View Full Version : The one and only dev-player communication thread

11-08-2012, 02:00 AM
I stand with the boycott, dumped all allies, dumped all money in the process, wont compete in auction event and for all practical matters stopped playing completely.
The good thing is, i have time for other things such as setting up this beacon of hope lol. Against the better justment of many co- boycotters i am going to start this big communication thread with the devs. Its truly not an original idea. It was TC who thought about this before but no dev responded. Hence it became academic.

Here are the rules of this thread:
1. For all of us gamers: Do not post on this thread yet. hold your horses and wait and see what happens. if any. Of course no one can force you to refrain from posting here but i hope you can.
2. For all devs: by all means, post here and start what this thread is all about: communication. It seems to be key in all problems.
3. Please do not start if you have nothing serious to say. You need to be on top of the issue at hand, fully informed and backed up by your superiors and engeneers. Dont be evasive nor respond to irrelevant subjects.
4. We need no promises. E.g. We know now what it means if you promise that you will fix the invisible boost in the next update. It took us some time and many updates but finally we understand that there is always a next update (sry for the cynical approach here).
5. We do not discuss the boycot here, nor personal wishlists.
6. We work with an agenda and discussion protocol you devs will have as much influence on this.
7. Your opening of this communication is key to a possible success. You must come to this thread with the acknowledgement that we have some serious issues. This time however you will not pass them through to the responsible persons. You will discuss them here and if you cant you will get the guy to do it for you.
8. the topics will vary from hackers (and how to find and handle them) to structural inbalanceness of the game (killing the game in the mid-long term), invisibility of boosts of course, quality of service/programming/testing, structural integrity of the game and a zillion other issues that will emerge.
9. Dont bother about spoilers. We are far past that. We would already be happy if there is anything to spoil.
10 respectfull communication. We can always end it and walk away.

If my co boycotters prove to be right that this will go nowhere but empty promises i will close this thread my way, walk away from this table and from there on you better ban me pre emptively.

This all must sound strange in this forum world. But when you develop a game in which i have paid more than the combined yearly salaries of some of you, you can expect this to happen at some point in time. There are forces at work right now which truly could lead to the absolute end of this game and rest assure guys i will come and get my money back plus the rest. Your general conditions uphold so much as they can take. The combined amount of myself and the co leaders of this boycott is more than enough to make any litigation worthwhile.

11-08-2012, 02:11 AM
"We can't answer that." - I'll save you the trouble.