View Full Version : question to all you farmers out there

11-04-2012, 09:15 AM
I have seen a lot of posts by people saying you shouldn't do any PvE or PvP, and just grow your farm, trying to avoid levelling up, and then, eventually, you have enough resources just to run over everything. (I have seen you in game as well). But what is the fun of it? For me the fun of the game is in battling to get where I am, losing battles, winning battles, etc..... But I can't see any fun in just farming, not doing anything in the game, until you have enough resources (if ever) before you start moving up in the game.

Sorry farmers, but I can't see how you can get enjoyment out of playing like that. Can you enlighten me as to what pleasure you get out of it?

Please, don't take it as an attack on you farmers, but I fail to see how you can get enjoyment out of the game.

11-04-2012, 09:18 AM
I'm guessing by farmers you mean campers? I've been camping at 103/104 for months all the enjoyment I need is that I can go millions over vault without having to worry about being attacked.

11-04-2012, 09:59 AM
Here's a tip to all those campers out there. Level up as fast as you can to L150 as with these level you can see upto L200 players with gold you could never imagine. Thats $198K every 4 hours so think about it.

11-04-2012, 09:59 AM
sorry, yes, campers, but I have seen some people calling it farmers too :)

lol, I understand it, but then, why even bother playing the game? Or does it boil down to a Capitalism versus Socialism issue? Capitalists always want to have more and more money, whereas us socialists hey, we just want everybody to have fun. I would even share some of my resources with you, lol ..... but somehow in these games I never have enough money, so I do have to camp out for a little while. saving up to do the next upgrade. Can't wait for new maps in KA...... getting so bored with doing all the old maps to level 5

11-04-2012, 10:05 AM
Here's a tip to all those campers out there. Level up as fast as you can to L150 as with these level you can see upto L200 players with gold you could never imagine. Thats $198K every 4 hours so think about it.

I wouldn't risk it, I'd in turn get hammered by all the gem spenders. I'll pass on that.

11-04-2012, 10:10 AM
As far as why do I bother playing goes. I play 2 crime city accounts 2 kingdom age accounts 1 modern war and 1 monster quest account so I have plenty to keep me busy. My cc account is level 200 and that's the only account I'll ever get to max level.

11-04-2012, 10:33 AM
I wouldn't risk it, I'd in turn get hammered by all the gem spenders. I'll pass on that.If you dont collect your buildings in time then the gem spenders will collect it for you. Simple just collect your buildings in time and dont get hammered

11-04-2012, 10:42 AM
If you dont collect your buildings in time then the gem spenders will collect it for you. Simple just collect your buildings in time and dont get hammered

I meant attacked, it would be near impossible to go over vault. I collect perfectly on cc and I make over 5 million an hour so I could collect perfectly on ka if I wanted to but why would I if I don't have to.

11-04-2012, 12:18 PM
sorry, yes, campers, but I have seen some people calling it farmers too :)

lol, I understand it, but then, why even bother playing the game? Or does it boil down to a Capitalism versus Socialism issue? Capitalists always want to have more and more money, whereas us socialists hey, we just want everybody to have fun. I would even share some of my resources with you, lol ..... but somehow in these games I never have enough money, so I do have to camp out for a little while. saving up to do the next upgrade. Can't wait for new maps in KA...... getting so bored with doing all the old maps to level 5

Check out my stats, camping is how I got them. And it was actually a lot more exciting than the impression you seem to have. ;)

11-04-2012, 03:03 PM
Different people have different goals. For me, I want to have a good chance in winning boss events. lvl 20 atm with atk 11k and def 9k (boosted). My plan is to get that to 20k attack so I can beat lvl 30 boss :)

11-05-2012, 12:48 AM
lol ok .... yep, that is one thing I cannot do, win the bosses to a high level. :)

11-05-2012, 01:03 AM
Theoretically camping is the second best strategy behind spending real money. The worst strategy is just playing the game.

What Gree needs to do (in my opinion) is develop the game so that the people who actually play it become stronger than campers. Perhaps they could start by having a decent honour unit?

11-05-2012, 01:15 AM
sorry, yes, campers, but I have seen some people calling it farmers too :)

lol, I understand it, but then, why even bother playing the game? Or does it boil down to a Capitalism versus Socialism issue? Capitalists always want to have more and more money, whereas us socialists hey, we just want everybody to have fun. I would even share some of my resources with you, lol ..... but somehow in these games I never have enough money, so I do have to camp out for a little while. saving up to do the next upgrade. Can't wait for new maps in KA...... getting so bored with doing all the old maps to level 5

Ohh i was the same ... get in there and smash the ones you could then regroup and buy more units to come back and smash the ones you couldnt ...level as fast as you can then do the quests. where does the money come from if you cant increase your buildings..YOUR POCKET.. those footsteps in front of you are mine, been there done that $120 buck later still here and have gone from Smasher to Farmer, sitting tight biding my time till i have enough to move up, like the rabbitt and tortise. learn by our faults and not yours it can get very costly.IMO

11-05-2012, 08:24 AM
Theoretically camping is the second best strategy behind spending real money. The worst strategy is just playing the game.

What Gree needs to do (in my opinion) is develop the game so that the people who actually play it become stronger than campers. Perhaps they could start by having a decent honour unit?

3rd best...

1. spend $
2. PVP!

11-05-2012, 10:39 AM
Sorry farmers, but I can't see how you can get enjoyment out of playing like that. Can you enlighten me as to what pleasure you get out of it?I get the following pleasure out of a camping strategy:

* All that green in my passive "you were raided by" wins.
* 96.3% win record.
* Buying the best defense while camping means I can devote all points towards hero strength and carve monsters up without effort.

11-05-2012, 11:23 AM
I get the following pleasure out of a camping strategy:

* All that green in my passive "you were raided by" wins.
* 96.3% win record.
* Buying the best defense while camping means I can devote all points towards hero strength and carve monsters up without effort.

You've gotta lvl up to get skill points

11-05-2012, 12:01 PM
and carve monsters up without effort.

PvE isn't camping is it? Isn't it building iph and saving gold?

Edit: or more just upgrading buildings and buying units

11-05-2012, 06:16 PM
PvE isn't camping is it? Isn't it building iph and saving gold?

Edit: or more just upgrading buildings and buying units

I think camping here involves more of the income raising/upgrading buildings/buying highest units and continually replacing with better in your army/raiding (minimal EXP but higher monetary gains). If you can cut out the frivolous quests and PvE to attain leveling up, then you're camping well.

- - - - - - - -

I'm about to start my own campsite here shortly. My only units being brought in that I buy are my Hydras & Basilisks. I'm attempting to raise my Ally count without utilizing any lesser units and without wasting more money on Basilisks to fill the ranks. At this rate, I'll slowly buildup my 'free' Gems from watching video clips daily (I'm averaging 20/day) to either wait for the next Boss event or invest in the Gold Mines.

11-07-2012, 11:23 AM
I've been playing since April, and I'm at lvl 29. That's 28 levels worth of skill points and PvE and PvP. Averaging a little less than 1 level per week.

If you don't call that camping, what do you call it?

11-07-2012, 12:45 PM
I just started a new acct last week on my ipod for KA and I am camping hardcore. Only level 4, but I have two level 5 farms, two level 4 silos, two level 5 bazaars, two level 5 cottages, two level 4 bakeries and a level 4 castle. My atk is a measley 112 and def is 165, but at level 4, it has helped me hold off anyone who tries to attack me. My goal is to max out all my structures before moving on. I still play on my iphone and do regular PVP and PVE. I enjoy both strategies.

11-07-2012, 02:33 PM
My goal is to max out all my structures before moving on.

It takes about 5 years at least to reach the dragon. :-) be patient. hopefully you can get your first dragon before Gree shut down their server for KA. In the mean time, we already upgrade to iPhone 10. lol

11-07-2012, 02:37 PM
lol, I guess I am too impatient to do the camping thing, lol ..... I am trying my best to try it in MQ, but I still feel forced to do PvE. In MW I manage to max all levels out before moving on to the next PvE event.

In KA, officially I guess I am a camper now until new levels open up. Now I am getting every map up to level 5.

11-07-2012, 03:04 PM
I have seen a lot of posts by people saying you shouldn't do any PvE or PvP, and just grow your farm, trying to avoid levelling up, and then, eventually, you have enough resources just to run over everything. (I have seen you in game as well). But what is the fun of it? For me the fun of the game is in battling to get where I am, losing battles, winning battles, etc..... But I can't see any fun in just farming, not doing anything in the game, until you have enough resources (if ever) before you start moving up in the game.

Sorry farmers, but I can't see how you can get enjoyment out of playing like that. Can you enlighten me as to what pleasure you get out of it?

The real limitation on playing as you suggest is the vault. Upgrading the vault maxes out at 330K, but may of the building you will want later cost much more than that (i.e. over 1.7 million for Breeding Den 10, without which you can't get dragons). So if you are at a level where your defence stats are significantly below everyone else's, accumulating that amount of unvaulted gold is an invitation to have it taken. If I saw a 'low defence' rival with a million gold I would stick a straw in him and suck him dry.

So that limitation will stop you from progressing in the game, and vastly increase the number of battle losses you incur as you climb through the levels. Just a warning. However, there is an enjoyable middle ground where you level more slowly and build your economy in such a way that only the very strong can attack you. And, if you're polite to them in the game they may ally with you, which will limit that damage as well.