for potential match-ups.2: The Faction's WD Rank: This is based on how well you are doing in the contest.3: How many match-ups you have had with the guild during the event.The system will spend 20 minutes looking for a match-up. As this time goes on, the parameters will relax slightly. If a match-up is not found in 20 minutes, your guild will have to declare war again and the system will start looking again.When a match-up is made, a special UI will come up that will allow you to attack the other faction's members (starting with the defense leader if he has not been defeated). You will have one hour after the match-up starts to attack the other faction, during which time the other faction will also be attacking you. For this reason, it is very important to coordinate war declarations with your faction to maximize the number of people online during an attack.What to do in the case of a difficult match-up:Due to the above system, you may face a variety of overall power levels (although they should be fairly close, especially as the event goes on). If you get a difficult match-up, you can attack the Command Center of the other faction instead of the players. This will result in less points per attack, but remember that it will take more than a single match-up to decide the Battle for Brazil. The winning factions will be the ones that have the most World Domination points at the end, which means the prizes for this event will ultimately go to the most dedicated and best organized.A new update will be required to see the event tomorrow:You will have to download a new update to participate, and that update is currently being prepped (i.e. it is not in the App Store yet). As soon as it is released, we will post on the forums to announce it so that everyone can download the update.If anyone has any additional questions, I will do my best to answer them today.

01-19-2013, 03:04 PM
Spend Gold

CJ, I would spend gold if there was a functioning leaderboard. If I could accurately tell where we were in the standings and what it would take to push us to the next tier I would invest.

The idea was great, but the implementation has been very poor.

Leaderboard and the WD points not accumulating properly client-side is #1 priority right now. We appreciate the continued patience while we work on that.

01-19-2013, 03:08 PM
When I open the globe I automatically start a war. I can't look at the status or the leader board without starting a new battle. Is anybody having this problem?

Something throws us into auto-battles right after one has just ended. Immediately. Maybe it's this.

01-19-2013, 03:09 PM
I agree WD should be shut down, problems fixed and then we go again. At this stage if you are spending gold in it you are wasting money, and its not fair value for money. At least all funds spend on regeneration etc should be refunded.

01-19-2013, 03:17 PM
"The winning factions will be the ones that have the most World Domination points at the end, which means the prizes for this event will ultimately go to the most dedicated and best organized." = factions who spend the most gold... Bummer

01-19-2013, 03:28 PM
Leaderboard and the WD points not accumulating properly client-side is #1 priority right now. We appreciate the continued patience while we work on that.

CJ, how about wins/losses not being tracked right? How about improving how wars are declared? How about making Wars more interesting by improving the health regeneration to something more similar to PvP battles? This event is really causing a lot of frustration amongst a lot of dedicated players.

01-19-2013, 03:31 PM
Leaderboard and the WD points not accumulating properly client-side is #1 priority right now. We appreciate the continued patience while we work on that.

BTW. In the amont of time it took you to write that response (thank you), you could have slapped up a leaderboard screenprint from the server side...just saying

01-19-2013, 03:36 PM
Soooo, I don't suppose we're going to see the Top 200 from last week anytime soon? :confused:

01-19-2013, 03:44 PM
This is not fair to guys in our faction especially the ones that were spending gold.
Ledderboard is frozen, loses and wins are not counted wd points are not accumulating.
Plz fix this unfairness.

01-19-2013, 03:45 PM
We're willing to spend gold, but for now we've told our faction members to stop wasting it until major (and reasonable) improvements are made!

01-19-2013, 03:48 PM
Our wins and losses are not correct. Please fix. I have screen shots of wins/losses.

01-19-2013, 04:01 PM
In our last war, they froze the points for at least the last 30 seconds. I have a screenshot of us winning with 1 second to go, and we lost by 400 points. Why the shadiness? Just make it fair. Points is all that matters, not wins and losses. Show us an accurate points throughout the war. It shouldn't be too much to ask.

01-19-2013, 04:34 PM
We have now had 15 battles are win loss ratio according to the game is 4W and 1L, furthermore at least 60k of our WD points have disappeared into the nether. Is this game totally bugged or is it being hacked. Can Gree fix the problem ASAP. It is pointless to keep playing under thiese conditions.

01-19-2013, 04:38 PM
My team was really into this on Friday, but today it is more "meh", whatever.
Without a working leaderboard it really made them lose interest.

01-19-2013, 04:43 PM
Many players are quickly losing interest in this game. It needs to be corrected soon!

commander Don
01-19-2013, 04:48 PM
We have a couple of new problems, in our last to wars we couldn't attack the defence leader without getting an error msg and as a reasult cant attack anyone.
Also our leader is being told hes not in a faction and cant participate.

I understand cj your up against it, any feedback would be greatly appreciated


01-19-2013, 04:50 PM
My team was really into this on Friday, but today it is more "meh", whatever.
Without a working leaderboard it really made them lose interest.

Honestly what point is there for having a functional leader board when there are so many allegations of hacking occurring and an refined game expansion.

01-19-2013, 05:14 PM
My faction is currently in a battle, I've had 2 successful attacks for about 250 WD points in the last 30 minutes and neither have registered on the battle scoreboard, but the opponents' score has risen a bit. Is this something to worry about? Or will it correct itself when the battle is over? I'd hate to lose a battle and our WD points because the successful attacks aren't registering.

Ghostdogs Faction versus Colin L faction

Ghostdogs attacks don't seem to be counting


battle started about 4:33pm pacific time today, Ghostdogs points are frozen at 3,174 despite multiple attacks after that...also neither faction member W-L records, faction member WD points, or total faction WD points are updating

01-19-2013, 05:19 PM
Is there anything in this event that is working properly? 40-plus pages of posts documenting multiple problems and issues certainly indicates this event is a failure.

01-19-2013, 05:38 PM
We are fighting Undead Army for 3rd or 4th time today. We won all of them with huge leads. But current battle went stray. With our wall still active and their Level 4 down in the first 2 minutes we are loosing 1,187 to 1,489. Our hits do not adding to the count at all. We are strong faction and one single player can get more than we have now. So can we get our gold back for uncounted attacks/wins?

01-19-2013, 05:38 PM
Is there anything in this event that is working properly? 40-plus pages of posts documenting multiple problems and issues certainly indicates this event is a failure.

I'm going to speculate the purchase gold feature is working fine.

01-19-2013, 05:44 PM
Genen, same thing happened with my most recent faction battle, except we're a top-1000 faction, not a top-1 faction

but apparently there are still some server issues

how many of your members are on Android versus iOS out of curiosity? we're mostly android

01-19-2013, 05:49 PM
My faction has been working hard for a month or so, donating BILLIONS of dollars, purchasing bonuses and building/upgrading fortifications.

In the last PvP event a few weeks ago, we did really well (kept track of our own numbers) yet failed to place in the top ranked factions and did not win the plane reward.

We've now started with war battles against other factions and our points are just going "poof" and are obviously not being tabulated properly by the software database. We have many extremely disgruntled players (including myself) who have played MW for many months at the very least, and sunk REAL MONEY $$$ into the game.

Listen very carefully GREE: It's unacceptable that your game is not working properly. In addition to pissing off your client base, you are at the very least defrauding real-world humans out of real-world money. If this is not rectified immediately, and our faction and its members are not made whole again, you'll get to find out what real-world lawyers do. I'm not fu#%ing kidding.

01-19-2013, 05:55 PM
The Battle for Brazil is almost upon us.

If anyone has any additional questions, I will do my best to answer them today.

Hi CJ, in the walk through it says we can nominate a defense leader. How do we do this??

Thx, maybe I'm just overlooking something?

01-19-2013, 05:59 PM
Hi CJ, in the walk through it says we can nominate a defense leader. How do we do this??

Thx, maybe I'm just overlooking something?

Go to your faction screen and go to the Members tab...click Edit by a member and you'll have the option to make someone the Defense Leader...at least your faction leader will have that option

01-19-2013, 06:04 PM
Thumbs down Battle for Brazil is a DISASTER!

My faction has been working hard for a month or so, donating BILLIONS of dollars, purchasing bonuses and building/upgrading fortifications.

In the last PvP event a few weeks ago, we did really well (kept track of our own numbers) yet failed to place in the top ranked factions and did not win the plane reward.

We've now started with war battles against other factions and our points are just going "poof" and are obviously not being tabulated properly by the software database. We have many extremely disgruntled players (including myself) who have played MW for many months at the very least, and sunk REAL MONEY $$$ into the game.

Listen very carefully GREE: It's unacceptable that your game is not working properly. In addition to pissing off your client base, you are at the very least defrauding real-world humans out of real-world money. If this is not rectified immediately, and our faction and its members are not made whole again, you'll get to find out what real-world lawyers do. I'm not fu#%ing kidding.

Wow somebody really pissed. I just hope you really did not mean billions of real dollars you guys spent. Otherwise I with you bro

01-19-2013, 06:04 PM
Whenever we attack it says server error. This is awful

01-19-2013, 06:05 PM
I am so frustrated by this whOle event. During The last four battles three of them we haven't been able to attack their DEFENSE leads(bloody error messages) and on the last one I used up 300 gold to wear him down.. Each time I reduced his red bar to empty and oPened up the other players it wouldn't let us attack them, instead restoring one third health to their DEFENSE leader. This went on 5 times. I want my money back or gold replaced. What's more we have a number if players that can't access the event despite following instructions on forum fix, we have missing WD points, wins arent being recorded, and we can't delete some players that are still ghosting. I've wasted most of my weekend trying to get some action by GREE but. I responses to my issues. I'm sure they must be busy but at least some reply would be nice. Now that it's affecting my hard earned cAsh which I invested in gold, I am becoming extremely annoyed.... GREE tech HELP! Regards sprunga faction leader of the Expendibles 832-226-145

Minister Timothy
01-19-2013, 06:08 PM
Killer DNA was in top100 and then all of a sudden 40000 wd points just vanished, along with the last three games we played. Our individual stats remained the same so that's what they will have to tabulate. This Is a very difficult system and I understand the problems. Just be fair at the end and award prizes correctly.

Edit. Wd just lost our games and points again. Not going to fight again until they fix this.. The real cash for gold, the stat drops and unit looses are remaining but the game system is breaking down.

Chief Master Serant
01-19-2013, 06:17 PM
Our war wins and points are disappearing. We spend $$$$$ on this game, we expect our Wins and Points reinstated or a refund of the $$$$$ spent for gold. Seeing how the rest of this forum is complaining as well, I'm sure it would not be that hard to get a WORLD WIDE class action law suit against Glee for FRAUD..... We Demand rectification ASAP!!!

Faction 761036000.

commander Don
01-19-2013, 06:18 PM
Sadly it could become a very big legal issue :(

01-19-2013, 06:20 PM
Guys, I've been frustrated with some server errors, WD point accumulation errors, etc with the Battle, I'm with you, but I doubt any type of legal recourse would fly...I'd imagine when you agree in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to purchase gold, there is some fine print that says its not refundable.

That being said, hopefully the developers will compensate the users fairly based on either correcting the incorrectly tabulated stats and/or awarding users with free gold.

commander Don
01-19-2013, 06:21 PM
hope so :/

01-19-2013, 06:23 PM
Wow somebody really pissed. I just hope you really did not mean billions of real dollars you guys spent. Otherwise I with you bro

Genen, to clarify: Our faction members have been spending REAL money to obtain game gold. We've been donating massive amounts (over a $ Billion) in game money (not real money) to our faction.

Now that the Battle for Brazil has begun, many of our members have spent more REAL money buying more game gold, and expending that gold on the matchup battles. If the game is not working correctly, we're wasting REAL money on a malfunctioning product. GREE has a tort responsibility not to let this happen, or they are literally defrauding many people out of REAL MONEY.

This is exactly how class-action lawsuits get started.

I'm not advocating everyone run to a lawyer (yet). I'm saying GREE seems not to be taking this stuff seriously, and to date has not made an effort to sort out the problems and make us whole again, in both the game and in the real world.

01-19-2013, 06:37 PM
CJ - I am still having a problem with a Ghost player in our faction. They have acknowledged wanting to leave but because of glitch / locked factions they can't leave. Can you help us out? Will send a PM too and already sent a tkt but would love to get this solved ASAP as causing our faction issues. What info you need from me?

01-19-2013, 06:55 PM
I want every real and legally earned dollar back from this company. I, in good faith, paid money for gold to play this game. There game is so screwed up it is not even playable, which means I have paid money for something I did not receive from a company that said they would deliver. A few quirks here and there would have been acceptable but what you have given us is totally unacceptable, and i demand a full refund for every dime I have given you.
If you buy a car and it had no engine, you too would demand your money back. I am fully aware that you would test drive the car first to find out it did not run, we were not given the opportunity to take a test drive.
I have submitted a ticket. And I will patiently await a response knowing full well that the in-box at the complaint desk is flowing out into the street. I will only be so patient though and I will check my bank account everyday looking for a deposit from you.

01-19-2013, 06:58 PM
I'm not advocating everyone run to a lawyer (yet). I'm saying GREE seems not to be taking this stuff seriously, and to date has not made an effort to sort out the problems and make us whole again, in both the game and in the real world.

I agree. At best this event is a sham, worst case it is a scam. My advice, don't give GREE another dime.

01-19-2013, 07:03 PM
"If you buy a car and it had no engine, you too would demand your money back."

Can't tell if hyperbole or serious

I'm just saying, I'm sure the big wig lawyers at Apple and Google made sure to include verbiage in the terms and conditions that nobody (myself included) ever reads that when they purchase Gold for this game, Gree/Funzio/whoever has no liability

I have questions and problems with this event too, but honestly if I spent more than I would've liked on a smartphone/tablet app, I'd be more upset at myself

Though I enjoy this game, so don't misconstrue my post...I just think the developers already covered their butts legal-wise.

01-19-2013, 07:07 PM
I also bought gold for this war. I stop using the gold after reading these posts. I also want my gold I spent on this VERY flawed game. Everybody that spent gold (money) in this game should get reimbursement back from Gree!!!

Ace Ebb
01-19-2013, 07:07 PM
I hear you! The faction boosts don't even work. spent $300 on infantry attack boost and my stats went down 5 points. Same thing for all of the faction members. It feels like another boycott is coming!

01-19-2013, 07:12 PM
What makes this so egregious is the fact that we just had a Pvp "Test Event" where the scoring system was proven to not work properly. It was never addressed to anyone's satisfaction and yet they steamrolled ahead anyway knowing we were going in with a faulty system.

Here's what I had to say a few days before we started this:

I think the scoring glitch from last weekend is going to pale in comparison to what we're going to see in the next few days. Congrats to all the people that got their prize, I'm not holding up any hope that the members of my faction will see it anytime soon if ever.

So at least I was right in my assumptions about the scoring system.

I think maybe they do need a big spank in the wallet just to get their attention that this is not the way to conduct business.

King Dante!
01-19-2013, 07:23 PM
I want every real and legally earned dollar back from this company. I, in good faith, paid money for gold to play this game. There game is so screwed up it is not even playable, which means I have paid money for something I did not receive from a company that said they would deliver. A few quirks here and there would have been acceptable but what you have given us is totally unacceptable, and i demand a full refund for every dime I have given you.
If you buy a car and it had no engine, you too would demand your money back. I am fully aware that you would test drive the car first to find out it did not run, we were not given the opportunity to take a test drive.
I have submitted a ticket. And I will patiently await a response knowing full well that the in-box at the complaint desk is flowing out into the street. I will only be so patient though and I will check my bank account everyday looking for a deposit from you.

You won't get a dime back lol.. I guarantee it!

01-19-2013, 07:23 PM
There's a huge glitch in the domination points every time my faction gets 1,000 or so points it drops back to 10,000 while currently my faction should have exactly 48,583 domination points.

P.S. My faction is the World Liberation Army

01-19-2013, 07:31 PM
Ended a battle and then started the next one with 11K less. Second time we noticed it today.

01-19-2013, 07:36 PM
On our board the individual scores are tracking correctly so just make sure you keep track of your real total and save screenshots of everyone's score. It takes me about 6 or 7 screenshots to get everyone's as I can only take a pic of 4 at a time.

With the individual stats they should be able to eventually get it corrected, which is good. What's bad is we should have never started an untested event to begin with.

I don't think it's going to help much submitting a ticket again until it's over and we know how far off our scores are.

01-19-2013, 07:40 PM
I'm still really ticked off about the defence leader issue. I am my faction's defence leader and as far as I can tell, I've never had a successful attack against me and never more than 8 failed attacks in one war. According to how I read the FAQ, our shield should still be up and my members protected but they are getting attacked. Either our shield is not working or I am not getting reports of attacks against me. Any explanation?

01-19-2013, 07:42 PM
I too spent real money for this WD event and it was a waste of time money I do enjoy this game but I feel cheated! Our fraction has been locking or sever error making where we as a fraction not even attack thus losing our fortifications! There is 52 members in our that are pissed!

01-19-2013, 07:44 PM
What makes this so egregious is the fact that we just had a Pvp "Test Event" where the scoring system was proven to not work properly. It was never addressed to anyone's satisfaction and yet they steamrolled ahead anyway knowing we were going in with a faulty system.

We can take comfort in knowing that GREE will "reward" the "top factions" for their "exemplary" performance based on a scoring algorithm that has been "battle" tested! What a farce.

01-19-2013, 07:46 PM
I've been reading through the posts, and we are also noticing most of the same problems. I've seen a few mentions of having to continually reboot phones, and wanted to find out if anyone has any answers to the "great disappearing base" dilemma. We have buildings that we can't see to upgrade or collect from, even after multiple resets.


01-19-2013, 07:59 PM
I've been reading through the posts, and we are also noticing most of the same problems. I've seen a few mentions of having to continually reboot phones, and wanted to find out if anyone has any answers to the "great disappearing base" dilemma. We have buildings that we can't see to upgrade or collect from, even after multiple resets.


I've had this issue on my Android phone for as long as I can remember, and my cousin has too on his Android tablet

"Forcing close" on the app and re-opening seems to fix it, but its still a pain

01-19-2013, 08:17 PM
If you see a hacker TAKE A SCREEN SHOT and submit it to support. Or better yet, post it on the forum. Is that against the forum rules? I'd like to see hackers called out publically.

However CJ has already said that the vast majority of hacker accusations are false, they turn out to be legit players (probably just spent a lot money on gold).

Hard to tell whether its hackers or just the continuous stream of Gree[d] glitches.

01-19-2013, 08:19 PM
I want every real and legally earned dollar back from this company. I, in good faith, paid money for gold to play this game. There game is so screwed up it is not even playable, which means I have paid money for something I did not receive from a company that said they would deliver. A few quirks here and there would have been acceptable but what you have given us is totally unacceptable, and i demand a full refund for every dime I have given you.
If you buy a car and it had no engine, you too would demand your money back. I am fully aware that you would test drive the car first to find out it did not run, we were not given the opportunity to take a test drive.
I have submitted a ticket. And I will patiently await a response knowing full well that the in-box at the complaint desk is flowing out into the street. I will only be so patient though and I will check my bank account everyday looking for a deposit from you.

I aGree, this game is fun when it works but is clearly designed to suck up our money faster than any of us could have imagined. Also I'm auditing my purchases because it looks like I'm being double billed.

01-19-2013, 08:28 PM
I want every real and legally earned dollar back from this company. I, in good faith, paid money for gold to play this game. There game is so screwed up it is not even playable, which means I have paid money for something I did not receive from a company that said they would deliver. A few quirks here and there would have been acceptable but what you have given us is totally unacceptable, and i demand a full refund for every dime I have given you.
If you buy a car and it had no engine, you too would demand your money back. I am fully aware that you would test drive the car first to find out it did not run, we were not given the opportunity to take a test drive.
I have submitted a ticket. And I will patiently await a response knowing full well that the in-box at the complaint desk is flowing out into the street. I will only be so patient though and I will check my bank account everyday looking for a deposit from you.

Amen. Read other posts and can't really add anything except that the person that is control of customer support needs a new job. I suggested a weather forecaster that way they can consistently be wrong and still keep their job and get paid. I am sure that everyone knows but if they have defrauded anyone one or a group out of 500.00 dollars it is a Federal Offense I'm seeing a class action suit on the horizon.

01-19-2013, 09:00 PM
This event was poorly executed. Lame health regeneration, unknown war declarations, win/loss errors, WD point totals, etc. Our entire faction has become very frustrated. Shut down this event ASAP, regroup, fix the issues, and try again.

Well said!!!
Please shut it down!

01-19-2013, 09:00 PM
Yet another bug to report! Geez it just never stops!

Wonder if they'll call it off after 100 pages of complaints.


01-19-2013, 09:11 PM
On our board the individual scores are tracking correctly so just make sure you keep track of your real total and save screenshots of everyone's score. It takes me about 6 or 7 screenshots to get everyone's as I can only take a pic of 4 at a time.

With the individual stats they should be able to eventually get it corrected, which is good. What's bad is we should have never started an untested event to begin with.

I don't think it's going to help much submitting a ticket again until it's over and we know how far off our scores are.

We should not have to take any screen shots, the software should work correctly. Could you imagine if the software in the next plane you fly in had this many bugs. You would end up crashing into the ground or whatever was in the vicinity, thats if you got off the runway. It is not good enough and the silence from the Gree team, while people are spending their hard earned cash, is totally unacceptable. The BfB should be stopped and everyone refunded their money and units, and also compensated in some way as well for the inconvenience.

01-19-2013, 09:41 PM
Well said!!!
Please shut it down!

I agree - refund gold purchases and shut
it down

01-19-2013, 09:41 PM
Meanwhile back at GREE............ :cool:

01-19-2013, 09:45 PM
Is anyone else having problems with the amount of points and win loss record being incoorect? Keeps taking my faction back to 2-2 and like 10,000 points when we have members that by themselves are over 10,000 pts. Anyone else having similar problems?

Yes, we have the same problem and
my faction is pissed!! we lost battles that
we won from our total and WD points
are missing...

01-19-2013, 10:15 PM
I have won over a hundred battles during the brazil domination event. I had points over 100k and the just disappeared. Ran 2 more wars. We see our win. Our WD points go up. Hour later everything is set to zero. I have spent almost 700 gold bars on health resets. Is anyone else having this?

GREE give me my points or pay me back my gold. This really stinks

01-19-2013, 10:30 PM
I'm having the same problem with points not being allotted correctly. On the first day, me and my faction members earned over 1k in points but at the end of the battle it showed 28. This morning it showed 78 and now it's 71. WTF?

Also right after installing the update, we lost **** ton of Faction buildings (bonuses and fortifications) and the attack/defense numbers are wonky. Not sure what's going on here, but I've also started losing to people with 10k lower stats in regular fights (off rival list). I've submitted a ticket, but not sure how this is going to get fixed.

The last major update ate a bunch of my indestructable and that was never resolved. Considering I submitted screenshots confirming I had the units in my inventory before the update, I would've expected them to be returned. Instead wasted 3 weeks for a "we're sorry" and 2 million...really just a slap in the face because I collect that every day. Don't know why I even play anymore...

01-19-2013, 10:42 PM
"If you buy a car and it had no engine, you too would demand your money back."

Can't tell if hyperbole or serious

I'm just saying, I'm sure the big wig lawyers at Apple and Google made sure to include verbiage in the terms and conditions that nobody (myself included) ever reads that when they purchase Gold for this game, Gree/Funzio/whoever has no liability

I have questions and problems with this event too, but honestly if I spent more than I would've liked on a smartphone/tablet app, I'd be more upset at myself

Though I enjoy this game, so don't misconstrue my post...I just think the developers already covered their butts legal-wise.

As an attorney, I can assure you that any language they may have been added can be defeated when blatant fraud and/or neglect is involved. I dont know if that is the case, but based on the feedback from users, you can make your own assumptions. I am personally surprised a class-action lawsuit hasnt been filed yet.

I personally have spent some gold on this game and have been playing for over a year and half. I used to really enjoy this game, but recently I have suffered so many losses that I dont have any desire to play since I lose high-valor units every battle. If many users feel the same way I do, GREE will eventually feel it in their wallet, and that is the only voice they truly listen to!! Wake up people, stop spending money on a game that doesnt work and get your voice heard by voting with your wallets! That is the only thing GREE really listens to - money!

01-19-2013, 10:52 PM
Is there a way to see which faction member declared war for your faction?

01-19-2013, 11:02 PM
Just another issue, it has happened more than once that we The Coalition Elite have had to go to war and all team members have denied declaring war. The last two times it has happened has been against the same faction East Coast Elite. This could be just a coincidence, and I am not one to cast dispersion, but can someone check whether this is a coincident or not. The other coincidence on both occasions it has occurred just after we have completed a battle, therefore we had little or no health

This game is really starting to give me the runs. I agree with previous posts there needs to be some sort of class action against the game creators. No- one should be able to get away with such blatant maltreatment of its loyal customers.

01-19-2013, 11:30 PM
Is this possible without hacking???
If Jesus's defense is 34,249,265 I wonder what God's would be?
Really Gree....come on!!!

Dr. Dengus
01-19-2013, 11:38 PM
Is this possible without hacking???

Nope, not even remotely possible. Send a ticket to support with that screenshot.

01-20-2013, 12:08 AM
This event is a huge fail! And I've also purchased gold!
I want my money back, and some apologies too!

01-20-2013, 12:18 AM
With the amount of time health regeneration takes, this 'war' is about as exciting as watching two Victorian gentlemen slapping each other with silk gloves...

01-20-2013, 12:27 AM
You should just admit that the event was an epic fail, give us back our money (with some apologies too) and stop this battle for brazil... It doesn't make any sense to keep playing a game based on "statistics" that is not accurate!

Davian Hax
01-20-2013, 12:27 AM
With the amount of time health regeneration takes, this 'war' is about as exciting as watching two Victorian gentlemen slapping each other with silk gloves...
So well put!
My faction is missing 80k points now. This is not good at all. Tell GREE there will be factions raiding their offices if we don't get a solution soon. Thank you CJ for the continuous info and I hope we get our points back. We were battling for the top 100 and gold has been spent. Good luck

01-20-2013, 12:38 AM
With the amount of time health regeneration takes, this 'war' is about as exciting as watching two Victorian gentlemen slapping each other with silk gloves...

For some reason that made me think of this:



01-20-2013, 01:26 AM
Gree stealing money from people.

All those paying for gold and having their wd points lost are losing out, whilst gree still keep the money.

Why pay for results to have them taken from you!

Gree you are thiefs!!!!

01-20-2013, 02:25 AM
I agree - this even was the first time I paid for gold, and honestly, has been one of the biggest wastes of a long time - i wish they had a satisfaction guaranteed policy, but then almost everyone would be wanting their money back.

refund please - this event definitely should have been better thought up - more for enjoyment of players (in which profits could be made through that route) not for just money, ...

01-20-2013, 03:29 AM
Hackers, bugs, money making scam,




01-20-2013, 04:37 AM
Our faction is only registering our losses and a fifth of our WD points. and yes we have won several wars. Is any one else having these issues?

Are people really hacking the game or are they just spending lots of real money on gold?

01-20-2013, 04:50 AM
Our faction is only registering our losses and a fifth of our WD points. and yes we have won several wars. Is any one else having these issues?

Are people really hacking the game or are they just spending lots of real money on gold?

You're not the only one by far. Read up the thread. Pretty much every faction is having the same issue. People losing WD points they've already won, wins not registering, people unable to attack other players, the elder board not updating. It's plagued with faults.

Some people are hacking the game yes. If you find someone you think may have hacked then take a screenshot and report it to Gree. Chances are nothing will happen but it's better than just accepting it.

LW okie
01-20-2013, 06:02 AM
Anyone else missing theirs?

LW okie
01-20-2013, 06:14 AM
Why is my attack of 65,000 dropping to 50,000 for every other battle?

01-20-2013, 06:44 AM
I for one expect a seething mass of angry comments in the forum come Wednesday evening. Sorry for being a party pooper, but I had to get this off my chest.

Brilliant! Hit that nail on the head...I wonder if GREE is just another extension of GREED! It's amazing how much they charge, for very little, and then when utilized in game, its a complete POS. I hope they experience a significant downturn in gaming interest, and that those ratings appear in the App Store. Guaranteed not to be refunded for gold spent despite the fact that they can't even get an accurate counter for your own factions WD points, WTF?

01-20-2013, 06:52 AM
I've spent money on this game, come Wednesday if I'm not compensated for the inaccurate points and scoring system I will delete this game from my device and go do something less expensive

01-20-2013, 06:55 AM
Guys, its been said that the Servers have the correct score stored. this not the first time something like this has happened, and they fix it everytime. we know how annoying this is but trust CJ. I cannot tell you how amazing and honest he is. I say this as someone who has seen the man fix the mistakes.

01-20-2013, 07:03 AM
DO NOT spend any cash on Modern War!
The game resets daily and is stealing money from players!!
THis game is a scam and will rp you off!!!!

01-20-2013, 07:31 AM
Anyone else missing theirs?

i havent had one for 3 days now.

01-20-2013, 07:32 AM
Guys, its been said that the Servers have the correct score stored. this not the first time something like this has happened, and they fix it everytime. we know how annoying this is but trust CJ. I cannot tell you how amazing and honest he is. I say this as someone who has seen the man fix the mistakes.

thats good to know, but we would like to know where we stand. is it worth spending $100s or not?

01-20-2013, 07:36 AM
thats good to know, but we would like to know where we stand. is it worth spending $100s or not?

I wouldn't give Gree another $1 even if they had a 99% off sale!!