View Full Version : Casualty Rate Totally Bugged !!!

12-29-2012, 08:06 AM
So , I just want to show you , how that ****ing casualty rate is bugged

12-29-2012, 08:12 AM
Why you pick on a hacker with no gold?

And he took your dragon instead too.

12-29-2012, 08:17 AM
I just wanted to show that Casualty is bugged

12-29-2012, 08:19 AM
Serves you right for picking on someone with 499 less allies than you ;)

King Gabriel388
12-29-2012, 01:56 PM
I think your dragon flew into a mountain accidentally and died because he was laughing at the enemy's weak army and forgot to look where he was flying.

12-29-2012, 07:13 PM
Childish whiner like you deserved it :p
Serve you RIGHT for bullying a weak player! :D
Even your dragon despised you and flew AWAY! :rolleyes:
Grow-up ! Stop whinning like a childish baby! :eek:

12-30-2012, 01:51 AM
Lol! I know the casualty rate isn't that funny...but why the hell would someone work up to that level without building up his/her kingdom? Idiotic! I hav to agree with King Gabe...your Dragon seems to have died in a tragic accident due to the hilarity of the attack itself.

What building did you raid?

12-30-2012, 05:22 AM
Pretty sure Winstrol chose that target specifically to make his point, not because he was trying to be prick.

12-30-2012, 05:27 AM
Lol! I know the casualty rate isn't that funny...but why the hell would someone work up to that level without building up his/her kingdom? Idiotic! I hav to agree with King Gabe...your Dragon seems to have died in a tragic accident due to the hilarity of the attack itself.

What building did you raid?
Any build and same thing happens all the time ,

Childish whiner like you deserved it :p
Serve you RIGHT for bullying a weak player! :D
Even your dragon despised you and flew AWAY! :rolleyes:
Grow-up ! Stop whinning like a childish baby! :eek:
I'm not whining you idiot :P , I'm just showing example that Casualty Rate is bugged .

12-30-2012, 06:05 AM
Every players understand all wars and attacks suffer disproportionate casualties LOL :D
Only cry baby littel kid like you whining over the losses LOL :D
Pick someone your own stats to attack instead of bullying the weak and crying like a loser accusing unfairness and game bugged. LOL :D
Grow up! 2013 is just around the corner LOL :D

Dexter Morgan
12-30-2012, 06:31 AM
Guess we have the first troll on ka. Welcome havefun88

12-30-2012, 07:15 AM
Every players understand all wars and attacks suffer disproportionate casualties LOL :D
Only cry baby littel kid like you whining over the losses LOL :D
Pick someone your own stats to attack instead of bullying the weak and crying like a loser accusing unfairness and game bugged. LOL :D
Grow up! 2013 is just around the corner LOL :D
you ****ing idiot , you understand nothing from what I'm trying to show other people , but I assume you are one of these campers which were *****ing about me last time , but now you created new account , protending that you are someone else so ****ing smart haha

Dexter Morgan
12-30-2012, 07:32 AM
My thoughts as well winstrol. I would also consider his first account to be in the troll category

12-30-2012, 09:27 AM
you ****ing idiot , you understand nothing from what I'm trying to show other people , but I assume you are one of these campers which were *****ing about me last time , but now you created new account , protending that you are someone else so ****ing smart haha

As expected, cave ooze sore loser like you be swearing, cursing and using profanity when losing units or receiving unpleasant comments :D

OMG! LOL :D You can't even spell properly. It's pretending not "protending" :D

As the familiar phrase goes: “a-s-s-u-m-e makes an a** out of yourself, so don't assume too much and get real!!!!!!!!!! If you cannot afford to lose units or take the heat, then better stop playing and get a real life in real world instead of whining and swearing in this KA forum.Wahahahahahahahahahahahaha .

See ya! Mr. Whiner Winstrol :D

12-30-2012, 09:39 AM
As expected, cave ooze sore loser like you be swearing, cursing and using profanity when losing units or receiving unpleasant comments :D

OMG! LOL :D You can't even spell properly. It's pretending not "protending" :D

As the familiar phrase goes: “a-s-s-u-m-e makes an a** out of yourself, so don't assume too much and get real!!!!!!!!!! If you cannot afford to lose units or take the heat, then better stop playing and get a real life in real world instead of whining and swearing in this KA forum.Wahahahahahahahahahahahaha .

See ya! Mr. Whiner Winstrol :D
You are pathetic idiot, I don't cry over one unit , it was an example that pvp system is bugged , thats all , after few posts you still cant understand simple thing ? so who's child ? and why did you made new account ? come and talk **** with your main account :P ****ing coward

Dexter Morgan
12-30-2012, 09:41 AM
Real life? You're the one creating multiple accounts on the forum

12-30-2012, 05:31 PM
Thanks Winstrol. It is clear that Gree has to do something about the casualty rate, it is not just pure probability anymore. Well done indeed!

12-30-2012, 05:56 PM
HaveFun88 if you have an issue with someone, send them a PM. Otherwise keep on topic.

Winstol, if all you have are Dragons in your army then YES, you will loose some no matter what! I'm pretty sure that high level players will always loose the top tear of units in their army that are destructible no matter how crap the player you are fighting. I don't think its a glitch but it is definitely something that sucks! When you overpower someone like you did, there's no way you should loose a Dragon. Otherwise, the loss can sometimes out-way the gains you make from an attack. Whats the point in that? Especially if you look at a battle suck as yours here in this thread.

King Gabriel388
12-30-2012, 06:42 PM
Any build and same thing happens all the time ,

I'm not whining you idiot :P , I'm just showing example that Casualty Rate is bugged .

Winstrol, do you have any units in your army that reduces casualty rates and what is the level of your water temple?

I would not say that the casualty rate is bugged because you have all dragons as the bulk of your army and if you do not have casualty rate reduction at 100%.

If you have casualty rate reduction at 100% and your dragons still die, then there would be a bug otherwise in every battle there is always a chance that your dragons can die however weak the rival's army is. I'm pretty certain there are no rules that state if you attack a rival whose defence is 25% or less of your attack strength, you will take no casualty.

Dexter Morgan
12-30-2012, 07:48 PM
I have done roughly 400 pvp attacks in the last few days, against players ranging from 150 allies all the way to 415 (I'm lvl 83) and haven't lost a single dragon in those attack, even against players with half the defense of my attack. I dO have roughly 300 indestructible units with higher attack than the dragon so not sure if that makes any difference. And my water temple is only at lvl 4. Maybe the casualty rates are lower for people under lvl 100?

12-31-2012, 02:09 AM
Yeah, while I can't say the casualty rates aren't bugged, but think it's as Proprioc suggested. You have huge stats and a large number of indestructible units, backed up by a certain number of dragons (basically however many free unit spaces with stats higher than dragon). Even with the low casualty rates of the unit, and even with a fully upgraded Water Temple and Event units lowering casualty rates (it's questionable if they all even work accurately from what I've read here on forums), there's still that small chance of unit loss. With an all dragon and indestructible unit army as I'm thinking you have, the only unit you CAN lose is a dragon. The odds just vary based on your A/D and modifiers (like the Water Temple, etc).

(I realize you probably know this and am just re-suggesting the theory since I think it may apply.)

Edit: Just noticed, how do you have only 1 Atk?

And what's the opponent's Def stats? It's cut off on my iPhone in the OP.

12-31-2012, 03:56 AM
Fellas, you need to look at the screen he posted. Then you need to think. And then I suggest to look again and think a little more. And then, if you feel you have to contribute, post here.

12-31-2012, 04:46 AM
I feel your pain man. I am losing Berserks (low causality rate) almost as much as I am losing my Invokers (high causality rate), and my Assassins (very low causality rate - and 500 Honour Points to replace) pretty frequently as well.

I think it is more then the causality system that is buggy, take for instance the PvP system. For example when doing the "Tournament Round" quest line I am looking for a player with XX allies but one with low defense stats. so I am fighting a guy/girl who is my level but as is more often the case, seeing that I haven't been actively searching out new allies for a while, a higher ally count but 2000 less defense then my attack stat and not only am I still losing units and I actually lose the fight some how.

Second look at the time(s) it takes for the energy bar to refill completely. For mine, I kid you not, sometimes it takes two hours, other times 4 hours, I have checked back after 4 hours away and found that my energy bar is only half full.

Anyway, enough complaining from me. Still very much love the game, the theme, and the units.

12-31-2012, 04:59 AM
Thanks for the support guys , I honestly don't care over 1 or 100 dragons , I can replace them within a 1 hour or so , I just made that topic to show GREE developers that PVP system need to be fixed , because my example which I showed at the beginning of topic is non-sense , player with 300 attack and defense shouldn't even scratch my army and that issue need to be fixed.

12-31-2012, 08:18 AM
Wait he only had 300 A/D (as said I couldn't see the stats of the guy you attacked--stupid iPhone always cuts off the left sides of pics posted here on the boards)?

I take back what I said.

Dexter Morgan
12-31-2012, 09:18 AM
You can see the rest of the image if you tap the pic and try to slide it to the left

12-31-2012, 10:09 AM
I agree I hate to loose my dragons too, and I have the thingy with 25% less casualties, go figure.

12-31-2012, 04:37 PM
I've started to loose more dragons than usual, I noticed that since yesterday evening

12-31-2012, 09:47 PM
I just raided someones level 1 manor with 100k less attack and defense than me and lost 3 dragons in the process

12-31-2012, 11:22 PM
Winstrol - I am probably being stupid, but....
How did he bring 9 units to battle with only 1 ally?
How could you possibly see him on your rival list, when you have 500 and he has 1?

King Gabriel388
01-01-2013, 12:39 AM
Winstrol - I am probably being stupid, but....
How did he bring 9 units to battle with only 1 ally?
How could you possibly see him on your rival list, when you have 500 and he has 1?

Units and equipment into battle, not just unit, so 1 ally, up to 9, 3 units, 3 weapons, 3 armors.

01-01-2013, 02:24 AM
I would say that there is always a small chance of losing a unit no matter what the odds are, overwhelming or not. It occurs in many games to represent odd luck, the lucky shot by an outnumbered side. Or alternatively a dragon laughing hysterically...

01-01-2013, 04:29 AM
QUOTE=Winstrol;535625]So , I just want to show you , how that ****ing casualty rate is bugged

Thanks for the support guys , I honestly don't care over 1 or 100 dragons , I can replace them within a 1 hour or so , I just made that topic to show GREE developers that PVP system need to be fixed , because my example which I showed at the beginning of topic is non-sense , player with 300 attack and defense shouldn't even scratch my army and that issue need to be fixed.

You are welcome! No need to thank me. I am glad to let you cried on my shining armour shoulder :D

I looked and looked at the pics you posted. Level 180 attacked an opponent with only 1 ally and 299 stats??? Is that possible????

It's obvious you are not being honest and tried to hide some stats from all of us to justify your crying game.

My hope for you in 2013:
1) I hope you will stop crying after your dragon eloped with your 1 Ally only opponent. She was a smart and wise dragon indeed

2) I hope you will grow 1-2 balls to take on players with same stats instead of bullying weak players

3) I hope you will be honest to yourself and not try to mislead all forumers

Real life? You're the one creating multiple accounts on the forum

Dexter Morgan, you are indeed a shameless ass-licker mouse. I hope you will get a life in 2013 and will also grow 1-2 balls, instead of becoming a landscape camping at low level ambushing weak players as a ball-less coward. No Kingdom want a ball-less coward ass licking mouse like you. The True Hurts!

I shall rest my case with this quote: Respect is not earned through Seniority or High Stats or Bullying The Weak:cool:

Grow up, Kiddo Dexter Morgan!

01-01-2013, 06:57 AM

Dexter Morgan
01-01-2013, 07:09 AM
Havefun88, best troll ka has. You know what morons like you have? Nothing. That's why you are on the Internet talking sh!t. Why don't u man up and post your ingame name and level here? Otherwise your just another useless Internet tough guy

01-01-2013, 07:43 AM
I want front row seats with fries for this action pack sequel!

01-01-2013, 08:09 AM
Oh god , and you are repeating yourself all over again in every post and that stupid talking is not even funny , maybe it is for retarded people like you .

01-01-2013, 10:57 AM
Guys, please. We payed first row seats, fries, pocorn, nachos, beer, you name it.

Now please turn on the heat. Or is this Sex in the City III?

01-01-2013, 11:11 AM
Guys, please. We payed first row seats, fries, pocorn, nachos, beer, you name it.

Now please turn on the heat. Or is this Sex in the City III?

I dunno - KA has to have the politest people (and Trolls) of all the games...

I get people who attack me and then apologise for attacking me...

And 88 has to be the biggest apology for a Troll on the forum!

01-01-2013, 11:58 AM
If that was a raid on a non-money building, you will always have a casualty loss...had you raided a money building or attacked this guy, you would not have a casualty loss.

01-01-2013, 06:26 PM
I have a feeling that attack and defense skill points have something to do with this. Winstrol has stated previously that he has no skill points in attack. What say this player has over a 100 defense points? It could be that skill points in att and def not only increase your chances of winning a battle but also influence casualty rates?

Ragnarr Lodbrok
01-03-2013, 10:39 AM
I agree with the previous two points as possible reasons for it. As well, defense buildings do increase the casualty rate too. I have tested this a few times with an unallied friend and the results were:

1) No defense buildings within range = no casualties
2) 4 cannon towers within range = 33% losses

01-03-2013, 11:58 PM
Every players understand all wars and attacks suffer disproportionate casualties LOL :D
Only cry baby littel kid like you whining over the losses LOL :D
Pick someone your own stats to attack instead of bullying the weak and crying like a loser accusing unfairness and game bugged. LOL :D
Grow up! 2013 is just around the corner LOL :D

I don't always agree with what other players may post on the forum, but a little mutual respect goes a long way.

In this particular case, Winstrol was merely highlighting how extreme is the problem with the casualty rates (a problem that has been known for a long time and previously discussed).
As for the discrepancy between his and his target's respective Attack/Defence stats ... well, it would hardly be illustrative if there wasn't a large difference, would it? And I suspect that the other player is used to getting attacked left, right and centre, if he is walking around in that weak state at Winstrol's level.

Would suggest that you try to moderate your posts as they are hardly reflecting well on you.

01-04-2013, 12:06 AM
If that was a raid on a non-money building, you will always have a casualty loss...had you raided a money building or attacked this guy, you would not have a casualty loss.

+1 Why this should be so, though, defies logic.

01-04-2013, 12:12 AM
I agree with the previous two points as possible reasons for it. As well, defense buildings do increase the casualty rate too. I have tested this a few times with an unallied friend and the results were:

1) No defense buildings within range = no casualties
2) 4 cannon towers within range = 33% losses

My experience has been that defense building (even when upgraded to levels 3-5) generally have little impact if the A/D difference is great. Usually you need a 3x difference to minimise (not totally eliminate) risk of loss of units.

01-04-2013, 01:48 AM
Winstrol is a good guy & forum member ,so he just wanted to show to others that sometimes you loose units no matter how strong you are in the game.
Maybe its a bug in the game so this post is for Gree too.

@ note to others: be kind,do not immediately provoke and fight, forum is not created for that!

This goes to you too havefun88,so like your name says have fun on the forum,ok?

Dont argy with Dexter he is wiser than you,better for you is to give him a apology!!

01-04-2013, 06:44 AM
If that was a raid on a non-money building, you will always have a casualty loss...had you raided a money building or attacked this guy, you would not have a casualty loss.

My understanding is (& I could certainly be wrong about this) that every building has an inherent personal defense value to it that can impact casualties sustained. That's why you could attack lower level buildings with little to no losses, but lose some units when raiding buildings like lenders. The unit & boost buildings seem to have a higher self-defense value than money buildings.

01-04-2013, 06:56 AM
My understanding is (& I could certainly be wrong about this) that every building has an inherent personal defense value to it that can impact casualties sustained. That's why you could attack lower level buildings with little to no losses, but lose some units when raiding buildings like lenders. The unit & boost buildings seem to have a higher self-defense value than money buildings.

This is correct.

A Manor level 1 comes with in game hidden defense of 30. Every single income building increases by the same amount as it is upgraded. (level 2 = 60, level 3 = 90). At that rate the level 10 version of every income building is 10x. So a level 10 Manor is 300 defense. As to how that is actually applied to a raid, unsure. Is it a multiplier? An addition to defense score? Again, not sure.