View Full Version : BOSS 50 -Anyone tried!

11-25-2012, 04:08 AM
Just wondering if anyone has ever tried for Boss 50?

If so, we're you successful?

How many gems did it cost you?

11-25-2012, 06:25 AM
Only few people are going for 50 boss and I'm sure it takes couple of thousand gems to get it there

11-25-2012, 06:55 AM
Not worth the xp gain even if you can afford the $$$ in gems. Rather go for the top 50 in auction events. At least that comes with a modifier.

11-25-2012, 07:34 AM
Not worth the xp gain even if you can afford the $$$ in gems. Rather go for the top 50 in auction events. At least that comes with a modifier.

Thanks for the reply.

I just spent a vault of gems on the last auction event, only to finish place 58, because I was asleep when it finished. I won't be doing that again!

So I would prefer to spend my gems on the boss events - just wondered whether it was worth going for the 50 or not. Would still welcome anyone's experience of trying for it.

11-25-2012, 09:19 AM
Thanks for the reply.

I just spent a vault of gems on the last auction event, only to finish place 58, because I was asleep when it finished. I won't be doing that again!

So I would prefer to spend my gems on the boss events - just wondered whether it was worth going for the 50 or not. Would still welcome anyone's experience of trying for it.The only person I know who beat boss 50 on the forums is The1nONLY, but your best bet is to just go to boss 30 and get that unit, it's strength is almost equal to the top boss unit and you could do it a couple times with the same amount of gems it would take to get to boss 50.

11-25-2012, 09:46 AM
The only person I know who beat boss 50 on the forums is The1nONLY, but your best bet is to just go to boss 30 and get that unit, it's strength is almost equal to the top boss unit and you could do it a couple times with the same amount of gems it would take to get to boss 50.
I dont think so he did :D , Pendagron[1] and Remus did few times as I have noticed .

11-25-2012, 09:57 AM
I dont think so he did :D , Pendagron[1] and Remus did few times as I have noticed .He did the first one he has the black knight in his unit inventory, haha and yeah Pendragon has done it like 5 times that dude has spent a fortune on this game.

11-25-2012, 10:44 AM
So, the consensus seems to be to stick to the 30.

Thanks guys!

11-25-2012, 11:38 AM
Do you know his stats ?

11-26-2012, 03:05 AM
You'll need alot more than a vault to reach 50. Assuming you can just barely make 30 without gems.

11-27-2012, 07:10 PM
I would concur,
Having hit the 50 a couple of times the cost versus payback is just not worth the expense
Spent a huge amount of gold better spent on dragons and still a significant number of gems because of time limits
The prize was a shadow lord knight 1175/ 952 not a great premium on level 30 and without any extra feature as in the auctions
In addition the common uncommon rare ratio continued so ended up in total with about 10 rares 10 uncommons etc
Level 30 for me in future

11-27-2012, 08:33 PM
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0Aj9pi1nr5A99dFF0UWZKZWxzSGVyZkh5ekhnUnh0el E&f=true&noheader=false&gid=93

Check out the data sheet and calculate the cost yourself. :-)

11-27-2012, 10:35 PM
Boss lvl 50 wld only be worth going for if;
- It's stats were triple what they are, so 3000+A/D
- and If it had a modifier/bonus that ACTUALLY WORKED!

If GREE want gamers to fork out big money, then they better be prepared to give gamers big decent jucy units. Those of us who have a brain know not to pay for crap and simply won't pay at all if thats what needs to happen.