View Full Version : Food Crate Box Event

11-16-2012, 03:37 PM
Let's go.


11-16-2012, 03:41 PM
I can't believe they lowered the stats for all the units, actually I can. And the top 50 bonus is terrible they had a top 250 prize a while ago with a 15% time reduction

11-16-2012, 04:11 PM
@Cloud22: They didnt lower the stats. They just didn't update the stats. and some of the bonus prizes at the beginning were too good like 10% time reduction in upgrades, +100 attack skill

11-16-2012, 04:44 PM
@Cloud22: They didnt lower the stats. They just didn't update the stats. and some of the bonus prizes at the beginning were too good like 10% time reduction in upgrades, +100 attack skillYeah your right but I think those people who spend all that money to get in the top 50 deserve a better bonus for there unit. But that isn't gree style

11-16-2012, 04:46 PM
No modifier for the top 250 prize is not new. They did away with that (only having it for the top50), a long, long time ago.

Dr. Dengus
11-16-2012, 04:51 PM
The top 50 prize seems incredibly under-powered considering how much money it'll take to win ...

"Awesome my 4 day upgrade will now only take 3 days and 19 hours."

11-16-2012, 04:55 PM
Still seems that if you want to spend gems, the boss events offer a much better return overall than these box events.

Dr. Dengus
11-16-2012, 05:03 PM
Still seems that if you want to spend gems, the boss events offer a much better return overall than these box events.

Most definitely, auction events are just to add to the trophy shelf.

11-16-2012, 05:16 PM
For the first time I think I'll sit this one out. I usually do for the MW auctions but over there the five and ten prizes are essentially commons. Here in the past they've been good enough to at least play the event...and last time had the very welcome addition of the possible rare dragon upon box opening. This event looks pretty terrible relative to the others.

Dexter Morgan
11-16-2012, 05:23 PM
Most definitely, auction events are just to add to the trophy shelf.Nail on the head :)

11-16-2012, 05:45 PM
It's really sad though. The auction prizes have just got progressively bad. 5% seriously. Why not 10 or 20 like they used to do or top 250 is 5% top 50 adds 10% and number 1 gets another 15%

11-16-2012, 06:05 PM
Really hope we never see an Invasion Event like they had in CC just recently. You think our auction events are sad... that new style event was horrendous.

Dexter Morgan
11-16-2012, 06:12 PM
Yeah that cc event was a nightmare. So much work for terrible items

11-16-2012, 06:42 PM
It's really sad though. The auction prizes have just got progressively bad. 5% seriously. Why not 10 or 20 like they used to do or top 250 is 5% top 50 adds 10% and number 1 gets another 15%

Or 20% on top 50 & #1 gets 30%...but this time the top 250 is ugly. i don't care if i get it or not...

11-16-2012, 06:46 PM
I have a stupid question. This event has been open for what, three hours now? It looks like the leader is at 18 already I'm a free player, but I watch the leader boards. How many gems does it take to get top 50? We're talking serious dollars right?

Let's take the 18.
The contest started three hours ago
They got all those boxes w/o refilling their energy
Each time they open a box they are successful
We'll give them 3 'free' opens (one per hour), meaning they needed to pay to reduce the hourly timer 15 times. I believe that's 20 gems a pop. That's 300 gems assuming he's able to get items using freebie or coins. Realistically, he's having to use gems to open boxes too. Another 20 a pop? That's 600 gems.

I know you can 'earn' gems, but this guy is already at 600 gems for 18... 650 costs $50. I know when the dust settles there will be people over 100.

Here's the question. Are people really spending that much money playing this game? I was close once to the top 250, but didn't pay for gems because they seem like a ripoff. Opening a box could have yielded coins leading to buying more gems, etc... Has this guy paid upwards of $50 already towards this event??

Edit, close to top 250 not 50...

11-16-2012, 06:55 PM
I can't believe they lowered the stats for all the units, actually I can. And the top 50 bonus is terrible they had a top 250 prize a while ago with a 15% time reduction

This is what I don't understand: I'm not a fan of Gree, but the forumites need to be more consistent with their complaining. When they boosted the unit stats, people complained that it widened the gap between gem spenders and free players. (Which I agree with.)

Now, however, they did NOT boost the unit stats from the auction events, which are predominately won by gem spenders, and people complain that it's not worth the money. You can't have it both ways. This is actually a step in the right direction: lessening the gap between free and heavy gem spenders.

While I understand that Gree needs to have differentiated products in order to earn a profit, the gap at the highest levels (ie where the auction event winners normally are) the gap is simply too large for anyone not named Bill Gates or a relative to ever want to be. The gap is simply too large (on the order of 50% to 100% better) rather than the 20% or so it really should be at.

Takeaway message: think about what you are complaining about, on the off chance you are heard.

Also, on the off chance that this post is heard: boost weapons and armor by the same amount, please. It's really criminal what you did with that, because the people it hurts the most are the ones who've been playing the longest and spent a lot of time and effort purchasing those items differentiating their kingdoms, only to have you devalue that effort in one fell swoop on the order of 20-30% by failing to boost them.

11-16-2012, 07:11 PM
I have a stupid question. This event has been open for what, three hours now? It looks like the leader is at 18 already I'm a free player, but I watch the leader boards. How many gems does it take to get top 50? We're talking serious dollars right?

Let's take the 18.
The contest started three hours ago
They got all those boxes w/o refilling their energy
Each time they open a box they are successful
We'll give them 3 'free' opens (one per hour), meaning they needed to pay to reduce the hourly timer 15 times. I believe that's 20 gems a pop. That's 300 gems assuming he's able to get items using freebie or coins. Realistically, he's having to use gems to open boxes too. Another 20 a pop? That's 600 gems.

I know you can 'earn' gems, but this guy is already at 600 gems for 18... 650 costs $50. I know when the dust settles there will be people over 100.

Here's the question. Are people really spending that much money playing this game? I was close once to the top 50, but didn't pay for gems because they seem like a ripoff. Opening a box could have yielded coins leading to buying more gems, etc... Has this guy paid upwards of $50 already towards this event??

The short answer is yes.

The longer answer. Based on past auction events, the top 50 was around 60 items. (Be thankful this isn't MW). I calculated that, based on about 75 free opens, combined with gem spending, you could conceivably make the top 50 in that event for the low low price of around $400-$500US.

Now, this event is different, because a lot of people have been waiting for a while for a boost like this: upgrade time reduction. I expect this one to have top 50 around the 75 items mark, as some previously light gem spenders will discover what lower percentages every item open really mean.

Now, disclaimer: I am not a heavy gem spender nor have I ever made the top50 (got reallllllllly lucky once and made #247 by not sleeping for three days, mainly because of my newborn child). Therefore, this information was based primarily on hearsay and incomplete data collection due to frozen leader boards: YMMV.

11-16-2012, 07:23 PM
Food Crates LoL!! Who ever though of this event? So amateur think they out of ideas plus the stats suck for top 50.

11-16-2012, 08:28 PM
I think we can safely assume that the units bonus won't actually work anyway! So why bother? I'm completely sitting this one out...not even going to pick up one box let alone open anything. No point even wasting in-game cash on this event. Good luck to those participating, hope you all get the good stuff cheaply.

11-16-2012, 09:06 PM
I'm out as well. The second unit is less powerful than a hydra so I would have to get to 15 to get a very small benefit.

I just makes more sense to keep my gold.

11-16-2012, 09:14 PM
im not going to participate aswell. I would rather save up my gold to increase my attack points for the next boss event and/or to increase my IPH.

11-16-2012, 10:54 PM
I'm 0 for 3 at 9700 gold spent already.

The person who mentioned it above; I'd need to score at least 10 to have the unit with me for a couple more days since I'm on to a full Hydra army. Then comes the lack of the just-open-to-earn-unit (the Tempus Serpent) which gives me no incentive to keep opening.

I'm out and done with this one as well.

Willis III
11-17-2012, 01:19 AM
Anyone else having significantly worse luck opening boxes? I didn't get an open (gold option) until try #7 or 8 (two accounts). Thinking about sitting this one out as well...

11-17-2012, 01:43 AM
Anyone else having significantly worse luck opening boxes? I didn't get an open (gold option) until try #7 or 8 (two accounts). Thinking about sitting this one out as well...

Yeah I'm like 1 for 6 or 7 with gold opens.

11-17-2012, 02:11 AM
I am at 4 from 4 and made top 50 3 times... first time ever on the board . hoping to add more soon , just cracked open a 4000 and 150 Honour , so not to bad ...YET ??

11-17-2012, 03:17 AM
top 50 unit is just freaking waste of money

11-17-2012, 03:32 AM
From the looks of the leaderboard, seems everyone's boycotting this event, hahaha! Well, the big spenders anyway.
I think everyone's over pumping cash into this event and never getting what they pay for.

Bite the bullet Gree and make the Gem use in this event a garruntteed open of the box that give you the vile or item of the event. You'll still make a killing.

11-17-2012, 05:03 AM
did anyone noticed the stats of the rewards are extremely low?
i am on Level 45 and the first 2 reward stats are lower then units i can buy with gold....
it looks like GREE is working very hard to make us use Gems on the boss event's...
anyone - due to the poor rewards, i decided i will not participate in this event...

11-17-2012, 06:51 AM
Hmmm I see JOHNSKI on the leaderboard.

11-17-2012, 08:50 AM
I was disappointed that so far this box event does not contain the random good prize. I liked that addition to the last box event. Without that..... really agree prizes arent worth it. I will probably open the boxes I have and then not worry about the event from there.

11-17-2012, 09:39 AM
I am 5 out of 6 with middle option only...

BUT... I have not gotten the mushroom thingy in my inventory :(

I also think they will update the stats for all units at some point. They are all in line with the stats before they boosted everything. At least I hope so.

The people responsible at GREE are getting progressively more sloppy.... they release an event with "old" stats, they don't bother to create unique units for e.g. TOP 250, they don't "award" you the units right away, some armor and weapon items have no image linked to them, ...and...and....and...and

11-17-2012, 12:58 PM
I am saying a THANKYOU to all who are sitting this one OUT , it is giving me a chance that would normally cost me a fortune to get on the board ! Not worried about these stats cause i haver never been on the board ! so a win is a win and i am EXCITED .... 6 crates now but will have more soon. Confident of getting up there this time thanks to everyone :-), Already have the MUSHROOM dude , so am getting there. Go TEAM

Dr. Dengus
11-17-2012, 01:54 PM
Good luck Ratma, you still have 4 days though, so don't count your chickens before they are hatched. That is if you are trying for the top 250 completely free.

11-17-2012, 04:33 PM
u so right about that .. in the event with the savage arrows i had 8 the first day all gold option opening up like 18 a day ... ended up with 14 ... so 6 more in 4 days ... makes u go crazy , i hoped for the serpent lol

11-17-2012, 05:30 PM
The Crime City Gunsmith Toolbox Crate Event is even worse. At least the KA 5th and 10th Prize units are ok. Over on the other side the 5th, Welder Helmet (13/19) and 10th, Steel Demolisher (31/11) are poorer items vs the units available here on Kingdom Age.

11-17-2012, 09:15 PM
No aint counting chickens yet ? ! just having more of a chance with lots sitting this one out ? so my chances have already improved! the less that normally play the higher i get ...providing that i get them opened that is? So heres to hoping i can get there !

11-17-2012, 10:51 PM
Good luck to those going for the top 250 or 50. Just remember to set yourselves a limit of how much your willing to spend. Oh, and remember, the bonuses on these units won't actually work once you receive them.

Good to see the Leaderboard suffering. Hello GREE! People are using their wallets now to talk to you.

11-18-2012, 03:46 AM
I am sitting this one out. Shame to Gree!

11-18-2012, 05:37 AM
I am saying a THANKYOU to all who are sitting this one OUT , it is giving me a chance that would normally cost me a fortune to get on the board ! Not worried about these stats cause i haver never been on the board ! so a win is a win and i am EXCITED .... 6 crates now but will have more soon. Confident of getting up there this time thanks to everyone :-), Already have the MUSHROOM dude , so am getting there. Go TEAM

I won't be a Debbie Downer, but there are still more than 250 Gem spenders out there and holding out who will more than likely outplay you. Good luck to the incremental prizes!

11-18-2012, 01:34 PM
I won't be a Debbie Downer, but there are still more than 250 Gem spenders out there and holding out who will more than likely outplay you. Good luck to the incremental prizes!

Thanks already up to Crate 12 so doing well only 3 out of the top 50 so still have time and chance (maybe) atleast i am in the top 250 (for now) so i am liking my chances , even if the spenders get in they still have to find the crates ?

11-18-2012, 01:52 PM
I would have to get to the 20 prize before it would fight in my dragon army, and have only 2 so far, so I am thinking I should just quit trying now and save my gold to buy more dragons.

11-18-2012, 05:28 PM
I would have to get to the 20 prize before it would fight in my dragon army, and have only 2 so far, so I am thinking I should just quit trying now and save my gold to buy more dragons.

I like your style. :)

11-18-2012, 07:53 PM
Got stuck on 7 fruits...

11-19-2012, 01:01 AM
I would have to get to the 20 prize before it would fight in my dragon army, and have only 2 so far, so I am thinking I should just quit trying now and save my gold to buy more dragons.
just use free opens.

11-19-2012, 03:07 AM
This is why you gotta use and abuse the glitch to open 2 for the prize of 1 and or rarely you can open 3 for the prize of 1 just needs good timing and your finger tapping skills.


11-19-2012, 03:11 AM
This is why you gotta use and abuse the glitch to open 2 for the prize of 1 and or rarely you can open 3 for the prize of 1 just needs good timing.

It's not glitch man :P , the gold will not be used while opening these boxes until last which will be the orginal one , it's some sort of visual bug I guess

11-19-2012, 03:19 AM
It's not glitch man :P , the gold will not be used while opening these boxes until last which will be the orginal one , it's some sort of visual bug I guessWell I dunno what it is but I do get 2 item prizes sometimes or 1 sorry and 1 items with 2 opens

11-19-2012, 06:42 AM
For the first time I think I'll sit this one out. I usually do for the MW auctions but over there the five and ten prizes are essentially commons. Here in the past they've been good enough to at least play the event...and last time had the very welcome addition of the possible rare dragon upon box opening. This event looks pretty terrible relative to the others.

same here. anyone with dragons has to look at the time/gold invested to get to the 20 item unit, the only one that has either stat above a dragon.

for me, I've only hit 20 twice or three times, and with the holidays this week, I doubt I'll have time to open boxes consistently, so there's no reason to invest in gold opens for this event.

sad, really, since usually at least the 15 item unit is beneficial to top players, making it worthwhile to pursue.

11-19-2012, 07:27 AM
just use free opens.

Exactly! At 2475 gold per middle option open, I can buy one dragon for what I would have spent on 5.25 opens. Even if I did 15 opens, and got the fruit basket on each one (like that would really happen), I would have paid 37125 gold for a unit with lessor stats than a 13000 dragon...

11-19-2012, 07:40 AM
Exactly! At 2475 gold per middle option open, I can buy one dragon for what I would have spent on 5.25 opens. Even if I did 15 opens, and got the fruit basket on each one (like that would really happen), I would have paid 37125 gold for a unit with lessor stats than a 13000 dragon...

When you are playing the box event, you are not exactly looking for value.

An indestructible unit with stats better than a dragon is far more valuable even if it costs multiple times the cost of a single dragon. These units usually costs gems which is why I wouldn't bat an eyelid using a high cost of gold (free currency) to acquire them.

You can always earn back gold via raids/IPH collection etc but you can never get the chance to add that indestructible unit to your army.

After a while, dragons are dime-a-dozen and you look for every single opportunity to improve your army.

11-19-2012, 06:10 PM
When you are playing the box event, you are not exactly looking for value.

An indestructible unit with stats better than a dragon is far more valuable even if it costs multiple times the cost of a single dragon. These units usually costs gems which is why I wouldn't bat an eyelid using a high cost of gold (free currency) to acquire them.

You can always earn back gold via raids/IPH collection etc but you can never get the chance to add that indestructible unit to your army.

After a while, dragons are dime-a-dozen and you look for every single opportunity to improve your army.

I agree, but in my example the key is that the 15 box unit (which is about as high as one can typically get without spending gems or overtime) has lessor stats than a dragon. Even if I received the 15 box prize, it would not be used in my army, so why spend lots of gold to get it?

The point here is that with this particular box event, the prize units have such poor stats that trying really hard to get the units is unappealing to players with access to high stat gold units. If one had a good chance to get a prize unit with decent stats without spending gems, more free players would be excited about this event.

11-19-2012, 08:16 PM
@bazi: the #15 unit this time is weaker than a Dragon this time because they have yet to apply the new stats to all the box units for the Food Crate event.

11-20-2012, 04:10 AM
I just had some strawberries, an apple, some blueberries a tangelo and a mango! Oh, it was so so good! Great to know you get what you pay for. Hope you all satisfied with your fruit crate purchases? Enjoy!

Black Knight
11-20-2012, 06:30 PM
OK, I'm done with this one. Final tally:

1 crate found, 1 opened, 500 honour.

Struggled to stay awake with this one.

11-20-2012, 06:44 PM
I don't know why I didn't just half-commit to this from the get go. Whenever my alert shows a crate available, I decided to just use Free option. And, just earned my 5 basket unit. Heh, I hope they boost it. :)

11-20-2012, 06:46 PM
done with this ...6 crates first day than another 4 in 3 more days thats just ridiculous ... since i bought gems my box events are really bad...maybe because im not using gems to open boxes?

11-20-2012, 08:29 PM
done with this ...6 crates first day than another 4 in 3 more days thats just ridiculous ... since i bought gems my box events are really bad...maybe because im not using gems to open boxes?

I recall proprioc3ption talking about how rigged the event is if you have gems in your account and don't use them. It's like there is a trip that won't allow you to open a box successfully where you receive the desired trinket. Instead you get gold or honour or even the usual, SORRY. I think he said it happened after the first two days in each event and has happened consistently over the last four box events so sounds pretty legit.

This event is a waste of time in my books.

11-20-2012, 10:08 PM
i got stuck at 9 for almost a day now...

11-20-2012, 11:19 PM
I just ran some modeling based on the limited data I've had.

If you have access to a graphing calculator and a clue these are the best equations I've been able to come up with.

Chance [probability] (y) of opening box to find item vs # of items (x) you currently have has a line of best fit that looks like y = 0.75 - x/30. This line then has a minimum, capped, around x=20 which I describe with the line y=.1 for x>=20.

Time spent [or # of attempts] (y) vs items (x) you currently have is an exponential best fit line described by y = (x^2)/12.

I used a data set of about 200 points of my own data and three of my friends over the last few events and then used linear regression with the method of least squares (and truncated the decimals as we only care about integers anyway),if anyone is interested. The exponential one I just asked my calculator to solve because I didn't want to do that icky integral.

11-21-2012, 03:29 AM
i got stuck at 9 for almost a day now...

The same s.. here. Stuck on 9 for more than 20 tries... Almost no honour / money, only "sorry", got my 12 in a row 10 minutes ago. Unbelievable...
I don`t really need this item, as I gor dragons.... Not full army, but anyway.... But this is just a matter of principle to get the 10-th., but I`m not sure I will :(

11-21-2012, 05:21 AM
Cool leaderboard on last day fighting over unit

11-21-2012, 05:23 AM
Cool leaderboard on last day fighting over unit

--it just got real.

11-21-2012, 06:00 AM
I got my usual 15th unit with middle option (22 attempts a day on average with about 35% open rate) it has been like that for all events. The way that I see it, as long as these events only cost me one level up per event, it's still worth going for. I don't even break a sweat trying 22 times a day because I can alternate opens with family.

I am level 61 full allies with 80% dragon army plus about 10% indestructibles stronger than dragons, so I'm not too worried about gaining 1 level for auction event. Of course it's better to keep those xp low for low tier bosses, but last time I can beat boss 30 with only 40 tapjoy gems that I can easily refill every 2 days or so. If I only level up during auction events and boss event, I can probably still beat 7 more bosses #30 before entering the new tier. Not bad for a free player.

11-21-2012, 06:21 AM
Lol, congrats to all you guys. I still have noone to blame but myself if I don't reach 10 (15 would have been a possibility) because I did not open a box for a solid 2 days. I decided to just start clicking Free option. I'm now upto 7 and 10k gold. Ugh.

11-21-2012, 07:16 AM
I got my usual 15th unit with middle option (22 attempts a day on average with about 35% open rate) it has been like that for all events. The way that I see it, as long as these events only cost me one level up per event, it's still worth going for. I don't even break a sweat trying 22 times a day because I can alternate opens with family.

I am level 61 full allies with 80% dragon army plus about 10% indestructibles stronger than dragons, so I'm not too worried about gaining 1 level for auction event. Of course it's better to keep those xp low for low tier bosses, but last time I can beat boss 30 with only 40 tapjoy gems that I can easily refill every 2 days or so. If I only level up during auction events and boss event, I can probably still beat 7 more bosses #30 before entering the new tier. Not bad for a free player.

Nice work! If we are not allies I would like to be. I'm L62 and trying to move from BD9 to BD10. Trying to ally with everyone I can find near my level who already has a dragon army.

11-21-2012, 07:51 AM
Nice work! If we are not allies I would like to be. I'm L62 and trying to move from BD9 to BD10. Trying to ally with everyone I can find near my level who already has a dragon army.

Check your PM Ssne :)

11-21-2012, 03:17 PM
Can't believe those fools on the Leaderboard fighting for 1st. Only one will get it, but they won't get their money worth, especially when they find out the bonus stats don't work. Oh we'll, each to their own.

11-21-2012, 03:22 PM
They spent over 1k $ just to get 5% faster build upgrading , it's just retarded

11-21-2012, 03:26 PM
Anybody have Kiriel and Hunter as allies? Whats there Level?

Dexter Morgan
11-21-2012, 04:20 PM
Gave up on this event finally. I have 30 boxes left, last 12 opens we're all "sorry". Was hoping to get into top 250 as it looks like 20 would do it. Oh well

11-21-2012, 08:05 PM
They spent over 1k $ just to get 5% faster build upgrading , it's just retarded

The only problem Winstrol is that the 5% faster build upgrade won't actually work. So really you are paying for nothing but the added stats to your A/D. Which is definitely not worth paying 1k for. For Gods sake people we are dealing with 2D pictures here!

11-21-2012, 08:17 PM
Which is definitely not worth paying 1k for.

LOL. I'm with you, however, don't bash those who continue to feed the system (Gree). As long as there are buyers there will be continued support and events.

And, yes. These units are merely small graphics...within a game...on a phone. But, remember superiority and power (on any level) will drive people to do crazy things. ;)

11-21-2012, 08:24 PM
LOL. I'm with you, however, don't bash those who continue to feed the system (Gree). As long as there are buyers there will be continued support and events.

And, yes. These units are merely small graphics...within a game...on a phone. But, remember superiority and power (on any level) will drive people to do crazy things. ;)

Hahaha. Yeah I know. Just keeping it real mate!

11-21-2012, 08:37 PM
Is there any way to view the final leader board?

11-21-2012, 09:04 PM
Anybody have Kiriel and Hunter as allies? Whats there Level?
Kiriel about level 97 or 98, hunter around 140

11-21-2012, 10:27 PM
I got in the top 250 with all gold option I ended with 20. This is my first top 250 win.

11-22-2012, 03:42 PM
At the close of the game i was in the top 50 with 47, but did not receive the reward. I did receive the 250. How do I proceed to claim the top 50 prize.

11-22-2012, 04:02 PM
At the close of the game i was in the top 50 with 47, but did not receive the reward. I did receive the 250. How do I proceed to claim the top 50 prize.
if 47 was at the bottom by the time the leaderboard froze and you did not go on a reset open spree, you most likely got kicked out from one of the lurkers. there will always be some ppl close behind the top 50 going for the run in last hour.

to me it looks like you ended up as 51 or lower, thats the way it goes. after all the gems spend you should make sure you get the prize and add another 10 event items at least. spot 40-50 is no safe place in those auctions

11-22-2012, 06:47 PM
Kiriel about level 97 or 98, hunter around 140Found a Hunter L144 in my allies list with very high stats and income but no event units for the food crate event. Must be another Hunter

11-22-2012, 07:02 PM
Ok found the other Hunter L137 also my ally and very simular stats as the other Hunter L144 could be double account. L137 is the one that won top prize.

11-22-2012, 07:56 PM
At the close of the game i was in the top 50 with 47, but did not receive the reward. I did receive the 250. How do I proceed to claim the top 50 prize.

About an hour after the event closes, you should receive a splash screen telling you your final rank. This is not the leader board, this is exact rank. The unit will post to your inventory when you get this screen. If it says a number larger than 50, your SOL.

11-22-2012, 09:12 PM
Ok found the other Hunter L137 also my ally and very simular stats as the other Hunter L144 could be double account. L137 is the one that won top prize.

I didn't find the 1st price reward in the L137 Hunter's units. Maybe, another Hunter?

11-22-2012, 10:09 PM
I didn't find the 1st price reward in the L137 Hunter's units. Maybe, another Hunter?Top prize does not apply right away to there inventory but 2-3 days later. I base Hunter L137 won the event as other player posted it on his wall congrats on the win. Griffen does not have it also

11-22-2012, 10:34 PM
About an hour after the event closes, you should receive a splash screen telling you your final rank. This is not the leader board, this is exact rank. The unit will post to your inventory when you get this screen. If it says a number larger than 50, your SOL.

I don't believe you have won the top 50 prize. I was on 48 and came in position 58.