View Full Version : More GEM spending options

11-08-2012, 08:43 AM
Hi all. Have been playing this awesome game for a few months now. I love PVE and slow game play. Some of u may call me a camper but to each his own right?

I have bought 1500 gems last time and used them on money generating buildings. As the game bring me great pleasure, I want to support by buying another 1500 gems but can't find any use for gems base on my gameplay style.

Should gree introduce some options for gem players that are lovers and not fighters. Something like a building to enable two building upgrade etc.

Any thoughts?

11-08-2012, 10:16 AM
Interesting. I would pay a nominal fee for the ability to upgrade 2x buildings. Perhaps that would be the only thing, too.

Dexter Morgan
11-08-2012, 10:52 AM
I doubt it would be nominal. That's a huge bonus, one that was awarded in an auction event

Dr. Dengus
11-08-2012, 11:22 AM
I doubt it would be nominal. That's a huge bonus, one that was awarded in an auction event

Definitely, GREE would have to make it one expensive building if they did release something like that. Or else it would completely devalue everyone's purchase from the previous auction events where the upgrade 2x bonus was offered. Do you not enjoy the boss events Franklon? In terms of stat gain per gems spent, those can possibly have the best return (depending on your stats and level).

11-08-2012, 01:33 PM
Do you not enjoy the boss events Franklon? In terms of stat gain per gems spent, those can possibly have the best return (depending on your stats and level).

Now that I have a boosted Hydra army and plenty of high weapons/armor to fill them. I am completely looking forward to the Boss events. Personal best (before Hydras) with only Gold option was 5. Snicker 'cause it's sad. But, it's true.

11-08-2012, 01:42 PM
Another thing, if they had enough players choose to actually make a Gem purchase to pay for this upgrade (that normally don't spend a thing on anything including Box events), couldn't it work in the monetary favor for Gree to make that a reality?

Because the way I look at it, after everyone sees the immense lead that the #1 player (everything) and then the top 50 (all who receive every unit available -1 in the events), people back off and don't make the purchases. Since every event does come with an extra perk to the game with the top unit, it varies. So, they are only really de-valuing that perk to a select few. Select.

They also just boosted stats for everyone. It's along the same premise of creating a more leveled playing field. I don't hear many complaining about this change up. I expect that a few complaints for another across the board change, wouldn't deter them from a potential profit maker.

11-08-2012, 11:59 PM
I love boss events! But won't be spending gems on it. Personal opinion is that it defeats the purpose of the game since I rarely pvp. Upgrade building is just a suggestion.

Normally it cost $100 for 1500 gems. So the question is what a normal player is willing to spend $100 on? Some uber unit? A chance to get a unit? A building to make life easier and more convenient?

Maybe gree can introduce something to attract players that are playing it slow. Aside from multi upgrade, maybe an auto collector building that works like a defense tower. Cost 500 gems and have only 1 "block" radius. That way buildings like cottage with have a purpose and it does not affect anyone's current position. It is logic for someone to be willing to spend money for convenience. Same concept as the washing machine.

Auction events are beyond rediculous to me. Not going to "bid" against an unknown person and "closed" environment.

Conclusion is that gree needs money to keep the game running. I and I'm sure many others recognize this but we don't have anything to spend on if we buy gems. Aside from "elite" units or events, there is no motivation to spend money in this game.

11-09-2012, 02:29 AM
Yes Gree need money to keep the game running, this is why they keep recycling the auction events as it keeps bringing in huge amounts of cash from the players on the leaderboard. I highly doubt the futile boycott on the MW boards will impact this either.
Your suggestions are far too powerful too, and will give the money spenders an even bigger advantage than what they already have over free players.