View Full Version : So what, you've spent real money to buy fake gold?

11-19-2012, 05:40 AM
You've dropped thousands of real dollars, euros, pesos, or marbles to buy fake gold?

You now discover the game doesn't work, isn't satisfying, and you feel cheated.

That makes you mad.

So, what do you do?

Should you attack others?

Should you spend more money?

Should you kick your cat or dog?

Should you get drunk and cry?

You could do all of those things.

In fact, you're an adult, and you're free to do anything you wish.

I submit to you, just boycott the game.

Don't ever take your troubles, displeasure, or pain out on others.

It never helps you.

It only hurts innocents, who had no hand in your problem.

When all has been said and done, this game is insignificant.

The money you've dropped, the money I've dropped on this game, was never an investment.

An investment is gold, an education, silver, stock certificates, or a can of $100 bills buried in your back yard.

If you own any gaming box, bought games for it, that's fun.

I've got gaming boxes, and games, I no longer use.

I've given a couple away, and a couple are collecting dust in my garage.

I'm dropping them off, and my unused games at a kids club today.

They're doing me no good.

I'd give my game away, but Gree's TOS prohibit that.

So, I'll retain control over it, until Gree shuts things down one day.

I might instruct Gree to destroy it, who knows?

So, simply remain calm and carry on our boycott.

Things always look their darkest before the sun rises.

And, the sun always rises.

We may never get a thing we desire with this boycott.

But, Gree will never get what they need either, your money.

By the way, you'll keep it, so consider that a very big win.

As far as this game, so what if you never play it?

Would you keep driving a car with bad brakes?

Stay strong, remain calm, and carry on our boycott.

11-19-2012, 05:52 AM
Hey PJEEZY, was wondering if we could get an update on what you are wanting fixed, what, if anything, has been fixed, etc?

11-19-2012, 05:58 AM
Hey PJEEZY, was wondering if we could get an update on what you are wanting fixed, what, if anything, has been fixed, etc?



Will anything be fixed?

Probably not.

Do I care anymore?

No, I've got my life back.

Boosts visible
Removal of all "non-casualty" glitchers
Leader board visible during the entirety of all events
Broken trinket boosts fixed
Reduction in all trinket prices by 60% or more
Rivals lists that shows everyone, not just five pages of the same rivals
That's for starters.

11-19-2012, 09:23 AM
Wasn't the leaderboard visible during the entire last auction event? Give credit where credit is due even if it is barely any credit at all

11-19-2012, 10:10 AM
Wasn't the leaderboard visible during the entire last auction event? Give credit where credit is due even if it is barely any credit at all

Actually, I never cared about the leaderboard.

If you're smart, you shouldn't participate in a gambling scam.

But, some of my associates demanded the leaderboard item.

I forgot one, the removal of the "non-casualty glitchers".

That said, I always applaud hackers.

Hackers are the true heroes in this fight.

11-19-2012, 10:22 AM
I was liking this game at one point until it took 110 hours (4.5days) just to add to my vault, really, y when i build a building it now takes three times as mouch to upgraded it, what good is a bounus building if it only gives you 1% less per upgrade at 535,000 for a building that just cost 225,000, what a rip, I know some of you pay to play, aint mad at ya, but dont you fell that if you spend that much real money on imaginary items they should at least be worth it. Im down with the Boycott

Crime City Mark
11-19-2012, 01:05 PM
You've already created multiple threads about this. Keep it confined to your original thread.