View Full Version : Stories Behind Your KA In-Game/Forum Names:

King Mark
01-03-2013, 07:35 PM
I've seen strange in-game names around. From really nice & cool ones, superheroes, ordinary to explicit names.

Me, Kings/Leaders have always fascinated me (Good & bad ways). Perhaps "Civilization" game has also influenced me (One of my favorite games to play), wherein I either use King Mark or President Mark as my name LOL! :D

I'm sure you guys have some good, funny or weird explanation to your names. So what's your story behind your in-game/forum names in KA?

01-03-2013, 08:05 PM
Cool topic! I'm game. My in-game name is the same as my forum name.

It comes from a trip I took to the Middle East years ago (when it was relatively very safe there) I was part of an archeaological dig for a couple months in Jordan. We also toured a number of archeaological sites in the area. My favorites were Petra and a place in Syria called Palmyra. Back in the days of the Roman Empire, it was ruled by a warrior queen named Zenobia. She rebelled against Rome and conquered lands down to Egypt. Alas, Rome caught her eventually but she was said to be exceptionally intelligent and beautiful as well as obviously being a great general and designer of a beautiful city. Anyway, I was quite taken with Palmyra, and her story. So I call myself Zenobia. :)

Looking forward to hearing Everyone's stories.

01-03-2013, 08:14 PM
O.k gee wiz where to start i have had the first part since i was a kid ? not that i look like one but possibly sneaky like one ! and the year was when had major motorcycle accident died twice lived ! wrecked body but we do have mishaps from time to time ! My brother started calling me this when i was 5 cause he couldnt pronounce my full name properly and the old man called me "RAT" so it stuck, and its different to most so i like it. so its been over 40 years now and still uses it also refreshing to see it on forums and the like.

01-03-2013, 08:14 PM
I was getting some free gems for another game via tapjoy and had to download and run KA. When it asked me for a name I just put in something stupid. Hence Bottom is my name. I plan to change this eventually.

01-03-2013, 08:56 PM
Rat, I would also love to hear the story of your avi here! It cracks me up every time I see it.

01-03-2013, 09:46 PM
@Zenobia - wow - Palmira! I used to travel a lot around the world until some 4 years ago, but never made it to Syria even then (to say nothing about now). Was among the first American visitors to get to Petra from the Israeli side in the early 1990s, though...The name is very unimaginative - my initials.

01-04-2013, 01:15 AM
If you know who my forum avatar is a picture of my name might make sense

Knowing me, knowing you...

If you don't recognise my avatar you won't know what the heck I'm on about

01-04-2013, 01:33 AM
My forum name is Drag Cro it means Croatian dragon!
Dragon is for me the best beast in mythology & i like it.
Croatian i put into my name because i think just few people from my country play this games,so this is like advertise to them to join here & play this games.I rate this & other gree games with 5 stars & post it on the app store!
All this that i've done is to bring more people from the former Yugoslavia to play Gree games

01-04-2013, 02:04 AM
Forum name; Proprioception...we all have it, however, most people haven't mastered it to its highest human ability. I consider myself as a master of proprioception, hence the name. Hahaa! That's why in battle I tend to kick butt.

Hammer, my in game name. Well, it's a nickname of mine that is very similar to my last name. I got it playing Aussie Rules Football...the game that real men play! No helmets or protective gear...we run hard and tackle ferociously with speed and strength. Anyway, I could hammer the ball into goal from outside 50m on the run 70% of the time.

Dexter Morgan
01-04-2013, 02:26 AM
Great thread idea, anyway mine is pretty simple. Comes from my favorite show on tv, Dexter.

01-04-2013, 02:33 AM
ew because I take anabolic steroids which is winstrol .

01-04-2013, 02:39 AM
ew because I take anabolic steroids which is winstrol .:).Im all natural,10 years in the gym & i didnt take any kind of stereoids.Always was my goal building mass but know i change it to definition,i think that is better for me & it looks better ;)

01-04-2013, 03:08 AM
Mine comes from my real name. jhoemel. And rain is my favorite korean singer/actor. And i sleep soundly when its raining :)

01-04-2013, 08:14 AM
Jetta was my first service dog. If you ever met her you'd understand the meta part. Malinois are, um, a different breed of dog.

Mal has been my nickname in Real Life for ages, from way before Serenity was a twinkle in Joss Whedon's eye. Though I am also a dyed in the wool Browncoat (haha! Get it?) My current service dog is named Inara (registered name Heart of Gold).

But I forgot about the Firefly Mal when I picked it for my first game, just thinking it was easy to type and kinda edgy. Um, and also a guy now.

So I took Metajetta again. After typing it about a thousand times on walls, I wish I'd stuck with Mal but AM hoping to revive that KA base and I'll probably start a new MQ base too as Mal. Girl Mal = Metajetta. Lol! Maybe I'll send in a ticket and have it changed to Inara.

01-04-2013, 08:35 AM
Mine comes from the first time I played any type of RPG. Back when Nintendo first came out and it cost a whopping $149, my brothers and I had to really work hard to get money together to buy one. Since we didn't have an allowance, it took us a little bit to get it. Having acquired Super Mario Bros/Dunk Hunt dual pack, we got hooked.
However, seeing the Zelda TV commercial with it's quirky yet memorable theme and rhythm, we decided to shoot for buying that very awesome looking Gold Zelda collector's edition cartridge. Hence the Legend in me was born - the first game my brother and I spent all-night playing more than once. It was also the first game I made my own map for and strategy guide to, before Nintendo Power came out with one.
It also happens to be the first game I conquered before my brother did. Reminds of the good times when I was younger before handhelds, cell phones and the internet were household use. Remember the original car phones? Yeah...

Good times. :)

01-04-2013, 10:48 AM
very unoriginal for me my IGN: is my first name and bgood is part of my first and last name. Was just lazy to come up with something creative,

01-04-2013, 11:16 AM
those of you who have played this game long enough, or other Gree games, know Gree (known for the light blue hexagon) is famous for NERFing stuff! Thus, my avatar was born!

01-04-2013, 02:45 PM
Mine isn't very creative I am terrible at coming up with cool names, so I just used my name which is cloud.

King Gabriel388
01-04-2013, 05:25 PM
Gabriel after Angel Gabriel, King, sounds powerful and fitting for KA.

01-05-2013, 12:18 AM
Mine comes from the fact that I'm an actual bear.

King Gabriel388
01-05-2013, 12:19 AM
Mine comes from the fact that I'm an actual bear.

You mean Teddy bear?

01-05-2013, 12:32 AM
Great thread,

Mickaleus has been my name since pen and paper d&d. a play on my name and Greek mythological heroes
kruppe from the best ever fantasy series, malazan empire. A player but behind the scenes, misdirection the key.

01-05-2013, 01:53 AM
I picked 'Heroicus' as my IGN. First thing I could think of that was somewhat relevant to a fantasy game, while also being a bit tongue-in-cheek.

01-06-2013, 07:35 PM
I used the game name from when I played WoW on Bronzebeard. Go Horizon:)

Black Knight
01-06-2013, 10:49 PM
Been a HUGE Monty Python fan for as long as I can remember, particularly the Holy Grail.

So when I got hooked on playing Ultima III and Ultima IV at high school, Black Knight was the first name I thought of.

01-07-2013, 08:03 AM
Been a HUGE Monty Python fan for as long as I can remember, particularly the Holy Grail.

So when I got hooked on playing Ultima III and Ultima IV at high school, Black Knight was the first name I thought of.

Your avatar makes me laugh madly every time I see it. "I'm invincible!" "You're loony!"

01-07-2013, 11:43 AM
In game name is 'Lopez'. That was the name of my main character during 5 years of hardcore World of Warcraft playing. I finally got rid of that monkey but still pay Lopez a tribute by naming random chars like him.

So why Lopez in the first place? When I created that char in WoW I had already drunken a bottle of excellent Rioja. So when presented with the 'name' form I looked at the bottle and there I read 'Baron Lopez del la whatever ...'. E voila, my alter ego was born. In vino veritas!

01-08-2013, 07:28 AM
I am Katniss, lord of Katland, true heir to the Feline Throne, commander of dragons, tamer of Maddox...and my Kingdom is under siege from an unwelcome but worthy opponent. I am recruiting from amongst the heroes of the land. If you would like to aid me on this crusade, add me 641-446-997.

01-09-2013, 03:55 AM
... So when I got hooked on playing Ultima III and Ultima IV ...
Ah good memories!
Would be nice to have as an app for iPad.

01-09-2013, 11:16 AM
This is the name that I chose when I started playing the online game 'The Realm', as a Wizard, way back when. I have been using it ever since in many games such as WoW before I quite it because i was becoming a bit too addicted, and most recently the browser game Greopolis.

01-09-2013, 11:26 AM
Taken from the best movie ever... throughout time...

01-09-2013, 09:13 PM
Fredcole was the lead singer of the greatest garage rock band ever, Dead Moon:D

01-09-2013, 09:58 PM
I've avoided live online games since their inception, because I know how addictive they are, and I'm quite competitive so I want to be good. Kingdom Age was my first foray into the genre. I wanted to stay as anonymous as possible, and reveal as little as possible about how I tick. Me is so generic, all it reveals is that I'm a bit arrogant. Fast forward to now, I'm addicted, and baring my soul on an online forum...

PS. If the plastic cup at the party just has 'mine' on it in sharpie, then it's mine. Don't touch it.

Black Knight
01-09-2013, 11:24 PM
Ah good memories!
Would be nice to have as an app for iPad.

Frequently search the iTunes store in case somebody puts them back out there.

Moved house last year and found my original package boxes for the first 4 Ultimas, complete with the original 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 inch floppy disks and maps. Probably collectors items now.

Got alll reminiscent, so downloaded playable versions from the web and started playing again through DOSBox. Lol, yes good memories!

01-10-2013, 09:08 PM
Nice topic, nice read!Trinity - the obvious origin is the character in the movie series The Matrix. Let's face it, Trinity was a bad ass! (I hope I can say that...😉) Her devotion & perseverance were stellar, not to mention her cool moves. She's sensual & fiercely loyal... An all around awesome lady! Finally, "3" is my favorite number! It was destined to be...

01-14-2013, 04:27 AM
Nothing special...

I like games and I like pron, so my in-game-name Luba is named after the famous nude model Luba Shumeyko.

King Mark
07-29-2013, 09:21 AM
Just doing some rounds so bumping this ^^

07-29-2013, 10:19 AM
Samskill = sam + skill or sam's kill, whichever way it's deadly ! Haha

07-29-2013, 10:38 AM
Nothing special...

I like games and I like pron, so my in-game-name Luba is named after the famous nude model Luba Shumeyko.

Love it! Never heard of her though......might have to google and oodle her.:D

07-29-2013, 10:40 AM
My name is a poor attempt to turn my real name "Alex" into an ancient greek sounding name. I just added ius at the end lol. Perseus, Julius etc.

Silent follower
07-29-2013, 12:24 PM
My ign Bormio comes from mid eighties when I started old style pen & paper RPGs. I saw it on a map of Italy and though that's a cool name for my first character.

I was reading the forum for some time, silently following it. That's how I picked up Silent follower. Partly it was influenced by the British crime series Silent Witness.

07-29-2013, 12:25 PM
My name was just short for Thomas Joseph.
Found out from my son Tojo was the Japanese leader who orchestrated
The pearl Harbour attack and was later hung by the
Japanese for it.

07-29-2013, 01:04 PM
My forum name is a necessity due to certain people not really taking kindly to my original forum account

Ign is part guild tag part irl nickname, [MoC]Jixx :)

Julius Wheezer
07-29-2013, 02:05 PM
I was getting some free gems for another game via tapjoy and had to download and run KA. When it asked me for a name I just put in something stupid. Hence Bottom is my name. I plan to change this eventually.

Presumably to something much more sensible like "Bobfishcake"? I like you style.

My name is just because I thought it was funny. Had a mini called Fatilla the Pun for a while, too, but they didn't get on.

Favourite name I've seen in the game is Gonad the Barbarian. Hat off to you, Sir.

07-29-2013, 02:37 PM
LegoLass - play on Legolas from Lord of the Rings and my penchant for collecting plastic bricks.
Freyja - major goddess from Norse mythology. Goddess of love and sex as well as war. Renamed to F Bomb after a MW faction-mate called me that. Loved it and couldn't resist.

07-29-2013, 03:58 PM
Mine is Rutherford - short for Sir Rutherford the Brave from Phish's (rock band) Gamehenge saga. The Gamehendge saga tells the story of Colonel Forbin, a retired colonel from Long Island, New York, who enters the mythical land of Gamehendge and rescues a document called the Helping Friendly Book from an evil dictator named Wilson. Rutherford is the head knight of the Lizards who leads a team of allies to help overthrow Wilson.

Colonel Forbin is my Modern War name and he is also an integral part of the Gamehenge saga. He is a retired colonel who embarks on a mission to rescue the Helping Friendly Book from the tower of Wilson's castle.

My Forum name is lv_phish (as is my license plate in VA).

07-29-2013, 04:50 PM
Mine (forum and IGN) is nothing all that clever, but I've had it for almost 20 years now... ever since I created it as a username for my first ISP back in 1995. I had just graduated from Wake Forest University and had also taken courses at Furman University, so I combined their two mascots:

Paladins (Furman) + Deacons (Wake Forest) = Paladeacon

That kind of became my online persona, so I've continued to use it.

07-29-2013, 05:38 PM
I never use my ign here, don't see the point in making it easier to find me if I call someone out for being stupid.

I've used the moniker shinazueli for 20 years. Similar story as paladeacon. Shin - true (Japanese) & azueli - from the root azure and I changed it because azueli fell off the tongue easier. => true blue => loyal friend. It was a group of 4 dudes that all made up names for each other (with a teenage rule that it had to be cool and not an anatomical word, lol). They gave it to me because I was never gonna nark. Ever. Still true. Snitches get stitches.

07-29-2013, 06:13 PM
Snitches get stitches.

Reminds me of a great Halloween tweet from Conan O'Brien:

As my 5 year-old son and I carved the pumpkin today, I swear I heard him say, “That’s what happens to snitches."

07-29-2013, 08:07 PM
Cool thread. No one can pronounce my real name and my nick name in my native tongue sounded like OP (o.p.). No one used it outside my household until the song OPP came out. When I would enter a room the girls would make room for me to sit in the dorms, mainly because I tutored most of them. Hearing my brother often use my nick name paired with the song led to the establishment of OPP as my nick name with the second P eventually disappearing all together.

07-29-2013, 08:26 PM
Reminds me of a great Halloween tweet from Conan O'Brien:

As my 5 year-old son and I carved the pumpkin today, I swear I heard him say, “That’s what happens to snitches."

Lol. That's awesome.

07-30-2013, 05:45 AM
Nice thread, guys!)

Well I don't know, why I'm Yepp. Heh it was pretty long time ago.

I always tried to choose a nickname of spoken language, something as simple and ordinary, which is rarely associated with good pathetic nickname. And positive trend of the word is probably my fundamental openness to contacts and cooperation, and may just be I had a great mood when I first launched the game:)

About my LLP, Sasha Grey, well many of you know this person. I'm not a fan of pron, but I basically like her style, body language, expression and manner of moving. She is quite tricky and toothy ***** in a rather nice package. Quite charming and dangerous player, I like it. And because I am one of the recruiting officers in our younger guild, the name works well because of its ambiguous popularity on the verge of a decent and indecent.


Max Power
07-30-2013, 07:10 AM
Been a HUGE Monty Python fan for as long as I can remember, particularly the Holy Grail.

So when I got hooked on playing Ultima III and Ultima IV at high school, Black Knight was the first name I thought of.

Given the era this game allegedly takes place in, I thought the same. I looked on a Monty Python website and found the word Pepperpot, so I added Count to it for Count Pepperpot.

For my second account, all I could think of was the SNL skit years ago that featured Earl of Sandwich and Lord Douchebag. I thought the sensors might kill the douchebag name, so I went with Earl of Sandwich.

In hindsight, just for yuks, I signed into Monster Quest under Douchy McDoucherton, and nobody has complained....LOL!

Max Power
07-30-2013, 07:13 AM
Taken from the best movie ever... throughout time...

Kim Cattrell at her finest.

08-02-2013, 08:10 AM
I raise American Pit Bull Terriers and my kennel name is Olympian Kennels. Father of the Olympians

08-04-2013, 07:30 PM
Seriously to long of a story for name explanation for me, however, I'll abbreviate.
I began playing AD&D in 1982, I was 12. By 1985, I had become a DM. I needed a private army and needed a Paladin leader; Spydrax was born.

Spydrax has always simply been... me.