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View Full Version : Shark Tank or CC Purgatory?

11-29-2012, 10:01 AM
I reached Level 175 last night and instantly my rival list was full of players far beyond my level.

I think the lowest I have seen has been 183, but 90% are 195 and this morning was nothing but level 200.

Anyone else experience this? Will I soon be able to see people at/around my level again? I haven't been attacked by anyone (unless I gave them a link) since leveling up.

It's almost surreal.

Last time I was in the "shark tank", was just me being hit by players far beyond my leve. At that time only my level, give or take a few, would display in my rival list.

11-29-2012, 10:44 AM
I reached Level 175 last night and instantly my rival list was full of players far beyond my level.

I think the lowest I have seen has been 183, but 90% are 195 and this morning was nothing but level 200.

Anyone else experience this? Will I soon be able to see people at/around my level again? I haven't been attacked by anyone (unless I gave them a link) since leveling up.

It's almost surreal.

Last time I was in the "shark tank", was just me being hit by players far beyond my leve. At that time only my level, give or take a few, would display in my rival list.

Ugh I'm lvl 170 now as of today... In 5 levels I'll be joining you in the deep, gold infested waters. Just remember your not alone, hopefully a forum member can help you out. To my experience though at lvl 178 they will see you on their rival list, until then you can only see them....someone please correct me if am wrong.

11-29-2012, 11:13 AM
Sorry that appears to be the new level u hit the tank.. However I at level 200 only see 183+

11-29-2012, 11:14 AM
That's a bug that's probably being fixed, as opposed to it being the 'shark tank'. You should still be able to see others on your level, as well as those all the way up to 200

11-29-2012, 11:15 AM
Ugh I'm lvl 170 now as of today... In 5 levels I'll be joining you in the deep, gold infested waters. Just remember your not alone, hopefully a forum member can help you out. To my experience though at lvl 178 they will see you on their rival list, until then you can only see them....someone please correct me if am wrong.
Not sure why your worried from what u say yer spending gold like its goin out of style. Free players are the ones who will feel the pain 😂😂👍

Little Tony
11-29-2012, 11:15 AM
Job, i dove into the tank about a week ago and rarely see people at my own level - assuming that they are always beat up - and most of the people i see are at level 200 including all the forum heavyweights. I am currently at level 180 and should be getting beat down regularly however as i am not, assuming that (a) the majority can't see me or (b) they can't be bothered.

My stats are on the low side, i would say mid 50s for A/D however still have fun so would suggest keep on playing the way you do. Still lots of targets.

I still was able to get my 700 hits in for the last PVP tournment - takes some time, however the plus side is that the hoods are sooo much nicer at this level.

If you want a friendly face to mob up with, add me @ 762 847 664

By the way, is 4,850 miles from Dutch Harbour = New York ?

11-29-2012, 11:33 AM
I'm at 183 and I rarely see anyone near my level. It depends on the time of day and how many are beaten up. There is considerably more competition in the tank and everyone from 175 and up are sharing the same rivals. The lower level players (175-180) are the first to be picked on...

11-29-2012, 11:45 AM
I made a decision to rush to the shark tank a couple of weeks ago. Game has gotten a little stale and I slow-played long enough. Just thought that it would open all levels from me to 200 and I'm surprised not to see anyone around my level. I've managed to make a few rivals lately, and I miss them:)

Little Tony: Near Philly and request sent.
Truth: I'm seeing nothing below the mid 180's...ever.

Thanks all for help...it still doesn't make much sense, except for what Olly said.

11-29-2012, 11:50 AM
I'm at 183 and I rarely see anyone near my level. It depends on the time of day and how many are beaten up. There is considerably more competition in the tank and everyone from 175 and up are sharing the same rivals. The lower level players (175-180) are the first to be picked on...

I disagree really. I start with the people at the top of the list and just work my way down. Level doesn't matter. And to be honest apart from people I've upset I don't really get attacked or robbed that much. I'm 65k ATt 62k def. Most I the big players are forumites and will add you and save from the attacks. Most of the other big stats are in gangs and busy being in a gang war.

11-29-2012, 11:59 AM
Truth: I'm seeing nothing below the mid 180's...ever.

It was like that for me as well. You have to take into account some major factors. At level 174 there were lots of rivals. At 175 there were few. A lot of people are sitting on the edge of the pool, scared to jump in.
It was very odd. It almost seemed as the levels between 175-185 had no active players.
I also contribute the fact that once in the tank there is nothing to do but level so people rush up to the higher levels. It happened to me. I was fighting people 180 and up, why not be 180 myself? I wish we could see an ingame population list that stated how many players are on each level.

11-29-2012, 12:17 PM
I hit the shark tank about 3 weeks ago at 175, but was only attacked by people I left links for until I hit level 179. I'm at 182 now and I get hit by all levels from down to 175 and up to level 200. Right now my stats are 95/85 and the only time I've ever gotten beaten up by any of the heavy hitters is during the pvp. The amount of times that I've been blind attacked by people with less then 50k stats however is amazing. I always appreciate the donation.

Even on the lower levels i kept my buildings synced because i do a lot of robberies so that didnt change. although in the past if i forgot to collect it was rare i got robbed. now if u dont collect u will get robbed. For me though the biggest adjustment is checking people's stats before hitting them. Obviously there are the big dogs that are here on the foroum but there are also a lot of random people walking around with low to mid 150 stats who u don't want to leave a link for.

Overall it's been fun up here. The hoods are 10 times better then any other level. The majority of people collect on time but all you need to do is find one that was missed and you can kill it. Since I have been up here my best rob was for 18 mil. So if you like robbing and have the patience to stalk people you can make out really good.

11-29-2012, 01:20 PM
I hit the shark tank about 3 weeks ago at 175, but was only attacked by people I left links for until I hit level 179. I'm at 182 now and I get hit by all levels from down to 175 and up to level 200. Right now my stats are 95/85 and the only time I've ever gotten beaten up by any of the heavy hitters is during the pvp. The amount of times that I've been blind attacked by people with less then 50k stats however is amazing. I always appreciate the donation.

Even on the lower levels i kept my buildings synced because i do a lot of robberies so that didnt change. although in the past if i forgot to collect it was rare i got robbed. now if u dont collect u will get robbed. For me though the biggest adjustment is checking people's stats before hitting them. Obviously there are the big dogs that are here on the foroum but there are also a lot of random people walking around with low to mid 150 stats who u don't want to leave a link for.

Overall it's been fun up here. The hoods are 10 times better then any other level. The majority of people collect on time but all you need to do is find one that was missed and you can kill it. Since I have been up here my best rob was for 18 mil. So if you like robbing and have the patience to stalk people you can make out really good.

Don't stalk me. I'm useless at collections and I have enough stalkers as it is.

11-29-2012, 04:22 PM
Im at level 121 now. Leveling jp with the big boys son enough. I like a challenge and it sounds fun cant wait lol

11-29-2012, 04:44 PM
Special = Loaded Dice =25% upgrade building faster

Upgrading buildings is so slow on the higher levels. Where did you get this item?

11-29-2012, 04:54 PM
I am up to 179 now and I have had the same experience mostly see level 200 on my rivals list. On occasion there are some level 190s, but rare to see anyone 180-185. There are still people to rob and I had 700+ in last PvP event although it was not as easy as before I hit 175.

11-29-2012, 06:06 PM
Don't stalk me. I'm useless at collections and I have enough stalkers as it is.

Your in my mafia lol. We back n forth robbed each other for about a week lol. My in game name is James.

11-29-2012, 08:17 PM
Is there any hope of gree adding levels?

11-30-2012, 02:21 AM
Your in my mafia lol. We back n forth robbed each other for about a week lol. My in game name is James.

Sweet. Hello James.
James can tell you I suck at collecting

11-30-2012, 03:07 AM
Sweet. Hello James.
James can tell you I suck at collectingI've seen you on my rival list now. Others must be doing it for you:)

11-30-2012, 03:16 AM
I've seen you on my rival list now. Others must be doing it for you:)

Yeah I got a couple of stalkers at the minute. Keep an eye for my nc's, I probably manage about 1 full and 2 robbed collections a day.

11-30-2012, 04:49 AM
Yeah I got a couple of stalkers at the minute. Keep an eye for my nc's, I probably manage about 1 full and 2 robbed collections a day.

well what can one say when someone is from essex!! made in dagenham maybe!!!!

11-30-2012, 04:58 AM
well what can one say when someone is from essex!! made in dagenham maybe!!!!

From East London thank you very much. Living Hornchurch now though. Going up in the world!!

East London, the best part of London.

11-30-2012, 08:28 AM
From East London thank you very much. Living Hornchurch now though. Going up in the world!!

East London, the best part of London.

Well I thought u were in Essex New Jersey across the river, didn't Know there is one across the ocean lol

11-30-2012, 08:37 AM
Haha English boy mate. Visited America once. Never New Jersey though.
Thought Essex girls were famous the world over

11-30-2012, 04:44 PM
That's a bug that's probably being fixed, as opposed to it being the 'shark tank'. You should still be able to see others on your level, as well as those all the way up to 200

Still a bug...I hit 175 today and I feel like I'm in no mans land.

Can anyone see level 175,176,177 ?

I can only see 190 up to 200.

11-30-2012, 05:41 PM
Strong players in the tank generally don't pick on weaker players, but all bets are off during PvP events.

11-30-2012, 05:55 PM
Still a bug...I hit 175 today and I feel like I'm in no mans land.

Can anyone see level 175,176,177 ?

I can only see 190 up to 200.Polarbear can:)

12-01-2012, 01:05 AM
Strong players in the tank generally don't pick on weaker players, but all bets are off during PvP events.

That is exactly correct

12-01-2012, 09:14 AM
Haha English boy mate. Visited America once. Never New Jersey though.
Thought Essex girls were famous the world over

I have heard of 'west end girls'. Back in the 80's...

12-01-2012, 09:23 AM
Still a bug...I hit 175 today and I feel like I'm in no mans land.

Can anyone see level 175,176,177 ?

I can only see 190 up to 200.

I just checked and I can only see down to level 187. I'm pretty sure that when I dropped to 350 mafia I could see people down to 178/9 who had 500 mafia. Not since Ive increased back to 500 though.