View Full Version : THANKS for the recent, cool events!

Hello Kitty
12-04-2012, 12:12 PM
Really enjoyed the Limited Time Quest and still enjoing the Bejeweled 10-Box!

Lately, it felt like KA was getting stale and I had just resigned to buying dragons, collecting equipment, etc. and was getting a bit bored with the game. After I got BD10 and then collected over 1000 dragons, started to look around and say, "now what?"

The Limited Time Quest was pretty fun since we didn't know what to expect with the mix of PvP and PvE. And the loot drops were pretty decent for each quest that got a unit award. Even with my high stats, I think I can use most of the units won. Even though I lost a lot of dragons and it was frustrating completing some of the challenges, the race against the clock and my other rivals getting to a kingdom before me made it fun. I thought that last guy would never die!

Really happy to see the box event switch back to the 10-box format as well. Couldn't really use the units, but going for the 10th prize. It's nice to see them award a boost again that is available to all players, not just top 50.

All-in-all, it got me interested in the game again and hope that limited quests are launched more often with other interesting tasks we can complete.

12-04-2012, 12:13 PM
Everything is good except the castle raiding.......

12-04-2012, 12:32 PM
Very thing is good except the castle raiding.......
Totally agreed...

12-04-2012, 12:33 PM
Well said HK & just got awarded in both grand prizes too...

12-04-2012, 12:34 PM
Agreed. That event was awesome (and I even had to search for castles for 2 days). Finally got me to purchase gems also after enjoying this game for months. Nicely done, Gree!

12-04-2012, 12:38 PM
Totally agree with Hello Kitty.
(and disagree with the castle raid whiners.)

12-04-2012, 12:46 PM
The LTQ sounds fun. Shame i never got a Splash Screen....so i was never knew about this event until today :(

12-04-2012, 12:47 PM
Yep - me too.

Enjoyed the Time Quest (even the three days spent searching for castles to raid!) and got the Vallata and also got the 10 box top prize.

Congrats Gree - hopefully more events like this in the future and please keep the 10 Box events as an ongoing style!

12-04-2012, 12:52 PM
@ HK I certainly agree, this was fun and had a level of intensity (racing against the clock and other players to collect buildings) that many of their other events don't provide.

For a free player the loot drops were better than most of the units I receive in the Boss, Box, or Auction events.
I too was raiding for dragons and had fizzled out on PVE but, this provided a much needed spark.

I stayed up late last night battling #15 and fell asleep, woke up at 5am picked up my phone ready to pummel it, hit the monster 1 time and I killed it. Not the way I pictured my reception of my Vallata. No complaints though....:)

Now That this event is over, I wonder what is next. This little taste of success is going to fuel my need for another event but, only if its possible for a free player to have a chance. I did win the 10 box event and hear some complaining it was to easy, who cares!!! This event was one if you have spent your skill points wisely, then you should of had plenty of time to complete all the missions.

Thank you Gree and bring on the next Challenge.

12-04-2012, 01:34 PM
I agree totally with you hello kitty.I hope there will be new events and new ways for people to win some awards to motivate them and to constantly play this game,thanks gree for new challenges,we want some more ;)

12-04-2012, 01:49 PM
Want to jump on the Thanks bandwagon! Awesome event!!! Thanks for listening to us and I like the 10 event too!

12-04-2012, 02:15 PM
Well said. Definitely the best event yet. Gree are listening and putting in events that promote playing finally.

Personally had to spend 120 gems as I was on the road for 4 days. But very doable for free if you put in the time and probably had a strong army. I had many failed attempts at my castle which I left uncollected. Also probably killed over 200 hydra but will buy them back soon enough.

I hope no one was saving for a bd upgrade during this event. No chance.

12-04-2012, 02:31 PM
For Real, great event can't wait for the next one.

12-04-2012, 03:00 PM
Limited Time Quest didn't work for me..

12-04-2012, 03:10 PM
I cannot be soft making a comment.

12-04-2012, 04:17 PM
Both event was awesome.

12-04-2012, 04:39 PM
Finally got me to purchase gems also after enjoying this game for months.

The moment I knew I had a chance was getting to Quest #7 in less than 8 hours with my Tapjoy Gems. Then whipped out the CC for the first time and bought a Bag of Gems. Completely and utterly worth it.

also probably killed over 200 hydra but will buy them back soon enough.

Damn! I lost maybe 12 Hydras total throughout the whole thing, and I felt bad, too.

I'm going to also co-sign the Thank You card to Gree for both of these events and really getting players motivated.

12-04-2012, 04:47 PM
I agree with the sentiments above. I'm almost 200 days into this game and at about 1200 dragons and full allies I also have been wondering about what to do next. Doable events for free/light players will keep my interest. Thank You Gree.

12-04-2012, 04:47 PM
I agree completely, and also want to add my thanks to the folks at Gree for putting together the excellent LTQ, as well as the collect 10 event with the great prize at the end.

Other events have seemed impossible to complete, but these new events, while very challenging, seemed possible to complete provided one played with a good strategy. I really hope to see more events just like those two.

Thanks again Gree!!

12-04-2012, 04:51 PM
This was my first mixed event and first level 10. It made for a really fun weekend. I heartily agree that more events of this type will add an element of excitement that has been missing. I even took my iPad to work on Monday to finish getting the last few gauntlets. Thank you and, please keep them coming.

12-04-2012, 06:24 PM
While I wholeheartedly agree that this event was sorely needed, I do have one teeny tiny criticism.


If its a money thing I swear to friggin god I'll put together a power point for absolutely FREE!!!! Just give me the info and I WILL DO YOUR JOB FOR YOU!!

PowerPoint page 1: WARNING!!!! Do not attempt this event unless you are at least level 62.


I am one of many people that got the splash screen but could not hope to level enough in five days to complete it. And I'm not happy about it.

12-05-2012, 12:30 AM
Kruppe would concur with Hello Kitty and say that I too enjoyed the two events. So thank you Gree. While I do not raid as a general rule it was fun in spite of losing a fair share of dragons and other units, which of course is appropriate considering they are supposed to be an army not decoration.

12-05-2012, 12:47 AM
I cannot be soft making a comment.

Of course you can be soft :-)

Think we both already stated how good the event was after day one!

12-05-2012, 01:04 AM
Got to agree and say these have been the best events GREE has put up to date. To really make games successful, you need to appeal to your fan base. Profits will come if you look after your fan base.
Making events that allow all forms of players to win will only increase interest and profitability. Tweaking events for high end gem players is important but developing events for all types of players will always equal higher profits.

The limited event was similar to an idea for a new event I had posted recently. I personally believe the event was successful in drawing player interest but, as anything new, will need some tweaking.

Gotta say, we'll done GREE!

Hello Kitty
12-05-2012, 07:43 AM
Glad others shared the same sentiments. For what it's worth, I sent a ticket to support with a link to this thread. Not sure they'll do anything with it, but figured that positive reinforcement for some of the good things that Gree is doing couldn't be a bad thing.

If they respond with anything, I'll be happy to share. Maybe they'll hear us and will repeat more of this, like they did with us wanting new things to do with the game?

May be a long shot...but worth a try.

12-05-2012, 07:54 AM
They should have an event that rewards being over your vault limit.

12-05-2012, 08:17 AM
Totally agree with Hello Kitty.
(and disagree with the castle raid whiners.)

Not sure I would call it whiners. It's a legitimate gripe that they have a step that calls for sacking 5 castles to move on knowing that each person only has 1 castle and that castle takes 24 hours to repop. It's a case of PPP in my eyes. Piss Poor Planning! Sure the Gem using early birds wizzed on thru the event. I think the first post I saw basically saying "Come on Gree, that was way too easy" was about 2 hours after I got my splash screen to start the event. It almost seems like Gree gave the Gem users an early start. But, they wouldn't do that, would they? ;)

Ragnarr Lodbrok
12-05-2012, 09:55 AM
Thanks for the sweet events GREE!!

I tested out the Templar Champion on a level 10 manor and was happy to see that it now delivers a whopping $324,000!

The timed quests were fun. I was stuck on the 8th one, killing Demon Beasts for almost 3 days until one of them finally dropped the coveted collar. Normally this would be frustrating, but I realized quite early that they had a 100% equipment drop rate and I was able to stock up on around 50 pieces of good (better or equal to store-bought) equipment during this time. Awesome!

12-05-2012, 11:16 AM
Definitely agree with you HK.
Two paws way up!

12-05-2012, 12:39 PM
Thanks for the sweet events GREE!!

I tested out the Templar Champion on a level 10 manor and was happy to see that it now delivers a whopping $324,000!

The timed quests were fun. I was stuck on the 8th one, killing Demon Beasts for almost 3 days until one of them finally dropped the coveted collar. Normally this would be frustrating, but I realized quite early that they had a 100% equipment drop rate and I was able to stock up on around 50 pieces of good (better or equal to store-bought) equipment during this time. Awesome!

Name and level of this fodder please. :D

12-05-2012, 12:50 PM
While I wholeheartedly agree that this event was sorely needed, I do have one teeny tiny criticism.


If its a money thing I swear to friggin god I'll put together a power point for absolutely FREE!!!! Just give me the info and I WILL DO YOUR JOB FOR YOU!!

PowerPoint page 1: WARNING!!!! Do not attempt this event unless you are at least level 62.


I am one of many people that got the splash screen but could not hope to level enough in five days to complete it. And I'm not happy about it.

That's the price you pay if you want to camp... Get out and play a bit and you would not have to worry about it ;)

12-05-2012, 02:38 PM
Many thanks to gree! Got my first boss and quest event unit, hoping to see more of dis quest in d future!

Angel 2
12-06-2012, 04:08 AM
The LTQ sounds fun. Shame i never got a Splash Screen....so i was never knew about this event until today :(
Same here thief though I heard about it, sent in a ticket and was told my ticket was closed as there was a fix in the pipe. Must be a drain pipe, as I never got splashed...

Dexter Morgan
12-06-2012, 05:44 AM
Looks like gree is moving in the right direction. The ltq was a really fun event, brought some life back to the game

12-06-2012, 06:51 AM
Looks like gree is moving in the right direction. The ltq was a really fun event, brought some life back to the game

Hey Hello...nice I found ya here...wanted to say thanks for ur post awhile ago when I was having drama with MQ boss! They gave me the pug:-) had same issues with Gobbler event too...but really enjoyed what's been going on here!! Nice events and got lucky with the 10 crate event. Hope you did well too and got some cool units...add me on CC 196-624-381...for MQ 845-570-635 wishing you a great day:-)

12-06-2012, 08:35 AM
That's the price you pay if you want to camp... Get out and play a bit and you would not have to worry about it ;)

First of all, it's stupid for anyone to say camping isn't playing. Second of all, I can accept not being able to participate in the event. Even an 1100 unit means squat compared to 400k gem spenders. Cost v benefit ratio doesn't add up.

I play this game because I like to build my kingdoms strength and economy, and that requires being overvault. Since its basically impossible for a free/light player to do that at higher levels, I will never level until it is possible. This will require a rebalancing of gem units, or new free (in game cash) units to be added. I am content waiting.

I just want more clear communication of newly released events. BEFORE they are released. That is all.