View Full Version : Let's see those Skill Points!

01-11-2013, 10:42 PM
Post your skill points contribute and lets see how everyone spends there skill points!


50 into attack was from a top 50 event unit prize. 2 skills was tested on boss event and really wasn't worth it.

1 into defence was accidentle as I fell asleep while on skill profile screen with touchy fingers.

20 into stamia cause max aloud to attack is 20 and thats all you need.

I put all on hero strength as I play PVE alot and it helps me do more damage to monsters.

01-12-2013, 12:59 AM
Mines are
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Stamina: 25 (I don't know why)
HS: 201 (I love PvE)

01-12-2013, 01:07 AM
Trumped the both of you in A/D ...take note people's I beat The1nONLY in Kingdom age ... Not much to sprooke about but I am taking this all the way to the bank ! I am LEGEND.. Not many can attest to that ...haha.. I did all the a/d when I didn't know what I was doing but the rest is now going to useful things
Attack. 83
Defence. 66
Stamina 20/20
Hero. 84. ... Yes I know not as good as above but I try

01-12-2013, 01:21 AM
Mine's pretty messed up not knowing what is it for last time.
Attack: 71
Defense: 70
Stamina: 9
Hero Strength: 88

01-12-2013, 01:56 AM

With that much hero strength you could blaze through these LTQ's with a sling shot. :p

01-12-2013, 02:20 AM
I have finished most of the maps below Highland, so I have those skill points also.


I chose not to display my exact defense number. A lady likes to keep some mystery about her. You can tell it's not gigantic. It's too easy to snag up and save an image off a message board. But it's more fun to show the info that way. So I also wiped out my ID, though it's right down there in my sig.

Also I like playing with selective adjust on my Snapseed app. :D

01-12-2013, 04:13 AM
I have finished most of the maps below Highland, so I have those skill points also.

I chose not to display my exact defense number. A lady likes to keep some mystery about her. You can tell it's not gigantic. It's too easy to snag up and save an image off a message board. But it's more fun to show the info that way. So I also wiped out my ID, though it's right down there in my sig.

Also I like playing with selective adjust on my Snapseed app. :DLoL you have 11 defence points :)

01-12-2013, 05:57 AM
Why do you say that army attack and defense points are useless? Just because you don't attack anyway and do pve only? I'm just curious to know that. :)

01-12-2013, 06:06 AM
Why do you say that army attack and defense points are useless? Just because you don't attack anyway and do pve only? I'm just curious to know that. :)
They are useless , I'm not sure how much attack and defense they give , but imagine I have 280k attack and if I add like 500 army attack which is impossible, will it make any difference ?

01-12-2013, 06:12 AM
Not even a dent.

Hero Strength from here on out. Only. Ever.

To Anjunbeats: Something like a skill point or even a dozen skill points makes no difference to what you can do when your attack rating is over 200,000.

01-12-2013, 06:45 AM
Why do you say that army attack and defense points are useless? Just because you don't attack anyway and do pve only? I'm just curious to know that. :)Gem units and weapon/armor goes into my attack/defence so theres no need for me to waste valueble skill points into them. My attack/defence is very high and dont lose any units and there is only 10 of us up in the range and all allies. You only put skill points into attack/defence only if your stats in them is low and needs abit of a boost. With high stats already they are useless to me


Let's put it this way, the way game is design everything evolves around PVE. You kill monsters to collect loot/gold and also trigger events or do missions. To be able to successfully kill a monster fast and move on you need Hero Strength. And the only way to get more Hero Strength is to collect skill points and put into it. You cannot buy Hero Strength where with attack/defence you can always purchase them with gems/gold, collect loot drops or win event units. So while I kill monster at lower level maps with 1 hit you probly need 2-3 hits to kill and with highest map available 2-3 hits while you need 4-5 hits.There are other ways to increase your attack/defence but only one way to kill monsters fast.

01-12-2013, 07:35 AM
This makes totally sense. Thanks a lot for your answer, it's really helpful :)

01-12-2013, 08:06 AM
LoL you have 11 defence points :)

Yes, party pooper. But it's not really, really obvious. ;) Unless you squint. But who really cares THAT much about my place?

Just practicing for when these skills might mean the difference between a BD10 this weekend or the next. Cause Jonny will drop me as an ally and raid me for every drop of gold. Hahahahaha! And I'd deserve it. Obviously I need lots more practice. That's fine I have plenty of time.

It's true, I realized last time that I couldn't skill point my way into a position of power past a certain level. Stamina and hero strength can both be used much better to advance one's stats depending on play style. I use hero strength to supplement my income and previously, I could jump through levels if I needed a certain building or map I didn't have access to.

Now there's these LTQ's but I really have to hold steady - I'm about midrange in this and the next level it looks like and I don't want to be. Manors are yummy. Like wyverns.

01-12-2013, 08:53 AM
Just practicing for when these skills might mean the difference between a BD10 this weekend or the next. Cause Jonny will drop me as an ally and raid me for every drop of gold. Hahahahaha! And I'd deserve it. Obviously I need lots more practice. That's fine I have plenty of time.

LMAO. I'd have to ensure you were in my suitable level range to be able to see you.

But, don't confuse my heartlessness with not having a conscience. I'd let you enjoy your glory run. There is a player right now, however, that I will not let see 400k in his vault.

01-12-2013, 01:27 PM
So when are the game designers going to look at those Skill Points and their meaning? Right now, it seems like the game designers are on hiatus, only making new content for the limited time events. But there are some serious game design flaws throughout the game (encouraging turtling, money building output vs the amount it takes to upgrade them, etc.)

If Funzio was really serious about this game, they would put more effort into gameplay. Otherwise players will eventually drop off in droves.

01-12-2013, 08:51 PM
Wish I looked at these threads before I started mine...
Attack - 78
Defense - 3
Stamina 10/10
Hero Str - 60

I just started adding to strength a few levels ago (currently lvl 70).
Wish I could reset them now that I know the difference = )

01-12-2013, 10:39 PM
Mines are
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Stamina: 25 (I don't know why)
HS: 201 (I love PvE) 0attack/defense? lol , default value is 1, boy....

01-12-2013, 11:21 PM
0attack/defense? lol , default value is 1, boy....Can I see your skill points? You dont have to post with your ID

01-12-2013, 11:26 PM
A 22
D 8
S 8
HS 95
Decided early in the game that attackpoints are better than defensepoints.
After reading the forums, I stopped with attackpoints also.
Recently added 2 to stamina for the LTQs.

01-13-2013, 01:47 AM
0attack/defense? lol , default value is 1, boy....
Gree doesn't like me they didn't give any A/D to me :/ JK I realized it after I've sent..

01-13-2013, 07:36 PM
To Anjunbeats: Something like a skill point or even a dozen skill points makes no difference to what you can do when your attack rating is over 200,000.

Aw, look at you posting like you know what you're talking about. How cute.


When I first started leveling I was increasing my HS by 1 and alternating between Attack/Defense each level up. Now I'm just pumping everything into HS.

Army Attack: 42
Army Defense: 46
Stamina: 23
Hero Strength: 113

01-13-2013, 08:19 PM
Aw, look at you posting like you know what you're talking about. How cute.


Awww, look at you still messing around with those worthless Hydras like they're gonna keep you afloat in the real world.


01-13-2013, 08:30 PM
Awww, look at you still messing around with those worthless Hydras like they're gonna keep you afloat in the real world.


I will end you.

01-14-2013, 06:39 AM
A: 36
D: 23
Sta : 20
HS : 118

I was an idiot after I reached 100HS and figured I didn't need anymore so I wasted points on A/D... big mistake mid game, that is about 28 more points I could have had in Hero Str, oh well!

01-14-2013, 12:56 PM
A: 56
D: 58
Sta : 18
HS : 96

I initially put way too many into Attack and defense (thinking they would compensate for my weak A/D at the time) and little into HS as I figured the only think i was sacrificing is time and i can always keep hacking away without realizing the damage leveling up had done. Very poor analysis on my part and I feel shame. I put the brakes on at level 76 prioritized IPH and getting BD10 and only slowly leveled up. Level ups along the way I put into Stamina and HS. I am and have been putting exclusively into HS. (may bring stamina up to 20 but no further than that).

Lvl 105
A:170k D: 135K

01-14-2013, 01:15 PM
Attack: 15
Defense: 15
Stamina: 20
Hero Strength: 142 and growing

Started doing HS+A/D with the leftover point and increased stamina to 20 when i got to the mid 50's once i got an eye on the breeding den and the amount of money one could make while raiding. Some points are wasted in sub-optimal categories, but nothing major luckily :)

01-14-2013, 01:20 PM
I will end you.that is unlikely with Hyrdas

01-14-2013, 06:32 PM
Began playing KA about 6 months ago and only found the forum one month ago. I made so many mistakes ... but don't want to restart.

Attack 100
Defense 24
Stamina 12
HS 96

Putting everything into HS for the past month but still can't get far on the boss quests.

01-14-2013, 06:55 PM
Can I see your skill points? You dont have to post with your ID
I got
151 attack (100+50 from event)
1 defense
20 stamina
all others go into HS. lol

01-14-2013, 08:31 PM
that is unlikely with Hyrdas

I meant for reals, yo.

01-15-2013, 06:51 AM
I meant for reals, yo.


01-15-2013, 07:10 AM
Bad Ass Pic

It's ok. Mick & I got an electronic friendship that only some could handle or put up with. I push his buttons. He pushes mine. 'Tis all good. :cool:

01-18-2013, 11:31 AM
I'm not sure how we know Att & Def numbers are useless as the developers only give vague references as to how battle outcomes are determined, and even then, some of the information they've told us is completely untrue. I'm not saying they make a huge difference, but are we positive the answer is "none"?

01-18-2013, 12:23 PM
And the only way to get more Hero Strength is to collect skill points and put into it. You cannot buy Hero Strength where with attack/defence you can always purchase them with gems/gold, collect loot drops or win event units.

That is some great insight, and a fresh perspective. Wish I'd read that sooner. THANKS!! AK

01-18-2013, 10:50 PM
Awww, look at you still messing around with those worthless Hydras like they're gonna keep you afloat in the real world.


Hydras. Do they taste good with orange sauce? I've decided on my new strategy. Breed Basilisks and run to level 140 with level 2 manors and similar income buildings. And around 3K defense. This is based on the guy I found this morning (during chores in the snow), who provided me with income to make up for a couple day's lost collection while I was down with flu. He was at 61 with 2.3k and had a level 2 BD. I counted a couple times to be sure, as that NyQuil can make ya loopy. Defense definitely four digits. Level 2 manors, forsooth!

So watch out - just three more levels on my BD and I'll have my basilisk army. Be afraid. Of course it's too late on that four digit defense. But 40K is still sufficiently pathetic at level 140 to throw y'all of your guard, right?

01-18-2013, 11:04 PM
I'm not sure how we know Att & Def numbers are useless as the developers only give vague references as to how battle outcomes are determined, and even then, some of the information they've told us is completely untrue. I'm not saying they make a huge difference, but are we positive the answer is "none"?
I think they make a gigantic difference when you are lower than level 20 or so! After that, I'm thinking probably not so much.

I considered this. Skill points are 1:1 on A and D, but you have to spend 2:1 on stamina and HS. Even my first time aroun I realized there must be something particularly valuable about those HS points.

I spend two, get one left over. Next time I go up two. It's like Christmas every other level up! I can tell you even around level sixty where I am, 2 HS points hits PvEs like a bomb. When farming there's always that odd one that takes one extra hit - no more worries there. Most times it's the difference between two hits and one hit on a...mob? Is that the term? Odd one but that's it. Less energy, more money, less XP per loot.

It made total sense way way before the LTQs. Now it's so ironic I'm having to keep my itchy fingers off those. This should be the last one though. I'm almost to my 50K def and level 10 silo goal. Phew.

01-19-2013, 02:56 AM
So watch out - just three more levels on my BD and I'll have my basilisk army. Be afraid. Of course it's too late on that four digit defense. But 40K is still sufficiently pathetic at level 140 to throw y'all of your guard, right?

I wouldn't run with Basilisks. You'll be sorry. And, at 140 you'll be able to be seen all the way up the food chain. No lie. Shoot for those Hydras.

I don't understand how people have not invested in their BD's where I'm at. (130) It's sad.

Four digit defense? You mean my current 158,000+ ?

02-09-2013, 03:50 PM
Mine is:

Atk - 77
Def - 73
Sta - 15
HS - 103

I sent ticket to Gree last month to reset my skill points & they said "they don't do this kinda thing at the moment," "just try to request in the near future."

02-09-2013, 05:00 PM
I sent ticket to Gree last month to reset my skill points & they said "they don't do this kinda thing at the moment," "just try to request in the near future."

That still doesn't work out in your favor. Lol. So you pay to reset (we know this won't come free) and then you pour it all into HS. Then you play the LTQ with your "newfound" power. You'll ultimately have to spend Gems to finish the last couple anyways.


The PvE quest comes along and you pay to reset again. Lol. And you plow it all into Stamina. So you're left unbalanced and what if the quests overlap again? And you have to miss a whole day in one or the other?

I can see the posts now ...... ( Clarification: Not from you Gambit ;). )

"This is so GD unfair. Wah my parents might not love me enough... Wah wah sniffle wah. Oh, and Gem players are devil worshippers who should buy big screen TV's every week instead of buying into this game."

02-09-2013, 05:20 PM
That still doesn't work out in your favor. Lol. So you pay to reset (we know this won't come free) and then you pour it all into HS. Then you play the LTQ with your "newfound" power. You'll ultimately have to spend Gems to finish the last couple anyways.


The PvE quest comes along and you pay to reset again. Lol. And you plow it all into Stamina. So you're left unbalanced and what if the quests overlap again? And you have to miss a whole day in one or the other?

I can see the posts now ...... ( Clarification: Not from you Gambit ;). )

"This is so GD unfair. Wah my parents might not love me enough... Wah wah sniffle wah. Oh, and Gem players are devil worshippers who should buy big screen TV's every week instead of buying into this game."

Attack & Defense are useless to load up your skill points. I can put 3 on Atk, 1 on Def, 20 on stamina, & everything on Hero Strength...

02-09-2013, 06:25 PM
I'd happily pay $100 to reset my stats, I put about 170 points into attack and defense before I found the forum and realized they were useless.

02-09-2013, 10:07 PM
That still doesn't work out in your favor. Lol. So you pay to reset (we know this won't come free) and then you pour it all into HS. Then you play the LTQ with your "newfound" power. You'll ultimately have to spend Gems to finish the last couple anyways.


The PvE quest comes along and you pay to reset again. Lol. And you plow it all into Stamina. So you're left unbalanced and what if the quests overlap again? And you have to miss a whole day in one or the other?

I can see the posts now ...... ( Clarification: Not from you Gambit ;). )

"This is so GD unfair. Wah my parents might not love me enough... Wah wah sniffle wah. Oh, and Gem players are devil worshippers who should buy big screen TV's every week instead of buying into this game."

Not me, good sir. If I had my skill points back, I would distribute them to both Stamina and Hero Strength. I'd divide the 88 points I put into Attack/Defense, which is 44 Stamina/HS points. I would increase my Stamina to 45 and put the remaining into HS. 45 Stamina makes a gem refill possible. I wouldn't spend ten gems on a refill for less than 45 Stamina.

02-10-2013, 02:24 AM
After all this talk of skill points distribution, what's the bet that GREE will make some sort of PvP tournament event that combines hero Attack/Defence stats just to stick it to all of us who have distributed skill points to HS & Stamina because that's what is required for success in events in this game atm.

02-10-2013, 06:21 AM
But, why only keep 20 stamina in this type of event? Redistribute to 50 stamina ( which is the max that a single 10 Gem refill, refills) cut Gem spending down?

2,000 total attacks (example PvP quest) / 20 stamina = 100 refills * 10 gems = 1,000 gems
2,000 total attack / 50 stamina = 40 refills * 10 gems = 400 gems.

Yeah? ;)

02-10-2013, 09:14 AM
My stats:
Level 99
Att: 65
Def: 61
str: 74
Not so good for LTQ i know, but Gree dont want reset my Skillpoints

02-10-2013, 09:21 AM
but Gree dont want reset my Skillpoints


They should be the ones to fix mistakes? Or, how about accepting responsibility?

Either way, I hope they make a pay-per-stat-reset option. I hope its $40+.

I can only hope. :D HOPE.

02-10-2013, 09:25 AM
I'm coming back to this.


That it's $50+. Yeah, I just went up.


So people want to redistribute their points to benefit themselves in the limited time quests? And, they want Gree to essentially do it for free or just a small fee?

Let's put this into a business perspective, shall we?

"I can't win with my stats unless I spend a lot of money on Gems."

Gree = winning, $

"I redistributed my stats for $10 and I cut my Gem spending during this event by about $50"

Gree = losing, no $

Yeah, because as it stands Gree gives every single player free units during these quests. And, now you just want to win for free because the rest isn't good enough? LMAO, oh ok. I get it. You want the world handed to you.

02-10-2013, 09:37 AM

They should be the ones to fix mistakes? Or, how about accepting responsibility?

Either way, I hope they make a pay-per-stat-reset option. I hope its $40+.

I can only hope. :D HOPE.

Why Mistake or responsibility?
I pay for this a i dont have a problem with this.Much much better then a new Game from Begin.While i have spend so much Time and Money in the Game.
I HOPE u can understand me Johny :D

02-10-2013, 09:39 AM

It's not going to be cheap. And, you'll end up spending for every quest if you choose to stat up one category every single quest.

If that's ok with you, then we're on the same page. ;)

02-10-2013, 10:13 PM
im still fairly new to game and have my points spread out

27 AA
30 AD
12 S
33 HS

i am lvl 45 and have only gotten gems through the tapjoy thing, just wondering where i should start putting rest of my points HS first or stamina.

02-10-2013, 10:16 PM
im still fairly new to game and have my points spread out

27 AA
30 AD
12 S
33 HS

i am lvl 45 and have only gotten gems through the tapjoy thing, just wondering where i should start putting rest of my points HS first or stamina.

HS first then Stamina only to 20 & don't worry about A/D stats cause you don't need them...

02-10-2013, 10:24 PM
alright thanks for input

02-11-2013, 08:39 AM
Have the moderate to heavy gem spenders considered boosting their stamina stats?

It seems like it would give you more bang for your purchasing buck. Adding 40 skill points to stamina means you get an extra 20 PvP attacks per 10 gems spent, so you use half as many gems to complete the LTQs. Are you at a point where adding those same 40 skill points to your hero strength halve the gems you use to complete the PvE LTQs?

Lord VIX
02-15-2013, 12:31 PM
At Level 74, and having mastered level 4 for some maps, I invested the following skill points as follows:
Attack 25
Defense 42
Stamina 14
Hero Strength 73

I of course regret having put 67 points in Attack and Defense, an equivalent of 22 levels gained and wasted.
I thought at that time that investing in something mysterious (even after the explanations collected from support and the forum), was a good idea. But as in real life, it is never a good idea to invest in something you do not understand...

Matt Sabre
02-15-2013, 02:40 PM
Long time lurker, first time poster :)

Matt (level 88) has:

Attack - 9
Defense - 9
Stamina - 13
Hero Strength - 119

02-16-2013, 03:03 AM
Penarol Montevideo (level 88):

Attack - 57
Defense - 18
Stamina - 26
Hero Strength - 77

With the forthcoming guilds, there will be more pvp tournaments. We have also seen more pvp style limited time quests.

I think investing in stamina to around 40-50 is a smart long term move with the rest going into hero strength.

Dexter Morgan
02-16-2013, 04:26 AM
101 attack (thanks to bow)
1 defense
19 stamina
171 hero strength
Lvl 123

02-16-2013, 06:11 AM
http://i45.tinypic.com/2elwidv.jpgThese are my skill points so far, I put some on defense cause I wanted to close the gap a bit because of the dragon army but Im focusing on hs only, the attack skill went up because of the bow

Battle Mage
02-16-2013, 06:15 AM
A 126 - go the Bow!
D 25
S 15
HS 59
(with a skill point up my sleeve, waiting to meet another lonely skill point to add another one to HS)

Prolly alternate now between S and HS to build S to 20, then pile everything back into HS after that.