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11-19-2012, 01:27 AM
Well she didn't really but best name I could think of for a thread.
I'ld like to start by apologising to all CK member passed and present for introducing Braxton to CK, She never had great stats but I had read some of her comments that were left on rivals walls. It was very powerful reading! I thought she would make a good CK member and recommend her to Sean, who accepted my word and after speaking to her, he joined her in to the CK. once added she befriended most members and went from level 105 to 200 in a month or so. That was about three months ago, in that time I only managed to get to Level 150. In this time I only spoke to her twice but I often saw her messages on Indians wall and was proud that I had been the one who recruited her.
So I have no alternative but to fall on my sword and leave CK with effect immediate. Thanks for All the fun I will not forget any of you. But, I can not trust my own Judgement as to who, is who they say they are.
Many thanks. Joey (formerly CK but forever COLD)

11-19-2012, 04:07 AM
Could have very easily happened to anyone. You shouldn't feel bad about it.

11-19-2012, 05:00 AM
It's just a game and give yourself credit for being a good sport! Now go spend your vault of Gold!

11-19-2012, 05:27 AM
I respect ur pride Joey....but don't feel bad. There was no way u could of stopped it and it could of happened to anybody. And at the end of the day....it's only a game;)
Most Indians have been playing this game before u guys and have had many little battles. So we were better prepared, organized, and efficient. And if anybody in CK feels that way....u don't belong there, and they don't deserve ur friendship.
Other then that, hope u enjoy ur game play....

11-19-2012, 06:16 AM
Not necessary Joey, ur obviously a good guy, and two things to consider; u only aided in recruitment so no big deal because CK recruitment policy is not very discerning anyway, and secondly the others in CK aren't blaming you - last email from Sean to Braxton, after the reveal, actually put the blame on Devil Dog DiOgee ;)

This will cheer you up - Trev who will be putting half of the vault in your account is a Tottenham supporter - so poor Trev is not only having to give Gold to CK, he's having to give it to a CK Gooner ;) ;)

11-19-2012, 06:55 AM
Just to second what Noodles and Burn said.

Its not your fault mate. Its just a game. We have been playing this game for over a year. We are very good at it. Dont blame yourself.

I have found you to be a pretty cool guy. Which is more than I can say for a lot of the other CK members. You are probably better out of CK anyway.

Good luck mate!

11-19-2012, 08:25 AM
Man I have not been here for a few weeks but sounds like I missed a great spy event! Maybe the forum is worth visit more often again...