View Full Version : How does it look to be banned in game?

01-16-2013, 05:08 PM
Does the player who gets banned have any recourse for retaliation from the informant? How are they informed of the action? Email? Upon game log-in?

01-16-2013, 05:12 PM
I think I should add. I'm not banned. Nor, am I asking about myself. I'd like to know what happens to a player who is reported.

King Gabriel388
01-16-2013, 05:23 PM
I think they freeze your account with an ingame message to contact support when you log in. They'll then ask you some questions about this and that.

01-16-2013, 05:33 PM
I think they freeze your account with an ingame message to contact support when you log in. They'll then ask you some questions about this and that.

Awesome. Thanks King!

01-16-2013, 09:13 PM
I think they freeze your account with an ingame message to contact support when you log in. They'll then ask you some questions about this and that.

Thats all good , but can other players still see them on their battle list ? do the people they hit in PVP get their coind back ? or is it send a ticket situation ?

01-16-2013, 10:32 PM
Thats all good , but can other players still see them on their battle list ? do the people they hit in PVP get their coind back ? or is it send a ticket situation ?
Just because a ticket is sent doesnt mean they are removed. There are really obvious hackers that have been reported in MW that havent been removed yet. It can be hard to tell if they are banned and just not removed from appearing in your rival list or if they have yet to be banned and are still playing. You do not get your $ back, any units lost back, and no need to send a ticket for either of these things. You dont get refunded losses due to hackers. I doubt they track that sort of thing.

01-16-2013, 11:41 PM
O.k I understand that part , but what if (it always starts With that) they attack you doing a bd run or over vault and take $$$,$$$ thousands or hinder your result from their deception! As of today I know of 3 that are still on my list with IPH of 6-46 and like 65KA/67D with only 1-2 building but thousands of units like 54,000+ ( yes same unit) this is ridiculous and they should be NAmed and Shame for bringing the game into disrepute!
Why do I spend MY hard earned cash for the to pilfer it throu cheating.. This get me going and I don't tolerate it !
Cheat in game..Cheat in LIFE ! Yes I am passionate about this subject and it frustrates me that NOTHING is done or very little, Gree know some of them yet still allow them to participate ! I could put names here but won't due to ramifications.
All I say is fix it NOW so we all enjoy the game for what it is and not what it's worth!

King Gabriel388
01-17-2013, 12:31 AM
O.k I understand that part , but what if (it always starts With that) they attack you doing a bd run or over vault and take $$$,$$$ thousands or hinder your result from their deception! As of today I know of 3 that are still on my list with IPH of 6-46 and like 65KA/67D with only 1-2 building but thousands of units like 54,000+ ( yes same unit) this is ridiculous and they should be NAmed and Shame for bringing the game into disrepute!
Why do I spend MY hard earned cash for the to pilfer it throu cheating.. This get me going and I don't tolerate it !
Cheat in game..Cheat in LIFE ! Yes I am passionate about this subject and it frustrates me that NOTHING is done or very little, Gree know some of them yet still allow them to participate ! I could put names here but won't due to ramifications.
All I say is fix it NOW so we all enjoy the game for what it is and not what it's worth!

Ratma, take a look at this thread, results is on page 3.


01-17-2013, 04:18 AM
King , yes I have seen it posted on it and still nothing done ? Or that I am lead to believe? So this forum post has me interested in what happens after they do something ..if anything, so you have posted above that the support will hold account until they ask questions , I understand that there is a process and it may take some time but how long and do they delete the account or not ? I know CJ said they take this matter serious but it would be nice to know if I was right or wrong ? I mean it's o.k to say send a ticket but you will never know the outcome.. Why do I take time to send a ticket then ? Was I right or wrong if I am wrong fine I put my hand up apologies for my mistake learn from it and go on, but if I am right how do I know ? What do I look for or do we flood support with everything we might take as underhanded ?

01-17-2013, 04:36 AM
LOL, you guys. Never thought [this thread] would go this...far? I was just asking a question.

01-17-2013, 06:44 AM
I got a slanderous remark thrown on my wall yesterday. I responded somewhat politely.

He then just outright accused me of cheating instead. Ha!

01-17-2013, 06:55 AM
Eff 'em. :)

Seriously, I'm beginning to think players in this game have no conception of hard work. I've been playing for nearly a year to get where I am.

Also, players are starting to think they are entitled now. To units. To not being attacked. It's preposterous.

01-17-2013, 07:57 AM
It goes like this,if somebody report your account that you are cheating,support looks at it & decide further actions.If you get banned than you can't acces your account & you get a message failed account isue,so your next action is to send a email by support button,if you are a legit player than for next few days weeks you get your account back,if you cheated than your account is banned for all times!
Note: you will never know who reported you,that is confidential!
If your account get banned than your gold in the game is reset to 0.Your allies remains & your account exist some time i think!

01-17-2013, 08:43 AM
Eff 'em. :)

Seriously, I'm beginning to think players in this game have no conception of hard work. I've been playing for nearly a year to get where I am.

Also, players are starting to think they are entitled now. To units. To not being attacked. It's preposterous.

Preposterous, adjective: definition: Inviting me to attack you relentlessly.

Use it in a sentence: "Johnny thought I shouldn't attack him to fulfill the requirements of the PvP LTQ or to build my stash of honor points. He posted some inflammatory remarks on my wall rather than laying low or being polite in his post. He was being preposterous, so I continually unloaded my stamina on him for being a sniveling whiner crybaby."

01-17-2013, 09:30 AM
Preposterous, adjective: definition: Inviting me to attack you relentlessly.

Use it in a sentence: "Jonny thought I shouldn't attack him to fulfill the requirements of the PvP LTQ or to build my stash of honor points. He posted some inflammatory remarks on my wall rather than laying low or being polite in his post. He was being preposterous, so I continually unloaded my stamina on him for being a sniveling whiner crybaby."

This. Is. Awesome. :D And, exactly how I feel.

01-17-2013, 10:21 PM
LOL, you guys. Never thought [this thread] would go this...far? I was just asking a question.

That's because you, sir, are a pot stirrer.