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11-29-2012, 12:19 PM
Serious Question, Serious Answer.

We have, no names mentioned people who believe looking at the data on the server is NOT classified as a form of cheating.

Would you agree or disagree that people who lookup data sheets for game advantages should also have their games resetted.

I think once you search for something not made public for the general player.
It's classed as an unfair advantage regardless you're sharing your finding on the forum.

I for one would like to see some form of action unless it is a fair tactic of the game.

Dr BoneCrusher
11-29-2012, 12:23 PM
Aren't the loot spreadsheets do this way? Why would anyone what to ban someone for doing the work and sharing with us?

11-29-2012, 12:28 PM
So you've never used one of the many spreadsheets? Or used the info others get and put on the forum, such as loot drop locations etc etc? By your logic, anyone that has done that is also 'cheating'

11-29-2012, 12:29 PM
Welcome back Bones.

For exactly your point.

If the game wanted to show us the loots wouldn't it just had the weapon, drop rate & stat instead of a bag with a question mark.

Thanks for underlining my reasoning.

11-29-2012, 12:34 PM
I for one have used the spreadsheets.

So true but now people use it to find out event info.

More than your simple data now.
I'm just asking.

Would you than agree by looking up the game data, there is no or minimal advantage as an active player.

11-29-2012, 12:35 PM
I see your reasoning but no I don't think it is cheating. If they didn't want people to know they wouldn't put it out there and the spreadsheets wouldn't be stickied on the forum.
I think using overtime on events is more cheating and not logging out so you collect the full amount whether robbed is worse.

11-29-2012, 12:38 PM
I can see your side of it but I really don't see it making an advantage. Take mxz for example, looks at the data all the time and he's admitted himself his stats aren't particularly high.

Knowing a boss event is about to come out wont make you beat more bosses. So I'm struggling to find any argument for this kind of thing being classed as unfair or cheating.

Besides, gree forum mods have regularly stickied threads that provide all of this info, straight from the data. That to me is an answer on its own.

Edit: rag beat me to it on the 'stickied' point!

11-29-2012, 12:40 PM
Without knowing the data, you'd never know if you're getting anything close to the value of what's expected/advertised upon purchase.....which would be incredibly stupid on your part as the consumer.

Do you have a grudge against the educated consumer? And are you siding with the profit-hoarding fatcats?

11-29-2012, 12:42 PM
Raggy your right all exploits, which gree can turn a blind eye to.

I'm sure the not logging out even if you're robbed to collect 100% has been fixed for at least a few months.

OT make gree a bit of gold so that be here for a while.
All they do is stop boxes from dropping once there is 59min till the event ends.

11-29-2012, 12:46 PM
Without knowing the data, you'd never know if you're getting anything close to the value of what's expected/advertised upon purchase.....which would be incredibly stupid on your part as the consumer.

Do you have a grudge against the educated consumer? And are you siding with the profit-hoarding fatcats?

That totally makes no sense, its a game not a perishable, whats so consumable about the game.

11-29-2012, 12:50 PM
That totally makes no sense, its a game not a perishable, whats so consumable about the game.

Fig saying something doesn't make sense? Contradiction in terms. What's hard to understand? You, as the consumer, buy a good or service, for a set price, from a merchant. It is up to you to verify the goods/services rendered are what you expected to receive upon the exchange of funds.


11-29-2012, 12:58 PM
I paid nothing for the game it was free, I optionally brought gold but the price of gold to my needs was a good purchase.

I didn't buy gold or pay for the game first.

The argument is not about buying any in game purchase.

I for one feel it's fine people looking up data but before i made this thread I had my doubts.

11-29-2012, 12:58 PM
Raggy your right all exploits, which gree can turn a blind eye to.

I'm sure the not logging out even if you're robbed to collect 100% has been fixed for at least a few months.

OT make gree a bit of gold so that be here for a while.
All they do is stop boxes from dropping once there is 59min till the event ends.

I think it still works for smaller amounts. I quite often get people telling me that my robs don't cause them to lose money.

11-29-2012, 01:05 PM

If that's the case then gree is the true cheater as it's been months.
Could be fixed and other are saying it just to make you feel you wasted your time robbing them.

11-29-2012, 01:10 PM

If that's the case then gree is the true cheater as it's been months.
Could be fixed and other are saying it just to make you feel you wasted your time robbing them.

Could be. I'd never consider it wasted though as I still got the money I went for, doesn't bother me whether they lose it or not. I give up letting myself get to bothered with cheaters now though. There's just to many. And apart from hackers different people consider different things cheating. I've made a few comments before about people exploiting a glitch on here but others see it as a glitch that is greeds thought so is ok.
Each to there own I guess.

11-29-2012, 01:17 PM
Welcome back Bones.

For exactly your point.

If the game wanted to show us the loots wouldn't it just had the weapon, drop rate & stat instead of a bag with a question mark.

Thanks for underlining my reasoning.

You must be playing on non-HD
HD shows the weapon - not the brown bag.....

11-29-2012, 01:18 PM
The word wasted was wrong.
I meant the attack you gave them had no effect or monetary loss.

By putting in the doubt they would felt that bit better even though it is untrue.

Hackers are not nice as they know they will get banned and you will end up getting nothing for any loss.

Thanks Sasha.

Didn't know that.

11-29-2012, 01:19 PM
If it wasn't for the spreadsheets and other forum info certain bugs would go on undetected.

Example: android users were unable to loot multiclick loot goals. Without the spreadsheet info folks on droid would have just thought the job isnt worth the trouble and moved on. But instead they knew the drop rate and proved it was broken.

Forum users are GREEs beta testers, why should we not have access to this info. They don't care enough to test the stuff before they release it. Most of their bugs would go unnoticed by them if we didnt raise hell every once in awhile.

@Sasha droid doesn't show what loot you will recieve, just a brown bag. There is only one droid version.

11-29-2012, 01:27 PM

Perfectly good reasoning and a very valid point.
I just felt I needed to discuss the point on the forum for my own satisfaction of that argument.

11-29-2012, 02:06 PM
When you buy something, and then sometime later you have an issue with your purchase but there is not a single piece of documentationprovided. You call custoer service and they mildly tell you to go f yourself as they can't help. Then what do you do? You Google it!
I pay for my service and I deserve to have a support and documentation. In a lack of either... we "google" it so to speak.
The only way to Google CC is to look at the support data. Nobody gains any advantage over it. It's just a knowledge that Gree fail miserably to provide.
My take.

11-29-2012, 03:05 PM
There is a very big difference between using fairly easily accessible information to make decisions about gameplay and using bugs, or security flaws in the game to obtain items that cannot very legitimately obtained withoutbspending thousands of dollars, or spending months playing.

All iformation obtained from game data can also be determined or calculated with a small amount of effort.

It is ridiculous, really, that your even comparing the too.

Derek Shane
11-29-2012, 03:20 PM
i think you just need to relax and stop thinking into things so much. not meaning for that to sound like an insult. a person getting reset for going online and looking at a spead-sheet of what jobs offer a hunting rifle or a colt 45? thats just absurd. its not an "unfair advantage". its stupidity on behalf of the common player who doesnt search for spead-sheets, and not a cheat on behalf of the person who was smart enough to look for them

11-29-2012, 03:25 PM
You must be playing on non-HD
HD shows the weapon - not the brown bag.....

When the loot drops it shows the loot in both versions. When you tap a job one time only, the info at the bottom of the page shows the brown bag. The displayed info is what I believe was being mentioned, not the actual loot dropping on the map.

11-29-2012, 03:29 PM
Sorry to offend anyone with this thread and topic.

Just on a previous thread there was talk that linked the subject that got deleted by op so I wanted to know the reason why the subject of data collecting was such a taboo that banning and copyright got brought up.

I'm satisfied with the thread and the topic discussed and feel there is no alarming factor in it, so I kindly ask my leave.

11-29-2012, 04:48 PM
Sorry to offend anyone with this thread and topic.

Just on a previous thread there was talk that linked the subject that got deleted by op so I wanted to know the reason why the subject of data collecting was such a taboo that banning and copyright got brought up.

I'm satisfied with the thread and the topic discussed and feel there is no alarming factor in it, so I kindly ask my leave.
Sin, the topic was deleted not because of discussion but because one smart person kinda posted unreleased content. That's it. Post had to go.

11-29-2012, 05:12 PM
Sweet DenZ.

No worries, I was assuming something else.

Derby City
11-29-2012, 06:51 PM
I just battled someone 8 times in a row and got a different xp each time.
11, 2, 9, 1,9, 3,11,1. Help me make sense of this?!?

11-29-2012, 07:07 PM
I just battled someone 8 times in a row and got a different xp each time.
11, 2, 9, 1,9, 3,11,1. Help me make sense of this?!?
What did you expect? It is random.