View Full Version : New auction event - slashed crates

10-19-2012, 10:41 AM
Top Prices (top 50) Bloodmoon Werewolf 965/1388 bonus Less 3 Allies on PVP
Top 250 Frenzied Barghest 410/383

Good luck and Good hunting everyone!

10-19-2012, 10:42 AM
Collect Werewolf Claws !!! From slashed crates. Just got the splash screen.

10-19-2012, 10:54 AM
... tent pitched.

Dr. Dengus
10-19-2012, 10:55 AM
Has KA ever had upgrade time or cost reduction bonuses? From a business standpoint, seems like more people would be willing to spend money on a bonus like that than opponents not bringing their 9 worst units to battle.

10-19-2012, 11:02 AM
... tent pitched.

Lol neighbor I see your camp fire... can I come over I got steak and lobster tails to bring and cold beer..

Has KA ever had upgrade time or cost reduction bonuses? From a business standpoint, seems like more people would be willing to spend money on a bonus like that than opponents not bringing their 9 worst units to battle.

I agree... whats the point of not bringing in perishable units to battle... oh wait it actually helps the opponent cause if they would lose 3 units and they probably would had a net gain of 6 units...

10-19-2012, 11:04 AM
... tent pitched.

LOL You pitched a tent...enjoying the cool day here RED? It's great!

10-19-2012, 11:14 AM
LOL You pitched a tent...enjoying the cool day here RED? It's great!

Stuck inside working for the man... luckily we're throwing a team beer friday event so I can sneak out of the office early!

10-19-2012, 11:46 AM
Has KA ever had upgrade time or cost reduction bonuses? From a business standpoint, seems like more people would be willing to spend money on a bonus like that than opponents not bringing their 9 worst units to battle.

There have been units that give upgrade time bonus...holy avenger reduces upgrade time by 10%...and they have had two different top50 units that allow an extra building upgrade (so can upgrade two buildings at once if you have one of these units...or three buildings at once if you have both units). The cost reduction bonus is the lumber mill boost building - reduces construction costs by 10% if leveled up to level 10.

Dr. Dengus
10-19-2012, 12:30 PM
There have been units that give upgrade time bonus...holy avenger reduces upgrade time by 10%...and they have had two different top50 units that allow an extra building upgrade (so can upgrade two buildings at once if you have one of these units...or three buildings at once if you have both units). The cost reduction bonus is the lumber mill boost building - reduces construction costs by 10% if leveled up to level 10.

I missed out on that conversation/thread, was it ever confirmed that if you had both of those multiple upgrade boosts you could upgrade 3 buildings at once?

CC and MW have had 30% reduction on upgrade costs and multiple 20% upgrade time reduction event prizes. Just figured those would come to KA as well.

10-19-2012, 12:41 PM
I missed out on that conversation/thread, was it ever confirmed that if you had both of those multiple upgrade boosts you could upgrade 3 buildings at once?

Yep, it does. That's why the ceiling went thru the roof on the last event with it.

I agree... whats the point of not bringing in perishable units to battle... oh wait it actually helps the opponent cause if they would lose 3 units and they probably would had a net gain of 6 units...

It does help, but marginally. I have one for 3 less units and at the higher levels I notice about a 300pt drop in their A/D stats. I suppose if you acquired a couple of the units, it would get close to 1k, but still a pretty weak bonus IMO as well.
Although, I love when the t50 units are Defense heavy on stats. Hmmmm

10-19-2012, 12:51 PM
On a side note, they seem to have the boosted stats correct for these units right out of the box.

10-19-2012, 02:18 PM
no prize for number one spender ?

10-19-2012, 02:31 PM
Yeah, number one price is a pretty cool looking Lycon.

But sadly, alas, I will not be participating in this box event. Good luck to all that do, and may the fortune of opened boxes and claws be with you.

Dr. Dengus
10-19-2012, 02:39 PM
no prize for number one spender ?


10-19-2012, 03:15 PM
Pretty high stat top prize. One of the highest I have seen. Good luck to all participants. Got my first claw.

Black Knight
10-19-2012, 03:55 PM
Good luck everyone not sitting this one out.
Was going to give it a miss, but....temptation.......too............strong.:eek :

Finally get to see a machine unit prize in a box event again. My flaming cats, trebs and siege towers get kinda lonely.

10-19-2012, 05:14 PM
Crappy luck so far, 0 for 4 attempts with gold, all sorries. :(

10-19-2012, 05:22 PM
I'm doing good already at 5 with all gold option, and got the only oringal unit beside the top one

10-19-2012, 05:44 PM
Pretty high stat top prize. One of the highest I have seen. Good luck to all participants. Got my first claw.

Do you guys notice that the auction event top stats are becoming more and more powerful while the loots and boss event getting weak?

Shifting towards enticing more gold output...

10-19-2012, 06:45 PM
Do you guys notice that the auction event top stats are becoming more and more powerful while the loots and boss event getting weak?

Shifting towards enticing more gold output...

More of gems instead.

10-19-2012, 07:25 PM
where do u find these crates? i havent found one yet

10-19-2012, 07:25 PM
3 sorry in a row so far...

10-19-2012, 07:34 PM
where do u find these crates? i havent found one yet

Kill enemies in PvE...preferable ones you can kill with one hit

10-19-2012, 07:38 PM
Kill enemies in PvE...preferable ones you can kill with one hit

im fairly new, does that mean people in the battle list?

10-19-2012, 07:46 PM
im fairly new, does that mean people in the battle list?
No thats PVP. You can get the crates from killing monster using the quest maps. Like mentioned earlier, if you can kill a monster with one hit (especially map boss monster) it should trigger the event. Good luck.

10-19-2012, 07:48 PM
3 sorry in a row so far...

Yeah I'm at 6 sorries in a row, all with gold opens, haven't gotten a single crate to open yet. Wondering what's going on, usually I'll at least get a 33% open rate, whether it's gold, honor, or the claws in this case. So far nada. Kind of worrying me.

10-19-2012, 07:50 PM
3 sorry in a row so far...
Im sure your luck will get better. Opened 5 straight crates, 4claws and 50 honor, all gold option. Can't complain myself.

Update...5 claws, got the first unit.

10-19-2012, 10:12 PM
Yeah I'm at 6 sorries in a row, all with gold opens, haven't gotten a single crate to open yet. Wondering what's going on, usually I'll at least get a 33% open rate, whether it's gold, honor, or the claws in this case. So far nada. Kind of worrying me.

same here. I think I whipped off 9 sorrys in a row to open this event before getting the first one to open...

by far the worst string of luck I have ever had in these events.

hopefully that means it will even out later in this event or in the next one.

10-20-2012, 12:26 AM
same here. I think I whipped off 9 sorrys in a row to open this event before getting the first one to open...

by far the worst string of luck I have ever had in these events.

hopefully that means it will even out later in this event or in the next one.

I've now attempted to open 11 boxes with gold, 1 claw and 1 honor. Less than a 20% open rate so far. Really crappy. Looks like I'll have to keep my fingers crossed for even the 10 unit.

Also the worst luck I've experienced with a box event so far.

10-20-2012, 08:05 AM
5 claws so far,all open with gold and almost every hour.doesn't look good this time.

10-20-2012, 10:01 AM
Still stuck at 1 damn claw. Only got a few hours sleep so I've opened 20 boxes since event started all with gold, only 2 have opened, 1 claw and 1 honor. What the hell is going on? Getting very frustrated, there is definitely something not right here. Seriously a 10% open rate (and diminishing each hour).

10-20-2012, 11:10 AM
I have strings of bad luck and success in these crate/box events myself. Last night I opened 8 straight boxes before my first "sorry...", all gold option. That was my best string of opening so far. Since this morning, I opened 1 claw, soem honor and gold. My opinion, I have more success when I do not keep too many crates to open. In fact I keep only 1 unopened crate and I will not farm till I get to open it.

10-20-2012, 11:40 AM
I've never had a string of luck this bad in a box event, that's all. But 9 sorries in a row, a claw, then 7 sorries in a row, then 150 honor, then 4 more sorries? I don't know, that certainly doesn't seem indicative of a 45% open rate with the gold option (which was used for all opens). I mean I literally blew over 45k for 1 claw and 150 honor.

Sorry, I know I'm whining, my bad. Just frustrated.

Finally just got claw #2. Hoping I have a string of claws so I can at least strive for the 10 unit and balance out the streak of bad luck with some good luck.

10-20-2012, 12:09 PM
4 claws in 9 opens... got a nice 8 hour sleep also :) how can you stay up and not get sleep over these events is beyond me

10-20-2012, 02:48 PM
4 claws in 9 opens... got a nice 8 hour sleep also :) how can you stay up and not get sleep over these events is beyond me

It was Friday, was hanging with friends. I can afford to take a few minutes per hour to open crates, collect gold, kill the occasional monster(s), cigarette break, etc without them getting too ornery. Plus I'm a class one multi-tasker.

10-20-2012, 06:15 PM
DIrishB, I only have two as well from about 15 openings but a few box games ago, I opened about 9 out of the first 15. After that I hit a wall. This game seems very streaky so I try not to worry about it, otherwise I would end up with a lot of broken iPads and iPhones.

10-20-2012, 11:23 PM
DIrishB, I only have two as well from about 15 openings but a few box games ago, I opened about 9 out of the first 15. After that I hit a wall. This game seems very streaky so I try not to worry about it, otherwise I would end up with a lot of broken iPads and iPhones.

It's working better now, I'm up to 4 claws. I'd just never gotten 9 sorries in a row, that was crazy.

10-21-2012, 12:26 AM
It's working better now, I'm up to 4 claws. I'd just never gotten 9 sorries in a row, that was crazy.

Never gotten doesn't mean you never will. The box events are like this where you experience good and bad streaks. You need to take it a little easier...

10-21-2012, 12:41 AM
I'd just never gotten 9 sorries in a row, that was crazy.

Been there, done that.........Will be doing it again, and again, and again.....
I've learnt to take these event things as bonus, just like the scratcher. Though I am still wait for my 2.5m!

10-21-2012, 08:11 AM
I havent opened single box yet lol. Probably like 15 sorries in a row so far

Black Knight
10-21-2012, 06:50 PM
It's working better now, I'm up to 4 claws. I'd just never gotten 9 sorries in a row, that was crazy.

Reminds me of the Worn Box event 2 months ago. Got to 7 Compasses on the first day, then around 25-30 sorries in a row all with the middle (gold) option. Finally gave up and used the free option after that.

Got to 7 claws easily the first day from around 10 opens, but all sorries since then.
It's like deja vu all over again.

10-21-2012, 07:00 PM
Reminds me of the Worn Box event 2 months ago. Got to 7 Compasses on the first day, then around 25-30 sorries in a row all with the middle (gold) option. Finally gave up and used the free option after that.

Got to 7 claws easily the first day from around 10 opens, but all sorries since then.
It's like deja vu all over again.

Yeah, usually around the number 7 it takes quite a few attempts to get number 8. In every box event, I usually get 3-4 on the first day using gold, then 1 (maybe 2) per day thereafter with gold.

Even if not the claw or arrow or whatever unit we're collecting for that event, 1 out of every 3 or 4 boxes will still open for gold or honor. I'd never experienced a less than 10% open rate with gold (I could understand if it was the free option) while only having 1 claw. It seemed like the diminishing odds kicked in way too early.

On a side note, been opening boxes all day, still at 4 claws (got 1 gold prize though).

10-21-2012, 07:24 PM
I've repeatedly seen the same thing. This time I got to 6 units before the event was even 9 hours old. Since then I've probably had around 30 gold attempts and I'm finally at 8. If this was the 1st or even the third box event that I've participated in I'd chalk it up to random dumb luck. Since it's not, I'd guess that the open rates and item rates when open are set high initially to give people hope - to encourage them to go buy some gems.

I'll still participate when I'm not camping and I'm still pretty happy with the units that I end up getting but sheesh. There are so many free players in this game, it would be nice if we had at least a fighting chance to make the top 250 every few auction (box) events.

10-21-2012, 08:07 PM
I have been fortunate with the box events. I mixed up my opening with gold (mostly) and a few gems. When I get to open two boxes consecutively, if it is early in the event my next try I would use the free option or rusty knife. Great chance that I will not get to open it even with gold option so I don't want to waste my gold. If the event is almost over and Im in the top 250, I will be using gems to keep me in. My opinion, its a small investment to receive all the units plus the Top250 bonus unit for a few gems I spent. I cannot get the first bonus unit for the Boss Events anyways, so I get my indestructibles (high stats I may add) through these Box, Crates whatever else they name it.

10-22-2012, 07:25 AM
Im sitting at 11 my open rate has been really good this time around probably around 65-70% with the middle gold for getting something (claw, honor, gold)

10-22-2012, 04:26 PM
Where was 250 at this morning, about 12? And now it's at 14.

I started this morning 5 behind 250 and managed to catch up. For now. Gold only (feels weird to say that being a Tapjoy-only CC player).

I had a really garbage open rate for the first 2 1/2 days though. Only had maybe 9 opens, 7 items, gold once and honor once. I didn't keep track, but I probably made 40-45 opening attempts for just those 9 opens.

10-23-2012, 10:53 AM
i was sitting on 10 until today morning and was confident that i can reach 15 as i still had 2 whole days. But today i opened like 10-12 boxes and all of thme sorry, not even gold or honor. What is going on?

Usually i get something for every 4-5 opens, but today nothing (only using free or gold options)

10-23-2012, 01:47 PM
Free player and sitting on the end of the Top 250 sure with 16, sure i wont be there when the dust settles but happy with progress so far. If i can get 4 more in the last 32 hrs i'll be very happy

10-23-2012, 02:31 PM
Event will end on Thursday at 1am Eastern time.

Black Knight
10-23-2012, 08:25 PM
Still stuck on 9 claws from yesterday. Only some gold and HP today.

Desperately want that 10th claw for the Village Militia.
Don't want an Infected Victim as my only legacy from this one.:eek:

10-23-2012, 09:16 PM
i got stuck at 5...my lowest & worst so far...

10-24-2012, 12:22 AM
I'm stuck at 9, run out of CRATE now, use all my energy bar but can not get even a single CRATE while the event still have ~20h remaining,, WHAT IS GOING ON??? Any one can help how can get the CRATE???

10-24-2012, 12:35 AM
eagle`s peak, still give me crates, low xp gaind aswell!

10-24-2012, 12:43 AM
I just work through the levels and I don't usually have trouble getting boxes.

Claw 18 just popped out of the box I opened 5 minutes ago. Be nice to get to 20 without gems. No gems used so far.

10-24-2012, 01:52 AM
I have just used it and learn many experience from other successfully. Life is great...

10-24-2012, 11:38 AM
10 claws, 2 free units. I'm so happy, cos it's my best result in box events so far :)
Past events has always got me stucked at 8 items...
Now eagerly waiting for my favorite..... Boss event :D

10-24-2012, 12:01 PM
Claw 18 just popped out of the box I opened 5 minutes ago. Be nice to get to 20 without gems. No gems used so far.

Mission accomplished. Started this morning one back of 250 again. 250 is at 19 now.

I wish my luck in CC (main game) was this good. If this holds out I'll end up with a second top 250 item in KA, no gems.

10-24-2012, 12:19 PM
Dang dudeman I wish I had some of your luck, I was doing good but have been stuck on 16 for a day now doesn't look I will get the top 250. I was hoping to get the 100 gems from add me Monday but it looks like I just won the sweet KA T shirt and not the gems also

10-24-2012, 01:48 PM
Well I got to 10 and got the 2nd unit, it's my worst luck in a box event so far (I always use gold option and usually can manage the 15 unit, once got the 20 unit). Considering my luck over the first couple of days I'm considering myself lucky (in spite of the bad luck, strangely), so I'll take my two free units and be happy. Hopefully will have better luck next time.

10-24-2012, 03:02 PM
A lot of posts here(box event thread) are from free players and we usually complain about it. I think that creates a negative vibe and makes us more unlucky to open more crates. We should just take it as it come and be grateful for the small bonuses we get from these events. Just imagine some of the top50 auctioneers, spent hundreds(even thousand of dollars) and still not made it to no. 1. I will be psstt for sure. So yeah lets stay positive.

10-24-2012, 03:19 PM
Just received my 10th claw (and 2nd free unit). All with free opens (since at ~4,000 gold open and my ever-expanding Hydra army, my experience has been that I'd be wasting a ton of gold for the chance of maybe the 15th rather than just purchasing Hydras that have an extremely low casualtiy rate).

Good luck to all, and to all a goodnight.

10-24-2012, 06:07 PM
Just got 22, no gems used.

3 more would be cool, but isn't looking likely.

I'd be just as happy with top 250, which strangely seems more likely than 3 more claws.

Black Knight
10-24-2012, 08:54 PM
Just got 22, no gems used.

3 more would be cool, but isn't looking likely.

I'd be just as happy with top 250, which strangely seems more likely than 3 more claws.

Top 250 without gems is a great effort. My best was 23 Sun Stones in the Star Box event last month, but I was always 2-3 stones off the 250.

Is it just me, or does it seem that the gem players are spending less on the box events now? Haven't seen WS at the top of the leaders for a while now. Hopefully this is bringing the number needed for Top 250 to a level we free players have more hope of obtaining.

Anyway, I finally cracked it for 11 Werewolf Claws. Pretty happy, got the 10 unit.

10-24-2012, 09:31 PM
I'm at 23 after the board froze with 250 at 21.

Not looking good for 25, but 250 might happen. Second time without gems (or ever) if it does.

I really wish I could be so lucky in CC! Lol

10-24-2012, 09:55 PM
I'm at 23 after the board froze with 250 at 21.

Not looking good for 25, but 250 might happen. Second time without gems (or ever) if it does.

I really wish I could be so lucky in CC! Lol

You can do Overtime. That should get you to #25 if you want.

10-24-2012, 10:14 PM
You can do Overtime. That should get you to #25 if you want.
Doing overtime now. Officially event is over. 23 claws in top250. Not giving up on the last unit now. Good luck to all doing OT. Congrats to all winners.

10-24-2012, 11:03 PM

I gave up on OT. I'm not missing CC collections for a KA unit.

Still awesome that I managed a second free top 250 item. Sucks that they're both in KA and not CC, but I'll take them anyways.


10-24-2012, 11:24 PM
Stuck at 14 :(( opened 7 boxes to reach 15...never happened

10-25-2012, 12:41 AM
@Dudeman...your bonus unit is also boosted. The stat I see is 410 attack, 383 def. That is a big difference.

10-25-2012, 01:23 AM
The last three times I've played these I've got nothing but 'sorry' & gold for the last three days. Opening 15 times a day.
Can't believe people still fall for the crap Funzio/Gree dishes out! These are rigged and the makers are laughing every time people hit buy gems to open boxes. Try playing it free or using in game gold and you'll be lucky to get more than 10-15.

Also, don't tell me I'm the only one that's noticed the units are getting weaker in these challenges? The gameplay of these challenges are always secondary to the developers drawing players into to buy gems.

10-25-2012, 05:27 AM
Well this event was one of the worst ones for me. I got 7 claws on the first day and there afterwards, I got a lot of "Sorry" (once 9 times in a row), some ridiculous gold and honor. I finally finished the event with 9 claws. I haven't used the rusty knife, I used always 5000 coins, and lost a lot. So for me this event was not worth the spent. ROI was unspeakable.

I look forward to next event.

10-25-2012, 06:17 AM
I got 15 with almost 32 hrs left and only got 2 more in that time period. Completely fizzled at the end. Glad i didn't waste any gems to try to get 20

10-25-2012, 06:39 AM
Well this event was one of the worst ones for me. I got 7 claws on the first day and there afterwards, I got a lot of "Sorry" (once 9 times in a row), some ridiculous gold and honor. I finally finished the event with 9 claws. I haven't used the rusty knife, I used always 5000 coins, and lost a lot. So for me this event was not worth the spent. ROI was unspeakable.

I look forward to next event.

ROI on these crate open events are always terrible. At least in KA vs. MW the 5/10 units generally make your army, whereas in MW you have to go crazy opening boxes to essentially get two indestructible commons.

Dexter Morgan
10-25-2012, 08:46 AM
I ended with 11 but didn't spend any gems and only half were gold options. I wasn't hoping for much so I wasn't disappointed

10-28-2012, 04:27 AM
I reached the 250 list and have been informed by Stephen in Gree that I wont be receving the Top 250 Frenzied Barghest 410/383. Reason, people still open boxes after the event is over. Gree sucks, you reach the list clearly see your name on the list and your not given the item, because people still open boxes after the event has finished? are you telling me that Gree have still not fixed the hacks that they told iTunes that they did, going back to iTunes with this information along with a copy of all gold i have spent and will be requesting a refund.

Gree your a sham.

10-28-2012, 04:31 AM
I reached the 250 list and have been informed by Stephen in Gree that I wont be receving the Top 250 Frenzied Barghest 410/383. Reason, people still open boxes after the event is over. Gree sucks, you reach the list clearly see your name on the list and your not given the item, because people still open boxes after the event has finished? are you telling me that Gree have still not fixed the hacks that they told iTunes that they did, going back to iTunes with this information along with a copy of all gold i have spent and will be requesting a refund.

Gree your a sham.
Hack ? you mean not closing game when the event has finish , in your logic is hacking :confused:

10-28-2012, 04:54 AM
not talking about having the game left open.

10-28-2012, 07:28 AM
@Taranis73: You need to be more clear in your post as you are not telling us the full story. And making it to the top 250 after the event has ended does not give you any rewards.

When the Slashed Box event ended at 00 hr 00 min 00 sec and transited to 'SOON', how many Werewolf Claws do you have?

11-01-2012, 10:35 AM
I am applying two applications of starter fertilizer on new lawns about 60 days after the first. This late in the year you might go with a winterizer fertilizer for root growth. I would shy away from the high nitrogen #s till next year. Have you had a soil analysis recently? That could provide some useful input as to what you really need.

Can you comment on the grass, color, good bad germination, density?

11-01-2012, 08:33 PM
I am applying two applications of starter fertilizer on new lawns about 60 days after the first. This late in the year you might go with a winterizer fertilizer for root growth. I would shy away from the high nitrogen #s till next year. Have you had a soil analysis recently? That could provide some useful input as to what you really need.

Can you comment on the grass, color, good bad germination, density?

My Kingdom's lawn is well maintained by my great landscapers. Sorry, I will not be needing your service. Good advice though.👍😄

Black Knight
11-01-2012, 09:26 PM
I am applying two applications of starter fertilizer on new lawns about 60 days after the first. This late in the year you might go with a winterizer fertilizer for root growth. I would shy away from the high nitrogen #s till next year. Have you had a soil analysis recently? That could provide some useful input as to what you really need.

Can you comment on the grass, color, good bad germination, density?

What's the best trick to get rival's blood off the grass in front of the castle? My HP's are also sick of the dragon poo.
I scrub and scrub and scrub, but it won't come out........

11-02-2012, 01:37 AM
Hey, my dragon poo is top quality stuff, they get fed choice meats from fallen enemy champions. :p Leave it to soak in and the citizens of your Kingdom will enjoy bumper crop harvests next year... (although I understand that having your streets and walls over-run with super-mega-flora like magic beanstocks could be a bit of a nuisance...) ;)

01-21-2013, 03:12 AM
Does anyone know the full loot drop list for this event please?

5 - Infected Victim
10 - Village Militia
15- ?
20 - ?
25 - ?
Top 250 - ?
Top 50 - ?
Top 1 - ?

Any help would be good thanks as Im finished my event loot drop spreadsheet with screenshots.
Im also after anyone who knows where there is a full list of all events/boss/limited times loot drops.


ICE - 291-876-387 (Level 101) Attack:101215 Defense:79876
Animated Armor Of Maddox 328/272
Dervish 259/250
Horrid 235/167
Gale Dragon 228/139
Priest Of The Sands 226/205