View Full Version : My decision to post pone the Breeding Den 9 & 10 runs.

12-04-2012, 04:53 PM
Throughout the day I have accumulated over $300k to a whopping $405k that I sat around with for about an hour. I even felt bad raiding someone who was over vaulted in their own efforts it appeared, for Breeding Den 8.

I may be pretty well off for stats against even 300+ and some 400+ ally count. My PvP report is pretty green in those regards.

But, in the end I purchased another 45 Hydras. And, dwindled it down. Why? Here's my strategy being at such a higher level player making this run.

If I shoot for 333 Allies, it means I'll bring in 999 units to Battle. I've been farming a lot of decent Weapons/Armor and I know that my entire army will not be utilizing 0/3 & 1/5 equipment. lol It also means that my Atk / Def will be roughly 100k/100k. I have not seen a single high ally count player in my PvP screen with those numbers. It means I'll stand a chance to have an honest defense against the raiders.

What do you guys think? I'm at 215 Allies with 685 Hydras. At a rate of adding nearly 20-30 a day I can reach my target, settle down, start adding the Allies and brace myself.

12-04-2012, 05:03 PM
Me too! I am anxious to here the guidance and suggestions (and probably a few criticisms) of your approach. I am nearing your level, bunt don't do much PvP. Trying to build as much as I can afford and keeping a low profile while I move along. I have used some gems along the way. I have tried to read everything on the Forum, and incorporate as much as possible into my game. Well, thanks again for posting this.

12-04-2012, 05:24 PM
What do you guys think? I'm at 215 Allies with 685 Hydras. At a rate of adding nearly 20-30 a day I can reach my target, settle down, start adding the Allies and brace myself.

I am level 129 with 499 allies (146k attack and 138k def) and find that roughly 40% of the people in my attack list have less than 100k attack or defense (many actually in the 60k-80k bracket) and no BD10. However, the higher you go, the more likely you will find people with dragon armies.

It also depends on your style of play. If you just want to PvE, build your economy (ensuring you collect regularly) and participate in events and try to stay away from PvP you will most likely survive and just be hit upon by people completing quests etc. However, if PvP is your thing, you will need stronger figures than the ones you have and/or are aiming for.

One thing also to bear in mind is that alot of the people in the higher levels, levelled up quickly and are now starting to realise that there are many people who camped or semi camped in the lower levels to get to BD10 and BK10 and who are now progressing up the levels with some massive att and def figures and who are steam rolling over everyone.

If you do decide to go for the BD9 & BD10 run, its not impossible at your level.

12-04-2012, 05:47 PM
What I dont get is why people never go full allies (500)? The higher level players can still see,find you even with your low allies count.

By maximising your allies it boost your stats even more.

12-04-2012, 05:54 PM
What I dont get is why people never go full allies (500)? The higher level players can still see,find you even with your low allies count.

By maximising your allies it boost your stats even more.


Also, I've said it elsewhere... It doesn't matter how many people are below you on the battle list. It only matters how many are above you. It only takes one. Also, you are fast approaching whale zone, sir, so if you want to build a BD10, you'd best apply the brakes to experience, or you will have a MUCH harder time in ten levels or so.

12-04-2012, 06:02 PM
I'm at 215 Allies with 685 Hydras. At a rate of adding nearly 20-30 a day I can reach my target, settle down, start adding the Allies and brace myself.

Well, with 215 allies, you're only able to bring 645 units into battle, so right now you already have a minimum of forty hydras riding the bench while the others go into battle. Of course, this is only the situation if you don't have any units stronger than your Hyrdas.

My suggestion is to make an inventory of your units. I did one using Excel like this:


It's a little outdated as I have long since I made it more than a dozen levels ago. But you get the idea. You can even plug in your own units and remove the ones you don't have.

I have two separate sheets in that file, one for defense and one for attack.

This way you can see exactly what units are going into battle when you attack and what units are stepping up defensively when you are attacked. You'll be able to determine exactly when you'll have enough hydras so when you do have 333 allies, your weakest unit is a hydra. This way you don't buy a ton more than you need and waste gold.

I've been using this chart since way back when my best offensive unit was a manticore and they were only a 16/9. My military might has increased greatly since then. My roommates poke fun at me, but they come to me for advice about their military.

If you want the Excel 2010 file, just pm me your email address. The chart at the top looks complicated, but it makes perfect sense, I swear.

12-04-2012, 06:08 PM
I would suggest going for it sooner than later. Then again I am an event camper and have no clue what life is like over level 50...I will start bd8 Thursday morning and level 9 Friday late afternoon

12-04-2012, 06:13 PM

Also, I've said it elsewhere... It doesn't matter how many people are below you on the battle list. It only matters how many are above you. It only takes one. Also, you are fast approaching whale zone, sir, so if you want to build a BD10, you'd best apply the brakes to experience, or you will have a MUCH harder time in ten levels or so.

I have to agree with The1nONLY. When I made my run for BD100 I maximized my allies. That way my attack (and defense) went up to a level that most likely deferred many players to attack me. I had a smooth run without any (not one) loss of money.

12-04-2012, 06:40 PM
Oh, I'm attempting to go heavy on Allies. I see maxing out as beneficial, and I understand the validity of it. I have hundreds of High Priests, and the same if not more of Basilisks. I have slowed down the XP earning quite a bit and I have only touched the 4 newest maps to earn the Equipment and then immediately halted. I have about 18 units that are better than the Hydra and can only hope to acquire more through events.

Ok some other facts about the situation I'm in. I have only seen 1 BD10 in my entire PvP scoping. I have seen 4 BD8. And, the rest it seems are people who feel like BD5 is a "great place to plant a family". I have only run into one person with an Atk of 97k and Def of 69k...(no dragons? can't remember, he may have been the BD10); I also believed he became an Ally. He has been the highest player I've run into.

Well, with 215 allies, you're only able to bring 645 units into battle, so right now you already have a minimum of forty hydras riding the bench while the others go into battle.

Oh, I know they are riding the bench; but they are also ready to go in immediately with any Ally request. In a perfect world, I'd have like to seen a 1000+ Hydra army; but I may have to abandon that and delve in with what I got.

I also leveled way to gawddamn fast from 40 through 80. :-/ Worst. Mistake. Ever. Even then, I too, assumed BD5 was an awesome place to reside. I consulted with MareBear in October when I got my BD8.

War Eagle
12-04-2012, 09:33 PM
I agree with albeezy and the "sooner rather than later" approach.
My take--Why waste so much gold on a pricey unit (hydra) that you know you'll be replacing in the very near future.
I skipped them completely and went straight from flaming catapults/high priests to dragons.

12-04-2012, 09:37 PM
Save the gold for BD10 dont buy any more units.

Max allies and buy only dragons when BD is up

12-04-2012, 11:14 PM
Yeah, I've got to agree. I could have bought an army of siege tanks when I was sitting in the mid to high 40 lvl range, but decided against it. There is no real point in wasting all that cash on Hydras when you have the capabilities of breeding the strongest gold purchased unit in the game. If there's no issue with people attacking you, then now is the time to go for BD10 as you can be sure you won't loosing cash if not lose any at all.

12-05-2012, 12:56 AM
Great advice ! cause when i do PvP i always go for the low ally count as they will normally have lower A/D.That means more gold for me when you over vault, as I have full allies and working on better A/Dmyself just started collected Ballistic so i have a fair way to go as well but are better of cause full allies.

12-05-2012, 04:08 AM
Thanks guys so far for the input. :)

12-05-2012, 07:18 AM
I agree with albeezy and the "sooner rather than later" approach.
My take--Why waste so much gold on a pricey unit (hydra) that you know you'll be replacing in the very near future.
I skipped them completely and went straight from flaming catapults/high priests to dragons.

Completely agree, in fact I went from siege towers (only costing 1100 gold) and high priests all the way to dragons. The only costly wasted units are my 1200 high priests but they were required to protect myself during the run. If you build a full army of hydras only to be replaced by dragons at some point that is millions of wasted $ in the long run.

12-05-2012, 11:15 AM
I love finding players trying to "hide" in the 200 ally range. It takes some extra doing, but eventually they do pop up in my battle list, even though I have 500 allies. And when I do find them, they are always ripe for the picking.

So yes, count me in for +1 in the "might as well just make your army as strong as you can, and that means max allies" group.

John Snow
12-05-2012, 02:06 PM
I agree with albeezy and the "sooner rather than later" approach.
My take--Why waste so much gold on a pricey unit (hydra) that you know you'll be replacing in the very near future.
I skipped them completely and went straight from flaming catapults/high priests to dragons.

Agree. Having a hydra army won't protect you from the people you'll be most worried about - those with full dragon armies.

Black Knight
12-05-2012, 08:49 PM
What they all just said.

I finished my BD10 last week at level 69 with max allies and around 65K/65K stats. I had 3 other allies around the same levels doing it too, so there were 4 of us raiding and pillaging together. There were several other BD10 players around I kept an eye on or allied with. I have a LLP at level 43 and there are some players down there with insane stats, mainly flaming trebuchet armies. Once they get to level 50 BD10 will be easy for them.

So in short you will have numerous dragon armies rising fast through the levels soon. Do your BD 10 run ASAP is all I can say.

12-05-2012, 09:05 PM
So in short you will have numerous dragon armies rising fast through the levels soon. Do your BD 10 run ASAP is all I can say.[/QUOTE]

I am @ 102 current and plan to rest my weary bones for a while , so if they are rising fast i will meet them with my puny preist army and 50 ballistics but if i keep collecting regular they wont bother me for now ? until i do my run by then they will be long gone and the1nONLY can deal with them, he should be chasing a new feed soon ! lol
Thats the difference between playing hard and fast at the start and not learning or reading the Forum guide.. my bad!

12-06-2012, 04:43 AM
Wait to do it till I am at the appropriate level to accept donations from you, hehe... ;)

12-06-2012, 04:45 AM
But seriously, agree with all the others - get your BD10 ASAP. For example, there are a lot of high stat dragon owners (100-160+ A/D stats) currently camped in the low L70s, awaiting for the next Boss Event. Once at L76, you can bet they will be continuing their charge up the levels.

By the way, I am currently at 368 allies and can occasionally see to the low L100s, so any dragon owners maintaining lower ally levels will definitely be able to see you.

12-06-2012, 05:29 AM
The saving for BD9 has begun. I may or may not post pics of the progress. Don't want the unwanted folks attempting to find me.

*The 20% extra is definitely helping out.

12-06-2012, 05:52 AM
Alright, again, a huge thanks to people for their support and ideas for the Dragon Run!

Max allies is 500 in the game, correct? Well, now that I have been adding the allies I can start to see further up the chain for players. I'm still not scared of what I'm seeing. :)

But, check this guy out. 502 Allies? Really?


12-06-2012, 05:55 AM
wasnt there an event prise that made you bring extra ally in to battle, and another working the opposite? or maybe just two sticky supergrunts!!!!

12-06-2012, 06:13 AM
I figure there is probably some sort of answer. Either way, in about 40 allies or so, he's not a threat. So, let him have 2 extra friends. :P He also had a Breeding Den 4 or 5. LOL.

12-06-2012, 12:31 PM
I got 511 allies.

Only 500 boost my stats.

The other 11 is just add on allies but doesnt boost stats.

12-06-2012, 12:52 PM
I got 511 allies.

Only 500 boost my stats.

The other 11 is just add on allies but doesnt boost stats.

But does it say 500 or 511 on your profile?

I have 500 overall, but only 495 are listed on my profile since I can only take 495 into battle.

12-06-2012, 01:49 PM
Wait to do it till I am at the appropriate level to accept donations from you, hehe... ;)

You have to find me first as my KA name is different than Forum Name, cause i only found this game for my 6 yr old but as the old story goes i got you something Buddy .... here i will show you how to play ...ohhh its your game but i thought you wanted me to play it for you .... oh well , i will get it on the old Iphone for ...there you go !! happy now !! I am !

Had my best collection last night with over 90K taken/borrowed from the lost souls that forgot to collect i didn't ally enough...thankyou

12-06-2012, 03:51 PM
But does it say 500 or 511 on your profile?

I have 500 overall, but only 495 are listed on my profile since I can only take 495 into battle.States 511 on profile

12-06-2012, 04:48 PM
I say go for it too. I'm still on 99 trying to stay in the lower bracket for the boss as long as I can but I see plenty of Bd 10s.

Black Knight
12-06-2012, 07:11 PM
Wait to do it till I am at the appropriate level to accept donations from you, hehe... ;)

Speaking from experience, if this isn't incentive enough I don't know what is. ;)

12-06-2012, 07:16 PM
Thanks for the add Black Knight. :)

12-06-2012, 09:26 PM
So, on Dec 4th I had $400k. I spent it.

So, on Dec 5th I started adding allies like it was nobody's business. In less than 48 hours I jumped over 75+ allies.

On the morning of Dec 6th, I collected my Manors and decided to make an honest go of it. I have been raiding all day. I was attacked 1 time. I won $0. In the end, I wanted to sleep. I made a $4.99 purchase of gems to finish my Level 10 Bakery upgrade and then sold my Level 2 Manor.

See pic:


I can sleep easy. I'll continue to add allies before the big run. I'll also rebuild that Manor probably tomorrow. Ugh. 1 more! :)


12-06-2012, 09:52 PM
How much did you get for the level 2 Manor?

12-07-2012, 12:53 AM
$210k , always half

12-07-2012, 06:37 AM
I made a $4.99 purchase of gems to finish my Level 10 Bakery upgrade and then sold my Level 2 Manor.

Incredible...! What a bad play...bakery is one of the worst building to invest and moreover, sold a manor level 2, i can't believe it...!

12-07-2012, 07:01 AM
Incredible...! What a bad play...bakery is one of the worst building to invest and moreover, sold a manor level 2, i can't believe it...!

Level 10 Bakery gets you 1,440 gold every three hours, so you can make 5,760 if you collect on it four times in a day or 7,200 if you collect on it five times. Plus it's incredibly cheap to upgrade to level 10 and it takes less than two days upgrade. Plus, no one is likely to attack it since it only holds 1,400 at any one time. If you're looking for a cheap and quick upgrade, it's the way to go.

12-07-2012, 08:01 AM
Incredible...! What a bad play...bakery is one of the worst building to invest and moreover, sold a manor level 2, i can't believe it...!

Lol. To each their own. I play enough throughout the day that my Cottages (2)10; Farms (2)10; Bazaars (2)10 and my Merchant Caravans are 3 & 5. Bakery 5 & 10; Apothecary (2)4, Cartographer 2 & 3 just help me out.

Every hour (and this is only if I hit each 1 hr > building once in that timeframe) I collect 3,550. I easily hit 10-12x a day. That's a level 2 Manor pickup. Every. Day. That I never worry about people raiding. Ever. Sidenote: income building upgrade choices are wildly diverse, discussed, argued, yada yada...If you want to critique, PM me. :)

However, I did not want to sell the Manor. But, I wanted to sleep. And, easy at that. So, I made a longterm decision. Either way, the Manor is being rebuilt in about 8 hours. :)

I am also one step away from Breeding Den 10. Whereas, most players are not. I plan on hitting the camping scene hard to build that Dragon Army.

12-07-2012, 08:02 AM
I have a LLP at level 43 and there are some players down there with insane stats, mainly flaming trebuchet armies. Once they get to level 50 BD10 will be easy for them. Do your BD 10 run ASAP is all I can say.

I wil try to make a run for BD10 as soon as I reach level 50. But the players with insane stats around level 43 could cause some trouble. Any info on these stats?

12-07-2012, 08:09 AM
I wil try to make a run for BD10 as soon as I reach level 50. But the players with insane stats around level 43 could cause some trouble. Any info on these stats?

The sooner you do it, the better. At level 50 you can have max 250 allies. Way better than going up against the folks 100+ who can have 500 allies and their filled ranks with Dragons & Indestructibles.

I didn't play right. So, I have to run the gauntlet now. :P

12-07-2012, 09:28 AM
I didn't play right. So, I have to run the gauntlet now. :P

You and me both. I leveled up far too quickly in an attempt to add allies and units by extension. I just figured out quick ways to level and I was trying to catch my roommate who was about level 30 when he told me about the game. He's now at 84 and I'm at 99.

12-07-2012, 03:24 PM
Just caught a player over vault. Manor #2 is being reconstructed as we speak. Well played. :)

12-08-2012, 08:58 AM
Every hour (and this is only if I hit each 1 hr > building once in that timeframe) I collect 3,550. I easily hit 10-12x a day. That's a level 2 Manor pickup. Every. Day. That I never worry about people raiding. Ever. Sidenote: income building upgrade choices are wildly diverse, discussed, argued, yada yada...If you want to critique, PM me.

You're right, i confused with Merchant Caravan which is the worst building...

The best to the worst ROI (level 10) :

Pottery Maker
Wine Maker
Gold Mine
Fish Market
Butcher Shop
Printing Press
Trading Post
Merchant Caravan

12-08-2012, 12:35 PM
The merchant caravan is 3,000 an hour at level 10, where as the silo is 9,900 a day (or 412.5 an hour.) If you collect on the merchant caravan 4 times in a 24 hour period, you've already made more money with the Merchant Caravan than you would have with the silo. How does that make it the worst?

12-08-2012, 12:52 PM
Thank you for your comment : i've made an error in my calculations and merchant caravan is in the middle of the list, not at the end...

The List :

Pottery Maker
Merchant Caravan
Wine Maker
Gold Mine
Fish Market
Butcher Shop
Printing Press
Trading Post

12-08-2012, 12:54 PM
The merchant caravan is 3,000 an hour at level 10, where as the silo is 9,900 a day (or 412.5 an hour.) If you collect on the merchant caravan 4 times in a 24 hour period, you've already made more money with the Merchant Caravan than you would have with the silo. How does that make it the worst?

Talking about how much you have to spend to get it to that level. And how long it would actually take to get your investment back... All depends on how many times per day you collect as well correct? It costs about 1.8m to get to MC level 10 with LM10. Say you collect 10 times a day thats $30,000 per day from your MC. Therefore it takes 60 days to even get your money back that you sunk into it.

12-08-2012, 01:03 PM
Thank you for your comment : i've made an error in my calculations and merchant caravan is in the middle of the list, not at the end...

Ah, okay. Does ROI mean Rate of Income or Return of Investment?

Talking about how much you have to spend to get it to that level. And how long it would actually take to get your investment back... All depends on how many times per day you collect as well correct? It costs about 1.8m to get to MC level 10 with LM10. Say you collect 10 times a day thats $30,000 per day from your MC. Therefore it takes 60 days to even get your money back that you sunk into it.

I know it is going to take a while, but every day past that 60 day mark it is going to be a lot better, and I plan on playing the game far more days after that 60 day mark than I did before hitting the 60 day mark.

12-08-2012, 02:20 PM
ROI : Return of Investment

My calculation :

9 times / day => 27.000
total of investment : 1.797.200
total time to upgrade : 24.5 days
money back : 24.5 + 1.797.200 / 27.000 = 91.5 days

12-08-2012, 08:12 PM
Now that I know what you meant by ROI, we're in agreement.

12-08-2012, 08:15 PM
Stop fighting on my thread. Breeding den. Dragons. Stay on topic.

Just kidding. :P

12-09-2012, 12:25 AM
For all those who have paid attention and given advice.


I finished up the upgrading of the Breeding Den tonight. I found a guy last minute who was at $749k and 60k defense. I. Cleaned. House. I moved my Den into the open tonight. A little reconfiguring and some empty space I need to rebuild on. My plan was my own. My bed I'll sleep in. But, hey...I'm at the start of a new era.

From this.


To this.


And, in 45 hours.



12-09-2012, 12:47 AM
And what a lovely little dragon. You know they don't stay that size do you? ;)

12-09-2012, 12:54 AM
And what a lovely little dragon. You know they don't stay that size do you? ;)

I can only hope that I raise a powerful dragon army. I jotted down so many name/level/atk-def stats of players I will hit on this journey. And, there's one guy...I don't care how many times he attempts to ally with me...I'm razing him to the ground.

He got all ambitious after I hit his buildings. Even though I was @95k atk/def....him 61k atk/def. He posted on my wall, my over vault amount + googly eyes and still made the attempt to raid me. I offered him my alliance code and didn't get a word back. So be it.

Also: I did not lose a penny on this entire venture. Seriously. Not one.

12-09-2012, 06:01 AM
I'm glad you made it! Congrats!

I have to admit that being in the 110s, the temptation to level up to get a piece of that unvaulted gold was definitely an ongoing temptation, but I'm glad I don't have to worry about it any more :)

Black Knight
12-09-2012, 03:13 PM
For all those who have paid attention and given advice.


I finished up the upgrading of the Breeding Den tonight. I found a guy last minute who was at $749k and 60k defense. I. Cleaned. House. I moved my Den into the open tonight. A little reconfiguring and some empty space I need to rebuild on. My plan was my own. My bed I'll sleep in. But, hey...I'm at the start of a new era.


Congrats Jonny. Welcome to the club!

I wil try to make a run for BD10 as soon as I reach level 50. But the players with insane stats around level 43 could cause some trouble. Any info on these stats?

I thought I was doing well with around 37k/40k stats, but there are numerous players over 40k/40k, and a few over the 50k/50k mark. One in particular is now well over 70k/70k, with all boost buildings lvl 10, almost all income buildings lvl 10 and lvl 4/5 manors (or 5/6, can't remember). IPH well over 30k. Has an army mainly of flaming trebs/cats and HPs, plus high stat weapons/armour. Regularly overvault into the millions.